⋆⁺₊ ☾ ⁺₊⋆ The soil sings with spilled blood. Here is where Applejaw's body was deposited, here is where Campionsong died in recompense. Swansong's gaze is level as she faces down the ThunderClan patrol. Still, the forest cats speak as though they are above it all, as though they claim no fault. Her eyes narrow as Roeflame speaks. "Self-righteous little rats, aren't you...?" she coos softly. And yet, for all their delusions, they are no different from the swarming, gnawing creatures of the carrionplace - but for their fuller bellies. All they want is more, more, more.

The leaders stare one another down, and the promise of violence threads through the air like omen. They sigh, letting their claws sink into the damp earth - and Flamestar seals the pact. "We have only taken... what we always deserved. It is you who are greedy... glutting yourself on plenty..." Their words come as a sharp hiss, stalking forwards as battle cries ring. "And causing such needless bloodshed. Pitiful..." To act so downtrodden, so slighted, and never even acknowledge the rot at their own core. It's sickening.

She moves like a snake, slow and calculated. Hey eyes are tired, but sharp - trained upon the culprits. Leaders meet, and Swansong surges forwards alongside them.

In a quick motion, the snowy molly leaps from the pale to meet the dark pelt of an opposing warrior - Nightbird. A small form, light and lithe, standing beside a broad-shouldered tom. They aim for a quick pin, remaining unsheathed as they aim a blow at the warrior's head. She'd be the one quicker to react, they reason; the tom seems like more of a heavy-hitter. Still, they don't stay in one place for long. They bounce back, light as a feather, before whirling to bare teeth at Raccoonstripe as well. Their quick claws remain poised to strike.

  • engaging @nightbird and @RACCOONSTRIPE !
  • 81294824_mjXd5ejx6RrZPyn.png
  • SWANSONG she / they, warrior of shadowclan, 20 moons.
    a pale, silky-furred cream tabby with tired blue eyes.
    dreamy and detached, known for her perpetual sleepiness.
    halfshade x smogstar, littermate to applejaw, garlicheart, & ashenfall.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
He tastes her blood. It's metal in his mouth, a scent that has his nostrils flaring. That paw is off of her then, wrenched with some ferocity that had split flesh further arcoss her fangs. She knew it'd hurt— but Stormywing's stubborn. He guesses they both are, really. How angry could he be at ThunderClan, really? Sharpshadow was probably more the fool, standing in the midst of a battle no prayer could ever give her the strength to win.

Her own blood wells upon her shoulder, stains the ThunderClanner's white paws. He hardly feels it. That snarl is matched with a grimace, jaw clenched and teeth bared. In service of what; she didn't know, couldn't say... The warrior speaks in a way Sharpshadow doesn't think she ever could. You ShadowClanners never know when to quit.

Of course he feels it, the tear of claws down his side. It's blood in his his fur, blacker than black, more than it was some unimaginable pain, though. ShadowClan's always bleeding, aren't they? He feels lucky for it to be a ThunderClanner's claws— something he could actually hurt the way it hurt him. It'd be easy for her to quit, too... It was baked into ShadowClan blood, precedented again and again. If she ever did seek to fill the space Smogstar had left behind, maybe her ultimate resolution would be to quit how he had.

She wants to be something different, though. She's pretty sure she does, anyways. Nothing really made her great enough to be Someone, but what would giving up now do for anyone?

Nearly, she thinks she must've done something to Stormywing... but the way he draws up with prickles of her namesake on her back isn't the fairest either. It's everything else that makes him want to to hurt. It wasn't Stormywing. His words are stretched thin on a hiss, nearly croaked. They didn't screech her fury in the way the ThunderClanner's did. " You don't understand, " eyes strained wide, it's all that he says.

Sharpshadow twists, but the jerk of his body isn't quick enough to keep enemy claws from his flesh. He raises his own forepaw to strike, only to feel a second set of claws digging into him. The pair of small warriors act more like rats than Sharpshadow could ever hope to, really... Sharpshadow treats his second attacker the way he would in Carrionplace, shaking them off with a viciousness. It'd be stupid to take his eyes off of Stormywing for a look, but he hears Roeflame's voice at his ear. His breath rattles. " I know! " is heaved with effort. Of course he knows. ThunderClan had warriors to spare, territory to spare. He's sure any Clan would look pathetic to them, in comparison, but even without it...

Breath steams hot from his nose. Hopelessness rears its ugly head in his mind for a moment, writing between two different sets of claws. It'd get him killed to let it fester, though— Split moment's decision has him whirling on Roeflame, hopefully off-kilter already by her shaking. Eyes alight, Sharpshadow lunges for in an attempt to score claws down her side; though, primed by the thought of rats, its secondary to her attempted clamp onto the smaller deputy's scruff. If successful, he would shake, claws still grappling for her regardless. Dark ears are swiveled backward in the direction of Stormywing still, but StarClan, he couldn't fight them both off alone.

OOC: engaging @STORMYWING and @ROEFLAME .!
Every word uttered is said to make him angrier - to become blinded by his emotions so it leads to more mistakes. He knows this, and yet, the warrior lets it happen anyway. I bet you think Gentlestorm trespassing and attempting to steal our herbs, almost killing a Shadowclan warrior was honorable too. "He's a medicine cat. And this is ThunderClan territory, it always has been!" He rasps, but gives up on trying to reason with the frog-eater; clearly they were always the victims of everything, like most of it wasn't usually the consequences of their own actions.

You're no better than us. Roaringsun chuckles at that. Because, really, what else is he supposed to do? "You'd like that to be true," He smiles with bloodied teeth, despite the pain of the scratches littering his body. "But I don't see ThunderClan leaders abandoning their Clan without a trace." He'd heard Emberstar died to dogs, Howlingstar was killed by her own grandson, but neither had left their Clan in a moment of need.

Her lunge is sudden and catches him off-guard. He had hoped she would stay on the ground, or perhaps just run away like he'd told her to. He doubted any of his clanmates would seek out a wounded warrior just to kill for sport ( at least it's what he'd like to believe ). Roaringsun holds out his paws in front of him to stop her from latching onto him. His neck is a vulnerable spot despite all the fluff he has, and any cat knows a wound there is most likely fatal. He refuses to die here today, more blood spilled onto the snow. Vulturesong's claws catch onto his chest regardless, and he hisses, attempting to shove her away from him so he can catch his breath.

He bares his teeth once more. Roaringsun sees the blood dripping off the wound he inflicted, and decides that he might as well send Vulturesong home with another injury - maybe then she will decide to turn tail and leave. The warrior drops into a crouch and focusing his strength into his back legs, he leaps towards the ShadowClanner and tries to claw her chest, the same way she'd done to him.


  • ROARINGSUN —— warrior of thunderclan , mentor to berrypaw . npc x npc . littermate to npcs ✦ penned by nocthymia
    male / he/him / 16 moons & ages every 14ᵗʰ
    single / orientation & poly or mono / open/closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— combat details here / battle notes

    "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    tags — msg on discord (hypmic) for plots — toyhouse
  • reference image here
    a longhaired flame sepia with low white and amber-brown eyes.

As the two of them rolled in an incomprehensible mass of fur, teeth and claws, Amberhaze would allow his glittering talons to pierce through thick orange fur, attempting to sink into the tender flesh beneath. Tunnel vision took hold, the tom turned animal allowing his instinct to guide him as his angular head began to throw strike wildly closer to Orangeheart, the movements akin to an aggressive adder. Due to the larger Thunderclanner's swift defense, his fangs remained empty, the clacking of teeth reverberating through their stifled space as snarling maws met nothing but air. His mind began to reel with its attempt to rapidly formulate an alternative, his momentary stall allowing for his opponent to successfully push him off, the other's brawn overpowering Amberhaze's own. Realizing where his disadvantage now lied, he would leap backwards and out of their range of connectivity.

Their eyes would meet, and a wave of blurred silence seemed to wash over them amidst the fray that threatened to suffocate them. Amberhaze's fear was palpable, just as Orangeheart's was- but they did not experience it in the same way- where one was desperate for escape and peaceful resolution, the other cast to the depths of his mind willing him to do whatever it took to preserve and defend. The other would attempt to break through his hazy barrier to no avail. Truthfully, the Shadowclanner could barely even hear- the buzzing in his brain had grown too immense under the strain of battle- his heartbeat roaring like a cascade inside his eardrums. Everything felt unreal, but still real enough that he had to remain painfully aware of what was unfolding in reality. Stuck between the bridge of what he wish were the truth, and the truth he lamented the recognition of.

"No." Amberhaze's voice was nearly inaudible, rattling chest heaving as he began to press forward with a rigid stance. The thick, curled fur that lined his jutting spine stood on end, giving off the illusion of a much more intimidating size than what lied beneath. He would advance again, this time aiming to strike at Orangeheart's lame leg, dragging him down onto the ground should his blow connect. If successful, the orange tom would once again find himself pinned down. The weight of Amberhaze was much more formidable now, the abyssal tom letting his claws sink into exposed flesh as deep as they could go, an unyielding grip that had gone past the point of a simple warning. His eyes were wild as they bore into the other's pathetic set of quivering orbs, fear-scent so strong it nearly made him choke.

He was right- he didn't want to be here. But it didn't matter. What he wanted didn't matter when compared to the preservation of his whole clan, his friends, his family. Regardless of what he wanted or what he believed was right, he would follow Ternstar just as he had followed those before her. This cat- this Thunderclanner- he knew privilege like no other. This much was clear in the way he would rather beg for peaceful resolve, ask to simply walk away from the decider between life and death rather than fight. Not everyone had that option. Shadowclan did not know such leniency. It enraged him. Heat rising from deep within his gut and igniting his entire being with a violent flame that he found himself struggling to contain. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair. His opponents plea for mercy, for the two of them to sheathe their claws and go their separate ways without even attempting to fight to keep what they were so adamant was their birthright ran circles around his head. The echo of it was deafening, agonizing, and he was powerless to stop it. Just like how he was powerless to stop the disappearances, the murders, the starvation, the looming threat of simply being alive. But he had power now, basically offered to him willingly by the fool beneath him.

You don't deserve this piece of land. You and your whole clan would never have been able to see the importance of it until it was stripped from you. Words left unsaid caused his maw to twist into a grimace, and with a stance that screamed predatory, he would lunge forward with bared fangs in an attempt to close them around the other's neck. He would miss the mark as Orangeheart flinched away, instead the clamp of his maw bearing down onto a much less vital ear. He would take what he could get, immediately beginning to throw his snake-like head back in a repetitive motion until the unmistakable sound of tearing flesh split the air. On and on, he would not stop until the recoil of the ear's removal sent Amberhaze stumbling backwards from the momentum. There was a silence that engulfed them then, wide eyed stare meeting its different colored reflection as bright red ichor began to rapidly trickle from the removed flesh still wedged between stained fangs and the gaping space left behind on the other.

Amberhaze allowed his prize to fall from a panting mouth, the impact of it's fall barely audible compared to the chaos still taking up any remaining space surrounding them. "Leave." Was the only word to fall from panting lips.

ㅤmale (he / him) / bisexual aroace, single
ㅤ20 moons old / ages semi-realistically, every 21st
ㅤlead warrior of shadowclan for 0 moons
npc x npc / younger brother to wormwatcher
ㅤmentoring talonpaw / mentored by wormwatcher
ㅤpenned by sloane / encarcerated on discord

a short but lengthy black cat with a boney build and luminous ocher eyes
⤷ black oriental shorthair x cornish rex

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- there was something down right desperate in the way that amberhaze moves. it's uncanny, and frightening all in the same swoop. cats can call him whatever they wanted, at the end of the day, and though he has no idea about how amberhaze truly feels about him in this moment, he knows one thing. he is scared. once again, even in the thick of battle, even in moments of desperation, he tries to opt for the easy way out of all of this. but it doesn't work. not this time. he sees that the other says something but doesn't hear it. he tries to move away, eyes swimming with unfiltered terror, but it's of nose use. his leg is hit, and with it he is knocked off balance enough to be pinned back to the ground. he's been here before. he's been here before and, much like last time, he doesn't think he'll make it out. everything happens so fast, and he sees a flash of ivory, only moving just enough so they don't land where they're meant to. he... missed. and yet he feels pain all the same.

blood seeps down his face as he scrambles to get up, pupils shrunk to pinpoints, body trembling as he closes one eye to keep the blood from getting within it. a bunch of wounds all over his body, again. the price of war is too steep. amberhaze tells him to leave and he wants to say something, to say thank you for sparing his life but he feels stuck. he only manages to pull himself away at a sound nearby, making his head turn and he feels his entire body is on fire.

" no! no! myrtlepaw!"

he ignores the way he feels as if he may collapse, running to the other's body. nearby, a younger apprentice stands, the look on her face seemingly emotionless at such a glance, but he cant bare to look at the face of his friend's killer. he uses whatever is left of his strength to push her body onto his back, looking around before simply leaving the battle ground.

"it's gonna be okay, myrtlepaw. you're gonna be... okay. and you'll wake up and we will... heal together. yeah. c-come on... please don't... please."

it is a plead that cannot be heard.

// taking @Myrtlepaw 's body and leaving! out !!


His opponent's giggle grates on his ears, eliciting a snarl from the small-statured tom as his claws just barely miss his target. Smart, she declares herself as before sinking teeth into a back-leg.

At the pain in his leg and the warm trickle of blood that falls from it, he erupts in a sharp hiss and in his frustration Ribbitleap finds himself partially agreeing to her short words. The cowardly ThunderClanner is a more difficult opponent than he'd expected, but the tom knows better than to back down. For he is smart too.

Ribbitleap moves at the sight of silvered limbs moving to kick his free hind-leg, his own dark limb lifting with the aim of kicking backward and hitting his opponent in the face to free his wounded leg. The moment he is free, he twists back, aiming to sink teeth deep into a patchworked shoulder with the hope of drawing blood, an even match. If successful, Ribbitleap will make the attempt to drag his opponent downward and gain higher ground with his opponent pinned beneath him.

" Stand down, " he growls, though he prepares for anything but the torbie's surrender.


The surviving twin, Ribbitleap has grown with the clans without his brother at his side — an inseparable duo divided by tragedy in the face of the Great Battle. Once undistinguishable from his littermate, it is perhaps likely for his scrawny, brown tabby form to garner a sense of familiarity to neighboring oak-dwellers.


He / Him ⋅ Single
Warrior of ShadowClan
Geckoscreech † x Toad's Prowl
Brother to Leaping Toad †; Cousin to Toadhop, Ragwortpaw †
Mentoring no one ⋅ Mentored by Rustleap
Penned by Abri ⋅ Message _abri_ on discord for plots!
Attacking @Dayfern ! Rolled a 2 in defense of the first attack and a 19 in defense of the second !

The clearing explodes into a cloud of flying fur and claws. The battle cries make her stomach feel uneasy, but there was only mere heartbeats to fear the outcomes of this battle before Shadowclan's leader launched towards her with outstretched claws. The leader took in a quick breath, and shifted her weight to her left, just as Ternstar made contact with her. She could feel Ternstar's claws starting to sink into her skin, but before her attacker could get a better grip, Flamestar reared up on her back legs, and took a few steps backwards, getting out of Ternstar's reach. "Shadowclan won't win." A visible cloud left her muzzle as she threw a hiss towards the other leader. "It's not too late to call your clan back." Once her front paws touched the ground once more, she lowered her head and lashed her tail behind her.

rolled 17 for Defense
and 5 for attack
attacking @Ternstar. but open to other attackers

afab (she / her)ㅤ / heterosexual, widowed, formerly taken by flycatcher
41 moons old ㅤ/ ㅤages realistically, every 20th of the month
leader of thunderclan for 4 moons

lily x storm ㅤ/ㅤ mother to: falconheart, stormfeather, lilykit, butterflykit, bugchaser, squirrelsong, sunbird, ravenblaze, sparrowpaw
ㅤpenned by Icey ! ㅤ/ ㅤmessage Icey ! on discord for plots!
ㅤmentoring merlinpaw & bayingpawㅤ / ㅤmentored: cloudyfur, acornwish

flamestar's fur is a vibrant hue of red, riddled with thick classic tabby markings. her fur is medium in length, and she has a large, feathery tail. her chest, belly, tail tip, and her paws are dipped white. flamestar's eyes are a dark, deep shade of green. her right shoulder has a large scar on it from a fight with a dog. she also has a shredded ear from a disagreement with a loner during her time alone before joining thunderclan. on particularly cold days, or sometimes before a major weather change, she will walk with a slight limp from her shoulder injury. she has a large usually visible scar on her left shoulder from her battle with skyclaw over thunderclan's leadership.
ShadowClan appears, viperlike, their eyes gleaming with indignation, misplaced righteousness. Ternstar gives the order for her patrol to attack, and Raccoonstripe lets out a snarl of satisfaction. His last battle had been with the one-eyed warrior at Sunningrocks, and he had nearly lost his life then — there will not be a repeat of that today. He is sure-footed and confident on the forest floor, his paws dancing through undergrowth he had raced through since he was a young warrior. The mangled border explodes into hisses and yowls of pain and outrage, of fur flying and blood spilled; Raccoonstripe's single dark eye narrows, peering through the carnage for an opponent.

It's Nightbird's slender figure he catches sight of first; his mate dances with a willowy she-cat, wreathed in pale fur like the ghost of some fallen marshland warrior. The light-colored ShadowClanner is quick to streak toward Nightbird and attempt to throw her onto her back. Raccoonstripe wastes no time; he lumbers forward, aiming to strike @Swansong across the bridge of her nose with curled claws. "Run back to your mire with your tail between your legs," he warns, his fur like ebony blades along his spine and shoulders.

… ❞

Status: Furious, Panicking

She watches as the tom's leg she was aiming for lifts, clearly aiming for her face. She unlatches her teeth from the grip she had on brown fur and rolls away from his body to avoid it. She didn't need a concussion on top of everything else. However, as she was turned away she felt teeth sink into her shoulder. She screeched in a combination of pain and fury as she feels the wound produce blood. She attempts to wiggle away, trying to ignore the pain coursing from that spot, but her eyes go wide and large as she feels the Shadowclanner's attempt to pin her. Dayfern's wiggling gets even more jerky and chaotic as furious hisses leave her mouth as she is dragged down. Panic starts flooding her veins as her ears pin themselves back, she can't afford to be pinned in battle, not with her size. She screeches as loud as she possibly can hoping to either draw attention to their fight or to distract the tom enough to let go. She doesn't let the panic show on the outside but her thoughts are filled with a litany of "no no no no"s.

As the other cat tells her to 'Stand down,' Dayfern attempts to twist around to face the cat, pain shooting through her shoulder at the movement. She attempts to swipe at his face to get him to let go, her teeth snapping repeatedly closed towards his nose and muzzle attached to her shoulder. She hisses and screeches in his face and just in case also takes her back legs in an attempt to pummel his chest or neck or anything close enough to reach in an attempt to dislodge him. She's contorted in strange ways in order to do this. If she does manage to free herself, she puts distance between them, heavily favoring the uninjured side at this point, her tail lashing angrily behind her. "Never!" She hisses in a low, raspy voice, her throat tired from the screeching and hissing done so far. She warily watches the other for his next move.

  • OOC: Attacking @RIBBITLEAP Rolled 18 for dodging the first a 3 for the second
  • Dayfern - Female black tortie silver blotched tabby ☼ She/Her ☼ Warrior of Thunderclan ☼ Penned by Snowy ☼ 25 moons
    ☼ Contact TimelordSnowy on Discord for plotting

· · ───────────── ·𖥸· ───────────── · ·

Being here is stifling... like it might just pull all the air gasping from her lungs. It smells like blood- her blood... like a stumbling flight through the woods in hopes she might make it home. Mottledpaw remains frozen to her spot, muscles tensed and aching for all the fear that keeps them taut. Stormywing had been nothing but nurturing to the world her apprentice had been thrust into since then, teaching and reteaching skills she had already learned... but to be in this same place...?

The world roars in overwhelming sound as bodies rush towards one another, claws clatter against each other, teeth gnash at exposed throats. Somewhere she's certain her silver-furred mentor fights, that she is the same statue of resilience she has always been. She'd asked her what she'd given up... and despite the sorrow with which she'd confessed she'd lost her clan's trust, she witnesses it today that no one so much as bats in eye in the code-breaker's direction. They rely on her to retake this territory...

They rely on Mottledpaw too.

Scarletpaw's voice is a yowl above the carnage and it her presence, the reassurance that they are not alone this time that summons movement to her bones. The tortoiseshell finds her litter-mate snapping at a ShadowClan warrior and a new urgency pushes her to join her, diving to sink her teeth into his tail while he might yet be distracted with Scarletpaw at his flank.

It was a dirty way to fight... but it was stacking the odds in your favor that made the winner, right?

// joining @Scarletpaw to fight @BATCHASER !​

Stormywing's leg is burning, but the pain is nothing compared to the fire raging in her chest. The scent of blood - hers, Sharpshadow's, Roeflame's - clogs her nostrils, thick and iron-sharp. Her claws leave deep, jagged lines down Sharpshadow's side, and satisfaction flares hotly within her. But it's fleeting. She barely has a heartbeat to revel in it before Roeflame is suddenly there, slamming into the ShadowClan deputy from behind.

She should be relieved, should welcome the aid. This is what clanmates do, isn't it? They fight together. They watch each other's backs. And yet, something inside her twists at the sight of her deputy's claws sinking into Sharpshadow's back. Somewhere deep inside, the shadowy cat is still an ally she befriended in snowy mountains. But the tabby doesn't hesitate; she can't afford to. As the smoky deputy whirls on Roeflame, lunging, Stormywing surges forward, her injured leg screaming in protest. She throws her weight at him again, aiming to knock him off balance before he can get a proper hold on her clanmate. "Get off of her!" She snarls, fangs flashing as she aims to sink them into the thick fur at his shoulder.

Still, his words from before linger in the back of her mind, tangled with good memories she has of the ShadowClanner, of journey battles fought side by side rather than against one another. 'You don't understand.' For a fraction of a heartbeat, she wonders what she wants her to understand. But this isn't the time. All that matters now is taking back ThunderClan's rightful ground, keeping Roeflame safe, and keeping herself from going down under Sharpshadow's counterattack. She can wonder about his meaning later…if he even walks away from this fight to explain it.

// fighting with @ROEFLAME . against @SHARPSHADOW

Resentment blooms, toward his friend and leader for feeling the need to maintain control of the sliver of territory; wouldn't she want to be craft her own legacy instead of inheriting Mirestar's? The blood of their clanmates will be on her paws if anything goes awry, but even then he knows he'll be steadfast in his support of her (outwardly), and will still be at her beck and call. Wormwatcher's gaze burns a hole through Puddlepaw as they stalk through the marsh— had he taught her well enough, will she be able to protect herself, will his apprentice know when it is better to flee then risk life and limb? She is stubborn and he is painfully aware she does not like him either; but his concern for her is raw, as real as it can be. He reluctantly removes his attention away from Puddlepaw to shoot a sidelong glance down the patrol at Amberhaze, but he's unable to catch his brother's attention. Be safe Amber.

Wormwatcher's tail kinks nervously as he now surveys the crowd of Thunderclanner's, searching for one within the crowd of many. Gentlestorm. "Puddlepaw—" He wants to remind her about what he's taught her, about not taking it too far but as soon as the command to fight is given she thrusts away. The tom wants to follow her and tear her back but he feels himself bounding further away from her, toward his own target. Stars... protect her.

The tom tries to press the concern he for those he cares about aside; he is a warrior, they all must fight. He weaves by grappling warriors and straight toward Thunderclan's medicine cat at the fringe of the battle. "You!" He leaps toward the formidable tom, long limbs extended outwards and he tries to bury his claws into Gentlestorm's shoulder and pulls down. If Wormwatcher must carry the bite marks of Gentlestorm he would like to leave his mark on him too. This will be a fair fight this time, he decides.

  • preplanned fight with @GENTLESTORM ; not open for more interaction
  • yVgqDFf.png

    ☾ A tall, slender 50% oriental shorthair black/blue chimera with low white with pale blue eyes
    ☾ Introspective and observant, Wormwatcher will often keep his opinions entirely to himself unless instigated to express them. He is not a gossip but he is known to eavesdrop and watch his clanmates from the edges of camp. He keeps everyone but his found family at a distance and presents a front of indifference to anyone else. Wormwatcher can be hard to interact with because of coldness but beneath it is someone who cares for each and every clanmate. Occasionally he can have major mood swings, resulting in harmful remarks and unseemly behavior.
    ☾ shadowclan warrior | mentoring Puddlepaw
    ☾ he/him ⋆ homosexual (closeted)
    ☾ 33 moons ⋆ ages every 10th
  • Love
Reactions: Amberhaze
Foliage crunches under the warrior's paws, as he slithered after his leader along with the patrol he was on. His whiplike tail brushed along the marshland grass, hidden eyes beneath his curled fringe watch the back of Ternstar. This was a foolish errand, hunger gripped along his lanky figure his stomach clunching. He'd not eaten; too many young in their clan, their dens barely holding up while the cold nipped at their pelts. Restlessness had run rampant. He glances at Vulturesong as the pale - touched molly sided next to him in the shadows. Unlike him who knows the situation at hand, his apprentice... unfortunately doesn't as the tabby beside him is bouncing in place. Bouncepaw is young, newly made apprentice under his watch.

He had taught the young one basic movies but... will she hold her own out there? Large dark ear flicks in a nervous way, while white - knuckled paws press upon the ground below. Batchaser whisper - hisses down towards his apprentice, "Do not hesitate, fight for your life." His head cranes up to narrow his eyes towards the bigger patrol of Thunderclanners. Shadowclan is surely to lose this battle. He should've stayed in camp and not subject his charge to this useless battle of territory. The bicolored tom stares at the back of his foolish leader's head with a frown drawn across his maw. What is gained from this? More deaths and blood spilled upon the soil? Fool. He doesn't really understand Ternstar's decision. His nose wrinkles. How the starvation was beginning to infiltrate his skull, bring his mind to a slight haze as he flexed his lean muscles underneath his dark coat.

Once Flamestar's voice splits the tension - lined air, bodies slam against one another, fur bristling, claws flailing and tails lashing as cats of the two clans fight. Things went south quicker then he currently knew, a young tortoiseshell lands right at his white - knuckled paws. A looms over the foul-smelling creature, a manic smile plasters wildly over his maw— flashing his teeth as he lets out a hiss at the claws at his flank. Paws firmly placed against the ground below him, trying to tether himself from falling over. Whipping his head around he snarls. "Thunderclan doesn't belong here either... You are greedy, gorging youself on plenty!" Angular features twisted like a wraith as he aims to slam a sharp - kunckled paw, claws outstretched into the space of the young molly's shoulderblades to shove her into the ground using his upper body weight. If he dies here, he's dragging a Thunderclanner with him. It is a sickening thought. He gets distracted at teeth biting his tail, he grits his teeth as he lets out a grunt. Batchaser moves a dark hind-leg aiming to kick his new opponent in the face with his leg the moment he's free, he twists his focus on the first Thunderclanner, he lunges forward to sink fangs into the molly's neck.

  • ooc. engaging @Scarletpaw and @mottledpaw
  • no ref yet.
    ᯓ☾ CISMALE ; HE / HIM ; curently 39 moons old & ages every 10th.
    pansexual / not actively looking — mentoring Bouncepaw.
    a tall shorthaired curly black smoke bicolor with gold/green heterochromia. a laid-back warrior who'd rather sleep and roam around the marshes. the cryptid being who speaks in a different tongue but has an obsession with the moon.
    thoughts ; "Speech, 7077A1" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like rain-soaked pavement & sweet leaf rot
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ the commotion of battle swirls through the cold air and nightbird scans the growth for some carrion stenched pelt to sink her claws into. the figure that lurches forward blends with the snow in the peripheral of her vision just long enough that the lead warrior finds her spine meeting the ground with an annoyed huff past her maw.

nightbird writhes just to escape claws to her face but as her own paw raises, the assailant has backed away, teeth glinting towards raccoonstripe. she uses the time her mate aims a heavy blow to get her paws underneath her own body, snaking around swansong. outstretched claws aim to find purchase on on the shadowclanner's shoulder, jaws parted and meant to grasp at her scruff. if successful, nightbird would attempt to use the leverage to drag swansong to the ground.
  • OOC ─ interacting w/ @RACCOONSTRIPE & @Swansong
  • mZ1kjRK.png
    a small, feathery black smoke molly with one white paw and pale silver eyes. she is mates with RACCOONSTRIPE and has recently left the nursery after raising their five kits; BAYINGPAW, TWILIGHTPAW, TIGERPAW, STORMPAW, and BERRYPAW. nightbird is currently mentoring HONEYPAW and TWILIGHTPAW. her former apprentices include LIGHTSTRIKE †, DUSKBIRD †, and PALEFIRE.​
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ battle info
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

There are rules medicine cats follow you moron. And this was ThunderClan territory, once again. You lost it. It hasn't always been Thunderclans. I see you have frogs for brains. It's impossible to speak with someone with such a lack of critical thinking skills. Then again, what was she expecting from the snobs that are Thunderclan? Always assuming that they're in the right. Starclans favored. However, his next comment stings. For once in their entire exchange he is correct. The leaders of Shadowclan have turned tail. All except for Chilledstar who gave her life for Shadowclan. Everyone else who followed abandoned them quickly and left them to rot. That is why you have my utmost respect Chilledstar. You were a true leader, unlike the others.

While she is not able to latch onto his neck, she grunts as paws force her to contort in an strange manner. As a result, when she is shoved, she is unable to hold on, awkwardly staggering. White puffs of breath spill from her. A piercing yowl leaves her maw, as claws tear into her chest. Forelimbs shoot upward, latching her claws into his shoulders, as hind legs push against the snow to prevent him from pinning her. Alas, her luck has run short. While exhaustion and blood loss is hindering her ability to fight as well as she can, Roaringsun is extremely heavy. A small cat of her stature can't hold his weight very well.

It is excruciating. The wound he inflicts on her chest, so much so when he claws at her again... The pain is too much that she shifts. Hind legs slide against snow, her own claws lightly rakes against his shoulder, and his claws dig deeper into her flesh as they fall. As soon as her back hits the cold and wet ground she can't help but laugh while staring into fire. "It's saddening how blind and hypocritical you are. Thunderclan, always thinking they're noble and the most important clan of the forest. And yet everyone else in the forest knows it isn't true. There's evil in them too. Skyclaw is proof of that. You have a darkness in you too, I wouldn't be surprised if you're a code breaker like Gentlestorm."

She doesn't expect Roaringsun to listen. No, he will continue to deny and turn away form the truth that's been there the whole entire time. After all, no one wants to come to terms that they're just a tool for those higher up. What she is unaware of that she may have struck a cord. Roaringsun may be loyal to Thunderclan, but his heart belongs to someone who is not of Thunderclan. A love that can not be, and yet he refuses to give up on it.

His weight shifts, pressing into her, as if he wanted to crush her. "A-at least. I k-know what I am," she adds in between strained breaths. Fear is not a word she would even begin to use to describe being pinned by the likes of a lion like warrior such as Roaringsun. No... she does not fear him in any regard. By all accounts he is someone she respects in battle. He fought her earnestly and did not call for help. Even though he could have easily yowled for someone, he never considered it. For that, she has no regrets dying to a warrior like him. This battle was for survival and she simply wasn't strong enough.

Bitterness fuels her aching limbs. Stormy blue despise the damage she had done to the flame pelted tom. It wasn't nearly enough. Not to her. Frustration boils in her gut before she attempts to snap at his forepaw, while using whatever remaining strength she had to kick against his belly in order to get out from under him. If successful she would hastily rise to her paws only to collapse just as quickly in a white bloodied heap. If she was not successful in her endeavors, she would continue to try and kick against his belly, but each kick would gradually decline in strength until they completely remained still.

Regardless, the Thunderclan warrior would be met with the same stoic expression he had first seen from her. Even the gaze of her eyes was unrelenting. If he had expected her to beg for life or turn tail then he was a fool. Never would she beg in a situation like this. She lost fair and square. As for running? She didn't have the energy. The amount of wounds she had sustained burned. Her breaths were ragged. It hurts. Shit. It hurts. I can't get up and fight anymore. What? What did Coldgaze say again? Oh, that's right. Just breathe.

Panicking would make matters worse. Crying doesn't solve anything. If Roaringsun was a true warrior he would give her an honorable death. Just as she would have done for him, if things were more in her favor. "Vulturesong," she rasps. Hopefully he wasn't a complete moron and understood what she was telling him. And in return he would give her a name to remember the warrior that bested her.

// @roaringsun oh no the girlie is unable to fight anymore :^(
It was thunderclan who attacked first and that was good enough as a signal. Lividsmoke narrowed thier gaze as they sprinted off ready to defend thier territory with claws and teeths. Searching for an opponent find a spotted she-cat who was just as good as anyone to attack. Lividsmoke didn't hesitant as they went for her and ducked down to her side as they attempted to slash thier claw through the flank of her flesh. In hope to have get her startled Lividsmoke would use this opportunity to get ready with thier other paw to went for an counter attack and lashed thier forepaw through the air this time aiming for the molly's face. All the time thier eyes where focused and determinated. Lividsmoke wasn't gonna stop until every single one of them were out of thier territory.

// @Bugchaser !

˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ Gentlestorm watches as both sides begin to collide with one another with claws and teeth, it causes his own pelt to prickle with anticipation, and his own claws slip into the earth. His apprentice fights well and her attacks are more heavier than that of the Shadowclan apprentice that barely leaves behind baby fat and fur in favor for longer legs and a bigger body, he can feel pride burning within his chest but he isn't allowed to think on it for long when he hears someone hiss at him "You!" He snaps his head in the direction of Wormwatcher that bolts his way with claws readied and his own snout seems to wrinkle as a silent snarl pulls at his own powerful jaws, there isn't any point in trying to hide who he truly is from the other and he could thrash the other like Snakeblink, like a dog ripping violently through meat like some starved brute.

"Did you not heed my warning?" He snarls towards the other feeling his claws digging into his shoulders but the silvery tom simply lashes out a large paw to slash his claws across the face of the dark tabby. He had been kind in not succeeding in killing the Shadowclan warrior yet here he is once more to tempt the fates and he knows with war comes plenty of bloodshed and death, he would make sure to provide the carrion-eaters with a new body to lace with rosemary and mourn. His teeth flash as he attempts to bite down into the flesh of Wormwatcher's shoulder and if he managed to get a hold of it, he would begin to swing his head back and forth in a violent thrashing motion.


ㅤagab male (he/it)ㅤ/ㅤbisexual demiromantic, widowed by little wolf
ㅤ63 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 27th of the month
ㅤmedicine cat of thunderclan for 12 moons
falling snow x raging stormㅤ/ㅤuncle to hopepaw, coalpaw, cardinalpaw, & braveheart
ㅤmentoring hopepawㅤ/ㅤmentored by berryheart
ㅤpenned by BossTaurusㅤ/ㅤmessage bosstaurus on discord for plots!
"speech", thoughts, & attacking ; uses brute strength, strategizes before every fight, will tear/maim an enemy, and will end fights
a large, longhaired, and scruffy blue sepia tom littered with several scars, tattered ears, blinded in an eye, and has a pair of earthy toned eyes w/low white

Scarletpaw barely hears the ShadowClanner's snarled words over the blood rushing in her ears. Greedy? As if ShadowClan hadn't stolen this land first. As if she didn't deserve to be here! To fight, to win.

She grits her teeth as his claws dig into her shoulders, trying to force her down. Pain flares hot, but she refuses to crumble beneath him. No, no, no - she won't be weak! Her hind legs bunch, claws scraping against the earth as she twists, trying to wrench herself free. And then Mottledpaw is there, teeth latching onto the tom's tail. A flicker of satisfaction sparks in Scarletpaw's chest as she smirks in her sister's direction. Good. It's two against one now. Their odds are better.

The moment his grip shifts, distracted by her littermate's attack, the chocolate and red she-cat takes her chance. Instead of pulling away, she lunges forward. If he wants to sink his fangs into her scruff, he's going to have to deal with her claws first. Just as his teeth meet her flesh, she aims a vicious strike at his face, claws seeking his muzzle, his ears, his eyes, anything to make him regret thinking he could overpower her. "We're taking back what's ours!" She spits furiously, only for an ear-splitting screech to leave her maw as soon as his bite lands. No! I have to get away - he'll kill me like this!

// working together with @mottledpaw to fight @BATCHASER

A droplet of blood finds her tongue, flooding it's bitter taste throughout her entire mouth. She's tasted it once before a few moons ago, Juniperkit and her had wrestled a bit too tough and before Bouncepaw knew it a tooth had sank into her sister's shoulder. She remembers pleading for her not to tell Myrtlefoot, Juniperkit made Bouncekit a portion of her frog in trade that night.

This time instead of trading away stringy meat she'd have to pay with a crown of claws on her head. The pain goes straight to her skull, it felt like the ThunderClan cat's claws were only inches from meeting her brain. "OW—!" Bouncepaw lets loose a high pitch yowl of pain as Hopepaw's shoulder slams into her own. Her paws loose contact with the ground and she falls heavy onto her shoulder. This cat was hitting much harder than Juniperkit had when they sparred!

Though shocked by the difficulty of this opponent she tries to scramble back up onto her paws.

female (she / her) / heterosexual, single
6 moons old / ages realistically, every 1st of the month
apprentice of ShadowClan
Myrtlefoot x Bristletooth / littermate to Juniperkit
mentored by Batchaser
penned by ava / message av.a on discord for plots!

Bouncepaw is a warm, brown she-cat with black tabby markings caging her fur. She has a broad muzzle and big, cream colored paws. White fur cascades from her chin and flows all the way down to pool at her underbelly. She has big, owlish, hazel eyes.

OOC: Fighting @HOPEPAW . It doesn't feel like she'd icly have enough time to do more than attempt to recover from falling before Hopepaw would have the chance to make another move on her; so I didn't have her attempt another attack yet. Feel free to keep beating her up.

Also still open to other cats attacking :)​

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Ivory claws are successfully burrowed within the ghostly flesh of her equal, and Sharpshadow's attention has been swept off of Stormywing for the time being. Roeflame is not foolish enough to try and stay saddled upon the enemy warriors back as she begins to violently shake, and half springs, half tumbles from Sharpshadow's back with a hiss. I know! His rattled retort is nearly washed away in the sea of battle. Roeflame bares her teeth, but no response comes to her tongue- not in time, Sharpshadow is flying towards her within a heartbeat of her descent.

Roeflame's spine curves as the brassed deputy whips her head in response to the ShadowClanner's thorns scorching shallow gouges down her side, aiming to retaliate with her own swift jab, but whether or not her counter attack is successful goes unregistered; teeth are beginning sinking into her scruff. With an angry yowl Roeflame would instinctively quickly slam her heels into the ground, preparing to make her smaller body harder to thrash around. "Damned fox-heart!"

A flash of Stormywing's ashen pelt, and Sharpshadow is once again out-manned. Should her friends shove prove successful, Roeflame would attempt to tear herself away from the other's fanged grasp, willing to leave as many tufts of fur behind as she needed to. Around her, the song of battle surges, with ThunderClanners swarming over the marsh-dwellers. Their victory is all but certain, it always was. As Stormywing lunges for Sharpshadow's shoulder, Roeflame would take the opportunity to go for the others hind leg, where she'd aim to tear her claws down whichever one she could manage to spring for.
  • fighting alongside @STORMYWING , attacking @SHARPSHADOW
  • ROEFLAME she/her, Deputy of Thunderclan, twenty-seven moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Dovepaw & Dwindlingpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.