— MEDICINE CAT ofTHUNDERCLANSTARCLAN ; previous marsh group resident
— transgender male, he/him pronouns ; aromantic asexual
— died at thirty-seven moons
↳ penned by @waluigipinball -
— autumn leaves against blackest night, berryheart's flame-flecked fur is perhaps the only conventionally visually appealing aspect of his being. lean and ungraceful, he walks with an ambling, clumsy gait given his three-footed hop of a walk, and his run is much slower than most. his frame is on the smaller side, carried by well-muscled legs from moons of training his balance and energetic fighting skills. berryheart's tortoiseshell pelt is purposefully scruffy, for he dislikes how he looks when immaculately groomed. on all three of his feet, his toes are coloured with snow- as is his muzzle and a splash upon his chest. upon his features is set a crooked maw, long-broken with two teeth that stick out. when rare words leave him, the wonky curvature of his maw shows off his shambolic mouthful of fangs. berry's eyes (the left of which is lazy and always half-lidded) are a dull olive hue, windows to his soul that never carry much emotion. stony-faced despite his generally good mood, it is always difficult to tell how the tom really feels.
↳ his crooked jaw slurs his speech only in lapses of concentration- thus not often
↳ suffers from mild asthma, present most in extreme temperatures -
( + ) observant, relaxed, precise, thick-skinned, talented, decisive, perceptive, logical
( / ) quiet, stoic, whimsical, honest,
( - ) impractical, oblivious to others' feelings, overindulgent, unreliable, easily bored, unmotivated
↳ his cool exterior can sometimes unintentionally melt into apathy, which seldom spurs innocent but tangible rudeness.
↳ has great difficulty remembering names, so assigns nicknames based on the first thing to pop into his head.
↳ sleeps a lot and sometimes dozes off when being spoken to.
↳ undeniably talented but puts no work into putting those talents into good use
↳ unexpectedly energetic and bouncy fighting style -
— admires howlingstar,emberstar,graystorm
— close friends with raccoonstripe, roeflame
— friends with flycatcher, flamewhisker,emberstar, sunfreckle, starlingheart, hailstorm
— likes family, sloestride, dawnglare, beesong, dandelionwish
— wary of cinderfrost, pitchstar -
strength ●●●●●●●●●○almost impossible to earn the hatred of ; infuriatingly neutral
stamina ●●●●●●●●○○
agility ●●●●●●●○○○
hunting ●●●●●●●●●○
swimming ●○○○○○○○○○
climbing ●○○○○○○○○○
grace ●●●○○○○○○○
— will not start fights | will end fights | will not flee | will show mercy
— excels at hunting, memory, agility, battle
— poor at swimming, climbing
— extremely soft-spoken feline of few words. speaks slowly and makes an effort to enunciate correctly. / VOICECLAIM
— smells like an assortment of herbs and honey
— healing & peaceful powerplay allowed.
— speech is STEELBLUE -
berry was found on the marsh group's territory at only a moon old, the sole survivor of a litter ravaged by a fox. in the scuffle, he had lost a paw and his jaw had been badly broken. as the only queen in the nursery at the time, howling wind decided to take him in and raise him as part of her youngest litter, something berry knows full well about- but he does not care to question his mother's love for him.
early in his life, around five moons old, berry became very aware of the fact that all of his littermates were toms. soon, berry realised he was a tom too- an announcement that his entire family received kindly, giving him great support, and to this day is the only time berry has ever cried. he spent most of his life before the great battle gathering knowledge- he became very adept at honey-gathering and making nests, and proved to be an extremely strong hunter and fighter when he decided to apply himself. with fickle interests, berry has had a chance to learn a lot about the world.
( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development
★ ARIA MATH ; berry remains dissatisfied with his home.
☆ I'M NEVER GONNA DO IT ; tension continues between the marsh and pine groups.
☆ RAINY DAY DAYDREAM ; a kitten seeks wisdom.
★ WE'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE ; briar calls for war.
★ REDRUM ; berry spares his opponent in the great battle.
★ THE FIVE GIANTS ; the five clans are formed.
★ NO MATTER WHERE YOU GO ; berry and his family, minus azalea, decide to go to thunderclan.
★ I GOT A LIST OF NAMES AND YOURS IS IN RED, UNDERLINED ; berry witnesses cinderfrost, first medicine cat of thunderclan, attempt to take all of emberstar's lives by gutting her in an act of revenge.
☆ I SHOWED UP TO THE ALLEY WITH MY TIN PAN ; berry is first to encounter slowpoke, soon to be his mother's apprentice.
★ TO KNOW YOU'RE NOT ALONE ; berry is named berryheart, and his mother is made deputy.
☆ SUGAR HONEY ICED TEA ; berryheart takes flycatcher, howling wind and sloepaw honey hunting.
☆ THE NIGHT WHERE THESE WOODS SING ; berryheart recognises asthma in roepaw.
★ I'M CHECKING MY VITAL SIGNS ; berryheart is trapped in the fire.
★ CORE OF NATURE ; flycatcher helps berryheart evacuate.
☆ TOO LATE ; blinding star dies, refusing cinderfrost's help with an injury.
★ A MOTH OF PEACE ; cinderfrost informs berryheart that starclan has chosen him as her apprentice, wishing to take him to the moonstone.
★ I'VE GOT A LIST OF NAMES ; berryheart and cinderfrost are interrupted on their way to the moonstone.
★ THERE WERE NIGHTS FULL OF NIGHTMARES ; cinderfrost is exiled, and to the clan's surprise berryheart is named her successor.
★ OVERCLOCKWISE ; berryheart travels to the moonstone alone and communes with starclan, who officially name him thunderclan's medicine cat.
☆ I DREADED CLOSING MY EYES ; emberstar extends a paw of aid.
☆ SWEET DREAMS WILL TAKE YOU HOME ; thunderclan reacts to berryheart's return.
☆ THE BACKYARD'S FULL OF BONES ; berryheart's first half-moon medicine cat meeting.
☆ I'D RATHER BE SURE YOU KNOW I'M THERE ; talking with howling wind about his new position.
☆ SET IN STONE ; dawnglare offers aid.
☆ THAT WOULD BE TRULY WONDERFUL ; morningpaw is nervous about becoming an apprentice.
★ BURY ME IN SATIN ; morningpaw is killed in a border skirmish.
★ IS IT TOO LATE? ; sunnyday catches greencough.
☆ IF YOU LOVE ME, WHY'D YOU LEAVE ME? ; fireflypaw and howlpaw leave for skyclan.
★ MY GOD, WHAT A MESS I'VE MADE ; howling wind is gravely injured.
☆ NOTHING BUT SAND ; berryheart talks with raccoonstripe.
★ QUIET SHADOWS ; blackmoon dies of illness, and berryheart is hit with seldom-felt failure.
★ IGNITE ; emberstar is killed by dogs. a second taste of failure.
★ WHO KEEPS YOUR FLAME? ; emberstar's vigil.
★ I SEE SPARKS FLY WHENEVER YOU SMILE ; half of flamewhisker's litter is stillborn. third failure.
★ WAITING ON THE SKY TO CHANGE ; little wolf's second litter is born.
★ FLOW OF MILDNESS ; learns cures for sickness.
★ WHEN DOES A RIPPLE BECOME A TIDAL WAVE ; howlingstar's death at sunningrocks.
☆ BRATJA ; raccoonstripe shares a secret.
☆ MAY IT BE ; passing wisdom to duskpaw.
☆ SUGAR-COATED HOME ; his first attempt at finding an apprentice is rejected.
★ MORNING IS COMING ; lichenpaw accepts berryheart's offer to train as a medicine cat.
★ A MADNESS THAT BREAKS FAITH ; lichenpaw's ceremony at the moonstone.
★ TO LET A GOOD THING DIE ; boars trample an important herb supply.
★ BRING AN OCEAN DOWN ; rumblings of an illness.
★ PURIFY ITS ROT ; news of the illness is delivered.
★ ENSNARE THE LIVING ; berryheart falls fatally ill with the newly-named yellowcough.
★ BOUQUET OF PULSES ; after a fitful ten days on the edge of death, berryheart discovers that the cure for yellowcough is lungwort.
☆ STANDING IN THE LIGHT ; berryheart gives starling heart lungwort.
☆ ONLY REVOLUTIONS ; a prophecy.
☆ NOTHING CAN COME OF NOTHING ; berryheart and howlingstar talk about the prophecy, and conclude thunderclan must protect the five.
★ PALMS OF JUPITER ; the medicine cats figure out that their separate prophecies fit together.
☆ MEANT NOTHING AT ALL ; lichenpaw falls ill.
★ DYING FOR THE KNIFE ; the medicine cats decide no future medicine cats should be permitted to have kits after starlingheart shows favouritism to her child, resulting in the death of a queen and an elder.
☆ IN SWEET DREAMS ; lichenpaw's death.
☆★ THREAD NAME ; explanation -
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