To her dismay, she isn't able to knock Racoonstripe down, but at the very least she manages to get a good wound on him. The familiar tang of blood rushes her mouth, and being so close to him she can hear him hissing in annoyance. Good, she thinks. Let this be your first taste of punishment for daring to come here.

He calls her brave and foolish and if not for being so caught up in the battle she might have rolled her eyes. Lilybloom finally loosens her hold on him, when she can feel his teeth against the side of her neck. She stops biting him only to gasp as he latched on to her and tried to shake her off. Lilybloom attempts to wriggle free from him, but in her effort to do so she feels his teeth dig in deeper, and when she has wriggled out of his grasp there's a small chunk of fur missing and blood welling at the fresh wound. Lilybloom's breaths are ragged for a moment due to the effort to free herself from Raccoonstripe's grasp. "Maybe we are foolish to defend our home so soon after driving away the WindClan scum," Lilybloom sneers sarcastically. "But you are the fools for fighting us by the river!"

Nearby she can see Cicadastar and Ashpaw trying to drag a ThunderClan cat into the river, which in turn gave her the idea to do something similar. Utilising her speed again, she attempts to deliver a barrage of attacks with unsheathed front paws. She doesn't actually care if they find the sensitive skin of his face or neck, she just wants to push him back and hopes he won't realise until it's too late. The river is in sight, it was just a little bit further and she hoped she might have the upper hand. She would let him taste the force of the river as she once had.

/ attacking @RACCOONSTRIPE
Mousepaw's heartbeat fills her ears -- that, and the yowls splitting the sky like lightning. The small blue tortoiseshell's fur is fluffed up, both from fear and with the adrenaline coursing through her veins. She spits, trying to make herself look scarier than she is. Acid green eyes find a tortoiseshell feline, cresting the bank on ThunderClan's side.

She leaves Silverlightning's side, hesitant at first -- but she has something to prove, doesn't she? She's just as good a fighter as any of these other apprentices! No, better, ten times better!

"Hey, fishbrain!" Her voice is shrill and falsely confident. "Get ready for Mousepaw!" Admittedly, the battle cry had sounded better in her head -- and why had her voice squeaked like that?

Shaking her thick fur out, she shrieks and rushes for the patch-pelted RiverClan apprentice. Mousepaw aims to throw herself onto their back and pin them. From there, she will try to scratch at his chest.

// attacking @CRAPPIEPAW
she isn't very strong but she has the spirit

His teeth meet her flesh; the salt of her blood fills his mouth, and he makes a show of spitting it on the ground beside them. He tries to hang onto her with all his might, but she is supple, her fur sleek from the fish and the river, and she's able to finally get free of him. He's spitting bits of fur out with her escape -- the wound he's left isn't anything to scoff at. Raccoonstripe begins to half-circle her, his ears flattening as she hisses, "You are the fools for fighting us by the river!"

The tabby does not react, aside from a snarl. She is back at him with a quickness, and her blows are difficult to evade. Her forelimbs move much more speedily than his. Claws find his cheek and pull a red line into the cheekbone. Another finds the white of his muzzle. A third on his already-scarred chest. He's forced to back up several steps to evade the rest of her attacks.

But he knows what she is doing; the river's rushing, he can feel it in his paws beneath the earth. He remembers Silverlightning plunging into the dark waters during the battle with the hounds, and a dark rush of terror chills him. He cannot let her pull him under the water -- it will mean the end of him.

Raccoonstripe rushes toward her, taking another several swipes to the sides of his neck, attempting to drive her backward with the force of his weight. He will try to wrap both forelimbs around her neck and attempt to pull her down to the ground with him. Whether he is successful or not, he will aim a bite to her shoulder.

// attacking @LILYBLOOM.

The feeling of rage doesn’t leave Clay even as his fangs sink into the other cat’s scruff. The sound of growling from the other, the resistance as they plant their feet and attempt to stop his pulling, only spurs him on. He’s still not even given his opponent a second glance—knows that he’s fighting a cat who shares a similar build to himself, but doesn’t have the presence of mind to look any closer. He doesn’t care who he’s attacking, as long as they aren’t a RiverClanner. ThunderClan deserves all his wrath, all his rage.

The truth is, the Clay of a week ago would have agreed with Rabbitnose. ThunderClan and RiverClan could feasibly share the rocks, like Howlingstar had proposed—but Cicada had said no, firmly. And now, more than ever, he trusts the words, the opinions of his leader. He may not agree with every decision that the dappled tom has made, but one thing that Cicada has never done is roll over and take bullshit from any of the other clans. ThunderClan is no different—they could have been an ally, once, but they don’t deserve these rocks. To the forest-dwellers, they’re just RiverClan’s lazy sunbathing spot. They don’t know anything.

He grunts when the other cat swipes at his legs, not quick enough to dodge, and he’s thrown off balance. He keeps his jaw locked as he begins to topple over, hoping to drag the other to the ground with him. For the moment, his tugging in the direction of the river is put on hold; he’s inching toward a dangerous position if he can’t get the other off his paws. Having the high ground is an advantage that can’t be overlooked in a fight like this; he might not be able to withstand any flurry of blows that the other warrior might rain down upon him.

// @Rabbitnose the himbos are fightinggggg
Crappiepaw watches Sunningrocks descend into chaos around him in a stunned sort of silence. Cats younger than themself are throwing themselves at much larger warriors—they spot Ashpaw, aided by Cicadastar, fighting a ferocious looking ThunderClanner, and the stone in their stomach sinks further. They are distracted by the sight of the duo, by the fervor with which Ashpaw throws herself at a much larger, scarier cat, that they do not see the dappled cat barreling toward them until it is too late. They do not even hear what she says, the sun around them drowning out everything besides her embarrassing squeaking sound.

A heavy pressure settles on their back and they crumple to the ground—their shaking limbs are unable to support the added weight atop them. Claws dig into their chest, and they thrash beneath the ThunderClanner, flailing wildly with unsheathed claws. "Get off!" Their voice sounds strange to their own ears, shrill and piercing as they shriek, hoping to startle the other into letting them go. Their panic causes their breathing to go shallow, chest heaving in short, sharp pants. They need to get the other cat to let go.


ROEPAW — break the air to feel the fall.
The tension in the air snaps in the blink of an eye at Howlingstars beckoning call, and all too quick Riverclan cats are melting into the water, slicing through it as if they were fish.
Burnpaw is already gone, lunging from where he had just been at her side only a second ago, the larger form of Flycatcher following not too long afterwards.
Her own legs are moving now, driven by the hunger that scorched at her stomach, by the smug look on those fish-breaths faces. Unlike Skyclan, there was nothing holding her back now.
She breaks from the bushes in a pale flash, charging towards the heart of the battle as fast as her little legs would allow.
"Greedy snakes!"

//pre plotted to fight with @frogpaw
This was just cruel, wasn't it? RiverClan was barely recovering from WindClan's claws and here came their neighbours from across the river to try and steal from them as well. Apricotflower charges into the fray, claws extended, weaving around Clanmates and ThunderClanners alike until she comes face to face with Silverlightning. He's mostly unfamiliar, a pelt that she's seen once in a while at Gatherings -

Apricotflower tries to slam into the tom, not so much trying to wound him yet but at the very least throw him off-kilter and direct him closer to the water where she would have more of an advantage. "Stay off our rocks!"

// @Silverlightning
Fear, the overwhelming sensation struck her as she felt her claws barely piercing through his fur. It was foolish of her to imagine that that she'd be able to attack a warrior. Her breaths quickened as he growled at her and she felt her chest tighten but only for a moment. A thought struck her, almost as hard as she'd imagined he'd swat her.
Every second he was dealing with her, one of RiverClan's own already injured warriors was free from him.

"No." The words are uttered with a very fragile but determined tone.
"I can't let more of my clan get hurt." The she-cat would snarl, her pelt fluffing up; revealing a her soft kitten fluff.
She arched her back and moved towards the treacherous cat, forcing her mind to quiet and focusing on him.

In the moment, it didn't matter to her that Stoatsplash would be furious and the thought of Cicadastar's fury never even occurred to her.
I can't let my clan down, I'm sure you're feeling the same thing!
The only thing that mattered was that she was buying her clan more time.
Finally sure of herself, she'd run at him, aiming to swipe at his shoulders again.


thunderclan warriors are large. he knows this, can see it just as he can see ( or barely can see ) windclan’s minuscule, ratlike frames. while the moorland swine were quick and weaselly, this molly was slow, lumbering. there is weight behind each of her attempted strikes, a gust of high, rushing wind ruffling damp curls. ashpaw gathers herself quick, hitting the ground hard and sparing only seconds before a flurry of red bursts from beneath, claws unsheathed towards their opponent. theirs. no longer was she the kit he’d once known, no longer a child. she was a storm of tufted russet, a flurry of claw and fang and shrieking anger. a warrior, riverclan through and through. she takes after him, moves to shove the thunderclanner towards the water and he feels her stumble, hears the soft splash of hind paws submerging along their shallow shore. pride flares in his chest : for her, for the training willowroot had bestowed upon her. no longer was she cowering at the sight of unsheathed claw, ever present in her terrible past. she’d come out stronger — far stronger than the war - torn molly they continue to force into the rapids.

she struggles from him and he crouches away to avoid flailing claws should they come, a cruel grin dawning at the low rumble of a growl that lifts from their opponents throat, a shout, targeted at ashpaw. they were making her angry. good. a paw lifts to kick at the apprentice and he does not see the outcome, only that yellow eyes zero in on him seconds later. ashpaw had survived worse than a kick, had suffered at the paws of those far larger than her time and time again. she would survive. the molly was beginning to read back and he had only seconds to react, thankful momentarily for the size of her ; beastly, and slow. should she get him it would be detrimental, but he scrabbles back, feels sand well beneath his feet. claws rake just past his shoulders, brush over drying curls, but he ducks away before she can wrap muscled arms around him. then, she is up on her hind limbs and he snarls in response to her savage growl, ears pinning flat as he attempts to launch forward before @Badgerstrike can hit the ground again, hoping to knock her back further into the rushing waters, hopes her hind paws slip in the algae - slicked ground,i hope you can swim, squirrel - chaser.because they most certainly could.

/ defense : 4, attack : 3. took no damage. hp : 14

  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, mated to smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 43 moons, ages every 50 posts.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png
  • none.


He lets out a grunt of frustration as his attack misses, his yellow eyes flashing in anger and his lips pulling into a scowl. She is talking now, but her words are so mouse-brained "You guys are nothing but cowards. These rocks should have always been ours" he says in a snarl. He is so distracted by her words that when she jumps it catches him by surprise. She lands squarely on top of him.

He feels teeth bury into his scruff and immediately his body falls limp. It is not something he can control, even though he wants to run, to fight, to twist around and throw this miserable she-cat off of him he cannot escape. His breaths come in panicked hitches, afraid. He feels teeth in his neck and it hurts. He lets out a yowl of pain but his body cannot move to protect itself. "Get off of me!" he screeches, his claws scrambling in the dirt.

He cannot think, all his training flys out the window only to be replaced by fear.

// @iciclepaw
Defense : 2
Attack: 1
Hp: 12/15
Greedy. They call them greedy. His heart tumbles and then roars, and though his skill does not lie in battle, he could not allow himself to be anywhere else. His pelt is still wet from the swim, clinging to his lanky body and lending a clear picture to his exhaustion. WindClan had not harmed him terribly, but they had worn him down. A few scratches mar his dark pelt, and his eyes are heavy despite their panic. Each paw seems heavier than they had ever been before. Was it the exhaustion? Or was it fear? Foggy eyes flicker, searching. Already those around him are locked in battle, but he can see– an apprentice, the one who had yowled it. Greedy snakes. Greedy. Greedy. How dare the thieves call them greedy.

He has learned much from Snakeblink. Battle is not one of those skills, but deception is. He drops lower, but moves quickly to try and flank the charging apprentice aiming to trip up her hind paws and send her skittering closer to the water's edge.

  • ooc: rolled a 5 for both stealth and attack (you don't have to roll as well lol it just determines how i write his actions) @. Roepaw .
  • frogpaw_finished.png
    —— npc x npc, has several npc siblings. mentored by snakeblink.
    —— loyal to riverclan, but somewhat uncertain of his place there.
    —— unknown sexuality. single, not actively looking or interested.

    a lanky, slender black smoke with low white and soft blue eyes. his ears are gently curled, and each paw has at least one extra toe, making them seem broader and larger than a typical cat's.
  • a poor fighter. though frogpaw knows the basics of a fight, he cannot rely on hitting power or an ability to tank blows. he instead leans on agility and cleverness as well as his mobility in the water, seeking to catch opponents off guard or out of their element to give him an advantage. even then, it is if anything levelling the field– he is passable, but does not excel.

    —— please avoid eye trauma or injuries that would take weeks to heal ╱ minor or moderate wounds do not require ooc plotting, but major do.
  • "speech"

In moments it erupted around him in chaos, briefly he spots Rabbitnose in the distance and offers his mate a small smile before the RiverClanners finally reached their side and their claws were upon them. Sunfreckle stood rigid as a statue, limbs stiff and braced as his gaze darted around to find any cat who was moving to engage with him because he did not trust himself to move too close to the river at risk of being swept away in its currents. A flash of silver appeared before him and slammed into him but he remained stalwart, unmoving and the subsequent teeth digging into his shoulder was met with a violent shake and swing of his lone forpaw; a risky play given he was forced to balance back on his hindlegs only for a brief moment but one that would hopefully make enough of an impact to throw the molly off of him.
Howlingstar's grandaughter, Wolfwind's sister-the familial ties are there but he narrows his eyes past it to see only a RiverClanner out for his blood. He had no intentions of killing her, not unless she forced him into it, so at the very least he could face his leader later and look her in the eye with the knowledge he didn't spill the blood of her kin needlessly. Morningpaw's death was still fresh as if it happened the day before, she wasn't his kit but he'd been there with her from that first day in the nursery; cheerfully watching his and Little Wolf's litters grow and to even consider taking another member of that family made his fur prickle with unease. Lakemoon picked her side, but thankfully she fought a warrior who would not kill her for it.
His size allowed him the freedom to continue standing where he had placed himself, unyeilding to her attempts to push and offset his balance but also leaving him left to take hits to compensate, if he got a good solid whack on her with a heavy paw it might disuade a few bites and so he slung with all the force he could muster a second time; fully rocking back onto his hindquarters with his tail curled up and looping into his back to keep him balanced.

- Fighting @Lakemoon .

Lilybloom's attacks prove successful. Three times do her claws find her opponent. Once on his cheekbone, another on his muzzle, and a third on his chest. Of course, her primary intention is still to get him close to or into the river. The fact that she managed to get three little hits on him despite not focusing too much on where she was aiming is an added bonus.

Unfortunately for her, it seems her opponent knows exactly what she is planning. In order to avoid her barrage of attacks, the tom had backed up slightly, but now he surged forward, aiming more swipes at her neck. Lilybloom grunts as one of those swipes cuts in close to the wound he had previously inflicted. As she winces away from him, she isn't prepared for him to wrap his forepaws around her shoulders and drag her down to the ground with him. They fall together, and though he already has the upper hand, she clings on tightly to him, not wanting him to get away from her easily. Lilybloom feels teeth graze against her shoulder and she yelps in surprise, quickly trying to wriggle herself free and using her hind legs to try and push him off of her. Regardless of if she is able to free herself, she will try and angle herself so that she can bite one of his hind legs, hoping it might stagger him enough for her to stand up again.

/ attacking @RACCOONSTRIPE


The molly is so loud and so large and so absolutely terrifying but don't back down, Ash. You can do this. Cicadastar looms beside her, they trade blows togerher — they defend this home together — and now Ashpaw is not so easily reduced to frightened tears.

It's really something how stark the difference is, no longer alone. How strong she feels — how she remembers with such clarity the fox she fought off, the WindClan battle she walked away from. She can do this — she can fight.

Badgerstrike launches a kick at her chest, strong and well-placed but Ashpaw dodges, slips around it with ease, and launches an attack of her own. As Cicadastar attempts push the warrior further in, Ashpaw will swipe at her hind legs, aiming to sweep them out from under her and send her sprawling — should this succeed she'll try to leap on top and hold her there, slashing at any soft flesh exposed.

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • engaging @Badgerstrike
    HP: 8 (rolled 6 for defense bc she is so swag)
    rolled 2 for attack slightly less swag

  • - 9 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - crushing hard on iciclepaw
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - got real fucked up as a kid so if she seems like she was fucked up as a kid, that's why
    - "speech"
    - she is on a JOURNEY

Rabbitnose had to focus. He couldn't let his crippling fear get the better of him. He was strong, he had sent cats running before, especially when they threatened those he loved. He was fighting two battles today, overcoming his fears, and fighting a Riverclan warrior. He couldn't lose, not when his mate and child were here fighting too. He couldn't fall in front of them, they would panic and get hurt.

Clayfur didn't let go when he swiped his legs from him, sending Rabbitnose to the ground with him. He had to be quick, or the other could pin him easily. He twisted, lashing out at Clayfur's front with the hopes of dislodging him from his scruff.



Gillpaw had reached SkyClan asking for help, but things had not gone as one had expected. Blazestar had made the choice to not send aid, and it had driven Sharpeye to make a brash and likely foolish decision. But deep down he still felt that it was right given all that RiverClan had done for SkyClan a few moons ago. Wishing to repay a debt he had imposed himself into exile. No longer was he a SkyClanner, just a rogue who longed to help a clan in need!

The sounds of conflict helped to guide him to Sunningrocks and he was confronted soon after with the scene of felines locked in conflict. Where to begin, that was the question? Without a single cat by his side he honestly felt the weight of it all, that overwhelming impact of a territorial dispute staring him right in the face. The smell of SkyClan still wafted strong from his pelt even though his alliegence no longer stood with them. Though perhaps that wasn't such a bad thing either, not when it offered the element of deception.

Breathing in deep, the tom decided to announce his arrival for all to hear. "I am to help RiverClan!" He called out with all the might he possessed, which wasn't an easy feat when his heart still felt like it was being ripped to shreds from his own actions. With his call made he lunged forth to delve amongst the others in search of ThunderClan opponent.

//open to multiple opponents!

War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
In the midst of searching for the best place to assist one of his fellow warriors, Silverlightning witnesses his apprentice shoot past him in a blur. The ticked tabby's eyes grow a fraction wider as she charges into the frey, breaking away from him to give her best warcry. His heart flutters in his chest, limbs lurching in the beginnings of a sprint to run to her side until he feels the weight of another cat collide with him. Thick claws sprout from their sheathes, limbs twisting in a way that would hopefully hook flesh and bring her down with him. He lands hard upon his side, breath forced from his lungs as the sound of rushing water becomes infinitely louder. Of course she was trying to push him towards the river. The bridge of his nose wrinkles as his maw opens, fangs aiming to seek purchase upon her forearm should she still remain close to him. Regardless, he falters to his paws. (@apricotflower)
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road
Pebblepaw's nerve for battle had always been a funny thing. Leading up to it, he swore his stomach was doing somersaults into his throat, now, that fear had been pushed back with the conviction to do what was right by his home. It was ThunderClan alone that had protected the sunningrocks from the dogs, it was ThunderClan that deserved them - he just wished that RiverClan had been willing to play fair. Weaving through the battlefield, the lilac tom's eyes didn't know if they wanted to be wide with fear for narrowed with determination, rolling between the two as they tried to make sense of the tumbling cats before them. The river screamed for ThunderClan blood, as much as he wished to cover his ears and pretend its request didn't exist, he knew there was a very real possibility that his friends and family could be drowned. RiverClan was not as scary as the dog, he decided as he sprinted through the battlefield. A large cat pushing his clanmate towards the river would be child's play compared to a wayward hound, he told himself. 'Better me than Badgerstrike if anything goes wrong though...'

Bodies made way for the slaloming apprentice and they noticed Ashpaw for the first time, assisting Cicadastar in his task. Pebblepaw briefly lowered his head and lurched towards instead. "Leave her!" He shouted before he even realised that words had wanted to leave his mouth. Using his momentum, he aimed to tackle Ashpaw's side to throw her off of her attempt to hurt Badgerstrike, hoping his hindclaws would find flesh to dig at repeatedly as he tried to keep a grip on her with his forepaws.

[ open to other opponents ! only skim read so apologies if i missed anything!! @ashpaw! ]


Moonpaw wasn't going to lie and say she wanted to be here, but she wouldn't deny the thrill of being considered skilled enough to come. She didn't share Mousepaw's loud and obnoxious enjoyment but she wasn't going to stand idly by and watch although it took her a moment to figure out her footing on these slick stones. Raccoonstripe had given her a brief look before they arrived and she was not so foolish as to not acknowledge he'd be watching her. If she showed cowardice, if she ran, if she did not fight for all her worth then she would never shake the chains of her kittypet heritage and she would never have the respect of her clanmates. It wasn't enough to say it, she had to prove it. This battle was more than just for hunting rights to Sunningrocks, it was a testament to her own will and she would not falter.
So she thought, until the familiar scent of SkyClan wafts through onto the scene and her blue eyes widen in horror.

What was a SkyClanner doing here? She's briefly frozen in horror. Had RiverClan gone to get reinforcements-had her father made his decision that his clan came first even more abundantly clear by siding with the river cats during this dispute. Tortie fur prickles, she feels heat building in her ears as they flatten to her skull and she is upset. Beyond upset. It's just another sprinkle of salt to the wound, another reminder of what side he had picked and it was not his families; at least not the ones who didn't remain behind with him. Her eyes search for Burnpaw, fighting a fire branded apprentice and she debates going to him, to help but instead she turns her focus to the SkyClanner she sees. A message needed to be sent and if she was to be the courier then so be it. Springing forward the lithe apprentice charges and throws herself at Sharpeye's side to try and latch onto him with teeth and claws; she wishes she was clever enough to have some kind of battle cry, some kind of remark he can hand deliver to her father-but she is too angry at his presence to think.

-Attacking @Sharpeye
The other cat goes down with him, and for a moment Clay thinks, This is my chance. He clenches his jaw down harder—if that’s even possible—as the other continues to struggle, but the warrior lashes out with claws aimed at his chest. Clay feels the strike land, blood welling up in the brand-new wound, and he hisses his fury, letting go of the ThunderClan warrior’s scruff.

"Give up!" He rages, teeth bared in a snarl, spit flying from his mouth. His eyes well with tears, desperation driving his next movements. His shoulder twinges from the impact with the ground, but he is nowhere near quitting. This is for Clearsight. "You can’t have them!" Now that they’re both on the ground, he aims a number of kicks at his opponent’s hind legs, hoping to dig his claws in, trying to cause pain and keep him on the ground. An enemy who can’t plant his feet is an enemy who is vulnerable to being dragged into the river and held under.

// @Rabbitnose