- Mar 4, 2024
- 89
- 37
- 18
the sun in his smile

On the horizon, you see a brand of fire embedded in a ruddy mane, thick with the blood of his father. Even if you do not know him, you know he is someone. He asserts it to you in the way he breathes, in the way he stands. If that alone can't convince you, each ensuing word will only stuff it insufferably further down your throat. Unknowingly, he'd carefully crafted his own self, inserting the outline of an impossible, picturesque warrior into SkyClan's ranks.
❝" H-How do you do it? " Chickbloom asked suddenly while tilting his head to the side, tone more curious and inquiring than desperate or jealous. " Y'know— be… you. You called out to me and— and started telling me what to do. You're always really loud— not in a bad way— and assertive. You seem relaxed, too. I could— could never do that. So, how— how do you? "
Candorflight is a a striped, brown and red pointed tom with tawny paws, a white face and belly, and vibrant green eyes. He is taller than average with an athletic build.
Candorflight is a newly-named warrior of SkyClan underneath Orangestar's leadership. Candorkit was born to Bobbie and the late Blazestar who passed before his litter's birth, along with his littermates Lionkit and Hollykit. Candorkit had been a name Blazestar had expressed wanting for one of his kits before he died. He later became an apprentice named Candorpaw and was mentored by Twitchbolt. Despite a few minor hiccups in his apprenticeship, Candorpaw passed his assessment and was newly named Candorflight for his spirit and climbing ability.
Contents1. Detailed Description
1.1 Scars2. Personality
1.2 Body Language
1.3 Inventory
2.1 Faith3. Interaction
2.2 Quirks
3.1 Skills4. Relationships
3.2 Combat
4.1 Kin5. History
4.2 Other Cats
5.1 Backwritten6. Trivia
5.2 Played
6.1 Playlist
6.2 Theme Weeks -
His large paws took some time for him to grow into. As a warrior, he wears them and their unique tawny coloring, reminiscent of his mother's pelt, well. In another mimicry of her, lain over with bright new paint, is a pair of vibrant green eyes, seemingly always agleam with love for the world and dedication to his cause. His fathers legacy crowns his his head in auburn-reds. Ragdoll heritage spills over his shoulders in a thick, fiery mane, though perhaps it would be more impressive if more time was spent tending to it... Evidently, grooming is not a priority for Candorflight. All manner of foliage and leaf-litter can be found within his pelt if one searches hard enough. When asked, Candorflight may deem himself too busy for such things, despite this being somewhat far from the truth.
Unfamiliar to either of his parents, but undoubtedly uncovered in his litter, are the thick, brown stripes adorning his tail. Even still, glimmers of Blazestar's blood lays in its pointed visage and thick ruff. Topping the rest is his white belly and lower face, forming a "mask" that leaves only the red of his forehead, nose, and ears on display.
Technically: Longhaired lilac / chocolate torbie point chimera w/ low white. Genetically lilac. 50% Ragdoll.
Scars gained:
- None yet.
Well-honed in Candorflight are his mannerisms, rigidly adopted in kithood and perpetuated to a point where he now carries them out effortlessly. His posture is perfect, with a straight spine and tail nearly always lifted high in the air when not gesturing— which he often does animatedly. His chin is always held high regardless of who he's speaking to, with exceptions made only for the sake of poignancy, wherein the lowering of his head will be (unnecessarily) dramatic. The way in which he carries himself shouts ready for action at all times. Something as simple as standing will not be done with four paws neatly tucked together, but rather, paws splayed or one lifted, as if halted mid-step.
Candorflight is an active listener, often nodding, flicking his ears, twitching his whiskers, curling his tail, etcetera, to show that he is engaged in whatever conversation he is in (or even those that he is not apart of...) Shining example of his namesake, Candorflight wears his heart on his sleeve. No effort is ever made to conceal his expressions, even in the face of his enemies. With enough attention paid to the minute twitches of his body, one could likely see every thought as it forms in his head.
His gait is nothing if not purposeful. No movement of his looks unintentional— not to say that he is stiff or awkward, but in the way that there is weight in all he does; an emotional sort, if not literal. What he wears is not a mask... Maybe once upon a time, it had been, but moons of reinforcement have melded it into every inch of his very being.
Expressions too, feel practiced on a face like his. His smile is a winning one, a well-practiced quirk of the lips that should soothe crying kittens, assure even the bravest of warriors, and instill humility in the most downtrodden of foes. Charm is the intent, and for the most part, he is successful in doing so... Though a different type could find it irritating for the very seem reason. Even his other expressions, those of thoughtfulness, surprise, and sadness, seem to be thoughtfully crafted to suit his face. Candorflight can generally be described as handsome, due in no small part to his lineage.
- Empty
Candorflight is remarkably loud about what he is. Immediately noticeable is his boisterous nature and his optimism. Naturally, his overwhelming sense of passion leads into his emotional proclivities. He feels self-important in a way that isn't immediately obvious, most commonly displayed by his often overbearing and insistent nature. Somewhat bluntly, Candorflight tends to be oblivious, and a staid nature since kithood has formed him into a rather black-and-white thinker. Despite being a warrior, in many avenues he is still naïve. Candorflight is extremely loyal to his strong morals, and will be outspoken against all that oppose them.
With the scribble of his name on the cover of a storybook, Candorflight was— and still is, undoubtedly shaped by stories, both fictional and non-fictional. Since kithood, he has stubbornly stuck to his ideal, black-and-white image of the perfect warrior, and seeks to fufill it to his fullest extent. To say he crafted this personality would be inaccurate; after all, only someone already-encapsulant many of these things would take to the perpetuation of them so insistently. In following his role models, he is earnest, though those role models themselves are for the most part, fake.
Included in this margin, at least to him, is his father, Blazestar. Not given the chance to meet him himself, Candorflight's perception of his father is largely rooted in unseemly amounts of exaggeration, to the point where he is viewed as more of a more a "character" than he is a figure in recent history to him. Blazestar had essentially been the ideal warrior, he's fairly certain. Large and looming, impressive in battle (surely?), kind to his clanmates but cool to outsiders. Caught up in his perfect images, Candorflight can at times lose sight of reality.
Today, there are still (seemingly) few in SkyClan who could not say they had been touched by Blazestar. His image looms large! In a place where his death could have potentially spelt an unhappy ending... Candorflight chooses to continue the narrative within his own blood! Yes, he's quite convinced it is his destiny to live up to the standard Blazestar had set. Candorflight puts little tangible pressure on himself to do so, for he simply believes that he will! And belief can be plenty enough, in his eyes.
Though Candorflight claims self-awareness of his experience, he sees himself as a shining beacon of warriorhood already, and is eager to offer his personal advice on things without anyone asking him to do so. He takes initiative to an extent that, bluntly, can be quite annoying. A passing comment or complaint from a Clanmate may inspire odd resignation to a problem that isn't (and perhaps, should not be) his to solve. Better yet, perhaps there is no problem at all, but Candorflight in all his glory has decided to assist you, anyway.
What Candorflight views as bravery, most cats would likely describe as recklessness. He is all-too-eager to dive headfirst into problems that he does not fully grasp, both mentally and physically. He is perfectly willing to throw himself at beasts that he has no hope of overcoming; and though he is not opposed to being helped, he does not tend to ask for it on his own.
Passionate about all he does, Candorflight feels the full body of his emotions at any time, whether this be happiness, pride, sadness, or otherwise. A beautiful view is enough to bring tears to his eye and inspire a longwinded speech on the beauty of nature. When in a good mood, it will be known to all, for he may be found sprinting across SkyClan territory, too joyful to keep the energy within himself. Though he actively avoids feeling things like anger or fear, and perhaps naturally, does not feel these things often— should the situation arise where he does, he would not calm himself so much as he would violently mash it down, undoubtedly to rear its ugly head at a later, unfortunate date.
Simply put, Candorflight is not the most observant of souls. He can struggle to pick up on things that are not laid out directly in front of him. He does not read expressions easily aside from the most obvious, and often tends to assume by default that most cats think similarly, if not identically to him.
Candorflight tends to view any situation in the most positive light it possibly can be, and anticipates the solutions to any problem to be straightforward and always successful! Essentially, "everything works out" so long as all parties involved act as they ought to... Of course, this is easier said than done, but in a Clan lucky to have seen so much peace as SkyClan, this idea of his has not been challenged terribly much, so far.
He holds high (potentially impossible) standards for warriors that he adheres to at every turn. These include:
- A warrior should always be selfless
- A warrior should be willing to throw themselves in harms way at any turn.
- A warrior is always meant to protect those who cannot protect themselves.
- A warrior always tells the truth.
- A warrior should be kind.
- A warrior should never be afraid.
- A warrior should never anger, for anger often breeds contempt or other evils
- A warrior is unquestioningly loyal to their Clan, and to their leader
- A warrior fights for their clan until their dying breath
- A warrior shows compassion to all, even their enemies
- At times, it will be necessary for a warrior to kill.
Candorflight tends to view StarClan as an unknowable, all-seeing, omnipotent force, rather than a group made up of once-alive Clanmates. Perceiving his father as the head of this group as well, he holds StarClan's word to the utmost regard. StarClan's warnings are to be kept at the back of one's mind at all times. Any insinuation that StarClan may be angry or retaliate against others, even if meant lightheartedly, sets him on edge, and one may be privy to a scolding from him if their threat is used lightly.
Following this logic, Candorflight holds the warrior code to a high regard, and views the breaking of it as highly problematic. Given that it began with his father, he holds the first of these codes in especially high regard.
- Candorflight expresses love through physical touch, and will often initiate it without considering if it is wanted, or not.
- Speaks in an overly-whimsical, fictional sounding dialect that is likely to either annoy or endear those around him
- Loudmouthed. Quite terrible at keeping secrets.
Candorflight is bisexual and monogamous. He is about as unconcerned with romance as a young warrior possibly can be. Any and all advances are likely to go over his head.
- Candorflight trusts all of his clanmates wholeheartedly, and refers to them all as "friend," regardless of how well they actually know each other.
- Candorflight is kind to those outside of his Clan, but maintains a respectable distance.
Sounds like: Candorflight hosts a jovial, medium-pitched masculine tone. At all times, he speaks as if for an audience, projecting louder than is perhaps necessary for the given situation. His manner of speech is dramatic, lifting with clear and vibrant displays of his emotion. His laugh can range from smooth, boyish chuckles to hearty belly-laughter. Carries some remnant of a fictional, indiscernible "fantasy accent."
Smells of: as typical for SkyClan, carries the scent of pine needles, with an inherited note of elderberries and personal touch of dried oak leaf.
speech is #9CDCA0 Thoughts are italicized. Physical Interactions are underlined.
- Excels in climbing, a learned trait from his mentor. Candorflight is often found in the trees, and can spring from branch to branch with ease.
- Fairly strong, making him a prime subject when it comes to lifting heavy objects
- Moderate speed, Candorflight moves about as quickly as his size allows him to.
- A fine hunter, and an unsubstantial, but capable tracker.
- Incapable of swimming, would sink like a stone.
Combat difficulty is medium. Though combat plays a crucial part in his favorite stories, and he is an avid learner, his lack of actual experience keeps him from being a more substantial threat, for now. When in combat, his style of fighting is very "by the book." Candorflight will not stoop to dirty tricks. All that he practices is diligently taught by most mentors. Where he may have the upper-hand is that his execution of such techniques is rather flawless, having put a lot of effort into perfecting his form.
Candorflight will not start fights unless he deems it necessary, somehow. Candorflight will not flee unless ordered by a superior. Candorflight will show mercy unless his opponent is deemed an overwhelming threat.
⤷ Brother to Liongaze and Hollyfall
⤷ Half-brother to Fireflyglow, Howlfire, Burnstorm,Moonwhisper,Morningpaw,Skyclaw,Duskbird, Drowsynose, Lupinesong, and Crowsight.
Close to Fluffypaw
AdmiresBlazestar, Doeblaze, Twitchbolt
Friends with Hollyfall, Liongaze
Likes Florabreeze, Butterflytuft, Owlheart, Daisydrop, Figfeather, Sangriaflight, Chickbloom
Dislikes Slatesnarl, Orangestar(?)
Loathes None.
Kin ✎
Blazestar is Candorflight's father. He serves more as a monolith of absolute morality than as a father figure to Candorflight. As someone he had only ever heard of through stories— and mostly positive ones, at that— Blazestar eventually melded into the perfect, ideal life's protagonist to Candorflight. Sure, he'd made mistakes, most notably when it came to ThunderClan, but few heroes did not, at the beginning of their journey! Evidently, his father had grown and matured, and eventually righted his wrongs with the union between him and Doeblaze.
In times of strife, Candorflight often asks himself, what would Blazestar do? and in turn, receives what is undoubtedly the morally-perfect answer. With Blazestar as his guide, he should never falter, and with Candorflight standing tall at SkyClan's ranks, it too should keep steady.
Doeblaze ✎
Doeblaze is Candorflight's mother. She has been a consistent force within SkyClan for the entirety of her life, and admires her greatly. At one point, with her demotion early in his life, Candorflight had worried that it had something to do with his litter. Following her repromotion by the time he had been an apprentice, Candorflight has thusly concluded that it was, somehow, a factor. Candorflight has not thought very deeply about this, however, and otherwise remains oblivious to the sometimes-strained nature of her relationship with her children.
Liongaze ✎
Liongaze is Candorflight's brother. Throughout their apprenticeship, Candorflight has been vaguely aware of the inner turmoil his brother has been going through, but is largely oblivious to it. He cares for his brother deeply, and seeks to help him, but is far from equipped to do so. Candorflight will attempt to look out for him whenever he can, and may passively attempt to help him by chattering on about believing in yourself, or offering to help him with things he may or may not need help with.
BlazeLittle Kits ✎
Candorflight adores all of his kin! But objectively speaking, Blazestar's kits with Little Wolf were more or less a blunder, weren't they? Of course, this is none of their faults. They have proved time and time again to be loyal to SkyClan, and serve the Clan well as Lead Warrior and Medicine Cat alike... but Candorflight does view their very existence as a tad problematic. While he had no reason to ever speak ill of Fireflyglow or Howlfire, he may claim that the likes of SkyClaw's treachery was "bound to happen," or something along those lines... He doesn't view himself as superior to his half-clan kin, no... but he does view his own litter as a... rectification of certain mistakes.
Other Cats ✎
Fluffypaw ✎
Fluffypaw is Candorflight's long-time childhood friend. She has always been shy, unlike him, and struggles in many aspects of warriorhood that Candorflight never has. Believing it more or less his duty to do so, Candorflight has essentially vowed to keep an eye on her whenever he can, whether this be keeping her from danger or helping her with her warrior training. Candorflight tries to encourage her whenever possible. For a moment there— he had considered the possibility that she was just... weaker than other cats. Slowly but surely though, their efforts have paid off, haven't they? At the negligible cost that at times, what they have can feel more a guardianship than a friendship.
Twitchbolt ✎
Twitchbolt was Candorflight's mentor. Candorflight was— and to a lesser extent, still is— a bit confused by Twitchbolt's demeanor. On the surface, he is a far cry from Candorflight's preconceived notion of a deputy: brave, steadfast, put-together and looming large... For a little while, Candorflight thought himself correct for this, judging by Twitchbolt stepping down from the position soon after. Upon repromotion, though, Twitchbolt has managed to slightly jostle the mold that Candorflight was set with. Of course, it is easier to jostle considering that Twitchbolt has been SkyClan's deputy the majority of his life. He is more competent than he seems, and though Candorflight may not know the full extent of that fact yet, Orangestar's unexpected (and in his opinion, unseemly) demotion will only bolster his admiration for his mentor, and fierce need to see him succeed.
Candorkit was born to Bobbie on March 8, 2024, alongside his brothers Lionkit and Hollykit. Though their father would not be there to witness their births, his ghost remained in Candorkit and Lionkit's names, a request uttered to Bobbie before his death.
His kithood was more or less a typical one, comprised of kitten games, more often than not, involving Candorkit and Hollykit taking on louder, boisterous roles while Lionkit remained on the sidelines. He became quick friends with the older she-kit, Fluffykit. They got off to a shaky start, with him accidentally hurting her feelings when asking why she often cried. Early on, Candorkit felt dedicated to helping Fluffykit become more confident.
Candorpaw is apprenticed to Twitchbolt on June 13, 2024. Early on in his apprenticeship, he makes things awkward for SkyClan by blabbing about their and RiverClan's secret, secondary gathering to a ThunderClan patrol, stirring up a bit of gossip within ThunderClan.
Ahead of their mentors, Candorpaw and Fluffypaw have an unfortunate run-in with a fox. As Candorpaw tells Fluffypaw to hide, he in turn prepares to face off with the fox, despite having little to no battle training at this point. Luckily for them both, Candorpaw manages to ward off the fox with stature, and both of them are spared of serious injury.
Candorflight is made a warrior on January 2, 2025. -
- My original Blobbie application was actually going to be a sopping wet mental illness girl but she disappeared and this guy showed up at my door
- Would you believe this guys inspirations include Prince Sidon from BoTW and Wade from Elemental...
- Aesthetics are storybooks, stencils, leather armor, precious metals, swords and shields, mythical creatures, oak leaves, the changing of seasons (spring and autumn), metalworking, embroidery, pen and parchment, quills, daylight, and greenery.
My happier characters are always severely underrepresented in my music tastes... save them.
Theme Weeks
Video Games: Prince Sidon (BOTW) -
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Rank Gender Pronouns Warrior Cisgender Male He / Him |
Affiliations |
CurrentSkyClan |
Biographical Information |
Age Ages Every Created Starting Age 13 Moons 9th 03.09.2024 3 ☾ |
Names |
Kit Apprentice Warrior Candorkit Candorpaw Candorflight |
Kin |
Father Mother Brother Half-Sisters Half-Brothers Blazestar Doeblaze Liongaze Lupinesong, Howlfire, Fireflyglow, Burnstorm, Drowsynose, Crowsight, |
Education |
Mentor Twitchbolt |
Roleplay Information |
Type |
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