Recent content by ROSEPAW


    a rose by any other name | private

    " Then starclan welcomes you as the new medicine cat of windclan under the name Dandelionwish. May you serve the clan for many months to come." His smile widen and grow as brightly like the stars, his eyes shine with pride for his friend. If his whole face not showed it Rosepaw wasn't sure what...

    a rose by any other name | private

    Roseshine....He had tried to be brave up to this point but now his smile faltered as a sad look crossed his face. That was the same name Leechpaw had suggested when they had talked about thier warrior names. "I think Roseshine would fit you." But then some warmth started to hide itself in his...

    a rose by any other name | private

    Rosepaw smile remained until the point Dandelionpaw jumped up on the same rock as him to stare. Only starclan know a dead cat couldn't blush, to feel heat underneath thier fur...but if he could...Rosepaw would have felt hot under his fur right now. That staring look was making him...

    a rose by any other name | private

    " Follow the stars and they will guide you." A voice suddenly appeard from behind the new medicine cat, his voice soft and kind just like they would remember him like. Rosepaw was seated on top of a small rock not far away from where Dandelionpaw was like he had appeared from thin air. The wind...

    when the sky falls [hawk attack]

    // TW for brief description of gore in the second last paragraph! The tail on his back startled Rosepaw but as soon he saw who it was he gave a weak smile, understanding the message Ivoryflight had tried to send. Soon after Dandelionpaw was at his side asking him if he wanted to accompany them...

    private BLACK ROSE // Cold

    Rosepaw already know what was waiting for him that late night. Now when everything was over and everything had calmned itself down. What had happend today had gone completely out of control. Three of his brothers were now in the medicine cat den to get thier injures attended too, and two other...

    private DON'T LOSE HOPE // Ivory

    Rosepaw had been so close but he had waited for too long as he had leapt after the mouse and so it slipped right past his nose like it had sensed his hesitation. Hopelessly he watched as the mouse run of and jumped into some of the tall grass leaving the cinnamon red tabby behind. With a quiet...

    when the sky falls [hawk attack]

    A heavy cloud was hanging over Rosepaw's head that day. Everything that had happend lately had taken a tool over him, his family in particular. Rosepaw had still not been given a chance to try to speak with Leechpaw after everyhting that had happend. His brothers harsh words still lingering over...

    NO MORE LIES // confrontation

    Rosepaw had not thinked this out through beforehand. He had wanted the truth to come out so badly to defend his friend but never had he expected for things to get out of control like this. Rosepaw was nothing but horrified when he watched Coldpaw lunged himself at one of his brothers, Flamepaw...

    NO MORE LIES // confrontation

    " Wh-what did you three say to Leechpaw..." Rosepaw stood in front of his own brothers as he had taken the courage to approach them as they rested in camp, eating together. Rosepaw's eyes were still red swollen after the crying but after he had returned back to camp had overheared all of the...

    that new sound [windclan border patrol - open]

    Rosepaw would follow along behind his mentor as they walked through the moors to get close to the thunderpath remembering it not being that special long ago he had left the marsh land to become a moor cat instead...It had been his familys decision and he had been forced to follow along with...


    Rosepaw was in the same boat as Duskfire. Beside Leechpaw, he didn't exactly have any friends...maybe Dandelionpaw was becoming one though?. He wasn't entierly sure but he wished they could become friends!. Just thinking about the chocolate sepia cat made his heart take a innocent skip. Not yet...

    DON'T PUSH ME AWAY // crying

    Rosepaw felt embarassed when he was found by some of his clanmates crying like this. Still his tears didn't wanted to stop! even if he wished they could...Through thier sobs and tears the apprentice would glance over at Mallowlark first, one of the cats he found to be very intimating at first...

    DON'T PUSH ME AWAY // crying

    " I told you i don't want it!!" Leechpaw would growl in frustration at Rosepaw who had put a mouse in front of his friends nest. Leechpaw hadn't been eating for two days now..which worried the other apprentice greatly. All his friend had been doing this past days was laying in his nest refusing...

    a little bit of luck [hunting patrol - openish?]

    Rosepaw was very nervouse right now that he would make a fool out of himself in front of everyone especially his mentor. He knew very well the pressure that was put on his shoulders by being the Deputy's apprentice out of all cats...something his littermates and older siblings constantly...