Eventually Cicadastar makes his appearance, and as expected, he is quick to denounce their presence here. He calls them vultures and Flycatcher's tail twitches irritably. The RiverClan leader points out that all the clans were starving during leafbare and that his own warriors had faced their own hardships. Flycatcher wouldn't have faulted him that, not at all, but all of this could have been resolved more peacefully if Cicadastar could have spared only one or two warriors at the least. Nothing much, just a show of support. If that had failed they could have come to a truce over hunting rights, especially since RiverClan were so adamant they didn't use it much in the cooler months. He pities them for losing their camp but at least they still had places to hunt beyond the river. They didn't have to contend with a still burnt forest, ShadowClan cats stealing prey, and dogs driving away the rest. He thinks of his kits and Flamewhisker and how easy it could have been for them to have gone without food.

When Cicadastar finally gives his order to attack and the RiverClan cats begin to swim over to their side of the river, Flycatcher joins his clanmates in bursting out of the undergrowth ready to confront them with everything they've got. As he charges forward, he is confronted by a RiverClan warrior, who practically throws herself at him. Not having a chance to react, the deputy stumbles backwards as they collide, staggered for a moment, and just barely able to pull back as claws aim for his flank. They don't cut deep enough to scar, but he sees tufts of his fur get pulled out. With a grunt of annoyance, he twists suddenly so that he is facing away from her. Hoping to use her close proximity to him to his advantage, he kicks out with his hind legs, hoping to kick in the face and get her to back off.

/ attacking @DARTERWING
Cicadastar arrives and Howlingstar's fur bristles instinctively. Her begins to scream, it's all she has begun to expect of him. How they'd once been comrades, she can't understand anymore. The tom standing before her has completely lost his mind, and his voice will be next. She bares her teeth, "Come, then. Come defend the rocks you wouldn't defend before. ThunderClan will fight for what we rightfully deserve." She casts a glance at Sunfreckle and Nightbird, gives them a nod. They will stand strong, and she feels lucky to have such loyal warriors fighting at her side. Every warrior and apprentice waiting in the brush is proving themselves to be courageous and worthy of admiration. Together, they will take back the land that always belonged to them.

The RiverClanners cut through the water like a claw through snow. She waits, forcing her breathing to remain even despite her nerves. As soon as they come pouring onto the shore, she can hear the battle cries of the hidden ThunderClanners as they burst forth from hiding. War is upon them.

She comes face to face with a RiverClan warrior who yowls her name and swings for her head. The hit lands and she is knocked to the side, but catches herself before falling. Growling, she straightens herself swiftly and tries to ignore the dizziness the smack had caused. Ragwortpaw has made her way to her side and attacks, and the tabby darts to the other side of the RiverClan warrior and lunges, attempting to grapple him to the ground with claws unsheathed. If successful, she'd attempt to rip into his foreleg with her teeth.

// interacting with @Riffleheart and @RAGWORTPAW
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As soon as the fish-breathed RiverClanners make their way onto ThunderClan's side of the river, Stormypaw is off. She lets out a shrill battle cry as she follows her clanmates into battle, her very first, real battle with another clan. She's going to prove to everyone that she's not some plump kittypet anymore. She's Stormypaw, the best apprentice ThunderClan has ever seen, and on track to be the best warrior anyone has ever seen! She'll show all of them!

Bounding alongside Cloudypaw and Pebblepaw, her attention focuses on a scrawny thing right around her age. Bingo. Narrowing her hazel eyes, she veers away from her littermates and leaps towards him, shouting, "Take this, you minnow-brained fish-eater!" She attempts to tackle the red-furred tom and pin him to the ground, trying to get a grip by digging ivory claws into his pelt.

// interacting with @FERNPAW
Lightningstone returns with the reinforcements his lead warrior gathered, his silvery fur already bristling. You've got to be kidding me. Narrowed eyes fall upon the ThunderClan cats on Sunningrocks and he has to bite back a growl. First WindClan, now ThunderClan? How many battles must they endure? It doesn't matter. He knows his clan is strong, even if recovering. His own muscles are sore from the aftermath of the skirmish at the beech copse. But he will not allow territory to be stolen from right under their noses. Baring his fangs, he stalks forward, fury burning in his gaze as he waits for Cicadastar's orders. As soon as he's able, he plunges into the icy water and swims across, determination driving every stroke.

He pulls himself onto dry land and whips his head around for an opponent, tail lashing.

// waiting for @Dewfang to attack but others can attack him as well!

The call split the air- from both sides. The river's ruler gave his verdict, voice pitched into shouts- a battle order was exacted. Big Mama then gave her call- and though his paw itched to aid in a way he knew he could, he had a duty here, one he would be unable to perform if he were to be gravely injured. An unlikely scenario, but unfortunately one that was still possible. A crooked jaw heaved a small sign- he emerged from the undergrowth into the dawn-light, hearing yowls begin to clash and cascade. The balking and baying of dogs did not sound much different... though he supposed this was for a similar cause. To claim the rocks by driving danger away from them...

One would succeed in this mission. One would be the danger, and one would stake the claim.

Toward the back of the battle, not exactly hidden but certainly not in the fray of fighting himself, Berryheart observed. His Clanmates knew of his presence... knew of his duty. Should any lethal swipe be delivered, it was his obligation to dredge them from the brink. A slight frown furrowed his brows, darkened the expression of his face and hooded already-uneven eyes. No one would die in this battle at Sunningrocks. He would not let himself make another error.

/ berry will not attack unless engaged! by all means attack him if it's ic for your character, but he is here as a field medic B)
The mink-furred warrior lay in the bushes, waiting for their signal. The appearance of the RiverClan leader, gangly and tall, approached, spouting his frivolous monologues. Enough talk. He sneered to himself. Dewfang swiped his tongue over his lips, shoulders bunching. Once the first RiverClan cat crossed the river—into ThunderClan territory—it was over.

The first cat he sees is a grey-furred tom, sopping wet from his swim. Dewfang's lips pull back in a disgusted sneer, lurching forward to take Lightningstone head on. "I would have rather fought twenty dogs over again than smell fish-breath on ThunderClan territory." The senior warrior snarled. Claws outstretched, he attempted to latch them into Lightningstone's face and yank his head down.

attacking @LIGHTNINGSTONE , but open to other attacks


// flashback cw

Her attack does nothing.

And she'd been expecting a tough fight — she'd been expecting, frankly, something beyond her capability. She'd stood on that border and thought we're going to lose this. I'm going to lose this.

But this outmatched?

Her claws seem to slide off the warrior's muscles, no damage done at all — Badgerstrike's sheer heft too much for her to handle. "Kit," the ThunderClanner calls her, and Ashpaw's stomach twists, she wants to throw upI'm not a kit, she wants to scream —

Yet she's scruffed like one. One second she's trying to dig claws in and the next she's ripped from her hold, torn back with a violence she hasn't felt since —

( Orange eyes gleaming in the dark. Huge black paws that gripped her, claws and teeth sinking into her skin — the fur on her face, once ginger, grown back white over a scar left by him — how he'd broken her like nothing, again and again. )

She flails her paws desperately but can't do a thing as Badgerstrike shakes her and shakes her. ( A metal cage, bars that slammed into her skull as it shook, and shook, and shook — how he'd abandoned her, screaming, to the twoleg — how small she'd felt then. How small she feels now. )

The attack tears a mewl from her throat, a pathetic cry — she'll hate herself for it, later, but for now she's back there again she's going to die — with desperation's strength she'll twist, attempting to free herself, slashing at anything she can sink her claws into.

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • HP: 8 (rolled 1 for defense, took 2 damage)
    rolled 1 for attack

  • - 9 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - crushing hard on iciclepaw
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - got real fucked up as a kid so if she seems like she was fucked up as a kid, that's why
    - "speech"
    - she is on a JOURNEY

all too suddenly, it is chaos. thunderclanners seep from the undergrowth as his clan rushes forward, taking to the waves in seconds and he is with them. a few hop the stepping stones towards the other side, claws scrabbling against the stone for perch against the water that sprays over them. the mottled leader takes to the river like an eel, spotted shadow amidst light - dappled waters. ahead, more pour from their hiding spots — too many. they'd brought back up, of course they had. his head lifts, parting his maw once high enough to shout back at the warriors still land bound, " gehen — run to camp, get reinforcements! " whoever can fight, whoever is able to defend their land from the scavengers thunderclan had become. they'd only a patrol, and it seemed the forest dwellers had brought all they could. despite the way his muscles sting, pulsing, adrenaline sings high enough to drown the pain

he is nearly through the river when he spots it — ashpaw pulling herself from the waters moments before and facing a warrior sturdier than him. a behemoth of a molly, seeming all too eager to snap forward at the smaller red tabby. she was aging, nearly a warrior, but the molly is large enough to jerk her from the ground, paws dangling for only a moment before the thunderclanner shakes. a strangled cry leaves the apprentices mouth, paws batting at a muzzle that nearly engulfs the length of her neck, throttling her in the pseudo - hold of a scruffed kitten. he nearly takes water on an infuriated noise, maw opening on a strangled, " ashpaw! " a shout, a promise : im coming — dont worry, i'm coming. he's sure his shout has alerted his opponent as well as the girl herself, but the thought hardly crosses his mind. if the molly looks up, he would aim to fixate pale blue eyes on hers, aims to hold a hateful, wide - eyed stare as he tears through the shallow end of the water, would hold it until he reached her. pay attention to me. watch me. ashpaw will hopefully be forgotten in her houndlike hold.

if only the tabby had gone for an apprentice, someone her size, he'd not have had to rush in. she could hold her own well, he trusted willowroot to train her to the best of their ability as a lead, but the girl had a habit of biting off more than she could chew. she never knew until she choked on the consequences, ever overeager. he, however.. looming and sunken, slipping from the river with curls coiling already along his over - lithe, spidery figure — he pulls himself to the shore with practiced fluidity, droplets falling from every wave that adorns the mottle of his pelt. there is no pause as white - tipped paws find the sandy shore, claws sinking into the soil to launch him forward, matting beneath the stained curl of them. he pushes off of his hind limbs head - on once close enough, aiming dirty, outstretched claws for the eyes, just over ashpaw's head, hopefully succeeding in having her drop the apprentice. if he fails to catch @Badgerstrike in the eyes, hopefully his claws will sink into the sensitive bits around her face or upper throat.

/ hp : 15, attack : 5.

  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, courting smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 40 moons, ages on the eighth.
    penned by antlers
  • cicadablueoutline.png
  • none.

Thrushpaw wasn't supposed to be here and she knew it but there simply weren't enough able-bodied warriors to ward off this treacherous attack. Stoatsplash would kill her for sure when they found out but as of now she had managed to get into the fray by sticking back and joining in once the chaos had started.
Nobody would know that Stoatsplash hadn't accompanied her with all of the chaos going on. That was her hope anyway, as she foolishly found herself at the rocks.

Before her was great violence, like she'd never seen before. She'd never fought before and had only trained a handful of times and it was now sinking in just how stupid of a plan this had been.
Dreadfully a few moments moments passed and she stood dumbly while taken with the chaotic atmosphere. That didn't last for long though, she recognized Fernpaw and suddenly she was moving.

"Stop!" She'd yowl as she jumped blindly for the much larger cat, aiming for her flank. Everything about her technique screamed inexperience and she wasn't focusing.

She was born for the battlefield, to spill blood, to conquer. She had sent cats running, made them beg for mercy. She regretted not a single instance, it was all for the thrill of battle, to protect her family. She relished in the cries of her enemies.

She expected a fierce battle this morning, and came psyched up for one. But.... That isn't what she was getting. She heard the orange apprentice cry out, and it snapped Badgerstrike out of her frenzy. She stopped shaking Ashpaw even as she thrashed at her, and loosened her grip.

This one wasn't meant for the battlefield... Continuing to thrash her would be shameful and cruel.

But in that instant, from the corner of her eye, she spotted Cicadastar rushing towards her. Now THAT is an opponent she wont feel bad about beating up. She was too slow to react, his claws lashed across her face forcing her to fully release Ashpaw. She was familiar with the sting of claws on her face, it hardly hurt her anymore....Or maybe her tolerance for pain was just freakish. Even as her wounds bled, her piercing gaze locked onto the Riverclan leader.

She would return this gesture. She would turn on him, throwing her weight into the swipe she was aiming for his face.

@CICADASTAR @ashpaw!

the thunderclanner drops ashpaw, and he unlatches, shuffles quick to avoid the heavy paw flying at his face in retaliation. his paws meet the ground light on his toes, tries to use the momentum to land heavy over the apprentice — his long limbs will cage her if he's successful, will give her a moment to regain her senses, but sharp claws still catch him over the muzzle in his frenzy to back up, clipping the skin just enough to draw split jagged droplets of blood to the surface. it draws a vicious snarl from his maw, more anger than pain. his entire body aches, the shallow cut was nothing compared to the shredded, scabbed ribbons over his stomach. the power behind her forelimb is strong, however ; he has to avoid being hit as best he can.

the man tries to step to the side, tries using his speed to his advantage and launching another attack harsh and deep to the side of @Badgerstrike 's throat, forepaws planting on her shoulder. a dirty fighter, he wastes no time going for spots he knows are soft, sensitive. the molly has size on her side, but he is a weaselly thing, all long limbs and flurry of claws. fast. he would tear her to pieces, feels his claws itching with it. anger drives him forward, burning now, remnants left over from windclan still pulsing in his chest ignited to flame in the face of this low, cowardly attack. if he succeeded in moving to her side, he hopes to lean into his bite with all his strength, using the force of shoving his hind legs to drive her to the waters edge, his intentions clear. if he could knock her back enough, if he could only get the heavy, thick - pelted warrior to the river, he could regain the upper hand. minnowbrained mouse - munchers. he would show them what it meant to be this close to the waves, what it could take.

/ hp : 14, attack : 6

  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, courting smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 40 moons, ages on the eighth.
    penned by antlers
  • cicadablueoutline.png
  • none.


He's silent, ever watchful as Howlingstar speaks to the RiverClan cats, pouring her heart out to them whilst anger brims within her. The mottled River King comes forth, his words cutthroat and venomous. He calls the attack, tells his warriors to treat ThunderClan like the trespassers they were, and soon they followed. Fire blazes within his chest, red hot and wild. He emerges from the thick fronds, a blue cloak of an oncoming storm. Molten irises bare hatred within the depths, stark black pupils constrict to thin slits like a viper. Before he realizes it, he's running head-first into the fray of clashing bodies and gnashing teeth. Everything explodes around him and he's standing there, head swiveling for an opponent. A darker feline lines his vision and paws thrust him forwards, ready to aim a heavy swipe until—
Until a smaller mass of fury slams into his flank. Stormchaser rounds upon the smaller molly, ivory teeth bared at her. He examines her closer, finally realizing judt how young she was. Barely an apprentice. She was small against his muscular form, a ball of brown and white fur scratching at his flank and yowling. Apart of him hesitated, unable to raise a claw to such a young girl. Needle-tipped claws yanked at his fur, grazing his skin and he growled lowly towards Thrushpaw whilst scarlet blood oozed from shallow scrapes where she had hit. "
Get out of here, squirt. Or else you'll become fish food." The man warns, swinging his flank away from her before taking a step backwards. She was younger than Falconpaw, but not by much. Where was her mentor? Did these river savages honestly let their young apprentices join the ensemble without their warrior present to help them? "Get out of here before you really get hurt, kit!"

interacting and trying to move away from @Thrushfern

✦ ★ ✦
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Her name, in the sea of screeches and howls, battle cries — her name. Cicadastar. It drags her out of the past for a moment, though her heart still thunders rabbit-quick, fear unbridled. Badgerstrike's grip loosens, then — mercy, Ashpaw thinks, sick to her stomach, remembering Iciclepaw curled up in shame — "He could have killed me. He chose not to." She doesn't want it any more than Icy did.

Pawsteps thundering on sodden ground, looming form that latches onto her attacker— Cicadastar. He's here — called her name, came running, she is not alone as she was then. He keeps saving her, she thinks, remembering moons ago ... the day her torture would end, the wrath brought down. One day he won't have to anymore. She's promised herself that. And today ... today she can do something, at least. Not a kitten anymore. Not helpless.

She's dropped, Badgerstrike's grip on her scruff gone. That, the little tabby thinks viciously, was a mistake.

Cicadastar attacks again, Badgerstrike's attention fully grabbed. Still pulling herself from violent memory, Ashpaw blinks back to herself to see him pushing for the water — okay. Okay. She knows what he's trying to do —

Time seems to slow as she steels herself, braces, grits teeth and unsheaths claws again and come on, Ashpaw. You can do this.

Come on.

So she leaps for the warrior again. Forces her paws to move forward, forces herself to lunge, terror be damned, and she'll aim to sink her claws into Badgerstrike once more — this time istead of bowling forward, she'll join her leader's effort to drag Badgerstrike into the water, hoping to draw blood in tandem.

"Trespassing scum," she screams, shocked at the words from her own mouth — "You want the river, here's the fucking river!"

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • HP: 8
    rolled 5 for attack

  • - 9 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - crushing hard on iciclepaw
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - got real fucked up as a kid so if she seems like she was fucked up as a kid, that's why
    - "speech"
    - she is on a JOURNEY

Snakeblink barely lingers in camp long enough to gasp out Thunderclan at Sunningrock at the few warriors left before bolting again, praying they're following closely. His sprained paw sends sparks of pain up his leg as he gallops through the underbrush, bursting out of the reeds in time to catch the tail-end of Cicadastar's battle cry. He glances around in a panic. Already Riverclanners are throwing themselves at the enemy— Stars, where is his apprentice? @frogpaw didn't follow him to camp— surely he doesn't mean to fight— Snakeblink doesn't see him in the fray, and hopes the adolescent put into practice the only fighting lesson he could reliably teach him: hiding and waiting for the right moment to strike. At least they are near water.

Another young voice cries out. He looks around, unable to find the source at first glance. His directionless yell of dismay gets caught in his throat yet echoes audibly— Ashpaw!, Cicadastar's shout heavy with intent. He follows the blur of black and white fur, catches a flash of bright orange, and then the chaos of battle swallows them again.

Trust in your leader, he thinks desperately, turning his gaze to Sunningrock. Eyes narrowed, Snakeblink darts across the distance and dives into the river, swimming entirely submerged and only coming out for air on the other side. His claws sink into the rocky shore and he pulls himself up near bushes, aiming to circle around the Thunderclanners to attack them from the back.
——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • ooc: fighting @Flamewhisker
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 37 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo
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War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
The deadly dance of fangs and teeth clashing begins after Cicadastar calls for his riverclanners to attack. Which in turn spurs thunderclan into action. Silverlightning exits the foliage he is concealed underneath, claws extended as he charges into the thick of the fray. Cold grey eyes sweep across the battlefield seeking an opponent for himself. Thunderclan would become victorious by the end of this fight, they had too. With the river dwelling cats already weakened by a prior battle their win was practically written within the stars. (open to fighting with someone!)
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

Rabbitnose didn't want to be here. Fighting so close to the river with cats he knew could easily drown him. He was tense as he waited in the bushes The memory of the flood that washed him away and nearly drowned him replaying in his head over and over again.

But this was bigger than his fear. He didn't.... Exactly agree with kicking Riverclan while they were down, but.... He couldn't forget Cicadastar's jeering at the past gathering when Howlingstar demanded hunting rights. Accusing them of drawing the dogs there on purpose.... What lunacy.

He had respected Riverclan, but now, not so much. If you weren't going to defend your territory, even with help....

He breathed in and out.

Things were escalating, they were crossing the river now... He glanced at Sunfreckle up on the rocks and prayed he would be okay. He looked to Patchpaw beside him.

"We can win this battle. Remember what you've learned, and try to stay away from the water." He said to her.

He looked back to the battlefield unfolding before him and with another deep breath, he sprung out from the bushes to find his opponent. He wished they could just share these things....

Before he could even blink, he heard a furious roar and before he knew it, teeth locked onto his scruff and a cat was dragging him to the water.

He growled at his attacker and tried to firmly plant his paws into the ground to halt himself from being pulled closer. He would also attempt to swipe at Clayfur's front legs, hoping to knock him off balance.

@CLAYFUR @Patchpaw

Cicadastar spoke- condemning the thieves. How cruel were ThunderClan, kicking them while they were down? And resorting to thievery- claiming it as their own! Theirs, they said- because it was on their side of the river. And maybe that logic would have made sense if they'd claimed it before, but RiverClan had never stolen land. It was them- them that had struck, had cast a shadow upon RiverClan's glistening waters, choosing to rear the evil in their hearts. He would stand strong against the, a tangerine ray of golden-hour sunlight. He'd get them, and justice would be served, and the evildoers who wanted to take their sunning rocks would be smote by his-

Take this, you minnow-brained fish-eater!

"Huh? I'm not-" and it was an instinctual reply of confusion, cut off abruptly by a small "Aaah!" of shock, a noise of impact as he was tackled to the ground. Eyes bulging wider than ever, fear a sun-sparkle within them, he could do nothing but stare as the Thunderclanner pinned him, back to the sodden earth, mud mucking up his fur. He was- going to get sick or something, being in all this dirt- and her claws, her claws! Sank into his side- like wasp-stings... feeling them, he knew he had to retaliate.

In a flight of panic, Fernpaw attempted to bat the Thunderclanner across the nose in an attempt to send her reeling backward. It was a clumsy blow, and would likely not have the intended effect- in fact, in his stupor of terror, he hadn't even unsheathed his claws.

/ being quite honestly owned by @STORMYPAW
penned by pin
Raccoonstripe's words are met with similar fire spat in his direction, and the dark tortoiseshell flings herself his direction. He knows he does not have her speed; evasion won't be possible. Instead, the ThunderClan warrior stiffens and braces for the impact. Water droplets speckle the air; her claws sink into his thick tabby fur and latch. He stumbles from the weight of her and the force of her attack, but he does not fall to the ground. His sturdiness keeps him upright. She does not hesitate, and her fangs sink into his shoulder. Her jaws would meet a rush of blood, and he winces and hisses lowly.

"You RiverClanners are brave, no one can deny that," he snarls, "but you're foolish." Raccoonstripe would bring his teeth toward the side of her neck and sink his teeth into the loose skin there. He would attempt to latch on and shake her off of him, aiming to tear flesh in the process.

// attacking LILYBLOOM.

The black-pelted apprentice manages to evade her swipe toward his eyes, just before they can pierce his flesh. He is built far sturdier than she, with broad shoulders and a wide chest, and he uses his size to his advantage. He attempts to bowl her over -- and although he slams into her side, she is just light enough on her feet that she escapes his attempt with a bruised flank.

"Are you proud to be stealing from us? No better than WindClan." Iciclepaw hisses, adderlike. She will not wait for him to respond -- she bounces for him, aiming to leap onto his back and dig her claws in. If she successfully latches, she will bite the back of his neck.

// attacking @BURNPAW !
HP: 14/15
Defense: 5
Attack: 5


Fangs connected with her neck and claws dug into her shoulder. She's been here before. She knows just what to do, her own methods of fighting were sometimes frowned upon by her father. They tended to be self destructive, tearing herself free from claws and fangs wasn't really...Something most cats did on purpose. But Badgerstrike? She didn't feel pain in the heat of battle. This is what she sought to do, rip away from Cicadastar's grip. But as soon as she started to jerk away, she heard Ashpaw scream in fury.

Ah... Mercy.

Time and time again, Spruce told her that mercy wasn't a sign of weakness. She tried to understand his ways...But time and experience showed her otherwise. An enemy tugged at her heartstrings, and she spared them. She often suffered for her mercy, whether it be by her enemy's claws or the claws of another. Rabbit always told her that showing mercy to someone could change them. Sometimes a little kindness is all someone needs....

But where did it get her? In trouble. Deeper water than she had been in. Mercy was for the naive and softhearted.

She showed Ashpaw mercy after hearing her cry out like a terrified child. And now, she was being pushed to the water where both she and Cicadastar would likely try to drown her.

Well then. She hadn't come to kill... But they seem to have. Rabbit told her not to, but she would have to break her promise. When the enemy seeks to kill you, you match their ferocity.

And so she would.

"FOUND YOUR FIGHTING SPIRIT, DID YOU?" She growled to Ashpaw. Good, good.

She won't feel bad, then.

lifting a hind leg, she aimed to land a powerful kick to Ashpaw hoping to kick her away. Cicadastar would need more attention... But it seemed that he was succeeding in pushing her to the water. Her paws splashed as she met the shoreline.

If the river was to be run red... Then she would make sure their blood was joining her own. Mercy was off the table.

Mercy was for the foolish.

With a vicious growl she tried to wrap her forelegs around Cicadastar and grip him with her claws. She would then attempt to forcefully lift them both so they were reared on their hind legs, and then try to force him down with a body slam.