please take into consideration that this thread takes place at the tail end / very shortly after the first raid thread! if you are currently fighting in that thread, please do not post with the same character here. anyone who missed their opportunity there, however, is welcome :3c


They have prepared themselves for this moment. As the sounds of battle reach their ears from RiverClan's new camp, they maneuvered. They held. A day's rest has made them strong, while a day's work has made the others weak– and he can hear their panic in their rage as they throw themselves at the first wave of this war. A sun-burnished pelt is shielded by the dark and the foliage, his crouch so low that the fur of his belly brushes the earth. RiverClan stench mixes with the comfort of moorland heather, but they have done all they could to hide the scent far before crossing that rickety wooden bridge. It was always meant for them to be as so: lying in wait, the fangs behind the already deadly claws.

He needed no coaxing to this war, and the clanmates behind him had been just as prepared for it. As eager. Their horror and rage at RiverClan's cruelty is what had propelled them to this moment, and he will not see any of them falter now. Vengeance was close. Even if they could not have Hyacinthbreath herself, they could punish the lot of these beasts.

With tail signals alone, Sunstride fans the patrol out. He does not speak to them, does not risk their moment of surprise, but he chances a glance over his shoulder to pass glacial eyes over each of them. They were ready. He was ready. Rising from his crouch and bursting through the foliage, the second round of WindClanners joins the fray. StarClan must have been on their side, for it seems the timing is perfect. The battle wanes, the stench of blood still on the air. "WindClan!" he finally speaks, great voice carrying far, "finish this!"

  • ooc: open for 1-2 opponents! willing to do dice rolls, but honestly kinda lazy
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, he - him. thirty-six moons old. lead warrior of windclan and former rogue.
    —— gay, but somewhat closeted. will not be open about his interests.  single, will be so.
    —— seems comparatively stranger than who he was some moons ago, serious and cool.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • highly skilled warrior. trained from a young age in general battle tactics as well as managing a semi-organized raid. prefers to strike quickly and cause chaos, then retreat just as quickly once his goal is accomplished. is capable of keeping multiple opponents at bay, though he would be unable to gain the upper hand in such circumstances.

    —— peaceful powerplay allowed. minor or moderate injuries do not need discussion.
    —— please avoid eye trauma and wounds that would take him out of work for weeks.
    —— will start fights ╱ will join fights ╱ will kill or maim when it becomes necessary.
    —— will end fights or retreat on own terms ╱ refuses to chase retreating opponents.
  • "speech"

Bluepool has been anxiously awaiting this moment. Bated breath and sore muscles from crouching in the undergrowth release in a fast moment as she bounds alongside the lead warrior, jumping into the fray.

This battle wasn’t so much about Juniperfrost, Bluepool knows that. It was inevitable with the way RiverClan had been running their mouths. Acting like they were saints for sheltering traitors and murderers then protecting them even when they had shown their true colors. Hyacinthbreath was a disgusting vile creature who was worthy of punishment and RiverClan was no better for harboring her.

Her yellow eyes scan the battlefield, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. An enemy had to show themselves sooner or later right?

// open to attacks please no heavy maiming or killing we can roll in my channel if desired!


(=^・ェ・^=))ノ彡♡WindClan’s retaliation was not a surprise, it had been a race to see who would lift their claws against the other first, and RiverClan had been beaten. Darterwing was adamant they would not lose, and it appears they’ve claimed victory. WindClan cats flee, blood dripping from their pelts, she grins wildly and lets out victorious yowls.

That grin is knocked right off her face, victory is ripped from her paws the moment she claimed it. WindClan, finish this!
And then there were more, a whole new batch of fresh warriors. Darterwing is so stunned she struggles to get her paws going again, the shock alone was almost enough to make her plummet to the ground. She couldn’t seize up, she had to attack and bring victory for her clan!

If only we could lure them to water, she thinks, where a majority of the clan fought best. The blue and black molly supposes the dry paws will just have to pick up the slack! If any RiverClan cat was skilled at fighting on land, it was them.

Her opponent is Sunstride, she aims to rush into him head first before faking and darting to his side. With a lifted paw she tries to give a good slice to his right flank. If the attack succeeds she tries to barrel for a hindleg to pull and bite down on, desiring to bring the Tom to the ground.

//moderate wounds are okay! Nothing that’ll keep her down in the meddie den for too long though
if you want any specific injuries let me know! Can also do rolls if desired, yk where to contact me @SUNSTRIDE
— tags


Her growl was gutteral and full of rage. Hatred clouded her thoughts and made her blood run hot. Windclan had the nerve to attack them in the night, a night where she had decided to stay out longer than usual, hunting whatever little critters called the night home.

It pissed her off.

She had charged through the camp walls like a raging bull. It was always times like these that she reminded herself of her name, how it was hers for a reason. Tonight, her pawsteps would be leaving Windclan blood in their wake. She would be soaked in it, and still it wouldn't be enough.

Not until every last Windclanner was bled dry.

With her momentum, she would aim to lunge straight for the first Windclanner she saw, claws extended and jaws wide to find their purchase.

Her goal was to kill at least one. If not, that was fine.... As long as she sent someone running and leaving a trail of blood, she supposed she could be happy.

((Redpath is here,,, if anyone wants their character to get a lil maimed or killed she's ur girl. You can still engage her if you don't want to be maimed or killed, I can just tone her down. Can do rolls if desired! ))
There will be justice for Juniperfrost, and Gravelpaw will have a hand in it. They travel alongside their clanmates, anxiety building somewhere in their chest as they wait in the brush. The din of the first wave’s battle barely reaches their ears, just enough to tell that it will be their time to leap into the fight soon.

Sure enough, Sunstride gives the signal, and the WindClan battle party is moving—striking out with merciless force, already clashing with whatever RiverClanners they can see. Gravelpaw once again follows, bursting from their hiding place with a snarling war cry. Sunstride and a particularly ugly RiverClan cat are locked in combat already—Gravelpaw hopes that someday they’ll look as cool as the lead warrior does, charging into a fight against a powerful-looking opponent.

They don’t leap into the fray immediately; they will wait for their perfect enemy to appear before them.

// i’m not rolling for hits! but i want someone (warrior or apprentice idc) to beat the hell out of him so have at it :)
At the first sound of attacking yells ringing out through camp, Lilybloom is resting comfortably in the temporary den along with many other warriors. Like a few others, she blinks and looks around dazed and confused, still coming around from her slumber to process what is going on. Warriors begin to spill out, including dear Lakemoon, and Lilybloom feels compelled to follow.

Stepping outside, her eyes widen when the scent of WindClan cats hit her nose and she can see cats beginning to fight in the clearing. "Moorland rats..." Lilybloom hisses quietly, claws digging into the ground. How dare they attack RiverClan! Her green eyes narrow, and she looks around for familiar faces, finding her father and Lakemoon fighting in the crowd. As RiverClan warriors fight bravely, more WindClan cats begin to pour into the camp and another wave of fighting begins. Lilybloom glares across the clearing at Sunstride, bristling at his words about finishing things. With more fighting ensuing is keen to jump among the fray herself, looking around for a WindClan cat to intercept. "Get out!" She spits furiously, her usually calm expression twisted into a snarl. "Get out!"

She stops her yowling when she spots a WindClan warrior glancing around. Her green eyes meet yellow ones and she springs into action, hoping to pin Bluepool to the ground. If successful she would flex her claws into the shoulder of the WindClan warrior. "Run home moorland rat," Lilybloom hissed. "You still have time before the river runs red with WindClan blood."

/ Attacking @Bluepool Will be doing dice rolls
It is in battle that his mind works best, and joy begins to sing beneath his skin. It escapes in a grin that bares his teeth and satisfaction both as the first RiverClanner throws herself to the field. There is no imagining the momentary shock of their appearance– they have done well, then. He does not offer her banter or speeches. There is no play to his burst to motion, meeting her charge with his own powerful strides. She is quicker than he is, but he is fresh, prepared for the longer battle to come. As Darterwing's claws dart past him, raking along his hindquarters, Sunstride does not so much as wince. He pivots on the uninjured leg, droplets of red flinging from the wound. The new spread of his paws allows him to rear up, to dance backwards–

It is not a move of great technique, but it is efficient enough to keep her maw from the same wounded leg. Her teeth snap in the air, and his own paws come down with his full weight behind them, attempting to shove her to the ground with both of them against one shoulder. Succeed or fail the moor runner does not shy from contact, remaining close enough for retaliation...or for some great wound to the molly. He would take such chances.

  • ooc: battling @DARTERWING !
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, he - him. thirty-six moons old. lead warrior of windclan and former rogue.
    —— gay, but somewhat closeted. will not be open about his interests.  single, will be so.
    —— seems comparatively stranger than who he was some moons ago, serious and cool.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • highly skilled warrior. trained from a young age in general battle tactics as well as managing a semi-organized raid. prefers to strike quickly and cause chaos, then retreat just as quickly once his goal is accomplished. is capable of keeping multiple opponents at bay, though he would be unable to gain the upper hand in such circumstances.

    —— peaceful powerplay allowed. minor or moderate injuries do not need discussion.
    —— please avoid eye trauma and wounds that would take him out of work for weeks.
    —— will start fights ╱ will join fights ╱ will kill or maim when it becomes necessary.
    —— will end fights or retreat on own terms ╱ refuses to chase retreating opponents.

    injury tally: one long scratch along his right flank
  • "speech"
Ravenpaw could not believe he was about to die because of a WindClan refugee. What a terrible, rotten death.

He had never accepted Cicadastar's decision in the first place, and look where it got them. Cursing under his breath, the dark-furred cat scrambled to his paws, the howls piercing his ears. Blood rushed through his ears and he could hardly see anything beyond his whiskers. WindClan cats, streaming into their camp, ripping it apart, all for a filthy WindClan traitor-murderer that half of RiverClan didn't want anyway.

Fury burned in his chest and Ravenpaw grit his teeth, claws digging into the muddy earth as he sought for another cat his age and experience. It happened to be Gravelpaw and the RiverClan apprentice launched himself at the piebald WindClan cat, claws outstretched and aiming to bowl them over with his speed and force.

"If I had my way, you can take that she-cat's pelt home with you." He snarled lowly.

// attacking @GRAVELPAW
Iciclepaw had never trusted Hyacinthbreath, and part of her seethes at the silver tabby for bringing WindClan stealing into their camp after sunset. Another part of her has awakened, blood hot as liquid fire, limbs tingling with opportunity. Her mentor is tangling with Weaselclaw again; she had seen Cindershade with a white-masked tabby, Cicadastar brawling a tortoiseshell, and many others. The tortoiseshell's fur is fluffed out, but her icechip eyes are cold and narrow as an adder's. She's ready to fight.

// open to 1-2 enemies, she is almost a warrior so age and experience are not an issue. i prefer to roll but we don't have to if you aren't comfy with it. ^^ tag when attacking pls


➵ Forced into retreat, only to bring on this second wave — curse WindClan, damn them straight to hell — and just days after a predator attack. Their island camp always felt safe, its borders never breached, and it's a strange, fresh terror to have home under siege.

Clearsight flings himself into battle with a snarl, blue tabby hackles raised. "Moorland rats," he howls, lunging for the nearest attacker — a brawny tom with warm brown fur and some nasty scars, about Clearsight's own size — he won't leave this one for an apprentice to take on.

He'll aim for the neck, sinking claws into the tom's back if he can and biting as close as he can reach. If that fails he'll try to bowl the man over and pin him to the ground.

"Go back to your territory, scumbag," he hisses. How dare they — how fucking dare they?

// attacking @HEATHCLAW.

& we've all got battle scars ✗

Bluepool sees the tortoiseshell she cat coming, hears her screaming and tries to get out of her way before it’s too late. She is not fast enough. Claws scramble for a purchase in the sand to no avail, the opposing warrior pins her to the ground and Bluepool lets out a low hiss as she feels claws flex into her shoulder, can smell blood tinting the air. It sparks an adrenaline in her, this pain.

She bares her teeth at her attacker, a fierce snarl meant to offput the offending warrior more than anything. A distraction as she twists and kicks out with her hind legs as hard as she can, aiming for Lilybloom’s belly that had become exposed the second Bluepool was under her. If she’s successful in this she will then lunge for the other cats shoulder, claws outstretched to give her a wound that would match the one she just inflicted on Bluepool. An eye for an eye is what they said right?

@LILYBLOOM. rolled a 4 for attack!
HP is 18/20


So many times he had stayed back. So many times had he sit at the sidelines since the start of leaf-bare, watching as death and unrest pervades Windclan's ranks. The large brown tabby was sick of it. No more would he stay at camp to guard and wait. No more would he watch his clanmates argue and die without stepping up and doing something about it.

Stalking after his lead warrior, the burly tom stepped into the fray on his command. The timing was perfect, just as their first wave had retreated and left the Riverclanners with an inch of hope. Hope that would turn to fear as the larger party emerged from the undergrowth. Keeping a tail length behind Sunstride, Jaggedoak yowled at the top of his lungs as he places himself directly in the middle of the fray. He was hoping to draw more attention to himself but the enemy was quick to engage all around him.

His one good ear locked onto a particularly loud battle cry as a streak of orange came barreling into the makeshift clearing that the riverclanners had called a camp. Amber gaze caught the path the enemy was following and quickly hissed as he saw it head towards Sunstride. ❝ NOT ON MY WATCH!! ❞ Lucky that he had stayed a pawstep behind his lead warrior, Jaggedoak moved quickly for a tom his size.

Putting all his strength into his back legs, the 20 pound mass of muscle and fur launched himself to intercept the red Molly that was in mid pounce. If it was successful, they would go barreling off to the side, her momentum carrying them barely past the tussle between Sunstride and that strange black and white she cat. Jaggedoak would then attempt to dislodge himself after the initial hit, clawed back legs kicking out at his adversary in order to get himself back on his paws and in a better position to stand off against them.

He would prove himself again to his leader. He would make them hurt.

//OOC: Intercepting and engaging with @Redpath !

⊱ ♞ ⊰
──⇌•〘 INFO He is glad that Sunstride is too occupied with the claw-clamor to notice the wounds he bears as he joins the fray. Not long before their first patrol's attack, he'd skirmished with Houndsnarl, and retreated to their side of the river. He'd made it difficult for the RiverClanner to return quickly enough to spread news of their fight, and from the looks of the battle, RiverClan hadn't been expecting them. My temper did not cost us this fight.

RiverClanners call out their insults and he laughs, loud and bright as the thrill of bloodshed sings in tandem with his heartbeat. Rats, rats, rats. Can they think of nothing better? They damage their own pride long before ours.

"FOR JUNIPERFROST!" He bellows. "For the unborn children who deserved a father!" His gaze sinks into the first RiverClanner nearby, one he remembers beside Houndsnarl on their patrol. The reminder of the new gorge between them opens a wound he aims to heal by tearing another— one in a RiverClanner's pelt. Jaggedoak assails her before he gets the chance, and he swings his focus to a tortoiseshell nearby.

Wolfsong circles her, not yet attacking. "Where's Hyacinthbreath? Has she hidden behind the kits of RiverClan the moment she smelled battle?"

//engaging @iciclepaw
currently injured from fighting hound. claw mark on shoulder and a scratch on his cheek

Fighting is not Snakeblink’s strongest suit, and this abrupt attack from Windclan has only made it clearer to him. He swipes at moor cats from behind, twisting himself out of their reach in ways that make his attacks weak and easy to dodge — if only he could get an opening. But they’re so far from the river, and his paws seem clumsy and slow compared to what he knows he can do in water.

But at least it means that, when more Windclanners burst into camp to the shock of his flagging clanmates, he is ready. He’s not as fresh as the new attackers — his breath sits hot and ragged in his throat, heart beating hard from exertion — but he hasn’t been exhausted by a duel with another cat and is still spoiling for a fight.

Darterwing is quick to react to the second wave, throwing herself at the fiery warrior that sounded the battle cry. Snakeblink hisses appreciatively as her claws rack into flesh, but the enemy warrior doesn’t flinch and gracefully dodges her follow-up bite. It does put his back to Snakeblink; finally, the opening he was seeking.

Keeping low to the ground, the sleek tabby slithers out of the shadows he was crouching in and goes to pounce on the amber tom from behind. Unless intercepted on the way, he would aim to sink his teeth into the other’s back and pull him off Darterwing.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • ooc: attacking @SUNSTRIDE from behind! Open to rolls if needed, no maiming or killing but severe wounds are a-okay, Snakeblink is fast and sneaky but has the strength of a wet paper towel.
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 37 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

A pale warrior is the one who begins to stalk her, his single blue eye blazing with the light of battle. Blood seeps from wounds acquired by her Clanmates, but this WindClan cat is not deterred. Iciclepaw begins to engage him, icy gaze locked onto his face, her paws moving slowly as they complete a loose half-circle.

"RiverClan does not hide," she retorts. She can feel her heart pound. A trapped bird. "That's a trait she must've picked up from you."

Iciclepaw lunges, adderlike. Facing this light-colored tom will be similar to fighting Smokethroat, similarly left with only one burning eye. She streaks for his blind side, unsheathing her claws and aiming to tear them along his shoulder and the upper part of his flank. "And I'm no kit!" She spits, cold fury clinging to every syllable like reflective scales.

// fighting @WOLFSONG

His gaze is sharp as he draws across the horizon. He was part of a collective, not, vessel for the anger that has wormed its way into their hearts. Heathclaw too, joins them in a rare bought of frustration. It does not anger him to accept the permanence of death or the loss of a warrior. He had not known Juniperfrost, the victim of RiverClan's senseless slaughter; but did Spiderbloom not deserve her mate? Did her kits not deserve a father?

It is that thought that pushes him into real Frustration. There is a cruel narrow to his eyes as he gazes across the valley of makeshift dens. It surprises him for a moment– in fact, he nearly falters. They've already proven that no situation would not keep them murder, though. May they regret the day they indulged in senseless bloodshed.

A warning was all it would be. "For Juniperfrost. For Spiderbloom."

Fury erupts through the clearing, a yowl of which gives way for him to snap his head toward an attacker. With a hiss of warning, Heathclaw would lash out with his hind legs, seeking to intercept the blow completely. Wishful thinking that would be, of course. Claws would still catch him along his flank – pain bitten through with gritted teeth. His striped head would swing towards his oponent; angling of the face– half-blind eye catching onto tufts of silver fur.

In another moment, an attempt is made to force him to the ground, and Heathclaw would meet them with gnarled claws and maw snapping at anything he could reach. If forced to the ground, he would viciously batter at his attacker's stomach, growling all the while. "We'd kept to our corner, and you'd sought to kill, regardless."

  • HEATHCLAW: he / him; cisgender male, 42 moons. moor - runner of windclan.
    — bisexual with no clear preference. single.
    — low, rumbling voice with a noticeable, but not overbearing southern drawl.
    — goes with the tides. if loyalty is what will benefit him, so be it. independent but amicable.

    — for windclan – a tall and broad chocolate tabby tom with half a tail. Smattered with smaller scars, the most obvious being a sharp cut across his lower jaw and eye, that of which is half-blind. Sharp-jawed with an intense hazeled stare; lost most of his tail due to an incident when he was younger.

➵ His jaws miss their mark, snapping closed on empty air, though his claws still find some purchase — and he manages to muscle Heathclaw down, pinning him. Good.

"Kept to your corner — is that what you call it?" he snarls, spitting blood, as he retaliates, aiming once more to bite at Heathclaw's neck — "raiding SkyClan, crossing borders, stealing prey — " but he's foiled by the onslaught of paws at his stomach. He chokes on the sharp, sudden pain — fuck, he thought he'd had those limbs pinned — and stumbles backward, off of Heathclaw, giving him the chance to stand again. The blue tabby heaves for breath, then lunges again once he's collected himself.

Blood trails from his stomach wound, peppering the ground below with red, and he aims this time for the legs, hoping to sweep them out from under the brown tom in a familiar RiverClan move. If only they were near the water, Clearsight could have drawn him toward it — could have some advantage, hold him under or blind him — but thinking like that won't do him any good now.

//attacking @HEATHCLAW.

& we've all got battle scars ✗
A furious cry leaves their mouth as they’re pounced upon by a night-black cat, smelling of fish and water and everything disgusting. Their attacker is nearly invisible under the shadow of nightfall, and Gravel understands suddenly how much luck had been on their side in their fight against SkyClan. Cloaked in snow and blending in nearly seamlessly, they had been at an instant advantage against their enemy—now, they’re the one with the disadvantage, bowled over onto the ground with an enemy above them. That’s fine, though, because Gravelpaw knows they’re stronger, faster, better than this maggot-breathed defender of a murderer.

Apparently, though, this cat is not only a defender, but a hypocrite. He doesn’t even want Hyacinthbreath to live—then why does he fight? For the rest of them, who do want the traitor to live freely? "Why do you defend her, then," they question, voice taut as they climb back to their feet, still crouched low. They swiftly strike up and out with unsheathed claws, hoping to catch @RAVENPAW. across the chin or mouth. Stop speaking.
──⇌•〘 INFO "So she does hide," he says, continuing his rote around the RiverClanner. Does she begrudge Hyacinthbreath's presence here? It almost sounds as though she doesn't consider her a clanmate. For a brief moment, he wonders if Cicadastar would have obliged, had they asked for her— but then remembers Houndsnarl, and all that was said at past Gatherings. No, he would not have, if only because they would cut off their own paws if it meant spiting WindClan.

His opponent will likely attack his blind side, as many do; it is an obvious weakness, but it is one Wolfsong has carried with him since he was a child. She does not disappoint. She lunges, meaning to strike his side with her claws as she darts by. There's a sting when they land partly, but his is a trap that must draw a little of his own blood in exchange for their predictability. In the process of her wound-making, Wolfsong twists to aim his teeth at her scruff and bear his weight down onto her, meaning to latch his claws into her back for better purchase.

She's excited at the wetness that coats the tips of her claws. Success. She turns her head, preparing to angle her body to fully face the WindClan warrior on his bad side and to reposition herself for attack, but he's quick. His muscles move before she can swipe at him again, and his weight bears down on her, crushing her to the ground and pinning her to the earth with powerful jaws gripping her by her scruff. It happens almost in an instant, and Iciclepaw is left stunned by the velocity at which the tables had turned.

No, no! I had him, I knew I did! She shakes the ice from her limbs and struggles beneath his jaws, his claws, hissing. He's got her matched on physical strength. Iciclepaw flings a forepaw free in front of her, aiming to stretch her scruff and reposition herself just enough to be able to lash at Wolfsong's face. The pain is immediate, and she feels as though she's seconds from pulling herself out of her pelt, but her goal is to get him to let her go, or even just to loosen his hold on her.