- Aug 22, 2022
- 750
- 252
- 63
A thick fog had spread itself across the land over the night, and though it makes it difficult to see what lies just beyond your whiskers, Figfeather prefers it over more snow to trudge through. After the blizzard, she had hardly been able to keep up with her own patrols, but for now the snow had been worn down and pact by the daily traffic of SkyClan cats making it significantly easier for her to travel through the territory without sinking to her shoulders.
The fog is bad for hunting, though. It's also bad for being able to see if any enemy warriors were lingering ahead. As they draw close to ThunderClan's scent line she grows noticeably cautious, her tail twitching as she tries to penetrate the fog with her bright gaze. She opens her maw to taste the air and notes ThunderClan hasn't been here yet this morning, the last patrol would've been here sometime past twilight judging on the strength of their markings.
She lifts her tail and renews her scent on one of SkyClan's pines as she stares into the oak forest. Their trees were barren, left without leaves to shield them from the sky. Figfeather thinks the resilience of the pines is representative of the cats who trot beneath them, but she envies the clear view ThunderClan gets into the trees… She feels anger that all the advantages of it go to waste too, given a vast majority of them cannot scale the trees well enough to hunt efficiently.
"You can see for fox-lengths through their branches…" She murmurs to the rest of the patrol as she moves onto another tree. "Finding prey in those would be easier than stealing honey from a kit." She licks her lips with temptation at the thought, though her mind was not on stealing prey—no, it was securing more territory. It was something she had attempted moons ago before being intercepted by Thundergleam and Stormywing and her apprentices. Perhaps it would be worth discussing with Twitchstar sometime soon now that she had a paw to stand on when it came to these ordeals.
She gives a cautious glance in Howlfire and Doeblaze's direction for any signs of disapproval. She knows in the past Howlfire has been reluctant to take claim on territory and she doesn't know which way Doeblaze stands. She could take a good guess that Chickbloom would rather not initiate bloodshed if he could prevent it, but Greeneyes and her had seen eye to eye on recent ordeals… maybe he'd agree with her now, too?
As tempting as it was, she'd not try to stake her claim here and now. The power of deputyship had not completely gotten to her head, yet.
At the sound of snow crunching in the distance she lets out an alerting "Psst." through the side of her mouth. A ThunderClan patrol was approaching.
The fog is bad for hunting, though. It's also bad for being able to see if any enemy warriors were lingering ahead. As they draw close to ThunderClan's scent line she grows noticeably cautious, her tail twitching as she tries to penetrate the fog with her bright gaze. She opens her maw to taste the air and notes ThunderClan hasn't been here yet this morning, the last patrol would've been here sometime past twilight judging on the strength of their markings.
She lifts her tail and renews her scent on one of SkyClan's pines as she stares into the oak forest. Their trees were barren, left without leaves to shield them from the sky. Figfeather thinks the resilience of the pines is representative of the cats who trot beneath them, but she envies the clear view ThunderClan gets into the trees… She feels anger that all the advantages of it go to waste too, given a vast majority of them cannot scale the trees well enough to hunt efficiently.
"You can see for fox-lengths through their branches…" She murmurs to the rest of the patrol as she moves onto another tree. "Finding prey in those would be easier than stealing honey from a kit." She licks her lips with temptation at the thought, though her mind was not on stealing prey—no, it was securing more territory. It was something she had attempted moons ago before being intercepted by Thundergleam and Stormywing and her apprentices. Perhaps it would be worth discussing with Twitchstar sometime soon now that she had a paw to stand on when it came to these ordeals.
She gives a cautious glance in Howlfire and Doeblaze's direction for any signs of disapproval. She knows in the past Howlfire has been reluctant to take claim on territory and she doesn't know which way Doeblaze stands. She could take a good guess that Chickbloom would rather not initiate bloodshed if he could prevent it, but Greeneyes and her had seen eye to eye on recent ordeals… maybe he'd agree with her now, too?
As tempting as it was, she'd not try to stake her claim here and now. The power of deputyship had not completely gotten to her head, yet.
At the sound of snow crunching in the distance she lets out an alerting "Psst." through the side of her mouth. A ThunderClan patrol was approaching.
Patrol Tags: @Howlfire @DOEBLAZE @Blizzard @GREENEYES @FLUFFYPAW @Chickbloom
This is an intentionally large patrol, ThunderClan is free to take notice!
This is an intentionally large patrol, ThunderClan is free to take notice!
✦ trans female (she / her) / pansexual, single
✦ 33 moons old / ages realistically, every 22nd of the month
✦ deputy of SkyClan
✦ Daisyflight x Raven / sire to Sangriaflight, Coffeesong
✦ mentoring Blizzard / mentored by Tallulahwing
✦ previously mentored Wolfpaw, Daisydrop, Oleanderpaw
✦ penned by ava / message av.a on discord for plots!
Figfeather is a bright yellow she-cat with golden tabby markings that swirl across her body. She has big, amber-orange eyes and angular ears. Prominent jowls dangle from her cheeks, rounding out the shape of her face. Her right hind leg is twisted, wrapped in a large, discolored, bumpy scar.