- Jan 4, 2023
- 160
- 125
- 43
- Cottonsprig, Priority - Bunnypaw, Casual | - Rivuletkit, Casual - Splashdance, Priority | - Sunshinespot, Casual - Twilightkit, Secondary | - Spicepurr, Secondary - [?]kit, Secondary | - Promisekit, priority | - Deathpaw, Casual |
sprucepaw - shadowclan - killed by a fox
brookstorm - riverclan - died to pneumonia
nightingalecry - windclan - killed by ebonylight
skyclaw - thunderclan - killed by raccoonstripe
mistcrawl - windclan - likely became an elder
mapleberry - shadowclan - faded into obscurity
bunnywhisker - windclan - escaped with the loyalists
pinefeather - skyclan - flavor text character
lovage - skyclan - flavor text character
mourningpaw - windclan - flavor text character
lizardthroat - shadowclan - flavor text character
brookstorm - riverclan - died to pneumonia
nightingalecry - windclan - killed by ebonylight
skyclaw - thunderclan - killed by raccoonstripe
mistcrawl - windclan - likely became an elder
mapleberry - shadowclan - faded into obscurity
bunnywhisker - windclan - escaped with the loyalists
pinefeather - skyclan - flavor text character
lovage - skyclan - flavor text character
mourningpaw - windclan - flavor text character
lizardthroat - shadowclan - flavor text character
posting template:
tags code:
[slide=basic info]name progression
agab gender, pronouns, sexuality
age, birthday, aging rate
clan, rank, activity
census descript[/slide]
[slide=appearance][ SYMBOL ] genetics
[subquote=white]long descript[/subquote]
[slide=persona][ SYMBOL ] traits
[subquote=white]long descript[/subquote]
[slide=relationships]parent x parent, extended family relations
littermates with x; siblings with x
close friends with x
(formerly) mentored by x
mentoring x
complicated relationship, parent to, etc[/slide]
[slide=important links][URL=]adoption thread[/URL] - toyhouse - artfight[/slide]
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