  • SMOKY > SMOGMAW ; 'Smog' for his murky fur coloration; 'maw' for his hoarse voice
    — cisgender male, he/him
    — shadowclan deputy
    — 58 moons, ages every 14th
    ↳ penned by @willie
    Built upon a staunch frame, Smogmaw observes the world through burnt orange eyes and listens with black-capped ears. A pelt of blue-ish gray blankets his body, which is adourned with a baroque black pattern along his head, back, and the exteriors of his legs. His nape is unaffected by this pattern, nor is the particularly fleecy area on his chest, both of which taking on a lighter gray tone. His striped tail is typically pitched upright and held stiff in place, save for when he is sneaking or sleeping. Smogmaw could be considered handsome if it weren't for his consistently forlorn expression, though he does not come across as egregiously grouchy or the like. Whether it's a product of poor mental well-being or a nasty case of RBF, he simply looks deeply unsatisfied all of the time.
    scars - streak in fur running up his front right leg from a scratch​
    wounds - two crusted streaks running up his muzzle, given to him by bonejaw​
  • neutral evil, istj
    Intelligence ●●●●●●●●●○
    Confidence ●●●●●●○○○○
    Charisma ●●●○○○○○○○
    Creativity ●●●●●●●●●○
    Empathy ●○○○○○○○○○
    Humor ●●●●●●○○○○

    (+) acute, methodical, resolute
    (/) assertive, self-conscious, withdrawn
    (-) arbitrary, compulsive, vindictive
    Smogmaw is a rather detached individual. Not in terms of socialising - no, he is able to maintain conversation just fine, and even give a passing smile if need be. There is, however, a separation between the manner in which the tom conducts himself and the person who he desires to be. This is because he is stricken with very poor impulse control, and he models his way of life after the compulsions he experiences on a day-to-day basis. The primary urge that he is driven by is a desire to stockpile items of interest to him, leaving them in a secluded spot within Shadowclan's borders. Amassing these items imbues him with immense self-fulfilment. This behaviour has shaped an abnormal moral compass over time, an ideology based entirely on the possessions that someone or a clan may have - both physical and abstract. Someone who has more is worth more, and deserving of respect. Someone who has less must be worth less, and does not merit the time of day. At the same time, he yearns to be highly esteemed in the eyes of his clanmates, something that his personal etiquette makes difficult at times. Although he views himself as valuable on account of his own possessions, he can't shake the gnawing thought of how others perceive him.
  • NPC x NPC | mentoring sharppaw
    — Loves HIS KIDS
    — Close friends with NOBODY
    — Friends with SCALEJAW
    — Dislikes ROOSTERSTRUT
    — Loathes GRANITEPELT
  • strength ●●●●●●●●●○
    stamina ●●●●●●●○○○
    agility ●●●●●○○○○○
    hunting ●●●●●●○○○○
    swimming ○○○○○○○○○○
    climbing ●●○○○○○○○○
    grace ●●●●○○○○○○
    single; heterosexual
    — does not trust easily, does not befriend easily, but partial to romance
    — physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 50% ]
    — will start fights | will end fights | will flee | will not show mercy

    excels at remembering acute details, sneaking, stalking, striking, and getting what he wants
    poor at discipline, elegance, walking straight, dexterity, swimming, and being happy
    sounds like he has strep throat. there's something off with his voice.
    smells like an earthy aroma of mushrooms, dirt, mud, soil, and loam
    — healing & peaceful powerplay allowed.
    — speech is #E9D5DA
  • Important Threads
    ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development

    ( ★ ) steambreather
    ──── bringing a mushroom to camp. intro.
    ( ☆ ) unboxing vids in the graveyard
    ──── learning his fortune from hemlocksight, who sees him causing great change to the clan.
    ( ☆ ) would?
    ──── pushing flickerfire down a hill in a tire.
    ( ★ ) i don't call enough
    ──── getting to know halfshade over a meal.
    ( ★ ) steady going nowhere
    ──── undergoing a major depressive/dissociative episode, ending up in a mud pit.
    ( ★ ) walk and talk just like a machine
    ──── receiving shimmerpaw as an apprentice.
    ( ☆ ) new fang
    ──── first training session with shimmerpaw.
    ( ☆ ) thank god i'm not you
    ──── pondering on loyalty with flickerfire
    ( ☆ ) difference between us
    ──── having fun for the first time in his life
    ( ☆ ) three kings
    ──── learning that bonejaw blamed her defection on him
    ( ★ ) hope for the world, but prepare for the worst
    ──── becoming fraught with delusion in the middle of a blizzard; flashback
    ( ★ ) envy green
    ──── making it official with halfshade, featuring a smooch
    ( ★ ) okay i pull up
    ──── taking halfshade on a date to twolegplace
    ( ★ ) tethered in a room without walls
    ──── stopped from leaving shadowclan by sharppaw
    ( ☆ ) comrades
    ──── given an offer to be eaten by ferndance
    ( ☆ ) do what we must to get by
    ──── receiving sharppaw as an apprentice
    ( ★ ) cold war
    ──── finding flickerfire fatally wounded after dogs attack her; learning of her forbidden romance
    ( ★ ) fires fuelled by endless lies
    ──── revealing flickerfire's body & romance to pitchstar, who suspects her to be a thunderclan spy
    ( ★ ) enjoy the silence
    ──── publicly accusing flickerfire of being a spy
    ( ☆ ) chances gone awry
    ──── leading a patrol to steal prey from thunderclan
    ( ☆ ) sweater weather
    ──── getting his fur groomed by halfshade
    ( ★ ) premonition
    ──── getting pressed on his accusations about flickerfire by sharppaw
    ( ☆ ) kill the boy inside the man
    ──── condemning roosterstrut for his emotional turmoil
    ( ☆ ) it's considered a delicacy
    ──── eating frog eggs, an acquired taste
    ( ★ ) will you help me hide a body
    ──── learning of pitchstar's murder, thinking about how it will benefit him (of course)

    ( ☆ ) i'm on a sugarcrash
    ──── asked by chilledgaze to accompany them to the moonstone
    ( ★ ) wash my mouth out with soap
    ──── promoted to deputy of shadowclan
    ( ☆ ) the discourse on inequality
    ──── making friends(?) with dogfur
    ( ☆ ) the measure of my days
    ──── meeting smokethroat of riverclan
    ( ☆ ) born unto trouble
    ──── giving everyone a piece of his mind during a chaotic gathering
    ( ★ ) bathe in your light
    ──── announcing he and halfshade are mates

  • [box=63%] [justify][font=georgia]text here [color=#E9D5DA][b]"words here"[/b][/color][/font][/justify] [right][color=#827397][font=tahoma][ AND THE BASTARD WALKS BY ][/font][/color][/right] [/box]

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