- Jun 25, 2022
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‣ Lark, a shortened form of his birth name.
‣ Trek, to honor his history as a wanderer.
‣ Created 06.25.2022 at eighteen moons.
‣ Ages on the first of each month.
BROWN AND WHITE TOM WITH BLUE EYES. Of an average stature, Larktrek is a short-haired, brown and white tom. Brown splotches prominently locate themselves on the right side of his face, as well as his right shoulder and down his back, and his hind legs and tail. [ TOYHOUSE ]
‣ Missing most of his left ear, two scars along his left eye, a long scar along his right side. (From Dusty, during the Great Battle.)
‣ Deaf in his left ear. (From Dusty, during the Great Battle.)
‣ Diminished vision in his left eye. (From Dusty, during the Great Battle.)
PERSONALITY: Larktrek is a traveler, hardly staying on one spot for long - unless he has a good reason for it. He tends to be quite curious and loves a good story - whether that is hearing it or telling it.
LARKSPUR, Wanderer of the Forest — [JULY 2022]
★ — GREEN, GREEN ROCKY ROAD ╱ Larkspur investigates the pine forest.
LARKSPUR, The Great Battle — [JULY 2022]
★ — REDRUM ╱ Larkspur joins the Great Battle.
★ — THE FIVE GIANTS ╱ Larkspur attends the first gathering after the Great Battle.
LARKSPUR, Resident of WindClan — [JULY 2022]
★ — NIGHTS LIKE THESE ╱ Larkspur returns to the moorlands with WindClan.
★ — THE FIRE STILL BURNS ╱ Larkspur reacts to the introduction of Honeytwist at Sootstar's meeting.
LARKTREK, Moor Runner of WindClan — [AUGUST 2022 - PRESENT]
★ — FREE LIKE KINGS ╱ Larkspur becomes Larktrek, as named by Sootstar.
★ — DIRTY TOWN ╱ Larktrek helps raid a chicken coop.
★ — A LITTLE BIT OF LUCK ╱ Larktrek takes part in a hunting patrol.
★ — TIL DEATH DO US PART ╱ Larktrek reacts to the forming of the burial grounds.
★ — CUTTHROAT ╱ Larktrek interacts with a ShadowClan patrol.
★ — SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES ╱ Larktrek interacts with an angrier shadowclan patrol.
★ — MR BRIGHT SIDE ╱ Larktrek discusses tactics for solving the hawk problem.
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Maecenas at egestas augue, at tempor enim. Nullam sit amet sem tellus. In cursus, lacus quis suscipit varius, est diam viverra enim, sed molestie metus odio nec elit. Suspendisse eu dolor diam. Curabitur ullamcorper elit commodo eros congue gravida. Suspendisse potenti.
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