WHEN YOU AND SLEEP ESCAPE ME \ apr pre-gathering chatter


I THINK I'LL TAKE MY WHISKEY NEAT — Saffronpounce follows the rest of his clanmates choosing to sit close to his clan and briefly casts a distasteful look over to the kittypet loving clan. His expression gone within seconds not wanting to cause any trouble for Thunderclan especially not on night that's solely for peace even if he finds it pointless, he settles down curling his tail neatly over his paws. He's never been a fan of all the chatter nor crowds but its only for a single night and he doubts that Howlingstar will let him tag the next time so she could give a chance for others to come. His honeyed gaze turning in the direction where the medicine cats settled down then to the deputies and finally turned his gaze to the night sky briefly, he thinks about the eclipse once more. He wonders if Starclan would be tempted to cast a shadow over the moon tonight just like it had that day when everything had went dark.

/ open to interactions, just fair warning he won't be too friendly :]


  • Oc2OCKU.png
    longhaired seal lynx sepia w/golden eyes
    saffron's not a very friendly cat, has low tolerance, and no space for mistakes. he has a distaste for kittypets, both within his clan and outside of it, and he isn't shy to show it.
    25 moons old; ages the 21st of every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; has no current crushes
    currently mentoring ...
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

from what interaction he had now experienced with celandinepaw, he now made the safe assumption that she was new to clan life and had no idea how other clans lived. he didn’t judge her for that, he could tell she was young and inexperienced in this world, that was made further clear by the number of questions she barraged him with. in fact, if he judged her for anything it was her choice of clan. the tabby tom decided to give up on his dream of listening in on the elder’s hot gossip and instead chat. oh boy.. what is up with me today? he thought, exhaling a deep breath and returning his amber gaze to the bright apprentice. well, a curious mind needed answers, and he would now attempt to do it with as little words as possible, “we live by the river, not in it. otherwise, yeah, we’d be super soggy.” he snorted at the funny image of his clan residing in the water 24/7. yeah, reed loved water, but not that much. he ignored the apprentice’s attempt to make her speech more proper, he was usually one to make fun of another but this puff of happiness seemed to be trying her best and honestly it felt evil.

the question about mentors was one that took him a little by surprise. he didn’t realize she really knew nothing about clan-life to that extent. “yeah, all clans are kind of similar to your clan, regarding ranks and positions. though your clan kind of sucks.. his voice trailed off at the last part, glancing over the crowd of cats, another snort jumping out of him. he had told himself he wouldn’t cause trouble tonight, but when did it hurt to mess around a little bit? his ears flicked, surprised by the lack of noise and he glanced down to see the short-haired young cat seemingly paused in time. she appeared to be taking in the gathering a little too much. he could tell it was her first gathering, scratch that- she clearly was new to clan life in general. her eyes seemed to dilate in anxiety and he recognized it again in the way she spoke, asking him about if they ate fish. reed wasn’t sure what to do in this situation, the tom knew it would be better for her to return to her clanmates, but it seemed she probably couldn’t locate them among the sheer amount of cats here. so instead he opted to tell her a blatant lie that would blow her mind, ”we don’t just eat them- we ride them. the fish in riverclan territory are the size of dogs.” he maintained a completely serious face, amber eyes barely concealing a playful glint. it seemed he couldn’t help himself.

//interacting w @CELANDINEPAW + open to further interaction

  • unnamed.png
    ≫ large dark brown tabby with piercing amber eyes
    ≫ 20 moons old; ages the 1st of every month
    ≫ semi-hard to befriend ; doesn't trust easily
    ≫ riverclan warrior. tags. #873427
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ≫ light powerplay allowed

Fur aglow in moonlight, face alit with strain, ShadowClan's deputy slogged listlessly onward. As stars peppered the obsidian veil overhead, the earth turned to an even firmer, damper sort, the air thickening with humidity and dew. If it weren't for the fresh breeze to keep his mind occupied, he'd have felt cramped in the clearing, the gathering's collective weight pressing down to smother any stray movement. How he'd managed to stand tall upon the Great Rock and represent the clans for two moons running, yet now struggled to keep his wits about him in this moon-bathed dell, evaded him entirely. Same old story as always. Gatherings just grate him down to the very last nerve.

One consolation came from four of his clan's warriors in attendance. His first brood with Halfshade had attained their warrior names, all accounted for: Applejaw, Ashenfall, Garlicheart, and Swansong. His very flesh and blood. Watching them mingle as equals made his chest turgid, swollen with pride, though it dissipates in due time, for he diverts from the rest of his clan shortly thereafter.

Shadow-striped limbs find their way to where the clans' deputies tended to dwell, gaze downcast but never unassuming. It is tragic that, in the wake of Sootstar's deposition, inter-clan affairs had mellowed into a generally affable state. The most contentious aspect to this new norm would have to be Smokestar's pledge against WindClan two gatherings ago, and even then, his scathing remarks have grown cold as time passed. Tragic, indeed. A touch of discord and drama would at least keep him on his paws.

// open to any and all interacts :3

*+:。.。 Duckshimmer hadn't been to a gathering in a while. Still, she was eager to stretch her social wings as she stepped into the mass of writhing, diverse felines with confident strides. It was never an easy task, however. Being a head shorter than most cats, she fought the ever-present urge to bristle as unfamiliar faces loom above her. Periwinkle eyes refuse to shine with anything more than complete nonchalant composure. Soon, however, her speckled ears swivel at the sound of a kitten barking away incessantly. Her eyes are quickly drawn to a yammering golden spotted tabby youth and her reluctant but still humoring brown tabby warrior. She immediately recognizes her neighbor's scent in the little blabber mouth, and her interest immediately peaks. A talkative, naive Windclanner, eh?
Eyes aglow, Duckshimmer would make her way over.

"My, my, my, you ride fish, you say?" she murrows, that would explain the smell she keeps to herself. Sitting down beside the two, Duckshimmer would bow politely to each cat in greeting, before turning soft eyes on Reedstrike. "you'd have to have strong legs for something like that, I'd imagine" she continues, letting her eyes dance over Reedstrike's physique before purring appreciatively, "my, that certainly checks out!"

"My name is Duckshimmer, I'm from Shadowclan" this she says to Calendinepaw, as she's sure her floral marsh scent must already be familiar to a wizened warrior like Reedstrike, "That would make us border-friends," she purrs, adopting a lightened tone to her voice she's seen Needledrift use for her own kits. Kids are usually easier to whittle information out of, if you get them to trust you. "I overheard you saying this was your first gathering. Welcome, then! I'm happy to see you're already making friends" she shoots Reedstrike a playful wink, before turning glowing eyes back to Calendinepaw, "Is there anything you'd like to know about Shadowclan?" information for information.


    DFAB— She/Her — Bisexual
    30 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mother to Singepaw, Swallowpaw and Sneezepaw
    Shadowclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #ffa98f
    injuries: None currently

( ) he loathes to be here without his little sister, but the stars have resigned her to the medicine den. kindling's children have often talked about their first gathering, expressing the excitement they feel at the prospect of meeting other clans. now, as pebblepaw's nose is assaulted with the scents of four other groups, he can't help but wonder if the gathering has been overhyped. he catches his brother's gaze as they pad into the clearing, and widens his eyes, trying to seek riverpaw's own reaction. before he can quite glean it, foxtail speaks up, and ever the dutiful apprentice, peb's gaze snaps to his mentor. "are there always this many?" he wonders aloud, awe at the sheer amount of cats clear in his voice.

in one corner he can scent grasses and a faint smoke smell - windclan is here - he knows their familiar scent from the border. pine floods his senses and he finds a gaggle of muscular, long legged cats who must be skyclan. peering around foxtail, the dappled blue boy sights for thunderclan and shadowclan, attention flicking to the great rock where leaders have begun to group. smokestar is there, dark and imposing with his singular orange eye. beside him, a ginger and white woman pebblepaw thinks is orangestar, and a brown tabby who must be the infamous thunderclan leader. i thought howlingstar would look older, the boy thinks, aware of the woman's vast family. it's a rude thought, so he doesn't speak it aloud, rather moves on to sight a pitch hued tomcat, mottled with scars. shadowclan, he must be, and thus it makes him chilledstar, so, the chocolate tabby beside him must be sunstar. "are they going to speak now, or do we mingle before?" he queries of his mentor, amber gaze returning to the ginger tailed man as the latter stumbles into a stranger.

embarrassment for his teacher flushes through the new apprentice as the cream thunderclanner (he thinks) turns around, brushing off the accident with a kind, if not entirely invested voice. white paws tap against the cool earth as the apprentice steps up to his mentor's side, glowing gaze so very much like smokestar's taking in the two strangers who they now converse with. falconheart, the man introduces himself as, and crescentpaw. pebblepaw dips his head to the other. "hi," he greets. "yes, we're riverclanners. i just became an apprentice earlier this moon." ears twitch a bit as he glances briefly up at foxtail, hoping he's said the right thing.

a flash of color brightens his peripherals and pebblepaw turns his head to spot a bright eyed tomcat about his age, decked out in some strange second pelt and a piece of... something... around his neck. ember hued eyes widen as the boy begins to talk, and pebblepaw will glance back at crescentpaw, seeking the other apprentice's reaction. "hello," he greets the newcomer carefully, scenting an odd, artificial smell unlike any forest clan he's scented before. "yes, i'm pebblepaw of riverclan. it's... nice to meet you." he's truly not trying to be rude, he's simply caught off guard. he'll offer a hesitant smile. "which clan are you from?"

  • // brief interaction with @RIVERPAW , interacting with @FOXTAIL @FALCONHEART @Crescentpaw @COMETPAW "#848DAE"

  • pebblepaw.png

    a large blue tabby with low white. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblekit's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.



✦ ˚  ✧ ˚ .˚ ✦  ✦
  • Something in the air as they drew closer to WindClan's stretch of border made her throat tickle uncomfortably... She'd spent the tail-end of their walk here struggling to clear the sensation... coughing quietly against the scruffy fur at her chest to conceal it. What a miserable smell... that charcoal heavy smog that wafts through the normally crisp, joyous spring air... it strikes a familiar cord, one of searing deciduous trees across the river.

    With a half-lidded gaze, she trails a glance towards Howlingstar and feels her lips tighten as if teeth had sunk into citrus.

    Fortunate for ThunderClan then... that she had not died to those injuries that had all but burst at the seams upon her last arrival here. Opting to focus instead on the good, she can see Salmonshade and Foxtail split off with her leader's kin to introduce them to a piece of clan culture that had been withheld from them for longer than their predecessors. They will be fine in the care of their mentors...

    And with no apprentice of her own to fuss over... that just left mingling.

    She'd be lying to say she was eager to speak with anyone from outside of RiverClan anyways and it seems she isnt the only one that feels that way- as she wanders towards the roosting spot of the other deputies, the lynx point takes a seat near Smogmaw, at first only offering a passing glance as greeting.

    But it grows awkward to sit in that silence, she grows too aware of the way her chest tickles uncomfortably with each breath- "No more... eloquent speeches.... now that Chilledstar.... is back, hmm?" She had quite enjoyed his waterfall of words anytime he'd stood there amongst the other leaders to ramble his piece on behalf of his indisposed leader. Enjoyed his stubborn insistence that WindClan not be forgiven so quietly... They could share in that yearning for justice.
  • about
    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5
    ooc notes ✦ open to other interactions but currently just vibing with smog :)
    tagging ✶ @smogmaw
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚  ★⋆. ࿐࿔  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     .
       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .   ✦   .  .   ˚       ੈ✧˳·˖✶ ✦  ˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ ★⋆. ࿐࿔
       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ✦  

Judging by the scent of the cat that stepped into her path, they were Windclanner. And not only Windclanner, but that pitched voice... Claythorn ignored the urge to pull her lips back, standing up straighter. Her answer was direct and curt, mismatched golden eyes narrowing. "Not away." She ignored the urge to scoff- after all, she wasn't sneaking away from anything, just someone. Her vision turned, ensuring he wasn't following her, when Pinkpaw offered her something.

Claythorn, far bigger then the tunneler apprentice in front of her, shifted her gaze back to her. "I don't need hiding." Claythorn answered her, fur prickling gently. Really, a Windclanner, of all cats? Eyes narrowed, then relaxed in brief thought. "My name is Claythorn. I'm just... trying to duck away from someone. I'm not hiding." She finally explained. Claythorn watched the apprentice check her paw, and she once again ignored the urge to snort or laugh outwardly. What cat didn't know their own pelt colors?

"Why help me? Or, offer to." Claythorn asked, ears pushing forward with burning curiosity.
  • "speech"
    // @PINKPAW, still open to interaction!
  • CLAYTHORN she/her, warrior of riverclan, eleven moons.
    LH chocolate torbie with mismatched golden eyes, scars across her right cheek and over her left ear. cold exterior and threatening glares, built for stamina/battle and not swimming (tall/muscled)
    mentored by darkbranch (npc) / / mentoring no one
    no current love interest / / only child
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
HIS FIRST EVER. . . GATHERING? That's what Howlingstar had called it, a full-moon meeting with the other clans under a truce. He's excited! And also terrified. His fur is still well-groomed and glossy, and despite the lack of his collar and the new scar on his shoulder - courtesy of Palefire - Roaringpaw still very much looks like a kittypet.

The newly-made apprentice of ThunderClan sticks close to his mentor, almost as if seeking protection from possible attacks on his origins - that, and he's not sure whether he is allowed to mingle with the others. He is awkward, and his paws shift uncomfortably, his usual enthusiastic disposition gone.

"speech" thoughts
OOC: @COPPERFANG. mentor tag ! open to interactions.
[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE
Not away, explains her new friend. Pinkpaw tilts her head questioningly, expecting a very interesting story to follow up this correction... but it never comes! Boo! Boring! They do talk a little more though... If Pinkpaw puts her detective skills to work, she can totally figure this out... Mismatched ears prick attentively. " Hi Claythorn! " she chirps once she has her name, that's the polite thing to do. Ducking away from someone. " Ooh, who? " Pinkpaw asks. ...Was she being too loud? She repeats, this time in a whisper. " Who? " This wasn't a RiverClan secret, wasn't it? She hardly knew any RiverClan cats so, in her opinion, it should be okay to tell.

Why help me? Or, offer to? She can tell she's interested, because their ears are totally matching right now. What a silly question! " Cause— " Well, maybe it actually wasn't a silly question, cause this wasn't WindClan, so her answer couldn't just be, " because we're friends. " They're kinda...not friends, actually.

Pinkpaw abruptly goes silent, clearly unprepared for this question. " Becauusee... " she taps a white paw to her chin. " I like being nice! " she realizes, and subsequently answers. Things weren't all good in WindClan right now... But that was just even more a reason to be nice!

OOC: chatting to @claythorn ^_^
༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝   He wants, more than anything in this moment, to run. Whether that's into the fray or all the way back to camp, his paws don't seem to have decided. But he's vibrating with something at Salmonshade's side. The other cats are closer than he had ever seen them before. Patrols aren't the same as a warrior standing before him, confident and certain in his stance. The acting deputy — he hadn't expected to feel so starstruck when Lichentail is basically his mom and the real deputy. How was he? Was he enjoying it? . . . was he? "Yes," he finally decides, the word sounding much more confident than he'd thought it would. "You're taller than you were across the border." Or maybe craning his neck up just makes him feel shorter.

"Can I ask what acting deputies do? Do you wake up early like Lichentail does?" He can imagine all of the deputies waking up at the exact same time, like the sun does and the birds do. Getting ready for their day, taking steps at the same time across all the different territories. How bizarre! The idea that things could be the same so far away. Somehow that means his next question makes sense, a short, polite burst question: "What's ThunderClan like? Are there trees everywhere like at the border?"

  • ooc: talking to @RACCOONSTRIPE with @salmonshade
  • "speech"
    ——  a messy blue tabby with low white. his fur thick and lush with a steady diet of fish and milk, riverpaw is healthy and well-prepared to take on life as an apprentice of his clan. he's dutiful and quick to learn, but rarely pushes himself past that initial level of acceptable. part of him is truly feeling a bit. . . sulky.
  • Love
Reactions: salmonshade
*+:。.。 "Snowypaw...Snowypaw" Bonepaw hissed, voice far too quiet to ever possibly be heard over the roar of the crowd. He didn't see a reason to raise it, though. Not like she'd hear him even if he did howl for her at the top of his lungs. Sighing deeply, Bonepaw pushed on through the crowd, ignoring the frustrated looks strangers gave him as he did so. How had he possibly gotten himself lost!? Despite this being his first gathering, Bonepaw had planned on sticking close to Nightwhisper and Snowypaw. A great idea at first, since the second he came upon this sardine can of crowded bodies he felt his chest tighten and nose itch with a sudden overwhelming feeling of too much. Dizzily, he recalled thinking he saw a small black cat running into the crowd, and having assumed it was Snowypaw, he'd chased after them. Next thing he knew he was being hissed at by a very not-Snowypaw cat and...well...

The pale-coated Shadowclanner looked around, already more than a little exhausted. He was so used to people watching, to know every little thought behind the mannerisms of every cat around him...but that had been Shadowclanner. Here, he felt like he needed to relearn a whole new language - and time was ticking for it as every stranger loomed over him, just waiting to snap him up and tear him apart as they'd almost done to Bloodpaw

With his eyes constantly shifting back and forth, desperate to ignore the black fuzziness encroaching on the corners, he overlooked @roaringpaw until he slammed right into the other apprentice. For a moment, the apprentice was at a loss for words as he stumbled back. Mostly because his breath came out in ragged gasps. When he finally gathered enough strength - and air - to say something, all he could do was a small wheeze, " Sorry, man"

    Shadowclan — apprentice
    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Son to Ferndance x Needledrift
    Littermates with Bloodpaw, Shadepaw, Snowypaw
    Half-brother to Gigglekit, Morelkit, Branchkit
    Apprenticed to Nightwhisper

    Physically easy | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #738171
    injuries: None currently

"Yeah, I couldn't imagine being in the water all the time. Once upon a time, when I was a little kitten, a rainstorm came over the barn while I was playing and I got totally soaked! But I bet you guys play in the rain all the time." Celandinepaw giggled, her countenance like sunkissed isohel, of which every part of her had been graced with her own unbridled happiness. He had said something else, but unattuned ears hadn't caught onto to it, only grazed by it. The way other cats of the wild lived seemed almost alien, but to hear that Riverclan was quite similar to Windclan was a sort of relief, in a sense. Perhaps there was another feline out there in her position, stumbling ungracefully through the intricate rituals of the world. In fact, the young apprentice hardly noticed how Reedstrike shied away from her bullet-like questions, sun-shot and ebullient as the summer tide, and as dogged as a vernal tide of flies. She lacked the awareness to tell whether someone did not want her presence, and only after a verbal declaration would she realize it for herself. The cats at the Horseplace hardly hid their intentions behind pretenses, for she could read her former barn-cats like an open book, and assumed she could readily do the same with the more guarded wildcats. "Woah! My workfolk ride horses, is it like that? They take the horses everywhere, and they can run really quickly, too! I tried racing one, once, but it beat me even while it was trotting. Do you guys ride fish around the rivers?" The image of cats clinging onto the great flanks of the long-legged fish (she had never seen a fish in her lifetime) was a grand one, though the fantasy had been hazy and indescript as all daydreams floated. I wonder what a fish tastes like... Maybe like a rabbit, but with water on it...

"Hi, Duckshimmer! I'm Celandinepaw. From Windclan!" She chirped at this newcomer that had approached her next, with a beautifully colored and shimmering pelt, though her awe had not etiolated her own excitement. She had a more leaden scent about her, as though she had emerged from a great sea of tar and shade, bearing with her the ribbons of the marshland. Celandinepaw couldn't describe it, but it smelled slightly of the petrichor that rested along the fences after a rapacious rainstorm. "Wow, I visited Shadowclan once! Not really, I just went to the border. But I did see it from a distance! You guys live in the forests and stuff." Trite yet chipper tone now barraged the Shadowclan warrior, wheat-hued eyes trained upon the stranger-turned-friend with wide, sun-round eyes. "You must be friends with all the shadows, too." She could never imagine living in the gloom of the woodlands, where darkness presided over every step and upon every wayside. Where did the Riverclanners and the Shadowclanners go to run or to frolic or to gaze up at the star-flecked sky?

( Interacting with Duckshimmer and Reedstrike! )
IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
WITH A FORCLE SLAMMING INTO HIM, Roaringpaw stumbles backwards. He falls onto the soft grass clearing with a thud, a high-pitched mrrrow! echoing - though highly muffled by the several ongoing conversations between the gathered felines. The ThunderClanner shakes out his pelt as he gets up, amber-brown eyes glaring at whoever had bumped into him. Had it been on purpose?

He doesn't sound apologetic AT ALL!!!! His mind yells, and Roaringpaw huffs in annoyance; but in a moment of clarity he notices the others' disposition. His frustration begins to vanish when he realizes the ShadowClan cat - judging by his smell - seems shaken and out of breath. "Oh," he breathes softly, cocking his head to the side in confusion. "Are you okay?"

"speech" thoughts
OOC: - Interacting with @Bonepaw.
[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE

Your first gathering is always the most exciting - and the most nerve-wracking. It was a good opportunity for Roaringpaw to learn more about the cats of other clans and to interact with others outside of their clan, though he could only imagine how nervous he was given that not only was it his first gathering, he was still new to clan life at all. Despite what other cats may say if they discover his apprentice's origins, he should not fear interacting with the other cats, especially at a time where things are supposed to be peaceful among everyone - and besides, the young cat would need to learn to defend himself and his new loyalty to ThunderClan that he had fought for regardless. "Don't wander too far," The tabby tom murmurs to his apprentice as they enter the clearing. There were a lot of cats around, and it would be easy to get lost in the shuffle before you knew where you were supposed to go, so it was better to avoid the situation altogether - it doesn't seem as though he needs to say anything, though, given Roaringpaw's apprehension, "but you needn't be afraid to talk to the other apprentices, if you'd like to." He comments as a sort of encouragement, though he doesn't get to say much else before Bonepaw runs straight into Roaringpaw, blinking in surprise. It seemed the young apprentice would not have much choice!

His whiskers twitch with a twinge of amusement, and he keeps the two apprentices in his periphery before turning to a nearby cat to begin his own conversation.

// brief int w. roaringpaw, open to interactions! feel free to be the cat he's about to talk to!


Time has worn down once strong muscles, leaving behind strength enough for short travels. Magnoliasong likes to think she conserves her energy for the monthly gatherings - a time in which she travels to fourtrees to speak with elders of the five clans and catch up on all the news. Her arthritic steps delay arrival, though she has her mate at her side for companionship. The youngsters always get there first but that's fine by her. She much prefers settling along the outskirts anyway and keeping nosy ears perked for interesting tidbits shared in passing conversations.

"Do you think anything interesting will be announced this moon?" Magnoliasong asks Tigerfang as they seat themselves, the elder leaning against her mate for comfort and support after the exertion required to get here. "I bet there will be a lot of kits announced. Newleaf always seems to bring with it an influx of kittens," she adds with a chuckle, knowing of at least one litter to come soon - her grandkits belonging to Campionsong.

// talking to @TIGERFANG but open to interaction
( penned by kerms )
*+:。.。 Bonepaw blinked, watching the other apprentice fall over, huffing and hissing with frustration. Bonepaw weakly considers getting into a fighting stance, expecting the cat to whirl on him for his indiscretion, but he can't. All that eagerness to pick fights as of late suddenly left him. He could imagine how dumb he must look, just staring tiredly as the golden lynx turned to face him. Closing his eyes, he can only wince as he prepared for some kind of blow...
"Are you okay?"

Fluttering his eyes back open, he stares - still dumbstruck - as instead of bared teeth he meets a worried, confused gaze. "I've never been to a gathering before" The words plop from his mouth like heavy stones, and as though still anchored to them, Bonepaw promptly sits down with a heavy thud. "It's...a lot" he sighs heavily, already exhausted. Looking back at the stranger, he meows, "Please forgive me, I swear I didn't see you" he blinks hard a few times before looking back at the sea of cats, "so many people, so many smells and faces...." he trailed off, not seeing a need to repeat it's all so much a second time.

"My name is Bonepaw. Shadowclan" Peeling his gaze away from the tsunami, he focuses all his attention on the singular apprentice. Hopefully, he won't leave just yet. Until he gets his bearings, it feels almost like Roaringpaw is a sun-colored life preserver, keeping Bonepaw afloat.


    Shadowclan — apprentice
    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Son to Ferndance x Needledrift
    Littermates with Bloodpaw, Shadepaw, Snowypaw
    Half-brother to Gigglekit, Morelkit, Branchkit
    Apprenticed to Nightwhisper

    Physically easy | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #738171
    injuries: None currently
IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
HE NODS QUIETLY, LETTING BONEPAW SPEAK. "It's my first gathering too! You don't need to apologize, it's alright." He beams, finally realizing that he wasn't the only one overwhelmed by the experience. Part of him was glad for it - even if it sounded a little rude to be happy about others dealing with anxiety; it was more about sympathizing than anything. "I'm Roaringpaw, from ThunderClan." He purrs, greeting Bonepaw of ShadowClan. Were they allowed to have friends in other Clans? He glances briefly at Copperfang, but the tom is long gone having a conversation of his own.

Are we friends? Can we be friends? I want to befriend him. He thinks, momentarily lost in his own mind. It's a little awkward, and he's not sure what to say next - but he wanted to keep his kittypet origin a secret for now. He hadn't been ashamed of it, until the way some ThunderClanners treated him made him feel shame for being born in a twoleg nest. "Umm... umm.. how's life in ShadowClan?" Roaringpaw asks, shuffling his paws as he sits down.

"speech" thoughts
OOC: @Bonepaw.
[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE
Raccoonstripe decides that he likes Salmonshade’s apprentice, who cranes his neck up and meets his gaze fearlessly. “You’re taller than you were across the border,” he says, and the tabby warrior laughs. “ThunderClan is home to the biggest cats,” he explains with a grin. “But for what it’s worth, you’re taller, too.” He curls his tail over his paws as Riverpaw asks his questions. He gives Salmonshade a humorous look through dark eyes before he responds.

An acting deputy is just a temporary deputy,” he explains, nodding his head. “I imagine what Lichentail and I do is very similar, though. I do wake up early, and I organize patrols just like she probably does.” To Riverpaw’s question about what ThunderClan is like, he says, after a pause, “There are trees everywhere, and not just willow trees, like you’re probably used to. Lots of undergrowth and forest.” He tilts his head. “You would have a hard time not getting tangled in it, I imagine.

  • ooc: interacting with @RIVERPAW and @salmonshade
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring none ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.

While many of the cats from different clans converse, her chambray gaze swafts over the sea of felines. She had a chance to go to a meeting once or twice before, but it was her first time coming to once since she became an warrior. Nothing had barely changed, it seemed. The large rock in place where the leaders sat on top, the deputies to one side and the medicine cats to the other side. None has bothered to interact with her and she doesn't make much of an attempt to interact with others outside Moonpaw for the sole fact that she wanted to be nearby in case the young girl felt uncomfortable and a sense of moral support. A familiar herby scent mingled with sap and pines tickled her nose as she notes Gentlestorm had came forth to interact with the ivory feline.

"No need to apologize, it's fine." Troutsnout would assure Gentlestorm as she offers a gentle smile. Thunderclan was a large clan and with the recent incident of wolves and personal deaths, she had no doubt about it that the Thunderclan medicine cat had his paws full and this was an escape from all the stress. "How fares Thunderclan?" She would inquire as she settles on her haunches, a plumed tail wrapping around mismatched russet and white paws. Hopefully, it was going well and the forest dwelling clan was doing fine after the incident with the wolves and other personal mishaps in their home.

OOC interacting with @GENTLESTORM

Slow blinks precede the assembly. Eyelids flutter open and shut with an unfocused gaze upon the distant treetops, framed by leaves rustled by gentle updrafts. In the breath between each blink, it is a short-lived reprieve. He would shut his eyes for the gathering's remainder were he allowed to, if not for the outward presentation a staunch deputy ought to maintain. Dozing off at Fourtrees isn't flattering for one's public image.

During a lull in his disoriented state of being, Smogmaw notices something stirring in his peripherals. Movement, bound for the same boulder he slouches against. The tom's sight shifts, tilting from an aimless gaze to land on Lichentail.

A blurred recollection she is, identified only after a momentous pause for processing. There's no familiarity anchored to the cat at all, a vacuum of past encounters or shared experiences with no air drawn in. Her tone is nevertheless tepid and casual when she decides to speak. Against the energetic backdrop, they are both muted figures in a colourful world. All that to say, her presence doesn't ruffle him.

"Eloquent?" he parrots, a parched chuckle rumbling weakly through his throat. "I wager I could've left a worse impression. Plus, I've had a lot of time to practice." Nearly five seasons as the deputy, in fact. Tail-tip flicks towards Great Rock's summit, on which rulers wax poetry in long-winded ramblings. It pleases him to hear he'd fit the bill just fine.

He finds her iridescent blues with his drab browns, and for a second time, he holds the RiverClan deputy's eye contact. Within a moment's beat, he recognises how nicely it'd behoove him to acquaint himself with her sooner rather than later. All his former deputy counterparts have now gotten their turn for the big leagues, leaving him to a new, unfamiliar generation of them. "Eeeyup," he sighs, "Chilledstar's back. Kept their spot warm for 'em up there."

The tip to Smogmaw's muzzle twitches convulsively, recalling what it felt like to have authority alive and rampant in his bloodstream. As symbolic as his presence was atop Great Rock, he at last held the sway he'd long coveted. During those consecutive gatherings, those fissures from his splintered ambitions became scabbed over, if only for a short while. Standing at equal level with the other deputies once again, he's left with a dull itch he cannot quite scratch.

"Will you be ready, Lichentail, for the day when you have to step in?" Probing words from lips without any malice or mean-spiritedness behind them. Hypotheticals, and how another approaches them, fascinate him in an abstract way, and hold the power to reveal more than idle chitchat. "Will you be ready to set an example? To shoulder the heavy and make the tough calls?"

// interacting w/ @lichentail, open for other interactions!

  • Nervous
Reactions: lichenstar