Floppie's Bestest and COOLEST Storage

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer fermentum nulla turpis, at blandit erat hendrerit eget. Donec viverra facilisis ipsum, ullamcorper fermentum est. Vivamus tincidunt enim euismod erat iaculis semper. Maecenas accumsan leo neque, sit amet tincidunt nibh convallis et. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut varius fringilla egestas. Quisque at elementum lacus, maximus tincidunt eros. Suspendisse sollicitudin blandit justo eget viverra. Duis scelerisque mi purus, ut venenatis lacus molestie vitae. Vivamus finibus elit vitae volutpat molestie. Cras mauris tellus, fringilla in mi a, ullamcorper varius felis. Vivamus malesuada mi eu lacus rutrum euismod. Sed vel volutpat massa, at euismod ex. "Duis tincidunt ligula id sapien consequat, quis blandit ante porta. Proin et quam ante."
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas varius nibh nisi, ut pharetra eros sodales ac. Sed erat nulla, faucibus sed sodales sed, vestibulum vitae leo. Nam at leo dui. Sed lobortis porttitor dolor, et facilisis enim elementum eu. Nam sed felis a est vulputate porta et faucibus lectus. Duis tortor nibh, scelerisque sit amet scelerisque et, volutpat vel nunc. Nam tincidunt leo sem, non rutrum diam ultricies a. Proin commodo nunc a sem vehicula fringilla. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris arcu dui, volutpat nec augue sagittis, imperdiet tempus massa. Duis vestibulum ex lorem, dignissim placerat enim ultricies non. Sed nec libero a metus venenatis malesuada eu feugiat odio. Sed dictum orci non velit molestie tempor. Nam aliquet felis ex, vel malesuada ligula hendrerit nec. "Praesent viverra turpis enim, sed hendrerit ante sagittis id. Nullam tincidunt orci in pharetra eleifend."
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec est sed nulla facilisis ullamcorper vulputate id purus. Etiam scelerisque nibh neque, ac accumsan arcu consequat sed. Vestibulum non odio nec ligula vehicula tincidunt non nec magna. Sed pretium dui maximus tortor suscipit, at ornare nulla placerat. Mauris laoreet, magna sit amet dignissim iaculis, elit nibh malesuada nibh, ut consectetur tortor eros vitae orci. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam nec diam mauris. Morbi ullamcorper lacus velit, et mollis elit venenatis at. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Curabitur ullamcorper magna est, quis fermentum nisl dapibus at. Nullam laoreet cursus mattis. "Praesent at risus luctus magna molestie posuere vel id diam."
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur rutrum dolor sit amet quam pellentesque, quis tristique ante faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus suscipit porttitor eros, nec fermentum urna efficitur et. Proin facilisis, orci sit amet blandit maximus, neque nisl blandit mi, quis tincidunt nisi elit ut tortor. Nunc euismod velit ut augue tincidunt tincidunt. Integer tincidunt ante mauris, quis fringilla augue dapibus non. Sed ultricies tempor risus, a consequat odio. Cras ut tortor vel nunc aliquet faucibus in ac arcu. Vestibulum ut ultricies justo. Nunc malesuada iaculis eros, ac suscipit elit lacinia eu. Sed mauris quam, scelerisque vel consequat sit amet, sodales eget nulla. Praesent dapibus in felis vitae interdum. Proin sit amet diam laoreet, efficitur nulla vitae, semper orci. Morbi mi purus, dapibus at purus a, malesuada sollicitudin lorem. "In bibendum mauris vitae magna consectetur scelerisque ac ut mauris."

View attachment 614

FEMALE - #a6c7dc MALE - #3067a3 NONBINARY - #4da6a6

  • Welcome to the RiverClan Census, please make sure to read the below before adding your character to it!
    Check the OFFICIAL RIVERCLAN GUIDE and THE RIVERCLAN DISCORD to plot with your fellow fishcats!

  • Leader
    SMOKESTAR - a large, heavily scarred black tom with vitiligo and one intense orange eye. [ @Smokestar ]
    ──── Mentoring Beepaw (& temporarily Cicadapaw)

    - blue point with a white blaze and ice blue eyes. [ @lichentail ]

    Medicine Cat & Apprentice
    RAVENSONG - a slender black tom with large ears and green-blue eyes [ @RAVENSONG ]
    ──── MOONPAW - a solid white she-cat with rounded ears and orange eyes [ @Moonpaw ]

    Lead Warriors
    SNAKEBLINK- a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye. [ @Snakeblink ]
    ──── Mentoring Turtlepaw
    PETALNOSE - a brown tabby piebald with medium-length fur and brown eyes with a blue spot on the left eye. [ @Petalnose ]
    ──── Mentoring Cricketpaw
    ICICLEFANG - tortoiseshell with a white face marking and paws and ice-blue eyes. [ @iciclefang ]
    ──── Mentoring Cicadapaw
    FERNGILL - small, handsome ginger tabby with luminous aqua eyes. [ @FERNGILL ]

    - a shorthaired blue mackerel tabby with green eyes [ @PIKESPLASH ]
    ──── Mentoring Nettlepaw
    ASPENHAZE- a lithe tortoiseshell point cat with long fur and blue eyes [ @Aspenhaze ]
    ──── Mentoring Bubblepaw
    WILLOWROOT - longhaired black smoke oriental femme with sage green eyes. [ @willowroot ]
    ──── Mentoring Minkpaw
    ROOKFANG - a lean ash brown tom with heterochromatic blue-gold eyes [ @ROOKFANG ]
    ──── Mentoring Bumblepaw
    COYOTECREEK - an orange and white tabby tom with gold and blue heterochromia. [ @coyotecreek ]
    ──── Mentoring Otterpaw
    HAZEWISH - a small and round cat with long, blue silver tabby fur and copper eyes. [ @Hazewish ]
    MOSSPOOL - longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. @Mosspool
    REDPATH - A fiery orange molly with one golden and one blue eye. [ @Redpath ]
    ──── Mentoring Valepaw
    SILVERBREATH - a short-haired silver tabby tom with mint green eyes [ @Silverbreath ]
    ──── Mentoring Goldenpaw
    BOUNCEHEART - a cool toned gray tabby with white markings and light blue eyes. [ @Bounceheart ]
    FEATHERGAZE - LH silver mackerel tabby with pale green eyes. [ @Feathergaze ]
    FOXTAIL - a cinnamon/chocolate tabby chimera with high white and green eyes [ @FOXTAIL ]
    LILACBIRD - a fluffy lilac tortie with cerulean eyes. [ @Lilacbird ]
    ──── Wavepaw
    GILLSIGHT - a small black and white tom with yellow eyes. [ @GILLSIGHT ]
    DEWCLOUD - a long furred, blue tabby and white tom with blue eyes. [ @DEWCLOUD ]
    DIPPERFROST - tall, curly blue tabby and white she-cat with blue and yellow eyes [ @DIPPERFROST ]
    SWIFTFIRE - a shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera with spring green eyes. [ @SWIFTFIRE ]
    HAWKCLOUD - white-and-ginger she-cat with a bitten off tail. [ @Hawkcloud ]
    RATWHISKER - large long-haired solid black tom with yellow eyes [ @RATWHISKER ]
    FRONDFEATHER - muscular charcoal and blue tabby she-cat with leaf green eyes [ @FRONDFEATHER. ]
    LAKEMOON - a heavy scarred, lanky blue tabby she cat with white paws and navy blue eyes. [ @Lakemoon . ]
    RIMEFANG - a blue tabby with high white and icy blue eyes. [ @Rimefang ]
    LARCHTUFT - a brown tabby tom with yellow eyes and a perennially scruffy pelt. [ @Larchtuft ]
    BRONZESHINE - deep orange she-cat with green eyes [ @BRONZESHINE ]
    BROOKSTORM - a sturdy, blue furred she-cat with curled ears and green eyes [ @brookstorm ]
    ROBINHEART - longhaired tortoiseshell with low white & yellow eyes [ @robinheart ]

    - a black / fawn chimera smoke with dual-toned yellow and blue eyes ( low-white ) [ @DAWNSTORM ]
    CRASHINGTIDE - A giant, marred brown tabby tom with one blue and one ember eye. [ @CRASHINGTIDE ]
    ──── Mentoring Asphodelpaw
    PERCHBERRY - a small built black and white tom with dark blue eyes. [ @PERCHBERRY ]

    - a scruffy black and blue chimera with green eyes. [ @otterpaw ]
    BEEPAW - a short, curly furred black and white molly with blue & amber eyes [ @BEEPAW ]
    CICADAPAW - gangly, curly-furred black and white tom with amber & blue eyes [ @CICADAPAW ]
    CRICKETPAW - slender, curly-furred black smoke with cloudy blue eyes [ @STARLIGHTPAW ]
    BUMBLEPAW - a long wiry oriental cat with inky black fur and bright yellow eyes. [ @Bumblepaw ]
    ASPHODELPAW - A skinny, short-furred silver lynx point with icy blue eyes [ @Asphodelpaw ]
    BUBBLEPAW - silver spotted tabby with light green eyes. [ @bubblepaw ]
    WAVEPAW - a long-hair blue tom with white markings and ocean blue eyes. [ @Wavepaw ]
    SANDPAW - tan-splotched tom with bright yellow eyes. [ @SANDPAW ]
    TURTLEPAW - stocky silver charcoal tabby with a stubby tail and green eyes [ @turtlepaw ]
    MAPLEPAW - fawn tortie with sage green eyes and splashes of white [ @maplepaw. ]
    MINKPAW - blue-eyed long-furred molly with a cream pelt that darkens around her paws, tail tip, and face. [ @Minkpaw! ]
    DUCKPAW - long-haired black and white she-cat with a silver ruffle. [ @DUCKPAW ]

    VALEPAW- a fluffy cream and brown tabby chimera with yellow-green eyes [ @valepaw ➶ ]
    CLAYPAW - a tall and strong chocolate torbie with mismatched yellow-orange eyes. [ @claypaw ]

  • Queens & Kits
    - a longhaired blue smoke with green eyes. [ @hazecloud ]
    ──── HORIZONKIT - a grey tabby with white blotches and mossy eyes. [ @HORIZONKIT ]
    ──── Twinklekit
    ──── Eveningkit

    ──── SHELLKIT - a delicate alabaster she-cat with lilac striping and watery amber eyes. [ @SHELLKIT ]
    ──── PEBBLEKIT - a longhaired blue tabby with white splashes and orange eyes. [ @PEBBLEKIT. ]
    ──── RIVERKIT - a fluffy blue tabby with harsh white and seafoam eyes. [ @RIVERKIT ]

    ICICLEFANG - tortoiseshell with a white face marking and paws and ice-blue eyes. [ @iciclefang ]



A character may apply to be added to the census after THREE ( 3 ) In-Character posts with them have been made! A census clean-up is done every two weeks within reason. Please make sure to add yourself to the census to be chosen for future patrols!

If your character is removed for the 2 week inactivity you need to meet the same three IC post requirements to be re-added!

If your character is a Drypaw (A cat who does not know how to swim for one reason or another) then please leave the ☀ on your form. If your cat is NOT a drypaw, then remove this part entirely.

NAME [ ♀/ ♂/ ⚥ ] - ☀ RANK  — Short Description. [ @/CHARACTERACCOUNT ]
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi volutpat orci id erat pulvinar viverra. Duis luctus turpis at metus pretium, vitae convallis odio laoreet. Morbi faucibus quis augue et cursus. Vestibulum tempor, nulla vitae scelerisque ornare, tellus lectus vestibulum erat, eget fermentum lacus odio ornare dui. Nam nec neque elit. Etiam eu diam leo. Sed aliquam bibendum sollicitudin. Morbi eu dignissim ipsum. Fusce pellentesque elit ex, in finibus dui ultricies quis. Suspendisse dignissim, nulla nec pretium imperdiet, turpis magna mattis est, eget fermentum felis dui et metus. Donec quis iaculis quam, at fermentum sapien.

Pellentesque non accumsan nibh. Phasellus facilisis iaculis libero, vitae feugiat leo mattis vel. Vivamus ut arcu eget odio vulputate ultrices vel vel est. Nunc in magna urna. Duis in neque quis erat facilisis rutrum. Phasellus vitae auctor lorem, dictum consequat justo. Donec vel purus placerat, porttitor ipsum vel, ullamcorper diam. Ut eu dictum sapien. Aenean ornare finibus felis, ut vehicula turpis feugiat sed. " Donec diam sem, facilisis et nibh ac, vestibulum laoreet odio. "
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, urna consequat felis vehicula class ultricies mollis dictumst, aenean non a in donec nulla. Phasellus ante pellentesque erat cum risus consequat imperdiet aliquam, integer placerat et turpis mi eros nec lobortis taciti, vehicula nisl litora tellus ligula porttitor metus.

Vivamus integer non suscipit taciti mus etiam at primis tempor sagittis sit, euismod libero facilisi aptent elementum felis blandit cursus gravida sociis erat ante, eleifend lectus nullam dapibus netus feugiat curae curabitur est ad. Massa curae fringilla porttitor quam sollicitelltudin iaculis aptent leo ligula euismod dictumst, orci penatibus mauris eros etiam praesent erat volutpat posuere hac. " Metus fringilla nec ullamcorper odio aliquam lacinia conubia mauris tempor, etiam ultricies proin quisque lectus sociis id tristique. "

  • 3BD3RfU.png

  • [ PAY MORE FOR OLD ADVICE ] WASPRATTLE: RiverClan Warrior ; Brother to Cicadastar

    & He / him , fine with they / them pronouns as well.
    & 52 moons old as of 12.27.2023 ; ages every 1st

    a strikingly tall tabby tom striped shades of warm amber and brown. dons a four - pointed star on his forehead as well as a white tail - tip and golden eyes. typically wears a too - intense stare that is not telling of his nature. despite his outward appearance, he tends to make himself quite small. particularly interested in the experience of living.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing, elit lacinia nam facilisis pellentesque, fusce aliquet feugiat etiam odio. Hac odio vitae iaculis consectetur mi mus sem donec volutpat etiam fringilla id bibendum, interdum a suscipit habitant vivamus aptent ac montes condimentum nam tristique vehicula. Adipiscing suscipit donec ipsum cubilia himenaeos gravida dui cursus risus ultricies dapibus potenti sem pretium duis metus, nam facilisi volutpat quisque curabitur penatibus inceptos elit egestas blandit ligula varius elementum sagittis. Vestibulum felis habitant nec faucibus duis aenean pellentesque ut mollis amet at, commodo curabitur congue dictumst lacinia semper rutrum varius risus ultrices mattis pulvinar, platea bibendum laoreet cras tempor etiam tincidunt hendrerit condimentum curae. Vivamus cum magna urna habitasse a mattis convallis montes rutrum bibendum, "sapien in sagittis ridiculus odio penatibus fermentum nascetur nec ligula, risus vestibulum litora eleifend et volutpat praesent ut amet."
Mollis pretium lorem primis senectus habitasse lectus scelerisque donec, ultricies tortor suspendisse adipiscing fusce morbi volutpat pellentesque, consectetur mi risus molestie curae malesuada cum. Dignissim lacus convallis massa mauris enim ad mattis magnis senectus montes, mollis taciti phasellus accumsan bibendum semper blandit suspendisse faucibus nibh est, metus lobortis morbi cras magna vivamus per risus fermentum. Dapibus imperdiet praesent magnis ridiculus congue gravida curabitur dictum sagittis, enim et magna sit inceptos sodales parturient pharetra mollis, "aenean vel nostra tellus commodo pretium sapien sociosqu."


WHY IS STAFF SO STRICT ABOUT STARCLAN ON TT? I think we can all agree the books did not handle StarClan well at all. Sometimes they were portrayed as all-powerful and all-knowing, sometimes they were weak and clueless, and sometimes they were straight up jerks. That’s the consequence of multiple authors, after all, and that’s exactly why we strictly control StarClan’s behavior here. We are committed to TT’s StarClan being benevolent, powerful to an extent, and protective of the clans, which is why staff thoroughly discusses every interaction involving them. If we allowed free reign of StarClan, it could quickly turn into a situation like in canon where they are amazing one second and awful and heartless the next, creating inconsistencies in the game.

WILL THE DARK FOREST EVER EXIST? Yes! But not for a while. There is a plan in place for this. For now, character who would normally go to the Dark Forest will simply fade into limbo until it’s creation.

HOW DOES STAFF DECIDE WHO GOES TO STARCLAN AND WHO GOES TO THE DARK FOREST? First of all, a cat must believe in StarClan in order to go to an afterlife. If they do not, they will simply fade away into a ghost when they die, perhaps going to another afterlife that will not interact with the game any longer. If they do, staff asks these questions:
1. Did they live an honorable life?
2. Did they follow the Warrior Code?
3. If they broke the Warrior Code, what was their reason for breaking it? Did they believe they were acting in the best interest of their clan?
4. Will they be a danger to others, living or dead, in StarClan?​
These answers determine where a character goes after dying. If your character is failing around 2-3 of these depending on severity, they’ll likely be Dark Forest bound.

WHY IS STARCLAN INTERACTION SO LIMITED? For lack of better words, we've learned from the past. Many of us are from FF, and StarClan there was a free-for-all. Everyone and their mom would have StarClan visions and dreams and so on, and it resulted in two things: 1. medicine cats were made pretty useless when it came to being the clan's connection to StarClan, and 2. StarClan was no longer this mysterious entity, but instead a daily occurrence. If we did allow more interactions, who gets to have them and why? Where do we draw the line? There is no fair way to decide. Therefore, we strictly limit StarClan interactions to medicine cats, MCAs, and leaders (with the potential for exceptions, perhaps).

SO WHAT HAPPENS WHEN MY CHARACTER DIES? They get a StarClan escort! It would likely be someone who was close with them, and their spirit will be there to meet your character's spirit when it's time for them to go. No one else will be able to see them as they're guided to StarClan. Of course, they can reject this escort and refuse to go to StarClan, but don't count on having many fun starry interactions if you do that! Cats destined for the Dark Forest will simply go into limbo; when the Dark Forest exists, a cat will simply wake up there immediately after dying. No escort, no guide - they will just find themselves alone in the darkness.

WHAT CAN MY CHARACTER DO AS A STARCLANNER? Did you know you can actually use the StarClan subboard to RP your characters together in StarClan? Additionally, you are more than welcome to plot with medicine cats and leaders to have them visit either in dreams or at the Moonstone - just remember to clear these interaction with staff, first!​
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THEIR STORY: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam quis elementum mauris. Nulla facilisi. Mauris varius ex tellus, vitae sagittis nibh cursus eget. In id sodales purus. Sed semper erat eget tortor efficitur dictum. Vivamus sapien est, ornare sit amet bibendum vitae, hendrerit a nisl. Mauris a ipsum vel arcu dictum ullamcorper nec sed diam. Nulla tristique nec leo sed suscipit.

— Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
— Mauris varius ex tellus, vitae sagittis nibh cursus eget.

— nieces / nephews to ?
— cousins to ?
— grandchildren to ?
Sire: swagcat (carrying cringe, chad, & mf)
Dam: mf chad tabby (carrying cringe)

Toms can be swag, swag tabby, swag chad tabby, mf cringe, mf cringe tabby, or mf chad tabby
She-cats can be swag, swag tabby, mf cringe, mf chad, mf cringe tabby, mf chad tabby, or mf chad cringe tabby
- kits can be balling or not balling
- kits may have any amount of silliness or lack thereof
- cringe kits will have bitcoin, non-cringe kits may touch grass
- non-mf kits will carry mf




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam placerat pretium nulla eget lacinia. Pellentesque iaculis, eros et molestie convallis, sapien est euismod mauris, sit amet facilisis neque lacus eu sem. Aliquam consequat eget tellus feugiat volutpat. Proin eget justo ac tellus commodo tincidunt eget ac orci. Morbi vitae rhoncus nibh, non euismod dolor. Etiam at sapien felis. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum finibus mauris dui, eget interdum dolor viverra in. Morbi at vulputate augue. Proin enim leo, pretium tincidunt neque non, tempus blandit turpis. In congue mi erat, ac molestie nibh cursus non. Integer eget mauris vitae sapien euismod sodales.

Aenean in pellentesque nisi. Suspendisse varius nisl eu velit malesuada malesuada eu quis risus. Aenean a neque quis enim molestie blandit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut eget massa condimentum nunc mattis consectetur. Quisque et diam dictum, vulputate ante aliquet, efficitur neque. Sed nec justo in eros dignissim tempor nec sed turpis. Sed lobortis sapien felis. In congue et tortor at ultrices. Mauris convallis vehicula velit at ullamcorper. Sed facilisis ante nec purus accumsan, in dapibus lorem faucibus. Ut id felis lobortis, posuere risus sed, aliquet ipsum. Aliquam turpis est, venenatis sit amet hendrerit sed, tempus nec felis. In fringilla tellus in lacus rhoncus, gravida porta sapien ornare. " Integer sed mi sagittis, egestas justo varius, accumsan felis. Nullam ultrices nibh faucibus orci aliquet placerat. "

OOC: . . .
You know it isn't "Legos". You've had FUCKING YEARS to adjust to the actual, correct way to say the term. *It's Lego. Lego bricks, Lego sets, Lego kits, Lego mini-figures, Lego City.

There are no such things as "Legos". They don't exist. "Lego" refers to the COMPANY THAT MAKES THE TOY, and thus the shortening Lego is acceptable. Saying "I'm playing with my Lego" works because it's referring to the sets themselves: The individuals aspects that make of the toy from the bricks to the mini-figures to the electronics to the other little parts. It isn't claiming that the fucking square bricks are each a Lego. THE ENTIRE THING IS. If you were to say "I'm playing with my Legos" that implies that you're playing with at least two different types of Lego set at once, i.e. Lego City and Bionicle.

Still saying LEGOS after all these years makes you look like an assclown. Here in Europe, the continent responsible for this toy (no, it wasn't made by America, no matter how much your capitalistic toy industry wants you to think), *you'd be laughed out of the room if you said that.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tincidunt nec massa ut accumsan. Morbi justo sapien, scelerisque eu sollicitudin quis, faucibus non enim. Sed lacinia ante hendrerit nibh maximus semper. Aliquam commodo viverra ullamcorper. Integer massa libero, fringilla ut dictum sit amet, ullamcorper in mi. Quisque quam risus, iaculis in sollicitudin nec, faucibus eu mi. Phasellus facilisis arcu sapien, sit amet interdum dui maximus ac. Praesent auctor, erat ullamcorper auctor facilisis, est risus laoreet elit, eu sodales erat ipsum vitae justo. Fusce tempor mattis massa ac interdum. Donec convallis semper nulla, in volutpat risus cursus non. Praesent vel lorem efficitur, maximus augue ac, mollis magna. Pellentesque sollicitudin varius augue, vitae luctus purus sollicitudin a. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam varius, est non sodales finibus, " ex nunc faucibus nisi, nec vulputate magna lorem ut odio. "

  • ooc: meow :3
  • 62679320_aAyEWaDNUzzbMpJ.png

    tiny, curly - furred albino tom with teary pink eyes. ; dreamy – eyed and dreamy – minded, Lambcurl drags himself across the land with an ever-present smile and glassy bug eyes. Deeply honored to hold his position as a tunneler and whisperingly reverent with everything he does. Somewhat unnerving in ideals and the way he speaks, but he means well.
    — tentative voice claim: fox mulder
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque luctus mi eu turpis pulvinar, in vestibulum risus viverra. Pellentesque porta vitae dui sit amet placerat. Praesent ac leo pellentesque nunc sollicitudin interdum nec elementum ligula. Nam feugiat pellentesque nisi sit amet congue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis vitae lectus a magna porttitor convallis ac ac massa. Integer accumsan, purus ac tristique posuere, diam ipsum mollis neque, sit amet scelerisque nisi leo sit amet velit. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi vitae nulla at leo ultricies finibus scelerisque ut lorem. Ut pharetra dui a aliquet vulputate. Maecenas commodo mauris ac erat tristique eleifend. Cras ullamcorper risus in pretium volutpat. Mauris viverra a nulla et convallis. "Duis vel auctor leo, id tincidunt ante. Vivamus at suscipit urna."
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer imperdiet mi massa, ut consequat nisl lacinia eu. Aenean mattis nulla eget neque tempus, ornare suscipit erat congue. Curabitur pulvinar faucibus ex ac aliquet. Quisque ultricies auctor neque, vitae imperdiet ligula elementum vel. Nam felis augue, dictum sit amet pellentesque sit amet, lacinia vel enim. Integer tempor lacinia elit vel blandit. Pellentesque posuere turpis non euismod facilisis. Nullam commodo vehicula justo pellentesque fermentum. Cras eu purus libero. Quisque mattis mattis dui, ut mollis libero blandit vel. Pellentesque nibh ipsum, interdum eu mauris eu, tempus vulputate eros. Donec venenatis in diam vel suscipit.

Mauris laoreet odio dolor, quis posuere nulla elementum vitae. Proin pharetra felis vitae placerat varius. Integer magna purus, ullamcorper vitae mi eget, eleifend vestibulum mauris. Sed tincidunt dolor quis lectus faucibus, pretium interdum ante pellentesque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin ut lacus consectetur, pretium felis sed, bibendum enim. Maecenas vel leo tempor, pretium odio sit amet, sodales velit. "Aenean vel fermentum nisi. Aenean hendrerit lacus viverra convallis posuere."​