camp who you are ;; bringing kit back… 2!

@STORMYWING & @BURNSTORM // @unnamed kitten ♡

a black and orange kit dangles in her jaws as she pads through the gorse tunnel, her fellow clanmates right by her. it was a shame the patrol had to be cut short, but the abandoned kit came first. the less they’re out in the territory, the better, anyways, with the wolves still about. they’re lucky to of found the poor thing when they did. a part of her wonders, though, what's to gain from dropping the kid off in a clan? with the twolegplace so close by, it makes more sense for her to drop it off there. there are too many risks in the forest for leafhusk to find justification on it.

the scrap of fluff is set down in camp near the nursery, and her tail flicks to the nearest clanmate. "i need howlingstar. we found another abandoned kit in the territory." smooth, quick, and to the point. a fluffy, brown tail is curled loosely around him, to keep the child warm as they waited.​

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Having the company of Flamewhisker and Moonwhisper in the nursery had made this last quarter moon much more bearable for the now heavily pregnant tabby. No longer was she up for the task of milling around camp, so… it was nice, their presence. Not to mention little Sparrowkits, still so new and wondrous.
The circumstances for the kits arrival were all too stinging, familiar and heart-wrenching. The Queen has no doubt that under Flamewhiskers wing he’ll be loved, but Roeflame knows the feelings of that fateful night will never quite fully disappear.
There is a familiar rustling at the mouth of the nursery, a new kitten scent amongst Leafhusk’s and her mates.
Curiosity gets the best of her, and stubbornly Roeflame hoists herself up, poking her head from the nursery’s entrance with a suspiciously intrigued expression.
Eyes fall to the scrap of russet and ebony, and instinctively snap right back up to Burnstorm, then Stormywing and Leafhusk as the other talks of Howlingstar, and another abandoned kit found.
”You’ve got to be kidding.” The queen growls, the fur at the top of her spine dancing with tangible fury.
With the wolves, and the cold, and the darkness- not one but two mothers have abandoned their duty, cast their children into the unknown. Roeflame doesn’t care for any potential reasoning, there were no excuses for such a despicable choice, a choice that once took her own littermates from her many moons ago.
Roeflame needs to give herself a forceful reminder to calm herself and maintain composure with innocent eyes and ears present, her fire not quite tamed even with her impending motherhood.
Steadily, a breath is expelled from her slightly parted maw, lowering her stance to meet the kits eye-line.
”Hi there, would you like to wait in the nursery? It’s warm in there and we have another kit around your age.” Roeflame offers gently, though she wouldn’t blame the child if he opted to stay outside for a moment while he got adjusted.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-one moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw, Lightpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

The gorse tunnel at camp’s entrance trembles with movement. Leafhusk’s nose proceeds her, her jaws full of kit-scruff. A tiny black-and-ginger bundle dangles from her mouth, swinging against the warrior’s chest. Raccoonstripe pushes himself to his paws, abandoning the piece of fresh-kill he’d been picking at. His eyes blow wide with incredulity as he comes to linger near the opening of the nursery. Roeflame’s growl sounds from within the den—You’re kidding me, the silvery queen mutters, and the tabby’s heartbeat quickens. “Another one? Stars, the little scraps are lucky that warriors are finding them instead of wolves.

He pauses, watching Roeflame beckon the kit toward her. “Maybe their mothers figure they have a better fighting chance with us.” He can’t imagine why else a queen would dump a kitten inside Clan territory’s well-scented and well-patrolled borders. He looks over Leafhusk and the rest of her patrol, then nods briskly. “Right. Well. I’ll get Howlingstar.

  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring none ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.

Swinging from his scruff, the kitten's hazel eyes darted to this unfamiliar place and the new strangers coming forward towards him and brown colored adult. The camp is full of strange scents and even stranger cats with their even more strange names. Dark paws hitting the ground gently, his fur stands on end at he cranes his neck up to look at the approaching cinnamon sliver ticked molly. Eyes wide, he shuffles himself back to hide in the tail fur of the nice adult who curled her tail around him to keep him warm. The small tortie keeps his ears flat on his head, body twitching as he heard a new voice approach the party of cats.

Hearing a nice voice, looking up from his curled up form he pokes his head slightly from behind the fluffy tail of brown molly. Camp. Nursery. Warriors. He doesn't get it. He stares at the nice sounding molly, for a few seconds before opening his maw to speak "N-nurrrsery? uhm.. o-okay." stumbling once again over his words, he looks up at the brown molly who brought him here. Silently conveying Is it okay to go with this stranger? He looks back at the cinnamon sliver molly, nodding shakily at her question. Warm place? He hopes his mother wouldn't mind if he spent the night here. They seems nice.. he thinks with a slightly frown pulled on his face. He shakes his head, as he steps over the fawn colored molly's fluffy tail with trembling kitten limbs. He absorbed his surroundings for a moment, before shuffling forwards towards the cinnamon sliver molly still having his ears flatted and dark ginger tail trailing behind him.

  • no ref yet </3
  • ( erm.. i don't get it ) UNNAMED : loner kitten
    — amab ; HE / HIM ; currently 2 moons
    ☾ undecided / single / not looking / open to puppy-crushes
    — a LH black/dark ginger tortie and white tom with hazel eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, ff7844"
    — smells of fresh caramelized apples, spiced herbs & damp earth musk

    -tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone
Softpaw looked up as Leafhusk and her patrol entered the camp, and she wondered if it was deja vu that she was feeling when they announced that there had been yet another kit left abandoned on their territory. It hadn't been very long since Sparrowkit had been discovered, and with the threat of wolves abound, Softpaw hoped that there wasn't some strange rumor about leaving one's kits on ThunderClan's doorstep - she didn't mind the kits, and she was sure neither did Howlingstar or the rest of the Clan, but it was dangerous to leave such young cats out by themselves in the woods on a whim, on a small hope that ThunderClanners would find them before any predators.
Batwing is tugged back to the time himself and Flamewhisker found Tigerpaw in the territory- the only difference here was that Batwing had caught up with the kit's mother before she made it too far, found horrible truths. He wonders quietly, as he approaches near Raccoonstripe, his ears twitching as his eyes observed the situation. A frightened kit, pressed into the paws of the cat that carried them back- Roeflame offering them comfort, Raccoonstripe already gone to get Howlingstar.

A soft breath left him, and his eyes lifted towards Roeflame. Quietly did his words come to the queen. "I can go fetch some water-soaked moss for the kit. Let me know if you need anything else." It's not that Batwing wanted to leave the situation- it didn't matter either way- but he was sure the kit would appreciate the space from all of these strange cats. With that, Batwing turned, trying to find the kit something to drink.

// semi-out to go get some water​

⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ "As soon as its a little warmer out, I will take you out and show you how to play moss ball." the queen promised in between tongue swipes as she cleaned Sparrowkit's pelt. Newleaf was practically here, and she wanted to teach him before she was round enough to be used as the moss ball. Her gaze lifted up as Roeflame slipped from the den, and she heard voices stirring nearby. The queen licked the top of his forehead one last time, before raising to her paws. "Stay here love, I'll be right back."

She didn't make it far, before she spotted Roeflame headed back to the nursery with a small kitten in tow. "Oh stars..." she murmured under her breath, her eyes widening in sympathy for the newest member. "Hello there sweetheart, It's're safe now." Another orphaned kitten...was this a sibling of Sparrowkit's, or had another mother left her child in their forest? He seemed close in age to he will have a playmate.

  • //
    Mentioning @sparrowkit

  • FLAMEWHISKER she/her, deputy of thunderclan, 30 moons, ages on the 20th
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    currently mated to Flycatcher / / mother to: Falconheart and Stormfeather
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    link to toyhouse
    penned by Icey !@icefang65 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Sparrowkit had no qualms with being cleaned by Flamewhisker. Her tongue on his forehead was one of the most soothing things, reminding him of the few times his mother had shown him that kind of tenderness. The promise of moss ball had lit up his hazel eyes. A game! I wonder what moss ball is..

Sparrowkit stayed within the nest when Flamewhisker watched out, though he poked his head up and followed her with his ever-curious gaze. There was a certain commotion just outside, soon bringing the arrival of Roeflame and.. what was following her? Just as Flamewhisker had returned, Sparrowkit climbed out of his nest and approached the kit, unable to contain his wonder. He thought he was the only kit in the nursery! Sparrowkit slowed his approach as he neared the kit, watching him with awe. "I'm Sparrowkit," he mewed, careful to keep his voice low. They were probably scared if they haven't been here before! "What's your name? Are you staying the night?"

  • thunder-kit-transparent.png
    SPARROWKIT he/him, loner kitten, 2 moons.
    a long-furred white tom with chocolate markings on his ears, tail, and a heart-shaped mark on his flank.
    loner heritage. adopted son of FLAMEWHISKER
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Raccoonstripe's summons are met with a gasp and hurried paws. Another kit? What in StarClan is happening to cause so many queens to abandon their kits on ThunderClan's territory? Are the other clans experiencing the same phenomenon, she wonders? She supposes at the Gathering they'll find out. "I can't believe this," She mews, shaking her head as she trots towards the group. She looks to Leafhusk with a bewildered yet sad look, then to Stormywing and Burnstorm, and finally to the black and ginger kit. Briefly, the thought flickers through her mind - are the lost kits related? But no, Sparrowkit confirms it when he asks what the other's name is. Curious, she listens.
The kitten glances up at the retreating back of this other nice molly, he keeps his head low to the ground not wanting to look at these weird cats and their equally strange names. He flicks an ear, as he heard a nice sounding Hello. He lets out a nonverbal mew, still too nervous to speak somewhat. He looks up staring at a red tabby, before flicking his hazel eyed gaze down to the ground. He watches as a another cat bound over to the two this one was a kit. He flinches at he approach, but settles down once the other slowed down. Sparrowkit? Weird. He studies the white and brown kit, with narrowed eyes before he mummbles out. "my n-name is nuh-bmber two.." He trails off, as he shuffles his paws on the cool ground and twitching his tail behind him. He racks his brain on what to say next, so he mews out in a shaky voice. "stayin' the n-night..."

  • no ref yet </3
  • ( erm.. i don't get it ) UNNAMED : loner kitten
    — amab ; HE / HIM ; currently 2 moons
    ☾ undecided / single / not looking / open to puppy-crushes
    — a LH black/dark ginger tortie and white tom with hazel eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, ff7844"
    — smells of fresh caramelized apples, spiced herbs & damp earth musk

    -tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone
// sorry for double post! Had to get this baby NAMED!

Howlingstar frowns, her gaze flashing with something harsh when she hears the kit's word. Number Two? No...this kit certainly hadn't been cared for, not like a kit should be. With a surge of maternal urgency, the tabby crouches down so that she is eye-level with the kitten, peering into his gaze as if searching for something. "No," She mews, her tone gentle as it always is, but firm with resolve. "Here in ThunderClan, we have proper names, and you will have one, too. Because after today, you will be a ThunderClanner." Another horrible queen, another orphan - how many would ThunderClan find?

She sits up so everyone can see her, and speaks loud enough for everyone to hear her. Beneath StarClan, another name is bestowed. "You will be known as Deerkit from this moment on." He had been found in the forest in a time when it is infested with bucks and does that are swollen with unborn fawns. Nevermind the wolves - this kit would only know the positives of the time he'd joined ThunderClan. It hadn't always been so dangerous; this time had been filled with beauty, too. To see the massive herd move through the oaks is breathtaking. She prays Deerkit gets to see something like it someday.
as cats approach, her body stiffens, suddenly feeling an urge to protect. once she reminds herself it’s just the queen and lead warrior, leafhusk lets her shoulders slack. "the poor thing was crying out for his mother." she states towards raccoonstripe, lifting her tail slightly so roeflame could have an easier time. looking down at the baby tortie, she gives him an encouraging nod towards the molly.

her eyes peer back up to meet howlingstar’s, and the sad look is returned. during the walk back to camp, she had gone over her own theories. none of the kits really looked alike, or acted alike. sparrowkit introducing himself confirmed all of that as well. howlingstar’s voice suddenly carries, and leafhusk puts her attention back. deerkit.. she liked it, a name that marked a new era of the clan.

"welcome to thunderclan, deerkit." she mews softly, smiling down at the newly named bundle of fur.​