Recent content by COPIA

  1. COPIA

    camp let’s get down to business | hunting practice

    It feels almost surreal, seeing how much Budkit has grown— isn't that right? A lot of time has gone by since she climbed onto his back, as if he was a giant mountain in need of being summited. She was probably a moon old then, maybe two? The battle-scarred tom had a feeling she must be feeling...
  2. COPIA

    LA VIE EN ROSE | blizzard hunt return

    Copia treks back into camp after Silversmoke, frustration radiating off of his shivering pelt. His stomach roars with hunger— he hasn't felt this starved since he escaped the claws of a former ally. His mind briefly goes back to what he called home— are they struggling too? They must be, and his...
  3. COPIA

    camp he is nostro dis pater — bedding disagreement (phase 4)

    The harsh breeze brushes against Copia's fur, and the former rogue is unable to hold back a shiver. He barely can see as he treks through camp; he can barely smell his nearby clanmates. This storm is outrageous! Copia thinks with a frown, his mismatched eyes feeling tired. He would've slept...
  4. COPIA

    private You and I see eye to eye ❧ Copia

    Before his life got uprooted, the black smoke tom had no real plans to leave the streets of the twolegplace. He felt content with his life— the rogue group he partook in was struggling with numbers, but the older tom had grown used to that. He thought it would fix itself within time; he and his...
  5. COPIA

    no angst LET IT ROCK / MOSSBALL

    The black smoke tom grooms his fur, cleaning himself up from finishing a meal. It's been a difficult few weeks here in SkyClan— it's far too cold for his liking, and prey hasn't been the easiest to find. So, the tom felt grateful tonight; thanks to the patrols that came back with a nice amount...
  6. COPIA

    happy hunting [skyclan hunting patrol]

    The black smoke tom pads over the invisible border line, his nose twitching for any recent scents. The former rogue didn't have to be asked twice to seek for prey in more unfamiliar areas— they must do what they must to stay well fed. Even if that means crossing over the border. It might bring...
  7. COPIA

    couldn't get away / hunting

    Isn't leaf-bare a little bit early? The black smoke tom thinks to himself as he follows the patrol, his breath visible as the tom lets out a huff. Copia knows the hardships of living in the wild, that including the harsh season of leaf-bare. The former rogue was never pampered like some...
  8. COPIA

    Lingering on the undertone ❧ Smoke sighting

    Copia pads forward after the lead warrior, and his nose wrinkles at the scent of algae along the river. For once, the former rogue feels some relief for being away from the twolegplace border. The algae and fish don't smell any better— but at least the strange scent of RiverClan doesn't make him...
  9. COPIA

    border i got knots all up in my chest 🦭 joining

    How does Copia often find himself nearing the twolegplace border? The black smoke lets out a tired sigh as the scent of the twolegplace enters his nostrils— it's such a bittersweet smell to the older tom. It reminds him of what home used to be, and no matter how badly he wished he could revert...
  10. COPIA

    private How many stars in the sky? || Copia

    The darkness of the night begins to cloak the sky, and the black smoke tom lets out a quiet sigh. He feels the most comfortable here— in camp— and he takes one final bite to his meal. Swallowing his last bite of a robin, he licks his lips clean of any mess; and his ears twitch as clanmates...
  11. COPIA

    pafp it's a hunter's moon 》hunting!

    Unlike Kitestorm, the former rogue doesn't feel amount of pride to be recognized by the clan. He enjoys being able to venture off into the territory without a warrior watching his every move, but that pales in comparison to how he feels deep down. It still feels strange to him; living within the...
  12. COPIA

    border WELL WELL WELL 〰 joining... again

    Much like the apprentice that pads alongside Figfeather, the older black smoke tom wasn't all too familiar with Noodle. He can't remember hearing about a kittypet that followed a patrol, but that week had been foggy to the newly promoted warrior. He had been stuck in the medicine cat den...
  13. COPIA


    The black smoke lurks forward at Orangestar's call, but the former rogue doesn't stand in anticipation like his fellow clanmates. The last two moons weren't easy for the older tom; as it still feels surreal to him that his home is no longer the twolegplace. He remembers the attack like it was...
  14. COPIA

    it is a long way down — stuck in a tree

    SkyClanners are known for climbing trees, right? It's what the black smoke feline has heard from clanmates, and more so seen himself. His clanmates scale up pine trees like it's nothing; whether to go after an unsuspecting bird, or to keep watch of the overall area. Copia, admittedly, isn't much...
  15. COPIA

    pafp Tonight, it's a hunter's moon ✶ Hunting differences

    Despite the fact that he and Owlheart were raised into very different life styles, the older tom couldn't think more similarly to her. The black smoke feline was raised on the streets of the twolegplace; living in the dark and secluded alleyways. One would think you would be on your own in the...