border PAY THE TOLL TO THE ANGELS [✨] Large SkyClan Patrol

A thick fog had spread itself across the land over the night, and though it makes it difficult to see what lies just beyond your whiskers, Figfeather prefers it over more snow to trudge through. After the blizzard, she had hardly been able to keep up with her own patrols, but for now the snow had been worn down and pact by the daily traffic of SkyClan cats making it significantly easier for her to travel through the territory without sinking to her shoulders.

The fog is bad for hunting, though. It's also bad for being able to see if any enemy warriors were lingering ahead. As they draw close to ThunderClan's scent line she grows noticeably cautious, her tail twitching as she tries to penetrate the fog with her bright gaze. She opens her maw to taste the air and notes ThunderClan hasn't been here yet this morning, the last patrol would've been here sometime past twilight judging on the strength of their markings.

She lifts her tail and renews her scent on one of SkyClan's pines as she stares into the oak forest. Their trees were barren, left without leaves to shield them from the sky. Figfeather thinks the resilience of the pines is representative of the cats who trot beneath them, but she envies the clear view ThunderClan gets into the trees… She feels anger that all the advantages of it go to waste too, given a vast majority of them cannot scale the trees well enough to hunt efficiently.

"You can see for fox-lengths through their branches…" She murmurs to the rest of the patrol as she moves onto another tree. "Finding prey in those would be easier than stealing honey from a kit." She licks her lips with temptation at the thought, though her mind was not on stealing prey—no, it was securing more territory. It was something she had attempted moons ago before being intercepted by Thundergleam and Stormywing and her apprentices. Perhaps it would be worth discussing with Twitchstar sometime soon now that she had a paw to stand on when it came to these ordeals.

She gives a cautious glance in Howlfire and Doeblaze's direction for any signs of disapproval. She knows in the past Howlfire has been reluctant to take claim on territory and she doesn't know which way Doeblaze stands. She could take a good guess that Chickbloom would rather not initiate bloodshed if he could prevent it, but Greeneyes and her had seen eye to eye on recent ordeals… maybe he'd agree with her now, too?

As tempting as it was, she'd not try to stake her claim here and now. The power of deputyship had not completely gotten to her head, yet.

At the sound of snow crunching in the distance she lets out an alerting "Psst." through the side of her mouth. A ThunderClan patrol was approaching.

Patrol Tags: @Howlfire @DOEBLAZE @Blizzard @GREENEYES @FLUFFYPAW @Chickbloom
This is an intentionally large patrol, ThunderClan is free to take notice!​


trans female (she / her) / pansexual, single
33 moons old / ages realistically, every 22nd of the month
deputy of SkyClan
Daisyflight x Raven / sire to Sangriaflight, Coffeesong
mentoring Blizzard / mentored by Tallulahwing
previously mentored Wolfpaw, Daisydrop, Oleanderpaw
penned by ava / message av.a on discord for plots!

Figfeather is a bright yellow she-cat with golden tabby markings that swirl across her body. She has big, amber-orange eyes and angular ears. Prominent jowls dangle from her cheeks, rounding out the shape of her face. Her right hind leg is twisted, wrapped in a large, discolored, bumpy scar.

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Dawn patrol had never been Roeflame's favorite- quite the opposite, in fact. In the midst of leaf-bare, however, the deputy was damn near miserable. The rhythmic song of stale snow being crunched under her patrols paws could lull the brassed warrior to sleep, if it weren't for the acute, subtle squeeze in her chest cavity. Forever a looming reminder of her mortality.

As the SkyClan border comes into view, Roeflame rolls her shoulders back, a vain effort to make herself seem more lively than she truly felt. "Lets make this quick, yeah?" She hums. Her feelings for the pine-dwelling Clan had long flattened into something neutral, the memory of her friendship with Snowpath had grown to be something sweet and distant, and the scent of sharp pine no longer reminded Roeflame of Dewfrost's confession, unlike the stench of ShadowClan.

As they draw closer, Roeflame quickly recognizes the golden pelt of Figfeather despite the haze, an overzealous Lead Warrior from what Roeflame could last recall. That was moons ago, though… "morning, SkyClan." Roeflame greets neutrally, having just missed the wistfulness in Figfeathers gaze as the other gazed over their border. Being closer, Roeflame is acutely aware of just how many SkyClan faces are looking back at her. Sparing a guarded glance towards one of her own patrol mates, Roeflame adjusts her posture slightly, straightening her back. "Enjoying the weather?"
  • ROEFLAME she/her, Deputy of Thunderclan, twenty-seven moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Dovepaw & Dwindlingpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

The young warrior follows closely behind her deputy on their travels to the Skyclan border. Her gaze was still hazy with remnants of sleep as they leave the camp, but the closer they get to the border the more awake she feels. She would have thought that she would get used to the stinging of the cold against her pads the deeper into leaf-bare they got, but it was a hard feeling to ignore. But...she wasn't sure which was worse, the cold or being hungry. At least the snow wasn't as bad as it had been earlier in the season.

She could smell Skyclan's patrol before she noticed them. There were quite a few cats across the border for a simple border patrol, right? Ravenblaze cast Roeflame a cautiously curious glance, before finding a tree to mark. She recognized a few of these cats, Wildheart had taught her who Orangestar's council members were, but besides that she wasn't too sure. For now, she would just stay quiet.
✦ ✦ ✦

afab (she / her)ㅤ / heterosexual, single, crushing on roaringsun
13 moons old ㅤ/ ㅤages realistically, every 1st of the month
warrior of thunderclan
flycatcher x flamestar ㅤ/ㅤ sister to: falconheart, stormfeather, lilykit, butterflykit, bugchaser, squirrelsong, sunbird, sparrowpaw
ㅤpenned by Icey ! ㅤ/ ㅤmessage Icey ! on discord for plots!
mentored by wildheart
will start fights, will end fights, won't kill

longhaired tortoiseshell with green eyes, and low white

Howlfire trudged quietly alongside the rest of her patrol, a careful eye watching her apprentices and the treeline ahead, curious for when their neighbours might appear. ThunderClan border patrols had been quite tense as of late, and Howlfire was partly curious how they might react to seeing a SkyClan patrol of this size. Oh, how she could already imagine the sharp barbs her uncle or his equally sharp-tongued apprentice might have traded over the border.

The chocolate torbie was renewing a scent marker up one of the pine trees, when she heard Figfeather make a comment about finding prey. Howlfire's eyes blazed for a moment and she chuffed in annoyance, near enough that Figfeather would have heard the disapproving noise. Luckily, Figfeather was not leading them on a charge to steal prey, so they had no reason to come to blows. It wasn't long after that, that they were alerted to the arrival of ThunderClan, and Howlfire lifted her head to see who had appeared. She recognised Roeflame the clearest out of the two and only had a passing recollection of the tortoisheshell by her side. "ThunderClan," Howlfire greeted kindly. "The weather is treating us as well as can be expected. Though I will be glad when newleaf comes soon."
The scent of pine has become a source of comfort. It reminds him of Hawkspine, and oftentimes he finds himself trudging through layers of snow to arrive at the border. . . most often than not with the excuses of patrolling and hunting ( and sometimes, climbing lessons with Berrypaw ). But what greets him today isn't the torbie, but a rather sizeable SkyClan patrol. He's seen this before. Roaringsun straigthens his posture, chin and tail raised, a quick glance at Berrypaw to suggest him to do the same.

Surely they were not here to invade? He doesn't see Orangestar or Twitchbolt nearby, so he assumes they're safe. Still, their large numbers. . . He recognizes some of them from when they caught Slatesnarl stealing, too, including the she-cat he fought.

Though he relaxes just a bit when Howlfire treats them with kindness. "Howlfire, hello," He greets warmly, offering her a smile. "Newleaf can't come soon enough." The golden-furred tom agrees with a nod,
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

ㅤmale (he / him)ㅤ/ㅤunsure of sexuality, single ; crushing on hawkspine
ㅤ16 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 14th of the month
ㅤwarrior of thunderclan
npc x npcㅤ/ㅤnpc siblings
ㅤmentoring Berrypawㅤ/ㅤmentored by Copperfang and Leafhusk
"speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
ㅤpenned by nocthymiaㅤ/ㅤmessage hypmic on discord for plots!
lion-like in stature, roaringsun is characterized by his golden fur, cream 'mane' and strong legs. long-furred with longer strands on his cheeks, one cannot tell he once was a soft-born kittypet before joining thunderclan as an apprentice.

ooc: @Berrypaw. appie tag
  • Love
Reactions: Thorny

Berrypaw tags after Roaringsun with a stride in his step, and he makes use of his nose the entire time they're walking - a faint prey scent here or there, the remnant of a Clanmate gone out; the real kicker is when they approach the border with SkyClan, and a wave of the Clan's scent hits Berrypaw in the face like a brick. When the patrol finally comes into view, Berrypaw is quick to notice his mentor's change in demeanor, and they lock eyes if only for a moment as Berrypaw mimics the warrior's poise, raising his chin a bit higher than might have been necessary.

But Berrypaw had been practically born and raised in conflict: Skyclaw, then RiverClan and ShadowClan encroaching on ThunderClan. he'd been determined his entire life to help prove that ThunderClan was more than a mossball that could be batted around like some sort of game, and from the stories he'd heard by way of his mother and father, Berrypaw knew that the smallest details could lead to great battles. Small details, like one or two more cats on a Clan's patrol than might otherwise be necessary. He narrows his eyes at the SkyClanners opposite them, but says nothing.

Unlike Roaringsun, Berrypaw does not relax even when kind words are spoken between the two patrols.


Most of the stubbornly clinging snow is packed-down for now, making it easier to traverse the territory—if not for the fog. A dense cloak of mist has settled sleepily over SkyClan territory, shrouding the pines and making it hard to see each tree until it nearly lies before Doeblaze's whiskers. She keeps her verdant gaze trained on Figfeather's brilliant pelt, the mingling smell of impending oak and her many patrolmates filling her nose and guiding her along.

A patrol to show off their strength as leaf-bare lost its edge, to warn ThunderClan they could no longer expect their derision to float untouched by SkyClan's faces. It'd be a lie to say she's not enjoying it a little—surrounded by warriors she knows to be strong and steadfast, heading to the border that consistently seems intent on tormenting her. The price she'd paid for Slatesnarl's crimes has long healed and faded into the dense lilac of her cheek, but the injury remains—a reminder of her Clanmate's transgression, but also of the bitterness clouding the once-clear skies between them and the forest Clan.

Vividly, she recalls her conversation with Twitchstar. He had been correct, as he often was; Blazestar's noble diplomacy had been lost to the winds with his and Howlingstar's lives, leaving an unsettling tension between the two Clans. His old-guard kindness, which she so loved—she thinks with a pang in her chest—simply ceased to function in the face of a new, cutthroat generation of leaders. With this fresh in her mind, Doeblaze squares her shoulders and sets her jaw as they draw near to the oaks.

Scraping her cheek against one of the scraggly oaks that occasionally intrudes on their territory near here, she watches the mist-ridden darkness of ThunderClan's oaks with an alert green gaze. Nearly in tandem with Howlfire, she glances sharply at Figfeather as the golden tabby speaks. Twitchstar had asked that they be ruthless, not reckless... but it's not surprising, given Figfeather seems to share Slatesnarl's penchant for finding prey where she shouldn't. There's a gleam that verges on greedy in her vibrant amber eyes.

" That's true. But I doubt their warriors would give a single leaf up without a lot of blood, " she mutters, low so any approaching ThunderClanners wouldn't catch her words. Sure enough, Figfeather signals just as crunching pawsteps break the cool air, oaky scent growing strong and foreign in the air. Doeblaze drags her cheek more insistently against a tree close to the border—she won't quite endorse prey theft, but she'll certainly stand by her leader and deputy when it comes to making an impression on the self-righteous forest-dwellers.

" Good morning, " she mrrows, her voice as sharp and strong as she can muster, given the weather and the hour. The ThunderClanners are sharing glances, she notes with considerable satisfaction, shifting to stand closer to her patrolmates. Hopefully, they'll present a united front like this—a strong wall of pine-scented fur and muscled forelegs. Enough to show ThunderClan that they won't let them stand on them much longer. Her green gaze sharpens as she notes the presence of the warrior she scrapped with during Slatesnarl's ill-advised prey theft, an apprentice shifting at his side.

Still, they're here to be intimidating, not outright aggressive. " As do I. Newleaf will be a welcome change. " Doeblaze glances over at Howlfire, wondering if she, too, is anticipating the arrival of a dark tabby pelt. She nearly hopes Raccoonstripe will show up; if she'd like to put anyone in their place, it's the haughty lead warrior. The tawny warrior clears her throat, watching the ThunderClanners with a searing green gaze.

Doeblaze is a small, scruffy lilac tabby she-cat spotted with white. She has one jade-green eye, the other blotted out by a prominent scar.

thomas x champagne / sister to bloomfur / mother to many
shadowed blazestar / mentoring n/a
58 moons old as of 2/5/2025
penned by dejavu

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Chickbloom had been like a gentle wave all morning, rolling back and forth between the front and back of the patrol, looking for his place. He could disappear in the back, a fly on the wall should tempers flare and forceful orators find their favorite weapons needed. Then again, in the back the boy could quite easily be brought to heel with none to help him; the baby bird, all alone against a hungry wolf.

The warrior would be safe from sneak attacks near the front, all friendly gazes on lighthouse-like fur, but it would also put him at the tip of the spear; always the first to break.

The coward was probably the one thinking about fighting the most on either side, running impossible probabilities through his mind's malevolent machinery. It was like the awkward slope between the peak of an argument and the valley of forgiveness, slowly descending before either side sought reconciliation. It was strange, pretending like the bloodshed a few moons ago was nothing more than red flurries amidst the blizzard.

Amber eyes scanned across the border like spotlights as thunderclan appeared, stopping the skittish Scottish Fold from running to tattle to Twitchstar. Skyclan's new leader was a dear friend, but Chickbloom couldn't help but deem Figfeather's promotion a mistake. It was like entrusting a lion to guard the lamb's pen, and all the baby bird could do was alert the farmer. For now, though, the warrior would side with the devil he knew against the devils he didn't.

Well, not all of them were devils. "Is - Is T-Tallstep well?" the whelp asked, stepping out of line to look for his flighty-hearted opponent. They'd only fought with paws like kits, but the coward still wanted to make up. It was better to acknowledge the past instead of hiding behind teeth and idle chit-chat.

Perhaps that was why he was a terrible politician.​
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Figfeather's ear twitches at Howlfire's chuff of annoyance. Her head swerves to look at the tabby with a raised brow that silently speaks 'what?', even though Figfeather was smart enough to be able to piece it together on her own. Doeblaze replies she doesn't think ThunderClan would give up a single leaf without a drop of blood. Figfeather nods, "Of course not, but I'm willing to bleed so my Clan is fed." She meows without challenge. She knows Doeblaze and Howlfire would do the same, it'll just take sometime for them to see things her way.

Roeflame appears through the undergrowth and is followed by Ravenblaze, Roaringsun, and Berrypaw. She dips her head respectfully to ThunderClan's deputy as small talk erupts. "Roeflame, I heard Flamestar told the Clans that Lightflower is expecting last gathering." She meows, "Has she kitted yet?"

ThunderClan has had an early batch of kits already this leafbare… It was dangerous to raise them during leafbare, but if all of them survived they'd have quite the advantage in greenleaf with their abundance of apprentices. SkyClan would have to keep this in mind if they were to poke the hornet's nest.


trans female (she / her) / pansexual, single
33 moons old / ages realistically, every 22nd of the month
deputy of SkyClan
Daisyflight x Raven / sire to Sangriaflight, Coffeesong
mentoring Blizzard / mentored by Tallulahwing
previously mentored Wolfpaw, Daisydrop, Oleanderpaw
penned by ava / message av.a on discord for plots!

Figfeather is a bright yellow she-cat with golden tabby markings that swirl across her body. She has big, amber-orange eyes and angular ears. Prominent jowls dangle from her cheeks, rounding out the shape of her face. Her right hind leg is twisted, wrapped in a large, discolored, bumpy scar.

The molly comes to stop beside Roeflame, watching the conversation flow like water. Tension and politics bubble over the surface of every exchange, twisting around the rocks of curiosity. She can't help but tilt her head at the golden molly's -was her name Figfeather? - actions. Her words were even, neutral, but her body langue was more tense then one would expect. Had she been one of the cats Racconstripe queried with? Chestnutroot hadn't really payed much attention to the tensions during leafbare - everyone was starving. She couldn't blame them for coming into more plentiful territory.
She dips her head with respect to the other clan, her eyes lingering on the harsh, sharp gaze of one senior warrior. She meets the gaze with a look that's both friendly and defiant—harmless on the surface, yet equally pointed.
"I hope your clan is well," She smiles, all genuine in tone. "Leaf bare has been hard on us all, no doubt. Glad to see you are strong, as well."
She has no want to begin a fight - even a verbal one. I do miss the times when I didn't have to be so careful with words, She thinks with a flick of a folded ear. Perhaps if Howlingstar and Blazestar were still at the helms of the respective clans the two could've reminisced over the events that had happened over their long lives. As is, those are the only words she can think of that wouldn't be misconstrued.
She blinks slowly at Figfeather's question, resisting the urge to blurt out the happy news and celebrate with a cat whose intentions she did not trust. That information didn't feel important - but the way the golden cat carries herself and spoke with such gravitas... she would leave the response in the paws of her deputy.

  • Illustration930_9.png
  • CHESTNUTROOT SHE/HER, Thunder Clan warrior, 50 moons.
    A short, long haired brown and white molly with mismatched eyes.
    Daughter of and
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted || underline and tag when attacking
    speech is #a0c986
    penned by Keee || Milksoda on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ nightbird rolls up to the border just a tail length behind her deputy, eyeing the skyclan patrol with a raised brow. there was a good chunk of them, thunderclanners noticed too. shared glances, just to make sure they weren't seeing things. that there truly was a patrol the size of a respectable battle party standing opposite to them.

all this for little old us? the thought has nightbird huffing quiet amusement. she wondered what was going through their heads when setting up this little parade. did they think thunderclan would quiver in fear at the sight, unsheathe their claws nervously and beg to be left alone? too much time spent atop the pines did make one a little air headed, she supposes.

nightbird glances briefly over figfeather, doeblaze. both were cats she had accompanied in the mountains, begrudgingly grown to respect. but the lead warrior wasn't so foolish to believe any camaraderie was left after this leafbare. she was content enough to lie in the nest of her own making. and speaking of, chickbloom stood anxiously across the border.

she remembers him briefly from her escapade into skyclan's territory. tallstep had locked claws with the warrior, pitifully if she recalls right. still, the idea of asking of an opponents wellbeing moons after the fight was amusing to her. "tallstep is fine. i'm happy to send them your regards." she answers, a small grin pulling at her lips before she delivers a quick lick to the silver fur along her chest. she was more than ready for roeflame to put an end to this saccharine charade, allow them all to move along to the next best thing.
  • OOC ─
  • mZ1kjRK.png
    a small, feathery black smoke molly with one white paw and pale silver eyes. she is mates with RACCOONSTRIPE and has recently left the nursery after raising their five kits; BAYINGPAW, TWILIGHTPAW, TIGERPAW, STORMPAW, and BERRYPAW. nightbird is currently mentoring HONEYPAW and TWILIGHTPAW. her former apprentices include LIGHTSTRIKE †, DUSKBIRD †, and PALEFIRE.​
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ battle info
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Though he'd never admit it to his sister's face, Greeneyes is still... uncertain... about how he feels about Figfeather's promotion. Pride will always run for his sister, but her eagerness, her boldness, at the news is still fresh in his mind.

Regardless, he's glad to be able to spend time with her, even if it means taking part in a patrol meant to show SkyClan's strength. It's rare for him to be able to spend times with his littermate these days, he'll take what he can get, he supposes. Greeneyes is content with following among Figfeather's chosen group, carefully trudging through mist-shrouded snow as they set off to work on remarking the borders. That is, until his sister's voice reaches his ears, and he's reminded that she is the deputy once more in her reckless words. He feels a golden gaze burn into his coat, and his jaw sets.

" Fireflyglow would be pleased, " he simply says with a flick of his tail. Injured warriors over broken codes and theft, a preventable waste of his mate's herb stocks. Greeneyes will not be a thief today if he can help it — and he'd rather not be teaching SkyClan's future to act so brashly either. He looks toward Fluffypaw, assessing her efforts.

The sound of ThunderClanners pulls his attention back toward the border, and a gentle smile forms on his face. " Greetings! " he chirps to them, a dip of his head following. Their conversation, for the most part, devolves in a discussion of weather — a topic more common than not under the cold moons. Greeneyes nods along to both his clanmates' and ThunderClan's words, preferring to stick with the simplicity of the conversation to Figfeather's information seeking. " It will be nice to not have to freeze our paws off everyday, won't it? "


A stout, red tabby tom with a snow-masked face and a star-freckled form, Greeneyes carries a clover behind his ear and a colorful feather at the base of his hooked tail. A reminder of the Great Journey, a scar crawls across the back of his neck. The warrior believes he is cursed — brought on by the rhetoric that 'green is a deadly color.'


He / Him ⋅ Mate to Fireflyglow
Former Lead Warrior of SkyClan
Daisyflight † x Raven Ramble
Brother to Butterflytuft, Figfeather, Snowpath †, Violetnose †
Mentoring Fluffypaw ⋅ Mentored by Sheepcurl
Penned by Abri ⋅ Message _abri_ on discord for plots!

Status: Alert

Blizzard trudges behind his shadow in the cold morning air, mushy snow packed down under his large paws. He swiveled his ears to and fro as they walked, tuning out any chit-chat and focusing on their surroundings, the bird calls and skuttles of little rodent feet. He recognized the oak scent as they approached the Thunderclan border from when Figfeather gave him a tour so long ago. The large tom came to a stop and stared eerily ahead, ears pointed straight towards the oncoming sounds of the other clan. He idly noted the chatting between Figfeather, Doeblaze, and Howlfire, he vaguely recalled, shortly after he had joined, an incident involving Slatesnarl and prey-stealing. Did she...really intend to steal their prey? What's the point of the warrior code... Sometimes he wondered about his shadow and the other cats in the clan...

He perked up as the Thunderclanners made an appearance, taking note of their names and scents that he could pick up. He listened as the others chatted across the border, he however, would remain silent for the time being unless directly addressed. He did not know these cats, nor what to make of them. For now he would just stare unseeingly across the border, ears alert for any unexpected sound or movement.

  • OOC:
  • Blizzard - Male Silver Tabby Maine Coon with pale blind blue eyes and a scar across his nose. ☼ He/Him ☼ Skyclan Shadow/Apprentice ☼ Penned by Snowy ☼ 49 moons
    ❄ Contact TimelordSnowy on Discord for plotting


This border has always filled her with a raw anxiety. It's well-patrolled, well-guarded, and the number of conflicts that have sparked between ThunderClan and SkyClan is too many to count at this point. Candorflight had been attacked at this border before, as had Slatesnarl, Silversmoke, and Figfeather herself, and even she knows about the skirmish that had taken Blazestar's daughter's life seasons before her own birth. She treads carefully behind Greeneyes, her eyes round, her ears alert and twitching, straining to hear pawsteps crunching through dead leaves and snow.

Instead, she catches strains of the warriors' conversation. Figfeather studies the territory opposite their patrol, her amber gaze gleaming with interest. "Finding prey in those would be easier than stealing honey from a kit," she mews, and Fluffypaw's neck fur begins to raise in alarm. She can't be thinking about trying to take that land, can she? Howlfire gives a wordless chuff of disagreement, while Doeblaze points out ThunderClan would not let that territory go without a fight. Her head spins, and she imagines having to defend herself from snarling teeth, from outstretched claws. It's one thing to defend SkyClan territory, she thinks anxiously, her tail beginning to twitch nervously behind her, but to try and take ThunderClan's?

Greeneyes remains neutral, even under Figfeather's contemplative stare. He mentions Fireflyglow's herb stock, and the matter is seemingly put to rest. Just in time, too; the bracken trembles opposite their patrol, and the cats who greet them from the barren reaches of the leafbare-stripped oaks are reserved even as they offer chilled pleasantries. Fluffypaw searches anxiously for any signs of instigation; had they guessed Figfeather was plotting something? Or was the size of this procession alone enough to raise their suspicions?

Fluffypaw stares across the border as the warriors talk; her gaze locks with a young tabby's, who is steady and tense beside his mentor. She tries to smile in his direction, but it's warbling and uncertain.

Fluffypaw is a SkyClan apprentice. She is slightly smaller than the average cat, but her thick, puffy pelt somewhat makes up for her size. Her fur is mainly solid-appearing cream, broken up by swirls of chocolate and amber. The tip of her tail, the center of her face, and her paws are white. Fluffypaw's eyes are a round, innocent jade-green.

Dandelionwish x Butterflytuft / sibling to Weedwish, Daisydrop, Budpaw / mate to none / mother to none
mentored by Greeneyes / mentoring none
15 moons old as of 02/08/2025
penned by Marquette


Among their number, Chickbloom bobs so anxiously she's tempted to bop him on the forehead like a kit so he'll settle down. It's hardly intimidating to have him scurrying around and asking after his opponent, for all his experience and prowess. Instead, Doeblaze settles for a half-fond sigh and a shift on the muscled length of her forelegs, tail whisking somewhere behind her. She's a touch restless, too, set slightly off-kilter by Figfeather's amber eyes tinted green with envy, with greed.

That situation does not improve. The marmalade deputy's voice is without challenge, sure, but she'd almost rather it was—it'd be better than the assurance it holds instead. As if she and Howlfire will simply acquiesce, needles trampled under Figfeather's warpath. As if the entire Clan will acquiesce, bennd to the constraints of their deputy's will and bleed like stuck pigs for the sake of a slender slice of ThunderClan's plenty. Figfeather is a good warrior, but increasingly, she finds herself wondering if she'll be a good deputy.

She asks about a ThunderClanner's kitting, at least, instead of declaring her intent. It seemed like every moon, a crop of fresh apprentices was pressing at their border with kitten-soft paws… ThunderClan's young warriors were luckier in love than their own, evidently. Doeblaze meets a bicolor warrior's pointed gaze with her own flinty stare and then shifts her gaze along the line of ThunderClanners, flicking rapidly from paws to ears. If Figfeather's intent on a future battle, it would do them all well to be properly informed on their rapidly swelling numbers.

" Leaf-bare is rarely kind to anyone, " she agrees with a brief nod. Friendly enough, she hopes, without revealing their cards—without revealing the hardships SkyClan has been made to endure. That slinky, haughty black-smoked lead warrior makes an appearance, answering Chickbloom's anxious query with such amusement Doeblaze has to resist the urge to press an exasperated paw to her forehead.

She glances at Greeneyes and Fluffypaw tucked at his side, Blizzard's massive silver-tabby pelt visible as well. An intimidating lineup, she hopes, at the least. Lowering her voice to nearly a whisper, she mutters, " This border… " Doeblaze straightens up, shooting the other three a glance that screams I can't wait until we get to leave.

Doeblaze is a small, scruffy lilac tabby she-cat spotted with white. She has one jade-green eye, the other blotted out by a prominent scar.

thomas x champagne / sister to bloomfur / mother to many
shadowed blazestar / mentoring n/a
58 moons old as of 2/5/2025
penned by dejavu