Touch a hundred thousand souls | May pre-gathering chatter


It’s not Snakeblink’s first time sitting in for a deputy, but it will never cease being a small surprise to have other deputies address him while he does so. His ears flick at the sound of Scorchstreak’s voice, face tilting away from the crowd he was observing to the scarred calico at his side.

”Riverclan is well, thank you. And Windclan?” Though he sounds more guarded than he would be with a clanmate, his voice remains polite, and he turns his body towards the discussion. Windclan has gone through tremendous change recently, like a forest burned down growing anew, and he is more than willing to encourage that new season in their lives. ”As for Smokestar… I fear he will never climb upon Highstone again.”

Considering he has announced the apparent death of a clanmate every time he took a seat among deputies in the past, it’s hard to tell how seriously this will be taken by the other cat -- but the death of Smokestar weighs heavy on his heart, and his somber tone echoes that.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • interacting with @SCORCHSTREAK
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    Snakeblink • he / him. 51 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

Cherryblossom should be grateful ThunderClan's mess overshadows the doubts over her deputyhood, but while she can take the gawking, she finds it difficult to keep her fur flat as the scent of thick forest becomes stronger and stronger. Moonlight silvers tortoiseshell fur, setting slate agleam and sparking steel within flame; the molly sheds trepidation like shadows as she strides towards the Highrock.

Scorchstorm? She almost does a double take. Did WindClan's fire kill all the older warriors off? Is she in the same position as me? Her heart sags when she realizes the feline's face is impossibly older, and she is far smaller than her broad-shouldered daughter. Besides Scorchstreak sits a serpentine tabby, the scar over his eye a delicate silver thread in the moonlight.

"Smokestar's dead?" The young deputy's hasty interjection is followed by an embarrassingly-slack jaw. Cherryblossom recovers quickly, but not enough to hide the damage. Instead of offering her condolences, she wonders aloud, "How? Didn't he just become leader?" Cicadastar had led RiverClan up until they returned from the journey, and, well, though she'd still been an apprentice then, it wasn't that long ago.

ooc: interacting with @SCORCHSTREAK and @Snakeblink

she was practically buzzing with excitement, her first gathering, as a lead. the hours leading up to the gathering, she spent grooming her fur. making sure every tangle and mat was accounted for, leaving her fur smooth and fluffy like it always is. leafhusk wasn’t going to let her clanmates stupid decisions on the skyclan border ruin this night. everyone that had participated were busy twiddling their thumbs back in camp, so hopefully skyclan knows better.

an air of confidence just glows around her, tail high as she trotted next her apprentice. "you can wander off if you want, i’ll find you when it’s time to go." she smiles towards her apprentice, giving him a gentle bump of the shoulder. "try to avoid skyclan, just in case they’re still hostile." she adds on, her voice lowering to share the statement. fallowpaw’s injuries ring fresh in her mind, a clear show that skyclanners were fine with picking on someone half their size.

adderpaw is getting older, she doesn’t need to keep him rooted next to her for every gathering. especially since she may be attending them more. his social skills are quite lacking, however… giving him incentive to socialize may do him some good. if he chooses to toddle off, leafhusk waits before finding a spot to sit.

  • briefly talking to @Adderpaw , but open to interactions :]
  • hi
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    LEAFHUSK thunderclan lead warrior・ex-kittypet
    a long-haired, fawn sepia molly with pale golden eyes, she keeps her fur neatly groomed and free of any mats or tangles. leafhusk is easy to talk too and befriend, her attitude doesn't change much towards other clans but she is visibly wary around outsiders.
    physically easy, mentally easy, attack in underline & tag
    healing & peaceful powerplay allowed・all opinions ic
    she / her・currently mentoring adderpaw
    written by maxine dogfriends. on discord
Last edited:
  • Love
Foxtail enters the fourtrees with the rest of his clan, following behind Lichenstar. It doesn't feel right... padding into the gathering without Smokestar leading the party of RiverClanners. None of them could've predicted the disaster that ensued weeks ago. RiverClan, and WindClan, knows the dangers of the gorge— that current is ferocious & wild, not even the most skilled swimmer can best those waters. And his heart aches at the thought, that included their leader too. His gaze looks up to the night sky, olive green eyes landing on stars that flash and flicker. Smokestar must be watching us tonight, He thinks to himself as he notices a brighter star.... perhaps a star he hasn't seen before in Silverpelt. Perhaps that's him?

The tom pulls his gaze away from the shimmering star, looking over to his apprentice as they begin to pad into the crowd. "You're free to wander on your own this t-time around," Foxtail mews to Pebblepaw, with a light smile on his maw. Since this was his apprentice's second time at a gathering, he feels confident that Pebblepaw will do just fine. "...M-maybe you can show Shellpaw around?" He suggests with a flick of an ear, glancing over at Pebblepaw's sister. She must be excited to finally be here.... he imagines Pebblepaw and Riverpaw told her everything about the gathering she had to miss. "Just meet b-back here when the gathering is over, okay?"

He gives his apprentice a nod, and the two cats part ways. The young warrior pads through the crowd, and for a moment he wonders if he should approach someone. Foxtail isn't the most outgoing cat compared to the other RiverClanners whom Lichenstar chose to bring to the gathering. But he didn't want to stand all by himself before the gathering began.... he's been a warrior for moons now, he should be able to handle talking to strangers. Perhaps he could make some acquaintances in other clans, faces he could be looking forward to seeing in a future gathering.

Foxtail's wandering eyes eventually land on a cat with unruly fur... the clanner has black smoke fur, and their fur is long and short at the same time. He notices how the warrior seems to be standing off by himself... and isn't talking to anyone. With a swish of his tail, the RiverClan warrior finds himself padding over to the chimera, his nose twitching as he catches the scent of ShadowClan. "...H-hello," Foxtail dips his head in a greeting, hoping he didn't catch the warrior by surprise. "I-I'm Foxtail of RiverClan... You're from S-ShadowClan, right?"

  • briefly speaking to @PEBBLEPAW & interacting with @SHARPSHADOW
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    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to kabliahk via insta for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    19 moons

Fogshore followed after Lichenstar, with the rest of his clanmates who have been assigned to attend the gathering this moon. He let his odd-eyed gaze look upon the moon that was hovering behind Fourtrees. It was an ethereal sight. He glided into the clearing, and with the scents of different cats from other clans, he departed from his clanmates to go mingle with the other attendees here. He wants the juicy gossip.

Thankfully, the chimera didn't have to go far until a blue-silver tabby came and greeted him. He caught the waft of forest that clung onto the pelt of the former. Thunderclanner then. "Ah. Thunderclan. Fogshore, charmed to meet you." He greeted the other with an introduction, a smile gracing his maw. He let his gaze study the feline, with a flick of his feathered ear.

"Us fish-eaters are thriving, as per usual this Newleaf. The prey is running smoothly as they are swimming without a care." He humored the Thunderclanner, with a chuckle. His mismatched plumed tail gestured to the tom to sit, as he spoke once more with a silken tilt. "How are you tree-climbers handling his Newleaf? Did any interesting things happen? Or any juicy stories to tell?" He is enjoying his time, making an interesting new friend at this gathering.

  • ooc. interacting with @CAMPIONSONG
  • no ref yet </3
  • ( night swimming.. hm ) ࿐ ࿔*:・゚ FOGSHORE.riverclan warrior.
    𓇼 non-binary ; HE / HIM, accepts gendered terms ; 35 MOONS & AGES EVERY 16TH.
    𓇼 bisexual / sort of looking / open to crushes & romance
    𓇼 a LH blue smoke & SH white chimera with amber sectoral eyes and yellow sectoral heterochromia
    𓇼 battle notesthoughts ; "Speech" ; attacks only
    𓇼 may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𓇼 smells like freshly baked cinnamon buns & distant rain
    notes: has light-sensitive eyes, tilts head towards the ground. tends to squint in the sunlight, sticks to shaded areas.
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone
"Resting at camp, maybe." Orangestar offers idly, though there isn't much interest in her meow as she and Howlingstar move towards the Great Rock. She's indifferent to Smokestar as a cat, and had been so since his decision to let their alliance lie with Blazestar. As such, she is far more interested in Lichentail's presence among the leaders tonight than where Smokestar may or may not be. Orangestar is far from a gossip, but she wonders how Hazecloud is faring in the thaw; the two she-cats had been friendly enough during the Journey.

Even greater than that is Orangestar's interest in the fact that the troublemaker tabby filling in for Flamewhisker has been replaced by Burnstorm (she nods to him in passing, should he make eye contact), and she is relieved by his absence. At least Little Wolf's kit had a good head atop his shoulders, unlike some of his kin.

  • // chatting to @HOWLINGSTAR , open to interactions
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    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #F18C47
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.

➴➴ Their apprentice seems to understand their explanation, and agrees before immediately bounding away to accost the nearest stranger he spots. The brown-furred apprentice who Gravelsnap does not recognize seems pleasant enough, and the warrior settles onto their haunches, satisfied with Sheeppaw’s actions. They turn to look over the other cats in the clearing, hazel eyes narrowed, but their nose wrinkles as a cat makes his way over, smelling of ShadowClan. The marshland clan is still at odds with WindClan, as far as Gravelsnap can tell, but this tom does not hesitate to approach them. He even smiles, and that makes them feel conflicted. He looks nice (or friendly enough, for a ShadowClanner) and his words are honey-coated as he speaks of Sheeppaw’s first gathering. Gravelsnap can hardly remember their own first time at a gathering, but they can recall the feeling of it. At Houndthistle’s side they had felt small and afraid—but Sheeppaw seems much happier to be here, even thrilled, as the ShadowClan tom says.

"Yes, it’s his first gathering. I think he is having fun." Their words are short—not unkind, but not overly friendly either—as their gaze sweeps up and down the other tom’s form. They scrutinize him for a moment longer while he speaks. That nasty fire seems a too-gentle way to phrase the devastation that the moorland clan had faced, but his sympathies are accepted nonetheless. "The fire took our territory, our prey… but WindClan will be stronger for our hardships." They do not mention the apprentice who was killed, or their leader’s leg. If this tom does not already know, then he will know as soon as Sunstar makes his announcements. "And you? Does ShadowClan fare well… with the frogs?" It had been an abundance of frogs that the other clan’s patrol had complained about, hadn’t it?

  • ooc: talking to @Willowburn
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    GRAVELSNAP ❯❯ they/he, moor runner of windclan
    average-sized black and white warrior who seems smaller than he is. speaks rarely and quietly.
    sibling to slateheart
    mentoring sheeppaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

lilac - crested paws throb with a distant ache, a low pulse in tender paws that have never wandered quite so far. those first quick - strode paces past the twoleg bridge felt forbidden, each hair past their water - ribboned borders sending a pulse of anticipation to lightning through constellation veins. the moon is high. stars form in brilliant, burning splotches overhead like a familiar, fallen pelt and she prays he wished them well in the low simmer of sunset each evening ; a lone orange gaze, burning overhead forevermore. it is as much of a comfort as she would get, knowing the last remnants of her good, decent kin bounded between the wispy clouds of morning and slept amongst the rivers of stardust each night. it is a poor consolation prize, and her mother wears it in the slope of too - heavy shoulders and tired, hollow despite the way they filled themselves on misery. shellpaw wonders if it is a leaders curse to bear their clan's grief, fixed with such thorned crown of greenbrier and myrtle to stave the masses their share ; though she imagines to leave would only gouge thistlewounds into their temples even further, to bleed them out for her people to see.

she cant imagine which is worse.

chatter of noise, cacophony of mews and trilling purrs brings her swimming thoughts back to forefront. scent makes her head swim, drawing in a whistling sniff through purple - pink nostrils as the undergrowth parts and reveals life beyond what she's ever seen. astonishment breathes life into shell - cracked features, the dreary eyes of loss and recovery extending their low crescent to take in the wonders coming to light around her ; fireflies drift high over the treetops, all unremarkable in comparison to the four that stand in the midst of swarming patterns and colors. tall, proud and heavy - trunked with bark of deep, dark brown. richly leafed, regal enough to make her feel smaller than she ever had before. a brisk newleaf breeze tugs at still drying curls, petal - woven and coiling at the edges of gaunt rabbit bones, bringing her back to herself with a soft sneeze that shakes her skull. snakeblink departs from their side and shellpaw lifts her tail in goodbye, gaping towards where long tabby limbs strode him near a tall, tall stone where important - looking cats skulked proudly about its sturdy base. movement towards her draws strawberry blushed gaze to meet still lakewater, her mentor's sleepless - ringed own.

your brothers are here if you get overwhelmed, low croon of mourning dove cry swivels velveteen ears forward attentively. her eyes drift, looks for pebblepaw and foxtail where they mill nearby before returning with an eager nod that moistens rubbed - raw nostrils. she sniffs against it. skyclan is probably friendliest. the idea perks her upwards ; shellpaw had never met a kittypet. they point out a golden - pelted warrior with stripes like the sun and a proud, boisterous voice, scrap of white - speckled fur at her side peeling away towards where snakeblnk had left turtlepaw, ” a skyclan apprentice? do you think he, um.. knows a kittypet? she whispers, conspiratorially, a glint of amazement glimmering low over eyes lit like stars above. did they really live with twolegs by their own choice? with a slow simmer of growing recognition, though, does it dawns upon her why. lichentail ( -star, she reminds herself briskly ) was to leave her to join her gathering council at the highstone. tonight, she would be independant for the first night in her frost - fragile life.

she takes a big breath -- steadies her nerves, sets brow whiskers in a concentrated furrow. over still - sad eyes comes a glimmer of encouragement, a gentle arc of ivory cheekbones softening fairyblood gaze, ookay. “ with a little hop onto alabaster hind paws, the girl aims to bump her head gently against the point's jaw, speaks with the tenderness and strength of a billowing butterfly wing, ” youre going to do.. so great up there. i just know it. “ she knew it, just as she has before.

phantom smile pulls oft still lips, pearlescent teeth flashing beneath anemic pale maw for only a moment before she is back on all fours and starting towards where turtlepaw yaps loud and quick towards the young skyclan apprentice. as she approaches, shellpaw knows little what to do with her body ; she stands rigid, pelt drifting like the haze of a drowned phantom drifting pale and white amongst the haunted evening mist. she hears his name is daisypaw, which is a pretty and fitting name for the petal - splotched apprentice, she thinks, ” hi im uh, shellpaw. turtlepaw asks if this is her first gathering, and the lilac - striped molly looks expectantly at the skyclanner in inquiry even as her clanmate explains that this was her third time. somehow, her questions of twolegs and kittypets were lost amongst the high adrenaline, the buzz of apprentices mingling without their mentors for the very first time. a taste of freedom. shellpaw takes a warbling breath, ” this is my.. first gathering ever. do all the leaders really have to, um.. jump all the way up on that rock? “ genuine question rings songbird clear in cygnet silk vocals as she tips her thickly - furred skull to the side with brows pulling in concern, ” because i heard that howlingstar was, ah.. super old. “

  • i. interacting with @lichenstar before leaving their side to talk to @turtlepaw and @Daisypaw hehe

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    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of dovey lilac curls, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore and plush enough to conceal the juts of malnutrition beneath. tufted elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined rheumy, rosen amber. the anemic cold pink - purple at tender paws and nose tell a lifetime of sickness, further made obvious by the feathering weakness in half - whispered tones.
    CHRONICALLY ILL ; prone to wheezing, nose at a constant drip from longterm illness - induced nasal polyps. not contagious.

  • Love
Reactions: lichenstar
༄༄ The RiverClanner’s tone is solemn, and Scorchstreak’s eyes narrow in sympathy. With Snakeblink’s explanation, the calico can only assume that the leader has met his end, somehow. It seems impossible—it feels like just yesterday that she had seen him alive and well. But at the same time, she understands how quickly the lives can drain from a leader. Briarstar’s fate comes to mind with ease, a reminder that not even nine lives is enough to save some cats. "Ah. My condolences," she says, dipping her head to the tom with respect, "I hope that he knows peace. Does that mean you stand as RiverClan’s deputy, now?"

The conversation is interrupted by a sudden interjection—and when the calico turns to shoot a glare at the interrupter, she is surprised to see one of the apprentices who had gone on the journey alongside her. Cherryblossom is her name now, and she asks a series of incredulous questions rather than offering sympathies of her own. Scorchstreak blinks once, momentarily stunned. There is no tact on this one, is there? "Leaders have nine lives, but they are not immortal. They can still die, just as any other cat can," she says, as though the concept is something difficult being explained to a kit.

  • ooc: @Snakeblink @Cherryblossom
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    SCORCHSTREAK ❯❯ she/they, deputy (tunneler) of windclan
    small, slim flame-streaked calico with fiery golden eyes. stoic and shrewd, but clearly cares deeply for her clan.
    mate to bluepool ; sibling to rattleheart & rabbitclaw
    mentor to pinkpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

( ) he finds himself among the lucky to be selected for the gathering, and delight sparkles in his copper gaze as he pads alongside his mentor. foxtail suggests he is responsible enough to wander around on his own, and the apprentice practically preens, tufted ears flicking in agreement. "okay!" he chirps, offering his mentor a smile before the two part ways. pebblepaw's attention will focus on the slender form of his mother, and he will trot over to her as shellpaw pads off, echoing his sister's sentiment in a soft murmur of his own, "you're gonna do awesome, mom," he tells her, and brushes his flank along her own. with a soft purr of comfort for the tall molly, pebblepaw will pad off to join his sister and turtlepaw in their (interrogation) conversation with a skyclan apprentice.

flame-hued eyes find the portion of the high rock where smokestar stood only a moon ago, and something hard and rotten sinks to the bottom of his throat. he hasn't quite given himself a chance to properly grieve his starry uncle- training and the exhaustion of patrols sends him straight to sleep each night. still, even with these distractions, pebblepaw has found himself astutely not thinking about the reality of the situation. he has always known deep down that lichentail's ascension would mean first the fall of smokestar, but to face reality is to know that it has happened. one dear family member replaces another. as lichenstar bounds up the rocks, pebblepaw pictures pitch dark fur, with the same freckles of white he himself inherits. how odd to see moonlight shine off of snow and sky hued fur, rather than midnight dark.

shaking his odd melancholic sorrow away to process later tonight, the tomcat makes his way over to his two clanmates and their new friend. large paws pad quietly to his sister's side and he nudges her with a smile, feeling the trembling excitement that rattles bird-thin bones. "heya," he greets the stranger, noting the name daisypaw. "i'm pebblepaw, also from riverclan, if you couldn't tell." whiskers twitch in acknowledgement of the fishy scent that radiates from all three apprentices daisypaw now faces.

  • // brief interaction with @lichenstar , talking to @shellpaw @turtlepaw @Daisypaw " #848DAE"

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    a large blue tabby with low white. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblekit's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.

  • Love
Reactions: lichenstar
Oh, this is by far the most terrifying thing she’s ever done. She hardly wants to leave Greeneyes’ side, but Sangriapaw has bounded toward an apprentice with a dusty smell to their fur, and she reluctantly follows, her paws shaking with every step. There’s an overabundance of cats here, and many of them look scary, warriors with scarred pelts and grim faces, apprentices with strange scents clinging to their fur. Near the Great Rock, a warrior with a tortoiseshell pelt takes her place. A deputy, she thinks, like Twitchbolt had been—like Cherryblossom is, now. There’s a tall, lean tabby beside her, and then Cherryblossom herself.

Her eyes slip from the deputies to where the leaders stand. A stout tabby she-cat stands beside Orangestar—she wants to ask for the name, because she can’t quite remember, but she’s distracted by a loud shout.

The dust-furred apprentice communicating with Sangriapaw is small and calico-printed. Her eyes are enormous, her smile contagious. She fumbles her cousin’s name—Sun-gree-apaw—and then introduces herself as Pinkpaw. I’m a happy color! I mean cat! Fluffypaw’s ears flex, feeling more than a little overwhelmed. Pinkpaw then turns to her and yells, “Is this your first Gathering too? Do you have a hu-ouse?”

Fluffypaw shrinks away from Pinkpaw’s oppressive shout. “Erm… um… n-no, I don’t have one,” she mews quietly. “O-only daylight warriors and apprentices have h-houses. They’re Twoleg n-nests.” Who didn’t know that? What kind of she-cat was this Pinkpaw, anyway? Fluffypaw shuffles her paws in the dust, feeling self-conscious. “It’s my f-first Gathering, yes. I’m Fluffypaw.” She nervously twists to groom some unruly fur on her chest, wondering if Sangriapaw will have had enough so they can get away from this noisy creature.

  • ooc: interacting with @PINKPAW and @SANGRIAPAW !!
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  • Fluffykit . Fluffypaw, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 6 moons old, ages realistically on the 8th.
    — mentored by Greeneyes ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan apprentice. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.
    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.

Bouncing on his charcoal-dusted paws, at the new unfamiliar face that locked 'eyes' with him. He spots the fringe of fur blocking the other apprentice's face. Woah! He looks sososo cool! He buzzed with excitement when the other tom introduced himself as Sneezepaw.

The young black smoke looks at the smile on the other apprentice's face and decides right then and there— Sneezepaw is NOW my friend! He studies his fellow apprentice, he all but chirps back all while bouncing on his toes. "Hiya Sneezepaw! I'm Sheeppaw of Windclan! Where are you from?" He asks the other -paw before settling down on his haunches, hind legs splayed out and forepaws solidly planted in between. Sitting like this is a... strange habit for him.

Sheeppaw let's a grin take over his dark-pointed face, as he gazed at Sneezepaw. "This is my first gathering, There's a whoooole a lot of cats here!" He cranes his neck over with curious blue eyes, to sniff at the other tom. He catches a muddy scent with undertones of VERY weird-smelling wetness. He leans back and away from the other tom's space, sweeping his plumed tail behind him. He can't wait to get to know the other apprentice!

  • ooc. interacting with @sneezepaw :3!
  • no ref yet </3
  • ( HEY! WHATCHA GOT? ) ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ SHEEPPAW. ╱ windclan apprentice.
    amab ; HE / HIM ; 6 MOONS & AGES EVERY 29TH.
    undecided / not looking / open to puppy-crushes
    a lanky, longhaired black smoke with high white and blue eyes
    thoughts ; "Speech, 8E7F7F" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like early morning dew & windblown heather
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone
Sharpshadow splits from her two tagalongs the first moment she gets, dismissing them with a flick of an ear one moment, and disappearing the next. He was never too sure what to do during these things... He wasn't really one for gossip, nor did he have the kind of face that made others want to gossip to him. He's naturally sort of the opposite of beautiful, no matter how hard he might try to fix his face. The least he can do is look as Least vulnerable - to - attack as he can manage, for ShadowClan's sake. For the same reason, he can't afford to shy away when someone comes to talk to him. That's what losers did, not Lead Warriors.

" Hi, " he mews, making eye contact, because that's the cool thing to do. Long, uncomfortable, eye - contact. That was a keen strategy of both Chilledstar's and Smogmaw's. She must have the same thing somewhere in her blood. " Yeah. Sharpshadow of ShadowClan. Stupid, right? " Please disagree. As if the world had to wrong her any further, Chilledstar laid it out for her: you're stuck with us, with a name.

" You're pretty aptly named yourself. You nervous? " he asks, as if any other time, he wouldn't meet them with the very same embarrassing stammer. The presence of it reminds him that much more not to do it. Don't screw this up. it isn't like ShadowCLan's depending on her, or anything. She's replaceable; but just for a moment, she'd like to think otherwise.

// OOC: talking to @FOXTAIL & open to interaction :3
As the moon began to creep its way high into the sky, Honeydapple's eyes betrayed her sense of uncertainty. She hoped bringing Softpaw has been okay and that tonight's gathering would be a peaceful event. The trek was bearable this time, and she appreciated Softpaw for tolerating their slower pace. Keeping close to the younger feline's side, she intended to mind her student throughout the gathering. With all the disasters relayed to her from the fated Skyclan patrol incident, she didn't want to be anywhere near any trouble if possible.

Once they entered the clearing, she aimed to steer her apprentice towards an empty space with a soft tap of her tail to their shoulder. Looking out into the crowd, she was surprised to see the usual humdrum of mingling. Glancing down at her student, the molly mulled over it a bit longer. Well... I'll just keep a good eye on her.

Clearing her throat, the pointed she-cat gestured a paw out towards the crowd. "Alright, go have fun and mind your manners." Honeydapple said, putting on a kind smile.

She didn't want to discourage the youth from enjoying her time. Plus, having a pregnant mentor waddling after you all gathering sounded like a headache in and of itself. Honeydapple settled herself in a comfortable spot, making sure she could keep an eye on Softpaw while also allowing her apprentice some freedom to mingle and enjoy the gathering. The moonlight cast a serene glow over the clearing, and despite her earlier worries, she found a moment of peace watching her apprentice venture into the crowd.

OOC: interacting with @Softpaw
The girl’s smile grows brighter as the cat she’s chosen to approach matches her enthusiasm—at least someone here will be fun to talk to! The other cat is brightly colored, and even though she doesn’t say Sangriapaw’s name right at all, that’s okay. This Pinkpaw is nice, she thinks; she greets Sangriapaw and Fluffypaw with a big grin and introduces herself as a happy color! I mean cat! "I think I’m normal-sized," she says, but the strangeness of Pinkpaw’s comment is quickly forgotten when she continues on with her questions. The cinnamon torbie nearly stops Pinkpaw when she turns to address Fluffypaw, because her cousin doesn’t seem very happy to be here—but she takes a step back when Fluffypaw actually starts talking to the WindClan apprentice.

Thankfully, her cousin explains to the other cat what a house is, and Sangriapaw smiles proudly at the revelation. She isn’t ashamed of being a daylight apprentice, no matter what stinky Silversmoke or Slate seem to think. They don’t have any friends, anyway—and Sangriapaw has plenty of friends! "Pinkpaw… that’s a fun name! Are you called Pinkpaw because of your fur? That’s why Fluffypaw is called Fluffypaw—right?" Her gaze turns to her cousin then, expectant. Why else would she be named Fluffy, if not because of her fluffy pelt? As she ponders her cousin’s name, the girl has another thought that she just has to voice. "Oh! Fluffypaw is my cousin! Do you have any cousins?"

  • 78265045_tUGqQTyXuIRKc1K.png
    SANGRIAPAW ❯❯ she/her, daylight apprentice of skyclan
    cinnamon torbie with white spotting and vibrant leaf-green eyes. bold, bright, and curious.
    daughter of fantastream & figfeather ; sister to coffeepaw
    mentored by johnnyflame
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
❝ it's gonna hurt for a bit of time ❞

The sheer number of cats in Four Trees was overwhelming. She had only been to a pawful of gatherings as an apprentice, and the last one she went to she had hidden with her friends while Howlingstar had proposed a new code about them. Not exactly the impression she wanted to leave. She overheard Foxtail and Sharpshadow talking, hearing the latter mention how his name was "stupid." She decided she could at least be kind.

"I don't think it's stupid," Lightflower mewed quietly. "Not to intrude, of course, I'm Lightflower," she added hastily. StarClan, what was that? she mentally cursed.
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There is not much he can say with confidence that he enjoys about these gatherings. Once a month all the clans were expected to put aside their bickering, their petty squabbles and join together so that they may converse. In his experience, it almost always devolved into a hissing match and he is surprised by the fact that they had not gone for one anothers throats yet. Fear of StarClan's retaliation sits heavy in their minds, especially the ones who had seen what they were capable of when they had struck Sootstar's place on the tall rock.

If he had his way, he would be home right now with his mate and his kits. They would be settling down together with some nice big juicy piece of prey and then he would watch lovingly with Roeflame as they dozed off. Peacefully asleep. His uncle had gotten in trouble though, and Nightbird was confined to the medicine cat's den and that made him the most senior lead warrior by default. It is a strange feeling, to look at the spot where the deputies normally stood and know that that would be his place for tonight.

He is headed there now, golden eyes focused only on his destination as he makes his way through the crowd only to be stopped by a sudden collision. "Hey wat- oh." The anger dies on his tongue when he lays eyes on his sister. It's been a long time but he supposes that he is mostly to blame for that. When given the option of whether to attend the gathering or not he usually chose the latter "It's fine, don't worry about it." he says with a dismissive wave of his tail.

He is about to excuse himself to lave but then she asks him about his kits. A snort of air escapes his nostrils and he wants to just dismiss her by saying that they were fine and being on his way but tonight he was ThunderClan's stand in deputy and the stars would have to come down and take over his body themselves before he dared to make his clan look bad. Diplomacy was the name of the game he must play and play it he would. "They're good. Growing like weeds." he says with an amused huff as he thinks of the three balls of fur he had left at home that night "They're little trouble makers..." you would like them.. he thinks, a taste of bitterness flooding his senses the second he thinks it. She would if she had chosen their mother, if she had chosen him and ThunderClan. "How are yours?" he chooses to ask instead.

// @Howlfire

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
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Reactions: Thorny
Gatherings. Adderpaw grit his teeth at the the thought of what awaited him following his clan's entrance into the dreaded, yet gorgeous clearing. It was just his luck that he would be brought to a gathering twice. Of course, it was every apprentice's dream -- and he couldn't deny that it was his own. But the soil colored tabby couldn't handle the necessity of having to converse with every other soul that surrounded him about such mundane topics. "How is ThunderClan?" "Well, slowly spiraling since the vicious wolf attacks and loss of so many of our clanmates, so we're now going into other clan's territories in order to feed ourselves from our growing starvation. So, normal. How about your clan?" It was the only response that rung in his head when Adderpaw tried to think of any other sympathetic, logistic words he could use to describe their situation.

Perking his ears at Leafhusk's words, the now older apprentice groaned softly at the words he was hoping wouldn't come tonight. "You can wander off, if you want." He didn't want to, but the young tom knew what his mentor wanted from him despite the supposed offer to do otherwise. His first gathering alone, all because Leafhusk was a lead warrior now. Now he needed to act presentable, make sure his words were soft and generous in order to give her a good look. It stressed him out to his core, softly shaking as they stopped in the clearing with unease and nerves bouncing throughout his stomach. Why couldn't he just have stayed back at camp? "Okay, Leafhusk." He mewed with false confidence as he took a few fox-length steps to the right of her in order to make space for himself, yet not be far enough away that if things got too awkward he could just use the excuse that his mentor was calling him.

ooc: briefly interacting with @leafhusk, open to interactions!​

Howlfire is not sure whether her brother will even answer her question tonight. She had, of course, heard of what happened when Fireflypaw had inquired after the kits of their siblings so braced herself for a similar reaction. She is pleasantly surprised when Burnstorm indulges her curiosity.

She smiles faintly at his comment about how fast they seemed to grow. "They grow fast at that age," She mews, thinking back to how small and innocent her own kits had once been. "They'll be nearly fully grown warriors before you know it." At his question about her own kits, Howlfire hesitated, the grief of Wolfpaw's disappearance still not something she was happy to acknowledge. "Hawkpaw and Blazingpaw are excelling well in their training. They make Coyotecrest and me proud with all their achievements," Howlfire informed him. Her expression becomes more troubled when her mind wanders to Wolfpaw. "Wolfpaw was also doing in her training under Figfeather but recently she was...she...she was taken by twolegs." Howlfire looked down at her paws, unable to meet her brother's gaze for a moment. She can almost imagine the harsh words circulating in his mind that this would not have happened had her kits been born and raised in ThunderClan. "Coyotecrest went looking for her for days but we have been unable to find her yet."

//Interacting with @GRAVELSNAP

"I'm glad. That's the 'never giving up' attitude I like to hear. I saw Sunstar not long ago at the border, I trust he is still recovering well despite the severity of his injuries?" Willowburn supposed he would know soon enough once the leaders gathered together on their perches for the announcements. Still, he was impressed that the WindClan leader was capable of doing so much in the face of such trials.

"The frogs? Let's just say that I'll be haunted by the sound of croaking for many moons to come. Don't get me wrong, I love having more than enough to eat, but it's gotten ridiculous. The little pests have been infesting even my nest!" At this rate he swore he'd be having tadpoles erupting out of his fur come the next rainstorm. "So apart from fires and frogs, any other news from your side of the border?"

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