Floppie's Bestest and COOLEST Storage


tech support
Jun 6, 2022
NAME: Floppie (Flop)
AGE: 19
CLASS: Trainer
DISCORD: ghostspie

All of my characters are open for peaceful powerplay (healing, friendly touches, etc.)
You are always welcome to ping me in threads where i am wanted without advanced notice!
Feel free to pester me to reply to any urgent pings!
While I do not say this in every characters tags, all of them write in ic and ic only!
I don't like sharing prefixes with my actively played characters, especially within the same clan.
aside from the links in the following post of this thread, nothing in this thread is f2u.

Feel free to contact me about plotting & badges!

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MOLTFACE: Lean, patchwork albino and black smoke feline with sickly pink eyes. 2 / 1
oncedewdropblinding starfrog's croakrainshade

GHOSTPAW: small, albino tom with sickly blue-pink eyes
LAMBCURL: small, curly-furred albino tomcat with a glassy pink gaze
WOLFWIND: a small, lean - muscled grey molly with a white-painted muzzle, chest, paws, and tail.
february post total: 86
march post total: 86
april post total: 63
may post total: 86
june post total: 82
july post total: 92
august post total: 61
september post total: 109
october post total: 103
november post total: 140
december post total: 101
january post total: 82
february 2024 post total: 89
march 2024 post toal: hiatus
april 2024 post total: 110
may 2024 post total: 83
june 2024 post total: 82
july 2024 post total: 26

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  • How does this character perceive whatever is going on?
    ↳ Thoughts on parties involved; who's in the right, who's in the wrong?
    ↳ Thought process that leads to them joining the conversation

    Focus on perception, emphasize how the character views the situation in their own mind with careful choice of adjectives and descriptors

    Body language, even if your character is not very animated, put focus on body language for the sake of engaging writing, but keep it realistic. picture the action in your head if needed. could you see a person doing this? could you see a cat doing this? is it something realistic to the real world or moreso a caricature of something you'd see in a cartoon? if the character is not animated, focus on little details: the furrow of a brow, curl of a lip, crinkling at the corners of their eyes. Keep in mind subtle actions that a human could not perform: the flick of a tail, swiveling of an ear, twtich of the whiskers.
    excitable characters: bouncing on their toes, expressive with their tail, too-wide smiles and sparkling eyes, weight shifting to and fro, movement that seems to flow easily from one action to the next
    stoic characters: The flick of an ear, tail, or whiskers in acknowledgement, describe how they are standing, neat, with their limbs close to eachother? sprawled out on the sun-warmed ground? The crinkle of their face when they smile or when they frown
    anxious characters a gaze that wanders everywhere it isn't supposed to, reserved body language, limbs held close to them, a tail curled tight around their body, stilted movement, nervousness with every step they take.​

    Avoid constantly having excessively long sentencesseveral run-on sentences in a row can be exhausting to read

    — want to spice up a description? exaggerate how the environment reacts with their body.

    — try to maintain the same tense within a sentence or paragraph.
  • Thought processing:
    — Thinks through associations; rarely remembers actual names for things
    — Horrible depth perception, disregards distance within his mind
    — Focuses on colors about all else; vaguely registers the twists and turns of shape
    — Unconcerned with the facial expressions and body language of any besides him and Blaise, will occasionally overanalyze others to find a reason to be angry at them
    — Will grossly exaggerate the form of anything he finds beautiful or ugly.
    — Keen sense of smell, will describe smells in ways others would not, the same goes for sound.

    — To guide clan cats in the right direction; deliver prophecy and fortune.

    — purposefully ambiguous and inconsistent

    — the forest lives and breathes, thank her for all that she offers; refers to her as "mother"; love - hate relationship with mother nature
    — dreams are powerful moral compasses/ judges of character
    — things that smell good/bad smell that way for a reason
    — everything feels, inanimate or no
    — bugs are god's mistake, feel no guilt for crushing them

    Descriptors: ( + ) soft, sweet, dawn, gait, glide, saunter, burn, gild, crown, downy, star-, sinuous, flutter, rosy, lunar, bright, misty, blinding, brilliant, ( - ) mangled, rotten, bleak, bleached,
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Theme week cheat sheet.

cartoon theme week: the devil (the cuphead show)
anime theme week: ?
video game theme week: the devil (cuphead)
pokemon theme week: delphox
movie theme week: ?

cartoon theme week: ?
anime theme week: ?
video game theme week: badeline (celeste)
pokemon theme week: zoroark
movie theme week: dwayne (little miss sunshine)

cartoon theme week: lola bunny (the looney toons show)
anime theme week: patty (soul eater)
video game theme week: callie (splatoon) *tentative
pokemon theme week: dedenne
movie theme week: ?

cartoon theme week: ?
anime theme week: ?
video game theme week: vera from monster prom
pokemon theme week: scolipede
movie theme week: ?

cartoon theme week: rusty (bluey) *tentative
anime theme week: ?
video game theme week: prince sidon (botw/totk)
pokemon theme week: growlithe
movie theme week: ?

cartoon theme week: ?
anime theme week: ?
video game theme week: ?
pokemon theme week: ?
movie theme week: ?

cartoon theme week: ?
anime theme week: ?
video game theme week: ?
pokemon theme week: bonsly
movie theme week: anxiety (inside out 2)
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  • nGmUVV8.png
    TIGERKIT. For the striping of her fur; ancestral name | amab trans girl. she/her | unborn | kit of thunderclan

    a scruffy brown tabby she - kit with white paws and mismatched eyes. All in all, Tigerkit views herself rather unremarkably. It's unfair, she thinks, that her mother and father's respective feathers did not make her into an interesting combination - but rather, a cat that is perfectly average. Just the right amount of whiskers, an unremarkable set of ears. Black tabby fur paints the picture of her father - but without the broad shoulders or anything else that makes him, him. It paints the picture of Howlingstar, but without her kind face and stout build. Perhaps the only thing setting her apart from the rest are her odd eyes, one of them a deep, rusted copper, and the other matching her mother's pallid gaze.
    ⤷ genetically LH black tabby w/ low white; carrying solid, dilute​

    Tigerkit's true personality quickly becomes elusive, swept up in a number of (childish) masks that she perceives to be better, nicer, more desirable, someway. She wraps herself up in overthinking minor things - believing every look and swishing the tail portrays something you think about her character. By nature, an attention seeker. Though she prefers positive attention, she does not discriminate too thoroughly.
    penned by floppie
    created 7.8.2024 at 2 moons. ages every 8th
  • nGmUVV8.png
    [ + ] adaptable, proactive [ = ] alert, sensitive, malleable [ - ] Insecure, disingenuous, jealous, volatile, confused

    Tigerkit was born into a slew of circumstances she never asked for. A sprawling family tree, one heavy with Lead Warriors, and the weight of the leader herself. A face that bears unfortunate resemblance to her father. Expectation that would be dropped onto her shoulders regardless of either of these things... From a young age, Tigerkit shows signs of insecurity. It starts small — perhaps hidden in innocent, kittish remarks like wishing she had the whiskers of someone else, or feeling shunned in nursery games.

    It isn't enough to simply live up to the status of her parents; to just be another Lead Warrior, or even another Medicine Cat. She needs to be something entirely new, and that'll be...

    Well, it'll come to her naturally, once she figures out everything else first.

    She has a lot of little tricks to figure it out. Little white lies - maybe that she caught a mouse in her sleep, but she can't show anyone because she ate it already, or that, perhaps, she is the leader of a secret sixth clan - will be the name of the game in kithood. It makes others like her – whether that is older cats laughing at her antics, or her own peers finding her impressive for these things... She'd like to be impressive. Her parents would look her to be too, wouldn't they? She'll stick to this then – even if it seems to go away at some point, it never will. Only the nature of what she says will be different.

    ( But, it's getting obvious, isn't it? At some point... someone will notice. But it's too late — too hard — she can't just say, It wasn't true... who would ever like her, then? )

    She likes the attention, just a little bit. Even if she's scolded for it... Someone was noticing her, right? She has a sibling, a dozen cousins, a dozen other kin... Why would anyone notice her? Maybe negative attention is all she'll ever get, and maybe she's happy with that.

    ...That's a lie, too. She'd really really like everyone to like her. For anyone to like her! So much so, that she'll bend herself to what she thinks others will like. Some cats may know a sassy, backtalking kit. Others may know a sweet one that does everything she's told. She thinks that's okay, so long as it's getting her somewhere. Anywhere. And if she's rejected... well, she isn't sure that she can handle that... She thinks its okay to hold grudges. That's basically what they did to every other clan, right?

    She doesn't worry about her warriorhood... She'll be a good warrior because that's what her parents say she will be. In fact, she believes it's so cut and dry... why talk about it at all? They should talk about more interesting things, like... well...
  • nGmUVV8.png
    as quick to trust as she is to lose it all over again; sporadic and anxious
    sounds like: tba
    smells like dead oak leaves & bark
    speech is #B86442

    RACCOONSTRIPE x NIGHTBIRD sister to Lightningkit, Stormkit, Twilightkit and Bayingkit | mentoring no one, mentored by no one
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: None yet.
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: None yet.
  • nGmUVV8.png

    ○○○○○○○○○○ HUNTING: clueless. As a kit, she has little to no experience.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ CLIMBING: clueless. As a kit, she has little to no experience.

    ○○○○○○○○○○ TRACKING: clueless. As a kit, she has little to no experience.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ COMBAT: clueless. As a kit, she has little to no experience.
  • nGmUVV8.png

    [box=56%][justify][color=#c4c4c4]TEXT TEXT TEXT. [color=#B86442][b]" SPEECH. "[/b][/color][/color][/justify][/box]

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec semper mi mi, nec viverra erat blandit molestie. Vestibulum eu facilisis dui, et consequat augue. Etiam varius nulla vel sapien euismod venenatis. Aliquam molestie auctor libero sit amet pretium. Sed iaculis augue nec tortor vulputate condimentum. Integer pellentesque tempor libero, ut rhoncus metus commodo elementum. Aenean tempus, neque ac rhoncus sodales, est urna aliquam arcu, aliquam consequat velit odio non augue. Ut id faucibus lectus, eget ornare enim. Ut mollis leo convallis justo consequat tristique. Aenean vel libero porttitor, aliquet magna at, consectetur orci. Donec erat leo, ornare sit amet leo at, sagittis hendrerit enim. "Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos."
a title he is used to, and embraces with a certain fondness.
↳ named for the stark paleness of his albino coat and unsettling gleam in his eye
— kit of shadowclan;
— cisgender male, will respond to he / him or they / them; sexuality undecided
— created mm.dd.yy at x moons / ages every ?
↳ penned by Floppie
a small, short - haired, albino kit with unblinking, blue - pink eyes / irl reference
Ghost is a small, wiry thing. His pale fur clings thin to his frame, doing little to help his already - present sensitivity to the sun. With time, he will grow into himself more, though small paws already tell a certain story. His fur is typical of an albino, blank as a freshly lain sheet of snow, but unsettling, bug - eyes set him apart from others. His eyes are a dull blue, shifting into a brighter pink as you near pupils and rosy tear ducts, the former of which, are a bright, unsettling pinkish - red.
↳ genetics stuff. gen / carrying / whatever​
neutral good
Intelligence ●●●●●○○○○○
Confidence ●●●●●○○○○○
Charisma ●●●○○○○○○○
Creativity ●○○○○○○○○○
Empathy ●●●●●○○○○○
Humor ●○○○○○○○○○

(+) curious, observant, immovable (/) idiosyncratic, forgiving, (-) dull, unimaginative, pessimistic. Ghost is rather unreactive for a kit, he lives his life with a straight - face and steady paws, though his childlike naivety isn't something to be overlooked. He struggles to think outside of the box, solutions to him are either straightforward, or you die. Any problem presented to him will be met with ideas of only sad consequences in his mind. He images the worst - case scenario, though doesn't seem particularly affected by it. To the detriment of other kits, his morbid commentary may prove more unsettling to them rather than himself. He's kind and well - meaning, but a sheltered life and strange thought process leaves him with his moral compass slightly askew. He does his best to listen, taking in the criticism of anyone older than him, and doing his best to ingrain it into his psyche (while he still remembers, at least). This leaves him rather easy to manipulate, whether for better or for worse.

↳ mannerisms ghost seems to maintain the same stance near - constantly. Legs spread evenly apart, tail hovering but a whisker above the ground, ears pricked and strange eyes all - encompassing. He never seems to blink in anyone's presence. Perhaps he's merely blinking at the same time you are.
PARENT x PARENT sibling to whoever | mentoring no one, mentored by no one
Mate to no one | Parent to no one |
— Admires
— Close friends with
— Friends with
— Likes
— Dislikes
— Loathes
strength ●○○○○○○○○○
stamina ●●●●○○○○○○
agility ●●●●●○○○○○
hunting ●●●○○○○○○○
swimming ○○○○○○○○○○
climbing ●○○○○○○○○○
grace ○○○○○○○○○○
single, too young; sexuality undecided, crushing on no one, not looking
young and impressionable, ghost will automatically trust anyone who holds seniority over him.
— physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 100% ]
— will not start fights | will not end fights | will not flee | will show mercy
excels at night - vision, will grow into a talented hunter
poor swimming and stamina, thin fur and pale complexion often leaves him tired during the day
sounds like a small, childish voice, capable of lowering to a mere whisper on the wind
smells like a strangely lacking scent, barely more than the hint of fog on the horizon
— healing & peaceful powerplay allowed.
— speech is #ffffff
Backstory / simplified history
just a babey <3

Important Threads
( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development
Thread Name
Thread Name

──── brief description.
──── brief description.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut lacinia risus sem, ut malesuada mauris egestas vel. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum rutrum lacus sem, ac iaculis arcu condimentum efficitur. Morbi pulvinar eleifend mi, vel varius neque accumsan posuere. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. "Quisque ornare odio condimentum, feugiat libero sed, tincidunt nulla."

[box=55%][color=#9C9EA1][font=verdana][justify][size=11px]TEXT TEXT TEXT."[color=#D1D4D8][b]SPEECH.[/b][/color]"[/size][/justify][/font][/color][/box]
☞ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ligula mi, venenatis vel ultricies et, molestie nec felis. Pellentesque sodales consequat leo, et fringilla ligula aliquam sed. Praesent mollis dolor justo, et aliquam neque ornare ac. Mauris tempor vitae nibh in varius. Sed lacinia erat sed risus porta tincidunt. Suspendisse aliquam condimentum eros, vitae cursus metus. Proin vel consequat justo. Nam vehicula pulvinar orci non semper. Vestibulum eu facilisis dolor. Aenean molestie massa urna, sed accumsan velit sollicitudin id. Sed fermentum risus in erat rhoncus imperdiet. Praesent arcu orci, laoreet sed scelerisque eu, pretium eu neque. Vivamus ut sem sed ligula accumsan iaculis ac eget libero. Suspendisse elementum urna id mauris ullamcorper commodo. Sed vel diam vitae ante vulputate euismod in sit amet turpis. "Curabitur risus turpis, euismod ut elit ut, volutpat auctor mauris."
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce odio augue, faucibus id nisi id, efficitur dignissim arcu. Maecenas quis sapien augue. Suspendisse vitae egestas est. Phasellus sollicitudin sit amet nunc vel venenatis. Sed fringilla tempus erat vel cursus. Quisque faucibus, orci placerat molestie elementum, mi massa sagittis odio, ut facilisis lectus erat ac elit. Fusce rhoncus quam diam, at accumsan nisl imperdiet sit amet. "Quisque porta erat purus, id rutrum erat blandit id."
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec in elit interdum, porta nisi eget, faucibus ex. Sed at odio vel lacus finibus tristique lobortis at arcu. Suspendisse pulvinar elit tortor, quis varius diam aliquet eu. Phasellus varius enim dui, nec fermentum sem ultricies quis. Nullam convallis eu nisi non rutrum. Etiam sed justo sodales, congue quam eu, varius erat. Phasellus eleifend elit varius libero egestas, a consectetur nunc lacinia. Nullam vehicula, libero sed ornare scelerisque, libero ex hendrerit libero, vitae pretium nulla arcu vitae mauris. Phasellus lorem magna, lacinia sit amet vehicula nec, condimentum vehicula mi. Mauris semper justo sit amet justo egestas posuere. "Sed vel ligula rutrum mauris pharetra feugiat."
Last edited by a moderator:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin efficitur lorem metus, in imperdiet nunc lobortis quis. Sed auctor sapien in sollicitudin convallis. Vestibulum lacinia semper leo, sit amet convallis libero. Sed id ante dolor. Suspendisse dui ex, interdum eleifend sollicitudin aliquet, pellentesque vel mi. Fusce et leo at nisl commodo volutpat eu ac turpis. Vestibulum eget risus vitae nunc mattis lacinia. Nunc lectus turpis, feugiat sit amet elit ultricies, lacinia pretium massa. Duis consectetur, tellus a pretium placerat, justo lorem imperdiet erat, varius ullamcorper ligula lorem nec purus.

Vivamus eleifend arcu vitae ligula sollicitudin venenatis. Sed ipsum erat, vestibulum sed metus eget, commodo sagittis dolor. Praesent lorem quam, gravida ut nisl non, ullamcorper mollis metus. Maecenas vel semper arcu, nec elementum nisi. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam vitae purus mollis, faucibus nunc eu, semper lacus. Etiam turpis felis, sollicitudin eu interdum sit amet, suscipit nec justo. Praesent ultricies nisi in dapibus interdum. Suspendisse semper nulla non augue posuere vestibulum a eu magna. Nullam ut ullamcorper enim, et consectetur nibh. Maecenas tincidunt, metus in consectetur sollicitudin, lorem augue ornare sem, ut imperdiet justo metus eget diam. Vivamus scelerisque, tellus elementum tincidunt accumsan, metus dolor aliquam sem, sit amet maximus lectus diam in sem. " Mauris gravida enim at risus efficitur, ornare varius urna sagittis. "

OOC. things go here
NAME: Floppie (Flop)
AGE: 19
CLASS: Trainer
DISCORD: ghostspie

All of my characters are open for peaceful powerplay (healing, friendly touches, etc.)
You are always welcome to ping me in threads where i am wanted without advanced notice!
Feel free to pester me to reply to any urgent pings!
While I do not say this in every characters tags, all of them write in ic and ic only!
I don't like sharing prefixes with my actively played characters, especially within the same clan.
aside from the links in the following post of this thread, nothing in this thread is f2u.

Feel free to contact me about plotting & badges!

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MOLTFACE: Lean, patchwork albino and black smoke feline with sickly pink eyes
oncedewdropblinding starfrog's croakrainshade

GHOSTPAW: small, albino tom with sickly blue-pink eyes
LAMBCURL: small, curly-furred albino tomcat with a glassy pink gaze
WOLFWIND: a small, lean - muscled grey molly with a white-painted muzzle, chest, paws, and tail.
february post total: 86
march post total: 86
april post total: 63
may post total: 86
june post total: 82
july post total: 92
august post total: 61
september post total: 109
october post total: 103
november post total: 140
december post total: 101
january post total: 82
february 2024 post total: 89
march 2024 post toal: hiatus
april 2024 post total: 110
may 2024 post total: 83
june 2024 post total: 82
july 2024 post total: 18

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The purpose of a census is to keep track of active characters within the Clan! You may sign your character up on the census after one (1) roleplay post has been made with them. They will remain on the census unless they pass away or if you have not posted with them in over 2 weeks. If your character is removed from the census, no worries! Just fill out the form again and they will be added back.

/ ♂ / LEADER / BLAZESTAR a longhaired flame point Ragdoll with dark blue eyes @BLAISE
/ ♀ / DEPUTY / DAISY FLIGHT blue calico molly with a distinct half-grey face and green eyes. @Daisy Flight
/ ♂ / MEDICINE CAT / DAWNGLARE a longhaired cinnamon sepia tom with high-white and sky-blue eyes @DAWNGLARE




/ ♂ / RED / a flame point tom with short fur and bright blue eyes @RED !
/ ♂ / TUGGER / a longhaired solid ginger tom with a flat face @TUGGER
/ ♀ / DEER / cream ticked tabby with low white and turquoise eyes @~Deer~
/ ♂ / VERMILION / long-legged flame point with blue eyes @VERMILION
/ ♂ / SQUALL / a long-haired silver tabby tom with green eyes @SQUALL.
/ ♂ / TREE BARK / sleek dark brown and white tabby with one yellow eye. @BARKBITE


/ ♀ / CHURRO / dusty brown spotted she-cat with tired yellow eyes and curled fur/ears @CHURRO
/ ♂ / HARPY / a fluffy cream-ticked cameo with a white stomach, dull blue eyes, and a green striped bandana. @HARPY


/ ⚥ / BUG / a small, fluffy white cat with chocolate calico patches and green eyes @BUG
/ ♂ / COSMOS / a small white tom with ginger ears and sky blue eyes @COSMOS.



/ ♀ / DAISY FLIGHT blue calico molly with a distinct half-grey face and green eyes. @Daisy Flight


/ ♂ / CENTIPEDE / a sickly, floppy-eared black smoke tom with white toes, tail, and chin. @CENTIPEDE
/ ♀ / GAIA / a tiny, fluffy tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes and a yellow bandana @GAIA



if you would like your character to be added to the census please fill out this form!
Name [♀/♂/⚥] - Rank - Short description @Subaccount
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Butterflytuft has been a SkyClanner for nearly two years, and a lot has changed since she was brought into camp by Blazestar as a terrified, lost kittypet kit. She has found herself a big, loving family and has made dear friends, even finding love. Though she never quite grasped the skills needed to be a talented warrior and has gained a reputation for her soft voice and cowardice, she has found her place in SkyClan as a permanent nursery resident. Raising her first litter was tough - she was a new mother and had a lot to learn! But despite the road bumps, she knows this is what she had always wanted to do. She wants to raise many more litters and help the other queens in the nursery. It is her calling, above all else. After her first litter is apprenticed, she thinks it’s the perfect time to have more kits.

But when her mate turns up dead on the border, those dreams come crashing down. Left in mourning, not much can pull the sweet-natured queen out of her grief. That is, until she and her friend, Twitchbolt, find a newborn orphaned kit near the border, their family slaughtered by a loose hound. Perhaps her life isn’t over yet? Even if she is now a single mother, the queen will do everything she can to raise her new adopted kit with all the love of two parents, and she has a village behind her to help.


1. This is a realistic aging litter.
The kit will be played from birth. By applying, you are acknowledging that you are okay with aging your character moon by moon and they will be a kit for six irl months before reaching apprenticeship.
2. This is not FCFS. Applications will close on May 30th. Discovery date will be early June, so this gives the chosen roleplayer time to get their account set up!
3. Disabilities and birth defects are allowed, but must be thoroughly researched and played realistically. Genetic mutations are allowed.
4. All activity levels are welcome in this litter. However, they should be present and active throughout each month. However, I’m very flexible so just talk to me if you have stuff going on! If I can’t reach you or if there is continued long-term inactivity, I reserve the right to either rehome or write out your character.
5. Kits must stay in SkyClan until adulthood, after which they may leave if a plot calls for it.
6. No edgy backstories! Butterflytuft will be a good mom and will love them unconditionally.
7. Since this kit is adopted, they may have any realistic genetics.
8. Please stick to the names or themes on the naming list! It is preferred the name fits the kit (i.e. she wouldn’t name a black kit Snowflakekit; she wouldn’t name a loud and squealing kit Shykit)
9. As of now there will be one slot.
10. You may apply with any form you'd like as long as all the basics are there.


Grandmother: Daisyflight
Aunts and Uncles: Figfeather, Greeneyes, Violetnose, Snowpath
Older siblings: Fluffypaw, Weedpaw, Daisypaw
Cousins: Sangriapaw, Coffeepaw
Kit will be gen 3.


Bunnykit, Birdkit, Volekit, Stoatkit, Loonkit or other animal names (especially those common in SkyClan; see guide for help)
Caterpillarkit, Antkit, Fleakit, Dragonflykit, Bumblebeekit, Spiderkit, Waspkit, Flykit, Bugkit, Mayflykit or other insect names
Blazekit, Flarekit after her late mentor, Blazestar
Snowstormkit, Snowflakekit, Sleetkit, Hailkit for her late brother, Snowpath
Boltkit, Flowerkit, Rosekit, Blossomkit for her best friend, Twitchbolt, and their shared secret garden
Pearkit, Mulberrykit, Yellowkit, Purplekit, Azurekit names that follow similar themes to her living siblings
Iriskit, Rainkit, Sunlightkit, Cloudkit, Treekit, Flutterkit, Meadowkit, Brook-kit, Breezekit, Zephyrkit, Budkit, Sunnykit, Ivykit, Seedkit because she loves nature and the beauty of the pine forest
Whisperkit, Serenekit, Songkit, Shykit because she likes softer names

Names to avoid: Centipedekit, Crimsonkit, Lionkit, Chrysaliskit, Sootkit, Harrierkit, any prefix currently in use by an active character in any clan (please check censuses)

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The purpose of a census is to keep track of active characters within the Clan! You may sign your character up on the census after one (1) roleplay post has been made with them. They will remain on the census unless they pass away or if you have not posted with them in over 2 weeks. If your character is removed from the census, no worries! Just fill out the form again and they will be added back. / [ 5 ] female ; [ 11 ] male ; [ 1 ] non-binary
LEADER / BLAZESTAR / ♂ / a longhaired flame point Ragdoll with dark blue eyes @BLAZESTAR
DEPUTY / DAISYFLIGHT / ♀ / blue calico molly with a distinct half-grey face and green eyes. @Daisy Flight
MEDICINE CAT / DAWNGLARE / ♂ /a longhaired cinnamon sepia tom with high-white and sky-blue eyes @DAWNGLARE




/ ♂ / REDSTORM / a flame point tom with short fur and bright blue eyes @RED !
/ ♂ / TUGGER / a longhaired solid ginger tom with a flat face @TUGGER
/ ♀ / DEERSONG / cream ticked tabby with low white and turquoise eyes @~Deer~
/ ♂ / VERMILIONSUN / long-legged flame point with blue eyes @VERMILION
──── apprentice: COSMOSPAW
/ ♂ / SQUALLMIST / a long-haired silver tabby tom with green eyes @SQUALL.
/ ♀ / BATSHRIEK / black and white cat with mismatched eyes @BATSHRIEK


/ ♀ / CHURRODREAM / dusty brown spotted she-cat with tired yellow eyes and curled fur/ears @CHURRO
/ ♂ / HARPYFALL / a fluffy cream-ticked cameo with a white stomach, dull blue eyes, and a green striped bandana. @HARPY
──── apprentice: BASILPAW


/ ⚥ / BUG / a small, fluffy white cat with chocolate calico patches and green eyes @BUG
/ ♂ / COSMOS / a small white tom with ginger ears and sky blue eyes @COSMOS.
/ ♂ / BASIL / a black white and gray tom with short fur, one green eye, and one brown eye. @BASIL


/ ♀ / DAISYFLIGHT / blue calico molly with a distinct half-grey face and green eyes. @Daisy Flight


/ ♂ / CENTIPEDE / a sickly, floppy-eared black smoke tom with white toes, tail, and chin. @CENTIPEDE
/ ♀ / GAIA / a tiny, fluffy tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes and a yellow bandana @GAIA
/ ♂ / TWITCHKIT / A messy-furred chocolate and white tom with green eyes and amber sectoral heterochromia @TWITCHKIT


if you would like your character to be added to the census please fill out this form!
Name [♀/♂/⚥] - Rank - Short description @Subaccount
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( Reply with your character(s) to see how Pinkpaw feels about them! )

Haven't properly met
Fearful of
Jealous of
Distrustful of
Annoyed by
Weirded out by
Confused / Unsure of
Complicated Feelings
Wishes to know better
Comfortable with
Finds Entertaining
Friends with
Close friends with
Safe around
Like family
Protective of
Platonic Love
Crushing on
Head-over-heels for
Romantic Love​
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ligula mi, venenatis vel ultricies et, molestie nec felis. Pellentesque sodales consequat leo, et fringilla ligula aliquam sed. Praesent mollis dolor justo, et aliquam neque ornare ac. Mauris tempor vitae nibh in varius. Sed lacinia erat sed risus porta tincidunt. Suspendisse aliquam condimentum eros, vitae cursus metus. Proin vel consequat justo. Nam vehicula pulvinar orci non semper. Vestibulum eu facilisis dolor. Aenean molestie massa urna, sed accumsan velit sollicitudin id. Sed fermentum risus in erat rhoncus imperdiet. Praesent arcu orci, laoreet sed scelerisque eu, pretium eu neque. Vivamus ut sem sed ligula accumsan iaculis ac eget libero. Suspendisse elementum urna id mauris ullamcorper commodo. Sed vel diam vitae ante vulputate euismod in sit amet turpis.)

* [ Curabitur risus turpis, euismod ut elit ut, volutpat auctor mauris. ]
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam volutpat nisl eget mauris aliquet pretium. Etiam iaculis ligula ut nisi semper lacinia. Donec molestie metus sit amet leo sollicitudin, nec gravida magna rutrum. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur sagittis, ante eu porta cursus, eros tortor congue nulla, sit amet molestie nulla ex non dolor. Aenean id tincidunt enim. Aliquam aliquam rutrum libero sit amet dictum. Mauris ut neque a ligula lobortis elementum in vitae neque. Pellentesque sed leo nec est rhoncus sollicitudin a a tellus. Donec mattis, felis nec viverra rutrum, arcu lorem congue nunc, in dignissim orci ex in urna. Sed sit amet lectus magna. Vivamus tincidunt eleifend lacus eu imperdiet. "Donec efficitur, ipsum nec sollicitudin commodo, urna felis condimentum urna, eu ornare tellus odio et nisl."
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↳ a sweet-furred molly, named after her mostly cream complexion and tortie markings
– kit of shadowclan; daughter of smogmaw and halfshade; sister to unknown
– cisgender female, she/her; sexuality undecided ( will likely be bisexual )
thick furred strawberry - blonde molly with a blue tabby streak slicing through her side gn: lh blue torbie w/ low white ; Applekit is born a pretty thing, blessed with a button nose, sweet smile, and heterochromatic gaze from her mother. As she ages, she will sport a tall, athletic build hidden behind thick layers of blue - cream form. As a kitten, inklings of her future self manifest in somewhat large paws and a thick ruff of fur, nearly resembling a snake in the way it streaks across her side and later gives way to a white belly.
+ determined, bold / self - conscious, perfectionist – impulsive, paranoid, vindictive, impressionable ; Applekit appears endlessly more put together than she truly is. From a young age, she will soak up the words of both of her parents to the best of her ability – though, this spells disaster with her very limited understanding as a child. She will adopt their likes and dislikes without much question, and when more properly tuned into the more analytic tendencies of the both, will begin to agonize over her own outward appearance.

She will become the clan's biggest enforcer of "right" and "wrong" behavior – the one she judges most, of course, unconsciously being herself. This will lead to her ostracizing other kits / apprentices for behavior deemed unfit or improper, the standards of which can flip on a whim according to what she's recently overheard, or what she remembers to value in that moment. Her own judgement of herself is kept under tight lock and key, both from others and from herself. This will manifest into insufferable haughtiness and unconscious needs to compensate by assuming positions of power. She will attempt to put herself "in charge" of things like kit games and group activities, than later straining to climb the ranks of a self-imposed apprentice hiearchy.

Any perceived threats to her "power" will result in thinly - veiled fury from her, and consequences including, but not limited to the spreading of nasty rumors and cruel "jokes". As she ages, possibly depending on the teachings of her parents, she may (or may not) learn to veil this frustration behind carefully crafted schemes and manipulation, but its something she's unlikely to succeed at quite so carefully, and more likely than not, is bound to cause her eventual downfall.
☄︎ I am absolutely DETERMINED for this girl to form a clique of ShadowClan apprentices featuring all of the upcoming litters. Mean girls vibes, heathers vibes. Terrorising other apprentices, snubbing for petty reasons, mean pranks, ALL of it.
☄︎ Whether she improves or only worsens in young-adulthood will be up to ic development
☄︎ If possible, I'd love for her to have a brief cross-clan fling (or it could even just be a one-sided crush tbh) before at some point having a crisis related to it breaking things off / abandoning the idea. then if possible rebound into a relationship she only half cares abt in shadowclan >:)
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