His claws shred close to the wound in her neck, and she winces. She doesn't see the immense tabby weight coming to crash down on her. Raccoonstripe struggles to keep her pinned, but her hind legs are already kicking out at his ivory underside. He can feels her back claws scoring weals into his flesh, and he lifts one leg to try and leverage himself away from her hindlegs. It's a mistake -- the RiverClan warrior sinks her fangs into the soft flesh of his leg, and he howls in rage and surprise.

"Give up, you greedy bastards!" His leg is on fire, but so is his blood. Raccoonstripe has given her enough time to scrabble away from him, but when she turns her face toward him again, she will see a horrifically powerful unsheathed paw flying towards her right eye. In his fury, in his haste to escape her teeth, he is attacking with more force and more anger than he'd meant to.



The battle cries went out, and before she knew it the two clans were launching themselves at each other. An NPC attacked her, but she was able to send them running off with a few good placed scratches near the eyes. Her fur was fluffed up as she searched for another opponent. Blood was roaring in her ears, and she could feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

A rustle in the bushes behind her caused her to whip her head around, and she was met with a tom she hadn't met before. The red warrior leapt at the other figure with extended claws, and a battle cry of her own. These cats were hogging these rocks for selfish reasons. Her clanmates were still going hungry at night, and all these cats did was lay on them for pleasure. They should have just let us have them. These cats are already weak. Part of her felt bad for attacking already injured cats, but they were the ones who swam across the river to fight, not Thunderclan.

As she flung herself at Snakeblink, she would sink her teeth into his shoulder, and sink her claws into his skin. Eugh, he smells like fish!


They want to push her into the water so badly, unaware of the fact that she too has used it against enemies before. She has drowned cats. No one truly knows the extent to which she has hardened herself.

She fashioned herself a warrior before ever coming to these woods, and a warrior is ready for anything. She has trained her whole life for every instance she could think of in each terrain she came across. Granted, it was mostly forests. So it wasn't THAT impressive, but don't tell her that.

The only true problem here, was that these cats could probably hold their breath longer than her. They could still drown her, but she could still do the same to them. She could swim, but not like these cats either.

As soon as Cicadastar launched at her, she attempted to grapple him again and fall backwards, twisting at the same time to hopefully pin him.

Ashpaw went for her legs at the same time, and Badgerstrike took another quick swipe at her with a hind leg again.

Her only response to Cicadastar was a low chuckle. She wouldn't let them see she was hindered by her disadvantage.

@CICADASTAR @ashpaw!
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The fool spits right back at her. "If you ThunderClan idiots wanted them so badly, you should have asked for them moons ago," she snaps, and when her weight crashes down onto him, he instantly freezes. Her teeth puncture his scruff, and the black apprentice goes limp. Iciclepaw is immediately puzzled. Had she killed him somehow? Had she bitten into a nerve? She is about to let go in panic when he starts screeching, "Get off of me!"

The tortoiseshell's eyes narrow. Is fear causing him to freeze up? Is this his first real battle against another cat? She does not let go. Instead, she rakes her claws down the right side of his flank while holding tight to his scruff. If he can manage to use this motion to dislodge her, she will free him from his trap.

HP: 14/15
Defense: 4
Attack: 4

Mousepaw's smile is victorious as the patch-furred cat writhes beneath her. Her claws grip his chest, though she does not tighten them enough to draw any significant amount of blood. "ThunderClan will win!" she cries, but the other cat's movements begin to unnerve her. Are they okay? She lowers her head to listen to his breathing, raspy and shallow, panting like the dogs. Mousepaw's brow furrows. "Hey, you can't die already! We hardly even fought!" She does, foolishly, take her paws away from their chest, not wanting to smother the RiverClanner.



LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
Fangs break through flesh, but just barely, the metallic sting of claret barely reaching past her lips before she is shaken off.
She is thrown, but alabaster paws find their footing on the rocks rough surface with barely a skid, her head only slightly turned away from the tom.
A huff leaves her parted maw, faintly stained with crimson. Her opponent doesn't speak, Lakemoon almost finds it refreshing.
That is, until she turns a heart beat too late. A limb veined with fire strikes at her, the brute strength behind the attack forces her backwards with a spiteful hiss, teeth grating against her now throbbing shoulder.
The auburn warrior was a boulder to her river rapids, push all she might, he was not budging.
Slitted azure eyes only have less than a moment to analyze him, to find the chip in his armored barrier.
He was large, only a touch taller than herself- but he was muscular, heavily relying on his brute strength and three paws.
She whirls around as if she is about to spring forward once more yet, this time she does not make the mistake of a frontal attack. Instead she'd veer too the side where his lone forelimb could not protect him without making him topple over. She makes quick work of her attack, lashing out her own forepaw and attempting to viciously rake them across the others soft flank. A simple strike that she hoped would helped would open the floodgates to opportunity.

//fighting with @Sunfreckle
// fighting @Dewfang

A pale-furred brown tom meets him face-to-face and Lightningstone digs his heels in to halt himself. Lips peeling back to expose his fangs, he hisses, "It's RiverClan territory." Frankly, he doesn't care if ThunderClan is hungry. RiverClan has their own problems to deal with and they don't need to concern themselves with every issue another clan has. Sunningrocks has always been theirs and it always will be. He lunges forward, but the other's paw intercepts him, claws digging into the side of his skull and sending him downward. A pained grunt leaves him as he is slammed against the ground and he can feel warm blood trickle from the side of his head. Snarling, he scrambles away and rights himself before focusing once more on the ThunderClanner. He spits and dashes forward, rearing up to try and slash his claws down the front of his face.
Their thrashing does not help them to escape, and they cannot help but to feel like a kit, pinned beneath the weight of one of their littermates. Except now, there is no playfulness, no mercy. There is only a ThunderClan apprentice whose claws dig into their chest and press down on their lungs. "ThunderCl… Thunder…" They wheeze the words out between coughs and sharp, wet pants, wiggling their nose in an attempt to stop the event that they can feel coming on. "Thunder—ThunderClan will never win," they manage to choke out, sniffing and wheezing the whole while.

The other cat tells them not to die (as if they are useless enough to allow a maggot-eating ThunderClan cat to kill them), and Crappiepaw bares their teeth. "I am not… not… ACHOO!" Their sneeze jerks their entire body, knocking their head back against the ground.

// fighting @FERNPAW

She brings the other apprentice to the ground, teeth bared as she plants her hind paws firmly on either side of him with her forepaws gripping his shoulder blades. Confidence swells up within her; she did it! She pinned him! She-

Bap, bap, bap!

She scrunches her nose and recoils in annoyance as sheathed paws swipe pathetically at her face. "What are you-? Ugh! Quit it!" She complains, digging her claws in harder. Hissing, the bicolor tabby swings her head away from his paw and strikes out with gnashing teeth. She aims a bite to his shoulder, growl rising in her throat.

He needs to get up. He can't stay on the ground. Clayfur yells at him with anger he had never seen on the others face before. It nearly frightened him, but he was more afraid of the river than Clayfur.

It was the sensation of drowning that he feared. He knew it well, he knew the feeling of frantically trying to escape death and nearly failing. Helplessness in the face of danger.

He can't let himself be caught in that situation again.

"You know I can't-!" He spat back.

Each time he tried to get back to his feet, Clayfur's flurry of strikes knocked him down again. He feels blood spill from his hind leg and the sharp pain from torn flesh.

With a frustrated growl, Rabbitnose attempted to kick out with both hind legs at Clayfur. If he wanted his legs so bad, here they are.

The hit landed and Riffleheart gave a short bark of triumphant laughter as his opponent was nearly knocked off her paws, but his mirth was not long-lasting, for it soon transpired that a gray-colored apprentice appeared and made to attack. In the process of dodging Ragwortpaw - choosing not to attack her, for her age - he failed to spot Howlingstar's maneuver to the side and subsequent leap in his direction. The blue tabby wasn't quick enough to evade the attack and landed hard, bowled over, feeling a wave of pain as his limbs crunched against the firm ground. Within what felt like a heartbeat, Howlingstar's teeth were sinking into his leg and Riffleheart hissed in outrage, attempting to rake the claws of his other foreleg across her face, aiming - dishonorably, perhaps - at her eyes.

The tabby warrior's vision tunnels in on the other tom's face when he spits back his response. He can't, he claims, as though he's being forced to threaten RiverClan, forced to take and take and take things that don't belong to ThunderClan and shouldn't belong to ThunderClan and can't ever belong to ThunderClan.

"Then you have to die," he says through gritted teeth, ducking his head to watch his claws rip into the other's legs. Satisfaction ripples through him for a moment, but it's quickly distorted by pain. Roughly, the other warrior's hind legs batter his stomach, surely puncturing flesh as they connect. The blow forces a grunt from him, but he's certain the damage done is something that Bee can treat. He can take a hit, he knows that—has gotten worse injuries from rocks in the river—and he isn't about to fall to some thieving ThunderClan mongrel.

Narrowing his eyes, he lets go of the other entirely, attempting to get his own paws back under him, at the same time giving the ThunderClanner a chance to stand as well. If successful, he rushes closer, throwing his full weight into his next attack—he aims claws at the other warrior's shoulders, trying to pull backward, ever closer to the water. If he can just get this slippery tom into the water, if he can just force his head under… It can all be worth it. It can all be over.

// @Rabbitnose

He hadn't come with the intent to kill, but it seems Clayfur had. Should he respond in kind? Should he be the reason someone grieves tonight? So many cats could easily answer yes to this question, and yet.... Rabbitnose couldn't.

He didn't want to kill Clayfur. Even if the other was out for blood.

"I don't want to kill you-"

He was rammed, claws dug into his shoulder and began dragging him ever closer to the water. He couldn't afford to be soft anymore. His enemy wanted him dead, and he needed to meet that animosity in kind.

They were too close to the water now.

Rabbitnose bore his teeth and thrashed to try and dislodge Clayfur, jaws snapping at anything that got close enough.

He couldn't die today. He couldn't leave his family and his clan.


it wasn't long until the riverclanner's crossed over to defend the rocks. her jaw ticked as the fighting commenced, claws and teeth were shared in a desperate attempt for the strip of territory. a glance was shared with howlingstar before she descended down the rocks, she would fight on even ground. riverclan had owned this land since the beginning, they had to be more experienced navigating it. she wouldn't be caught in a position where another started off with the upper-hand.

nightbird looked over the battlefield, it seemed the thunderclanners were holding their own for the most part. then, another cat entered. not from across the border, but rather the direction of skyclan. cowards, they all were. maybe that was why they denied helping with the dogs, they knew their soft-paws would be weak in a battle with the canines. he announces he is here to help, she would be sure that help was not recieved.

the molly starts towards him, moonpaw gets there sooner throwing herself at the warrior. she takes this time to look in the direction of skyclan, he seemed to be alone. did they really think one extra set of paws would give them a victory? it was almost laughable. "you were mistaken coming here," she hissed, tail lashing in her wake. she lurched forward quickly, her attack would aim for the side opposite moonpaw was attempting to grab onto, outstretched claws reaching to rake down his flank.

// attacking @Sharpeye
[ ☾✩ ]


Freshly, hastily wrapped wounds leave his stride slower than it was upon his arrival to the pine forest. A failed endeavor into retrieving help for RiverClan leaves Gillpaw with no other choice than to return to the battlefield he diverted from, leaves Blazestar siding with ThunderClan in betrayal, and leaves a single SkyClanner as an exile as he aids the river's dwellers.

His arrival is delayed, as he bursts out of the pine forest a ways behind Sharpeye. Gillpaw's lost sight of him, sides heaving as he looks around for the sand-furred cat. The now-former SkyClan warrior is already fighting his own battle by the time Gillpaw gains sight of him, and the black and white apprentice turns to aid in his only recruit. If this one falls, Gillpaw's efforts will further prover themselves pointless.

It's a leap forward that ultimately falters into a stumble, cut short by the realization in front of him, a promise he wouldn't break in features he can recognize. He cannot fight Sharpeye's opponent - the pine cat will have to go this one alone. Gillpaw feels guilt eating at him, feels the chill of the river rising to consume him.

The apprentice regains his footing, before running further into the battle to find an opponent and help his clan.

RiverClan can't lose any more.
// open to attacks!​

Lilybloom can taste blood in her mouth again and she knows her bite was successful. Yowling in pain, the warrior eases his stance over her and Lilybloom is able to rise back up onto her paws. He calls RiverClan greedy and implores them to give up the rocks. The tortoiseshell shakes her head in frustration. Greedy. Selfish. Rich words from a cat whose clan was attacking them while they were already weak.

She whips around with the intention of saying something snarky back to him, but the words die on her lips as she turns and feels the full force of unsheathed claws raking down the right side of her face and across her eye. What happens next seems to go in slow motion. She gasps out loud as seering pain washes over her, her vision goes red, and the world grows dark on her right side. Lilybloom manages to stagger away in her pain but it takes mere seconds for her to start screeching in sheer agony, her voice carrying across the battlefield. Blood gushes from her fresh wounds, mingling with the bloodied wounds he had inflicted on her neck priorly. "Get a-a--away!" She manages to spit out in what she hopes is his direction. There is more she wants to say and do, a fire kindling inside her strangely at being so wounded, but the pain is too much. It's overwhelming and a miracle she's managed to stay up right in the last few moments. Now though, her legs tremble and she can't keep her balance anymore. Lilybloom slumps to the floor, whimpering as she does, the pain becoming too much for her. Although she only lost an eye, the pain and the blood loss makes her feel as though the situation is worse than she is. I'm dying, she thinks grimly. I'm going to die!

/ Attacked by @RACCOONSTRIPE and is currently out of the battle. Tagging @Lakemoon . for reasons
(=^・ェ・^=))ノ彡♡ Darterwing feels her claws make contact And watches as pieces of fur flies into the air. The Tom cat is staggered only momentarily before making a counterattack and kicks out with her hind legs. The she-cat blinks in surprise and tries to pull her head away, still she feels blunt force collide with her jaw. His claws pierce her chin and get her pretty good, it's lucky she had drawn away or perhaps he would've met her neck!

Blood trickles from her chin, through the adrenaline she barely notices it. She aims to leap into the air and aims to land on the toms back with claws unsheathed. Depending on how successful she is she'd try to rake her claws down his back.

@Flycatcher feel free to start throwing out some drastic moves! Ill have them hit and she'll retreat in a post or two ^^ not good at battles so i like resolving fights quickly ^^
— tags

The sound of a scuffle and the pained yowling of a clanmate are the only warning Snakeblink gets before his vision is drowned out by the fiery pelt of a Thunderclanner roaring her challenge. He backpedals but doesn't manage to dodge her assault and she collides into him at full speed, biting into his shoulder and clawing at his side.

Gasping in pain, he shakes himself in an attempt to dislodge her, although her superior strength renders his effort pointless. He would still try to bat at her with his other paw, aiming to claw at her neck despite the awkward angle. He only has to shake free and lead her to the water — or pull her along, if she insists on holding on like a dog.

"Thieves," He hisses out, spitting with pain and anger. Running his mouth to forget the blood dripping from his short fur, hoping that irritation would make her sloppy. "The hounds should have gutted you and left you to rot on these stones!"

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • ooc: @Flamewhisker rolled a 9 😥
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 37 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

He feels frustration working its way into his emotions, clouding his judgement. He knows better, to let failure effect him in such a way during such an important fight but he does not understand why his body screams at him to remain motionless when he is being gripped by the scruff. He can only assume it is something inherited by his kittypet side, he had certainly never heard of this happening to anyone else and if his mentor had known he would've told him right?

He fights the instinct that tells him to lay still and he forcefully rolls over onto his side, attempting to dislodge the she cat attached to his back like an annoying burr. if he is successful in that he would quickly scramble to his feet. In that brief moment he notices Sharpeye, sees his sister fighting him and anger wells up inside of his stomach. A warrior he had known as a kit now exchanging blows with his sister. Had his father sanctioned this? How could he? Burnpaw feels the anger draw out a fierce snarl from him and as he faces the calico apprentice again he attacks with a ferocity that he had been lacking previously.

He leaps, claws extended and if he is able to catch anything with them he would rake them across her pelt.

// @iciclepaw
HP: 12 / 15
Defense : 4
Attack : 3

Blood spurts over the bridge of his nose. Dewfang had not jumped back in time after slamming Lightningstone's head to the ground to protect himself from the river cat's sharp claws. The mink-furred warrior hissed, nose crinkling to halt the drip of blood. With the RiverClan warrior already reared up, Dewfang ducked his head and aimed to bowl his head into the cat's exposed belly, hopefully tipping him over onto his back. ThunderClan would have those rocks that they had rightfully defended! Dewfang would make sure of it.