THE BEGGAR'S HYMN — seeking refuge


XXXXXBlazestar staggers through brambles that catch their pelts, stinging like the marks the rogues’ claws had left on his warriors’ bodies. SkyClan had been RiverClan’s refugee for only a short amount of time—the outlaws had grown greedier, seeing easy opportunities for prey and safe, well-built shelter to house them instead of the Clan cats StarClan had decreed should split into five territories. Now Blazestar walks alongside Smokethroat, knowing how difficult it is to leave his camp in the control of savages. Their sick Clanmates walk on feeble paws, their kits tremble, terrified, his warriors bleed after trying their best to defend their home.

XXXXXThunderClan territory had been crawling with them, too, and Blazestar knows it is hopeless to go to Howlingstar for help after the Gathering. When he leads SkyClan and RiverClan alongside Smokethroat to ShadowClan’s border, it is with bone-weary paws and empty eyes. There are four Clans here, four Clans displaced, hungry, weak and battered—they all kneel pleadingly at the doorstep of the fifth.

XXXXXShadowClan,” he calls hoarsely to the first cat he sees across the Thunderpath. They will see multitudes of cats from ThunderClan, SkyClan, RiverClan, and WindClan, all in various states of dishevelment and disarray. They will see elders and warriors and queens with crying kits. “We need to speak to Chilledstar.” His voice is dull and raw with shattered pride, with dignity crushed.

@SOOTSTAR @Smokethroat @CHILLEDSTAR. @Flycatcher (tagging because Howlingstar is sick and not making decisions) — please wait for all five leaders to post before you double post! Otherwise, cats from any Clan may post. :) This is following this thread and this thread!

It is Starlingheart who would be the first ShadowClanner the haggard cats would run into. She was on the borders, paws pushing apart foliage, green eyes counting leaves to see if she could afford to take some. The sound of paws rapidly approaching startles her, the sheer force of many cats running to their border makes the earth tremble and she feels it deep within her bones. For a moment, she can only watch in fear as the overgrowth parts. The fur on the back of her neck stands on edge and she watches with wide eyes as Blazestar steps forward, followed swiftly by just about every clan cat in the forest barring her own.

Her emerald green eyes flicker over each of them in turn, they all looked rough. Patches of fur missing, wounds seeping blood. It does not take long to put two and two together. They had been run out of their clans.

The golden colored tom is the first to speak. He asks to speak to Chilledstar and Starlingheart finds herself nodding. "I-I can send someone to go get them but you may have to wait for a bit" She says and then turns to the cats who were in her company, the ones who she has asked to accompany her on this trip as it was not dangerous to go out alone right now. "Ru-run back to camp, get Chilledstar and te-tell them all the clans are here. May StarClan guide your paws and light your path" she flicks her tail as she watches them run off, gaze lingering on a disappearing form for a long moment

  • ooc : — any ShadowClanner is free to be the one she sent off​

  • she / her
    shadowclan medicine cat
    mates with Granitepelt

    - - a small, black furred she-cat with green eyes
    toyhouse [ ]

    - - Starlingheart is the reclusive and anxious medicine cat of shadowclan. She tries her best to always be kind and to wear her heart on her sleeve but life has not always dealt her the best hand. Still, she does her best to remain optimistic and faithful to starclan even in the face of her clans cynicism. Because of her stutter, which is starting to improve as she gets older and gains more confidence in herself, she tries to speak as little as possible. Her quiet demeanor has granted her a valuable skill, however, the ability to listen. She prefers to hang back in the shadows and observe over being in the spotlight and because of this she has learned to pick up on things quickly. It is what she can attribute her quick skills as a medicine cat to, the ability to retain information, the ability to learn swiftly. Despite the way life has gone for her, she believes that there is good in everyone she meets. Because of this she trusts easily and therefor is easy to manipulate.
    INFJ-T 'the advocate'

    skilled medicine cat ; not very good at anything else
    BRIARSTAR X AMBER; sister to pitchstar, nightswarm, chittertongue, skunktail, and lilacfur; mother to nettlekit, ghostkit and flintkit


maggotpaw & 11 moons & female & she/her & shadowclan apprentice

Maggotpaw has never formed a particular attachment to starlingheart - she is simply magiepaw's mentor, and therefore she is tolerated. Today she only joins the patrol out of absent-minded sentiment - magpie is not here, but she has followed them on patrol before, silent guard and a large pair of paws to help carry things. It only makes sense to do so again. Blue eyes narrow at the sound of pawsteps, the scent of blood - one after another, all four clans arrive. Were she shadowclans leader, she'd have chased them off - how is it shadowclans problem if they cannot defend their own borders, their own camps? But she's not - so the massive blue tabby settles only n a nod and a flick of her tail before vanishing. " @CHILLEDSTAR. - the other clans are here, demanding to speak with you," she doesn't explain much further unless pressed, only waiting long enough for them to follow before leaving once more to rejoin. Eyes flash coldly in the light, but she can't help but allow herself to search for familiar faces amongst the crowd as she waits.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a massive tabby she-cat with striking turquoise eyes, there has always been something not-right about her. cold and apathetic, and more than a bit unhinged, the monster that is maggotpaw is a volitile presence within shadowclan. she seems strangely taken by magpiepaw, putting herself in role of both tormentor and protector.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=mediumpurple]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


they're woken from their slumber with a soft yet frantic whisper at their den. they're jolting awake, and a snarl only rips through them. they stand to their paws, stepping towards the cat who's dared to wake them, eyes squinting with nothing but unfiltered anger.


they growl, fully taking in what maggotpaw has said to them. with a roll of their eyes, they only gesture for the apprentice to lead the way. they're not happy at all. demanding them. on their territory. how fucking ironic. their paws carry them and they can't help but be upset at what they see. what in the hell happened and why were there so many damned cats at their border? with a snort, they turn their attention to blazestar, lip curled back with agitation.

"to what do i owe this displeasure?"

the scent of rogues is heavy and they can't help the anger they feel. have these cats led rogues straight to their home? dangerous for all of them. this simply would not do. their claws scrap across the ground, paw slightly aching from the fall they took, but the rage certainly pushes it away.

//all ic opinions !! chilled is not gonna be very nice i am sorry in advance 😭😭
˚⊹₊‧ 𖦹 "Oh, great," came a flat voice from beside the other Shadowclanners, "It looks like the other clans finally joined together to try and destroy us once and for all..."

Ashenpaw was already having an awful day, having to tag along to protect their idiotic medicine cat while Snakefoot slacked off on his mentor duties, again. Well, shame on him because Ashenpaw would not be throwing himself in front of anyones claws for Starlingheart. And now it looked like the entirety of the forest has come for ... some reason. Probably a bad one.

"I hope everyone's made their peace with Starclan." He wondered idly if he should start praying, but decided he didnt care enough to.
  • OOC: quick mobile reply cause i just wanted to be silly
  • designfluffyneck2_by_jrentropy_dg93zrs-pre.png
  • ashenkit . ashenpaw
    — trans male. he/him. 6mo apprentice of shadowclan
    — gay ; single
    — longhaired muted blue torbie with heterochromatic pale blue and amber eyes
    — smells like rainsoaked ferns and swamp milkweed
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — fullbody by tropics
    — penned by eezy
    — currently in an era of grief and anger, approach with caution. all ic opinions!
When they had run from the rogues for the second time, Ratpaw had hoped that would be the end of their struggles. Either they end up dead or get help from one clan to drive them out, but when they had gotten to ThunderClan only to find out they had also been run from their own camp she had deflated. Four clans walked together through the underbrush of ThunderClan territory, tired paws carrying too many cats towards the thunderpath - a thing that many including Ratpaw had never dealt with before. The acrid scent caused her to reel back for a moment, look of disgust clear on her face as it filled her nostrils and caused her to gag.

Pressed close to her own clanmates the apprentice looked around as she waited, keeping her eyes on everyone there. She counted who of RiverClan where there, made sure those she cared about were present, and sought the faces of the SkyClanners she had enjoyed the company of the last few days to make sure they had gotten out as well. She knew once things were over - if they ever were over - she would not be lucky enough to be able to look upon them as friends, but they were all struggling now and they'd need to work together to be better.
  • 72197262_ih0kl09k9BIlFkG.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - rat???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 6 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - not looking
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    ⋆ peaceful powerplay allowed
    attack - "speech" - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki

Rosemire wonders whether he'd be chased out of ShadowClan if he took Chilledstar by their shoulders and shook them. Ashenpaw, too. "Use your eyes, kid," he says from behind the apprentice, his own stare tracing every face in the sea of cats. "You really think they would bring their kits and queens to attack ShadowClan? And for what?" He shakes his head, jaw muscles tightening. The scent of rogues, the soft, questioning murmurs and cries from kits— it makes the back of his neck itch, but not because he expects some desperate assault.

No, this is what it looks like when four clans come to beg for safe haven.

He tries to find Clayfur's face, as he had at the Gathering, but does not see it. Rosemire barely knows the RiverClanner, but the idea of another cat falling to yellowcough —or these damned rogues— is unpleasant. He hopes Chilledstar doesn't keep them waiting here in a long discussion; they're vulnerable like this, and there are families among them. It isn't like ShadowClan doesn't have the space, muddy as it is.
"Wouldn't that just be easier." Apricotflower's voice is rough, tired, and there's an odd haze around her yellow eyes that speaks silent volumes of the illness she had so far avoided. Not for long, though; she's airheaded at times, but not completely stupid, and knows the symptoms they'd been told to watch for. The lack of appetite by itself, Apricotflower could blame on anything. Stress, unease, pregnancy (she knows full well it isn't this one), a sense of nobility to make sure the kits and pregnant queens are fed before her. The sore throat which she's been clearing since they had reached Sunningrocks, however, is far more ominous.

The white-and-ginger molly stands with RiverClan and SkyClan queens alike, one kit clasped in her jaws and two enjoying the luxury of a badger ride (she'd deal with the tiny clawmarks later). Maybe even some stragglers from other Clans who have sought the relative safety of the queen's for their own young, but she's been to busy moving to really notice. She makes brief eye contact with a red-eyed ShadowClanner, before her stare moves on, roving back towards the mingling cats stood at the marshland border in varying degrees of politeness.

// @willowroot @Howlfire @butterflytuft
@carawaykit @TIDEKIT. @Bumblekit @Nettlekit @BRISTLEKIT ▪︎


Clutched in the jaws of Apricotflower, the blood bathed, blind tabby kit had simply chosen to sleep. He's surprised he actually managed to fall into a dreamless slumber at all, after the trauma of recent days. Perhaps the exhaustion had finally caught up with the boy. His head had finally stopped ringing, but his fur felt matted and uncomfortable, caked in rogue blood as it was. Now, one eye opens and he is overwhelmed by smells he did not recognize. Voices he could not place. Were they in ShadowClan territory, now? He wonders how it must look. He had heard there were rats as big as warriors here, and he hopes he won't have to share a den with one.

"It smells bad." Nettlekit complains tiredly. I want to go home.
Pitiable tears had stained her dark cheeks as sore pads fumbled and dragged. On the occasion a queen would scoop her up and alleviate the pressure. Yet, when it came the next kitten's turn she was encouraged to tough it out. I don't want to anymore! Something she desperately wanted to scream but instead her fluffy head hung as she moved with the drove of cats.

Bumblekit was tired beyond words and her heart aching from everything that erupted around her the last few days - the screams, blood, and pain. Would forever be a cruel reminder of their reality as clan cats. Sobering her more naive thoughts to silent pleas of much needed sleep.

Once they reached the border she collapsed beside Apricotflower. Laying on the ground and whining lowly as the clan leaders spoke amongst each other.
He is acutely aware of the blood trickling from his head, dripping messily down his face to curve around his lone orange eye and fall onto the ground at his paws with the faintest sound on impact. He's found @BEEPAW. at some point during the trek after seeing her nearly taken out by a rogue and he has made a point to walk near her and @Sablepaw while keeping pace with the rest of the cats ambling along. His other kits were in the crowd somewhere, he'd seen them briefly a moment before and made sure they had spotted him too. Once they arrived to find only a medicine cat to greet them he finds the waiting for the ShadowClan leader to be almost as agonizing as the walk their. Their words even moreso.

Chilledstar's reaction leaves little to be desired, disinterested and cold, and he realizes that the marshland cats have no fear of the rogues as other clans might because who would want to live in this barren wasteland of a territory anyways. Maybe they didn't even know about the rogues that had been plaguing the forest for several moons up to this point, after all he wouldn't hunt on this scrap of land if he had the choice of the more plentiful territories. For once being in such a state was more desirable; it would have sparred them all the grief if they too lived in a carrion heap.
The question is directed at Blazestar but he hears the mewling of tired kits, the whimpers of wounded apprentices; their clans are tired and he is not humoring this right now, his mind buzzing with mixed emotions and grief so heavy he has found it hard to breath since that horrid day.
"Rogues." He answers, as if the scent didn't give it away, "Numbers beyond even that of several clans combined..." At least when it came to RiverClan and SkyClan, his orange gaze dances to Flycatcher speaking for ThunderClan as he spots the black tabby leader being held upright by other clanmates - Yellowcough, he had said she had at the gathering.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Deputy of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.
    —⊰⋅ penned by Rai

Having followed after the leader alongside his own apprentice. The hefty cat had called upon his underling after hearing the arrival of other clans - stunned couldn't even summarize it. Something the ragdoll hadn't expected was a mountain of sickly, battered, and starved cats to come waltzing upon the swamps. If anything it left the large cat dumfounded. Taking them out of their usually cool and neutral headspace.

Curiosity getting the better of the warrior he sidled up behind the leader. Dark blue's peering intently as Blazestar spoke. His surprised expression melted into distrust. There's no way. They looked to Chilledstar with hesitance and anticipation.

What are we to do? Lend a helping paw and heal the wounded? Let all these cats in and risk bringing the rogues here? If what the Riverclan deputy said was true then he wanted no part. Several clans worth of cats had ran them out and Shadowclan was expected to offer their territory as a haven.

That was asking for bad news, especially, when so many in the crowd appeared sickly. They'd had plenty enough of that nonsense already they felt it unwise to invite troubled company in

A firm grimace settled on the Shadowclanners maw. This whole ordeal stank of danger and double-crossing. Something deep down in their gut they had to trust. Rather than speak their mind or offer assistance the chocolate-point stayed eerily silent. Waiting to see their leader's next move.

// apprentice tag @Ptarmiganpaw

Padding up behind Lilycrest and his apprentice, she joins ShadowClan’s forces with @POPPYPAW at her heels. The calico, equally as dumbfounded and shocked as the rest stares at the four clans with her jaw on the floor. ’Rogues’ Smokethroat says, deputy of RiverClan- or… leader now. She had heard from the gathering that Cicadastar had been lost to the rogues that invaded their home.

They do not ask outright, but Stumpyspots know what they are here for. Sanctuary, slowly she shakes her head, ”…Chilledstar… We cannot possibly-“ She pleads to them. Stumpyspots is sympathetic to the other clans, she is, but leaf-bare was coming. ShadowClan land was infamous for being barren of fresh-kill and resources, StarClan knows they’ll be eating off the thunderpath soon enough. Besides, where would they house all these cats?! Their camp?! Insanity!

But then she sees them. The kits, the children. One of black fur lays itself on the ground and whines pitifully, while another wrinkles their nose and pointing out the stink of the marshes. At an instant her gaze softens, how could ShadowClan turn them away? Her maternal instincts seem to have taken in faster than a fox can spring out of it’s den.

She bears an ugly grin at them, particularly Nettlekit clutched in the jaws of the RiverClan queen. ”Mhm, quite the musk. Just be glad yer here now and not in green-leaf, that’s when the stench is at it’s peak.” Also when the humidity got unbearable… Stumpyspots grimaces in rememberance.
  • » Half Maw . Stumpyspots
    » ShadowClan Warrior
    » She/her ․ Twice Widowed
    » Calico she-cat with rounded features.
    » ”speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A heavy hitting foe capable of standing her ground
    » Excels in slow, but powerful blows and kicks.
    » Fights to defend and protect
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
Scalejaw arrived on Chilledstar's heels- she had been in camp when the alarm was raised, and the smoke exhaled sharply as the sight of four clans lined their border. Four! Anger and distaste stained her thoughts immediately, nose flaring and her shoulders squaring. But the longer she looked, the more it made sense. Queens and kits lined the border. Injuries on their strongest warriors, and stars there were Windclan. Even they looked defeated- which gave her a brief sense of satisfaction, but the fact kits were with them...

She felt sick. What if that had happened to her when she was still a queen? What if her kits were left behind? She swallowed thickly, vision sweeping amongst the line of offending clans. And she didn't speak, for fear of what was to come next. Her eyes shifted towards her own clanmates then- gauging their own reactions. Stumpyspots had a similar idea, it seemed. She tilted her head towards the other she-cat, looking back towards the other side of the Path.

[penned by dallas].

His paws are heavy as he helps lead his clanmates towards ShadowClan lands. Never did Flycatcher believe he would come here for aid, especially with the tension between his clan and the marsh clan. Four clans had been driven out of their homes by overwhelming numbers of rogues and now only ShadowClan remained.

It doesn't take long for ShadowClan cats to appear, and Flycatcher can see the disgust and unease on their features, but worry too. Flycatcher can only imagine he'd feel the same if he was in their position faced down by cats of all the clans. "Chilledstar, surely there must be something that you can do," Flycatcher says, hoping the ShadowClan leader might find it in their heart to show sympathy. "The rogues have driven us all out from our homes. There is nowhere for us to go...we have sick and wounded and queens. They cannot stand out here left to the elements. If you cannot find it in your heart to shelter us all, surely you could at least accommodate them?"

Suffering the same as three other clans does not lessen the humiliation. She stands next to Flycatcher, Howlingstar too ill to stand at the helm, and looks to Chilledstar. It’s clear she as equally displeased as them to be here, hunkering with ThunderClan had depleted her pride plenty… but being chased out twice?

Turning to @SUNSTRIDE she whispers in his ear, ”If we are turned away, where do we take WindClan?” She is holding out no hope for the marsh group to take them in, let alone WindClan. She hardly holds it against them, WindClan wouldn’t take ShadowClan in either if the roles were reversed.
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

To put it mildly, she found them sufferable at best... the reek of distant carrion-food clung to their pelts like a second, secret armor; it was something that could make anyone reel at its stench before ever laying a paw on the shadowy warriors. But.... Looking around... all five clans stood here in awkward uncertainty- this had been another, more coordinated attack than the last, the one that had stolen Cicadastar from them (was he really dead... the rogues were not kind enough to give a straight answer) and now they've moved in unison to assault not just SkyClan, their temporary safe haven, but ThunderClan too. ThunderClan who had been perhaps too kind to allow WindClan of all clans to be harbored amongst their tall trees.

Sootstar lingers close to her deputy and Lichentail feels sore thinking about Smokethroat, forced to stand alone and divided from the other half of himself. They were more than just a deputy and star-blessed leader.... Their children mix into the crowd and the grief she feels for them does not subside. What a truly cursed childhood to be born into..

She thinks, briefly, of the conversation she'd had with Cicadapaw when he was just a bit smaller. All legs and a tangle of dappled fur, scared of his shadow and how it looked too much like someone else. Did he feel a little better, deep down, knowing he was no longer a mirror... no... this made him a ghost. Was that better?

A cautious glance is cast towards Dipperpaw, avoidant of truly checking in on her for fear of another bitter remark- what did it matter if she was ten moons or twenty, she wasn't safe here regardless- and then her gaze moves to find Brookpaw, just to keep a headcount that both made it here and alive. Once that's taken care of, the blue tabby lead moves to stand beside Smokethroat, hoping to offer some kind of support in presence rather than words (he must know that she cares, right...? Even though any attempt to offer her friendship would become a fumbling disgrace?) and listens with flattened ears as Chilledstar remains as cold-hearted as the name implies.

Selfish... But who's surprised? Flycatcher makes a point to comment on their numbers, on the way the ill barely manage to stay on their paws, imploring some kind of mercy. Some kind of heart from a leader that likely never had one to begin with. "StarClan help us all..." Hardly more than a whisper, a prayer muttered in hopes the glittering warriors on-high might be able to change the cruel nature of the molly they stood pleading to.​
can we leave it behind? A shadow has cast itself behind the leader, pawsteps quiet as they pad across the algae-infested waters and moss soaked mud. Had he heard correctly? Had all the Clans gathered at their border?

If he hadn't been here to see it he wouldn't have believed it for a moment. But there they stood, huddled masses of hungry bellies and wounded faces.

A seering satisfaction singed the curves of a sickly grin on his maw. Helpless cats, enough to fill their camp three times over, sitting like ducks in front of them. Among them is ThunderClan, in the thick of broad shoulder, stout-legged warriors he knew Howlingstar was there. Flycatcher pleaded for their leaders mercy. Surely there must be something that you can do?

Sabletuft is bold to not hide his snickering laughter. A voice hummed with sing-song mockery muttered from behind the ice-hearted leader.

"And look who's come back for what you owe." — tags

XXXXXRaccoonstripe lingers behind Flycatcher, doing his best to support Howlingstar. Her fur is hot to the touch, burning with fever—he’d been fortunate to be able to collect her from Berryheart’s den. They stand with WindClan, with SkyClan, with RiverClan, all of them bearing new wounds, all of them sick at heart. Frankly, the tabby would rather ThunderClan have fled to the lands beyond the forest before ingratiating themselves to ShadowClan. Chilledstar had acted wisely after Howlingstar’s visit, but the disgust and wariness on their white-streaked features is apparent, stark.

XXXXXIn their position, the tabby does not know what he would do. The rest of ShadowClan mills across the Thunderpath, some incredulous, most concerned. A familiar bright-eyed mink-pelted cat stalks to the forefront, venomous eyes trained on Howlingstar limp at his flank. Raccoonstripe’s lips peel away from his teeth. “What are you talking about?” He trembles with barely-suppressed anger, but he forces his fur to lie flat. Starting trouble at the border will hardly get his mother and sick Clanmates to safety, and there are kits here, kits who are cold and who have seen more bloodshed than a child ever should have to.

XXXXXHe fixes Chilledstar with his dark gaze. “There are rogues in all four of our territories. There’s nowhere else for us to go.” He tries to look strong, firm, but weariness darkens the space beneath his eyes.


chilledstar's gaze is only lit in flames of frustration. their tongue draws across their muzzle as word after word comes tumbling out of different cats. they're not stupid. they can smell the rogues. clearly if they had any other place to go, they wouldn't be on their damned borders, begging like this. they dealt with their own share of rogues but not nearly as intensely as these cats have. their tail flicks and they almost respond before the sound, and honestly disgusting scent, of sabletuft makes them spin around. oh, he's lost his mind. they can take so much but he's been nothing but disrespectful. they've had enough.

"you will hold your tongue or i shall rip it out in front of every cat here. be disrespectful again, sabletuft, and you will find yourself fighting rogues as they have."

they snap, angrily turning back to face the cats who have no where else to turn. they're cold... but they're not completely heartless. something about a little birdy telling them they needed to work together... the other clans surely would get the chance. shadowclan did not want it.

"you will stay near the burnt sycamore. kits and queens may stay in the nursery but no one else. if you wish to hunt, hunt in the carrionplace. one step further into my territory, and you'll be fighting rogues once more. got it?"

they snort with a lash of their tail.

"starlingheart, take the queens and kits to camp. the rest of you, follow. id hope for your sake that you did not bring those pests into our home."

starclan, you truly know how to piss me off, don't you? bringing these cats here?! they needed to cool off after this. they're not gonna sleep a wink knowing that other cats they don't trust are within their territory. and so many sick... what the hell were they gonna do about that? they supposed they needed to speak with starlingheart after all this.