antlers testing cabin

THE WHITE STAG PLOT ; welcome riverfam to our very first clanwide plot! a small pack of hunters have entered the forest on a hunting trip in search of the majestic albino stag rumored to live somewhere deep within riverclan territory. with little regard for any other life, they bring with them chaos & imminent danger.

this plot will be wrapped up on monday, september 5th with a couple days as a grace period to wrap up any individual plots!


8/27 TO 9/1
🦌 & . close, thundering gunshots sound near camp, sending a flurry of duck overhead, blotting the sun momentarily. with further investigation, it becomes clear that a small pack of twolegs have taken up residence on the land, sleeping in funny little thin, triangular nests on a flat stretch of clearing. as it's still overrun with twoleg, they will not venture too far into the camp.
— during this time, the twolegs will not venture too far into the woods. they will cause problems as typical of twolegs : disturbing predator and prey alike.​

🦌 & . they begin finding tall towers further into the territory, partially hidden amongst the trees and stinking of twoleg. after a close encounter, cicadastar bans apprentices from venturing near these boxes, as they soon find out that twolegs often hide within . .
— at this point, anyone is free to interact with the twolegs! be sure to follow their behavior on the next page, and remember to run anything huge or plot - changing by me first!​

🦌 & . a giant, beautiful, ghostly white stag is seen by beesong, grazing at the river. it seems docile, less flighty than it's more commonly - colored brethren. prey and plantlife beins to seem more abundant, especially in places the deer had supposedly been . .

🦌 & . the hunters seem to be getting antsy and as their hunting trip starts nearing its end, they refuse to leave empty - handed. more traps go out, smaller ones intended for hare and rodent. soon, a mouthwatering scent will draw a patrol near the twoleg camp again, where they have prey aplenty tied up and skinned to be cooked above a small fire. after attempting to leave with a couple of the twoleg's freshkill, things go awry.
— please see landmark sign - ups to put in for a position on this patrol, as this will be the official campsite discovery!​

9/2 TO 9/10
🦌 & . another pack of twolegs approach, drawn in by the commotion and effectively running the hunters off! looks like they weren't even allowed to be here . . yikes! they take with them their trophies, leaving destruction in their wake ; abandoned traps, trash, and other ' surprises ' litter riverclan territory, slowly being cleared up by the second pack of twolegs.

patrol head: tbd
- tbd
- tbd
- tbd
i. apprentices of patrol members welcome regardless of spot availability. this patrol will not venture into the campsite, but will scout around it and be the first to see the family of twolegs setting up / practice shooting. they will report back to camp, frazzled and alarmed.

patrol head: tbd
- cicadastar
- tbd
- tbd
i. apprentices of patrol members welcome regardless of spot availability. this patrol is not intended to encounter twolegs ; they will find lookout towers deep within the territory, and things will go awry . .

8 - 31 / CAMP PATROL :
patrol head: TBD
- tbd
- tbd
- tbd
- foxpaw
i. apprentices of patrol members welcome regardless of spot availability. this patrol will be sent to check on the campsite, which they will find is empty, save for a lone hound tied firmly to a log. again, please see landmark sign - ups to put in for a position on this patrol, as this will be the official campsite discovery!

9 - 2 / CAMP PATROL II :
patrol head: cicadastar
- tbd
- tbd
- tbd
i. apprentices of patrol members welcome regardless of spot availability. this patrol will finally venture into the camp, aiming to steal some of the twoleg pack's game. the twolegs will return angry and aim to run the cats out of their camp using any methods necessary. this patrol could be fatal for any attending, and will be very realistically dangerous!

name — patrol title, are they taking their apprentice? if so, who?


THE ELDER : the oldest of the twolegs ; weathered and greyed, carrying with him a big, loud broomstick. the least likely to take pity on scavenging animals, and seems most adept at hunting. despite often yowling wildly at the other twolegs, they seem to respect him and do as he says. loud and brash. being seen almost always ensures death so long as the man has a weapon in hand.

— loud. often hunts early morning, does not hunt at night.​

THE WARRIOR : a man of middle age, father of the twoleg kit and always seen wearing a wide - brimmed hat. mostly silent, communicating mostly to its kit and following orders from its elder. favors a strange contraption that shoots arrows instead of a boomstick, though he does carry one despite being much smaller than his elder's own.

— stealthy. camoflauges well, tends to use the watch towers. hunts using both guns and arrows. tends to hunt late at night.​

THE KIT : a small, loud, clumsy twoleg kit ; while not holding a boomstick, he is always found accompanied by the hound. this twoleg seems intent on causing chaos, but will not harm a cat directly! it is possible to have positive interaction with this twoleg, as it seems to love cats! just make sure that the warrior nor elder see you interact . .

— loud, clumsy. does not stray too far from it's fathers side often, and is always accompanied by his dog if it does.​

THE HOUND : seems to have been brought for the kit ; young and untrained, unruly. seems to have been raised with other animals and wants to play with the riverclanners! unfortunately, the growing pup doesn't know how much force to use and ' plays ' too rough, until called back by it's master. any cats caught will have time to get away, but not unwounded.

— hyperactive and unintelligent, young. usually accompanying the kit and tends to give their position away by barking. if not with the family, the hound will be found tied up at the campsite.​

boomstick: a gun
quick thunder: gunshots

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[justify][box=45%] [justify][SIZE=2][FONT=verdana][COLOR=#9ca4b4][B] i . [/B][URL=''][COLOR=#9ca4b4][B]information[/B][/COLOR][/URL][B] :[/B][/COLOR] am i still stylized   

[tabs][SLIDE=out of character][/SLIDE] [slide=information]− [B]SHRIKEPAW[/B] ; he / him. three months old. windclan apprentice.
− small, spiky - furred blue smoke lh w low white & pale olive eyes.
− homosexual, greyromantic ;  sootstar x flint. penned by antlers.  [/slide][/tabs] [/FONT][/SIZE][/justify] [/box][/justify]
[justify][SIZE=10px][FONT=verdana][COLOR=#8c8a89][B] 𖥔 ⁺ ִ𓂋 ❛  [/B][URL=''][COLOR=#8c8a89][B]information[/B][/COLOR][/URL][B] :[/B][/COLOR] text

[tabs][SLIDE=out of character][/SLIDE]
[slide=information]− [B]COBWEBTAIL[/B] ; he/him. twenty seven months old. howling wind x gray wolf.
− stunningly handsome lh pale blue tabby w low white & unnerving azure eyes.
− bisexual, biromantic ; open for brief romances and flings, penned by antlers.
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general tw for canon - realistic gore, body horror & chronic health issues. all other triggers will be tagged if applicable.


somehow i walk the world both cutting and soft. somehow i forget how sweetness always bleeds. a boy calls me strawberry seed, plants sprout up dead & too fast — I AM TOO MUCH FOR MYSELF TO STOMACH.
franny choi, strawberry moon .

/ kerəˌbo͞o / a large, north american reindeer. from canadian french, from an earlier form of micmac qalipu, meaning ' snow-shoveller ' as the caribou scrapes away snow to feed on the vegetation underneath.

cariboukit ; cariboupaw, carbioutuft / male ; he / him pronouns
⤷ named by little wolf for his dark chocolate coloration, reminding her of the caribou that linger beyond the mountains. suffix will be given by emberstar upon warrior ceremony, but currently will be -tuft, -jaw or something soft but fierce, for her demeanor.
— little wolf xx blazestar ; siblings to be decided, granddaughter to gray wolf and howling wind / ages realistically
— thunderclan kit / speaks with an airy, whimsical, almost absent tone / voiceclaim: amelie smith
— virgo sun, scorpio moon, pisces rising / currently lawful neutral, 6w5
— heartchart / pinterest / playlist ———————————— ❝ GIRLHOOD HAS ALWAYS BEEN VIOLENT ❞

lh chocolate tortoiseshell with forest green eyes / smells like wild berries
elegance. her coat is a like garden overgrown — mottled in brilliant shades of deep chocolates, mochas and creamy tans all broken by broken patches of offwhite. she bears her mother's features, dreamy forest green luminaries settled deep into gently rounded cheeks that will eventually narrow out into a sharp, clean - cut jawline and high cheekbones. cariboukit will begin small ; a
— 50% ragdoll, carries point.
positive : trait trait trait negative : trait trait trait
personality here
— quirks,,
INFJ - T | ❝ many advocates feel that their life has a unique purpose – a mission that they were put onto this earth to fulfill. for people with this personality type, one of the most rewarding aspects of life is seeking out this purpose – and then, once they've found it, striving to do it justice. ❞
SINGLE ; bisexual, biromantic / difficulty falling in love, trusts slowly but entirely / ½ NA
— physical health : 100%, no illnesses. mental and emotional health : 60% / attack in white
⤷ combat difficulty is very easy, as she is a kitten ; combat points calculated using dicemaiden on discord. her physical health tends to drop and rise sporadically, and she tends to acquire a myriad of injuries when living her day to day life. until apprenticehood, any unplotted attacks will be ignored!
— [ 0 ] maybe crushes / [ 0 ] crushes / [ 0 ] former crushes / love interest undetermined, plots open
trusts : little wolf, howling wind. / distrusts : none. / adopted by none, not open for adoption plots
text text history text she is a kit rn

important threads
( ☆ ) interaction ( ★ ) development
thread name ──── brief description.
thread name ──── brief description.

summer salt


taylor swift


ellie goulding

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general tw for canon - realistic gore, religious imagery & a loss of identity / derealization. all other triggers will be tagged if applicable.


they told us youll conquer when you submit, we submitted and found ashes. they told us youll conquer when you love. we loved and found ashes. they told us youll conquer when you abandon your life — WE ABANDONED OUR LIFE AND FOUND ASHES.
george seferis, the collected poems .

/ aSHən / of the pale grey color or ash
lit. very pale with shock, fear, or illness

ashenkit ; ashenpaw, ashenhaze / cisgender male, he / him pronouns only
⤷ named ashen- after the remnants of the thunderclan fire as well as ash from the marsh colony. warrior name undecided and will likely be lieft up to the leader, but currently considering -haze for his dream - like state or -stare for his absent expression.
— cinderfrost xx grime ; possibly the last born ( siblings here when decided ) / unborn, to age realistically
— thunderclan kitten / speaks with a low, yet airy, almost trancelike tone / voiceclaim: timothee chalamet
— pisces sun, cancer moon, gemini rising / enfp-t, the campaigner / slowly losing eyesight, partially blind
— heartchart / pinterest / playlist —————————————— ❝ FEEL THE GHOST IN YOUR CHEST ❞

lh blue smoke mink bicolor with navy eyes / smells like wet soil and woodrot like smoke on rippling waters, he is a ghost amongst the living, stricken in colors of the dead. true to his namesake, the boy is shaded in hues of silver - whites from the moment he's born. upon his introduction to this world, he will be absurdly tiny, his bulk consisting mostly of thick, kittish tufts of vaguely blue - toned fur. the most notable of his features, however, is the ivory flare that streaks its way up his features, ending in a point hust above navy - hued eyes. as he grows, the stony tones will deepen, lengthening out towards extremities stretching him to a height mimicking his mother. upon mid adolescence he will stand roughly the size of a young warrior, sleek and leanly - muscled. though his coat will remain long it is notably thin, falling light over the slim contours of his body in wispy rivulets of silver - white. as he grows, he will remain fairly slim, bulking in muscle
— may develop vitiligo on lower limbs. his white face flare will be shaped like a dagger, esp in art!
positive : empathetic, open, insatiable curiosity negative : odd, volatile, lacking social skills / ashen will initially come off as an aloof creature, very much in his own world. he will be spacey and a little snappish, rude without meaning to be. he is an honest child, brutally so, and the consequences of not quite knowing his social graces will lead him to be known as a bit of a weirdo. despite initial observations, ashen will be well - intentioned, learning early on to care for those around him. almost too early, his sensitivity to empathy leaving him with an almost inherent ability to know when those around him are in need of a cheering up. this has a tendency to backfire, as odd a tom as he is, his eccentrics will more often than jot come off as more strange than endearing. as he grows and retreats into a world of darkness and spirits, he will rely heavily on friends to keep him grounded in reality.
INFP - T | ❝ empathy is among this personality type's greatest gifts, but at times it can be a liability. the troubles of the world weigh heavily on mediator's shoulders, and these personalities can be vulnerable to internalizing other people's negative moods or mindsets. unless they learn to set boundaries, mediators may feel overwhelmed by just how many wrongs there are that need to be set right. ❞
SINGLE ; homosexual, homoromantic / difficulty falling in love, trusts slowly but entirely / ½ NA
— physical health : 100%, no illnesses. mental and emotional health : 60% / attack in white
⤷ combat difficulty isvery easy, as he is a kitten ; combat points calculated using dicemaiden on discord. his physical health tends to drop and rise sporadically, and he tends to acquire a myriad of injuries when living his day to day life. most injuries are simple wear - and - tear marks along his body, primarily around his arms, in the form of minor lacerations and bruising. usually, his health will not dip beneath sixty without having experienced a major injury or illness. if ill or healing from a large injury, i ask you not to engage him in combat unless plotted out with me first. any unplotted attacks in this case will be ignored!
— [ 0 ] maybe crushes / [ 0 ] crushes / [ 0 ] former crushes / love interest undetermined, plots open
trusts : none. / distrusts : none. / adopted by none, not open for adoption plots
plot ideas
born early november in leafbare, and with cinderfrost's exile outside reinforced nursery walls, and will initially die shortly after birth from newborn cerebral hypoxia. after a couple of minutes, cinderfrost would be able to revive him by stimulating his breathing again, but the minutes he was left without oxygen will leave him with permanent brain damage.
• the damage will be a result of hypoxia, which will in turn affect his cerebral nerves and leave him with degenerative eyesight. as a kitten his sight will be restricted to a mild near - sightedness, but will rapidly approach partial blindness as he nears apprenticeship. by mid apprenticeship he will be able to clearly see lights and shadows, but will barely be able to recognize faces. he will heavily rely on scent to navigate, making him an exceptional tracker later on in life.
• unbeknownst to them, it will also leave him with a lifelong psychosis. ashen will be a very imaginative boy, and as his eyesight deteriorates and he is forced further into a world of darkness and light, his brain will begin to fill in the blanks. he will be enthralled in ghost stories as a kit ( i would like to find to find a played character to tell him these stories because he will latch onto them for life ) and eventually believe the lights catching on those he is around means they are spirits.​
although he comes off as initially alarming, ashen is almost entirely harmless. he will believe he can communicate with spirits, but he will also think his clanmates are spirits as well, so he will likely just be perceived as. a little quirky.

playlist stuff
general tw for canon - realistic gore, religious imagery & a loss of identity / derealization. all other triggers will be tagged if applicable.


to adam he said, because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which i commanded you, ' you must not eat from, ' cursed is the ground because of you ; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life. it will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. by the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken — FOR DUST YOU ARE AND TO DUST YOU WILL RETURN.
genesis 3 : 16 - 17 .

DUST, n.
/ dəst / fine, dry powder consisting of tiny particles of earth or waste matter lying on the ground or on surfaces or carried in the air. alt ; human ashes.
lit. such actions as to lie in the dust, to lick the dust, to sprinkle dust on the head, are symbols expressive of deep humiliation, abasement or lamentation.

dustbreath ; dust / cisgender male, he / him pronouns only
⤷ named for his ' dusty ' longhair smoke appearance upon birth, coincidentally a name he held during his youth. little know about or use it, as it will stay. will be given the suffix -breath for his low, rattling tone.
— npc xx npc ; brother to mudpelt / uncle to iciclepaw, darkpaw, fernpaw / brother in law to icesparkle
— skyclan warrior, formerly of the pine group / loyalties lie totally with family, but skyclan is his home
— well - groomed, quiet and aloof ; tall, dark & handsome, speaks with an enchanting, bubbly vocal fry
pinterest / playlist / voiceclaim: andy biersack ————————————— ❝ ASHES TO ASHES ❞

dark chocolate ticked tabby w/ dandelion eyes and curled ears / smells like fern & elderberry color ref / dust is named aptly ; dust storm of a pelt drapes his stocky body in shades of mocha. from his head to his shoulderblades are the darkest of this oaken palette, deep soil brown along the thicker fluff that lines the back of his neck and along the contour of his spine. his features are a smokey chestnut. deepening around his muzzle to just a dusting beneath his eyes, disconnected from the over - fluffy, broad curvature of his chest. from roughly midback and falling down just into dark, deepening chocolate as it follows along the lengths of his limbs.
— carrying chocolate & dilute, shorthair.
positive : silver - tongued, hard working, flirty, confident neutral : cunning, tense, calculating, boyish negative : aloof, irritable, bull - headed /
— quirks,,
ISFJ - T | ❝ this type's secret weapon is their purity of intent. generally speaking, they are motivated by a sincere wish to do the right thing rather than a desire to manipulate or have power over other people. even when they disagree with someone, protagonists search for common ground. the result is that people with this personality type can communicate with an eloquence and sensitivity that are nearly impossible to ignore – particularly when they speak about matters that are close to their hearts. ❞
SINGLE ; bisexual, biromantic / difficulty falling in love, trusts slowly but entirely / ½ NA
— physical health : 100%, no illnesses. mental and emotional health : 60% / attack in white
⤷ combat difficulty is not very easy, as he is highly trained in combat ; points calculated using dicemaiden on discord. his physical health tends to drop and rise sporadically, and he tends to acquire a myriad of injuries when living his day to day life. most injuries are simple wear - and - tear marks along his body, primarily around his arms, in the form of minor lacerations and bruising. usually, his health will not dip beneath sixty without having experienced a major injury or illness. if ill or healing from a large injury, i ask you not to engage him in combat unless plotted out with me first. any unplotted attacks in this case will be ignored!
— [ 0 ] maybe crushes / [ 0 ] crushes / [ 0 ] former crushes / love interest undetermined, plots open
trusts : mudpelt, icesparkle, his family. / distrusts : cicadastar. / adopted by none, not open for adoption plots
text text history text

important threads
( ☆ ) interaction ( ★ ) development
thread name ──── brief description.
thread name ──── brief description.
playlist stuff
general tw for canon - realistic gore. all other triggers will be tagged if applicable.


stopped into a church i passed along the way & well, i got down on my knees and i pretend to pray. you know the preacher like the cold, he knows i'm gonna stay — CALIFORNIA DREAMIN' ON SUCH A WINTERS DAY.
the mamas & the papas, california dreamin' .

/ suhn·flau·ur / a tall north american plant of the daisy family, with very large golden-rayed flowers. sunflowers are cultivated for their edible seeds, which are an important source of oil for cooking and margarine.
lit. associated with prolonged constancy and loyalty, reflecting the flower bud's tendency to follow the sun across the sky.

sunflowerkit ; sunflowerpaw, sunflowerhaze / cisgender male, he / him pronouns only
⤷ named after his orange, almost yellow - blonde ticked appearance upon birth, though he will often be called sunny by those around him. will be given the suffix -haze after his dreamy, airy demeanor.
— deersong xx thistleback ; brother to tba, stagkit, coyotepaw, squirrelpaw / second cousin to dogteeth
— skyclan kitten / speaks with a level tone & deep, gravelly vocal fry / voiceclaim: kurt cobain
— gemini sun, scorpio moon, cancer rising / formerly from the pine group
— heartchart / pinterest / playlist —————————————— ❝ WIND THEM UP AND WATCH THEM GO ❞

lh red tabby w/ deep amber eyes / smells woodsy and herbal color ref / spunky boy electric boogaloo
— carrying chocolate & longhair. inherited his dads curved ears, sharp and bony. inherited his mothers semi-protruding fangs and wispy fur.
positive : laidback, humorous, good - natured, artistic negative : dismissive, dreamy, commitment issues /
— long limbs, a great climber. severe temperamental issues, a brat with a tendency to resort to violence in early kithood ( biting, using full claws when playing, anger outbursts )
MOTIFS | ❝ desert pine trees, cacti, orange & yellow, mid-century modern design, psychedelic art, 70's aesthetics / fashion, tapestries, beaded curtains, poetry, astrology, candles, sea / pool water, motels, mountains, coastal drives, sunshine.
SINGLE ; bisexual, biromantic / difficulty falling in love, trusts slowly but entirely / ½ NA
— physical health : 100%, no illnesses. mental and emotional health : 60% / attack in white
⤷ combat difficulty is not very easy, as he is highly trained in combat ; points calculated using dicemaiden on discord. his physical health tends to drop and rise sporadically, and he tends to acquire a myriad of injuries when living his day to day life. most injuries are simple wear - and - tear marks along his body, primarily around his arms, in the form of minor lacerations and bruising. usually, his health will not dip beneath sixty without having experienced a major injury or illness. if ill or healing from a large injury, i ask you not to engage him in combat unless plotted out with me first. any unplotted attacks in this case will be ignored!
— [ 0 ] maybe crushes / [ 0 ] crushes / [ 0 ] former crushes / love interest undetermined, plots open
trusts :. / distrusts :. / adopted by none, not open for adoption plots
text text history text

important threads
( ☆ ) interaction ( ★ ) development
thread name ──── brief description.
thread name ──── brief description.
playlist stuff
[justify][SIZE=2][FONT=verdana][COLOR=#5c5c5c][B] −  ♱ [/B][URL=''][COLOR=#5c5c5c][B]ABOUT[/B][/COLOR][/URL][B] :[/B][/COLOR] text text text.

general tw for religious trauma, brain injury + recovery, brief animal death and canon - realistic gore. all other triggers will be tagged if applicable.


search through the stars to get through the night, i can tell you're itching, i can see it in your eye. good morning sunlight, let me down slow ; don't ask me what i want, i can tell you want to go — HEY MAGNOLIA, WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND ?
the essentialists, magnolia .

/ mag · now · lee · uh / embraces both deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs, with most species having thin, smooth bark and large leaves and flowers. valued for their large and fragrant white, yellow, pink, or purple flowers, and breathtaking leaves.
lit. soft and subtle in color yet strong in appearance, magnolia symbolises perseverance & love of nature. its tree is very strong, thus, the strength of character is often associated with magnolias.

magnoliakit ; magnoliapaw, magnoliawind / female, she / her pronouns only
⤷ named by leechpaw for the way her fur mirrors the color of magnolia blooms, warrior name will be decided as she ages. as i'd like the leader at the time to name her. -wind suffix will have to be earned, and left up to the leader at the time to decide.
— rain xx npc ; half-sibling to leechpaw / unaware of her true origins
— windclan kitten / aspiring moor runner, afraid of tunneling
— heartchart / pinterest / playlist —————————————— ❝ BAD LUCK LULLABIES ❞

lh mitted lilac tortoiseshell w/ brown eyes / smells like heather and clove / like dawn. stretches of watercolor purple - silver over an endless heaven, edges softened by rain heavy clouds hanging low over rolling moorlands. when she's first born, magnolia is little more than a wild ball of lilac and white, her bulk consisting mostly of thick, kittish tufts of downy fur. she will be a small thing, standing roughly shoulder height of the average clan cat with limbs that still seem too long for her body. as she ages those lilac - tinged limbs darken in color, the bulk of his coat deepening from blue - white to a warm silver brown. her toes remain a mitted white, with an ivory chin stark against the deep lavender hue of her facial features. as estrogen chips at cherubic baby fat she will be revealed to be sharp - featured and delicate, forever tilted downward and looking up through heavy lashes & long, billowing eyebrow whiskers. her nose is a mottled pink - purple around the porcelain blaze that streaks up from his muzzle to a point just above large, doe - like chestnut eyes. magnolia is forever bird - boned and delicate limbed in appearance, though hidden amidst this thicket of fluff is muscle hardened and lean, lying close enough to give the impression of someone willowy and coltish despite being a size shrunken down. her coat is downy soft, silken and well - kept on principal, seeming to curl outward where wispy, dovelike strands of lilac fur end. around her throat is the most notable of his traits — a thick, light ruff of mottled lilac that follows down her slim belly, ending in a point at the underside of his haunches. and finally, her tail: a long, plume - like feather of a thing, lighter at the bottom where lengthy fur flares out, ivory - tinged.
image is a fur color reference only. defining traits will be long, flowing fur with a thick throat ruff mimicking magnolia petals, soulful eyes and the white blaze on his muzzle.
positive: imaginative, quick - witted, compassionate, charismatic, exceedingly strong morals negative: conniving, over-empathetic, bull - headed, loyal, indecisive / if you were to meet magnolia, you would initially assume him soft - spoken and nervous. he's lamblike, both in physique and not — and while growing up he will be a primarily shy child, ducking around the limbs of those he cares for most. despite it this boy will be raised with good old fashioned manners and though he has little interest in socialization in early kithood, he is far from timid. he is curious, imaginative, almost too - much so. a child with a passion for bugs and stars, he will spend most of his time weaving stories to anyone who will listen, tinged with dreams of being the best windclan warrior there ever was. as he grows and realizes the morals instilled within him do not settle well under sootstar, he will grow quieter about his ambitions. what he lacks for in size, magnolia will learn to make up in pure wit and cunning — naturally charismatic, soft - spoken and inherently warm as he comes of age, magnolia will be a rare look into civility in windclan. while he may present himself as soft and subdued, magnolia is intelligent, almost frighteningly so. with his frequent spasms and soft, stilted drawl, he is frequently taken to be far dimmer than he truly is. it's a mask he curated carefully over the moons of his youth ; a bystander, albeit one in the name of peace. he will be a confidant, someone to seek out and vent to, a star - blinded child of poor circumstance . . but this is not to say he will be delicate. over time he learns not to be lofty in his ideals — he was not raised to be weak - willed and it shows in his stance. he is not gullible, not naive. reaching warriorhood, he will be swift, hard - working ; he dreams of running the moors, racing the winds and rabbits. he pulls his weight with pleasure and it will show in quick, powerful limbs, muscles eventually thick and lean from overuse.
struggles with aphasia, difficulty swallowing & speaking at times. prone to limb spasms and seizures from epilepsy born of acute brain injury.
MOTIFS | ❝ rotting apple cores, open plains, dried wheat, warm browns & off-whites, quiet thunderstorms in the southern countryside, two - headed cattle, cotton, dripping honeycomb. takes inspiration from the poem two headed calf by laura gilpin. finding a brighter side in the 'freakish'.
• when mag is found, he'll be on the very brink of death. at some point be it in camp with echolight or shortly after he's found by thunderpath, he will pass away — only to be brought back by dandy stimulating his breathing again, but the minutes he was left without oxygen will leave him with an anoxic brain injury.
he will have aphasia, often struggling to fully complete a sentence. seems to get stuck on certain words or mix his terms up. though a notable speech impediment in kithood, he will not seem to mind or even notice most of the time. will take some time to speak, but i'd love a thread of his first word,,​
• as he grows, he will aspire to be a moor runner, traversing the hills and hunting rabbit on speed alone. he will beg to train under a runner despite being just below average in size and will have high, high hopes — that will be crushed when, upon his apprenticeship, his mentor will discover that he is unable to run long distances without ' tripping ' over nothing ( muscle spasms ). he will instead be made a tunneler.
— this isn't a plot so much as a character device but i would really like for dandy to instill his ethical code that magnolia will eventually cleave to like some cleave to their gods. he'll be lawful good, but he will either learn directly or construct his own moral compass based on his current clan environment . . .
  • Like
general tw for canon - realistic gore, religious imagery & a loss of identity / derealization. all other triggers will be tagged if applicable.


ultraviolet silence. fracture patterns in the exposed knuckle bones we pray with our knees in the dust but the gods do not answer us — THE PINES CREAK WITH THE WEIGHT OF GHOSTS.
unknown, unknown .

/ vai·luht / a herbaceous plant of temperate regions, typically having purple, blue, or white five-petaled flowers.
lit. associated with death and resurrection. the symbolism likely springs from antiquity, combining this death symbolism with modesty and maidenhood creates a meaning for violet of death too soon.

violetgloom ; blooming violet / cisgender female, she / her pronouns only
⤷ named initially after her mothers favorite color and the flower, violet. after the clans were formed and the loss of her son, she requested to go by violetgloom herself. she does not speak of it.
— briarstar xx amber ; sister to pitchstar, tba, tba / big sister to starlingpaw, marrowpaw & slitherpaw
— shadowclan warrior / speaks with a low, sultry vocal fry / voiceclaim: lana del ray
— heartchart / pinterest / playlist —————————————— ❝ YOURE BEAUTIFUL AND I AM INSANE ❞

lh blue / black chimera bicolor with sour apple eyes / smells like soil & overripe fruit shadows settle over the swamplands and she mirrors it in moonlight, blue - black splashes interwoven in alabaster. a long - legged, stunning beauty amongst the marshes, violet stands unusually tall for a molly, especially one of her clan. to her advantage, her long limbs keep mud in her ivory - splashed pelt at a minimum, caking her forearms where the silken fur is thinnest.
— carrying cinnamon & dilute.
positive : silver - tongued, hard - working, confident negative : arrogant, aloof, tense /
— quirks,,
ISFJ - T | ❝ this type's secret weapon is their purity of intent. generally speaking, they are motivated by a sincere wish to do the right thing rather than a desire to manipulate or have power over other people. even when they disagree with someone, protagonists search for common ground. the result is that people with this personality type can communicate with an eloquence and sensitivity that are nearly impossible to ignore – particularly when they speak about matters that are close to their hearts. ❞
SINGLE ; bisexual, biromantic / difficulty falling in love, trusts slowly but entirely / ½ NA
— physical health : 100%, no illnesses. mental and emotional health : 60% / attack in white
⤷ combat difficulty is not very easy, as he is highly trained in combat ; points calculated using dicemaiden on discord. his physical health tends to drop and rise sporadically, and he tends to acquire a myriad of injuries when living his day to day life. most injuries are simple wear - and - tear marks along his body, primarily around his arms, in the form of minor lacerations and bruising. usually, his health will not dip beneath sixty without having experienced a major injury or illness. if ill or healing from a large injury, i ask you not to engage him in combat unless plotted out with me first. any unplotted attacks in this case will be ignored!
— [ 0 ] maybe crushes / [ 0 ] crushes / [ 0 ] former crushes / love interest undetermined, plots open
trusts : mudpelt, icesparkle, his family. / distrusts : cicadastar. / adopted by none, not open for adoption plots
text text history text

important threads
( ☆ ) interaction ( ★ ) development
thread name ──── brief description.
thread name ──── brief description.
playlist stuff
[justify][SIZE=2][FONT=verdana][COLOR=#5c5c5c][B] −  ♱ [/B][URL=''][COLOR=#5c5c5c][B]ABOUT[/B][/COLOR][/URL][B] :[/B][/COLOR] text text text.

[tabs][SLIDE=out of character][/SLIDE]
− solomon ; he / him, unusually tall black smoke oriental with dandelion eyes
− second, smaller pair of ears beneath his functional set, forty-two months old
− pine group [ skc ], penned by antlers


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general tw for canon - realistic gore, religious imagery & a loss of identity / derealization. all other triggers will be tagged if applicable.


you did not name me. i wrestled that angel myself, spit out blood, came back storm - drenched, came back streaked with clay and stardust, came back singing. i walked from revelation to revelation, through green flame, shattered mountains, every aching famine, and here i am anyway, stronger than all of it. oh harvest moon that is my blood — OH ENDLESSNESS OF THE LIGHT IN ME.
keaton st. james, dictionary poem xlix .

/ vai·luht / a herbaceous plant of temperate regions, typically having purple, blue, or white five-petaled flowers.
lit. associated with death and resurrection. the symbolism likely springs from antiquity, combining this death symbolism with modesty and maidenhood creates a meaning for violet of death too soon.

violetgloom ; blooming violet / cisgender female, she / her pronouns only
⤷ named initially after her mothers favorite color and the flower, violet. after the clans were formed and the loss of her son, she requested to go by violetgloom herself. she does not speak of it.
— briarstar xx amber ; sister to pitchstar, tba, tba / big sister to starlingpaw, marrowpaw & slitherpaw
— shadowclan warrior / speaks with a low, sultry vocal fry / voiceclaim: lana del ray
— heartchart / pinterest / playlist —————————————— ❝ YOURE BEAUTIFUL AND I AM INSANE ❞

lh blue / black chimera bicolor with sour apple eyes / smells like soil & overripe fruit shadows settle over the swamplands and she mirrors it in moonlight, blue - black splashes interwoven in broken alabaster. sharp. porcelain, fine edges, brazen grace clipped roses still speckled with thorns — her shape is thin and jutting, too honed for uncalloused fingertips. too - pale skin sinks into the dips of her skeleton, bony ankles and hollow cheeks, featuring sharp, high bones that create a concave slope down to the contour of her chiseled jaw and pointed, jutting chin. suffering from mafan syndrome, her ribcage is altered ━ a narrow, thin thing, characteristic of those creatures that fall beneath the average weight. what would seem normal is quickly rearranged when you peer past the bib of fur around it, noticing that instead of curving outwards, the breastbone turns in, creating a slope. pectus excavatum, or funnel chest, easily finding herself dangerously short of breath from extended physical exertion. as a result of his disorder, her appearance seems almost stretched, as well as being responsible for her abnormally thin build. despite her angles she is a long - legged, stunning beauty amongst the marshes, violet stands unusually tall for a molly, especially one of her clan. to her advantage, her long limbs keep mud in her ivory - splashed pelt at a minimum, caking her forearms where the silken fur is thinnest. around a delicately notched elbow her fur begins to thicken and feather outward, spiking into jutting clumps around the edges of her slim, whiplike frame, inheriting her family's most notable trait. there seems to be no logic to her spatter - paint coat, draped in shades of shadow and sea, but she will be a shadow of her mother with her fathers towering height. her features are gently sloped and rounded prettily, with high, sharp cheekbones.
— carrying longhair, cinnamon & dilute. offspring can inherit the family's spiky fur.
may also be more susceptible to funnel chest.
positive : confident, witty, honest and intelligent neutral : cocky, high maintenance, silver - tongued, outspoken negative : dismissive, morbid, moody, secretly judgmental / ﹢﹒☆ . graveyard girl. she is a whisper upon darkest shadows, stealth incarnate
— quirks,,
INFJ - T | thoughtful and compassionate, advocates pour a great deal of energy and care into their relationships. this doesn't mean that they always feel appreciated in return. advocates tend to act with great thought and care, and it can frustrate them when other people don't recognize their good intentions. as a result, even constructive criticism may feel incredibly personal or hurtful to these personalities.
SINGLE ; bisexual, biromantic / difficulty falling in love, trusts slowly but entirely / ½ NA
— [ 0 ] maybe crushes / [ 0 ] crushes / [ 0 ] former crushes / love interest undetermined, plots open
trusts : her clan. / distrusts : most. / adopted by none, not open for adoption plots

— physical health : 100%, no illnesses. mental & emotional health : 60% / quote or attack in #996f84
⤷ combat difficulty is not very easy, as she is highly trained in combat ; points calculated using dicemaiden on discord.

potential plots

important threads
( ☆ ) interaction ( ★ ) development
thread name ──── brief description.
thread name ──── brief description.
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[justify][FONT=georgia][COLOR=#9f703c][B] ──⠀ ﹙ † ﹚⠀[/B][URL=][font=georgia][COLOR=#6E4029][B]MORTIS[/B][/COLOR][/font][/URL][B] ⠀: ⠀[/B][/COLOR] [font=verdana]new posting template?

[tabs][SLIDE=꒷꒦ ][/SLIDE]
[slide=INFORMATION][COLOR=#9f703c][b]MARROWPAW[/b][/color] ; cis male, he / him. apprentice of shadowclan
− spiky lh black rosetted bicolor tom with burnt orange eyes
− six months old, mentored by springflame ; penned by antlers

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general tw for religious trauma, child loss, brief animal death and canon - realistic gore. all other triggers will be tagged if applicable.


the man says we were made in god's image, but i was made from him. the snake slithers across my shoulder blades, coils its body around my neck, pulling tight. or is it god's hand? in the shiny skin of the apple i see my own face. i do not see gods — I TAKE A BITE.
abundanceofmetaphors, e.d. .

/ ah • pl / the round fruit of a tree of the rose family, which typically has thin red skin.
lit. biblically, man is laced in a garden with trees of whose fruits he may eat, but forbids him to eat from " the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. " — commonly portrayed as an apple. as a result, the apple became a symbol for knowledge, immortality, temptation, the fall of man and sin

applebite ; apple / cisgender female, she / her pronouns only
⤷ named by gravel storm after the deep red color over her face. suffix -bite for her sharp tongue, ferocity in battle, and after her father, copper bite. prefers titles such as miss & ma'am, but allows nicknames if friends.
— gravel storm xx copper bite ; littermate to juniperfrost, lynx / aunt of squirrelpaw and coyotepaw
— three years old, 40 moons / ages realistically on the eighth
— windclan warrior / former marshlander and vehemently antikittypet / protective and keeps traditional values
— heartchart / pinterest / voiceclaim: amy addams ————— ❝ OF EDEN ❞

lh red ticked tabby with high white & honeydew eyes ❥ ҉ ༄ smells like heather and clove. a rarity amongst the moors, applebite bears the color of ruddy amber and fire, pelted with white. she is bright — always smiling, the edges of evergreen eyes crinkled with warmth. she is a small thing despite her relatively long legs, when put next to the average clan cat she will come about roughly shoulder height at the ears, which are short and lightly tufted with ginger. her features are prim, delicate - muzzled with round, fluffy cheeks and long, curled whiskers. she is pretty and knows it — a wicked russet woman, purring and alluring, never a hair out of place. she keeps herself pristine, well - groomed and sleek with a wispy, naturally - silken licks of ticked red and alabaster.

positive: warm, athletic, resourceful, confident neutral: aloof, proper, prim negative: jealous, dishonest, obsessive, overcritical ୨୧ a bubbly, tittering thing, all smiles and trilling purrs, applebite has always been the golden child. prim, proper, beauty of the moors along with friends she's always been too willing to stab in the back. after a lifetime of pressures, the weight of her kin's perfection on her shoulders — she would do anything to get her way, even if it means manipulating those closest to her. she can't help it, it's the way she was raised : always looking out for number one. that doesn't mean she doesn't have friends, of course. shes always been the queen bee ; the puppet master. to the outer eye, she is one of the sweetest souls you could know — though confident and fiery, apple presents herself as a presence warm as a hearth in leafbare. a confidant, a safe space . . but only those closest to her are truly safe.
struggles with feline ocd. tends to pace, overgroom, most notably pushes too hard during training.
MOTIFS | ❝ ruby red, rotting apple cores, mangled roots, dried wheat, two - headed cattle, dripping honeycomb.
• this is operating under the assumption she was born the only girl! if they have another sister i will. adjust a little.
born the runt, born female — the lone sister. she is smaller than the rest of her litter, smaller than most, a round, mewling tuft of kittish white - red.​
• before joining hare whiskers' group, gravel storm and copper bite raised their children with intention. they raised their children harshly, with little cushion to shield them when they fell — and they fell hard, in a brutal pre-clan world. she began training at two months old, the moment she was able to hold her head up by herself. her mother, a naturally small molly, taught her to be fast, while her father, preoccupied with his sons, ignored her — and her brothers, inadvertently, taught her to defend herself. they were not kind, certainly not to the molly — a naturally soft - voiced, humming thing, interested in butterflies and chasing rabbit. she grew up quick and grew up wicked, grew up a force in her family. she had no other choice. she trained herself to be quick by chasing rabbit, taught precision by pinning butterflies. she is athletic, lean with wiry muscle and always sharp - clawed.
• her family joined the marsh group and she begins the pre-clan version of training under elder warriors, befriends a character ( character b ). they are extremely close, they grow up together! very overworked, trained harshly even more. ideally a mean girls type group.. but character b gets separated after the war, going to another clan. may adopt this character out of no one has an established character bc maybe apple has feelings for her,,,, soooo
• potential crossclan love interest slowburn!! obsessively loyal to windclan and sootstar but she will be my eventual dark forest character i want to cause her some pain. i want this relationship to eventually be found out by character c ( a close friend ), that she eventually corners at the gorge and begs not to tell, but after a small shouting match they fall over despite her trying to save them. she stops seeing the romantic interest after this, starts seeing the deceased everywhere. goes a little girlboss mode after this but this is the general path i really want ( and if anyone reading would be interested messaging me i'm begging ).
— holds herself to too high a standard as a result of her upbringing, followed soot to windclan. may contact ava and see if they could be childhood friends,,, some bad bitch besties. unwaveringly loyal to her but it's because she was raised to follow her best chance of survival, and she believes it is with soot!