Floppie's Bestest and COOLEST Storage


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    The purpose of a census is to keep track of active characters within the Clan! You may sign your character up on the census after three (3) roleplay posts have been made with them. They will remain on the census unless they pass away or if you have not posted with them in over 3 weeks. If your character is removed from the census, no worries! They can be added back to their rightful place after three (3) roleplay posts have been made with them after returning to activity!
    male - female - non-binary

    If you would like your character to be added to the census please fill out this form!
    Name [♀/♂/⚥] - Rank - Short description @Subaccount
  • LEADER: Chilledstar a solid black feline with icy blue eyes, and a striking white mark across their face, and chin, along with a white front right paw. @CHILLEDSTAR.
    apprentice(s): lividpaw​
    DEPUTY: Smogmaw a large gray tom with black tabby markings and dark orange eyes. @SMOGMAW
    apprentice(s): bloodpaw, singepaw​
    MEDICINE CAT: Starlingheart a black and white she-cat with short fur, covered in scars, and a mangled leg. She has green eye, and the other is missing. @STARLINGHEART .

    Lilacfur A rosetted lilac tabby with small ears and golden eyes. @lilacfur
    apprentice(s): shadepaw​
    Forestshade A stout, longhaired torbie she-cat with blind green eyes. @FORESTSHADE
    apprentice(s): thornpaw, flintpaw​
    Sharpshadow A scraggly black smoke feline with silver eyes and a broken tail. @SHARPSHADOW
    apprentice(s): halfpaw, sneezepaw​
    Willowburn Long haired dark brown tabby with amber eyes. @Willowburn
    Betonyfrost A heavyset blue tabby with green eyes and frostbitten ears.@betonyfrost
    Mourningbloom A long-haired black & blue chimera with white splotches and blue eyes. @Mourningbloom
    Maggotfur massive, fluffy blue-grey tabby she-cat with a white face and striking blue eyes.@Maggotfur.
    Batchaser very tall, curly haired black smoke paired with white splotches and mismatched gold and green eyes. @BATCHASER
    Scorchfrost LH black smoke with yellow-orange eyes and an average build. @scorchfrost
    Duckshimmer petite chocolate torbie point molly with cyan blue eyes. @Duckshimmer
    Mirepurr Fluffy lilac tortoiseshell with light blue eyes. @M I R E P U R R
    apprentice(s): snowpaw​
    Orchidbloom lanky cinnamon smoke with wide blue eyes. @orchidbloom
    Raggedbite half blind gray and white tom with gray eyes, and many scars. @RAGGEDBITE.
    Applejaw A large, pale tortie-and-white she-kit with mismatched blue and orange eyes. @APPLEJAW
    Garlicheart A scruffy tortie with blue eyes. @Garlicheart
    Ashenfall Longhaired muted blue torbie with mismatched pale blue and amber eyes. @ASHENFALL
    Swansong A pale, cream-and white tabby with long, silky fur and periwinkle blue eyes. @swansong
    Hemlocknose Burly brown ticked tabby with low white and green eyes. @HEMLOCKNOSE
    Ferndance A brown ticked tabby she-cat with one white paw and green eyes. @FERNDANCE
    apprentice(s): laurelpaw​
    Stryker Skinny black and white shorthair with mismatched eyes. @STRYKER
    Haretooth A gaunt tom with long white fur and blue eyes. @Haretooth
    Briarthorn wispy-furred black she-cat with sharp hazel eyes and large ears. @Briarpaw.
    Nectarsong - A lithe tortie point with gentle blue eyes. @nectarsong
    Shrike - Skinny long haired black cat with low white and hazel eyes @shrike
    Chervilshade - Long-haired dilute tortoiseshell molly with dull, olive eyes. @CHERVILSHADE
    Halfpaw A blue tabby and cream she-cat with mismatched blue eyes and long fur. @Halfpaw
    Thornpaw Stocky long haired cream chimera with bi-colored eyes. @THORNPAW
    Snowpaw Long-haired blue sepia lynx with high white and pale yellow eyes. @Snowpaw.
    Lividpaw Black mackerel ghost tabby with low white and stormy blue eyes. @LIVIDPAW
    Basilpaw Longhaired grey tom with low white and mint green eyes. @BASILPAW
    Singepaw Spiky furred flame point with low white and blue eyes. @SINGEPAW
    Sneezepaw A chocolate tabby tom with yellow eyes. @sneezepaw
    Bonepaw short-haired silver and cinnamon tabby with dull green eyes. @Bonepaw.
    Laurelpaw Blue tabby tom with amber eyes and one white paw. @Laurelpaw.
    Flintpaw A small, slate-hued tom with white patches and green and blue eyes. @FLINTPAW
    Bloodpaw A large auburn tabby with copper eyes and a missing ear @BLOODPAW
    Shadepaw A dark, sleek-furred tabby with low white and green eyes @SHADEPAW
    Poppypaw A small white and dark red tabby cat with unnervingly pale blue eyes @POPPYPAW

    Marblekit - classic fawn tabby with white and moss-green eyes. @marblekit
    Gigglekit - Long-/short-haired chimera lilac tabby @Gigglekit
    Branchkit - Longhaired lilac and white tabby with deep amber eyes. @BRANCHKIT
    Owlkit - A small, shorthaired blue tabby with low white and striking sunset-colored eyes. @owlkit!


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer dictum nulla elit, eget scelerisque elit vehicula a. Donec tincidunt ante elit, at tincidunt lorem mollis nec. Nunc volutpat nibh ipsum, in consectetur odio cursus consectetur. Curabitur quis ligula rhoncus, posuere enim id, elementum est. Nam commodo ex a purus pharetra, in iaculis sem suscipit. Nullam ultricies scelerisque augue, ac sagittis odio dictum ac. Morbi accumsan diam commodo augue rhoncus sagittis. Sed at rutrum odio. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae;

Ut non ante a velit fringilla porta. Morbi ut interdum odio. Mauris sollicitudin ligula id metus luctus, eget ornare lacus consectetur. Maecenas in est id sem molestie gravida eget nec justo. Morbi tincidunt lorem dolor, sit amet vestibulum justo molestie a. Pellentesque accumsan, libero sed condimentum tristique, mi mauris commodo leo, et fringilla nibh tortor a dui. Nulla pellentesque tempus finibus. Donec lacinia massa sagittis lacus elementum, a fringilla nulla venenatis. Mauris sed turpis in tortor pulvinar blandit nec non nulla. Aliquam vestibulum metus eget magna eleifend, nec egestas nisl volutpat. Morbi ornare pellentesque massa quis porta. Etiam sodales ultrices nibh, sit amet efficitur sem vehicula nec. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. " Curabitur viverra urna sit amet suscipit efficitur. Integer a commodo libero. "


  • ectPk8F.png
    A dog-like woman. Large, with bulk in some places, and only lean muscle in others. Elegant at some angles, acutely strange looking at others. Has a longer, wolfish muzzle and gleaming dog teeth near-always on display due to an overbite. Skull presses insistent against her skin. Eyes are almost too - large, and not all sunken in her skull. Has large, tufted ears. Polydactyl, with a curved spine and recently-chopped tail.
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  • THEIR STORY: Fingers in his ass, fingers in his ass Kanye West he likes Fingers in his ass Fingers in his ass, fingers in his ass Kanye West he likes big fingers in his ass ( It's true. )

    Kanye West he likes big fingers in his ass Kanye West he likes big fingers in his ass Fingers in his ass, he likes it in the ass He likes it in his ass, fingers in his ass Yes, pinkie, index finger and the thumb In his ass till the butthole goes numb West in his ass, north in his ass, east in his ass Most definitely in his ass

    Yes, yes Kanye West he likes, fingers in his ass Kanye West he likes, fingers in his ass Kanye West he likes, fingers in his ass He likes big fingers in his Kanye West he likes, fingers in his ass Kanye West he likes, fingers in his ass Kanye West he likes, fingers in his ass He likes big fingers in his

    — claimed by @darqiplier

    — claimed by @litz krieg

    — claimed by @dev
  • — these kits must have 69 posts a month minimum; if you do not reach this quota you will be contacted about rehoming the slots.
    — these kits will be born and raised in UndergroundClan and may not leave; the barrier is up and currently there are no plans of it being destroyed.
    — These kits are half KillingClan but they will not know until they are are adults.
    — Your mother wrote this rule
    — booty big booty bitches aye yuh big booty bitches ay yuh okay i pull up hop out at the after party you and all your friends yuh know we love ta get naughtyyy
  • Sire: LH cinnamon smoke with high white (carrying non-silver, dilute)
    Dam: SH dominant white (masking black with low white; carrying cinnamon, longhaired, dilute)

    Kits can be black, black smoke, blue, blue smoke, cinnamon, cinnamon smoke, fawn, or fawn smoke
    – Kits can be longhaired or shorthaired
    – Non-white kits may have any amount of white; white kits will mask no white or low white
    – Kits may have any realistic eye color; dominant white kits have a higher chance of blue eyes and being deaf on the side of the blue eye(s)
    – Black-based kits will carry cinnamon; shorthaired kits will carry longhaired; non-dilute kits may or may not carry dilute

    — nieces / nephews to boneblood
    — cousins to hinatachan, lizardglass, fishpaste, metalshine
    — grandchildren to facemelt
  • SANSEYE'S NAMING LIST: — bonekit, marrowkit, skeletonkit, boneskit, marrowskit, skeletonskit, redkit, maroonkit, bloodkit, blodykit, crimsonkit, – after boneblood
    — lizardkit, salamanderkit, axolotlkit, nerdkit, glasseskit, weebkit, otakukit, glasskit, yellowkit, sunkit, sandkit, hotkit – after lizardglass
    — fishkit, carpkit, lesbiankit,sapphickit, bluekit, turquoisekit, cornflowerbluekit, aquamarinekit, swagkit, piratekit – after fishpaste

    HOPETUFT'S NAMING LIST: — hopekit, dreamkit, despairkit, murderkit, deathkit, killkit, killingkit, murderouskit – things he likes
    — hinatakit, desukit, brownkit, auburnkit, chestnut kit, ahogekit, protagonistkit – after his ex wife
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  • Love
Reactions: Marquette
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec nisl dictum, vehicula velit a, mollis mi. Nunc fringilla, ipsum nec dignissim cursus, felis justo vulputate quam, id tristique libero turpis at lacus. Nunc quis dolor ac ex tempor tempus placerat eget nisl. Suspendisse aliquam, quam laoreet bibendum mollis, felis turpis suscipit metus, ac iaculis enim tellus id felis. Nam ullamcorper lacus malesuada justo condimentum, sed tempor est pulvinar. Sed volutpat lorem vel mi accumsan porttitor. Donec laoreet pulvinar interdum. Nulla vulputate pharetra aliquam.

Proin dapibus ipsum lorem, vitae ornare dui lobortis sit amet. Sed ut turpis eu tortor pellentesque auctor. Nunc consectetur erat finibus dui consequat consectetur. Integer dignissim posuere diam, maximus consectetur tortor laoreet ac. Phasellus imperdiet pretium erat, at lobortis lorem pharetra et. Maecenas iaculis iaculis odio, ac tempor purus luctus interdum. Cras arcu ipsum, iaculis porttitor blandit a, cursus vel ligula. Vivamus venenatis, justo eget vehicula condimentum, orci justo rutrum dolor, ac viverra tortor massa ut lorem. Etiam interdum nulla a bibendum auctor. "Sed tincidunt molestie odio, vitae ultrices mi accumsan at."

  • HEATHCLAW: he / him; cisgender male, 42 moons. moor - runner of windclan.
    — bisexual with no clear preference. single.
    — goes with the tides. if loyalty is what will benefit him, so be it. independent but amicable.

    — for windclan – a tall and broad tom. chocolate ticked with half a tail. Smattered with smaller scars, the most obvious being a sharp cut across his lower jaw and eye, that of which is half-blind. Sharp-jawed with an intense hazeled stare; lost most of his tail due to an incident when he was younger.
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1. a sudden flash of colour
2. something appearing out of nowhere
3. something reminds wolfwind of the legacy of her name. how does she feel, reminded of her large family? does she see any similar traits? does she feel wholly herself, carrying the names of two others?
4. there's an almighty thunderstorm, one of the loudest in ages- its louder than wolfwind can yell, certainly. or, is it...?
5. wolfwind's not really been the same after the death of morningpaw. something an apprentice does reminds wolfwind of morningpaw's mannerisms; easy for her to recognise, being the one that trained her. how does she react to this? does she act these emotions out on this apprentice, or does she take them somewhere else? it's been a little while since morningpaw's loss, too- does this make the memories a little easier to handle?

You want your tale of enemies to lovers? Well, here it is!

Buckgait was born and raised in the land that is now known as RiverClan territory. Born into a family that prized toms, she had always been thought of as lesser, even being given her name to denounce her femininity as a form of salvation. She grew up with the need to be seen as something indestructible; this led to her parents forcing her to become mates with a tom who shared similar ideals as them in hopes he could tame her. Buck would then overwork herself during her pregnancy as she felt she constantly had to prove herself, leading to heartbreak as her only kit, delicately called Fawn, would be too weak to survive long enough to walk. In her grief, she drove out her mate and family and found friends who she formed a colony with in the wetlands.

Lightning was born far away from the clans' current territory in rolling meadows full of plentiful prey. His childhood alongside his littermate, Brook, was happy enough. However, after unearthing a dark secret about his home and finding out he and his sister were to be traded away to an enemy colony, they decided to run away. It had been them against the world, two adolescents fighting to survive on their own until they came across Rain's colony in the pine forest. He took them in, and while Lightning grew to care for his colony, his focus would always remain on his sister and keeping her safe from what he perceived to be a dark, dangerous world.

As was destined, both cats ended up in RiverClan upon its formation. Lightning would become Lightningstone, a cynical and brooding warrior who was assigned to guard Buck, the unruly and rebellious loner from the wetlands as her colony decided to join the clan. Oh, they despised each other! However, several moons of being tethered by duty would lead to a greater understanding blossoming between the two. As time passed, they even grew to become begrudging friends, late-night talks and private hunts becoming common. She would teach him to fish. He would teach her that life in RiverClan wasn't all that bad. It wasn't until Lightningstone watched as her bloodied form entered camp after an encounter with twoleg hunters that he realized his true feelings for her. He would try to shove them down and avoid her, even remaining absent as she earned her true place in RiverClan and was named deputy. But Buckgait has never been one to be ignored or denied. An aggressive confrontation led to his reluctant admittance of his love for her, and some time later, she would admit to the same. Now, all these moons later, the former RiverClan deputy is hunkered down in the nursery pregnant with their kits. She is ecstatic! Lightningstone…not so much. But they are committed to making it work.


[x] This litter will follow realistic genetics, which can be found below. Birth defects and disabilities are allowed if researched and played correctly. Genetic mutations not found in the below genetics are not allowed.
[x] This is not first come first serve. There will be three slots chosen on April 11th. Any form can be used.
[x] These kits will be born April 16th starting at 2 moons and will age realistically. Per RiverClan's current rules, they will be apprenticed at 3 moons.
[x] Absolutely no angsty or depressing backstories! Buckgait will be an extremely attentive and doting mother, and Lightningstone will be, well, a present father at least.
[x] We would prefer the kits to remain in RiverClan their whole lives. Of course, we understand plots pop up that may require the character to leave; we just ask it's run by us!
[x] We would like this family to remain at least semi-active! They don't have to be posted with all the time, but a minimum of 10 posts a month is asked of you. Long-term inactivity may result in us rehoming your slot. Of course, we don't want to do this so we ask you only apply if you can be counted on to stay active and interested in this character!
[x] Have fun! These are your characters and we can't wait to see how they flourish and grow!


Buckgait and Lightningstone are both Gen 1, making this litter Gen 2.
Lightningstone has two siblings - Rainwhisker (deceased) is his sister and littermate and Stormwhisker (played by Jay) is his younger brother and will be the kits' uncle.
Buckgait has no played family. However, her deceased daughter is Fawn, who is this litter's half-sister.


Sire: LH blue smoke w/ curled ears (carrying cinnamon, non-silver)
Dam: LH cinnamon w/ low white and stumpy tail (carrying dilute)
Kits can be black, blue, cinnamon, fawn, black smoke, blue smoke, cinnamon smoke, or fawn smoke
- kits will be longhaired
- kits can have no white or low white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- kits may have curled ears or normal ears
- kits may have stumpy tails or normal tails
- black-based kits will carry cinnamon; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; smoke kits will carry non-silver; curled eared kits will carry normal ears; stumpy tailed kits will carry normal tail


NAMING It is heavily preferred that applicants stick to names that are ICly realistic for the parents to give. We would like to avoid doubling up on prefixes, so if applying with a name not on this list, we encourage you to check all five clan censuses to make sure a name is not currently in use by an active, living character!

Buckgait's Names
Hartkit, Doekit, Prongkit, Hoofkit, Cariboukit, Deerkit - a continuation of her own name and expanding the family, allowing for feminine names to make up for her own
Bank-kit, Shorekit, Reedkit, Strifekit, Oxbowkit , Meanderkit - to describe the river; she believes it will help them become strong swimmers​

Lightningstone's Names
Deerkit, Reindeerkit, Hornkit or other deer-related names
Sleepykit - given to a quiet, calmer kit
Black-kit, Shadykit, Shadekit or other dark color-themed names
Glowkit, Beamkit, Burningkit, Lightkit, Raykit, Flashkit or other luminous names
Streamkit, Rillkit, Runletkit, Creek-kit, Meadowkit, Riverkit - RiverClan-specific names
Tempestkit, Squallkit, Galekit, Sleetkit, Hailkit - continuing the family's storm name theme
Brook-kit, Drizzlekit - for his late sister; doubles as either a RiverClanny name or storm name​
The name Fawnkit would absolutely not be given!




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ShadowClan is a clan where misery loves company, and no one was more miserable than Smogmaw.

Born to loner parents in a litter of four, and initially named Smoky, he was a very rambunctious kit who did well at games like "smack your sister", but one he really excelled at was "who bit me?" Unfortunately, only three of the litter would make it past kithood, and his mother would vanish not too long afterward. This thrust Smoky's father into a troublesome situation, and he looked to the Marsh Colony for a new home for his family. As he matured, his once lively and energetic personality became more reserved, and this was especially true after the Great Battle. Having slain someone during the fighting, and witnessing the abrupt loss of his father and brother, the tom became extremely withdrawn. His once outwardly expressive personality became trapped within the confines of his own mind, and Smogmaw's clanmates in ShadowClan would come to know him as someone who always lurked in the shadows, numbed, compulsive, and always plotting something.

Halfshade came from a loner commune in two-leg place where she went by Catherine and was viewed more as a prize than a peer by her group's leader. Her life prior and her family is not one she discusses often, but she will occasionally mention her mother with a fondness. Her time in the loner commune was strained and her relationship with it's leader unhealthy at best with the two of them constantly at one another's throats. Their conflict eventually resulted in bloodshed, his life ending and the disbanding of the entire collection of cats. She was to take up the mantle of leadership in his place, but chose instead to flee. She only came to ShadowClan during its initial creation: having no knowledge of the previous colonies nor their war. Her time in her old group made her guarded with her emotions, presenting a facade of friendliness while being skeptical of any cat who interacted but she developed a genuine fondness for Smogmaw's brutal honesty and dry wit. It was during the struggling leafbare that she even developed a proper kinship with her new home and the tabby tom who seemed to care more than he let on. There was no dancing around feelings outside the initial discussion, the two very quickly came to terms with their interest in the other and made it official over a night walk.

As the moons waxed and waned, Smogmaw had been appointed as ShadowClan's new deputy, while Halfshade had to retire to the nursery den. Her stomach bulges with a litter of their own, and neither she nor Smogmaw could be happier about the promise of new life to come.

From important people in his life (backstory incl.): smokey, willow, brittle, sludge, shade
Clanmates he tolerates: mongrel, newt, cold, bird, jagged, bracken
From important recent events: flicker, raccoon, mud
From his fondness of plants: tree, hazel, fir, pine, leaf, thicket, frond
From his favorite foods: meat, maggot, toad, frog, egg, snipe, crow, pigeon
If a kit has traits he doesn't like, they're getting these names: bee, chive, garlic, loud, little
Inspired by his home: bog, mire, swamp, puddle, bubble, marsh
Names which he thinks are cool: mountain, myrtle, barley, needle, acorn, blood, drift, puma, big​
ShadowClan Names: Dark, Marsh, Mire, Flood, Willow, Reed, Frog, Toad, Lizard...etc...
Birds: Swankit (after her mother), Cardinal, Jay, Robin, Sparrow, Feather, Plume, etc...
Names She Just Likes (Sparkly, pretty sounding names): Heart, Slate, Swift, Apple, Mist, Small, Little, Shine, Sparkling, Shimmer etc…
Literal Names, based on appearance aspects such as size, color and kitten behavior: Sneeze, Tumble, Wriggle, Big, Small, Black, Blue, Cream…
Flower/Plant Names: Bloom, Blossom, Leaf, Lily, Maple, Bluebell, Peony, Rose, Daffodil etc...​
No-No Names: Pitch, Bone, cold-themed names, Prominent Wind/Thunder Clanner names…

This is not FCFS (first come, first serve), we will be reviewing the apps and making a decision at the date listed at the bottom.
Application is a Free-for-all, please include the basics (name, appearance, personality etc…) and whatever else you'd like!
This litter will have 3-4 kits depending on interest and applications.
Please follow the genetics supplied by the lovely Blitz!
We would prefer you use the names listed from each parent or something similar.
These kits will be born in ShadowClan and we would like them to remain in ShadowClan at least until they hit adulthood and only if plot dictates they end up elsewhere.
They will start at 2 moons and age realistically on the (Date TBA) of each month!
We hold the right to rehome your kit should you go inactive for a prolonged period of time, we ask they remain semi-casual to active with at least 8-10 posts a month within reason!


SIRE: LH blue mackerel tabby
DAM: LH blue torbie with low white
males can be blue tabby or cream tabby
females can be blue tabby or blue torbie
- kits will be longhaired
- kits can have no white or low white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- kits will display a mackerel tabby pattern
- cream kits will mask blue tabby

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  • Like
Reactions: Rai and willie