7 wishes that'll bury this place (Badgermoon)

Name: Badgermoon
Badger for his black and white coat; moon for his spirituality & yellow eyes

Allegiance: ???? of WindClan
— Former Deputy of WindClan (January 2023 - September 2023)
— Former Prisoner of SkyClan
— Former Twolegplace rogue

Age: 35 moons
— Ages approximately 1 month per 50 posts, or in real time

Gender: Cisgender male, he/him/his
Sexuality: Bisexual
Creation date: December 30th, 2022

Appearance: Broad-shouldered, short-haired black and white tom with yellow eyes.
— Notable white ear tips
— Smells of the moorland
— Large but nimble
— White paws with a few black spots
— Scarred in multiple places

+ Patient, honest, compassionate
± Cautious, sorrowful, quiet
- Short-tempered, mistrustful, brutal

— Single; in love with Curlewnose
— Father of Frostpaw, Rumblerain, Luckypaw, and Scorchstorm
— Friends with Curlewnose
— Fears Orangestar, Blazestar
— No apprentice
— Formerly mentored Firefang (graduated), Snakehiss (graduated), Scorchstorm

Important events:
Winter '22-'23

First post | 12/30/22
Promotion to deputy | 1/3/23
Raid on SkyClan | 1/7/23
Loyalty ceremony | 1/16/23
Gathering announcements | 2/18/23

Spring '23
Raid on RiverClan | 3/14/23
Pre-Gathering chatter | 3/15/23
Rejects Curlewnose | 4/8/23
Discovers Scorchstreak's pregnancy | 5/3/23
Development oneshot | 5/11/23
Tigerfrost's death | 5/18/23

Summer '23
Birth of his kittens | 6/1/23
— WindClan's back-to-back losses | 6/6/23 & 6/12/23
— WindClan's victory over SkyClan | 7/12/23
Family ceremonies | 7/23/23
First outing with Scorchpaw | 7/23/23
Development oneshot #2 | 7/25/23
Begins to reconcile with Curlewnose | 8/1/23
Pre-Gathering chatter #2| 8/15/23

Fall '23
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