Jun 7, 2022

'tern-' as a reminder of magpiepaw, '-star' for her star-blessed position; '-frost' for her pale fur and icy demeanor; 'maggot-' because her father believed her cursed, '-fur' for her striking appearance

★ 24 moons • ages realtime on the 1st

★ female ( she / her )
single • bisexual ambiamorous • flexible

★ shadowclan leader
— born and raised in shadowclan


★ a massive, fluffy blue-grey tabby she-cat with a white face and striking blue eyes

★ lh blue silver classic tabby with low white, polydactyl (25% maine coon) • carries solid, non-silver, non-polydactyly
— scars/injuries: n/a
— accessories: n/a

★ physical health [ 90% ] | mental health [ 80% ]


★ A cold and blunt molly, Ternstar keeps a distance between herself and her clanmates even on the best of days. Offhand and blunt, she's never been one to mince her words, instead easily tearing into others and using her tongue as a weapon - aimed both at her clanmates and outsiders. She enjoys the thrill of the hunt and the rush of battle, often coming across as a workaholic not because she has any love of rules or duties, but because she finds it surprisingly troublesome to keep still - growing listless without a clear purpose. Despite her stand-offish nature, Ternstar is surprisingly amicable at times - mischievous and playful, she's never one to turn down a spot of trouble or a joke, even if her humor is a bit darker then most. Ternstar is, at her core, more kind then she likes to let on - frosty exterior hiding a fiercely loyal and protective cat who cares deeply those closest to her and is easily wounded by betrayal.

positive: adaptable, ambitious, cunning, fearless, intelligent, maternal, patient, protective, resourceful
neutral: childish, fervent, impulsive, instinct driven, mischievous, morbid, offhand, power hungry, prideful
negative: abrasive, bloodthirsty, blunt, brutal, callous, cruel, narcissistic, selfish, violent


VIRIDIANSKIES (npc) x WOLFBITE (npc) • gen 02
— sibling to: tbd, tbd, tbd
— parent to: cornflowerkit, ivorykit, rainbowkit

★ mentored by NPC • mentoring NONE • previously mentored PTARMIGANPAW, LEECHPAW
— extremely difficult mentally & physically
— excels at fighting, hunting, stealth • poor at running, swimming, climbing, socializing
will start fights • will end fights
might fleewill kill

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  • ☆ TERNSTAR • ❝ TERN ❞
    — 'tern-' for those once closest to her, '-star' for her star-blessed rank
    — previously named: maggotkit, maggotpaw, maggotfur, ternfrost

    ─ uses feminine terms, puzzled but not necessarily off put by others

  • ☆ 24 MOONS
    ─ born on 01/01/23 at 12:00am

    ─ created 01/01/23 at 02 moons
    ─ ages realtime on the 1st of each month

    ─ born and raised in shadowclan
    ─ previously held kit, apprentice, warrior, and queen ranks
    ─ never held deputyship, was promoted by an omen from starclan

    ─ is deeply loyal to the idea of shadowclan rather than it's actual inhabitants; dislikes many of her clanmates on principal and personally cares only for a select few
    ─ disgusted by the other clans on principle, believes shadowclan to be the best of the clans despite it's many flaws; strangely drawn to windclan but still holds a generally low opinion of the moor dwellers; holds no strong opinions on non clan-born cats


    A rather large she-cat, despite her intimidating appearance she is far smaller then what she could've been - a premature birth and moons of neglect and malnutrition leave her frame willowy beneath thick coat, never quite growing into her large paws. That's not to say she is weak by any means - lithe figure is well cared for and muscular these days, not even her recent pregnancy dulling the effort she's put into her physique.

    Large polydactyl paws, long tufted ears, and a rather narrow fox-like face have her posing a rather imperial figure - a thick double coat adding a bulk that her true form would otherwise lack. A long, thickly plumed tail and half-lidded eyes help her to maintain a cold sort of elegance - as though she is untouched by the world around her. Once thought expressionless, childbirth seems to have changed her - or perhaps moons of grief has simply taken it's toll - as while still not the most expressive cat Ternstar now oft wears her emotions in glittering blue eyes or the turn of her lips.

    Her coat is just as befitting of her new name - fur the color of silver-tinged frost covered by striking swirls of blue tabby pattern crisscrossing her coat. Her paws look as though they've been dipped in freshly fallen snow, and as though to draw attention to her eyes and detached demeanor her entire head has been painted white down her her neck. Her eyes, her most prominent feature by far, are a strikingly vibrant shade of blue - nearly glowing against her pale fur.

  • ☆ LH BLUE SILVER CLASSIC TABBY w LOW WHITE, POLYDACTYL (25% MAINE COON) • carries solid, non-silver, non-polydactyly

    ─ tall, muscular, large-pawed. has more fur and fluff making up her build then one would expect, notably slim and lithe when fur is wet or weighed down.
    ─ bears no visible scarring, though her wild mane hides more then a few from past battles. has some extra pouching left from her recent pregnancy.
    ─ wears no accessories

    ─ smooth, silky voice that sounds lilting and lyrical when she talks; sing-song but sarcastic and confident; deep and roguish but still undeniably feminine. scathing, whip-sharp tongue - her words are a weapon and it shows in both her speech patterns and her tone. prefers to avoid contractions where she can, likes using big words to sound eloquent and important. her formal speech pattern does not come naturally to her and she occasionally slips up, especially in times of distress or great joy. has one 'default' tone that rarely changes, struggles to put emotions into her words (other then mockery/sarcasm), comes across as bland/blunt to those who are used to this 'normal' an unchanging voice.
    ─ smells like damp earth, wood, and mushrooms; generally has a strong-smelling earthy marshland scent; neither particularily pleasant or unpleasant unless one has a particular aversion to shadowclans home

    designed by crazyclaw


    ─ taxidermy, skeletons and skulls, fungi, rotting leaves, all manner of dead things
    ─ dragons, jewels, silver and gold coins, shiny things, hoards of treasure, magpies and crows
    ─ red lipstick, sharp smiles, bloodstained teeth, black dresses, crowns
    ─ panthers, wolves, predators; sharp teeth and claws, deadly beauty
    ─ turquoise and purple, swirls and stars, wintertime, snowflakes and icicles, frozen wastelands

    ─ voiceclaim: n/a
    ─ faceclaim: n/a

    ─ sub urban cradles for album cover week
    ─ glameow for pokemon week

☆ ─── MENTAL

    Ternstar has always been an ambitious cat - born with nothing, desperate to hae everything. A product of her circumstances, she's a rather aloof presence within shadowclan - head held high and a holier-than-thou attitude that makes her seem immovable - an impassive wall. A survivor first and foremost, she will do anything to protect herself - not afraid to dirty her paws in the slightest. She doesn't trust easily - in fact, quite the opposite, forming rather strangely biased opinions on others for circumstances oft out of their control. But the cat beneath the mask is far from what she pretends - despite her bland tone and blunt nature, she's a mischievous thing, often gravitating to the sillier or stranger members of her clan, forming rather unusual friendships. Her sense of humor may be dark and sarcastic, but it's there nonetheless. Motherhood comes easily to her, moons of protecting her friends and herself from cats who would seek to hurt or use them, and this fierce protectiveness is something she now extends to her whole clan. While she struggles with more diplomatic things, her words often curt or abrasive, she means well - shadowclans best interest always at heart, if she can look past her more selfish desires first. A creature once deprived of love she seeks to fill that gap where she can - with admiration and respect from those around her, something far more tangible. While she will never be the most expressive or open cat, Ternstar delves into her role with all the ferocity of a Tigerclan warrior - looking to lead her clan with all the ferocity and stern guidance of a mother to her kits.

    • adaptable, ambitious, cunning, fearless, intelligent, maternal, patient, protective, resourceful
    • childish, fervent, impulsive, mischievous, morbid, offhand, power hungry, prideful
    • abrasive, bloodthirsty, blunt, brutal, narcissistic, selfish,
    ─ favorite food: bugs - the crunchier the better
    ─ favorite color: silver
    ─ favorite season: leaf-bare
    ─ favorite weather: cold and snowing

    • feathers, spars and battles, eating, bones, bottle caps, soda can tabs, bugs
    • "adults" , abusers, hot weather, the other clans

    ─ Outwardly, Ternstar comes across as cold an apathetic - an impenetrable wall of ice surrounding her and keeping others away. She doesn't trust easly, instead doing quite the opposite - finding rather unreasonable reasons to hate, distrust, or show suspicions to others; often focusing on things out of their control such as age or who they are related to.
    ─ Mischievous and playful, despite her apparent apathy towards others there are times where Ternstar can be found being less guarded. Her sense of humor is a caustic one, morbid and dark. She takes fun in mocking others, bartering, and in the thrill of a good fight - be it with words or claws.
    ─ Fiercely protective of what she perceives as hers - be it objects, places, or people. More then willing to put herself in harms way for her few friends, and despite sometimes coming across as a bully herself she will stand up for them if anyone else dares try the same. With material things is prone to guarding them like a dragon it's hoard or a bird it's nest; a hoarder at heart, rarely parting with even a single item until it is perceived as either useless or worthless.

    ☆ HABITS
    ─ Extremely expressive tail - no matter how still Tern is, her tail is constantly on the move, and it is perhaps the best indicator of her mood. When settled or unbothered, it swishes slowly, even during her sleep; while more wild emotions like irritation, anger, or even excitement result in a faster lashing motion. When anxious, lying, or otherwise unsettled her tail tends to still, only the tip twitching.

    ─ a strong believer in survival of the fittest, first and foremost Ternstar is a survivor. hearty, adaptable, and instinct driven, she will not hesitate to use anything and everything at her disposal to get the upper hand in any situation, even underhanded or less savory things such as stealing, lying, killing, or even fleeing a battle - anything, so long as she lives.
    ─ while notably lacking in other areas, Ternstar has shockingly strong parental values. she is of course, far from perfect, but strongly believes it is an adults (or parents) job to teach kits the harsh realities of life while keeping those realities from ever directly touching/affecting the child. she does not believe in telling white lies to comfort kits, but will for example do her best to comfort them with facts. the kind of cat to openly show her kits a dead body but also gently explain about starclan and life after death. strongly affected by topics of familial struggles and childhood starvation, prone to bouts of irrationality or disproportionate responses when faced with these sorts of situations.
    ─ champion for the weak, a shocking voice of reason on matters concerning abuse of power from mentors or parents as she believes it is the duty of a warrior to protect those weaker and less experienced from unnecessary harm. despite appearances, ternstar prefers training with claws sheathed and believes mentors should be vetted before giving them apprentices, having seen first hand the power a dangerous mentor can hold over their apprentice.
    ─ a fervent starclan believer, utterly devoted in her faith but shows it in strange ways. extremely superstitious, believes in things like luck, curses, and supernatural powers such as being able to see ghosts or understand birds. for a long time ternstar believed herself to be cursed, but has decided to take her fate into her own paws and 'break it'.
    ─ has copied Magpiepaws belief that white-markings on cats mean that they have been touched by starclan. doesn't often make use of this fact except when trying to form an opinion on a cat that has already caught her interest for one reason or another.
    ─ mildly fixated on the number three; believes good things and fate comes in three's, third times the charm, etc.

    ─ somewhat hard to form romantic relationships with. strongly believes in fate, wants to find 'the one' but will settle for someone else in the meantime; genuine affection can be earned through her platonic curiosity becoming obsession and then deep seeded affection. is more then willing to enter into contractual relationships for appearance sake, to cover for her secrets, or to further her ambitions.
    ─ somewhat hard to form platonic relationships with, as she often judges others based on superficial things such as age, appearance, circumstances they met rather then personality; most friendships are born through 'fate' (ei. repeated meetings) or curiosity. once a friendship as been formed it takes a lot (betrayal, death) to end it. it should be noted that ternstar is capable of treating her friends poorly or even battling against them one moment and acting like nothing happened the next.
    ─ tsundere, can come across as a bully when attempting to show affection both platonically and romantically.

    DEPRESSION; mild to moderate; shows the following symptoms:
    • feelings of emptiness
    • irritability
    • feelings of guilt, fixating on past failures
    • frequent or recurrent thoughts of death
    BINGE EATING DISORDER; mild to moderate; shows the following symptoms:
    • feeling they lack control over when and what they eat
    • overeating
    • eating even when full
    • eating extremely fast
    • eating in secret or hiding food
    ATHAZAGORAPHOBIA; severe; shows the following symptoms:
    • extreme irritation and anxiety when they are ignored or forgotten or perceive that they could be forgotten
    • intense apprehension and anxiety just thinking about being forgotten
    • experiencing feelings of impending disaster or doom when faced with a situation that evokes the worry of loss of memory or not being remembered
    • obsession with remembering and being remembered by others
    ─ only survivor of her litter
    ─ paternal half-sibling to name and two npc's

    ─ parent to cornflowerkit, ivorykit, rainbowkit (with snakehiss)
    ─ grandparent to none

    ─ grandchild to greywhisker; cousin to needledrift, bonechill, bloodwing, gigglepaw, branchpaw, splashdance, morelpaw, shadepaw (maternal)

    family tree

    ─ bisexual biromantic
    ─ ambiamorous

    ─ single; ⅓ of ???; interested in ???
    ─ previously interested in sunflowermask


    sunflowermask, raggedbite, halfsun, wormwatcher
    magpiepaw, starlingheart
    • magpiepaw, starlingheart
    • ferndance, leechpaw, foxglare, haretooth, amberhaze, wormwatcher, rainbowkit, ivorykit, cornflowerkit
    • eerienight, crowpaw, smogstar, needledrift, frostbite, chilledstar, starlingheart, mottlefox, sharpshadow, tadpolepaw, garlicheart, scorchedmoon, greywhisker
    • most of shadowclan, applejaw, sabletuft, cottonsprig
    • ashenfall
    • none


    " IC quote here "
    full opinion goes here

    " IC quote here "
    full opinion goes here

    " IC quote here "
    full opinion goes here

    [b]name[/b] • [color=white][abbr=no opinion of]♡[/abbr][/color]
    [b][size=14px]"[/size][/b] IC quote here [b][size=14px]"[/size][/b]
    [indent] ─ [i] full opinion goes here [/i][/indent]

☆ ─── EXTRA
  • ☆ STATS

    PHYSICAL HEALTH: ●●●●●●●●◐○

    ATK: ●●●●●●●●○○
    STR: ●●●●●●●●◐○

    STA: ●●●●●◐○○○○
    INT: ●●●●●●●◐○○
    CHA: ●●●●◐○○○○○
    DEF: ●●●●●●◐○○○
    AGI: ●●●●◐○○○○○
    DEX: ●●●●●○○○○○
    WIS: ●●●●●●●○○○
    LCK: ●●●●●○○○○○

    TRAINING LEVEL: ●●●●●●●◐○○

    one of the birds: with the loss of all her friends ternstar struggled with her identity and sense of self. in the aftermath of her traumatic experiences, a quiet conversation with starlingheart - who'd been caring for her throughout her pregnancy an subsequent recovery - gives her newfound purpose and direction. a name that is wholly hers, free of the weight of others expectations. purposefully wished to be named after a bird in order to find a sense of belonging and to honor her long-time friend, and hopes that by receiving such a name that should her time come, she will be welcomed into the stars alongside him.
    nine lives:
    naming list: duckling-, fledgeling-, flutter(ing)-, sunshine-, sunlight-, sunbeam-, flower-, goldenrod-, marigold-, daffodil-, daisy-, tumble-, twitch-, smoke-, storm-, fog-, ghost-, night-, shade-, dark-, magpie-, starling-,

    ☆ NOTES
    ─ Seemingly permanent RBF, struggles to express herself visually in both facial expressions and body language unless under extreme duress. can count the number of times she's cried in her entire life on one paw (with all but two occasions being due to the death of friends).

    ☆ PLOTS

    ─ please message in discord channel ( #kittys-cats ) for plotting

    [box=67%; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; color: white; font-size: 12px;][right][size=18px] [glow=black][color=mediumturquoise][b] TELL YOU YOU'RE THE GREATEST
    BUT ONCE YOU TURN, THEY HATE US [/b][/color][/glow]  [/size][/right][center][hr=1][/hr][size=13px] Ternstar [color=mediumpurple][b]♛[/b][/color] 26 Moons [color=mediumpurple][b]♛[/b][/color] Female [color=mediumpurple][b]♛[/b][/color] She/Her [color=mediumpurple][b]♛[/b][/color] Leader of Shadowclan[/size][hr=1][/hr][/center][fleft] [img height=125px][/img]
    [size=22px] [color=transparent] [abbr=Love][color=mediumturquoise]★[/color][/abbr][abbr=Acceptance][color=mediumturquoise]★[/color][/abbr][abbr=Remembrance][color=mediumturquoise]★[/color][/abbr][abbr=Patience][color=mediumturquoise]★[/color][/abbr][abbr=Perseverance][color=mediumturquoise]★[/color][/abbr][abbr=Protection][color=mediumturquoise]★[/color][/abbr][abbr=Compassion][color=mediumturquoise]★[/color][/abbr][abbr=Sacrifice][color=mediumturquoise]★[/color][/abbr][abbr=Unity][color=mediumturquoise]★[/color][/abbr][/color] [/size] [/fleft][color=transparent] ——[/color]     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam tellus risus, mollis nec purus id, congue convallis ex. In posuere ipsum eu urna iaculis, at dignissim quam suscipit. Duis at arcu rhoncus, finibus enim eleifend, rutrum arcu. In in mi non magna molestie commodo. Pellentesque sollicitudin dolor nunc, eget maximus enim pretium a. Nam porttitor efficitur metus quis finibus. Nulla quis mi at magna volutpat elementum. Praesent aliquam convallis ante, nec sollicitudin est ultricies a. In ligula lectus, pellentesque sit amet erat eu, lacinia maximus dui. Ut auctor facilisis mollis. 
    [fright][size=11px]          [color=mediumpurple][b]━[/b][/color] actions [color=mediumpurple]&[/color] [b]"[outline=#000] speech, [/outline]"[/b] [color=mediumpurple]&[/color] [i]'thoughts/quotes'[/i] [color=transparent]━[/color] [/size][/fright]          
    [hr=1][/hr][box=99%; color: mediumturquoise; text-align: center; font-family: georgia; font-size: 14px;][outline=black]  E V E R Y B O D Y [color=transparent][outline=transparent]-[/outline][/color] W A N T S  [color=transparent][outline=transparent]-[/outline][/color] T O [color=transparent][outline=transparent]-[/outline][/color] B E [color=transparent][outline=transparent]-[/outline][/color][b] M Y [color=transparent][outline=transparent]-[/outline][/color] E N E M Y [/B][/outline] [/box][hr=1][/hr]
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dynasty • by neoni
stick my shovel in the dirt and I laughed so hard it hurts - I am not the king I'm the whole damn dynasty, funny that you think that you can pick a fight with me,
tongues and teeth • by crane wives
I will poison all your happy thoughts, I love you like the ashes in my cigarette box, and if you're fine with that you can be mine. If you're fine with that, you can be mine-
queen of kings • by alessandra
she, queen of the kings, runnin' so fast, beatin' the wind - nothin' in this world can stop the spread of her wings. she, queen of the kings, broken her cage, threw out the keys. she will be the warrior of the north and southern seas,
you don't own me • by lesley gore
I'm young, and I love to be young; I'm free and I love to be free - to live my life the way I want, to say and do whatever I please,
7 rings • by ariana grande
been through some bad shit, I should be a sad bitch, who would have thought it'd turn me to a savage?
what it means to be a girl • by emeline
he'd never truly understand what it means to be a girl - put my ribbons in my curls, then carry around a knife with my diamonds. it's psycho we're living in a world where I get into clubs because I'm hot as fuck, but I don't trust what's in my cup - that's what it means to be a girl,
warriors • by imagine dragons
as a child, you would wait and watch from far away but you always knew that you'd be the one that'd work while they all play. in youth, you'd lay awake at night and scheme of all the things that you would change - but it was just a dream,
freak • by sub urban
twist and turn my feral mind, play with me 'til you've found another toy - let me be your freak show, I could be your favorite monster. rattle my whole cage, remind me why I can't be fostered,
utopia • by neoni
the system's always been broke, be honest - don't you feel like it's holding you hostage? stay in line 'til you fall in your coffin?
god no! • by chxrlotte
you can tell me go to hell because the only God that I believe in is myself
gods don't pray • by imagine dragons
'cause I've come, I've conquered, water's parted. now I'm here to stay - I've won, I've lost, I've paid that cost and I'll never break, oh, we ain't never comin' downstairs. Gods don't pray,
mayhem • by neoni
heaven or hell, freedom or jail, I'ma prevail, crush the head of a snake,
inferno • by sub urban
terribly terrible, she's the villain, one as sweet as caramel, she's my saint. think I'm getting butterflies, but it's really something telling me to run away,
hit and run • by lolo
I was brought up as a southern belle, I grew into the queen of hell. you were just a little stowaway that stabbed her way to save herself. you always liked the taste of blood, and I get off when I point the gun - it's so good to have someone to be so bad with,
cirque • by sub urban
we can fall in love or we can go insane, we can play it rough or we can play it safe - don't matter what's above, our destinies are made. why give us fuckin' lemons if I can just buy lemonade?
cradles • by sub urban
tape my eyes open to force reality - oh, no - why can't you just let me eat my weight in glee? I live inside my own world of make-believe, kids screaming in their cradles, profanities. some days I feel skinnier than all the other days, sometimes I can't tell if my body belongs to me
machine • by neoni
I'm so bored of the way that the world's going around, I've been thinking of burning it down. it's overrated, and I'm impatient,
warning label • by neoni
my cards on the table, I might be unstable - I should have been born with a warning label. from coffin to the cradle, got demons, I got angels - I should have been born with a warning label,
giants • by neoni
let me lace up my boots 'cause I'ma slay some giants, heaven and hell are waiting. don't need more motivation, I'll go down face to face,
grudge • by neoni
it's violent, your entitlement - like who made you the king and can we fire them? your ego is the size of a small continent, how are you still so incompetent? can't grit my teeth can't hold my tongue, pretend that you're the chosen one. can't say that I don't hate your guts but I can always hold a grudge
knives • by neoni
If you wanna make it through the night you better remember that you can never trust nobody
what are you afraid of? • by chxrlotte
I'm a nightmare, I am poisonous - can't cope with all of life's pointlessness, gonna wish you never knew me,
haunted house • by neoni
broken windows and a warning scribbled on my walls, saying that you better turn around. wouldn't be the first to try to burn me down. your move, you choose - could you love me at my worst, 'til the coffin's in the dirt?
uh oh • by sub urban
fool me once, that's one too many. better luck next time you've met me. where's the dunce who caught you meddling?
enemy • by imagine dragons
tell you you're the greatest but once you turn, they hate us. oh, the misery - everybody wants to be my enemy,
choke • by IDKHBTFM
if I could burn this town, I wouldn't hesitate to smile while you suffocate and die. and that would be just fine, and what a lovely time that it would surely be,
monster • by meg & dia
wondered what it's like to touch and feel something. monster - how should I feel?
rabid • by nicole dollanganger
something ugly in you, you also saw in me - guess we're infected with the same disease. well I could be your girl and you could be my baby, have a habit of ruining everything. we're the same, we're both rabid animals, got sick heads and minds, we were both born feral. like fields growing high, we're just those dark animals, the sad things at night. we know no control,
give us a little love • by fallulah
where do we belong, where did we go wrong? if there's nothing here, why are we still here? leave it by it's pain, leave it all alone - if I never turn, I will never grow. keep the door ajar when I'm coming home, I will try, can't you see I'm trying? give us a little love, give us a little love - we never had enough, we never had enough,
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