Floppie's Bestest and COOLEST Storage


  • MOLTFACE. afab unlabeled, he/they/she | permaqueen of shadowclan | former marsh group member | 50 s
    a patchwork albino and black smoke feline with sickly pink eyes. held atop dainty paws is a strange, gaudy figure, all willowy limbs and showing ribs. they are a mongrel of a shadowclanner, cut into pieces and sewn back together into an unsettling mismatch of a cat. but one thing is for certain: they are shadowclan, with webbed paws and two dingy, hydrophobic coats. immediately, he was named for his rather jarring appearance - that of a thick, sickly - white pelt that suddenly sheds into a velveteen black smoke visage. such a face - with a small muzzle and rhumey eyes - is alluring to some, and disturbing to others. for certain, it is him, the keen, rasping voice from within the nursery.
    ⤷ genetically longhaired albino masking black smoke ( & marbled tabby ) fullbody doodle

    You don't really know them, despite how long they've been here. Moltface presents the humble image of a gossip - loving queen. She is swift to speak to, for, and about others, passing along information that may or may not be true seemingly for the fun of it. The keenest of ears - or perhaps, those who have been subject to their murmurings before - may notice the slight discrepancies in the stories they tell. For kits, she spins fiction, for adults, they are instead misspellings.
    penned by floppie
  • Why? one may ask, and Moltface will simply smile and laugh, tittering, I don't know what you mean, behind a raised paw. They hardly have enemies - none of them have much time for that, he truly believes. Whatever he spins is in doled in equal parts to each of his clanmates. Of course, he has opinions... he is not some corpse or mindless thing, but opinions did not have to influence action, did they? No one cat would see a particularly narrowed gaze for him, nor a smile meant for them and them alone. Life is more enjoyable without these things; without fretting over which corpse to cry over or which head to graze. Anyone can be a friend, anyone can be a foe.

    Through their fun and games, Moltface remains somewhat detached from the world outside of ShadowClan. This is by choice, of course. " I was miserable before I stopped worrying about that nonsense... " such words are perhaps, the closest retelling of a past she will ever give you. Vaguely, though, she acknowledges enemies and threats outside of the Clan. They knew them once, after all... And though he hardly would again, the kits he raises would not be spared the same convenience. Moltface draws a hard line between the likes of kindness and coddling. He does not shy away from mature topics, in the presence of kits, nor does her talk down to them about the dangers of the outside world, especially with ShadowClan's track record... Tough love, is what he calls it. Though other cats may frown at him for this, he's stopped caring about such opinions by now.

    " What do you remember better? The cat that caught patrolled the border at dawn, or the cat that raised you? "

    It all became frivolous, at some point. Kits were raised to be warriors, and those warriors were raised to die. Problems never went away, no matter how many they had. One less set of paws would not set them back so drastically... At least like this, he could let himself believe he was making some sort of difference.
  • 83407063_L0YCy9hMV5GAZYF.png
    SHIT - STIRRER so many life - threatening events have left them exhausted. in direct contrast to the threat of bears or foxes... Moltface seems to seek out drama of a more light - hearted nature in its stead. relationships of all sorts are something he enjoys learning about and twisting to his whim. It's one of the few things they have the power to do, as a queen.

    WARMONGER before she was a queen, the way things were solved was with conflict. though this is not entirely untrue today, some things, such as Chilledstar's blasé response to certain matters, have left her quite confused. With all issues that go past the personal, Moltingmoon is likely to promote direct retaliation. kits under her care will be raised knowing that killing is often a necessary part of life.

    DIFFICULT TO READ Their tone of voice hovers somewhere that's amicable, but beneath the surface of their words are often statements that could be interpreted as insults. backhanded compliments are heavy in her vocabulary, and it can be difficult to get an answer from her about anything without it being stuffed between odd allusions and vague implications. He simply seems to find it fun, and does not bother curating most of what he says.
  • 83407083_kXBEHfmIQVkrhh7.png
    someone almost always standing in that conflicting space between friend and enemy. Does not dedicate the energy of dislike toward anyone, really.
    sounds like: freckle from the gay & wonderous life of caleb gallo
    smells like
    dead moss &. water hyacinth
    speech is #B1848B

    NPC xx NPC to-be father to trashkit 1, trashkit 2, trashkit 3, trashkit 4, & trashkit 5
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: None yet.
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: None yet.
  • Code:
    [box=55%][justify][color=#c4c4c4]TEXT TEXT TEXT. [color=#B1848B][b]" SPEECH. "[/b][/color]


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tincidunt nec massa ut accumsan. Morbi justo sapien, scelerisque eu sollicitudin quis, faucibus non enim. Sed lacinia ante hendrerit nibh maximus semper. Aliquam commodo viverra ullamcorper. Integer massa libero, fringilla ut dictum sit amet, ullamcorper in mi. Quisque quam risus, iaculis in sollicitudin nec, faucibus eu mi. Phasellus facilisis arcu sapien, sit amet interdum dui maximus ac. Praesent auctor, erat ullamcorper auctor facilisis, est risus laoreet elit, eu sodales erat ipsum vitae justo. Fusce tempor mattis massa ac interdum. Donec convallis semper nulla, in volutpat risus cursus non. Praesent vel lorem efficitur, maximus augue ac, mollis magna. Pellentesque sollicitudin varius augue, vitae luctus purus sollicitudin a. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam varius, est non sodales finibus, " ex nunc faucibus nisi, nec vulputate magna lorem ut odio. "
Curabitur vitae vestibulum risus, non fermentum leo. Curabitur vehicula leo ipsum, a euismod magna interdum eget. Aliquam auctor risus quis facilisis volutpat. Curabitur porttitor ex mi, a bibendum diam dapibus eget. Curabitur in nisl lacus. Nulla leo magna, porttitor ac ante sit amet, lacinia efficitur leo. Phasellus ullamcorper, nunc quis euismod rhoncus, sem nulla vehicula diam, eu sollicitudin felis lorem vel magna. Donec sit amet nisl vitae magna ultrices volutpat non a est. Donec nec nisl tortor. Mauris imperdiet ante quis erat pulvinar egestas.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam quis tellus at eros maximus finibus a vestibulum lorem. Phasellus non sapien vitae neque lobortis sodales. Fusce ut metus a dolor finibus tincidunt ut non lorem. Sed feugiat auctor libero, at fermentum enim mollis vitae. Duis eget ultrices est, at pretium magna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin molestie purus non ante gravida, ut bibendum metus laoreet. Nam vestibulum diam sapien, at finibus est malesuada aliquam. " Nunc ullamcorper lacus ac turpis aliquam luctus. "
Bloody Mary

🩸 Love you to the bone 🦷



Trans Female
She / Her​
Biographical Information
Ages Every
24 Moons
XX.XX.XXXX at 24 ☾​
Bloody Mary​
N / A​
Roleplay Information
Penned by
Last Update

  • With her presence, the trees cackle and groan. She fills the forest with her word— a chattering songbird in her own twisted right. Whatever plane she exists on is seperate from anyone elses, and she cares little to bridge the gap between reality and nonsense. Her truth is based in nihilism, but not the sad, sulking kind... Her light takes her to new and wonderous places. it begs the question: why do anything at all when they're all practically dirt? She does not think there's an answer to this, but if she just so happened upon it, she supposes she would not mind...

    Bloody Mary is a large, pure white she - cat with blood - red rivulets down her throat, a chopped tail, and mildew eyes.

    Bloody Mary is currently a kittypet. She was born to a kittypet couple and remained nameless for some amount of time before being named Bloody Mary by her twolegs after her distinctive coloring. Bloody Mary is an avid outdoor cat and is likely to be somewhat known by her neighbors. She is not clueless to Clan Life, having been drip fed information of varying validity from both her neighbors and parents. She has grown more curious about the neighboring clan, SkyClan, and has been glancing curiously over their border as of late.

    1. Detailed Description
    1.1 Scars
    1.2 Body Language
    1.3 Inventory​
    2. Personality
    2.1 Faith
    2.2 Quirks​
    3. Interaction
    3.1 Skills
    3.2 Combat​
    4. Relationships
    4.1 Kin
    4.2 Other Cats​
    5. History
    5.1 Backwritten
    5.2 Played​
    6. Trivia
    6.1 Playlist
    6.2 Theme Weeks​
  • 5llq5LN.png

    Bloody Mary by Floppie
    Bloody Mary is a mongrel of a woman. Her build is like patchwork, with outstanding features cobbled together into one jutting form of a cat rather than melding seamlessly. She is not all unsightly; the base of her is set upon elegant features — high cheekbones and a long, tipped muzzle buttoned with a heart nose. Her fur is long, and in theory, quite luxurious. Though she preens herself rather avidly, it grows on her the way a fungus would, wild and somewhat resistant to efforts to tame it.

    At the right angle, the elegant slope of her face could suggest beauty. Head - on, however, it is riddled with features that nearly seem unfit for the body they reside on. Her eyes, a remarkably lusterless shade of mold, stretch large across her face with a pinkness peaking at the corners. Her ears are bat - like, massive and mostly devoid of fur on the inside. They are often slightly tilted off the sides of her head, as if too heavy to keep upright. Bloody Mary has a slight overbite, often leaving large, doggish teeth and pink gums on display. Her skin seems to stretch almost uncomfortably across her. Past the thick ruff of her ears and neck, the press of her angled skull seems uniquely obvious.

    Bloody Mary's size would be most typical amongst the brutes of SkyClan. She is tall, with bulk in some places — namely, broad shoulders and a powerful set of haunches— and hardly any in others. Her limbs are gangly, with too - large paws hanging from the ends. Notably, she has a remarkably short tail, and it is implied that it was not always that way. She has more toes than is typical, with seven on both forepaws.

    Bloody Mary's coloration is stark. She is primarily white, with blood - smatter colorings at the tips of her ears, just below the eyes, and in what is likely her namesake: twin rivers that rip from the bottom of her jaw down to her chest.

    ⤷ Technically: Longhaired cinnamon with high white and polydactyly. Carries some amount of Oriental Longhair blood.

    Scars gained:
    • Tail has been amputated do to complications earlier in life.
    Body Language

    Bloody Mary's posture is quite terrible, often settling into a beastly hunch whenever she sits. She maintains the slightest curve in her spine even when walking, though; unbeknownst to her, a minor case of scoliosis. She is knock - kneed, with paws that jut out awkwardly when standing still. A product of her overbite: she spits more easily than other cats may, and on rare occasions may find herself absently drooling. Once she gets the taste of prey, she will stick to mostly larger morsels, wolfing down her fare in large, greedy swallows. Bloody Mary can often be found gnawing on things. If not bone, anything else she may be able to scrape her teeth against. It's unclear if this is an effort to care for her teeth, or if she simply likes doing it.

    Her gait is lazy, with solid limbs dragging behind her as she walks. No amount of training might ever shape her into a truly silent stalker, and when there is no pressure to be, her steps will always be heavy - footed. There is weight behind everything she does, whethered that be a full - bodied pounce onto her prey or the mere turn of her head. When hyper on adrenaline though, whether this be excitement or fear, her movements may become startlingly quick and jerky.

    Juxtaposed to the slow nature of her body, her face responds to situations with often - unnerving quickness. Her ears will animatedly shift atop her head — though they will always tip back into their slanted place of rest, in the end. Her eyes flare and narrow with the receiving of information. Though a contented grin is what you will most often find on her face, she is in no way married to it, and has the potential to shift it dramatically, if wanted.​

    • Empty
  • Bloody Mary will be immediately known for her idiosyncrasies, sporadicness, and overall unseriousness. Her perception of life leads her to be rather apathetic, and alongside it she harbors a very fierce sense of self - worthlessness. In her own way, she is spiritual and steadfast in the beliefs that she does hold. She is an adrenaline junkie, with a sluggish exterior being shed for eager quickness when it comes to thrill. What she does find interest in, she risks obsessing over.

    At the root of it all is an existential belief — one that dictates the hierarchy of all things in the world, and that places living things like them firmly at that bottom. A cat does not have much more value than a squirrel, no... their unfortunate affliction is that they are the only things conscious enough to possibly know this reality. Bloody Mary was instilled with it swiftly. Following the first few moons of her life, in her opinion, she has coped with this fairly well!

    Really, she is pointless garbage. But she need not despair or self - loathe — for everyone around her is just the same! Them and their societies are much like that of a colony of ants... It is very real to them, but no one else really minds what is so close to dirt... A paw can trample them at any second, just the same! She challenges not just that system, but every one that will ever be with her nonsense. She works on whims and whims alone. Holding a conversation with her is often a headache, interspersed with conflicting statements and sentences that mean nothing at all in the first place. It can often feel like conversing with multiple cats at once, and only one of then is even listening to what you are saying at all. She floats about without care, and it's the ideal way to live she'll tell you! She's quite content with it, nevermind the glimmer of frustration you may catch with enough time spent with her...


    Empathy does not come easily to her. She fails utterly to put herself in others' situations, insisting that were she in it, she simply would not care. In matters of death, she insists its inevitability and does not mourn it for this reason. Injuries both to herself and to others concern her none. Though she does not go out of her way to disrespect life at every turn, its evident that she considers it of little value.


    It is clear that whoever taught her what she knows on Clan Life focused on only the violent and extraordinary tales. Bloody Mary will enter most situations expecting something spectacular, and/or spectacularly violent to happen often times. She'll offer to fulfill the role herself if the scene is acutely devoid of it, seemingly believing that clan life cannot function as it is without frequent, needless bloodshed. In a strange way, her violent tendencies come across with some courteousness... Though she at least partly seems to find it amusing, as well.


    She has little ambition, or simply things she finds worthwhile at all... Perhaps in the absence of this, she finds most of her energy in high - stress situations. She almost seems to seek them out somewhat, eager to chase after impossibilities or offer herself in dangerous circumstances. Additionally, she seems to show a certain interest in cats with a strong sense of purpose or anything similar. She may be inclined to loiter around these cats, or outright prod them, expressing the desire to pick at their brain.


    Bloody Mary believes cats to be near the bottom of a chain of importance that they are only barely allowed to know. She believes in the existence of other, higher beings, but thinks cats to be incapable of perceiving them properly. She keeps the direct recipient of her reverence somewhat vague, but believes in... something wholeheartedly. She knows of StarClan, believes in them wholeheartedly. Believing in them does not mean that she finds them perfect, though. She is too lowly to question them much, in her opinion. Though if she were to, she thinks her opinion so meaningless that they would not care much, either way. To her, undeniably, souls take on more importance after death. Where you to find yourself at the end your line, you ought to rejoice! For your meaningless existence has suddenly become something so much more. Of course, willing yourself into the place of a star did not make you one, proper. No, she had to live this life first... whatever it was that "living" entails.

    A link between something meaningless and something not, the Medicine Cats ought to be respected, she's certain! In the grand scheme of things, they were perhaps only a skip above herself; but in her own lowly mind, that ought to be leaps and bounds! If given the chance, Bloody Mary would soon value the word of a Medicine Cat over that of Leader.

    She does not all like the pointlessness... She would like something to do with herself, truly, but finding that thing is more easier said than done...​

    • Often seems to forget that not all cats think the same as her. Will passingly make remarks about others worthlessness not realizing how it could potentially be insensitive. If such remarks were made at her, she'd only laugh.
    • Has a tendency to viscously dehumanize both herself and others, whilst frivolously humanizing inanimate things.
    • Attempts to humor reality and make - believe in equal measure, believing their state of being so pointless that differentiating them makes little difference in the long run
    • However worthless they are, finds cats endlessly fascinating. Unfortunately for others, an avid people - watcher. Always with love in mind, frequently expresses the desire to dissect them. She does in her own way, already, but would never do so literally.
  • Bloody Mary is lesbian and monogamous. She is not currently interested in anyone.
    • Bloody Mary holds the same generally low opinion of everybody by default, though this does not by any means translate to dislike. She is her version of "friendly" to all she meets. For now, she holds no sense of distrust toward anyone.
    Open to healing and peaceful powerplay, interaction, friends, enemies, romance, injury Closed to severe injury, death.

    Sounds like: Bloody Mary displays a great range of control over her voice, able to swing the pendulum from masculine to feminine at will, as well as many androgynous tones in between. Regardless of which tone it takes, her voice tends to hover in the medium - high range. Always intended in a jovial manner, it catches on overexcited growls, trills, and snarls often. She laughs frequently, it in itself being a distinctively loud and grating cackle. Vocal inflection is it times, irregular. May suddenly raise her voice into barks, lower it to whispers, or break into song. Voice Claim TBA.

    Smells of: Expectantly, the scent of pine needles clings to her from her toeing of the forest borders. More distinctive scent carries the smell of rotting plants and old meat with an unexpectedly pleasant, underlying note of lilies.

    speech is #9F3526 Thoughts are italicized. Physical Interactions are underlined.
    • Poor stealth and hunting. This would likely remain true even with training. Her bright coat and heavy paws do little for her in these areas.
    • Moderate speed, with a for the most part, sluggish form able to whip itself into surprising quickness, if needed.
    • Impressive stamina and constitution. She does not tire easily, and can take a hefty number of blows before being put out of commission — though her body may scream at her for it later.
    • A competent climber, though the branches creak beneath her paws. She may struggle with climbing down due to her below average sense of balance
    • More capable of combat than you would expect for a kittypet.

    Combat difficulty is medium. She has no formal training, but her natural proclivities would keep her head above water in a hostile situation. She throws her weight around with reckless abandon, flinging herself at her opponents with clumsy, but brutal blows. Being large and bulky, she is difficult to take down, and will allow adrenaline to pilot her farther than her body would normally allow. Fights extremely recklessly. She is likely to be left in a state equally as terrible as the one she has left her opponent in.

    Holding a distinct lack of care for her well - being, may start fights, though it will hardly ever be for a good reason. Bloody Mary will most likely not flee conflict unless told. Though she will hardly ever intend to kill, she is naturally a rather brutal fighter makes no active effort not to.​
  • NPC x NPC • Generation 1 • Mated to None
    ⤷ Has a few unknown siblings that she does not recall, being separated from them early in life

    Close to N / A
    Admires N / A
    Friends with N / A
    Likes N / A
    Dislikes N / A
    Loathes N / A

    Kin ✎

    Parents ✎

    Her parents have taught her what she vaguely understands of Clan Life, their stories mostly fantastical and notably negative skewing. Bloody Mary likely did not interpret it quite the way they had hoped that she would.​

    Other Cats ✎

    TBA ✎
  • Backwritten

    Bloody Mary was born to a kittypet couple nestled within Twolegplace. She spent much of her formative years with her parents and has thoroughly soaked up their ideals, including information regarding the Clans that they've picked up through means she has never bothered to question.

    Her tail was amputated at around a full year of life. She claims to not recall the reason why, but it is unclear if she's telling the truth, or not. The truth is, she at some point had quite the bad habit of constantly chewing on it, leaving wounds that struggled to heal properly. As some point, she scuffled with a cat in Twolegplace as well, eventually leading her housefolk to the decision of amputating it. Bloody Mary claims not to care much. This scuffle of hers was her first taste of battle. It's quite possible that it is what has her convinced that she could be capable clan cat.​
    • If you couldn't tell,,, she is my unofficial official Mallowdawn fankid <3
    • Aesthetics are rotting meat, mold and mildew, plant rot, burning red sunrises, apocalypse skies, zombies, three - eyed cats, abandoned city homes, & vampire bats
    • I imagine her laugh is similar to an insane anime girl cackle
    • Brat summer is over, its weirdgirl autumn

    ▶ Butcher Vanity - Vane Lily Lacking genuine energy of her own, Bloody Mary primarily feeds off of other people, unconsciously searching for the answer to her problems within the dissected minds of others. If given the chance, she could quickly become overbearingly cannibalistic (In metaphor only, that is).

    ▶ Ruler of Everything - Tally Hall You know . . .

    ▶ Nothing Man - Sodikken She is more content with her life than she truly knows! Wouldn't it be pointless to yearn for anything more, anyways?

    ▶ Eat You - Caravan of Thieves Bloody Mary is prone to becoming unusually enraptured by those that take her particular interest. Her affection can take on undertones that sound unkind, on paper.

    ▶ People Eater - Sodikken . . .​

    Theme Weeks

  • Code:
    [box=70%][justify][color=#c4c4c4]TEXT TEXT TEXT. [outline=#2E0500][color=#9F3526][b]" SPEECH. "[/b][/color][/outline]
    [tabs][tab=THEY SAY I CAN'T KEEP MYSELF FROM TRYING][quote][outline=#2E0500][color=#9F3526][b]OOC:[/b][/color][/outline] . . .[/quote]
    [tab=⬪ 𝒜 𝐵𝐼𝒯𝐸 𝒪𝐹 𝐸𝒱𝐸𝑅𝒴𝒯𝐻𝐼𝒩𝒢 𝐼𝒩 𝒮𝐼𝒢𝐻𝒯 / ( 10 . 3 )][fleft][outline=#2E0500][color=#9F3526][b]BLOODY MARY[/b][/color][/outline] ⬪ KITTYPET. SHE  - HER - HERS. 24 MOONS.
    [quote]A dog of a woman. Large with bulk in some places, and only lean muscle in others. Elegant at some angles, acutely strange looking at others. Has a longer, wolfish muzzle and gleaming dog teeth near - always on display due to an overbite. Skull presses insistent against her skin. Eyes are almost too - large, and not all sunken in her skull. Has large, tufted ears. Polydactyl, with a curved spine and chopped tail.[/quote]
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse nec mollis ipsum. Phasellus egestas dolor justo, vitae tincidunt orci luctus in. Phasellus efficitur velit a orci efficitur euismod. Ut non feugiat nulla. Maecenas et vehicula dui. Aliquam pharetra sed tortor nec molestie. Maecenas condimentum, lacus at fringilla sodales, enim erat volutpat justo, eget aliquam velit eros eget enim. Vivamus vitae pulvinar velit. Praesent felis odio, faucibus non scelerisque quis, pellentesque sollicitudin lacus. In sit amet mi urna. Nam non est malesuada, molestie velit vitae, sodales massa. Vivamus rutrum purus enim, at ullamcorper lacus bibendum in. Donec lacus enim, porta vel odio et, lobortis luctus orci. Sed fermentum aliquet odio, et faucibus urna venenatis sed. " Proin quis dolor consectetur, sagittis nunc ut, scelerisque nisl. "

  • OOC:
  • ( I DO, I DO, I DO ) RAINBOWPAW: Sunfreckle xx Rabbitnose. Mentored by Raccoonstripe
    ✦ he / they ; fine with gendered terms ( tom / boy / brother / etc . . . )
    ✦ currently 4 moons old as of 10/11/2023 ; ages every 25

    warm - faced and bright - eyed, rainbowkit sports boyish features and an easygoing smile. sports long curling whiskers and a dip of sun - red down the length of their neck. growing into themselves; rainbowpaw is showing signs of growing into an above - average height with a somewhat leggy frame. rainbowpaw is most plainly to be described as kind, his most tangible goals and motives being to make the people around him happy. somewhat aloof when it comes to more complex / outer clan issues. lives in the present first and foremost.
  • this is for cute purposes begone.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec felis ligula, malesuada ut condimentum sed, aliquet nec diam. Praesent sagittis, justo vehicula feugiat efficitur, augue ex ultricies justo, ut fringilla elit est et est. Duis at euismod elit. Donec erat libero, venenatis vel lorem a, imperdiet pretium diam. Donec malesuada tempor velit, a pulvinar erat pretium eget. Vestibulum quis dapibus erat, sit amet tempus est. Curabitur quis odio sapien. Mauris vehicula nec velit eu ultrices. Sed id urna eget mi elementum tincidunt. Maecenas quis diam lacus. Cras viverra lectus sit amet nunc hendrerit blandit.

Phasellus ut imperdiet nibh. Curabitur semper gravida nunc, quis pharetra tortor convallis imperdiet. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Curabitur id pretium sapien. Duis risus augue, efficitur sed lacinia et, aliquam eget justo. Integer eu metus at magna ornare ultricies. Curabitur quam orci, commodo quis vehicula nec, aliquet in erat. Pellentesque nunc tortor, vehicula molestie sodales non, condimentum at nunc. " In auctor blandit turpis nec egestas. "

  • OOC:
  • 𝘼𝙍𝙀 𝙒𝙀 𝘽𝙍𝙊𝙏𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙎? CADET Kittypet; to - be daylight apprentice
    —— He / him, content with they / them pronouns; transgender male
    —— Currently 5 moons old. ages every 1st

    A shorthaired tortie mink tomcat of below - average stature. Endlessly curious about the world around him, prone to rambling, excessive, and sometimes blunt questioning. Cares deeply for his twolegs, considers them his brothers. Wholeheartedly believes that he will be like them when he's older.

ASSIGNED AS OF 08.14.2023‎ ‎
( awaiting meeting )​
Welcome to ThunderClan’s Mentor Finder! Here, all current and planned mentor and apprentice pairings will be tracked and updated. You can sign your warrior up to be considered for mentorship and sign your apprentices/kits up to be paired with a mentor using the forms below. The clan leader will match your apprentice with a realistic choice for a mentor that takes into account what your activity is as well as what you’re wanting in a mentor for your character! Please note that some warriors may be denied for mentorship for IC reasons, and characters must be on the census before signing up.

PAIRINGS AS OF 08.14.2023

casual activity
OAKFANG penned by blueblossomtea
is a straightforward, laid-back kind of guy with a sarcastic quip. of course, he wouldn’t be that stern of a mentor, simply flowing with the wind and leaving it up to fate to decide what they’ll do. but don’t mistake his casualness for weakness because he has some hefty experience dealing with all sorts of things and won’t be hesitant to put you in your place with a few jabs and hard, blunt words, but only to make his apprentice open their eyes to the truth of the world.

casual activity
SPIDERLILY penned by blueblossomtea
is a mysterious tom, one of few that has learned to climb trees rather well ( a skill he can pass down ), but hasn’t nailed down the ability to hunt among the trees quite yet. a stubborn, pessimistic brute who probably won’t be very vocal, simply watching with critical eyes. he’s rather aloof, so don’t expect too much encouragement. stern and overly blunt with a gentle side, knowing when to push and went to pull back and let his apprentice figure out things for themselves. he’s tolerant of pretty much anything, but he does have a temper.

higher casual activity
LEOPARDTONGUE penned by tikki
Leopardtongue would be more of a laid-back motherly-type mentor, making sure the apprentice is learning at their own pace and figuring out what's best for them. She'd be quick to correct things to make sure bad habits aren't formed, and her main goal is to teach the apprentices that the clan is family, and family matters, even when things aren't going your way

ROEFLAME penned by noor
this will be her first time being a mentor so it’ll definitely be a learning curve for everyone! Overall she’s very upbeat/encouraging. She’ll try to push her apprentice to try new things and to get out of their comfort zone. She may not be the most stern warrior, but she’ll command respect from her apprentice, both towards her and those around them.

HAILSTORM penned by bosstaurus
his would likely be his first apprentice and it will definitely be a learning experience for both warrior and apprentice. Despite this, Hailstorm is incredibly patient and excited to teach what he has learned to his apprentice. His stronger suit being combat than hunting (due to his snowy coat) and will likely pair up with another mentor/apprentice to train further on stalking/hunting. For him communication is key and will make that apparent if he ever sees his apprentice struggling, he'll help them and go over the lesson until his apprentice understands. He'd make training fun at the beginning since y'know still a kitten but as time goes on, he'll become more lenient and more serious with his teachings.

casual activity
SHININGSUN penned by haggisbeast
Shiningsun is very supportive and upbeat in nature, preferring to treat his apprentices with kindness and encouragement. He knows when to give a little tough love, and when a lighter touch is needed. He's fairly balanced and wishes to draw out the best qualities in his apprentices.


WARRIORS BECOME ELIGABLE TO MENTOR AFTER 3 MOONS OF WARRIORHOOD. Character must be on the census to sign up.
As a vague guideline, active can be classified under 15 or more posts a month, and casual as less than that.
Mentors can be denied for IC reasons if Howlingstar would not realistically allow them to mentor, as it’s a huge honor to be chosen.

[b]Activity level:[/b]
[b]What kind of mentor would they be?:[/b]

[b]Activity level:[/b]
[b]What kind of mentor would you like for them?:[/b]
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas suscipit laoreet quam eu cursus. Proin non mauris mattis, sodales mauris ut, auctor est. Duis nec eros vitae metus fringilla sollicitudin. Curabitur sollicitudin auctor nibh, semper ultricies purus laoreet ut. Nullam cursus vehicula urna, sed finibus arcu molestie ac. Donec cursus diam vel ante scelerisque imperdiet. Praesent lacinia a diam eget consequat. Nullam fermentum ligula et mauris semper pulvinar. Duis aliquet, purus ac tristique consectetur, mi odio rhoncus nunc, eget facilisis ante magna quis neque. Aliquam convallis aliquam turpis, et suscipit magna vestibulum at. Duis finibus iaculis feugiat. Praesent ultrices enim libero, ornare sodales arcu varius a. Curabitur consequat, libero a scelerisque aliquet, ante mi ullamcorper enim, eget porttitor quam quam id urna. " SPEECH. "
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  • B4eJFa4.png

    APPLEKIT APPLEPAW ; elegance and hardiness
    A young cat you would describe as " bossy, " Applepaw is quick to take charge of any situation she sees herself as the probable head of. Naturally talented, and for the most part, a rule - follower. She thinks herself better than the majority of her peers. Not ignorant enough to think herself above a warrior, but seeks to gain that status as quickly as possible. Intensely self - motivated to be the best in a mixture of blind, childish desire, and wanting to fix what has been broken. Intensely closed off to close emotional connection and outwardly cold to most.
    cisgender female; she / her ; bisexual
    apprentice of shadowclan, begrudgingly loyal
    created 5.17.2023 at 2 moons / ages every 17th
    penned by Floppie; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST
  • B4eJFa4.png

    Applepaw sports the typical build of a ShadowClanner, tall and broad. If not for her carefully maintained complexion, she would risk the look of brute. Her coat is thick... blah blah blah i cant be bothered rn
    ⤷ genetically LH blue torbie with low white.
  • B4eJFa4.png

    positive: determined, loyal neutral: bold, perfectionist negative: vindictive, self - conscious
    Applekit appears endlessly more put together than she truly is. From a young age, she will soak up the words of both of her parents to the best of her ability – though, this spells disaster with her very limited understanding as a child. She will adopt their likes and dislikes without much question, and when more properly tuned into the more analytic tendencies of them both, will begin to agonize over her own outward appearance.

    She will become the clan's biggest enforcer of "right" and "wrong" behavior – the one she judges most, of course, unconsciously being herself. This will lead to her ostracizing other kits / apprentices for behavior deemed unfit or improper, the standards of which can flip on a whim according to what she's recently overheard, or what she remembers to value in that moment. Her own judgement of herself is kept under tight lock and key, both from others and from herself. This will manifest into insufferable haughtiness and unconscious needs to compensate by assuming positions of power. She will attempt to put herself "in charge" of things like kit games and group activities, then later strain to climb the ranks of a self-imposed apprentice hierarchy.

    Any perceived threats to her "power" will result in thinly - veiled fury from her, and consequences including, but not limited to the spreading of nasty rumors and cruel "jokes". As she ages, possibly depending on the teachings of her parents, she may (or may not) learn to veil this frustration behind carefully crafted schemes and manipulation, but its something she's unlikely to succeed at quite so carefully, and more likely than not, is bound to cause her eventual downfall. Whether she improves or only worsens in young-adulthood will be up to ic development.

    appearance is very particularly maintained, regardless of her mood. walks with strong, confident strides at all times.
  • B4eJFa4.png

    Largely emotionally unavailable when it comes to both friendships and romance.
    SOUNDS LIKE: A resonant, low pitched feminine drawl. similar to Heather Chandler from Heathers.
    SMELLS LIKE: Swamp flowers & damp reeds
    speech is #B48B7B

    SMOGMAW xx HALFSHADE eldest sister to Swanpaw, Ashenpaw, & Garlicpaw (Halfpaw, Thornpaw, & Laurelpaw | mentoring none, mentored by Granitepelt Chilledstar
    Mate to none | Parent to none
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: Comfreypaw
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: Maggotpaw
  • B4eJFa4.png

    HOLLYWOOD by marina I asked her 'Why would you wanna be a Hollywood wife?' "Because I don't wanna end up living in a dive on Vine" / you do anything for a dime / you're looking for the golden lie / I'm obsessed with the mess that's america / american queen is the american dream

    OH NO! by marina Don't do love, don't do friends. I'm only after success. Don't need a relationship. I'll never soften my grip / I know exactly what I want and who I want to be. I know exactly why I walk and talk like a machine. I'm now becoming my own self-fulfilled prophecy / One track mind, one track heart. If I fail, I'll fall apart . Maybe it is all a test 'Cause, I feel like I'm the worst So I always act like I'm the best.

    TEEN IDLE by marina I wanna stay inside all day. I want the world to go away. I want blood, guts, and chocolate cake. I wanna be a real fake / I wish I wasn't such a narcissist. I wish I didn't really kiss The mirror when I'm on my own. Oh God, I'm gonna die alone / Adolescence didn't make sense. A little loss of innocence. The ugliness of being a fool. Ain't youth meant to be beautiful?

    CANDLE QUEEN by ghost Stoking the flames that burn higher and higher. Royalty with a crown of fire. Setting ablaze an extravagant scene. The one and only candle queen / The fighting has begun And she'd do anything to get ahead Like using people as ladder rungs And sweeping eggshells under the bed / She just can't help but be this way. She lost her true self long ago. Now all her friends have been pushed away. Because a caricature is all they know
  • B4eJFa4.png

    ○○○○○ HUNTING: Novice. Applepaw has gotten a grip on hunting, at the very least. She still lacks consistancey, but she can catch slower prey.
    ○○○○○○○ NIGHT HUNTING: Clueless. Applepaw has minimal experience in this category.

    ○○○○○ TRACKING: Novice. Applepaw is able to effectively differentiate the scents of different cats.
    ○○○○○○○○ COMBAT: Near - clueless. Applepaw has received minimal training in this category. .
  • Code:
    TEXT TEXT TEXT. [color=#B48B7B][b]" SPEECH. "[/b][/color]
    [tabs][tab=one track mind, one track heart ][color=#B48B7B][b]ooc:[/b][/color] yap yap yap
    [tab=( if i fail i'll fall apart )][quote][fright]SHE / HER[/fright][color=#B48B7B][b]APPLEPAW.[/b][/color]
    [color=#B48B7B]༊[/color] ELDEST SISTER TO SWANPAW, ASHENPAW, AND GARLICPAW ( halfpaw, thornpaw, laurelpaw )
    [color=#B48B7B]༊[/color] currently 10 moons old as of 2.12.24. ages every 17th.[/quote]
    [u]ic opinions![/u] she's mean <3[/tab][/tabs][/color][/justify][/size][/box][size=12px][/size]
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  • EZIRq0S.png

    PINK-KIT PINKPAW ; named for the color of happiness
    Pink-kit bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!.
    🌸 cisgender female; she / her; lesbian
    🌸 tunneler apprentice of windclan, loyal as far as she knows
    🌸 created 9.16.2023 at 2 moons / ages every 16th
    🌸 penned by floppie
  • EZIRq0S.png

    Pinkpaw's calico patches manifest in wide splatters of orange, rather than a more mottled fashion you may see on other's of her type. She's most easily identifiable by warm orange cheeks and a white blaze that cuts itself around her muzzle and up the right side of her face. White markings are most prominate on her backside, cutting a long strip down the middle before manifesting in raccoon - like stripes along her tail. Her vibrant eyes are a result of central heterochromia, a ring of blue lining otherwise sun - adjacent hues. Pinkpaw is a tiny terror, unbeknownst to her, too tiny for her to have a chance at being made a moor - runner.
    While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible​
  • EZIRq0S.png

    Akin to her mother and half - brother, Pink-kit is rarely seen without a smile. From an early age, she'll believe that life is a wonderful thing, and therefore you shouldn't waste so much of being miserable. She will notice right away – even if she cannot put it into words – that WindClan's atmosphere can often be a dreary and too - strict one, and perhaps subconsciously will seek to remedy this with the opposite of a withdrawn nature. This isn't to say that she rarely feels sad or angry, only that she doesn't think too deeply about her feelings, and in turn, it allows them to control her more than she controls them. Impulsive is the quickest way you could describe Pink-kit. When she wants something, she will get it, or do what she sees fit in order to. If she feels something, she will act on it without much regard to others' feelings, whether this manifests into nasty words, a blunt question, or suddenly stomping on tails. Pink-kit appears to be a whirlwind of chaos from the very beginning, thought process being a cobbling together of childish questions and answers. Others do not live in the present quite the way that Pink-kit does.

    What remains true – and what her peers will likely struggle to understand – is that it's never personal. Pink-kit would struggle to ever truly hold a grudge. Though she certainly isn't stupid – those deserving of judgement will be judged – in most cases, she will not bother to dwell on opinions she has already formed once upon a time. Her family will not be exempt from her often explosive words and nature, but she will love them all the same. She often forgets what she's done in a situation the moment she is gone from it, or if she remembers, it is of no great importance to her. Were anyone to hold contempt against her for her actions – and almost certainly, someone will – it would honestly and truly baffle her. What a miserable way to live!

    On the best of days, Pink-kit remains happy and carefree, having no bias when it comes to friends or enemies. She will laugh if she wants to and share if she wants to. As long as you do not get in the way of her wants and desires, you will only know her as a cheerful, loud - mouthed girl. Of course, that is easier said than done, though.

    nearly always smiling! perhaps not as strictly so as compared to others in her family— but she strives to keep a smile on her face. Walks with a skip in her step and stars in her eyes. Though she tries to keep her smile on, her emotions ar every much an open book outside of that, be it with a lashing tail or twitching ears.
  • EZIRq0S.png

    holds an inherent trust for anyone windclan, who she likes and dislikes is decided on whims, usually based on completely arbitrary aspects
    SOUNDS LIKE: remains someone high - pitched into adulthood. Patty from Soul Eater
    SMELLS LIKE: sun - warmed sand & lavender.
    speech is #FF6191

    BRIGHTSHINE xx HEAVY SNOW littermate to Heathkit, Finchkit, and Downykit. Family Tree | mentoring none , mentored by Scorchstreak
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: Halfkit, Finchpaw, Featherpaw
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: Rabbitclaw
  • EZIRq0S.png

  • EZIRq0S.png

    ○○○○○○○○○○ HUNTING: clueless. Newly apprenticed, Pinkpaw has no clue what she's doing.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ TUNNELING: clueless. Newly apprenticed, Pinkpaw has no clue what she's doing.

    ○○○○○○○○○○ TRACKING: clueless. Newly apprenticed, Pinkpaw has no clue what she's doing.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ COMBAT: clueless. Newly apprenticed, Pinkpaw has no clue what she's doing.
  • EZIRq0S.png

    [box=60%][justify][color=#c4c4c4]TEXT TEXT TEXT. [B][COLOR=#FF6191]" SPEECH. "[/color][/b]
    [tab= 🎀][quote][B]NOTE:[/B] SHE IS A FEVER COAT BABY!
    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with yellow eyes, ringed blue around her pupils (sectoral heterochromia). [u]While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible[/u]. Pink-kit bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    [indent]HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pink-kit is a very irrational and childish character![/indent][/quote][/tab][/tabs][/color][/justify][/box]
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SUDDEN INSPIRATION dropping everything 2 code.

YOKOPAW skyclan apprentice & they / them & created 00.00.0000 & penned by floppie.​
  • brief description lalala toyhouse lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus sed fringilla est, ac vulputate nulla. Aenean pellentesque rutrum erat eu tempor. Cras hendrerit, ex quis tempus varius, dui augue mollis magna, id scelerisque elit leo interdum quam. Nam eget mi eget quam suscipit lobortis. Mauris in nunc hendrerit, vulputate libero sit amet, dignissim nulla. Vestibulum eu euismod nisi. Phasellus fringilla, ipsum in venenatis feugiat, urna lacus iaculis nulla, ut venenatis sapien dolor a ligula. Cras et arcu magna. Suspendisse nunc dui, vehicula vitae dui in, auctor vulputate eros. Fusce vitae gravida nisl. In vel eros id nisi tincidunt euismod. Quisque efficitur tristique mauris, a dictum ligula suscipit eu. Suspendisse semper, ante vitae pulvinar pellentesque, arcu leo mollis nunc, non aliquam ante dolor maximus lorem. Cras viverra est id felis lacinia tristique.​
  • trait, trait, trait, trait, trait, trait, trait, trait, trait, trait. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus sed fringilla est, ac vulputate nulla. Aenean pellentesque rutrum erat eu tempor. Cras hendrerit, ex quis tempus varius, dui augue mollis magna, id scelerisque elit leo interdum quam. Nam eget mi eget quam suscipit lobortis. Mauris in nunc hendrerit, vulputate libero sit amet, dignissim nulla. Vestibulum eu euismod nisi. Phasellus fringilla, ipsum in venenatis feugiat, urna lacus iaculis nulla, ut venenatis sapien dolor a ligula. Cras et arcu magna. Suspendisse nunc dui, vehicula vitae dui in, auctor vulputate eros. Fusce vitae gravida nisl. In vel eros id nisi tincidunt euismod. Quisque efficitur tristique mauris, a dictum ligula suscipit eu. Suspendisse semper, ante vitae pulvinar pellentesque, arcu leo mollis nunc, non aliquam ante dolor maximus lorem. Cras viverra est id felis lacinia tristique.

    lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus sed fringilla est, ac vulputate nulla. Aenean pellentesque rutrum erat eu tempor.
    how easily do they trust or whatever
    sounds like alvin from alvin and the chipmunks
    smells like shit
    speech is #922123
    parent xx parent sibling to know | mentored by who ; mentoring who
    notable friends who
    notable enemies who​
  • ► SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
  • Code:
    [box=60%][justify][color=#c4c4c4]TEXT TEXT TEXT " [b][color=#922123][outline=black]SPEECH.[/outline][/color][/b] "[/color][/justify][/box]
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( apprentice of skyclan | afab she / they | penned by floppie )
created at 00.00.0000 at 4 moons | ages every 1st​

i. visual
barely printed on the dot, she wondered why the record stopped.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam malesuada sollicitudin tellus, vel vulputate felis consequat vitae. Donec condimentum tempor nibh congue mattis. Curabitur ut tellus mi. Sed at imperdiet ipsum. Nullam dignissim, est viverra tristique egestas, magna dolor posuere sapien, non porttitor elit lacus in diam. Cras porttitor felis arcu, eget venenatis nisl luctus sit amet. Vestibulum fermentum libero sed diam dignissim, nec dapibus leo ultrices. Nunc nec lacinia dolor. Phasellus ligula nulla, vehicula quis mi in, eleifend semper ipsum.
↳ genetically cutiemode​

ii. mentality
flipping through the pages of a child's eulogy.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam malesuada sollicitudin tellus, vel vulputate felis consequat vitae. Donec condimentum tempor nibh congue mattis. Curabitur ut tellus mi. Sed at imperdiet ipsum. Nullam dignissim, est viverra tristique egestas, magna dolor posuere sapien, non porttitor elit lacus in diam. Cras porttitor felis arcu, eget venenatis nisl luctus sit amet. Vestibulum fermentum libero sed diam dignissim, nec dapibus leo ultrices. Nunc nec lacinia dolor. Phasellus ligula nulla, vehicula quis mi in, eleifend semper ipsum.

iii. relationships
surfacing beneath malaise, a game of cards went on for days.

WHO x WHO | sibling to who and who | mentoring who, mentored by who
Mate to no one | Parent to no one | family tree
notable friends:
notable enemies:

iv. interaction
surfacing beneath malaise, a game of cards went on for days.

Relationship Status | sexuality | interested in who
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam malesuada sollicitudin tellus, vel vulputate felis consequat vitae.
sounds like: an alpha male
smells of: fuit snack
speech is #E2A255
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