time is movin' so slow | pre-gathering chatter

It was a quiet, still night for the gathering. The moon shone high above and a faint wind wound its way across the land, the trees and plants swaying in response. As Flycatcher padded through the forest he tried to keep his mind quiet, hoping and praying that for once this gathering wouldn't devolve into shouting and veiled threats. His peaceful demeanour shifted to one of slight unease when the clearing came into sight and his nostrils filled with the telltale scents of the other clans. "Here we go..." He mutters quietly, as though in an effort to psych himself up.

ThunderClan crosses the border to Fourtrees, and as Howlingstar leaves to take her place upon the Great Rock, Flycatcher shepherds the rest of his clan into the clearing below. "It doesn't need saying, but I trust you all to be on your best behaviour," Flycatcher says, addressing his clanmates who are still close to him. With the words passed around, he gestures for them to split up with a tilt of his head. "Go, make yourselves comfortable!"

The deputy waits for his clanmates to get more settled before finding a comfortable spot himself, green eyes looking out at the assembled cats and seeing if he can spot any familiar faces.

// open for interactions!

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
In truth, the Fourtrees would never cease to take the warriors breath away, the beauty of its naturalism bathed in pale moonlight. New-leaf boomed here as the clearing came into view, mottled blue-and-silver where the thick branches cast their shadows.
She hears Flycatchers encouragement from somewhere beside her and doesn’t have to be told twice.
The other clans are only just beginning to spill from their respective corners, the once empty clearing now beginning to become loud with voices.
She weaves in between cats, but is somewhere careful not to push her paws into a hurried gait, to appear at least remotely casual, even if that was far from truth.

// looking for @Snowpaw , open for interactions!
————— ☀ —————
Their first gathering. Two chances missed: the first due to injury, the second their leader's paranoia. Of course Sunflowerpaw wanted to go, what apprentice doesn't? They're nervous — they always are around other clans — but they are a curious creature, and the allure of this gathering of all that is unknown to them is enough to draw them in. They're always eager, in the morning after the full moon, to hear the tales the other cats bring back. Now they can be the one carrying those stories, even if they should prefer to keep the telling to themself.

The first thing Sunflowerpaw notices is the trees. They're even bigger than the ones on ThunderClan's border — how tall can these things get? Could they reach all the way up to the stars? Maybe if you climbed them you could glimpse the StarClan cats looking down at you...

When they break out of their reverie, the second thing that Sunflowerpaw notices is how many cats are at the gathering.

There are so many cats. Too many. More than they've every seen in their life, and all unfamiliar faces but for the WindClanners — even then, only a handful that Sunflowerpaw trusts. Though their face remains blank, the fur begins to rise along Sunflowerpaw's back as golden eyes sweep frantically across the gathering. Ears lie flat — too much noise, too many cats talking. They skirt the edge of the gathering, trying in vain not to bump into anyone, searching for a quiet corner to get away from all the commotion. Maybe coming here was a mistake.
————— ☀ —————

  • // open to interaction!
  • SUNFLOWERPAW named by their half-brother vulturemask after his friend and mentor.
    — they/them, 6 moons.
    — windclan apprentice, mentored by wolfsong.
    — reserved yet loyal, distrusts most. rarely speaks.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 64267309_IEuvGOmxnhCCLcz.png

Dipping his head to Flycatcher, Blizzard Fang gives Lichenpaw an encouraging look to engage with the other clans before moving to converse himself. His icey gaze watches as his clan departs and spreads out across the clearing, beginning chatter with cats of all clans. Tonight was a night of peace, where they forgot about their disagreements and hostilities, Blizzard Fang had no intent on breaking StarClan’s wishes.

Joining a small group of warriors, consisting possibly most or all of the clans, Blizzard Fang grins to them all. ”Good evening. What’s been going on in all of your clans? Are your apprentices being rowdy too or is it just something in ThunderClan’s squirrels?”

//Attempting to chat light-heartedly to WARRIORS OF ANY CLAN, presumably a group of already said to be gathered
Please feel free to know Blizzard Fang from previous gatherings or patrols if they border Thunder!


Shiningsun strode into the clearing with his head high and his chest puffed out with pride. The tom made for quite the presence with his gleaming golden pelt and beaming smile as he gazed around himself, clearly looking for others to interact with. Friends. That was the goal he had in mind, alongside the opportunity to rub shoulders with other warriors. "Oh wow! Now this is something, haha!" How many would show up? Would anything interesting happen? What was the latest hot gossip? He couldn't wait!

//Open to interactions!


with the sky clear and a soft breeze, it was a perfect night to make the journey to fourtrees. the ground still warm from the sunlight that it basked in all day, her paws treaded quickly behind flycatcher. the group began to break off, before doing the same she turns to @DUSKPAW . "off ya go, have fun," she prompted the young apprentice, flicking an ear towards the dimly lit clearing. she would be fine on her own, a watchful grey gaze would be sure of it.

nightbird brings herself to settle near the front of the crowd, her jaws parted in a yawn. she sat, head held high as she waited for the announcements to commence.

// open for interactions!

Soft pawsteps glide across the ground. Dewfrost keeps herself close to her ShadowClan clanmates even when they are in the safety of the clearing. This is only her second gathering and it's still a lot for the spotted tabby to process. Not once during and after the battles between the Marsh Group and Pine Group did she think something like this would happen. She never imagined all these cats would come together to share news both good and bad. If her last gathering and what she had heard about the previous ones were anything to go by they weren't exactly completely peaceful, however.

After her clan gets settled, Dewfrost mostly opts to keep to herself, tucking away in a secluded corner where she's largely invisible to most but still able to get a good line of sight to the Great Rock and other cats milling about.

It is as she is looking around that her green eyes land on a ThunderClan warrior. It takes Dewfrost a moment to recall the name, desperately trying to remember it from the previous gathering. Roeflame. That was it. Under regular circumstances, it probably would not have stuck in her mind if not for the appearance of the she-cat in question. Just like when she had seen her at the last gathering, Dewfrost was struck by the likeness to the daughter she had given up long ago. Toraline is that you? A small part of her wanted to believe that it was but she had long since convinced herself that her children were all dead that she also did not want to believe it. But if Toraline had lived had Sylis and Creek too? And what of Clovernose?

Almost instinctively she feels her heart ache at the memory of him. Of their last meeting and what was said. They had been forced to part but she still loved him deep down, much as she liked to convince herself she did not. But she did not know whether he had survived the Great Battle, such was the case when she had kept away from this place for moons and moons and moons.

//looking @Roeflame . and looking for @Clovernose
maggotpaw | 06 months | female | she/her | physically easy | mentally hard | attack in bold mediumpurple

If maggie is being honest, she hates these gatherings. Its only because her mentor drags her along that she is here at all, instead of lying back at camp sprawled out upon her thrown of bones and other such knicknacks. Blue and white frame hovers along the edges, a grimace on her face as she finds a nice tucked away spot from which to silently observe. It is clear she wants to be alone, that she does not want to be bothered. People watching is much better than actually being drawn into conversation. And yet - teal optics land upon a familiar patchwork pelt, and her head tips to the side slowly as she considers. She is rising on heavy paws before she knows it - long limbs carrying her over to the windclanner who she realizes she never did get their name. She says nothing for a moment, only waits to catch their attention, impassive eyes flitting along their frame as though inspecting - a jerk of her head a silent offering of 'follow me?' before she turns and heads back to her secluded spot. If her offer is rejected it's not as though she cares much - it's rather strange of her to be offering in the first place, but she'd seen a familiar look of overwhelm in those eyes and felt like she should do something about it. Tch - how annoying.

// interacting with @sunflowerpaw while trying to avoid everyone else; but technically open to interactions (please ping!)

Dutifully, Thistleback walks where Orangeblossom should- behind Blazestar’s larger form. A deep scowl traced into the lines of his maw and where the brows met was pinched almost permanently. Calluses paws smack the soft grasses, toes like scarred rocks of obsidian black rap deeply.

" I expect you all, to be civil. Maintain, peace. " he stops to face the Skyclanners as they spread and pour into the clearing, his tone louder than he’s ever had to use. It carried huskily and firm. Once the last of the patrol is accounted for he would prowl behind Blazestar with his ears angled backward. Knows the leader would be eager to share this moonlit evening. He silently wishes it for once, a peaceful one.

Thistleback is vigilant but his mind is elsewhere as he makes his way through the coats of many colors. Pausing to seek no-one, but casting a glance through the clowder to see his apprentice and daughter. A urge to follow them and keep them safe making his teeth clamp down hard, flexing out the sides of his jaw. Instead he makes his way to where the deputies sit below the towering rock, it’s where he will eventually find Smogmaw anyways.

He sits with his skull hovering low where a mane of black thorns splays above his nicked ears like a halo of the blackest sea of blades, metallic eyes flicking from face to face like a sighthound unflinching and pensive.

  • — open for interaction! <3

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22
    Father of Coyotepaw, Eveningpaw, Briarpaw, Damsel, Sunflowerpaw, and Rosepaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png


Maybe Sparrowpaw was lucky to be invited to the Gathering a second moon in a row? Not every cat was typically invited, as some had to stay behind and watch camp. Now that they thought about it, it wasn't really them that had been invited, right? It had been Auburnflame, and by extension, they were allowed to join in. Regardless, they were eager to meet more cats.

The chocolate tabby found the journey far easier this time than it had the last. Training was doing wonders for their endurance. Dark ears were perked as SkyClan filed into the clearing, gray eyes bright and scanning the crowd with interest. They could recognize the scent of ThunderClan easily now from border patrols, but they couldn't yet catch whiff of RiverClan. The last to arrive, then?

The other two Clan scents in the air, only barely recognizable, had to be ShadowClan and WindClan. They had heard whispers of the Clan's awful relationship with the Clan of the moors, hostility and ill-feelings fresh and raw. Ruled by a she-cat referred to as a tyrant, a snake, those alone enough to make their fur prickle with unease. Even so, not every WindClan cat could be awful... right?

With hopeful expectations in their chest, the small feline splits off from the SkyClan group and weaves into the crowd until they spot a pair of young-looking cats, scents mingling that left them guessing as to which was WindClan and which was ShadowClan. (They were pretty sure the sour-smelling one was ShadowClan. Was that rude?)

Sparrowpaw offers them a friendly smile. "Hello!" they chirped, their naturally soft voice only just audible above the surrounding din. "I don't remember seeing either of you at the last gathering. You're from... ShadowClan and WindClan, right? I'm Sparrowpaw, from SkyClan."

// talking to @Maggotfur. and @sunflowerpaw , still open to interactions


Fireflypaw listens from the corner of the clearing as SkyClan pours in amongst the others, ears swiveling nervously. This time, would he have to face his half-siblings, or Burn and Moon? Part of him warred with itself, wanting to turn around and leave- just go back to camp and forget this even happened. However, the sound of Sparrowpaw's voice in the distance encourages him. If Sparrowpaw could interact with total strangers, so could he. His job wasn't always to remain stoic around everyone, after all.

Taking an unsure step forward, Fireflypaw pushes himself through the crowd, ears swiveling. Perhaps he'd hear someone he knew, someone he recognized. Then, he turns to the nearest babbling and muster up a nervous smile of greeting. "Shiningsun! Good morrow!" He greets the shining tom, thankful to have found one familiar voice. He'd been in ThunderClan for a small amount of time, perhaps the older tom would recognize him? "Can you believe this crowd tonight? Amazing."

// interacting with @SHININGSUN , open for interjections​
( ) It was time for yet another gathering. She wondered what the leaders would argue about tonight. She had missed last month's juicy drama, and that was because of one cat in particular. He had been missing from the hunting patrol she had deliberately taken to the Sunning Rocks, but she knew he would be here tonight...he was a lead warrior after all. She wanted to see the look on his face when she approached him, alive. He had tried to quench her flame, but she was still burning.

She followed alongside Flycatcher to the spot that he had found. She would sit down beside him, pressing against his side. Green eyes would scan the clearing, looking for the face of her attempted murderer. He was lucky she wouldn't break the truce.

with @Flycatcher , looking for @Snakeblink
.people say that ———


——— i am heartless.
———————— ————————
THE BLACK-SMOKED BRUTE GRUMBLED, STARING AT THE BUSTLE of felines with a twitch of his nose. Brilliant blue optics drifted, picking out those he knew. He felt odd without his brother standing beside him, even if the orange-eyed brute was nothing more than trouble. He sighed through his nose, shaking his helm, tail flickering. Right. No being an asshole. He grumbled, face schooling into a more neutral expression compared to the unfriendly sneer that adored darkened lips earlier.

Obsidian fur rippled beneath compact muscle, relaxing into his haunches, raising a paw, ridged claws combing through long tendrils of smoked fur, preoccupying himself as clan cats mingled about. He didn’t feel the need to talk to others, preferring the shadows of the looming trees. Damn. He already missed his brother, who’d no doubt be talking ( snickering ) about the other clans.

Smokefang snorted, glancing up to see the familiar scarred elder with a morbid sense of humor. “Greetings.” His voice rumbled deep within his chest, brows crinkling at the sight of the elder, wondering why he came to sit with him when he could be talking with the other old bones he was sure were wandering about.

interacting w/ @HADESRUMBLE ! open for interactions !

thoughts speech
Head hung low, shoulders tensed, the warrior strides into the gathering behind the rest of his clan. Moon-white paws drift uncomfortably across the ground, itching to sink claws into bark rather than dirt. There’s something like a fog that’s descended upon him since his rescue, a sense of helplessness, of smallness that Cloudberrythorn has never before felt.

Where a month ago he’d worn his pride like armor against the prejudices of cats too stupid to realize their own disadvantages, he now wears nothing save for a few fallen maple seeds. They feel bare, vulnerable beneath the light of the full moon. They don’t hear a word of Thistleback or Blazestar’s orders, occupied with the suddenly difficult task of placing one paw in front of the other, shoving themself past any cats in the way of their path toward the nearest oak tree. They’re a rude sort of tree, but probably better company than any of the cats in the clearing.

// sulking </3 but open to interactions!
[ just a side character ]
.something's made your ———


——— eyes grow cold.
———————— ————————
REFUSING HELP, THE SEAL SEPIA FOLLOWED THE PATROL WITH CREAKING bones, wincing now and then, but remained tall, head held high with confidence. He wasn’t gonna miss this if he kneaded over and died on the way. He snorted at the irony, helm shaking.

Sharp yellow optics followed Thistle, rumbling in acknowledgment even if the lead warrior didn’t hear it. They had a decent group, ones he hoped to high moon wouldn’t cause much trouble, but then again, he’d been proven wrong before. He sure as hell hated being proven wrong, though. The elder grumbled, bones protesting the lengthy journey it’d taken to arrive, already cursing at his failing body.

The maine coon rumbled in annoyance, tail tip twitching as he scanned the hoard of cats. Nose wrinkled until his eyes landed on Smokefang who stood, outcasted from the gathering lot. Gaze narrowed, clambering towards the hulking brute. “Quit the damn formalities, kit. Ain’t your damn leader.” He huffed, plopping down beside the other with a sigh of relief.

“You gonna massage my paws after this?” He gripes, grinning at the look of disgust. “What? Too shy?” He poked at the warrior metaphorically, tsking at the grumble. “Eh? You gonna say somethin'? Or am I gonna be dead before you respond?” Tone sarcastic.

At the clear denial, Hades snickered, hauling himself to his feet to slip further away from the fuming brute with a triumph grin settled upon marred flesh. With a grunt, the ex-daylight warrior plopped down, easing onto his haunches with a flick of his ear.

interacting w/ @SMOKEFANG ! open for interactions !

thoughts speech
Howlingstar's clan is the first to arrive it seems, and she offers her deputy a swift nod before she cuts through the clearing to the Great Rock. She is eager to see what news will be shared tonight, but her stomach also twists with nerves. Gatherings can be a joy - they give an opportunity for her clanmates to make some friends, to get to know what makes each clan unique, but they can also bring arguments and cold shoulders. She hopes things remain peaceful, tonight. Stars, she won't even bring up RiverClan's trespassing if it helps to keep the peace! Leaping up onto the towering boulder, she seats herself with a flicking ear and awaits the other leaders.

His steps were as cautious as ever; he had been to only one Gathering as a warrior, and had mostly stuck at the side of those whom he had been promoted with. His teeth groud together, an unpleasant scraping in his skull, but- well, he'd have to go and make his own fun. Though Daisyflight's kits were here, he knew very well that they were not in the best mood. He didn't want to... smother them, as if he knew half of the pain they were feeling. They grieved the same cat, but she was a different figure to the both.

A small gathering of warriors from several Clans made its way into Twitchbolt's vision- and he joined them on the outskirts, awaiting an opening. No sooner had he joined them than a figure that smelled of ThunderClan strode through the crowd, a large mostly-white tom with markings similar to Blazestar's, as if his own leader was... less fluffy, and smeared with ash. "Oh, um- ours've been... as well behaved as they come. Y'know, mostly." It was something of a joke, a smile trembling upon his face. It was only after he had replied that he recognised this Thunderclanner, eyes twitching for a moment as the realisation set in- Blizzard Fang was his name, wasn't it?

\ interacting with @BLIZZARD FANG and assumedly several other warriors, open to more interaction B)
penned by pin ✧
If you don't like me, that's your problem
The curly furred apprentice seems to materialize from the shadows as she stalks forth, yellow eyes trailing over Chilledstar as she watches them peel away from the group to ascend high rock. The usual tension thickens and Tornadopaw can only begin to imagine what issues have occurred for all the clans this past moon. Carefully she weaves past Maggotpaw as they interact with some windclanner, attention lingering briefly before pushing on. Her gait is smoother now, no longer hindered by the heavier limp of a sprained paw, and with time she expects her stride to be completely normal again. The laperm allows her gaze to scan the crowd ahead of her, lips pursed thoughtfully in the process. Thunderclan is already pouring into the clearing, leaving her eyes to scan those that accompanied them tonight. (open to interactions, but looking for @BURNPAW !)
When I let it bother me, that's my problem


After ThunderClan it is WindClan who slips in, Sootstar notes it doesn’t take long after for SkyClan to descend into the clearing either. Pushing her way past the crowd of common-folk she arrives at the foot of the rock and leaps upwards with grace. Her limp from the fight with Smogmaw has vanished, her strength is regained and green eyes sparkle with starlight. If one had no context of her wrongdoings, she could be described as angelic on this night.

She finds the pelt of Howlingstar, a former soldier-mate she had once fought beside in the Great Battle. Sootstar wonders if she’s managed to keep a firm claim on Sunning Rocks, supposed they’d find out tonight… Cicadastar would not be silent if he had won the stones back, she wouldn’t be either. ”Howlingstar.” Sootstar greets the leader by her name, settling down into her own position on the rock. She places a paw unconsciously over the dark stain where thunder had struck two moons ago. ”I hope new-leaf has continued to treat your clan well. I imagine your forest is flooded with prey.” With all the birds and the squirrels that used the hollows of the trees as birthing dens… Still, she wouldn’t trade anything for WindClan’s treeless landscape.

//interacting with @HOWLINGSTAR , can still be approached and spoken to by others

Johnny nodded at the command to play nice, but amber eyes were already growing wide in awe of the sight before him. He'd never seen so many cats in one place before, not even at the shelter when he'd worked his paws raw to set his clanmates and so many others free.The bobtail was quick to school his expression though, already knowing that the majority of cats present weren't going to be taking him seriously thanks to his kittypet heritage. He knew he could have removed the red, gold-plated collar hanging around his neck, but the idea of hiding who he really was made his fur want to bristle and so he kept it on.

He wasn't ashamed of where he came from.

The short, stocky tom padded into the clearing with amber eyes alight in interest. He'd met some of the Riverclan and Thunderclan cats due to sheer proximity of their borders, but the scent of the moors and - eventually- the marshes, would be new to him, though the storys of their cats would decidedly not be. He supposed he should try and find someone to talk to then? Maybe one of those Windclan cats...

OOC- Johnnys open to interactions!