let the world burn
- Dec 22, 2023
- 193
- 52
- 28
The coward won't even look her in the eye. Skyclaw ignored her entirely, making his way to the front of the clan to address Howlingstar instead. Her paws begin to move that direction but then Redflower was in her face, sneering at her as if she were something to be laughed at. "Don't be a sore loser, Palefire. He's where he belongs." Her vision turned red and her lips pulled back in a vicious snarl, revealing fangs that longed to rip into her pretty patchwork fur. But Rowanthorn's appearance at her side cleared the fog somewhat, and she managed to pull back and grit her teeth instead. "You're pathetic, and you both deserve to rot together," she hissed furiously, and tried not to think about how much her heart still ached.
Many voices sounded out across the camp in opposition to Skyclaw and his forces, but she struggled to hear his conversation with Howlingstar over all the noise. She hesitated to rip her gaze away from her opponent, knowing that the second she turned her back Redflower would take the opportunity to strike. She could already see the mollie's muscles tensing, prepared to pounce as soon as Palefire let her guard down. But the brush of soft fur against her own distracted her, pulled her attention down to her side where Meadowpaw now pressed against her.
In all her fury and heartache, she hadn't thought to find her apprentice and her gut clenched at her own negligence. Of course, Meadowpaw would be scared, confused, and likely conflicted as her own uncle marched against her great grandmother. She quickly lowered her head to press her muzzle against the girl's ear, a gesture she hoped would be a comfort and a promise to keep her safe. I will keep her safe. But as quickly as she touched red fur, Meadowpaw was pulling away from her, murmuring a soft "I'm sorry" as she went.
Palefire's eyes widened with despair as she watched her apprentice move to her sister's side, a clear indication of where her loyalties had settled. She wanted to feel the same anger she saw reflected in her clanmates narrowed gazes as they, too, watched the scene unfold. But she didn't. She only felt a deep, nauseating sadness for the girl. What else could she do? She was too young to understand the real consequences of such a choice. That was her family, and Palefire knew that was the only thought in Meadowpaw's mind in that moment.
"It's okay," she whispered back brokenly, her voice catching on the words. The rest of the commotion fell away and she gazed deeply into innocent green eyes, now swimming with internal conflict. "It's okay. But it doesn't have to be us or them, Meadowpaw. You can still do the right thing, and it doesn't mean you love your family any less." Words that she'd wished someone would have told her, all those moons ago, when she'd made a terrible mistake for the sake of not letting her friends down. She could've chosen to stay, to protect her clan, and it wouldn't have made her a bad friend. She will not make the same mistake again.
The argument behind her had been momentarily forgotten, but the sudden, sick crack of a body hitting the ground froze her blood. A chilling moment of silence was followed by gasps and screams of dismay all around the camp. Too scared to even breath, Palefire slowly turned to look back, forgetting the threat of Redflower as her icy gaze fell on the still form of her leader. Howlingstar, so fierce, so steadfast, now lay quiet and bloody at the base of the Highrock, where Skyclaw stood looking triumphant. He'd…. He'd actually killed her…
All this time, a part of her had still hoped this was a sick joke; or maybe, he didn't really want to do this. Maybe, he could be talked out of it. But now, as she stared in horror at the dark tabby who had been the only leader she'd ever known, the reality of his crimes finally sank in. Her role model, the first one who had forgiven her after the night of the wolf attack. Howlingstar had been the one who believed in her, who saw that she could still be more than just a nuisance or a sharp tongue. She felt sick, bile rising to the back of her throat and threatening to make her heave. Fresh tears stung her eyes, and she struggled to pull in a shaky breath.
The events that followed were a blur. Flamewhisker tried to reach their fallen leader, but was pushed back by Skyclaw's forces. "Stand down." How could they do that now? They were supposed to just submit, after all this? Mousenose was the first to speak out, and she could do nothing but watch as the young warrior, once so loud-mouthed and irritating, was struck down by Ravenstrike. "Help me." The desperate plea rang sickeningly in her ears. She'd always hated the ebony warrior, and now she wanted nothing more than to tear out her throat. But no one was moving, no one was doing anything, save for the kittypet-blooded members who were rightly trying to flee for their lives.
Her blood boiled. Her hackles rose, and as Skyclaw made the last of his ridiculous commands, she turned to face him. "You're a hypocrite and a coward, Skyclaw. You don't deserve to lead this clan. How dare you stand where she stood, and claim that the kittypets are the problem. Have you forgotten that the same blood runs through your veins as well?" she spat viciously, squaring her shoulders as her tail lashed behind her. The voice in her mind screamed at her to do something, to jump up there where he sat so confidently and rake her claws so deep that the earth ran red with his blood. She had nothing to lose, did she?
But then she spotted Meadowpaw again, standing small in the center of camp, clearly unaware of the position she had just taken. Palefire was still her mentor, regardless of the outcome of this atrocity. It was her responsibility to protect and guide the young tabby. She couldn't do that if she were dead, or if she fled with the rest of her clanmates. She had to stay and make sure that Meadowpaw escaped this nightmare unscathed, and on the right side. So, she would not push back as far as she wanted to. But she could not resist turning back to Redflower, a cold, deranged smirk tracing her lips as she took a small step closer, lowering her voice so only she could hear. "I'm going to kill you." Her words dripped with promised violence. "Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but soon. I will tear you apart, slowly, and make your beloved rats watch you bleed."
Many voices sounded out across the camp in opposition to Skyclaw and his forces, but she struggled to hear his conversation with Howlingstar over all the noise. She hesitated to rip her gaze away from her opponent, knowing that the second she turned her back Redflower would take the opportunity to strike. She could already see the mollie's muscles tensing, prepared to pounce as soon as Palefire let her guard down. But the brush of soft fur against her own distracted her, pulled her attention down to her side where Meadowpaw now pressed against her.
In all her fury and heartache, she hadn't thought to find her apprentice and her gut clenched at her own negligence. Of course, Meadowpaw would be scared, confused, and likely conflicted as her own uncle marched against her great grandmother. She quickly lowered her head to press her muzzle against the girl's ear, a gesture she hoped would be a comfort and a promise to keep her safe. I will keep her safe. But as quickly as she touched red fur, Meadowpaw was pulling away from her, murmuring a soft "I'm sorry" as she went.
Palefire's eyes widened with despair as she watched her apprentice move to her sister's side, a clear indication of where her loyalties had settled. She wanted to feel the same anger she saw reflected in her clanmates narrowed gazes as they, too, watched the scene unfold. But she didn't. She only felt a deep, nauseating sadness for the girl. What else could she do? She was too young to understand the real consequences of such a choice. That was her family, and Palefire knew that was the only thought in Meadowpaw's mind in that moment.
"It's okay," she whispered back brokenly, her voice catching on the words. The rest of the commotion fell away and she gazed deeply into innocent green eyes, now swimming with internal conflict. "It's okay. But it doesn't have to be us or them, Meadowpaw. You can still do the right thing, and it doesn't mean you love your family any less." Words that she'd wished someone would have told her, all those moons ago, when she'd made a terrible mistake for the sake of not letting her friends down. She could've chosen to stay, to protect her clan, and it wouldn't have made her a bad friend. She will not make the same mistake again.
The argument behind her had been momentarily forgotten, but the sudden, sick crack of a body hitting the ground froze her blood. A chilling moment of silence was followed by gasps and screams of dismay all around the camp. Too scared to even breath, Palefire slowly turned to look back, forgetting the threat of Redflower as her icy gaze fell on the still form of her leader. Howlingstar, so fierce, so steadfast, now lay quiet and bloody at the base of the Highrock, where Skyclaw stood looking triumphant. He'd…. He'd actually killed her…
All this time, a part of her had still hoped this was a sick joke; or maybe, he didn't really want to do this. Maybe, he could be talked out of it. But now, as she stared in horror at the dark tabby who had been the only leader she'd ever known, the reality of his crimes finally sank in. Her role model, the first one who had forgiven her after the night of the wolf attack. Howlingstar had been the one who believed in her, who saw that she could still be more than just a nuisance or a sharp tongue. She felt sick, bile rising to the back of her throat and threatening to make her heave. Fresh tears stung her eyes, and she struggled to pull in a shaky breath.
The events that followed were a blur. Flamewhisker tried to reach their fallen leader, but was pushed back by Skyclaw's forces. "Stand down." How could they do that now? They were supposed to just submit, after all this? Mousenose was the first to speak out, and she could do nothing but watch as the young warrior, once so loud-mouthed and irritating, was struck down by Ravenstrike. "Help me." The desperate plea rang sickeningly in her ears. She'd always hated the ebony warrior, and now she wanted nothing more than to tear out her throat. But no one was moving, no one was doing anything, save for the kittypet-blooded members who were rightly trying to flee for their lives.
Her blood boiled. Her hackles rose, and as Skyclaw made the last of his ridiculous commands, she turned to face him. "You're a hypocrite and a coward, Skyclaw. You don't deserve to lead this clan. How dare you stand where she stood, and claim that the kittypets are the problem. Have you forgotten that the same blood runs through your veins as well?" she spat viciously, squaring her shoulders as her tail lashed behind her. The voice in her mind screamed at her to do something, to jump up there where he sat so confidently and rake her claws so deep that the earth ran red with his blood. She had nothing to lose, did she?
But then she spotted Meadowpaw again, standing small in the center of camp, clearly unaware of the position she had just taken. Palefire was still her mentor, regardless of the outcome of this atrocity. It was her responsibility to protect and guide the young tabby. She couldn't do that if she were dead, or if she fled with the rest of her clanmates. She had to stay and make sure that Meadowpaw escaped this nightmare unscathed, and on the right side. So, she would not push back as far as she wanted to. But she could not resist turning back to Redflower, a cold, deranged smirk tracing her lips as she took a small step closer, lowering her voice so only she could hear. "I'm going to kill you." Her words dripped with promised violence. "Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but soon. I will tear you apart, slowly, and make your beloved rats watch you bleed."
- [ I know she's being bratty so feel free to beat her up a bit <3 ]
⭃ lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes
⭃ single, padding after skyclaw /npcxnpc/ sister to bluestride
⭃ mentoring meadowpaw & ivorypaw / mentored by nightbird
⭃ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / all opinions ic
⭃ underline and tag when attacking
⭃ penned by limerence ↛ @limericks. on discord, dm for plots.
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