Touch a hundred thousand souls | May pre-gathering chatter


For once, Snakeblink walks into the bright moonlight pooling in Fourtrees with an air of confidence rather than weary anxiety. Slithering, still, like he is not supposed to be there, but agitated with purpose rather than stress: he has been chosen to support their (new, so very new) leader tonight, and he shall not fail his friend. The other clans stream into the clearing along with Riverclan and he endeavors to let their unfamiliar presence slide off his mind like water off a duck’s back, mind focused on this mission — really, he is getting used to this temporary-Gathering-deputy thing.

He doesn’t expect any trouble from his clan after the somber news of the past few days, but he still gives a few cats a meaningful look, silently underlining the usual don’t start trouble marching orders. His eyes linger on his apprentice and he softens his expression into begrudging encouragement, muttering: ”The clans have rarely been in such… tranquil terms. Enjoy it while you still can. And for some of you who are on dawn patrol tomorrow,” he gives @turtlepaw a pointed look, ”Do not exhaust yourselves.” Though he doubts anything truly could exhaust the well of her energy.

With one last nod to his clanmates and a lingering glance to Lichentail— Lichenstar climbing up to her place among the other leaders, Snakeblink slinks off to the spot at their paws where the deputies gather.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • It's that time of the month babeyyy. Let the chatter begin!
    Open for interactions

  • 2h3Dnip.png

    Snakeblink • he / him. 51 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

Howlingstar, at Orangestar's side as usual, steps into the moonlit clearing with cats of ThunderClan and SkyClan behind her. RiverClan is the first to arrive tonight, she notices, and she dismisses her clan with a nod to the warriors. Tonight, Burnstorm will stand where Raccoonstripe stood last moon. After her son's recent escapade on SkyClan territory, she felt it best to not bring along any of the perpetrators in hopes of tonight remaining peaceful. She looks to Orangestar and cocks her head to the side, feeling at ease knowing their last conversation ended on good enough terms. "To the Highrock, then?" She offers, beginning to pad that way through the clearing. However, it is not Smokestar she sees heading towards the boulder, but Lichentail. "Where is Smokestar?" She mews, leaning in closer to the SkyClan leader's ear.

// interacting with @Orangestar looking at @lichenstar
༄༄ They make no grand entrance, yet it feels as though each and every eye in the clearing turns to them as they enter. The fur at the back of Scorchstreak’s neck prickles, but when she shoots a narrowed golden gaze around the clearing, no eyes meet her own in return. They each have their own struggles, the calico reasons. "Is there anyone in particular you want to talk to?" She asks her apprentice, curious as to who Pinkpaw would prefer to spend her time with tonight. Perhaps she will stick close to Featherspine, who is being presented as one of WindClan’s newest warriors, or maybe she will find a new friend amongst the cats of other clans.

They pick their way cautiously through mingling cats of other clans, gesturing with their dappled tail for Pinkpaw to go, if she desires to. The apprentice will surely enjoy mingling no matter who it is with, and unless provoked, she cannot see Pinkpaw getting into any trouble. It isn’t as though Scorchstreak cannot keep an eye on her from across the clearing, anyway.

When she settles beside Snakeblink where each clan’s deputy will eventually sit, it is without fanfare. Only she and another cat sit down, and her gaze alights upon brown tabby fur with a spark of surprise. "Snakeblink," she says, dipping her head respectfully to the tabby-striped tom. "Good evening. I hope RiverClan has been faring well." At last her curiosity gets the better of her, and a dappled ear flickers as she asks the tom, "I see that you are standing in for Lichentail tonight. Is Smokestar injured?" Bitterness tries to rise in her throat—the RiverClan leader had been the one to drag Cottonpaw across the border, and for that he will never be forgiven entirely—but she shoves it back down with force. She had gone to RiverClan hoping for aid as a last resort, and the only cat who had been on her side had been Smokestar. She owes him a modicum of concern for his well-being, at the very least.

  • ooc: briefly talking to @PINKPAW then interacting with @Snakeblink
  • 77176203_fqHtotZWqpHc9RA.png
    SCORCHSTREAK ❯❯ she/they, deputy (tunneler) of windclan
    small, slim flame-streaked calico with fiery golden eyes. stoic and shrewd, but clearly cares deeply for her clan.
    mate to bluepool ; sibling to rattleheart & rabbitclaw
    mentor to pinkpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
  • Like
Reactions: PINKSHINE

Stepping into the clearing she wearily side-eyes ThunderClan. Orangestar has told SkyClan she’s spoken to the ThunderClan leader, apparently she had been aware of her lead warrior son’s actions and made it clear she hadn’t endorsed them. Figfeather thinks Howlingstar should give SkyClan hunting rights to their territory for the dawn, the apology hadn’t fed their clan-mates who would inevitably go hungry one day. That had been their prey to hunt, their prey to eat.

Still, she doubts Orangestar wanted to complicate things any further and she can’t blame her leader for that. Figfeather will do what she can tonight to remain friendly with their neighboring forest clan.

On other matters, tonight was @Daisypaw ’s first gathering. She nudges him gently forward with her nose, ”Go on, go have fun and behave. Turtlepaw of RiverClan just left the side of her mentor, might be a good place to start. Hm?” She smiles and waves him off with a flick of her tail. Tonight she’d be spending time with other warrior’s and maybe catching up with some old friends.

Eventually Figfeather finds a cluster of warriors to wiggle into, she settles down. They begin to talk about recent battles and skirmishes, since it still rested sourly when it’s her turn to speak she refrains from mentioning ThunderClan and SkyClan’s recent quarrel. Instead she tells the story of the foxes. ”…So Twitchbolt grabbed Lupinesong and me. I swear we ran as fast as WindClan cats through the forest. By the time we got there the foxes had done a number on our clan-mates, but our claws met the flesh of the mutts. We drove them off victoriously.” Figfeather lies convincingly through her teeth, leaving out the obvious loses of that fight. The foxes had nearly killed Twitchbolt and had killed Orangestar. Then merely days later, they had returned and killed Mottledove.

The warriors she gossips with did not need to know that, however. All they needed to know was SkyClan was strong and fought off the issues that had piled onto them this moon.
  • Interacting with a random cluster of warriors! Feel free to have your oc be apart of it
  • » Figfeather
    SkyClan Lead Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Sire to Sangriapaw & Coffeepaw
    » Mentoring Daisypaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
➴➴ The moon shines bright overhead, a beautiful sight that is dampened by the warrior’s conflicting emotions. Stars twinkle high above, bright dots of light dancing amidst the endless black of the nighttime sky. Fourtrees is filled with cats of other clans, both strange and familiar, and Gravelsnap carefully avoids making accidental eye contact with any of the faces who stare at them as they enter the clearing.

Sheeppaw is at their side, and when they at last step into the masses of the gathering, the tom leans down to speak to their apprentice. "This is the gathering. Cats of all clans are here tonight… it is generally accepted that we approach one another in peace." It is imperative that their new apprentice understands the gravity of the situation. Starting a fight here, and at this time, would do little besides angering the other clans. "You may mingle, but keep peace in mind. Stay within my sight if you leave my side." Sheeppaw is dismissed with a flicker of the warrior’s dark tail, but truthfully they do not mind if he remains by their side for the entire night.

  • ooc: interacting with @sheeppaw, open to other interactions!!
  • 58921334_LvhpdhRxLH7s4eM.png
    GRAVELSNAP ❯❯ they/he, moor runner of windclan
    average-sized black and white warrior who seems smaller than he is. speaks rarely and quietly.
    sibling to slateheart
    mentoring sheeppaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

Howlingstar had not served justice to those who had wronged his home, such a fact left his stomach curling in disgust as he watched the brown tabby cozy up to SkyClan's leader as if the past moon had not happened. Anger burned like dragonfire within the tom's soul as he forced his gaze upon the ThunderClan, watching as if he expected the craven neighbours to leap out of their seats and strike again. He had not been there to see his former apprentice injured and prey stolen, having only heard about it once he had come back from a patrol on the opposite side of the territory, but it was likely a small relief he had not been a witness - his teeth would've been death's kiss for whoever's neck got caught between them. Silversmoke stalked to the edge of the clearing, head between his shoulders as he stood close to one of the exits. Claws unsheathed and tore at the well-worn earth below as he sat as if guarding his camp. In his fury, he did not notice the changes amidst the high ranks, nor did he feel as nervous about Cherryblossom's position as he might've done before. All he saw was red, for crimes unanswered by the clan his home had once called a friend.

[ open to interactions (but will be very aggressive with ThunderClanners) ]

Shiningsun padded into the clearing with his head held high like usual, though his smile was more refrained given the recent event between ThunderClan and SkyClan. If he had known about Raccoonstripe's little plan then he would have tried to stop it. But alas they now had to live with the consequences. No doubt SkyClan would be frosty towards ThunderClan that eve, so he made the decision to avoid the neighbours in hopes of keeping the peace.

Besides, his primary focus was seeing which RiverClanners had come along to the Gathering. He watched them with bated breath from a safe distance in the hope of not making it too obvious that he was seeking out a particular face.

//Open to interacts, trying to spot @PERCHBERRY



✦ ˚  ✧ ˚ .˚ ✦  ✦
  • Snakeblink's side is abandoned with only the lightest touch of her tail at his shoulder... a silent farewell, if only to hide the way her throat feels like it is rapidly closing. Uncertainty lingers in her mind that maybe she won't even be able to get through a proper sentence, that her cry for attention of all cats will come out a warbled mourning dove's call instead of a river-stone leader. The lynx point refuses to part her gaze from her destination, ultimately unwilling to acknowledge just how many pairs of eyes burn into her pelt and rip down it to strip away the loosely form façade of her confidence. She is certain there will be questions... will be whispers... it always happens that way when a leader fails to arrive for the Gathering.

    It had been that way when Chilledstar had been incapacitated as well... She thinks to look for Smogmaw, to answer him in soft tones the question he had asked her the moon prior. Will you be ready?


    But it won't matter if you're ready.

    "Your brothers... are here... if you get overwhelmed," she murmurs, pale eyes flicking to a lilac-crested girly, whose eyes are so round they rival the moon. "Feel free to... go say hi... SkyClan is... probably friendliest." She isn't keen to dump her own issues with the other clans onto her daughter so she'll summarize it that way for now. "Look-" She points with her nose towards a sunny-furred warrior waving a paw as if in the middle of a thrilling story, and a smaller cat beside her- "That's Figfeather... she's a... SkyClan warrior... one that went on.... the journey. It looks like... she's got a new... apprentice."
  • about
    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5
    ooc notes ✦ open to interaction
    tagging ✶ @shellpaw, waving her away to go say hi to figfeather and daisypaw
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚  ★⋆. ࿐࿔  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     .
       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .   ✦   .  .   ˚       ੈ✧˳·˖✶ ✦  ˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ ★⋆. ࿐࿔
       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ✦  
  • Wow
Reactions: shellpaw

In the excitement for so many to go to the gathering Daisypaw had been swept up in the chaos, not wanting to leave the camp but simultaneously not wanting to cause those who were ready to do so to stumble over him or fall behind he had walked with his clan towards Fourtrees, making sure to stick as close as possible to Figfeather as he could. He was tired, tired from everything going on in camp and tired from the lack of sleep he would be getting tonight, still unused to the new schedule that he had, the freedom to sleep later but the worry of having to wake up earlier, and so because of this he had foolishly expected to stick close to his mentor through the whole night.

Daisypaw had been ready to remain by her side when they broke through the clearing, only for her to turn to him and tell him to have fun, behave. She pointed out an apprentice from another clan - Turtlepaw she'd been called - and quietly he'd murmur an okay before moving away towards the RiverClanner, ears pricked for a moment before head swiveled and he looked over his shoulder to see Figfeather speaking with some warriors.

"Hello?" It was quiet, it was hesitant, but still it was spoken to the apprentice that smelled of water and fish. "My name's Daisypaw." He could only hope Weedpaw and Fluffypaw weren't having this much trouble.
  • trying to talk with @turtlepaw but open for intereactions!
  • 77846082_BNFJiMhnYwpfeBr.png
    SH blue w/low white & blue eyes
    cannot properly control emotions
    born november 8, 2023. ages realistically
    sexuality unknown ; interested in no one
    adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish
    brother to Weedpaw and Fluffypaw
    easy to befriend ; easy to upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
  • Like
Reactions: AVA
"Ah, so this must be his first gathering, yes? Oh, I do hope he finds it to be a thrilling experience. Mingling with others from so far beyond one's own home can be both daunting and exciting." Willowburn cooed in his usual eccentric manner as he approached Gravelsnap after seeing them laying down the boundaries of conduct with Sheeppaw. The ShadowClanner did wish them well, of course. Gatherings were a vital aspect of their lives after all.

The dark tabby offered a warm smile as he looked to the WindClanner, offering his attention to the other. If they wanted it, that is. "So how have things been for you? I hope that nasty fire didn't take away too much from you all? You have my sympathies on that." Willowburn made a point of dipping his head low as a matter of respect as he spoke before he sat up straight again.

//Interacting with @GRAVELSNAP

- ⋆ -
This gathering felt different for obvious reasons. Into the bustling space the lead warrior pads, flicking a shredded ear as the voices grate against his eardrums. Ugh. He only found the news of other clans of any interest, and even then it was just dull run-of-the-mill happenings most of the time. Slate also preferred to be present to keep an eye on Orangestar; not that anything would probably happen, but... you never knew.

The amber-eyed Maine Coon glanced down at his new trainee, @COFFEEPAW , and grunted, "Just don't tell anyone you run with twolegs, yeah? The other clans ain't as friendly as SkyClan." As they shouldn't be. Some of SkyClan's daylight warriors were laughable, to say the least. Soft-pawed and fat-bellied house cats, meant to represent SkyClan's warriors? Not even the kittypets who pulled their weight and contributed to the clan could not change SkyClan's reputation as a clan that took in the undesirables — pets, exiles, wayward loners, even slimy and flea-ridden street rogues. Never mind that Slate had once been one of them; that was not who he was anymore. As far as any of these other clans were concerned, he had never had a life outside of SkyClan. How would they know any different?

He then departs into the crowd without another word, massive frame shouldering through the sea of felines. Slate narrows his eyes slightly, entertaining the possibility of running right into a ThunderClanner. They were arrogant and self-proclaimed saviors of the forest, yet they had deliberately trespassed on SkyClan territory to steal prey for themselves. Huh! What a joke. Slate would not hesitate to lash his tongue at them should he recognize any of those hypocrites, or even physically show them that SkyClan wasn't to be taken advantage of.

  • open for interactions
  • *
    he/him; lead warrior of skyclan
    a hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​

Many of the gatherings Howlfire had attended had a tense air to them, only a small spark needed to cause a raging fire to break out. Howlfire thought she had seen the last of them for a while but now, thanks to ThunderClan's efforts, she feels that tension again. She knows Orangestar has spoken with Howlingstar and supposedly settled things but she is not blind to the way her clanmates turn their backs away from ThunderClan cats or shoot them glares from across the clearing.

Howlfire herself keeps to herself, for the most part, her head bent low as she enters the clearing. She is alone tonight, electing to keep Hawkpaw in camp in the wake of Wolfpaw's kidnapping. She is still thinking of her missing child when she nearly collides with another cat, luckily lifting her head in time to stop herself from doing so. "Oh, Burnstorm!" Howlfire exclaimed in surprise when she realised just who she had nearly bumped into. "I apologise my mind was...elsewhere," She explained cryptically, before giving her older littermate an apologetic glance. A moment passes and her posture eases. Despite the tension between their clans at the moment, a part of her wishes to reach out and speak with him. It's a strange notion when she thinks about it too long, recalling all too well bitter words exchanged between them in the past. "How are you? How are your kits?"

// speaking with @BURNSTORM [font]

Trailing after Gravelsnap, and dipping into the clearing beside his mentor. Sheeppaw was excited for the gathering but at the same time, it was pretty scary. He lets his gaze travel to unfamiliar cats from different clans with an ear flick.

"Woahhh." He breathes softly, Sheeppaw is awestruck at the bustling gathering grounds filled with different cats. Charcoal-dusted paws shuffled to a stop to take everything in with wide blue eyes. When Gravelsnap speaks up, he tilts his head up towards his mentor as the other feline speaks about boundaries and such. "Hmmm... Okay!" He bounces on his toes, with a beaming smile on his face.

Swiftly, the young apprentice turns and locks eyes with the nearest unfamiliar face he can find. "Hey you!" he calls to the new face, he'd never seen before in an effort to grab their attention. "What's your name?"

  • ooc. open to interactions!!
  • no ref yet </3
  • ( HEY! WHATCHA GOT? ) ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ SHEEPPAW. ╱ windclan apprentice.
    amab ; HE / HIM ; 6 MOONS & AGES EVERY 29TH.
    undecided / not looking / open to puppy-crushes
    a lanky, longhaired black smoke with high white and blue eyes
    thoughts ; "Speech, 8E7F7F" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like early morning dew & windblown heather
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone
Sneezepaw's first gathering. He buzzed with anticipation, but nervousness still plagued the young tom's heart. He was dismissed by his mentor to mingle with other Clan cats, and hesitantly made his way through the crowd, searching the chattering cats. So many scents, so many faces he never knew. This was his only chance this moon to get to know his neighbors.

Thankfully, his partner seems to be chosen for him, and Sneezepaw feels relieved that he doesn't have to make the first move. A nearby apprentice turns to him, locking eyes with Sneezepaw - well, whatever parts of his eyes shown underneath his long fringe - and greets him with a wide smile and bouncing energy. The apprentice is young, possible younger than Sneezepaw himself, and he guesses this must be his first gathering, too.

The chocolate tabby smiles back, as genuine as he can muster - which isn't hard, considering the stranger's energy seems to bring out his own dormant excitement. "Hi!" the boy chirps back. "I'm Sneezepaw. Who're you?" He sniffs towards the stranger, trying to discern his scent out of the dozen others. Dewy and heather, and a faint hint of smoke. Distinct, but Sneezepaw doesn't recognize it yet.

interacting with @sheeppaw
  • sneezekit SNEEZEPAW
    ━━ APPRENTICE of SHADOWCLAN | 7 MOONS ,, ages every 2nd
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none

  • speech is #ffcc8a

While Orangestar seems forgiving in the manner of the stealing of prey, Fireflypaw is alight with fury as he steps into the clearing. Skyclaw had hurt Crowsight in that brawl, and his uncle had perpetrated the whole stunt. His tail is bushy behind him, waving against the ground as he makes his way to his place. He passes by his sister, whom talks to their brother as if nothing was wrong- the lots of them, who had called them traitors and spat at their direction. The fur along his spine prickles upwards, though his bulky form still continues to walk past Howlfire.

He wished he could see Dawnglare. Dawnglare could make this all go away, preach to him and make his anger funnel downwards.

His face scrunches into a disgusted grimace at the smell of ThunderClanners around him, though as he passes Howlingstar, he doesn't raise his head to greet her, either. He didn't blame his grandmother for all of this, he blamed Raccoontail for it. He blamed Skyclaw for hurting Crowsight. He shakes the tension from his body as he sits amongst the medicine cats, tail tucked tight and close to him.

You need to come home already, Dawnglare. It's not the same without you.

// open to interactions! ​
She enters Fourtrees with the rest of her clan, but the cinnamon torbie’s attention is immediately captured by the other clans instead. Milling about the clearing are cats of all shapes, sizes, and colors—and all of them are brand-new to her. There’s a skip in her step as she walks at her new mentor’s side for a moment, and then the girl is darting off to the first cat she spots who isn’t talking to someone else already. She doesn’t even consider that some cats might not want to talk to someone so boisterous as her.

"Hey—hi! I’m Sangriapaw!" Her voice is loud, rising above the majority of the chatter within the clearing. She doesn’t give the other cat a chance to respond before barreling on, "I just became an apprentice, so this is the first night I ever spent outside of my house! What’s your name?" Bright green eyes are wide and focused entirely on the cat she’s speaking to.

  • ooc: open to interactions! she’s just happy to be here :)
  • 78265045_tUGqQTyXuIRKc1K.png
    SANGRIAPAW ❯❯ she/her, daylight apprentice of skyclan
    cinnamon torbie with white spotting and vibrant leaf-green eyes. bold, bright, and curious.
    daughter of fantastream & figfeather ; sister to coffeepaw
    mentored by johnnyflame
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

Perchberry followed after Lichenstar along with the rest of the clanmates who have been assigned to go for tonights gathering. Only once before had this happened and it had been when he first had become an warrior to introduce him to all of the clans. It was difficult to remember it as fond memories when all that got reminded of it was anxiety. It would be a lie to say that staying back at camp wouldn't have been better. Perchberry was not a fan of crowds or to be surrended by strange faces. But here he was anyway to suffer...

He carried himself forward with leaned back ears and a tail hanging low behind, all while trying to not attract any attention. It would have been nice to melt into the shadows to become invinsible until this gathering was over. Already his eyes started to search for a safe place to hide while avoiding eye contact with anybody else. Not had he prepared himself for what he would spot instead. Blonde fur that shine as brightly like the sun itself. Shiningsun.

Perchberry froze instantly there he stood. He Oh. That had been unexpected and not something that even had crossed the black and white tom's mind before. The coincidence for them to end up at the same gathering was small, wasn't it?. Perchberry was wondering how they had been doing since they last spoke. He wished to approach them but what would the proper way be to do so?. Not by any means did he wish to risk any suspicion between the two. Carefully thinking and with a moment of hesitantion a plan had been formed...sorta, kinda. It was good enough anyway.

Slowly he started to walk again away from his own clanmates to approach the thunderclan warrior as discretly as he could with eyes fixed on the ground to act as natural as he possible could which meant for him to act like the anxious mess he was. That for sure he couldn't mess up.

" H...hi." was his first words to greet the other well familliar face. " M-My name's Perchberry. I'm from r-riverclan. " he contunied softly as his gaze were cast away. He could only hope that Shiningsun would be able to figure out and understand what he was trying to do here to avoid suspicion between whoever might be watching them. It was wiser to treat this like a first meeting between them. It was the safest move to do. Still, there was a small smile that was hidden behind.

Maybe...this gathering wouldn't be that bad after all.

// interacting with @SHININGSUN

come along with me

The excitement that buzzed in her paws quickened her pace behind Snakeblink. His long legs always seemed to carry him so far, so she was used to scurrying to catch up with him. Tonight, though, she almost touched his flank as they moved to the stalwart oaks. As they entered the clearing, Turtlepaw opened her mouth and drank in the mingling clan scents. The heady bog smell of ShadowClan, the woodsy must of ThunderClan, the grassy smell of WindClan, and the sunlight and earth smell of SkyClan. It was almost too much for the apprentice. Her body swayed as she processed everything, but she quickly snapped back into reality at Snakeblink's stare.

Oh. She had forgotten she was on dawn patrol tomorrow. Oh well! She wouldn't let it ruin her night! Scattered mews and laughter broke through the din of noise, causing Turtlepaw to snap her head to the sound. She scarcely heard Snakblink's order, and flicked an ear in a distracted confirmation. As soon as her mentor dismissed her, she leaped away.

I wonder if Bravepaw's here tonight! She thought, looking for the familiar brown pelt of the apprentice she stumbled upon not long ago. She halted and looked among groups of apprentices and ThunderClanners. Her face scrunched in concentration and she was so focused that she nearly jumped sky-high as a quiet voice sounded off behind her.

Turtlepaw whipped around with a wide grin. A new face! How exciting! "Hi! I'm Turtlepaw! I'm from RiverClan!" Not one to care about personal space, the RiverClanner shoved her face into Daisypaw's and sniffed deeply. "You smell like SkyClan. I've only met a couple of SkyClan cats before. They were on our border while we were patrolling. I was kind of scared because we were on a scary kind of patrol, but Snakeblink - that's my mentor - talked to them and it was actually okay. Have you been to a gathering before? This is my third! They're really actually very fun." She spoke as fast as a rabbit ran, excited to hear about whoever this apprentice was.

  • speech color
  • TURTLEPAW she/her/hers, apprentice of riverclan, 6 moons (ages every 1st)
    stocky silver charcoal tabby. tail is a stub. energetic, naive, dim
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / roughhousing and wrestling encouraged / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by muddly@/muddly on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


To Campionsong, the Gatherings were simply more sources of rivulets of gossip, as he drank straight from the runnel's source and delighted in all the pithy theatrics that the clans got up to. To say that he didn't often take the matters of other clans seriously was much of an understatement. Still, the tom loved to gaze upon the Fourtrees and how the moon hovered just behind them, like a great pall of nitid white that draped over the boughs and the leaves. Immediately did the silver tabby depart from the Thunderclan crowd, as though he were not bound by their taut bourns and their fierce loyalties, dancing just above cares where the winds and the faeries cavorted. Glances darted around for any sort of cat who seemed alone on this momentous night, and finally did he catch upon an unfortunate victim. Trotting up to Fogshore with a jaunt gait, the Thunderclan warrior swatted away any sort of disgust from the fishiness that wafted from the other's pelt and gave them a crescent of a toothy grin. "Riverclan, right? How has the land of the fish-eaters fared this newleaf?" Campionsong approached the unfamiliar feline, fern-green eyes twinkling with morsels of light, like sparks of affable nature came borne in flame aglow. Well, what was a Gathering but an apt time to make new friends and catch up with old ones? It seemed fate had chosen the former for him tonight.

" Gathering! Gathering! " She singsongs as she walks. It was far from her first. She probably gets to go to more than other apprentices since her mentor is so cool! Lucky her! She gets to meet lots of cats, young and old... She never asks a lady her age, of course, but sometimes she tries to guess for fun! She swings her head toward Scorchstreak, a smile on her face. " Uh - huh! I hope Halfpaw is here! " she says, lifting her gaze above the crowd as she does so. If not... " I talked to her before, and I talked to a RiverClanner last time... Maybe this time I'll talk to SkyClan? Or ThunderClan? " One friend from each Clan at least. Could other cats say they had that, huh?

Pinkpaw takes the hint when Scorchstreak gives it to her, running off to find someone new and exciting to talk to. Tonight's mission: SkyClan or ThunderClan... Luckily for her, there's someone yelling nearby, and they're saying sooo many funky words that they must be from SkyClan! Hurrah! " Hi, Sun-gree-apaw! " Pinkpaw shouts back with equal enthusiasm. " I'm Pinkpaw! Remember me because I'm a happy color! I mean cat! " Their first gathering... Woah! They were really only four moons old? " You're pretty big! What's a house? Hu-ouse! "

Her gaze drifts to another cat nearby, smelling similarly to miss Sun-gree-uhpaw " Is this your first gathering too? " she shouts. " Do you have a hu-ouse? "

// OOC: briefly talking to Scorchstreak, then to @SANGRIAPAW and @FLUFFYPAW >:)!
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