sensitive topics ALL OF MY DIRECTS ♡ INVASION?

( 𖤓 ) blood rushes in the young tom's ears as he hurries after his deputy toward what he knows may very well be his own demise. from what he knows, shadowclan never fight fair, but he does not intend to either. their audacity - to steal territory rightfully belonging to thunderclan since the dawn of the clans themselves! as he presses briefly to campionsong's side, basilpaw sends a silent prayer to starclan - let his family live to see another new-leaf. merlinpaw's terrified stumble into camp had torn at the boy's heart, the desire to stay behind to care for his sister battling the urge to defend his territory. when orangepaw had arrived, heralding news of a second attack, he'd known he couldn't skip out on this. the boy hopes his prayer is confirmed as the patrol arrives at the shadowclan border.

battle already rages, shadowclan overwhelming the small thunderclan patrol. rage boils inside the cream tabby's chest and he lets out a growl. tallstep tears past him, stumbling away from a fearsome looking cream warrior. basilpaw narrows his eyes at her, a snarl curling at his lip. he does not wait for his father to tell him what to do, simply attacks. starclan willing, campionsong has prepared him enough for this moment, and basilpaw does not hold back. "stars' damned thief!" he growl-shouts, slamming himself into the shadowclan warrior, hoping the surprise attack will catch swansong off guard. ivory teeth gnash down with venom, aiming to sink into whatever he can grasp, and thorn sharp claws slice through pale fur, beckoning crimson to stain it.

  • // attacking @Swansong, preplotted interaction, please don't intercept unless you're @CAMPIONSONG xoxo "#FAC966"
  • 81393563_8O53Igoh9sDSoNx.png
    a cream ticked tabby with high white, and green eyes. a tall boy sporting a chaotically ruffled coat of pale cream tabby. darker ticked stripes flow down his fur, and band around his legs and face. his chest, stomach, muzzle, and most of his tail are white, and he has ferny-green eyes that sparkle with mischief.

Stonepaw lurked in the shadows, a certain pride filling his chest alongside the nervousness for his first battle. He was being a true ShadowClanner, using the darkness to his will. He waited, still and ready, for Mirestar's command. Listening to Leafhusk and the rest blubber like idiots nearly made him laugh out loud. ThunderClan thought they were safe out of the pity of the other clans. They had another thing coming.

"ShadowClan, attack!"

In an instant, Stonepaw burst from his hiding place. The shouting that broke out around him only fueled him, sending him toward the first ThunderClanner he saw. "Take this, mouse-breath!" he growled. He lunged for her, knocking her down with brute strength. Though the adrenaline and lack of experience made him clumsy, his opponent didn't seem ready for his attack. His claws dug deep into her shoulder, and he raked them down her side.

  • @vixencrown pre-planned!

  • STONEPAW he/him, apprentice of shadowclan, nine moons
    pretty lilac with low white and blue eyes. very driven, wants to be the best, pushy. has built up a bit of muscle but is still agile.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / tag when attacking
    penned by Twitchtail@iliawonders on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Palefire waited for Mirestar's reaction with bated breath, her paws practically trembling with the effort to stay put. But it didn't take long for all hell to break loose. As expected, the Shadowclan leader did not take well to their refusals. The forest was still for only a moment before a call to attack, and suddenly the shadows begin to lunge for them. Finally, the voice in her head almost cried. She was ready to taste the blood of the marsh.

But she had more than herself to worry about now. Her head whipped around at the sound of Ivorypaw's scream, her heart lurching in her chest at the sight of her apprentice being tackled by a larger warrior. It made her blood run cold, and her initial instinct told her to rescue the girl, to pull that wretched creature from her back and tear him apart. She nearly did, her paws already moving of their own accord; but she forced herself to stop.

They were outnumbered here. As much as she wanted to make sure that Ivorypaw was safe, she recognized the dire situation they were in. Everyone needed to fight to their last breath if they had any hope of surviving this, and she was needed elsewhere. The lynx-point had to trust in the strength that she already knew the girl possessed. Instead of rushing to her aid, Palefire curled her lip and called to her apprentice in a furious battle cry. "Ivorypaw! Show them what Thunderclan is made of!" I believe in you. Her gaze flickered to Meadowpaw still at her side, and she flashed the red tabby a feral grin. "Make them bleed."

The young warrior didn't have time for anything else, as she turned to find an ebony-pelted warrior surging towards her. Her hackles bristled sharply and she crouched to meet the other molly, teeth bared in a ferocious snarl. "You should've stayed in the shadows, foxheart." Her muscles tensed as she circled her opponent, looking for an opening to strike. As an apprentice, battle training had never been Palefire's strong suit, but in recent moons she'd fought for her life more than once and the anger burning through her veins gave her strength. She would sooner die than let their enemies take what rightfully belonged to Thunderclan.

  • [ engaging with @Briarthorn & closed to other interactions! ]
  • 1HGrVLs.png
    PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 20 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes
    single, crushing on no one / npc x npc / sister to bluestride
    mentoring meadowpaw & ivorypaw / mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / all opinions ic
    underline and tag when attacking
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots.
  • Love
Reactions: ivorydawn

It was about time for something to be done about their territory, to stretch it further. Lividsmoke had always thought about it, every since a newly fresh hatched apprentice how unfair it was for shadowclan to be cursed with the territory with the less prey to hunt while a clan like thunderclan was blessed to thrive with a forest full of life and nutrition. It had always bothered them, rightfully so they think, and now finally Lividsmoke was allowed to do something about it, to help shadowclan thrive beyond thier border to stretch further in hope to claim more land so this leafbare would not be like the last one that had been so ill-fated.

In the deepest of the shadows they hide, lurking around with eyes fixed on the thunderclanners, counting each one of them while Mirestar tried to make an peaceful claim over this land. Obiviously, thunderclan would not agree, they for sure wouldn't have if the tables had been turned. It was an attempt doomed from the start to fail. Why Mirestar had even tried to begin with were a mystery to them, in a season like this anyone and all of them would fight for what they had. And so the battle begin, hearing Mirestar's battlecry but Lividsmoke did not join the rest, instead they kept on lurking around in the shadows using thier fur to thier advantage and the shadowclan strategy that was passed down to them from thier ancestors.

For now they would lay in wait until they where needed or could find an opponent to strike down. Lividsmoke wished to be the one to ambush and not be ambushed, to have the upper hand. Better to fight smart then being reckless and stupid like thier brother who just rushed into the battle field blindly all open for attacks...

// preplanned attacks! please do not interfere <33


-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
The deputy's paws are a pale blur as they scorch the dim-lit earth, the thrum of her clanmates on her heels egging Roeflame onward, through the tattered undergrowth and dead leaves and towards the sound of battle cries.

The tabby she-cat bursts through the undergrowth, eyes finding the ShadowClan leader from where they had sicked their poison onto her land. "Mirestar! You thieving rats." Roeflame barks, her tone explosive. what sparse backup the deputy could spare flanking her. "ThunderClan, defend your territory!"

With that, Roeflame is throwing herself into the snarling fray in a heartbeat, her sights originally locked onto the Carrionplace kingpin, though it seemed fate would have other plans for her this time. Roeflame snaked through the fighting bodies like she would tangled roots, lips remaining pulled back to reveal sharp teeth.
  • briefly speaking to @MIRESTAR , closed to interactions ! :)
    apprentice tags — @Dwindlingpaw @Dovepaw
  • ROEFLAME she/her, Deputy of Thunderclan, twenty-seven moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Dovepaw & Dwindlingpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


.·:*¨༺🕷༻¨*:·. There's a sweet and familiar fire alight in the young warriors bones tonight, one Briarthorn hadn't felt since her apprentice days. Tonight, ThunderClan would get what was coming to them. The forest-dwellers were caught, disadvantaged under the night stars, and fighting for their precious piece of the river somewhere far away.

Leafhusks stubbornness is dull and predictable, and Mirestar is swift to deliver their call of attack, Briarthorn's melody. Sneezeduck throws himself towards a ThunderClanner with a ferocity Briarthorn had never seen from him before.

The ebony warrior sprints forward, hazel hues locked onto the pale-furred warrior with a big mouth to run. However, the larger warrior spots Briarthorn first, destroying her element of surprise. The ShadowClanner thrusts her muzzle towards the others, creased with the same glinting snarl. Thinned sepia optics glide with the others movements, and Briarthorn tilts her chin, as though practically inviting her enemy to take the jab at her throat while she is circled like a vulture. "Someone had to teach you murderers a lesson, you've been left unchecked for far too long." While Briarthorn's tone lacks the same fire as her opponent's, it is still thick with hatred.

Words were meaningless, and Briarthorn had grown bored of them. From where she had remained crouched, the warrior would spring towards the ThunderClanner while she still circled her, attempting to sink her claws into the warriors flank and rake them through.
  • attacking @PALEFIRE - closed for other interactions!
  • BRIARTHORN she/her, warrior of shadowclan, 12 moons.
    slender, lean-muscled black she-cat with sharp hazel eyes & large ears.
    daughter of Forestshade && Vulturemask ࿏ sister to Screechpaw && Sweetpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


This was all supposed to be fun. The last time she had been in ThunderClan territory, though the threat of death had been ever present, the stakes had been on the floor. Now, they reached beyond the stars, so far that she did not know how she could ever possibly reach them. Mirestar had eight lives within him, but Ferndance had six all around her, each one treated with the trepidation of cracked ice. 'This is for Applejaw,' she tried to convince herself, but no one else's child was worth losing her own over. No child of ShadowClan mattered more than her own in her head.

Perhaps if she pretended it was not a possibility, everything would be ok. But it did not stop that anxious voice screaming at her, a voice so unlike her own that it was difficult to recognise it as such. Then, Mirestar called the attack. As she jumped out of the shadows, she did not immediately jump into the fray, instead, her eyes fell on her kittens both grown and growing, distracted. Wherever they ran, she wanted to follow, to protect, to kill - her own safety did not matter nearly as much to her.

[ pre-planned interaction!! <3 ]

Howlpaw charges into the heart of the battle, guided by the thrill pounding in its veins. Orangepaw's urgent call for help has already slipped from Howlpaw's mind—it wasn't about the cause, the duty, or even ThunderClan. It's about the freedom of the fight, an all-encompassing force that tugs it forward, straight toward the chaos. It's the chance to throw itself into something unrestrained, beyond the quiet order it's forced to follow day after day. Here, it can unleash the gnawing tension that fills every waking moment. Howlpaw's keen amber eyes slice through the dim light as it pushes deeper into the fray, scanning each face, each form for an opponent worth its effort. It doesn't hesitate. The moment it spots a figure slinking through the shadows, a dark shape just on the edge of ThunderClan's territory—its target is set. The anticipation coils in its muscles, and the noise around it fades, leaving only the rhythmic pulse of its own breath.

It silently creeps closer, eyes locked on Lividsmoke. Crouched low, they're watching the flow of battle, their eyes fixed on the ThunderClan warriors with cold precision, calculating, waiting for the opportune moment. Howlpaw sees this as weakness—a vulnerability in their readiness. That one slight pause is all it needs. In a heartbeat, it lunges forward, teeth bared, aiming for the first point it can reach. It feels the wild thrill as its jaws extend, aimed toward Lividsmoke's shoulder, attempting to sink into the meat of it. Assumedly, Lividsmoke reacts, but it doesn't matter to Howlpaw whether they're prepared or not. Howlpaw's instincts take over, carrying it into a fierce, unrestrained assault, each movement fueled by raw momentum. It launches another strike, this time aiming for Lividsmoke's flank, aiming to have its claws dig into the thick fur and skin without thought or hesitation. A low growl rises from Howlpaw's chest, a sound more born of exhilaration than anger.

The sounds of the battle melt away, and it's just the two of them—a tangled clash of claws, fur, and muscle. Howlpaw relishes each moment. Every strike it attempts feels like breaking chains it didn't know it carried. There's no one here to tell it to hold back, no rule to follow, just the primal drive pushing it further. It pounces forward, a quick swipe of its paw intended to break their focus, to corner them. Its body moves with a frightening fluidity, each motion fierce and swift. Another strike follows, this time targeting Lividsmoke's leg, an attempt to unsteady them, to press them down and force them to stay within reach. Every instinct in Howlpaw screams to press forward, to take advantage of the moment. Howlpaw's breaths come fast and heavy, each exhale a testament to the thrill that floods it with each movement. This is what freedom feels like, it thinks—a wild release with nothing to hold it back.

It pushes its advantage, moving in close to try to make it harder for Lividsmoke to fight back. Howlpaw's mind sharpens with each step it takes, each moment where its strength meets resistance. There's no room for anything else but the battle, no room for hesitation, and certainly no room for mercy. For once, it doesn't have to keep its words measured, its actions restrained. Here, it doesn't have to pretend to be anything but exactly what it is— a vicious creature formed by circumstance.

[ fighting @LIVIDSMOKE ! interactions preplanned, please don't interfere (unless u are tigerwing :3) ]​
  • Like
Wildheart thundered after Roeflame as she led the way to the site of the latest horror to befall ThunderClan. RiverClan was battling them at Sunningrocks, but alas he could not be everywhere at once. He had to focus on this, he had to defend his home against ShadowClan! A snarl rumbled from the tom as he swept his gaze across the conflict before him. "Today you fight to protect your home! Work with your clan mates and drive these vermin back to the shadows!" He growled in hopes of rallying his apprentices to the cause. But now he had to focus on finding someone to sink his claws into.

"I just hope I am not forced to kill again…" A shiver threatened to push through him at the thought of it, and bitter memories of Flametongue tore through his mind. If it came to it could he do it again?

//Wildheart is OPEN to interactions/opponents, including multiple! Just tag me, and I'm open to being messaged for any planned interactions :)

Apprentice tags @Ravenpaw and @SPIDERPAW

leafhusk watches the citrus form of her apprentice dash through the foliage. she feels horrible that he's forced to witness another battle so soon, but she has faith he'll do her proud. her eyes flicker to fadingpaw for a quick second, hoping that skyclaw taught her something useful in battle. there's no time to give her clanmates any words of encouragement, as someone over enemy lines catches her shadow.

a rookie mistake is turning your back on the enemy. fool her twice, and feel the burning pain of enemy jaws clamping into her shoulder. leafhusk yells out, barley having enough time to see who's even attacking her. someone pissed, no doubt, as blood flows from the fresh wound.

she hears the wails of her clanmates as they became quickly outnumbered by the marsh-dwellers. had mirestar brought their whole clan? all of this… for a measly piece of territory, for a body they didn't even know about. panic twists into adrenaline as she lurches an unsheathed paw forward, aiming to rake her claws on sharpshadow. anywhere to find purchase.

attacking @SHARPSHADOW , closed for further interactions


-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
The moonlight illuminates only so much as Roeflame continues to tear through the crowd, though her original target had already been long lost in the chaos. More ShadowClanners spill through the shadows, their marsh-scent making Roeflame want to gag.

When her eyes lock onto Ferndance, it is by random chance. As the deputy closes in from behind the distracted ShadowClan warrior, it is an invisible pull that draws angry claws upon the enemy warriors back as Roeflame aims to pounce on Ferndance, relying on the element of surprise to sink her claws deep into the other she-cats shoulders with a hiss. "You don't belong here, scum!" The brassed tabby would snarl, ears pinned to her skull.

It's pure hatred that Roeflame runs on now, both pre-existent and new, fresh rage-born resentment. ShadowClan was an ugly smear to the warrior name, tonight only confirmed that for Roeflame; who's mind now could only scream How dare you.
  • attacking @FERNDANCE - pre -planned interaction
  • ROEFLAME she/her, Deputy of Thunderclan, twenty-seven moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Dovepaw & Dwindlingpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Skin breaks. Blood gushes. Past the screaming and past the matt of oak-scent fur, Sharpshadow can see the peeling back of Sneezeduck's hesitation. She doesn't dare feel relief, but she hopes adrenaline rocks through them both the same way. Irate breath fans hot against a tawny pelt. She thinks of her earlier battles— clashes with WindClan as a paw... at an age where she should've been one still. Smogstar at her side, the deputy— but more importantly: alive and here. She had been terrified. Only by the grace of StarClan, or maybe, something far too kind to be StarClan, had she kept her vision.

He didn't want to terrify, not really. And as Leafhusk's scream rattles her blood, she wonders if that's the thing she's doing. All she wanted to do is live, though; and to do it without scrabbling at every foothold. Maybe Sootstar had thought in order to do the latter, that former was necessary.

Sharpshadow grunts as claws score against the thin fur of her chest, crisscrossing in jagged lines. Maybe the smart thing to do was back off, but- she had this advantage, didn't she? Mistakes should never be forgotten. Sharpshadow wouldn't let her with teeth held fast at her shoulder, seeking meat in the way that a badger might. One paw tethering him to the ground, the other looks to scrabble with Leafhusk's own. Though- with most of her fury tunneled into her bite, the retaliating slashes would be clumsier. Blood-scent threatens to make her head spin.

OOC: engaging @leafhusk !
· · ───────────── ·𖥸· ───────────── · ·

Maybe it was embarassment that drove her to pursue a path different from her mentor... whatever the case, she'd made sure Stormywing had understood her departure hadn't meant anger... only certainty. She was getting older, more prosperous in her skills, independent. She would defend this border and make her mentor proud while silver paws drew blood along river stones. She rushes through the undergrowth to follow Roeflame and the other reinforcements, mind sprinting through her concerns. They were going to be outnumbered... surely... the timing was too perfect, too coordinated. How long had they planned this? Had the last Gathering been a warning...?

Had Mirestar laid out the accusation as a final chance to do... something? What could be done? ThunderClan didn't murder that ShadowClan cat!

By the time they burst through, she takes in the reek of blood already spilled, the Thunderpath's nearby stench. Leafhusk is grappling someone and many others are in their own battles... I'll prove it, she thinks, brow set with determination as she locks on an enemy apprentice that she might actually stand a chance against. I'll prove I always picked ThunderClan. Maybe then they might forgive her.

Her tail lashes, drawing herself as tall as her short legs will allow, ears folded back with a growl. "Pretty pathetic move, don't you think," she asks, using the moment to verbally grapple and build up her own confidence, whet her blades, "Have to let RiverClan fight your battles too?" Her claws dig into peaty earth for a moment before a loud breath encourages her to lunge forward and attempt to tackle Talonpaw.

*+:。.。 Singeglare had tasted death at the paws of an opponent before. Although it shocked him that Shadowclan had experienced a bought of peace so long that he might've gone his entire year of life without ever experiencing his first real war, that didn't mean he lacked experience. His first glimpse into what it was like to lose. It had tasted like blood and dirt, humiliation tinged with clawing, desperate frustration. He refused to lose like that again.

This was a fight for Applejaw's honor. To avenge her, and all the cats who had been slain before her whose murderers had gone unpunished for too damn long. In truth, this was also a fight for himself. For the boy who thought he could touch the edge of his homeland and come back a hero...rather than a fool within an inch of his life. This battle would prove how far he's come. It would prove that, never again would he let another one of his friends get hurt on his watch.

He was upon Wildheart in an instant, bursting from the mass of screeching cats like a tongue of flame from the belly of a wildfire. He aims to tackle into Wildheart, claws scrambling for any fur and flesh he could hook onto. Admittedly, it was quite messy - overeager and wrecked with nerves, with no escape plan to be had. His head roared with an adrenaline-fueled blood rush, no conceivable thought to be had. Not a great start.

  • // Attacking @WILDHEART <3

    Rolled a 4/20 for defense and 12/20 for attack, use that however you'd like <3

  • "SPEECH"
    Cismale — He/him — Heterosexual
    12 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowflutter, Sneezeduck)
    Shadowclan — warrior

    Physically medium | mentally somewhat easy
    Attack inbold #b8312f
    injuries: none


"Loser eats crowfood," the cinnamon tabby beamed as Singeglare whizzed past her, a toothy grin splitting her muzzle. Her heart thrummed from the thrill of a fight unfought, of two young apprentices hoping to do what they did now only to have reality hit them with its big claws and teeth. 'Not anymore. We're gonna be heroes.' They were going to avenge Applejaw, they were going to get the land needed to sustain their growing clan in leafbare, they were going to be great.

But Bloodwing couldn't be great if she just stood cheering her friend on as he barrelled towards a ThunderClanner.

She watched the undergrowth erupt with life, ThunderClanners pushing through the bracken and bramble with claws unsheathed and eyes full of anger. Bloodwing ran to meet them, ducking beneath a stranger that had leapt for her and whipping around to see their attention already stolen by another ShadowClanner. Disappointment threatened to grind her momentum to a halt - she wanted her first real fight to be special, one-on-one, a flurry of exchanged blows where she would eventually come out on top.

She swiveled around to see a smaller, more hesitant figure - an adult in her eyes, and after seeing how tough the withdrawn Sneezeduck had been, she didn't buy that sheepishness was all their was to the ThunderClanner. Bloodwing charged Orangepaw, aiming to barrel into him with all her body weight, claws aiming to hook into the fur upon their chest as they both fell down.

[ @ORANGEPAW. -- pre-planned interaction ]
  • Love

Her breaths burned. Scalejaw's eyes had watched, careful and sharp, from the bushes. Mirestar had talon-selected her to join the patrol on Shadowclan's war-cry of a battle, leaving the inexperienced behind. She had groomed, carefully picked at her claws to ensure they were clean and sharp, fed so she would not be weary. Prepared. More prepared then I was for the Great Battle, she thinks to herself. This time, she does not look at her clanmates as they move into position, she does not spare a glance to ensure her clanmates were poised and ready.

If they weren't, it was their death.

Her lungs pulled air, slow and steady, quiet- burning with need for more, but she knew it was better to remain quiet then to give away her need for air as adrenaline started to thrum in her body. It was like a well-composed song, one that honed her focus and cleared her vision. Scalejaw's eyes were wide, yellow-oranges trained forward on Mirestar as the negotiations failed. Expected, considering how Thunderclan refused to take anything lying down. Now.

Scalejaw doesn't immediately leap into the fray. She looks for weak points, standing near where Mirestar had originally stood- maybe they still remain there, she is unsure. The lead warrior's eyes skip from battle to battle, but even with Thunderclan reinforcements on their way, they were losing. Surprise attacks from both ends... her vision shifts towards Mirestar's briefly and she offers a tiny, minute nod. That's when Swansong's catch slips away from the Shadowclan warrior, and Scalejaw's vision snaps back to the battle and she pushes into action.

The feathered lead warrior leapt into the fray, past tussles and claws and blood, leaping at @TALLSTEP. She is faster, her paws more deft with clear focus. If her leap lands, she's twisted them around until Tallstep is pinned under her brutal form, eyes narrowed. "Only cowards turn their back. Thunderclan has fallen so far." She spits out, and where Swansong's talons had hovered and hesitated, hers struck true. Scalejaw's talon-like claws ripped into and down Tallstep's side and belly, gouging deep.

There is no glee in her eyes, no shake in her chest. This is just another day. This is business. This is battle and war. She thinks nothing of it beyond ridding the field of another enemy, beyond ensuring her clan's, and her family's safety for winter.
  • "speech"
    // pre-planned interaction! please do not attack!
    // mentioning @MIRESTAR bc scale briefly looked at them
  • SCALEJAW 🌧 she/her, lead warrior of shadowclan, sixty-six moons.
    A SH black/LH blue smoke chimera with glowering orange eyes, tufts of fur that make her look dragon-akin, and scars that she wears with pride. motherly and stern attitude, with a warm streak for clanmates and a cruel streak for enemies.
    mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / mother to bonerattle, nightwhisper, and shadefall
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


The battle is thick, singing of blood, by the time Antlerbreeze arrives. Her heart is in her throat now too, thundering with the anxiety of a repeat, a repeat, a repeat. It sings to her. Skyclaw's death, following Howlingstar's death. Her mentor is somewhere up above, watching them, right? She inhales sharply, trying to steel her heart, leaping into the fray. Much like Roeflame, she finds herself stuck, trying to find gaps to weave through. It is easier to imagine them as twisting snakes, roots meant to trip and branches twirling in her vision.

She finds her path then, weaving through the tiny gaps of fighting cats. Antlerbreeze was named for her agility- it is only fair she uses it to her advantage here. Lips are pulled back and teeth bared at Mirestar as she emerges in front of them, sizing the leader up. Did she understand that she could easily lose here? She knew, intimately, what a leader's lost life looked like, and knew that they bounced back from wounds that would leave any other cat in Starclan's paws.

That does not mean she couldn't try. Heart thundering in her ears, Antlerbreeze speaks with a level of calm only Howlingstar herself could have taught her. "You really think that this is justified?" She says, slowly beginning to circle Mirestar. She ignores the tremors in her paws, ignores any warrior that attempts to reach her like the lethal and sharp edges of what Antlerpoison was. That part of her had been boxed up and hidden away, locked in a cage- it was screaming now to be let free.

"Starclan will judge you, Mirestar." She utters. "Your survival is not guaranteed." Your wasn't just them standing before her- no, it was the entirety of Shadowclan, reeking of marsh and Thunderpath. They were not handed prey just because the territory might have ended up claimed.

Antlerbreeze strikes then, her front paws lifting up and aiming to crash down @MIRESTAR, talons digging into a leg and dragging down. If successful, theres a sharp twinge of pain in her shoulder. That was a move better suited to those larger then her, and she knew that, but her sparring skills were rusty. Curses slipped from her maw as she refocused.
  • "speech"
    // attacking mirestar! not open to any interactions at this time.
  • ANTLERBREEZE she/her, warrior of thunderclan, fifteen moons.
    LH cinnamon lynx sepia with low white. smaller body, agile and slippery, fits really well in small gaps in the underbrush. soft spoken but strong and determined.
    previously mentored by howlingstar / / mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / sibling to fallowbite and doepath
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

ooc: attacking basilpaw + more preplanned attacks ahead, closed for other interactions. calling out to @antlerbreeze + speaking to @SPARKPAW

The sound of his own panicked, heavy paw-steps slamming onto frosted grass and quickened breaths seemed to be all that the dark-colored tom could hear as he and Sparkpaw ran through ThunderClan territory in a total silence. Addersnap had no comforting words to give to the apprentice, in all honestly. He had none to give to himself, either. How could he prepare someone when he himself had only fought in one other battle and only barely managed to get out?

Shaking his head, the young warrior turned his head to look at Sparkpaw, avoiding eye contact in order to not see whatever fear may be on both of their faces. "W... we haven' gotten-ta pr- prac- practice on ya sparrin' 'n' 'm sorry fo' that. Bu' y- you're-a cape-a-ble kid. Ya got 'his. Jus'... don' let-em get ya on ya back wit' ya belly ex-posed. Don' give up. Figh' for 'HunderClan." Addersnap didn't know if his out-of-breath words were really for his apprentice or for himself.

As they got closer, the yowls from battle were hard to ignore as Addersnap tried to get himself together. He had to push away his fear. He couldn't -- he wouldn't let it control him as it had during the uprising. If he had been more aggressive, if he had just used more force, he could have fended off the Skyclaw follower that attacked him and dislocated his shoulder. Setting his posture upright, he flicked his gaze back to Sparkpaw as the cries were now echoing through the forest. "We're 'ere." The words were gasped out, confidence now surging his words as he skid to a halt on the outskirts of the area.

Addersnap hadn't thoroughly prepared himself for another battle. The boy had assumed after the uprising that there would be time to recover, time to think what happened through (which he would never do, he only liked to imagine he would) and to correct his mistakes enough to be ready for the next fight. Yet here he stood, claws rooted into the soil like the oaks that surrounded them as he stood with an open maw and wide golden eyes. He had to swallow the bile that wished to leave him, panting from how fast that they had ran here enough to make his stomach swirl more. Why couldn't he just be a kit again, hiding away in the nursery?

Antlerbreeze is a flash as she passes him, weaving in between hissing cats as though they were tree trunks. His fear releases its grip on his heart as he yowls out to her, his voice yet heavy like sap with worry. "Giv' 'em hell, An'lerbreeze!" Leafhusk's last words to him before she and the former kittypets had gone into hiding still stuck with the tom even to this day.

Eyes frantically darting through the fighting cats that were in front of them, Addersnap whipped around to Sparkpaw with newfound confidence, sunlit hues now flared up like the sun itself. "Y- you had experience with Redfang. I trust ya ta be 'ble ta fight on ya own, Spar'paw. If ya need me, holle' my name. I will be the-re." And with that, he jumped into the battle, his pelt now blending in with the many others that surrounded him.

Dashing through the crowded area with ease -- his long legs allowing him to be able to weave through with less difficulty than most -- Addersnap watched as Antlerbreeze brought an attack down on Mirestar, as Leafhusk raised her claws to Sharpshadow with hitched breaths. He couldn't worry about them right now. He had to have faith they would make it out alright. That they would make it out alive. Just like he would, and many more ThunderClanners. Despite being outnumbered, the tabby knew they would prevail. They always have.

Honey-colored eyes narrow to slits as he ducks down into the crowd, maw opened to pick up the scent of the ShadowClanner he had been tracking. It had been an apprentice that had caught his eye before diving into the battle, and though he would rather fight someone older than he or close in age, the tomcat couldn't be picky right now about who he would sink his claws into. Any ShadowClanner he saw was a good one. And this one had no idea that he had been following him, waiting for the perfect moment to catch him off-guard.

He had finally found that moment.

With claws unsheathed, Addersnap dug them into the ground as he opened his jaw to clamp his teeth hard around @BASILPAW's tail, yanking just enough to hopefully throw the apprentice off-balance and onto his side, knocking the wind out of the ShadowClanner and pinning Basilpaw to the ground by placing paws on his head and flank. He panted, muscles twitching as the urge to extend his claws out for the apprentice's stomach lingered on his mind. But why not play with him instead? Make him regret having ever having come out to participate in this battle against ThunderClan. The young warrior flashed his teeth as a grin placed itself upon his features, a taunt towards the apprentice to try and get him to fight back. His grip on Basilpaw was light on purpose, and hopefully he would notice.
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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- part of him is regretting even coming back. he should have just hid, or something, because he isn't great at fighting. not because he doesn't know what to do, because of course he does, he just doesn't want to hurt anyone. why would he? everyone deserves a chance to be treated with kindness, and yet... here they were, seeing another attack. from two clans. and thunderclan is suck in the middle for something they didn't do. it wasn't their fault, they didn't do anything wrong– but the stars punish them anyways. he tries to look around, the need to protect his clan the only thing keeping him around. but it was a bad idea. what wasn't a bad idea, anymore, to be quite honest. nothing thunderclan did worked out for them anymore. he feels sick, especially when he is barreled into. he's not a small tom cat, a little taller than the average warrior, but he was still lean. he was easily caught off guard, and pinned to the ground, feeling claws push into his chest.

"h-hey! you don't have to do this!"

he insists. he doesn't wanna hurt the warrior and it's clear because even when he decides to defend himself, his claws aren't out. he's just using the strength of his legs, ignoring the way his hind legs burns, as he tries to push bloodwing off of him, by kicking with his hind legs. if successful, he would roll over snd get up, standing defensively with his ears pinned back.

"why are you doing this...? what did... why?"


⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊ The smell of blood, the yowls of pain, the way the ground seems to pulse whenever bodies collide. This time she wouldn't falter and be caught by surprise; her lower back burned, but sharp blue eyes wouldn't spare it a glance. Their deputy breaks away her target, already spotted in the crowd of warriors and rat faces. But Dwindlingpaw waits, crouched low among the underbrush, picking apart unfamiliar pelts from the darkening shadows.

The pouncing of her heart drowns out the noise, and she takes a calming breath. The cold at least helps keep her mind on track; she beats they feel justified trying to gain more territory because of it. Lies. Shadowclan had never complained about empty bellies before, and had they come to Thunderclan asking for help, all this could have been avoided.

Her gaze locks onto a dark-colored fur with light paws. Dwindlingpaw shifts her weight forward as a path clears towards them and leaps out of the thicket, cutting the distance between them. Her red paws thunderous along the ground as she picks up speed. She throws her whole body weight into them, aiming to knock them over before trying to pin them under herself with claws unsheathed."Your leader is a coward, and you're a fool for trying to help him. Dwindlingpaw hisses, her face uncaring with the ghost of a frown. "Should have stayed in the shadows away from our fangs."

  • ooc:@plumpaw
  • 87860419_VubmXDbkHlztzEw.png
    Dwindlingpaw— She/Her ・ 10 moons ・ Thunderclan apprentice・ PENNED BY @Ghostunes!
    ☀︎ A charismatic colorful array of cream orange and red fur shaped like an apprentice.
    ☀︎ Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    ☀︎ Tags