WHY IS STAFF SO STRICT ABOUT STARCLAN ON TT? I think we can all agree the books did not handle StarClan well at all. Sometimes they were portrayed as all-powerful and all-knowing, sometimes they were weak and clueless, and sometimes they were straight up jerks. That's the consequence of multiple authors, after all, and that's exactly why we strictly control StarClan's behavior here. We are committed to TT's StarClan being benevolent, powerful to an extent, and protective of the clans, which is why staff thoroughly discusses every interaction involving them. If we allowed free reign of StarClan, it could quickly turn into a situation like in canon where they are amazing one second and awful and heartless the next, creating inconsistencies in the game.
WILL THE DARK FOREST EVER EXIST? Yes! But not for a while. There is a plan in place for this. For now, character who would normally go to the Dark Forest will simply fade into limbo until it's creation.
HOW DOES STAFF DECIDE WHO GOES TO STARCLAN AND WHO GOES TO THE DARK FOREST? First of all, a cat must believe in StarClan in order to go to an afterlife. If they do not, they will simply fade away into a ghost when they die, perhaps going to another afterlife that will not interact with the game any longer. If they do, staff asks these questions:
1. Did they live an honorable life?
2. Did they follow the Warrior Code?
3. If they broke the Warrior Code, what was their reason for breaking it? Did they believe they were acting in the best interest of their clan?
4. Will they be a danger to others, living or dead, in StarClan?
These answers determine where a character goes after dying. If your character is failing around 2-3 of these depending on severity, they'll likely be Dark Forest bound.
WHY IS STARCLAN INTERACTION SO LIMITED? For lack of better words, we've learned from the past. Many of us are from FF, and StarClan there was a free-for-all. Everyone and their mom would have StarClan visions and dreams and so on, and it resulted in two things: 1. medicine cats were made pretty useless when it came to being the clan's connection to StarClan, and 2. StarClan was no longer this mysterious entity, but instead a daily occurrence. If we did allow more interactions, who gets to have them and why? Where do we draw the line? There is no fair way to decide. Therefore, we strictly limit StarClan interactions to medicine cats, MCAs, and leaders (with the potential for exceptions, perhaps).
SO WHAT HAPPENS WHEN MY CHARACTER DIES? They get a StarClan escort! It would likely be someone who was close with them, and their spirit will be there to meet your character's spirit when it's time for them to go. No one else will be able to see them as they're guided to StarClan. Of course, they can reject this escort and refuse to go to StarClan, but don't count on having many fun starry interactions if you do that! Cats destined for the Dark Forest will simply go into limbo; when the Dark Forest exists, a cat will simply wake up there immediately after dying. No escort, no guide - they will just find themselves alone in the darkness.
WHAT CAN MY CHARACTER DO AS A STARCLANNER? Did you know you can actually use the StarClan subboard to RP your characters together in StarClan? Additionally, you are more than welcome to plot with medicine cats and leaders to have them visit either in dreams or at the Moonstone - just remember to clear these interaction with staff, first!