
βΈΈ Larping as the prodigal son β™‘





Medicine Cat
Cisgender Male
He / Him​
Biographical Information
Ages Every
68 Moons
01.01.2022 at 36 ☾​
Medicine Cat
As Medicine Cat
Preceded by
Succeeded by
N / a
July 2022 ~ Present​
Roleplay Information
Penned by
Last Update
Active (Main)

  • Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. He holds others to uniquely impossible standards, and yet, he himself stands impossibly above the rest. At a glance, he is a tom married to his own self - importance and man - made concepts of how the world functions and how it is meant to be.

    ❝ She's reminded, not for the first time, that Dawnglare is older than her. He doesn't often act it, she thinks, whimsical in the most irritating way and just as snobbish as he had been some eighteen moons ago (had it really been that long?) when StarClan had picked him as their intermediary, but yet Orangeblossom relaxes as Dawnglare voices his agreement. He knew StarClan better than any other living Clanmate. He had an odd streak of being dependable when needed; one she'd never expected to find herself at the mercy of, but it's a weight off her shoulders nonetheless. ❞

    β€” Orangestar on Dawnglare before their departure for the Moonstone​
    Dawnglare is a large, pretty, red and white tom with piercing blue eyes

    Dawnglare is a current Medicine Cat of SkyClan. He was born a Kittypet to Lovebug and Cassanova, and soon named Valentine by his housefolk. While he was never a member of the Pine Colony, he was tangentially related to it by proxy of his dear friend Blaise. While Valentine never seemed too interested in the wild cat lifestyle, his summoning by StarClan to the path of a Medicine Cat is what inevitably drew him to SkyClan. At the Moonstone, he was named Dawnglare, SkyClan's first Medicine Cat. He had no official mentor, and instead gained his knowledge via experimentation and help from the other newly - named Medicine Cats. Strangely enough, he seems to have held some intrinsic knowledge as far as sickness and matters of the bone go.

    Unbeknownst to the rest of his Clan, he began spending time with Mallowlark, a WindClan warrior, and soon fell in love. Eventually, Mallowlark would leave WindClan to join him in SkyClan, whom Dawnglare had invited without the knowledge of his Clan. This led to him being scorned by many, most notably his former friend Blazestar. Dawnglare's chosen apprentice had been Blazestar's son, Fireflyglow. At some point, Dawnglare completed Gentlestorm's training following the death of ThunderClan's Medicine Cat, Berryheart.

    Dawnglare is currently the only original Medicine Cat remaining.

    1. Detailed Description
    1.1 Scars
    1.2 Body Language
    1.3 Inventory​
    2. Personality
    2.1 Faith
    2.2 Quirks​
    3. Interaction
    3.1 Skills
    3.2 Combat​
    4. Relationships
    4.1 Kin
    4.2 Other Cats​
    5. History
    5.1 Backwritten
    5.2 Played​
    6. Trivia
    6.1 Playlist
    6.2 Theme Weeks​
    7. Gallery​
  • 86288480_G5xd2WL3gWItiEA.png

    Dawnglare's 2024 reference by Floppie​
    Dawnglare is a large, handsome, lanky tom with piercing blue eyes. He is primarily white with a warm, red - brown color streaking its way from his nose down to his tail in a manner akin to a dorsal stripe. As is expected for sepia cats, his red markings darken at his face and tail. His most prominent feature is the heart shape sitting between his eyes. Dawnglare has a longer, slightly foxlike muzzle and elegant features. Large, tufted, pointed ears atop his head further contribute to his foxlike appearance. A thick, well - groomed coat often does well to mask his general lankiness.

    β€· technically: longhaired cinnamon sepia with high white

    Scars gained:
    • attacked in the 2023 WindClan raid on SkyClan's camp; light scaring for the most part hidden beneath a thick white coat
    Body Language

    There is little that Dawnglare does conventionally. His gait can be described as eel - like. It is somewhat elegant and languid, with limbs that follow through the motions of his body with a lazy drag. His tail, thickly plumed, moves sinuously, flowing behind him like water. Dawnglare does not quell its lash when angry, nor the more subtle flicker that comes with his curiosity. For all that he may imply with an often - disgruntled resting face, he is remarkably expressive, although such expressions may not always match whatever situation he is in. He is capable of both uncomfortably wide, fanged smiles and deep - set frowns that tug at the corners of his mouth. Teeth - filled grimaces take to him easily, as does the sharpened narrow of eyes in times of a judgement. Most often, his gaze is half - lidded, but wide, owlish stares are no where near uncommon. Always, always, his gaze will find his object of interest with icy sharpness, boring into something or someone with all the certainty of a clairvoyant. Though what he spits is nonsense, he sees through you so clearly that you can't help but wonder if anything he says is true...

    Trees will not be climbed, but conquered with the full - bodied tossing of weight. Claws claim bark and forest floors as if they are his and his alone. High stress tics of his manifest in twitches of the face and claws rhythmically clicking against floors.​

    • A sun - bleached snake skull gifted to him by Mallowlark.
    • Over his time in SkyClan, he's collected a fair number of collars discarded by their wearers
  • An encounter with Dawnglare is not often a pleasant one. He is first and foremost, defined by his ego. On top of that, he is volatile, with highly fluctuating and often explosive moods. He is superstitious, holding a number of beliefs considered unconventional or nonsensical to the general population. The way he conducts himself can generally be described as idiosyncratic. Dawnglare is judgmental, often butting heads with clanmates over trivial matters. He is hypocritical, often making special exceptions in his morality for himself and himself alone. His selfishness is often at odds with his sense of duty, despite it all. Though Dawnglare does not honor much, what he does honor will be upheld to the upmost degree.

    Dawnglare is rather discontent with Clan life and does not bother to hide it. Clan life functions strangely to him. Things such as borders hold little importance to him, and he is completely disinterested in politics as well as the lives of other clans. He frequently laments the part of his life that led him here, and seems to frequently ponder returning to his life as a Kittypet. He will not - so - subtly attempt to dissuade any Kittypet that wonders onto SkyClan territory from joining, and generally believes Kittypets to be vastly superior to Clan cats. It saddens him quite genuinely to see them continuously fall victim to the snare of joining.

    Dawnglare suffers from grandiose delusions. He believes that his talent as a Medicine Cat is exceptional an unmatched, to the extent of all other Medicine Cats not being genuine in their rank. Though not necessarily untrue, he believes the discoveries he has made to be vital to Clan Life as a whole, and insists that SkyClan ( or perhaps, all Clans ) would have collapsed by now if not for him. He believes to hold some amount of divine power that grants him the abilities of premonition, evil purification, and immortality. He believes himself to be something other than a mere cat, and thinks himself forced onto this mortal plain to act as a liaison between cats and higher beings. He believes himself to be StarClan's favorite, and the close confidant of a being referred to as "Mother." Any cat that does not believe these things will be immediately discarded as possessed, wicked, or stupid. Any threat to these ideals causes him extreme stress.


    His inflated sense of self worth tints every interaction in his life. Dawnglare puts himself undeniably above all others, with only his faith circumventing complete and absolute ego - death. Due to this, self - reflection is remarkably rare for him, with most contentious interactions being chalked up to the absolute wrongness of the other party. He believes himself, quite literally, to be a perfect being living in a world where nearly all others are hopelessly flawed. He perceives himself as a saint for putting up with constant stupidity, and is often exasperated by the solemn reality of his life.

    He believes quite genuinely that he ought to be thanked for all that he does, and takes immense pleasure in situations where others are made dependant on him. His position of Meidicine Cat has undeniably fed his most unfortunate traits, putting him in positions where he may literally control the life or death of his charge. Dawnglare is not shy in reminding others of this, and will happily tout about how he could leave them for dead.


    Dawnglare's emotions change and surge as the tides do. Though he slips into negativity easily β€” often riled up by trivial matters or careless exchange of words, the pendulum may also swing toward seemingly uncharacteristic boughts of happiness. How he reacts to any one given thing, if not furiously, is often a toss up. In each case, he considers himself absolutely in the right for his reaction and will likely never express embarrassment, even in cases of extremely irrational fear or discomfort. He is inclined toward violence, as well, often threatening others physically over small things.


    Dawnglare's perception of the world is far removed from that of most others. Many of his explanations for natural phenomena are strange and not always consistent in their strangeness. At times, he seems to somewhat randomly attribute certain things to the doing of otherworldly beasts, ghouls, or otherwise wayward spirits. What has a supernatural explaination and what doesn't seems to be decided at random.


    Dawnglare is a devout believer in StarClan, though his relationship with them beyond that is rather complicated. At some point, he revered them greatly, never passing up an opportunity to revel in his own blessedness by their name. As time has gone on, he is no longer so star - struck, and knowing of what pitiful folk have joined their ranks over the moons, values their opinion much less than he had before. As of late, Dawnglare seems to think of StarClan as an antagonistic force, more than anything else. Now, he perceives their cryptic messages as taunting; the glow of the moonstone scrutinous. Distantly, he breathes the narrative that StarClan has wronged him by leading him to this place. It is not him that ought to revere them, but rather the other way around. The Clans are still afloat thanks to him and him alone, and only by starry - eyed reverie was he ever led here in the first place.

    Beside his belief in StarClan, Dawnglare seems endlessly devoted to an entity he refers to with many names, though most notably, "Mother." He has described Her as both fickle and endlessly more kind than he is. What abilities he attributes to Her seem to fluctuate, but he believes himself to be in close murmurings with her all the same. Allegedly, She often whispers things to him, whether they be warnings or warm purrs of approval. Apparently, She also has the ability to smite down any cat she would like to, but does not often due to her kindness. According to him, She is the earth itself, with Her soul resting inside the aptly named "Mothermouth." He describes the greenery atop Her skin as parasites, constantly sapping at her life force. The changing of the seasons are a constant war between them and Her, with Mother able to stave them off every few moons, but never quite able to eradicate them... Thankfully, the pain is not so acute, and unfortunately, the mortal creatures are in need of these leeches to function.

    Recently, a new nebulous being seems to have wormed their way to the forefront of his mind. Newly personified is the very sun itself, currently only referred to as "Him". Dawnglare seems to characterize this being as exceptionally cruel and omnipresent, primarily with the ability to send him visions of Himself.

    Dawnglare frequently alleges inwardly that he would happily commit grievous acts, but only refrains due to any of the above entities.​

    • Dawnglare is materialistic, being easily attracted to anything that sparkles or shines. Perhaps the quickest way to his heart besides complete trust in all he says, is the giving of physical gifts.
    • Dawnglare has an aversion to kits, believing that evilness clings to them most easily of any kind of cat. He believes that you can tell if kits will grow up to be "worth anything" at a young age. If he makes a bad impression with any kit, it is likely that he will cling onto that impression for life.
    • Has a strong dislike for the color green due to the nature of most green things on this earth being, allegedly, parasitic in nature. Will judge those with green gazes. Loathes Greeneyes for this reason.
  • Dawnglare is homosexual and monogamous. He is entirely devoted to his mate, Mallowlark and does not appreciate advances. Unknowingly, he harbors a faded crush on Blazestar.
    • Remarkably judgmental, often times developing opinions based on factors the other person could not hope to control. Develops fondness for those that share his ideals and take stock in all says. Dislikes those who question him or regard him without seriousness.
    • Holds grudges to great lengths, to the point where his dislike for a cat may often outlive his memory of the original reason why.
    Open to healing and peaceful powerplay, interaction, friends, enemies, one - sided crushes. Closed to romance, injury, death.

    Sounds like a smooth, melodious tone that teeters on the edge of a taunt at any given time. Flamboyantly masculine, hovering around a lower register but with an impressive vocal range. Often lilts or catches on itself in moments of Emphasis. if nothing else, to be described as dramatic. Laugh ranges greatly from syrupy giggles to boisterous cackling. Harbors a vaguely American accent. Voice Claim is roughly Red Guy from Cow and Chicken.

    Smells of thick pine scent typical of his SkyClan residence. Sweet strawberry, columbine, the lingerings of sun - warmed pavement from his time spent in Twolegplace.

    Speech is #FC9699 Thoughts are italicized. Physical Interactions are underlined.
    • Having received no formal training of any kind, borderline incapable of hunting or combat.
    • Poor speed. Movements are often languid and lazy.
    • Excels in climbing, having honed this skill at an early age within his Twolegplace
    • A capable tracker with a nose well - honed for herb finding.
    • Incapable of swimming, loathes the water.

    Medicinal Knowledge
    • Dawnglare is exceptionally skilled in matters relating to Illness, and anything to do with Bones.
    • Dawnglare's knowledge of cuts and infection are not exceptional, but more than enough to keep a clan alive.
    • Dawnglare is knowledge enough on pregnancy to know what things to look out for, but doesn't know much else past that.
    • Dawnglare knows of most poisons within his territory, though would not know what to do in the case of accidental ingestion
    • Dawnglare has no idea what traveling herbs are


    Combat difficulty is exceptionally easy. Despite his prevalent threats, possesses no skill to possibly back them with. Received no formal warrior training and lived a cushy life prior to joining SkyClan.

    Dawnglare lets the potential judgement of others deter him from starting most conflicts, but may offer warning swipes if provoked enough. He will not escape conflict immediately, still clinging to his wobbly belief of his own immortality, but will eventually flee if threatened enough. He will claim he is fully capable of murder by teeth, though this is untrue. Will speak as if he is doing his opponent a grand favor by not doing so.​
  • Main Article: Dawnglare/Heartchart (OUTDATED)

    Lovebug x Cassanova β€’ Generation 1 β€’ Mated to Mallowlark
    β€· Presumed to have several Kittypet siblings given to other Twoleg homes at around eight weeks old. Dawnglare has little to no recollection of said siblings.
    β€· Raised by his mother alone

    Kin ✎

    Mallowlark ✎

    Mallowlark is Dawnglare's mate. They met by chance encounter at fourtrees while Mallowlark was a WindClanner, and continued to meet there every moon thereafter, as well as at gatherings in between meetings. The two toms found something in each other that they failed to find in either of their respective clans, and eventually admitted their love for each other. Mallowlark eventually left WindClan to join him in SkyClan

    Dawnglare is undeniably attached to Mallowlark, perhaps unhealthily so, considering him his only solace within this wretched life of his. Dawnglare yearns for him in times of stress, at some points even suggesting that he would be happy for everyone but him to disappear. Though he is not the only cat he cares for, he is the only one that he does with such openness. He is eager to lean on him whenever possible. Mallowlark is perhaps, the only remaining cat in his life that can possibly sway his opinions and morals.​

    Lovebug and Cassanova ✎

    Lovebug is Dawnglare's mother. He was raised in the same twoleg home as her, and spent many moons growing up alongside her. Much of his behavior can be attributed to her parenting, that being of an incredibly affectionate, doting, and noncritical mother. Dawnglare loves her dearly, and attempts to live his life by her rhetoric.

    Cassanova is Dawnglare's father. He was owned by another twoleg and did not show much interest in him the times that they did meet. What Dawnglare vaguely recalls of him, he does not like.​

    Other Cats ✎

    Blazestar ✎

    Blazestar was Dawnglare's closest friend. They lived in neighboring twoleg homes, and developed a close bond with each other over the moons. If not for Blazestar, it is likely that Dawnglare would have remained ignorant to the Clans for the rest of his life. He, along with StarClan themselves, is what eventually pushed Dawnglare to reluctantly join SkyClan. Dawnglare perceives the forest of having put a wedge between them, filling Blazestar's head with idiotic ideas that he paid more and more attention to, whilst heeding Dawnglare's word less and less. Despite this, they remained close friends until Mallowlark joined SkyClan.

    Though it may not be accurate to say they reconciled, as time past, their hostility toward each other eventually dwindled. Dawnglare has never been the same since Blazestar's death. Rather than being comforted by the thought of him in StarClan, Dawnglare processes that fact with unbridled anger. He will never forgive him for his death. Dawnglare has avoided touching the Moonstone ever since, out of fear of seeing him.

    Dawnglare cared for him deeply, perhaps to an extent that he did not even realize himself. His moral compass was β€” and to an extent, still is largely guided by his will.​

    Fireflyglow ✎

    Fireflyglow is Dawnglare's former apprentice. Being Blazestar's son, delivered by his very paws, Dawnglare is intrinsically attached to him, despite the young tom grating on his nerves near - constantly. He chose Fireflyglow as his apprentice following a bought of sickness, wherein following the death of their sister, he could handle the potential loss of another of Blazestar's children. By proxy of being his apprentice, Dawnglare believes that he will let him live forever.​

    "Doeblaze" ✎

    Doeblaze is Dawnglare's enemy. He took to the friendship between her and Blazestar poorly at once, perceiving it as some sort of threat following the fallout between himself and Blazestar. He blames him wholeheartedly for his death, knowing the fool threw his last life away for her, even though he inwardly knows had it not been her, it would've merely been another. What use is her presence if she could not even keep her sorry mate alive?​
  • Backwritten

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem. Etiam varius massa in metus posuere auctor. Vestibulum finibus erat in blandit placerat. Nulla facilisis dui vel fermentum gravida. Morbi laoreet magna a magna mattis, nec porta urna sagittis. Proin tincidunt sem dignissim, viverra risus consectetur, mollis orci. Nulla imperdiet congue dui. Etiam sed ante nec lacus dictum porta. Sed eu ligula ullamcorper, laoreet sem sed, blandit purus. Nullam varius ut enim id ornare. Duis at porttitor turpis.​

    SkyClan's Founding

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem. Etiam varius massa in metus posuere auctor. Vestibulum finibus erat in blandit placerat. Nulla facilisis dui vel fermentum gravida. Morbi laoreet magna a magna mattis, nec porta urna sagittis. Proin tincidunt sem dignissim, viverra risus consectetur, mollis orci. Nulla imperdiet congue dui. Etiam sed ante nec lacus dictum porta. Sed eu ligula ullamcorper, laoreet sem sed, blandit purus. Nullam varius ut enim id ornare. Duis at porttitor turpis.​


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem. Etiam varius massa in metus posuere auctor. Vestibulum finibus erat in blandit placerat. Nulla facilisis dui vel fermentum gravida. Morbi laoreet magna a magna mattis, nec porta urna sagittis. Proin tincidunt sem dignissim, viverra risus consectetur, mollis orci. Nulla imperdiet congue dui. Etiam sed ante nec lacus dictum porta. Sed eu ligula ullamcorper, laoreet sem sed, blandit purus. Nullam varius ut enim id ornare. Duis at porttitor turpis.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem. Etiam varius massa in metus posuere auctor. Vestibulum finibus erat in blandit placerat. Nulla facilisis dui vel fermentum gravida. Morbi laoreet magna a magna mattis, nec porta urna sagittis. Proin tincidunt sem dignissim, viverra risus consectetur, mollis orci. Nulla imperdiet congue dui. Etiam sed ante nec lacus dictum porta. Sed eu ligula ullamcorper, laoreet sem sed, blandit purus. Nullam varius ut enim id ornare. Duis at porttitor turpis.​
  • Trivia
    • With the exception of important threads, I usually roll a dice to determine Dawnglare's mood / reaction to a situation!
    • I wuv him vewy much

    β–Ά Waltz in E-major, Op. 15 "Moon Waltz" - Cojum Dip Dawnglare heavily personifies different aspects of nature, including the relationship between the earth, the sun, and the moon. The waltz between them all is a fragile one β€” and one he perceives as suddenly declining following the death of Blazestar.

    β–Ά Cell - Cojum Dip There is some semblance of regret harbored amongst the frustration. In times of stress, Dawnglare ponders the reality of his failed relationships, both with his old friend, and with SkyClan itself. Though he'd not had the humility to beg His forgiveness, he sometimes wishes that he had.

    β–Ά Redmaggedon - Sodikken/ Dawnglare goes through much of his life in a sort of haze β€” piloted undeniably by his emotions that are more irrational than not. His emotions and lack of self control make the miasma that is him, though distantly, he does yearn for something more, and is aware this part of him keeps him from a more "normal" existence. While he does have genuine fears, they are deeply internalized into irrational behaviors. He is cold to the world because it is what makes most sense to be.

    β–Ά Ruler of Everything - Tally Hall Dawnglare believes in the ever - present march of time... when it comes to all but him, of course. It is a small solace to him, that nothing here will matter in some seasons time.

    β–Ά 134340 Pluto - Cojum Dip Dawnglare feels that he is an outcast amongst Clan life. though he knows they are fundamentally different β€” the Clan cats and him β€” it upsets regardless. Once, he'd had respect amongst his clanmates. Silently, to him, that respect has dwindled, and his status is more or less retained in title only. He insists there will be consequences for this; insists they will all be lost without him, in time.

    β–Ά Problems - Mother Mother Dawnglare often turns minor issues into major ones with his outbursts, at all times pinning blame on other parties for anything that happens.

    β–Ά Suburbia Overture / Greetings from Mary Bell Township! / (Vampire) Culture / Love Me, Normally - Will Wood He is remarkably critical of Clan life, believing the idealistic nature of it to be an elaborate trap meant to lure cats like him into its clutches. When you have spent enough time there, the mask is torn down. Clanmates and Clan laws are parasites, always needing fresh blood to feed their twisted machine. The new blood will become old blood. The old blood will always die a gruesome, meaningless death.

    β–Ά Butcher Vanity - Vane Lily His ego feeds off of the power he was given as Medicine Cat β€” delusion could manifest itself in partial truths. For all that he claims of clan cats, he feeds off of them just the same, eager to indulge in any opportunity to make them feel dependent on him. Distantly β€” he is aware this is not a good trait of his. Generally, as well, he holds a certain interest in blood and viscera.

    β–Ά A Human's Touch - TWRP Dawnglare often feels that he is a mere tool in the hands of the Clans. He asserts that this life is one he had never wanted, but that he gave his all to regardless. Despite this, he is appreciated my few and simply liked by even less. With Fireflyglow's full name, Dawnglare suddenly feels a threat to his position. He wonders how swiftly he woul dbe discarded, if not for his divine knowledge.​

    Theme Weeks

    Cartoons: The Devil (The Cuphead Show)
    Video Games: The Devil (Cuphead)
    Pokemon: Delphox
  • Main Article: Dawnglare/Toyhouse


    Dawnglare and Blazestar depicted by Floppie​


    Dawnglare and Mallowlark depicted by Floppie​


    Dawnglare and Mallowlark depicted by Waluigipinball​
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  • Love