sensitive topics ALL OF MY DIRECTS ♡ INVASION?

Basilpaw had find his opponent, locked his eyes onto them as he rushed straight in to claim his victory and! - suddenly his tail got yanked back with force and with a suprised yelp Basilpaw was sent backwards and lost his balance during the whole process, and before knowing it he had got knocked down to his side. Basilpaw had barely anytime to think over what had just happend, to take in any of it even less so for it to cross his mind to hurry back on his paws again. That was all taken away from him as he felt a pressure get slammed down upon his head to hold him down there with his cheek pressed to the dirt.

It was not until he was able to cast a side-glance up from the corner of his eye that it hit him, and the second it did his eyes widen in fear, all previous confidence gone along with the wind as it just hit him how real this actually was. How serious this situation was, how vulnerable he actually was right now. That grin the thunderclan warrior flashed him did not make it any better, it sent a shiver down his spine. This was bad!, really, really bad!. He looked ready him. No, wait!. Hold on a moment!. That couldn't be true!, it couldn't happen...Basilpaw couldn't die...

Panic kicked in as he pictured himself in all different ways this thunderclanner could kill slashing down his belly... " No...GET AWAY!!, GET AWAY!!." he bursted out and in fear of his own life that he believed was in danger started to struggle underneath the other tom in hope to get struggle himself free, and the moment he realized he was not in a such tight grip... Basilpaw rolled around to his back as he send his unsheathed claws right past Addersnap face before he rolled back on his stomach again and started to crawl away and stumbled back on his paws again, before swiftly turning back around to face the thunderclanner with a trembling grin that matched well with his legs that was trembling like a leaf. Aha...he wanted to run!, to flee but he couldn't...right?. He was suppose to fight!.

Basilpaw looked absolutely terrified, his thoughts all and everywhere. But his paws moved forward with a wide fearful look as he went straight towards Addersnap, and with a clumpsy move attempted to use his claws once more to slash the warrior this time across thier face with his forepaw and during the whole time only one thing crossed his paniced mind. i'm scared.

// attacking @ADDERSNAP


Loud, heavy steps could be detected coming right behind them. It was clear that someone tried to use the same method, the same technique of suprise that they had been planning. Lividsmoke reacted swiftly as they dodged to the side and watched as the unkown enemy came dashing right in front of thier eyes. It apprentice?. Lividsmoke would have suspected it to be an warrior that would come for them but an apprentice...that explained why thier ambush had been so clumsy, easy to detact, or thunderclan overall were not good at stealth.

The apprentice came at them again, not long after the first blow leaving little room to predict what to do next, so this time when Lividsmoke moved out of the way felt the stinging pain when thier flank got caught by the claws slashing through thier skin. With narrowed orbs while on the move as they dashed past them aimed for Howlpaw's ankle with a claw to slash that vunerable spot in hope to slow it's movements down.

Quick they where to create distance between the two again to plot out thier next attack and not until now noticed how young this apprentice looked to be. What mentor would leave thier apprentice to fight alone?. This one clearly lacked experience and training for that matter, acting rather reckless and with aggression, a feral beast. Its size had been noted as well. Someone who fought like this, aiming blow after blow would get out of breath soon enough, to tire itself out. Lividsmoke should use this to thier own advantage to tire this apprentice out until its movements become slower.

Lividsmoke flattered thier ears, because the apprentice was on a move again and the warrior studied it closely as it came closer with a rapid speed, once more they took a turn to the side to avoid it but thier leg ended up becoming a target claws sinked into flesh, however, like Lividsmoke could predict what this apprentice was trying to do they swiftly turned around and aimed to cast mud into it's eyes with thier forepaw, only to follow the attack up with claws lashing out to slash the apprentice right across it's face before retreating back but not without taking this opportunity as they run back around it and aimed to bite down at Howlpaw's ankle, once more aiming for a vunerable spot that would slow thier movements down.

// attacking @HOWLPAW



Anger had come crashing down on him the moment he realized that all of this must have been planned– that the chances of two clans attacking them at the exact same time was far too coincidental to be a thing of chance. And on the heels of Skyclaws betrayal as well. Could his clan not find any peace? Were Riverclan and Shadowclans intention to simply wipe them out while they were still trying to find their normalcy?

Under regular circumstances, Brighteyes wasn't one to act decisively. He was the kind of cat who often hesitated or got distracted during tasks, earning him a reputation for being clumsy and less skilled than many of his peers– likely the reason he'd not yet been given an apprentice with others like Wildheart had.

But there was no time for that hesitation today. No time for the usual insecurities as he sprinted alongside his clanmates through the undergrowth, his sleek tabby form refusing to hold back. Outrage sparked inside of him, an adrenaline like electricity crackling in his veins. He couldn't afford to hesitate– not when so much was at stake and his clanmates were giving their all.

As they arrived upon the scene, chaos was already unfolding all around him. The time for negotiations was gone, and he found himself looking around for an opponent to fight or a clanmates in need of help.

OOC- closed to attack! He has a planned fight with Sparrowheart that will be continuing in another thread once they post here and attack!


all leafhusk knows, is how to fight for her life. if she thinks about it, she remembers the wolves teaching her to be careful. her own clanmates; never let your guard down. when she killed yewflame, it was self-defense, and the whole time she was terrified. sharpshadow's breath chills against a fresh wound, thumping like a heartbeat. it drums in rhythm to her own. the freezing, bitter air numbs any sort of fear she might begin to feel. she isn't sure if that's a good thing.

in battle, an intensity to live is all you need. leafhusk can feel it with how sharpshadow's jaws sink into the meat of her shoulder. that's what this is, isn't it? a desire to keep your clan fed as the weather freezes everything it can. at least, she supposes— sharpshadow's personal turmoils are lost on her. leafhusk's mouth clamps shut, her screams ebbed into sounds of struggle moments ago.

claws awkwardly clack together, a decent amount of swipes manage to nick fresh wounds. bracing herself, the warrior pulls her free forearm up, trying to push her claws into sharpshadow's own shoulder. if successful, leafhusk will use her strength to pry her off, and hopefully shove her away. the teeth on her shoulder makes it difficult to use both forepaws, but she hopes the weight difference will aid her in strength.



Crouched low in the undergrowth, the dark tom simply shifted a loose fern in his mouth. Back, and forth- left and right-

Mirestar stood alone across the border, their head held high. He seen their new leader as full of power, just as the others before them. Respect earned by not only rank, but time. They had a solid plan going, in his opinion. Thunderclan wouldn't expect a front of two, hell, not even one. So carefully of constructed a plan, with Thunderclan expecting nothing.

And at the call, he'd slide forward like a snake, movements delicate, spitting out the fern, before facing the Thunderclan apprentice. He already looked as if he'd been through a war, one eye open while the other scarred shut, markings trailing down to his jawline. One blue eye watches her as she spits taunting words from her maw, which, as he trails around a little, he shrugs his shoulders with disinterest. "As I see it- were here fighting our battles, while Riverclan fights for theirs. I don't see riverclanners here, do you?" He asked, his voice neutral, a paw waving his clanmates.

Hell, he barely knew much about Riverclan. He didn't care to know. He knew or at least practiced to take them down, as with any other clan. In the end, only your clan mattered, not theirs.

And he wouldn't let this thunderclanner piss him off. Hell, he didn't even care to talk to her. He was here to take their territory and score more food. They can consider them weak, but he considered Shadowclan to be smart.

Mottledpaw aimed to throw herself at him, momentarily digging claws into the dirt, and he, relaxed as ever, pulled himself slightly out of the way in a viper like movement, only to try to barge his shoulder into her while mid air. If successful to knock her out of the air and intercept, he would attempt to tear up, exposing his belly- but he'd hope to slam an unsheathed paw down on him.

Amberhaze was teaching him well, he quite enjoyed the presence and respect they had earned between each other. But his mentor was hard on himself, and twitchy, but it didn't bother him as much as Amberhaze seemed to think.


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He shifted, his icey hues giving a soft glow as he watched Mirestar through the undergrowth. A shadow, he'd wait haunched like a predator, waiting for the moment to finally strike. The black tabby could barely wait, claws digging into the earth in anticipation, before finally-

His eyes watched as one of Thunders own spoke, confusion muddling their eyes, and the apprentice tilting her head. Naive, to believe that they would not take advantage of the time and place, he thought. And after a few moments, cats began flooding from shadows at Mirestar summon.

They would be surprised, call for backup- but they had a whole clan... And little did they know-

His spindly legs creeped forward, trailing and stalking around the perimeter as rather quickly, others filled in. Blood spilled across the grass, and Sparrowheart would wait.

Wait until- a grey and black warrior would come in, gaze seeming aimless, unsure of himself. And sparrow would talk advantage of that hesitation. He'd charge forward, claws free from their cage, as he aimed to throw himself into the thunderclanner.

They cling to each other like otters, her and Ferndance, two pairs of green eyes dancing between each flickering pelt (between the flash of fang and claw... blood would be next, Needledrift knew. It was all she could do to keep from panicking at the thought.) They hold each other for a long moment. It is Ferndance that breaks their illusion, the one that they had never been too confident in since that fateful day in the snow: ShadowClan is not safe.

In the illusion, she almost says: Let's run. We should take the kids and run for the mountains, not an ear twitched back for the hell of this.[/i] In the illusion, she almost adjusts her lips to mouth the words against Ferndance's ear, the frightened words of an anxious mother disguised as a lover's gentle caress. But the illusion, however tempting, had been broken and they were not in the mountains... safe... loved... untouchable. They were in the heat of battle, each a head among the hydra that had sprung from the shadows; they were present, hated, and unguarded and wholly cold. Even the mountain air had not been so frigid as the ice that had pierced ShadowClan's heart the day they had found Applejaw's body. So soon after her father's corpse claimed a distant journey did she walk to join him... only to find the claws of a ThunderClan reaper ready to claim her: it was almost like Applejaw's ghost had brought with it the early leaf-bare... a punishment for a murder most foul.

Needledrift had believed them. ThunderClan were noble cats, represented by wise, courageous warriors. The journey had introduced her to Stormywing, Gentlestorm, and Nightbird: cats who had laid down their lives for another clan no matter the history. She couldn't imagine Flamestar or Little Wolf ever harming a singular (perhaps audacious) cat on patrol... Flamewhisker alone was not the kind of person to knowingly kill another woman's child, of that Needledrift was sure. Flamestar was a mother, just the same as her, still the same as Halfshade - even if she was not now alive to claim the title.
No, no, it couldn't be a ThunderClanner, absolutely....

Before she could even share the thought with Ferndance, Mirestar's battle cry beckoned and she (damn her loyalty) was compelled to comply -

She feels Ferndance slide away from her - first distantly, then very, very acutely. The realization came twice... once as a screech, and secondarily as a roar from her own mouth as a silvery she-cat leapt for her mate.

"MOVE!" and what is meant to be alarm was turned to fury as she shoved Ferndance away, and in that second Needledrift's little body ached with effort, fueled solely by the need to protect.

Roeflame crashes against her like a wave, and for a moment, they are both lost to the riptide. Where Ferndance's scapula had been, Needledrift's chest now caught Roeflame's outstretched talons, sleek and vicious in the threaded moonlight. She could feel a screech touch the top of her throat, but if any sound came out, it was purely instinct as she scrambled for purchase against Roeflame's throat, aiming to bite and rip at the tender flesh beneath her jaw.

// pre-planned interaction, please do not interfere ; tagging @ROEFLAME . and @FERNDANCE

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Her original target is unceremoniously knocked to safety, and instead Roeflame feels her claws sink themselves into the flesh of another, her plan of attack thrown to the wind as the two collide.

Roeflame hisses, but the sound is overwhelmed by the she-cats contorted howl. In the end, the tabby remains on top, though a victory seems far from her reach.

Teeth graze against the soft skin above Roeflame's jugular, just finding hold; it's Roeflame's turn to cry out. She's seen the way the ShadowClanners eyes have come alive with dangerous desperation; lethal. I will be making it back to my family tonight. A promise Roeflame wouldn't dare risk. In a fight to the death, the brassed she-cat would choose herself every time, she always had.

Making a split-second counter decision, the ThunderClanner uses her two forepaws and aims to clamp her claws around Needledrift's delicate throat and sink them deep, before ultimately attempting to forcibly shove the opponent's jaws away from her and towards the blood-ribboned soil. Roeflame's celadon hues glisten with the same frenzied instinct that reflected dimly in her enemies' own. She doesn't let go from her deathly hold. Roeflame can't. I choose me.
  • @Needledrift
  • ROEFLAME she/her, Deputy of Thunderclan, twenty-seven moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Dovepaw & Dwindlingpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


This is it. This is Gigglepaw's very first battle, her first step into the reality of the war that often divides the Clans from one another. She wishes she were stepping into battle alongside Forestshade, but she also knows that it's for the best that Forestshade isn't here for this - it's one less risk. Still, she stands beside Sharpshadow, Ferndance and Needledrift, her brothers and sisters, awaiting the call to action. And when it comes, Gigglepaw isn't sure what to do, now that she's in the thick of it.

Dodging and weaving through the crowd, Gigglepaw notices that the warriors that were around her have split off into their own scuffles, leaving her on her own. Ferndance is fighting with a ThunderClanner, and before Gigglepaw can bite out a warning, Needledrift dives in to save her mate. Gigglepaw watches in horror as her mothers get further embroiled in their fight.

"'ama!" Gigglepaw squeaks, as bodies rush past her. She tries to break through the tide, tries to get to her mothers' sides, to help them fight off this new menace to their family. "'ama! Oof-" She's halfway there when a figure tackles her off her stride, and her head reels as she hits the dirt. She flattens her ears and looks up at the enemy now facing her.

And so it begins. Briarthorn was quick to match her stance, snarling teeth mere inches from one another as they circled like old rivals. Murderers. That accusation had been thrown their way a lot recently, without even a lick of proof. Thunderclan had done nothing of the kind, and this entire fight for revenge was pointless. At the end of it all, the forest clan would emerge victorious, and Shadowclan would still lack the vengeance they desired. The killer they chased was not here and never had been. But on one thing, they could agree. Words were pointless now.

The shadow-furred molly was the first to break their dance, leaping for Palefire in a flurry of claws and teeth. Sharp pain blossomed on her flank as her opponent's attack landed swiftly, marring her skin with streaks of red and drawing an indignant hiss from the Thunderclanner. She could feel the crimson ichor leaving a hot trail down her side. The scent of copper now permeating the air spurred her fury, and the lynx-point twisted around while Briarthorn was still firmly attached to her hip, aiming to sink her fangs deep into the molly's shoulder.

She struggled internally with the determination not to look back and check that her apprentices were okay. It took every ounce of willpower to keep her attention firmly locked on the threat that still had her claws deep in her flesh. They're fine. Focus. Palefire needed to get out of the Shadowclanner's grasp; needed space to calculate her next move. The bitter tang of blood painted her tongue as she released her jaws from Briarthorn's shoulder, simultaneously trying to give a solid kick of her hind legs to her side in an attempt to dislodge her grip. If she was successful, Palefire would stumble back a few tail-lengths, icy gaze gleaming as her chest heaved with panting breaths.

  • [ @Briarthorn ]
  • 1HGrVLs.png
    PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 20 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes
    single, crushing on no one / npc x npc / sister to bluestride
    mentoring meadowpaw & ivorypaw / mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / all opinions ic
    underline and tag when attacking
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots.
Pinpricks of crimson spring to life at Roeflame's ivory beckon, and Needledrift could not see much see but feel the inky black begin to spread at the edges of her vision. Something downy and cream hovered somewhere outside her peripheral, known, but unseen. In its place, Roeflame held sway, whole and encompassing... a bear-trap sprung with only the crows as warning. Needledrift spit angrily up at her attacker, her claws reaching, grasping for tongue, lip, cheek, eye.

Tear the sight from her, let her find the irony in her shadows!

It's an ugly thought that comes unbidden, and as quickly as it did... it did not, but Needledrift could not halt. She could not wriggle away from this with a change of mindset. It was no kit's battle that she had been commanded to; this was war, brought on by those that lurked in shadows but roared in their arrogance. She still could not believe that a ThunderClanner killed Applejaw, but this one... she was sure that this cat would kill her.

With a snarl, Needledrift kicked up and back with her hindlegs, moving to fling Roeflame by the hips away from her with all the momentum she could muster. If she could get back to the shadows, she could recuperate. Cloaked in darkness, she could endure, whereas a ThunderClanner would rot in the same circumstance. If she could only move - !
  • Crying
Reactions: Deidre
The sound of roar rages around him. It is not quite music to his ears, though the pounding of pawsteps around him synchronize like the beat of drums. It makes his mind whirl - each swift movement in his peripheral, each hiss and slice ringing through his ears. His chest heaves with panicked breaths, even while he is in control.

The apprentice underneath him squirms and thrashes desperately, pleading with him to let go. For a moment, again, Sneezeduck is distracted by shame and uncertainty, merely shoving her against the cold ground as he battles further with his thoughts. I am merciful, he reaffirms to himself, not quite believing his own words. Then, with certainty, cats deserving of mercy.

A well-timed slice to his nose bridge wakes him once more, and Sneezeduck recoils with a pained hiss. The apprentice strikes again, aiming for the vulnerable tissue of his throat while his head is jolted back - but he is ready this time, opening his mouth and snapping his teeth down against her outstretched paw. Somewhere in the crowd, Sharpshadow may be hoping for his victory; but it is not her guidance that he thinks of now.

With his teeth sunk into her paw, Sneezeduck side-steps off of her and utilizes the surprise of his strange move, and the momentum he's gathered, to yank his head to the side, tugging on Ivorypaw and sending her stumbling away from him. But, unlike the cat who showed him such a trick, Sneezeduck is no seasoned warrior - and he is admittedly not much bigger than Ivorypaw himself. His chest heaves with the effort, and he takes a staggering step back to regain himself, watching her with glaring eyes as he takes in long, ragged breaths.

And then, with those same short, infuriated breaths, Sneezeduck stalks forward again with a tired limp to his gait. "For Applejaw," he spits, shifting his weight to lunge his arm forward in a swipe at the girl's right eye with outstretched claws.

im so bad at battle rp sorry if it sounds wonky teehee
interacting with ivorypaw , pre-planned! powerplay perms were given!

  • ooc. text

You don't have to do this, said the ThunderClanner, but Bloodwing could not see a universe where she listened. Images of her clanmate's broken body flashed to the forefront of her mind, her pupils narrowed as she was forced to relive the day she realised that there was no room for friendships within the other clans. Flamestar's denials still stung, Orangepaw's insistence on the same sending a new bristling wave down her spine as heavy pressure kicked into her belly. She felt the muscles around it contract and, as she was forced off of the orange tabby, her next breath came like a fish's out of water.

She staggered back, catching her balance and wiping the spit from her muzzle. "Applejaw," she growled towards her opponent, her remaining ear pinned back. She saw killers she needed to vanquish, she saw a world where this was the heroic thing to do. "You killed her and you ain't even lionhearted enough to admit it!" Bloodwing leaped forwards, once more aiming to tackle into Orangepaw, hind claws hoping to score marks down the other's hind limbs to discourage the use of them against her again.

A thought crossed her mind as she wrestled for victory. When Granitepelt had taken her ear, it had hurt. Aside from a stolen breath, there was no pain in her belly. No blood.

Bloodwing lurched down, aiming to wrap her teeth around Orangepaw's throat. Slowly, she began to apply pressure, hoping the ThunderClanner would begin to choke. Voice muffled and words slurred by her self-made predicament, she hissed out, "Tell me you did it! Admit it.... foxheart and die with.... some self-respect."


  • Wow

Chaos breaks out, and Lavenderpaw finds himself startled backwards by the sudden barrage of screams. It's a blur of bodies out there, muscle and sinew and bone clashing together. Mapletuft had told him not to stray far from her side, but how is he supposed to follow that order if he can barely see her through the fighting? His heart starts thrumming with a familiar terror that the fledgling hates; he's supposed to be tougher, or everything Nonna had put him through would be for nothing.

The spite that suddenly sours his mind is the only thing that unfreezes his paws. He is not letting it be for nothing! Gritting his teeth, he follows at the back of the flood of his Clanmates, trying to find Mapletuft's distinctive autumnal pelt in the throng. What he finds first is an unfamiliar face, an apprentice who smells of ThunderClan and looks close to his age. For a moment, he stares into her big, youthful eyes, so like his own, feeling lost and sick at what he has to do to her to ensure his survival, but he steels himself.

He doesn't want to look at her eyes anymore.

Lavenderpaw darts forward, unsheathing his claws. What's the easiest part of her to hit? If I sweep her paws, she's at my mercy. But am I big enough to pull it off? He makes a clumsy swipe for her face, avoiding eye contact as he aims a painful strike at the tender flesh of her nose. Not good enough! The fledgling retreats with a hasty backwards hop, his fur bushed as he instinctively tries to make himself look bigger than he is.

  • attacking @Bugpaw !
  • LAVENDERPAW he/him, apprentice of shadowclan, six moons
    a small, spiky-furred black smoke tom with odd eyes and white paws. he's resentful of being dumped at shadowclan's paws by his nonna, and avoids his new clanmates as much as he can, but in truth he's a compassionate young cat who romanticizes the world around him. he holds a deep fascination with birds of prey. ic opinions, he is in his pre-teen angst phase and it will get worse before it gets better.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by solaire@funeralscythe on discord, feel free to ping for plots.


-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- there it was, again. shadowclan truly believed with all their heart that thunderclan was responsible for the death of applejaw– so much so that they were willing to hurt shadowclan and risk their own lives for a hint of redemption and revenge. that scared him, because he knew that no matter what he said, it wouldn't matter. they hadn't killed anyone– he tries not to think about the cats that did when their life was in danger within their own rebellion– and yet... he shakes his head.

"n-no! no! we didn't do that– we wouldn't– pl-please–"

the warrior tackles him, and he can't get away from it. the claws down his legs make him wince. he uses his paws to attempt to push her face away from him but even then that doesn't matter. before he can even do anything, he feels teeth around his neck. he can't breath, and he feels dizzy. everything is going black around him as he frantically tries once again to push the molly off of him, but it only gets harder when he can't think about anything but the fact that he cannot breathe.

" i-i don't d...die... w-we... we can be... f....friends... d-dont l...let d...die... i-i'm s... I'm s...s...sorry..."

he gasped between what little breaths he had left. he can only think about his friends in this moment. doepath. gentlestorm. roaringsun. hopepaw. thrashpaw. addersnap. the world only gets darker. he can't speak anymore. he is mere moments from passing out completely– and all he wants is to say he's sorry for her loss. ge...gentlestorm... dad... i'm s...sorry...


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ooc: attacking @BASILPAW, pre-planned interaction!

Heated, panted breaths push through his flared nose as he stood over Basilpaw with his paws precisely placed to keep him at bay. The grin that had found its way onto his maw had remained, still as sinister and intimidating before. He had forgotten the rush that adrenaline gave him -- it was enough to make a child-like warrior feel like a fully-grown, seasoned warrior. His claws sunk softly into Basilpaw's skull, not deep enough to inflict too much damage but enough for the ShadowClanner's blood to run to ice, fear itching in each of his muscles. For Addersnap, he was having to hold back the urge to just finish what he had started.

The tabby had always been so afraid to fight, too caught up in the worry that he may be the one in Basilpaw's position. Yet, here he stood a proud and accomplished warrior, able to take this life below him whenever he pleased. It scared him, in all honesty, to want to harm another -- or possibly worse. But his fear of coming back to ThunderClan and admitting defeat, the terror that seized his heart whenever he thought about dying... it outweighed every moral he may have.

The moment didn't last long as Basilpaw began to squirm underneath his grip, showing Addersnap the fear he had inflicted. "GET AWAY!" The apprentice's screams pierced his ears as he struggled to keep Basilpaw under his paws, brows furrowed in concentration and teeth bared. He wanted to feel this power a little longer. But the gray ShadowClanner was able to roll onto his back, lashing his talons towards Addersnap with surprisingly fast reflexes. The yellow-eyed feline leaned back away from Basilpaw's claws, falling back off of him as Basilpaw started crawling away and to his paws. "Foxdun'!" He spat to himself, lashing his dirtied tail with a gleam in his eye. His right cheek stung as blood dripped onto the soil, a single deep gash hidden amongst fur from one lone claw nagging onto his flesh. Now the kid meant business.

Getting to his paws a few seconds after his opponent, he watches Basilpaw's shaking legs as a pang hits him in his chest. He had been just like that only a few moons ago. However, Basilpaw charged at him, and Addersnap hadn't been ready. Snapping his head back as quickly as he could, it hadn't been enough to avoid the boy's claws digging into his nose. The searing pain was immediate, thick blood oozing from the wound on his nose and staining the fur around it. What... how did this kit do this to him?

Whipping around to face Basilpaw, who had blasted past him after the attack had taken place, it wasn't difficult to pick up on the change in his demeanor. His breathing was heavier, posture slumped yet rigid for battle, claws embedded deep in the ground below. Addersnap wasn't going to lose to lowlife such as a ShadowClanner -- nonetheless an apprentice.

Tucking his tail underneath him to avoid Basilpaw using the same move he had performed, the warrior lunged at Basilpaw, ducking his head in order to bash it against the apprentice's own skull. The impact sent tremors down through his spine, but the shock he was receiving from the adrenaline in his veins made it easy to ignore. The ThunderClanner would place a unsheathed paw on Basilpaw's throat, the pressure he was applying being a lot more aggressive than before as he felt the gray feline's body shake beneath him. Addersnap uttered nothing. He wouldn't offer the formality of asking for 'any last words,' or even give the boy another chance to fight. He was going to end this. Right here, right now. But he hesitated, and that would possibly be his downfall.

⋆⁺₊ ☾ ⁺₊⋆ Swansong hesitates, and it is in that breath that the bicolored warrior slips away. She stumbles, shuts her eyes tight - curses her own cowardice and his in turn.

She is not a violent cat. Her grief is a wounded, bleeding thing. It is not the righteous fury which drove her sister to her own death. It is quiet and crooning, like the call of a dove. Starclan's wrath has never before been hers to deliver; it seems with every request they make she finds more and more of herself slipping away. She contorts herself, keeps her trembling claws unsheathed.

It seems she need not seek out the target of her vengeance. A smaller body crashes into hers, and Swansong's eyes blow wide open. "Thief...?" she echoes breathlessly. Her paws stumble across the grass, glassy gaze fixed upon a sunlit tom. "No, no..." The stars are on her side. If nothing else, she knows this.

She backs away, tail lashing. The apprentice is relentless, but clumsy. She twists herself to catch his blows without severe injury, letting teeth sink into thick skin and thicker fur. Keeping him away from anything important, letting the pain keep her focus sharp. Red drips down through moon-pale fur. She keeps backing away, distant eyes roving across his body. "It is sister's life that was stolen... And you who the stars condemn," Her rasping voice corrects quietly. She will not attack so recklessly. She braves his blows for a few moments - just long enough to find her opening.

There. His head raises in preparation of another bite, and Swansong's paw moves to meet it. Pinprick claws slash vertically down streaking quickly across his chin. Closer, closer... In a flash of a moment, they reach the top of his neck, ready to pull down and tear the life from his waiting throat.

  • interacting with @BASILPAW! pls do not intercept unless u are campionsong
  • 81294824_mjXd5ejx6RrZPyn.png
  • SWANSONG she / they, warrior of shadowclan, 19 moons.
    a pale, silky-furred cream tabby with tired blue eyes.
    dreamy and detached, known for her perpetual sleepiness.
    halfshade x smogstar, littermate to applejaw, garlicheart, & ashenfall.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
⚛︎₊˚‧ As Amberhaze's lithe paws thrummed sporadically against the ground broken up only momentarily by panicked stumbling, he swore there was a swarm of angry bees flittering around relentlessly inside his brain. The world was so loud even before the sound of survival swam into his oversized ears, endless thoughts and questions drowning one another out so that he couldn't tell where one formed and the other concluded. Incessant voices clamoring against each other, asking things like "How could this have happened?" "You knew this was coming, why are you so surprised?" "Have you lived a life worthwhile enough that you will feel comfort in death's embrace?" And statements like daggers piercing through his ribcage straight down into his fragile heart beneath. "You were not as prepared for this as you had hoped." "You didn't train hard enough, you'll be eaten alive out there." "You're a joke to the entire clan, and yet you expect to be of use when they need it most." "You're going to die. Your clan is going to die." They all seemed unfamiliar, voices unlike his own tearing him down in ways no pair of blood stained claws ever could. Was it true? He didn't possess the willpower to question it, the adrenaline pulsating through his pumping limbs overtaking the overwhelming desire to turn back and hide.

He was by no means the first to the fight, Mirestar's uncharacteristically commanding cry reverberating throughout the night which summoned a surge of Shadowclanners previously blanketed by the surrounding darkness. Amberhaze himself seemed to be nothing more than an apparition as he propelled his lanky body forward in time to his clanmates own movements, @Talonpaw a smaller mirror of himself as his apprentice matched his stride beside him. Although he would never say as much aloud, he was horrified of what could become of his ward as they rapidly approached what was nothing less than genuine war. His failure to protect him the first time was still a blight that plagued his mind in the night, now fiercely reignited again once he stole a glance down at the aftermath of such a traumatizing ordeal forever etched deeply onto Talonpaw's face. He could not allow such a thing to happen again, not this time. He knew the cost of what they were doing, but should any life need to be taken, weighed in worth for which was to be stolen away- it would be Amberhaze, not his apprentice. Should their eyes meet before they inevitably split up in the fray, his ochre gaze would silently plead, Survive.

It was like walking through hell, an explosion quicker than a strike of lightning exploding on every side of him as two clans threw themselves at one another in a cascade of rage and desperation. Desperation...thats what brought them to this, wasn't it? It felt ironic, to put the lives of so many eager to defend and overcome on the line in the name of staying alive. But it was not up to him, and what would surely shake the forest to its roots had already unfolded, something of which he was powerless to stop. His only was to allow himself to be carried along with it, lest he perish.

With a heaving chest and labored breaths that billowed from his parted jaws like smoke from a fire, he would survey his surroundings in an attempt to gauge an opening for himself...or for someone else. It was almost impossible, the area suddenly feeling overwhelmingly cramped as bodies writhed in an incomprehensible mass, blood and fur flying in the wake of it all and staining the chilled earth beneath them. The painful caterwauls overlapped one another from all around him so that it was impossible to differentiate any singular voice. For a moment, he would lose himself in a state of sheer panic, pacing back and forth as he fought back the urge to vomit. This can't be happening. This isn't real. Oh, Starclan- why me? Help- Please help me. His eyes welled with tears and his throat began to close in on itself, feeling as though he had swallowed red-hot knives. He wanted to flee, wanted to hide away somewhere where he knew he would be untouched, comforted, where he would be safe. There was no such place here, and subconsciously he knew that the only way out was through, and yet he lamented the concept of accepting it.

He could have made his mind up then, allow himself to be as cowardly as he ever was and high tail it back to the sanctuary of camp, his safe haven- he would live with the guilt forever if he did, he knew, but right now he couldn't find it in him to care- and yet, by some miracle, he allowed himself to be coaxed into the fray. How he managed he would never be able to say, perhaps to prove himself and his clanmates wrong, or because of the adrenaline keeping him on high alert, maybe because he simply needed to move. Whatever it was, it worked- and he found himself barreling towards the heart of the battle without a single thought to mull over in fear it might convince him to change his mind. It was aimless at first, weaving blindly through a sea of colors- the ear-splitting cries of a shrill but recognizable voice being the only thing to ground him.

Turning towards the shrill plea for mercy, he would be faced with Addersnap and Basilpaw locked in combat- though it was hardly a fair fight, given Addersnaps size and experience in comparison to Basilpaw's, who had yet to grow into what was deemed to be a proper warrior- the older of the two allowing his paw to recoil in what appeared to be a fatal blow. With a pounding heart and a breath caught in his throat, Amberhaze hurtled towards them with the speed of a viper striking an invasive hand. "Wait!" He all but screeched as he pushed himself off the ground with his hind legs, attempting to land upon the back of @ADDERSNAP before using his momentum to send the two of them rolling across the terrain and releasing Basilpaw from the Thunderclanner's clutches. If successful, he would then sink his claws into the shoulders of his opponent in an attempt to pin him to the ground.

"D-Don't care for fair fights, huh T-Thunderclanner?" Despite the tremor in his voice, there was genuine anger underlying his tone, and although his contorted expression bore the marks of fear plainly, there was a fierce blaze behind those piercing harvest-moon optics that seared into the very soul of Addersnap's own.
° . ⚠︎ . °
  • ooc: momentarily mentioning talonpaw @Deidre and actively engaging with @ADDERSNAP in aid of @BASILPAW, no interference please!
  • whaddahaell3.png
    black oriental shorthair. a short but lengthy black cat with a boney build and striking ocher eyes filled with unveiled trepidation.
  • Love
Reactions: Deidre

Thu-Thum. Thu-Thum. Thu-Thum... Thum... Thum... Between her teeth, Bloodwing felt it; life. Yet, the longer she held, the fainter it felt - how was she supposed to know when to let go? Was she supposed to speed it up and prevent anymore suffering? Or should she prolong it further to get a confession out of the cagey cat? Paws flailed wildly around her and she could ignore them, each prod grew weaker and weaker, but with it, so did her resolve. Orangepaw plead for his life and bitterly, she wondered if they'd offered Applejaw the same courtesy.

We can be friends.

Her mouth went dry save for the bile that threatened to rise within it. She was not a pious cat, yet as her eyes widened, she swore she could imagine a scene between Applejaw and Orangepaw play out, could imagine the snarky ShadowClan she-cat apologising for what happened to the ThunderClanner. It went against everything she'd ever known about Smogstar's kin, but grief had a funny way of shrouding one's heart. For Bloodwing, it brought about a revelation:

This wasn't justice.

And she let go of Orangepaw's neck.

Bloodwing stumbled back as if struck, falling onto her haunches. Her breaths came heavy with the weight of the choice, gravely gawking down towards the bundle. She prodded him with a paw, making sure he was still alive, making sure she'd been able to take back her mistake - there were too many already that weighed upon her back like boulders. 'I almost killed an innocent.' Sprucepaw never would have done that. Her mother never would have... well, she'd never seen her mother do that.

But who determined who was innocent? Could she really decide that based on a single plea?

Her stomach tangled in tight knots, she didn't think she'd flee her first battle, yet... could she trust herself to the right thing? "Go on, get out of here!" She hissed, but the thrill of the fight and power of her voice was long gone.


ShadowClan hides just out of sight... waiting their orders to attack the Clan that would be forced to face two losses in one fell swoop. Losing territory at any time of season was bad news, but losing two good pieces of land during leaf-bare? That is a difficult thing to overcome. Shalestorm lies in wait as Mirestar speaks with the ThunderClan patrol, informing them that this does not have to be a bloody conflict. The hidden warrior hopes the enemy Clan will see reason and just hand it over, but of course that is the last thing they want to do. So, it is no surprise when Mirestar calls the attack.

Maybe it is not quite shocking that the usually bright faced and cheery warrior is slower to engage, but after just a moments hesitation she surges into the fray, teeth barred and claws unsheathed. Her primary goal would be aiding anyone who needs help, but if she had to fight her way over then so be it. Blue eyes look around, scanning the scene with an almost calm air about her in spite of the anxiety prickling beneath her fur.

And then she locks onto someone, a cat who seemed to be trying a stealthy approach on an honestly terrified looking apprentice. Shalestorm scowled and surged forward to intercept, attempting to rake her claws across the larger cat's flank to draw their attention away from the apprentice.

"Hey!!" She shouts, as if the act of attacking would not be enough to get this cat's attention. "Pick on someone your own size!" She snarls, and there's fury in her words and expression that is not normally there. It feels strange, out of place. But it also feels correct.

  • ooc - this is NOT a preplanned interaction! Shale can be attacking anyone!
    if you'd like to plot something, feel free to message me on discord!!

  • #e36f90

  • (img) Shalestorm * she/her* 27 moons
    blue point/blue chimera w/ low white; blue eyes
    Peaceful & healing powerplay allowed || underline for attack
    penned by Neptune. || Neptune on disc, dm me for plots