❄ rise, eternal | Snowpath (Deceased)


name meaning?
Snow - for his soft colors, the expanse of white that folds over his legs and belly like a blanket of snow.
Path - in honor of his struggles, his effort and his sacrifice for his clanmates.
age? 13 moons at death (06/10/23)
position in clan? Current StarClan Resident | Former Warrior of SkyClan
gender/sexuality? Cis Male || He/Him || Pansexual
relationship status? Single


A blue and white tom with golden eyes.
A primarily white young tom, dappled in soft grays with the occasional blue gray tabble speckling across his back and around his face. He's a large cat with big paws and a thick neck ruff that makes him look even broader than he is. His eyes are both yellow-gold like sunflowers bursting from a winter field.

As an apprentice he is broad shoulder's with strong legs, built for SkyClan's specialty in tree climbing and while his fur has remained mostly unchanged the fur around his neck and head have thickened even more to give him a faux-lion esque appearance.


An oddly nihilistic young tom, he's taken to being blunt and forward in most cases but retains a sense of empathy despite his callous way of talking and addressing others. Snowpaw is prone to daydreaming, getting into mischief and otherwise doing things without much sense of reason that he refuses to fully elaborate on. He seems under the impression his purpose is to bend rules to see how far they stretch but isn't openly malicious in anyway. An enigma of sorts, he had a tendency to not be very talkative unless it is with a purpose or he has been given the approval to go at lengths on topics of his interest but he certainly doesn't seem very interested in yours.

After having accidentally killed @MORNINGPAW in a border skirmish, he has been rather more subdued in demeanor, more quiet in nature. While his snappish tone and general rebellious energy is still present he is much more calm and hesitant to cause trouble than before. Snowpaw's battle hungry nature has all but dwindled away and while he'll still defend himself and his clan he's much more hesitant to engage in fights if he can avoid them.

➸ hard to form platonic relationships
➸ hard to form romantic relationships
mate of?
crushing on? Crushing on @Roeflame .
parent to? N/A
child of? @Daisyflight xxx Raven Ramble
sibling to? (Older Sister) @butterflytuft

➸ previous apprentice to? @ThistleBack

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-Not every thread he's been in is listed here, only the ones that are relevant or impact him significantly.

Kithood - Early SkyClan
[x] Birthing Thread
[x] Snowkit and his siblings are let out of the nursery for the first time.
[x] Tiny dogs attack the camp and the kittens baracade themselves in the nursery.
[x] Figkit has a wiggly tooth and Snowkit and Greenkit talk her out of going near Dawnglare.
[x] Snowkit meets Thistleback.
[x] Snowkit meets Beesong of RiverClan and his distrust of medicine cats becomes more evident.
[x] The blue tabby kitten develops a fondness for bugs.

Apprentice Era
[x] Apprenticed and given Deersong as a mentor.
[x] First training session with Deersong.
[x] Snowpaw proceeds to traumatize Dawnglare by delivering him a gift of insects.
[x] Snowpaw saves Burnkit from a hawk, earning himself a scar on his head between his ears.

[x] After antagonizing Coyotepaw for his WindClan heritage the two begin to fight.
[x] Snowpaw has a heart to heart with Leopardcloud after his fight with Coyotepaw.
[x] Apologizing to Coyotepaw.
[x] Talks to Deersong about how he wants to see the world and feels suffocated in SkyClan.
[x] Leopardcloud passes, revealing she was Coyotepaw and Squirrelpaw's mother and Snowpaw mourns her alongside the clan.
[x] Meets Roepaw on a patrol, the two hit it off immediately. He admires the fiesty ThunderClan apprentice.
[x] Coyotepaw leaves to join WindClan with his father, Snowpaw feels guilt for his previous words at the other.
[x] The apprentice has a meltdown with Thistleback, asking why they had to let WindClan win.

[x] A border skirmish between ThunderClan and SkyClan results in Snowpaw accidentally killing Blazestar's daughter Morningpaw.
[x] As the clan rush Morningpaw to Dawnglare he remains at the border and Deersong comes back to fetch him.
[x] Upon returning to camp Howlpaw attacks him in her grief and he runs away after realizing Morningpaw has died...
[x] Thistleback chases him down and helps dig himself a temporary den outside of camp as he feels he can not face his clanmates right now.
[x] Snowpaw talks to Roepaw at the border after the battle. Finding solace in the one cat who can still look him in the eye.
-Around this time Deersong steps down as deputy and goes to the nursery to be with her kits, Thistleback is then reassigned as his mentor.

[x] Daisyflight seeks Snowpaw out to talk to him and encourages him to come back to camp to return to the apprentice den.
[x] Snowpaw cheers on his older sister Butterflypaw as she earns her new name Butterflytuft.

[x] WindClan attacks at the border patrol he was on and Snowpaw fights Smokepaw, forcing himself to overcome his trauma to defend his clan.
[x] The clan return from the border to find WindClan had also attacked their camp, Snowpaw goes to check on his siblings.
[x] Greenpaw returns after having fled to get RiverClan reinforcements and Snowpaw is relieved his brother is alright.

[x] Coyotepaw returns to SkyClan and Snowpaw pleads on his behalf. Blazestar eventually accepts the other back.
[x] Howlpaw and he reconcile, coming to a neutral relationship. While she can't fully forgive him, the two agree to quit being opposed.
[x] After being unable to see her for several moons, Snowpaw and Roepaw reunite at the border.
[x] Snowpaw gives Termitepaw a cicada shell as a gift, similar to the one he gave his brother when they were kits.
[x] He continues to sneak to the border to see Roepaw, feeling more and more guilt each time as he realizes he has a crush on her.
[x] Snowpaw and Blazestar finally talk face to face after avoiding one another since Morningpaw's death.
[x] Gillpaw of RiverClan arrives asking for aid at Sunningrocks as ThunderClan means to take it from RiverClan.
Blazestar makes the decision not to go and fight his family...Snowpaw can't help but feel conflicted.

[x] The discussion of names comes up as their warrior ceremony draws close.
Daisyflight suggests a few to Snowpaw and he feels uncertain of what kind of name he may get.
[x] Snowpaw, along with his mother Daisyflight and older sister Butterflytuft are caught in two-leg traps that had taken several cats from SkyClan already.
[x] While in captivity Daisyflight is put down leaving them motherless.
[x] Rescue comes and during this Snowpaw tells Thistleback Daisy is gone.
[x] Reunited with his siblings, the bad news is finally delivered and they all grieve together.
[x] Daisyflight's Vigil.
[x] At the GATHERING, Snowpaw meets up with Roeflame again to tell her what happened.

Warrior Era
[x] Saves his sister and several kits from a collapsing tree and loses his life in the process. Blazestar names him Snowpath before he passes on.

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