— cisgender male, he/him ; bisexual with a feminine preference
— twenty-nine moons, ages on the 17th
↳ penned by @waluigipinball -
— small, svelte and sinewed, ferngill has grown out of his days as an ugly duckling. an inarguably handsome tom, his pelt has gained its full sunset-like glory, silky across his slender form from a fondness for swimming in moonlit waters. fur once spiky and sparse now lays velour and even across his form, striped flames rippling across short locks. his uninjured eye is naturally large with amazement, reflecting his easily-impressed nature in a bright turquoise lagoon- a large scar is carved across his left eye, the once-there verdancy cloudy and sightless. beneath them, a charming smile is often set, setting the stars in his gaze alight. adding to his graceful appearance is an evenly striped silken tail, poised well to keep his balance.
↳ small even as an adult, quite a contrast to his towering father.↳ untalented in almost everything that makes a warrior- feels inferior due to this, and works twice as hard to achieve the same results. -
( + ) receptive, reliable, passionate, altruistic, friendly, well-meaning
( / ) tends to overwork, optimistic, emotional, empathetic, brave
( - ) unrealistic, idealistic, unintelligent, possessive of objects, gullible, naive
↳ subscribes strongly to a black-and-white view; as far as he is concerned, there is good and evil in the world, and nothing between.
↳ a talented swimmer who often takes to the starlit river when he wishes to unwind.
↳ is something of a hoarder; collects trinkets, the unpermitted movement of which makes him irate.
↳ has a fear of becoming ill- will avoid anyone with illnesses and hates being dirty.
↳ extremely easily impressed and simple-minded, but finds joy and hope in the tiniest things. -
MUDPELT; FAMILY TREE | mentoring no one, mentored bymudpelt
mate to sablemist | parent to no one
— admiresmudpelt,cicadastar, smokestar
— close with siblings, ravensong, sablemist
— friends with petalnose, figfeather, mosspool, dipperfrost, hazecloud
— likes willowroot,beesong,cicadastar, smokestar,gloompaw, lakemoon, dovethroat, stormywing, lichentail
— dislikes hyacinthbreath, windclan, thunderclan -
strength ●●●○○○○○○○taken ; monogamous / mates with sablemist
stamina ●●●●●●●○○○
agility ●●●●●●●●○○
hunting ●●●●○○○○○○
swimming ●●●●●●●●●●
climbing ●○○○○○○○○○
grace ●●●●●●●●●○
easy to earn and lose the trust of. will stick to snap judgements.
— will start fights | will not flee | will show mercy
— excels at swimming
— poor at everything else
— sweet, chirpy voice of the higher-pitched variety
— smells like fish, sand and water mint
— healing & peaceful powerplay allowed.
— speech is "YELLOWGREEN" -
( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development
★ SUNSHINE DAISIES BUTTER MELLOW ; fernkit is born to icesparkle and mudpelt.
☆ I'LL SHOW YOU HOW IT'S DONE ; riverclan meets fernkit and his littermates.
☆ I'VE BEEN SO GOOD THIS YEAR ; steepkit terrifies fernkit.
☆ THE BOY WHO NEVER ; fernkit gives his father a very generous gift.
★ ALIEN BLUES ; fernkit becomes fernpaw and is apprenticed to his father.
★ I AM THEIR FURY ; first ever patrol- and not the most relaxing.
★ BUT I CAN'T LOVE MYSELF ; a patrol returns without cicadastar.
★ WHALE OF A TALE ; fernpaw fails at fishing, and his lack of talent begins to become clear.
☆ OVER YONDER ; a slightly less harrowing patrol.
☆ SWAMP MONSTER ; something terrifying encroaches riverclan's border.
★ THE LOSING EDGE ; fernpaw notices that his bald spots are beginning to grow fur.
★ IT HAPPENED IN SUN VALLEY ; fernpaw finally succeeds at something; swimming.
★ LONE STAR ; the apprentice den collapses.
★ THE MEDIC ; fernpaw witnesses cicadastar die.
☆ EUTHYPRO'S DILEMMA ; fernpaw gives ravenpaw some advice.
★ INFINITE HOPE ; an important part of fernpaw's horde is lost.
★ SLIPPING THROUGH MY FINGERS ; fernpaw continues to fail at every aspect of his apprenticeship.
★ UNSUNG ; otter fight- fernpaw does something useful.
☆ TELL ME WHERE THE GOOD MEN GO ; clearsight's death.
★ THE SIXTH STATION ; fernpaw notices he's gotten a little bit bigger.
★ WHEN DOES A RIPPLE BECOME A TIDAL WAVE ; bested in battle at sunningrocks
★ ALWAYS SUNNY ABOVE THE CLOUDS ; at ten moons old, fernpaw catches his first fish.
★ INTO THE WILD GREEN YONDER ; the ugly duckling becomes a swan; fernpaw loses his youthful ugliness.
☆ PAR-DELÀ LE CIEL ; fernpaw talks to figpaw and meets sparrowpaw.
☆ CALM WATERS THAT SERVE YOU BEST ; fernpaw cheers for ravenpaw when many do not.
★ ANATOMY OF A TIDAL WAVE ; ashpaw goes missing.
☆ TIME'S ARROW ; fernpaw attempts to comfort iciclefang.
★ THIS MOMENT ; a deliberately easy warrior assessment.
★ ANCHORS ; fern's warrior ceremony is officially delayed. failure.
★ HOMEWARD BOUND ; riverclan returns to their home.
☆ DEATH DOESN'T DISCRIMINATE ; hyacinthbreath is exiled. betrayal.
★ STARVE ACRE ; desperate to prove himself, fernpaw is injured attempting to fight a fox singlehandedly.
★ A THUNDERBOLT IN MINE EYE ; seeing his face for the first time after his injury.
★☆ THREAD TITLE ; significance - to add later
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