THE LIGHT'S GONE OUT FOR ME \ gathering chatter

Twitchbolt still quivered, of course, but his stride held much more confidence than he had exhibited in his first moons as deputy. Maybe it was familiarity, sure ... insane as it was that all got easier the longer you learned to live with it. Tonight, as he faced the wide eye of the moon, he found he did not wince under its glow- glimmers danced in saucer-wide olivine, and there was something of a smile upon his face as he swept in with SkyClan, the familiar scent of pine rolling into the clearing.

Oh, he already knew he'd be able to feel the looks, as he picked his way through the crowd- murmured to Candorpaw, "T-Try not to cause any trouble." it was mostly said in jest, mostly, but... stars, he didn't want Candorpaw teaching any of the other Clan apprentices about secret battle moves or anything like that. His apprentice was infectiously enthusiastic, really... and sometimes that contagion spread information to other Clans that he'd rather they not have, really.

The Gathering was a night of peace, though ... that he knew for certain (though, he didn't think he'd ever be rid of the twist in his stomach when he scented WindClan, even if they were dressed with smiles, and hadn't actually been too much trouble recently). So for the most part Twitchbolt let the quills along his back settle, blinked softly, took a quivering breath in as he made his way toward the spot where the deputies stood. Flamewhisker wasn't here yet, and- and Howlingstar was nowhere to be seen... his teeth clattered a little in an unmistakeable spasm. They hadn't been at the last Gathering, had they? Stars, maybe the moon'd be covered, if they'd all let another Clan fall ...

Pupils scanned frantically. Of course it hadn't taken long for him to work himself up a little.
penned by pin ✧
〕Even though she was anxious about how tonight would go, it wouldn't be readable on the molly's face as she led her clan into the clearing. Despite the herbs that littered her pelt, her gaze burned as determinedly as ever. Gentlestorm had of course objected to her attending, but she planned on coming tonight whether she was dragged into the clearing or not. Thunderclan had been absent last moon, and Howlingstar had kin in other clans that needed to hear about her passing.

Behind her was quite the patrol. She had been hesitant about bringing so many of her clanmates, but the cats that had their ceremonies held during Howlingstar's last meeting did not get to attend their first Gathering as apprentices and warriors, so they deserved to be here tonight amongst those who had just received their new names. At her side was her apprentice, who much like most of the others, hadn't been to a gathering yet. The leader flicked her tail, letting it rest reassuringly on Merlinpaw's back. "There are many friendly faces here tonight that you can talk to. This is the one night a moon that the clans gather in peace." She began, scanning the clearing for groups of apprentices. "There are some Skyclanners over there that you could visit with. Do you remember Duskpool from when I showed you the borders? It looks like he has an apprentice with him. Perhaps he would tell you a story about the journey." Her apprentice was shy, but she hoped Merlinpaw would be alright tonight. "If you need anything, I will be down with the deputies for a little bit." Her tail flicked off of her apprentice's back, and she started to pad down into the clearing. Regardless if Merlinpaw came to find her by the deputies or not, she would try to keep an eye on her tonight.

A face she hadn't seen for awhile was where the deputies sat. "Twitchbolt." the fiery tabby would trill as she arrived in front of him. "Is Cherryblossom unwell?" She cast a glance above him, where she would be later on tonight. The climb would be difficult with her healing wounds, but she would make it happen...Thunderclan would not look weak tonight.

  • ooc.
    speaking to @MERLINPAW then @TWITCHBOLT
  • FLAMESTAR —— leader of thunderclan , mentoring merlinpaw . storm x lily . littermate to nala, smokey, and nemo ✦ penned by icey !
    afab / she/her / 37 moons & ages every 20ᵗʰ
    widowed / heterosexual / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— difficult in battle

    speech”, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    tags — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 74170852_bklpiIOmSWVpAVE.png

    a longhaired red tabby with low white and green eyes. flamewhisker's fur is a vibrant hue of red, riddled with thick classic tabby markings. her fur is medium in length, and she has a large, feathery tail. her chest, belly, tail tip, and her paws are dipped white. flamewhisker's eyes are a dark, deep shade of green. her shoulder has a large scar on it from a fight with a dog. she also has a shredded ear from a disagreement with a loner during her time alone before joining thunderclan. on particularly cold days, or sometimes before a major weather change, she will walk with a slight limp from her shoulder injury.
𓍊𓋼 Since the haze of battle-induced fury cleared from his mind, Falconheart hasn’t felt… right. It’s like there’s something off-balance, some asymmetrical weight bearing down on his shoulders. He hasn’t slept well since his mother first left for the moonstone, and even now he finds himself eerily quiet as he trudges into the clearing with his apprentices in tow. Tired blue-green eyes shift to glance over at Littlepaw and Bugpaw, and he wonders whether they feel any resentment toward him. He’s become a replacement (and a poor one, at that) for both of them, stepping in for mentors who would have been so much greater than himself. But there’s no time to dwell on that now, as the sound of cats mingling fills his ears.

It would be easy to lose either of them in the crowd of cats, just as he’d lost track of all his siblings when ThunderClan’s camp broke out in battle. He’d lost Sparrowpaw in more ways than one, and the sight of his brother’s unmoving shell refuses to leave his mind. "I’d… prefer it if you both stayed close." His voice is low, but there’s a distinctly soft edge to it. He wants them both to have fun tonight—they shouldn’t suffer just because he can’t force a smile onto his face. And he… he needs to get it together, doesn’t he? "But you don’t have to, as long as you stay where I can still see you."

  • ooc: interacting with @LITTLEPAW @Bugpaw ! open for other interactions
  • 82611636_I7otEt4vDdutjcB.png
  • FALCONHEART ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan warrior
    shorter than average cream tabby with white spotting. seems gloomy and has few friends, but is a hard worker and never neglects his duties.
    son of flamewhisker and flycatcher ; brother to stormfeather, ravenpaw, bugpaw, sunpaw, squirrelpaw, sparrowpaw
    mentoring bugpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
Due to Skyclaw's reign keeping them at camp, ThunderClan hadn't attended last gathering and, consequently, Wolfpaw and their siblings hadn't gotten to be at Fourtrees with all five Clans gathered beneath the moonlit glow. The tabby trails close behind to Flamestar as they enter the clearing, seeing SkyClan was already present. Rowanthorn recalls Wolfpaw's words during the patrol a few days ago, and prays to StarClan such doesn't happen tonight.

"You are free to mingle with the other Clans, tonight is a peaceful evening." He says gently, nudging his apprentice in the other Clan's direction. "But stay where I can see you. And," He lowers his voice, sternly muttering to Wolfpaw: "Just be careful with what you say. Don't tell the other Clans about ThunderClan's business." And watch what you say to other cats so you don't offend them. Is unsaid, but after their first tour to ShadowClan's border, and then SkyClan's, the warrior hoped they would pick up on what he was saying, lest they cause a commotion tonight.

  • // #FF7661 Talking to @WOLFPAW but open to interacts!
  • A muscular and chubby scarred chocolate tabby tom with striking copper eyes.
  • ROWANTHORN — 37 moons, warrior of ThunderClan. Ages every 31st.
Twitchbolt's warning to behave is kept in mind as he walks into the clearing, pawsteps treading the very same steps that the long dead had many moons ago. His tail twitches, a sharp chill in the air making his fur fluff up. Ghostly blues flick to and fro, dark muzzle shriveling as the familiar mix of scents begin to overwhelm him.

He leans into his sister's side, tail entwining with her own for comfort. He never liked huge crowds like this. "Will you stand nearby?" He whispers to Howlfire softly, his jaw set in a tense line. He would wait until the very last moment to join the others at the rock.

// Interacting with @Howlfire
  • Like
Reactions: Thorny
//Apprentice tag @SPIDERPAW

"This here is where all the clans gather together. It is a place of peace, so keep things friendly and be respectful. Do not cause us any embarrassment." Wildheart was firm in his tone as he looked down at Spiderpaw before he gestured for his apprentice to join some of the others. Meanwhile he in turn sauntered over to a quiet spot to sit down, ensuring to keep Spiderpaw in his line of vision. Reaching a paw up he proceeded to rub at the ugly scabs that marred his face. It was a painful reminder of what had occurred in ThunderClan only just recently.

//Open to interactions!

༄༄ Entering the gathering feels strangely normal tonight. Despite everything that has occurred since the last time she had stood in this clearing, Scorchstreak for once does not feel the uncomfortable prickling of fur as she crosses into Fourtrees. The apprentice at her side is thorny, but she doubts that she will need to remind Brackenpaw to be on their best behavior. Her tail flickers, and she tips her head toward the younger calico. "Feel free to mingle, if you’d like." With that, she parts from the apprentice’s side—unless, of course, they choose to follow after her—and makes her way to the spot she will remain in for the night.

As she approaches the place where deputies congregate, it is unsurprising to find others already there. Her gaze falls squarely upon Flamewhisker after briefly passing over the brown-and-white figure standing beside her. Twitchbolt means little to her, having been demoted from the position at some point only to have apparently been reinstated by Orangestar after Cherryblossom’s failure. Never mind him, though… Scorchstreak’s attention is focused on Flamewhisker for the most part. Not long ago, the red-furred deputy and her clan’s medicine cat had passed through the moorland heading for the moonstone. She had trailed discreetly behind the duo, hoping to ensure that the injured deputy and healer would not meet their fate in the jaws of some dog or other creature across WindClan’s territory. Only once they had crossed into Highstones had she departed at last, not interested in eavesdropping on the rest of their journey. Now, as Howlingstar still fails to make an appearance, the calico cannot help but wonder. She can draw her own conclusions as to what happened in ThunderClan—but Flamewhisker had told her that all would be revealed during the gathering, and so the deputy is content to wait until the leaders’ announcements are made.

Flamewhisker questions where Cherryblossom is, and the tunneler knows the answer—but it is not her information to give. A scarred brow quirks, and she fixes fiery eyes on Twitchbolt. What will the nervous tom have to say in response? Is he truly the new deputy of SkyClan, or has he simply been chosen as a poor stand-in? "It is good to see you back once again," she says to the ginger tabby, but the words could be interpreted to mean either of them.

  • ooc: interacting with @Brackenpaw and then with @TWITCHBOLT @Flamestar
  • 84614867_oGXlwEhkllyouH3.jpg
  • SCORCHSTREAK ❯❯ she/they, deputy (tunneler) of windclan
    small, slim flame-streaked calico with fiery golden eyes. cold and closed-off, ferociously protective of her clanmates. rarely seen aboveground.
    mate to bluepool ; sibling to rattleheart & rabbitclaw
    mentor to bilberrypaw & brackenpaw ; previously mentored pinkshine
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted, but may react aggressively
    penned by foxlore
  • Like
Reactions: Brackenpaw

Antlerbreeze's legs briefly lock up as she stands at the precipice of Fourtrees. The last time she had stepped in, her former mentor was with her- she was still alive. Her eyes blinked harshly, clearing them before she continued into the area. Her siblings were not here with her tonight, and that was okay- she was used to being without them when it came to the gathering. Antlerbreeze takes slow, measured breaths as she enters.

Vision shifted to where the deputies gather- where Flamestar has gone to speak to Twitchbolt, and Scorchstreak has followed. (Of course she knew their names, learning them at each gathering she was brought to by Howlingstar.) She offers her clanmates a soft bid of 'I'll be back later,' and found a place that was quieter. For now, anyways- not all of the clans have arrived yet. Antlerbreeze's eyes slid close, relaxing for but a moment under the moonglow.
  • "speech"
    // open for any interaction!
  • ANTLERBREEZE she/her, warrior of thunderclan, thirteen moons.
    LH cinnamon lynx sepia with low white. smaller body, agile and slippery, fits really well in small gaps in the underbrush. soft spoken but strong and determined.
    previously mentored by howlingstar / / mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / sibling to fallowbite and doepath
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Last edited:
  • Sad
Reactions: Flamestar

Howlfire walks with a prideful edge to her step, and her head is held high. She is a lead warrior now. Her heart swells with pride at her new promotion, quietly hoping to see some of her other kin in the crowd, wondering what they would think. She knew Thunderclan had not attended the last gathering but they were clearly in attendance tonight, though Howlfire was yet to spot Howlingstar among those. Strange...and are those scars on some of the ThunderClan warriors.

Her attention is drawn away from the other clans, beckoning for Ghostpaw to draw closer. "You can stay close to me tonight if you'd like," Howlfire mewed, nodding to her apprentice. "Or you can mingle with the other apprentices if you'd like. I'm sure there are a few new apprentices here as well." Regardless of what Ghostpaw did, Howlfire inclined her head to where Fireflyglow was speaking to her. "I'll be as close as I can," Howlfire promised. In a softer voice she added, "I don't see Howlingstar tonight and ThunderClan didn't attend last time...I hope everything is alright." Of all their ThunderClan kin, their grandmother was the one who had always treated them with love and kindness, despite the divisions between them.

/ speaking with @Fireflyglow and @Ghostpaw! + Open to interactions!
  • Love
Reactions: Jadefeather12

Gatherings. Burnstorm had been dreading this one in particular, if he's honest. Soon, Flamestar would ascend that great rock and stand in the place where his grandmother should be. She'll make the announcement to the clans that Howlingstar is gone, slain by his own brother, her grandson, in a bd for power. He should tell Howlfire and Fireflyglow, he thinks. It would be better if it came from his lips, and not anyone else's. "You two can go ahead and mingle if you'd like, I'll be around if you need me" he says to his apprentices @COALPAW and @beetlepaw before padding away to find his SkyClan siblings.

It was not his intention to be angry at them, but when he turns and he sees them sitting together it's a reminder of what they had that he had lost in one fell swoop, it is like a punch straight to the gut. A reminder, then, that they at least had one another. He was all alone now. Moonwhisper was gone, Duskbird too. Skyclaw had turned out to be a kin-slayer, and Howlfire and Fireflyglow had left him, abandoned him so that he now was left with no one who had once known the soft rasp of Little Wolf's tongue against their coat. His eyes narrow to slits, and in an instant, all of the old rage he had once felt when they had first left is brought back to the surface.

"She's gone." he says, more harshly than he originally intended. He tries to fight it, but he cannot keep the venom from his voice, nor can he keep the blame from his eyes. Howlingstar had once told him to let his anger go, and he had listened. He had listened but what had it gotten him in the end? "Skyclaw killed her, and then he was killed by Raccoonstripe. They're both gone. Our brother, our grandmother, our sister." he could go more into detail but.. "You would have known if you had chosen us over SkyClan, over Blazestar. How'd that one work out for you two?" he feels small, childish, even as he says it, and he immediately regrets the words as they fly out of his mouth. It's too late now, he can't take back the blow after it's already been dealt. "He was not the great cat you thought he was. Howlingstar told me- well, it doesn't matter now." He hadn't meant for it to go like this, but the words are out before he can stop them, his tongue working faster than his brain as verbal lashes fly from his mouth.

// @Fireflyglow @Howlfire but please wait for @LIONPAW to reply! (sorry about him ): he is breaking my heart into a million pieces and stomping on it rn)

  • 80082522_aYO5vxC2NxrsdlE.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
    Mentoring Beetlepaw and Coalpaw
Apprehension prickled along her pelt as the young warrior followed her clan into the fourtrees. Her body cried out in protest, her wounds from the battle not yet fully healed; but she would not stay home tonight. Her new wards deserved to be here. It had been several moons since she'd been back to this moonlit clearing, and it was admittedly strange to be entering on the heels of their fiery new leader. Ever since her first gathering, when she'd just been apprenticed, they'd always attended under Howlingstar's leadership. It suddenly hit her now, as she watched the newly-named Flamestar take her place amongst the other leaders and deputies, that this was their new reality. Howlingstar was really gone, and Thunderclan was entering a new age. Hopefully, this one would be more peaceful than the past.

Her pace slowed as she stopped at Falconheart's side, though her piercing blue gaze fell first to her apprentices. This would be both Ivorypaw and Meadowpaw's first gathering, thanks to Skyclaw forcing them to abstain from attending last moon. She knew that under the circumstances, it wouldn't be as magical of an experience for them as it should be, and the thought made her lungs tighten with grief. They both deserved better. She turned to the pair of them, lips turned up in a soft smile. "Alright, you're both free to mingle if you'd like. Or you can stay here with me, I'll leave it up to you. Just don't get into any trouble, not tonight." Normally she would be encouraging them to branch out, but things were tense enough and if they wanted to stick close to her tonight, she was happy to oblige them.

  • [ speaking to @Meadowpaw @ivorypaw // she’s open to interactions! ]

  • 79175764_ro4GJWUVwEZd0z0.png
    PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 18 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes
    single, padding after no one / npc x npc / sister to bluestride
    mentoring meadowpaw & ivorypaw / mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / all opinions ic
    underline and tag when attacking
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots.
What an honor to be chosen to attend another gathering. Lionpaw strides into Fourtrees, carrying himself with more confidence than he had in his previous visit to the sacred gathering space. Training with Crowsight had forged Lionpaw into a more self-assured apprentice, one who would soon earn his warrior name and serve his clan honorably with all he could give. His older brother parts ways with him, leaving the chocolate torbie point alone to seek conversation amongst other clan cats.

His dark limbs carry him through the crowd, a sense of dread beginning to crawl up his spine and curl around his shoulders like claws. Lionpaw cannot help but remember how his last gathering had played out — he had met one of his ThunderClan half-siblings for the first time, only to be outright rejected by him. Would Skyclaw be here again tonight? Paranoid, blue eyes narrow and dart around the clusters of felines for a familiar figure of black and brown.

While Lionpaw does not encounter the angry ThunderClan warrior this time ( thank StarClan ), he does spot Fireflyglow and Howlfire talking with a large dark-pelted tom who appears disgruntled. Concerned and simply looking out for his kin, the apprentice strays closer, mismatched ears swiveling just to catch the tail-end of the oak-dwelling cat's speech. His pupils thin into slits when he specifically drops Blazestar's name. Why's he bringing up Pa? He doesn't have any right to! "He was not the great cat you thought he was." Ivory claws, if only for a moment, knead the ground below. The apprentice knows better than to disrespect warriors, even from other clans, but he had to say something. A deep-rooted hurt bubbles within Lionpaw, knowing that this cat possessed the gall to speak poorly of his father when he hadn't even the opportunity to meet him himself.

Lionpaw breaks his silence, finally storming forth to arrive face-to-face with the stranger. "Don't talk about him like that." Although not necessarily spitting angrily at the older male, Lionpaw stands his ground in a rather seldom-seen gesture, a defensive glare staring up at Burnstorm through a set of baby blues that mirrored his late father's.

"And-" Of course he stumbles upon his own words. Lionpaw was not a confrontational cat, as much as he had been building his confidence over the past couple of moons. He purses his lips and swallows, his limbs beginning to feeling weak with anxiety. "And don't talk to them like that, either." The torbie point glances toward Howlfire and Fireflyglow for a moment. They were adults who could handle things themselves, certainly, but they were family. The black tom had already disrespected Blazestar, but to drag his siblings into this as well? Who did he think he was? "My brother 'n sister are valued members of SkyClan. It's where they belong. Where they've always belonged." Was that a statement that Lionpaw could support by fact? Perhaps not. However, it was strange to imagine a reality where they could have lived in ThunderClan instead. They were integral parts of SkyClan, at least in Lionpaw's mind. ThunderClan didn't deserve them, especially with warriors who were as bitter and rude as... whoever this was.

  • interacting with @BURNSTORM
  • 85571681_SLofIqs1ogOtlez.png
    an apprentice of skyclan, lionpaw is nine moons and is mentored by crowsight. he is the son of doeblaze and blazestar. an amalgamation of his parents, lionpaw exhibits splashes of ginger and chocolate tabby patterns against a thick, longhaired cream pelt. 
  • Like
Reactions: Thorny

A lifetime had passed since the cinnamon tabby had been allowed to attend a gathering. No sooner did she arrive did the myriad of scents send her nostrils ablaze with new information, demanding that she pay attention to all the names she would undoubtedly have to relearn. A smile landed upon her maw as she passed a gossiping pair of ThunderClanners, pulling a silly face and muttering a light-hearted lie to give them something to really talk about. Her pupils broadened like a cat preparing to pounce, all the possibilities before her feeling too great for the she-cat to comprehend. She could talk some more, she could take a souvenir for herself, she could see if any of Needledrift's friends were in attendance that day. The night felt like a plaything in her paws and Ferndance couldn't help the way her heart soared in excitement. Though Smogstar was too sick to attend, she would have to offer gratitude to him for not clipping her wings. Little did she know just how grateful she would have to be.

Her eyes fell upon RiverClan as they emerged through the shadows of the thicket. She watched a leader move to her spot, and watched a myriad of pelts disperse into the crowd with ease. Long ears threatened to flatten against her skull, disappointment kicking her belly. Then, she noticed one of the last RiverClanners to arrive. A she-cat with black fur, freckles as blanched as snow, blue eyes. Her pelt was glossier than before, her features more rounded than they had been within ShadowClan, but there was no mistaking who this cat was.

Her throat went dry. She'd convinced herself it wasn't possible, that even if she had made the perilous trek to RiverClan, the swimmers would prefer to hide her away like a precious herb rather than risk conflict with ShadowClan. For her to be here only meant one thing for Ferndance, but she couldn't care. She had told Mirepurr that she would prefer not to grieve if it meant ShadowClan would still accept her, but there were things she valued more than her marshy home's approval, things so valuable that she couldn't put a price on what she would do to see them thrive.

She took a step forward, the world outside of her and her daughter fading from view. At that moment in time, nothing mattered except knowing that she was not dreaming, that if she reached a paw out, it would not phase straight through the other. There was almost trepidation in her heart to try, fearing the image would shatter like pottery. Even if she'd known the plan, she could not have known it would succeed, she could not help but feel as if she should've done more to see it be a success. Ferndance gulped much-needed air. "Snowypaw?"

// pre-planned interaction <3 + @splashdance
  • Nervous
Reactions: hazecloud

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- he's not been to a gathering in moons. he wishes he had, yes, but he just couldn't. he wasn't healed enough, not to mention all the stuff that happened with... there was just a lot. he is absolutely, completely and utterly exhausted. his paws ache. he just hasn't moved this much in such a long time, that the ache in his bones make him feel that he is well into his elder moons, but he's not. he will catch up. it just takes him a bit more than others to get there but he does. his gaze searches around instinctively, tail swishing back and forth and back again. he still wears his soft smile on his face, a face at rest for the young tom cat. his whiskers twitched before he slowly moved to go and find his friend. his best friend. he feels awful to know that he wasn't able to see them the last few gatherings, and that also he couldn't meet up afterwards and away from everyone when he promised. he didn't ever break a promise but he flew too close to the sun with that one, didn't he?

"they've gotta be around here somewhere..."

he twitches his tufted ears. it feels weird to be away from gentlestorm, or hopepaw, or doepath, or roaringsun, or even deerpaw. but he has to do this alone. he needs to see his friend by himself.

// looking for @Brackenpaw


Her first gathering as a -paw. She should be celebrating. At least her sisters are here with her, she thinks, and her cousins as well... It is not trepidation that stalls her pawsteps into the busy clearing but rather a certain weight that hangs over her shoulders, the thought that her mother and her father or her grandmother or someone should have been there with her. Her mother would have groomed her fur to perfection, her father could have helped her weave flowers into her fur, Skyclaw would have told her all about the other clans, who was okay and who to stay away from and Howlingstar could have called her name herself, pride glowing in those maternal green eyes as she introduced her to the rest of the forest. At least I still have my sister she thinks again, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.

Smile Meadowpaw, smile, first impressions only happen once she could not let the others glimpse any sort of weakness in her features so she clenches her jaw to keep it from trembling, she stops her paws from shuffling nervously and she plasters on that false bravado she has worn since kit-hood. "Thanks Palefire!" she chirps, tail waving as she immediately gets to work surveying the crowd.

The scents of all four clans mingle together in a confusing tangle, but that does not stop her from plunging right into the throng (trying her best not to look back at her mentor). Maybe she could find some other apprentices from another clan? Ask them what their training was like? Or maybe she would get lucky and she could meet someone really cool like a deputy or another leader!

She's lost in a whirlwind of sights and smells when suddenly she is jolted from her thoughts by a shoulder colliding with her own. "Ohmygosh! Sorry! Are you okay?" so much for first impressions! she thinks with no small amount of despair.


  • oZHYGDl.jpeg

  • 84967382_V32sMk7nP8HRBgb.png
    A large fluffy red tabby kitten with a white chest, stomach, tail, muzzle and stripe running along her back. Her eyes are a deep, forest, green and in her pelt one can usually find flowers woven
    easy in battle + no formal training
"do not cause us any embarrassment."

such a rigid tone made spiderpaw flinch a little, body instinctively shrinking in on itself as his tail sweeps between spindly limbs and ears fall backwards closer to his skull. "y—yes wildheart..." came the meek response, auerate eyes struggling to meet his mentor's intense amber gaze. wildheart eventually motions for him to go mingle before setting off, leaving spiderpaw standing awkwardly in a throng of cats looking more and more nervous as the seconds tick by. it's one thing to interact with clanmates back at camp but to add four more clans to the mix just makes the task more daunting and it definitely doesn't help that all the overwhelming scents are combining into one.

spiderpaw doesn't know how to navigate this crowd, just narrowly avoiding bumping into others in an attempt to find someplace a little less crammed. they could've easily tagged alongside wildheart or another clanmate but was worried about being a bur in their pelt, sticking to them stubbornly while they try to talk with others so going in blind was the next best thing (it wasn't).

at some point into this confused wandering, spiderpaw ended up catching sight of a dark tabby apprentice who also looked to be alone. maybe this is where they can start. with a shaky inhale, obsidian limbs carried him to this windclan stranger where they'd offer them an awkward smile in an attempt to appear friendly. "he—hello, i'm spiderpaw of uh—uhm thunderclan. is this your fi—first gathering too?"


  • ooc. @Vulturepaw , hope you don't mind if i tagged! open to other interactions as well :>
  • 1ucymTo.png
  • ⋆˖⁺‧₊ SPIDERPAW —— thunderclan apprentice , mentored by wildheart. littermate to myrtlepaw
    ⊰∙∘ demiboy / he / they / 06 moons, ages every 9th.
    ⊰∙∘ unknown orientation, still working it out. / not actively looking / open to puppy-crushes
    ⊰∙∘ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    ⊰∙∘ “speech”, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character

    ⊰∙∘ penned by cobatic
    ⊰∙∘ biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse

It is her first gathering since receiving her warrior name. It feels like seasons ago, now — and it is seasons ago, Scorchstorm realizes with a shiver. She had gotten her name only a few moons after returning from the journey. She is hardly older now than she was then, but she feels like a different cat. A young Scorchstorm still laughed and smiled freely, even having lived through Sootstar's terror; a young Scorchstorm still felt a spark in the heart when pretty mollies passed her by; a young Scorchstorm still had an aunt to come to when things were hard. The Scorchstorm that attends tonight's gathering has none of those things. The soft wool has been shorn; now she is a wolf in her own right.

She does not stick particularly close to her mother, as she would have done before, and instead totes around the shadow she must look after. Buckfire is decent enough company. There are far worse cats to be sidled with, at least — and she would be lying if she said he has not grown on her at all. Finding herself in charge of him had been strange at first; he was nearly twice her age, but he lacked the experience that warriors needed to survive. Speaking of....

"That is Flamewhisker," she rumbles to the new warrior, pointing her white-dotted muzzle to the blazing orange molly. "She was one of they journeying cats, four seasons ago. She is one of ThunderClan's warriors." And where is Howlingstar? The whispers of ThunderClan's revolution do not reach her ears quite yet, the frightening mirror of WindClan's own civil war. Quietly, she searches for mottled velvet petals and autumn brush, for citrine eyes and plush fur — but she finds nothing. She should not expect to. Even if she could see Cherryblossom, would they have anything to say to one another? Scorchstorm flicks her ear as if to dismiss the thought.

Burnished copper gaze flickers back to her not-quite-apprentice. Buckfire is not yet versed in the ways of a warrior, but he is at least a decent conversationalist. He would be fine on his own. Scorchstorm, on the other paw, does not possess his... extroverted qualities. She tries to keep the tension from her tone as she instructs, "I will stay here. If you want to mingle, you may, but do not stray far." She would not like him to wander out of earshot, at least.

She rakes her gaze across the crowd, distantly wondering when RiverClan would begin to arrive.

  • ooc. interacting with @BUCKFIRE , but open to others!
  • SCORCHSTORM —— warrior of windclan, mentored by sunstar & badgermoon . scorchstreak x badgermoon . littermate to rumblerain, frostwind, and luckypaw ✦ penned by meghan

    a broad-shouldered tortoiseshell with low white and dual-toned amber eyes. extremely loyal to sunstar and her family, and enjoys a deep connection to the moorlands
    demigirl / she they pronouns / lesbian / 17 moons & ages every 1st
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— will start fights / will not flee / may show mercy. fights honorably and with great ferocity. can tank a few hits, but is not the sturdiest cat in windclan. starts fights with the intention of finishing them permanently, but will not aim to maim or kill obviously young cats

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are in character
    full biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • Love
Reactions: pikaihao

As WindClan passes into the neutral territory of Fourtrees, pelts washed in the sunwarmed pool and littered in dulcet flakes of heather, Sedgepounce looks up at the impossibly tall trees and feels his heart skip. His first Gathering was the day the journey cats embarked—it's been his only Gathering since. Now, just as then, he feels overwhelmed by the cloistering scents of pine and ash, the towering oaks, the murmurous crowd.

It's nothing like the small quiet of the moor. It makes a part of him understand why Doomstep was always scared of venturing too close to the border, let alone Fourtrees. Moons ago, the younger, more naive Sedgepounce was determined to embrace the change without him. Now, he's determined not to repeat those same mistakes.

Bunnypaw huddles beside him, anxious and wary by nature. He doesn't fault her for it, but he does try and unroot her from the forest floor, channeling his own thrumming nerves into bright-eyed encouragement.

"Wanna try and talk to some other apprentices? I'm sure plenty of 'em just got named too," he offers kindly, sweeping a feathery tail toward the meandering crowd.

// talking to @bunnypaw but open to other interactions!

Gigglepaw had had plenty of fun at the first Gathering she had gone to, and thanks to Forestshade's rank in the Clan, she had the privilege of attending another. She'd learned a bit since the last Gathering, like the borders of all the Clans and how to track and some of ShadowClan's practices, and though they hadn't cemented themselves as friends the prior time, Gigglepaw found herself curious about whether or not she'd come across Shellpaw again. Her chronic sniffles had left quite the impression on Gigglepaw.

Giving her mentor a quick good-bye, Gigglepaw bounded off into the crowd, submersing herself in the sea of scents. She'd never been one to shy away from social gatherings in ShadowClan, and even here, among strangers, she was no different. There was a skip in her step as she stretched her neck, scanning the crowd for the familiar rheumy eyes of the she-cat that she'd met the previous Gathering. She wondered if that Pinepaw would also be there with her again - Gigglepaw had thought about the way they'd talked to one another, and all she had come away with was that Pine was a strange name for a RiverClanner.

Gigglepaw's nose twitched as she passed by a small group of sleek-furred cats that were clearly RiverClan. It was only a matter of time before the familiar decorated pelt caught Gigglepaw's eye, and she pushed past a few cats to reach Shellpaw's side, murmuring quick excuse mes to those she bumped into.

"Hey, Shellpaw, right?" Gigglepaw chirped as she finally reached the she-cat's side, a smile manifesting on her face; her tail flicked upwards excitedly. "I'm Gigglepaw, remember? We met last Gathering..."

Orangestar arrives with her usual quiet dignity intact, though it is tempered somewhat by the unfamiliar ache in her paws over walking such a distance without pause. Most queens would be nursery-bound by now, but not SkyClan's stubborn leader; she is determined to see this Gathering through and be up with the dawn as she would be otherwise. It doesn't take her long to catch sight of familiar pelts, the scents of the other four Clans mingling in her nose, it's but one particular cat with a silky river-pelt that catches her eye.

"Hazecloud." Orangestar calls to the RiverClan deputy, no plea for attention nor true expectation to her meow. It would be easy for her rasp to be lost among the rising meows. She's so fixated on the RiverClanner, however, that Orangestar doesn't notice a dark-muzzled cat of the moors approaching from her right.

  • // @hazecloud @Periwinklebreeze.
  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | seven lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — (undisclosed) mate to slate ; currently expecting kits
    — speech is in #D2977D
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.