storage if i loved you ; storage

Jan 4, 2023

- Cottonsprig . MC . Priority
- Mourningpaw . Tunneler Apprentice . Casual
- Bunnypaw . Moor Runner Apprentice . Casual
- Rivuletkit . Kitten . Secondary
- Splashdance . Warrior . Priority

- Sunshinespot . Warrior . Casual
- Twilightkit . Kitten . Secondary
- Spicepurr . Daylight Warrior . Secondary
- Lovage . Queen . Casual
- Lizardthroat . Warrior . Casual
character census as of 9/20/24
sprucepaw - shadowclan - killed by a fox
brookstorm - riverclan - died to pneumonia
nightingalecry - windclan - killed by ebonylight
skyclaw - thunderclan - killed by raccoonstripe

mistcrawl - windclan - likely became an elder
mapleberry - shadowclan - faded into obscurity
bunnywhisker - windclan - escaped with the loyalists
pinefeather - skyclan - flavor text character

posting template:

tags code:
[slide=basic info]name progression
agab gender, pronouns, sexuality
age, birthday, aging rate
clan, rank, activity
census descript[/slide]
[slide=appearance][ SYMBOL ] genetics

[subquote=white]long descript[/subquote]
[slide=persona][ SYMBOL ] traits

[subquote=white]long descript[/subquote]
[slide=relationships]parent x parent, extended family relations
littermates with x; siblings with x
close friends with x
(formerly) mentored by x
mentoring x
complicated relationship, parent to, etc[/slide]
[slide=important links][URL=]adoption thread[/URL] - toyhouse - artfight[/slide]
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  • cottonkit - cottonpaw - cottonfang - cottonpaw - cottonsprig
    afab cisfemale, she/her, ambiguous sexuality
    21 moons, 12.14.22, ages on the 14th
    windclan, medicine cat, active priority
    a small blue smoke she-cat with blue eyes.
  • [ ✧ ] lh blue smoke w/ low white. carries chocolate & non-silver.

    with her pride and pedigree, cottonpaw considers herself to be a rather pretty molly. she keeps herself clean, but does not rebuff the occasional petal or leaf that strays into her fur, and does well to try and hold a smile. her grey fur is shaded, stripes hidden in silver tufts and a mask adorning her face. her paws seem to be spattered with white, inconsequentially - with no rhyme or reason. she looks a lot like her mother. cottonpaw does not often like the comparison.

    her build is lithe and sleek, however it is difficult to perceive her as so with her long, plush fur. she is not well muscled, given her work does not provide her ample chance to train otherwise. she has scars - noticeable ones on her shoulders and over her eye - as well as little scrapes and scratches from over the moons. her paw pads are calloused, too, from handling too many thorned specimens as a medicine cat apprentice.

  • [ ✧ ] inquisitive, prideful, rule-breaker, brave, dreamer, talkative, enthusiastic, judgemental

    cottonpaw is a perfect case of nature versus [/i]nurture[/i]. while she struggled along with her siblings to follow her mother's strict regime, she never lost her caring, warm heart or her worry for her friends or clanmates. in defecting she cemented that she will always rebel for what she feel is right, even if the status quo doesn't depict it as such. even when she is down trodden or bothered by life, cottonpaw does well to try and cheer up the cats around her and limit their exposure to her inwardly troubled life. she's more willing to take than give, however she loves to be seen otherwise.

    to strangers cottonpaw is sterile and perhaps a bit cold, given the context.

  • sootstar x weaselclaw, sootfam
    littermates with addervenom, harrierstripe, bluefrost, moorblossom; siblings with sootspot, shrikesthorn
    mother of foalkit, comfreykit, and rimekit [foxglare]
    close friends with foxglare, mouseflight, whitedawn, juncoclaw [?], sunflowermask [?], sedgepounce, celandinepaw
    formerly mentored by wolfsong
    currently mentoring celandinepaw
  • adoption thread - toyhouse - artfight
  • Code:
    [tabs][slide=𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝]ooc // [/slide]
    [slide=˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖][quote][color=white]❥[/color] [color=#d1addb][B]MEDICINAL KNOWLEDGE[/B][/color]
    [color=white]♥♥♡ WOUNDS[/color] ; can confidently stop bleeding and mend lacerations. will often request that you keep your injury clean and wait it out first.
    [color=white]♥♥♡ INFECTION[/color] ; as a side effect of likely her own doing, very dutiful with technique and treatment shortly thereafter.
    [color=white]♥♡♡ ACHES & PAINS[/color] ; will defer to a dark tunnel and rest. if pain persists, [i]maybe[/i] she will offer something.
    [color=white]♥♡♡ BROKEN BONES[/color] ; has never dealt with a broken bone. likely will ask that you never move. ever again.
    [color=white]♥♥♥ TRAVELING HERBS[/color] ; learned well from her previous mentor. will pile even too many remedies to tough the wilderness with.
    [color=white]♥♥♥ KITTING[/color] ; having kittens of her own and helped several others with their litters, she is very well versed with calming techniques and quelling pain.
    [color=white]♥♡♡ POISONS[/color] ; she knows what they are... but that isn't enough, isn't it?
    [color=white]♥♥♡ ILLNESS[/color] ; having worked through two yellowcough bouts, she is confident in her remedies. much else... she's operating on trial and error.
    ⸻ cottonsprig is a dutiful and excitable medicine cat. she enjoys company and loves conversation. she'd rather not have too many curious noses snooping around her den... but who is she to quell curiosity?[/quote][/slide]
    [slide=𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠][fleft][img width="180px"][/img][/fleft][quote] [url=][color=#d1addb]⸻❥[/color][/url] cottonsprig is the primary medicine cat of windclan. a former princess to the moors, she harbors many guilts for her actions throughout her short life. she has no consistent partner, unwilling to commit and settle, and she is training celandinepaw in medicine.[/quote][/slide][/tabs][/font][/justify][/box]

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  • skykit - skypaw - skyclaw
    agab male, he/they, unknown sexuality
    17 moons, 2.22.23, ages on the 22nd
    thunderclan, warrior, active priority
    a black and chocolate tabby chimera with amber eyes.
  • [ ➳ ] sh black solid, carries chocolate & point.

    skyclaw ruefully exhibits traits from both of his parents. while he boasts the broad shoulders and barreled chests like many of his thunderclan family, he also shares round features and (on occasion,) kind eyes with that of his skyclan lineage. ever since his bloodline has been exposed, skyclaw has noticed how alike he looks to the clan he despises - to their strong arms and near-talons for claws. he does well with the undergrowth but he wonders if he is too large, perhaps better suited for climbing trees.

    he is littered with scars, both seen and unseen. his most prominent scars come from crowsight - a gash across his throat and straggly marks lacing his forearms. he wears them proudly, as prizes. he rarely grooms his mottled pelt to obscure them.

    his gaze is akin to fire when angry, blazing out of control, and he very rarely wears a smile if it's not meant to undercut another cat.

  • [ ➳ ] confrontational, hardworking, self-sabotaging, stern, violent, caring, fearful, paranoid

    while skyclaw would never describe himself as a scared feral, it is undeniably what he represents. he feels constantly cornered, claws burrowed into the dirt beneath him ready to lash out. while he appears stable with an okay head on his shoulders, he fights constant paranoia that because of his existence, someone is out to get him. it slips into his every day habits, as he tries to exhibit frequently that he is a good and valued warrior of thunderclan. he often exhibits other, lesser valued traits instead.

  • little wolf x blazestar, blazefam & howlingfam
    littermates with duskbird; siblings with morningpaw, burnstorm, moonwhisper, howlfire, fireflypaw
    close friends with falconheart, palefire, dipperfrost
    formerly mentored by scaleclaw, howlingstar
    mentoring luckypaw
  • adoption thread - toyhouse - artfight

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  • foxkit - snowykit - snowypaw - splashpaw - splashdance
    agab female, she/her, unknownsexuality
    12 moons, 9.21.23, ages on the 21st
    riverclan, warrior, active primary
    a wispy furred black she-cat with blue eyes.
  • [ 𓆩𓆪 ] sh black solid w/ low white. carries cinnamon, dilute, & point.

    splashpaw on the surface does not appear like a riverclanner. her fur is drenched with the night sky, speckled with white starlets across her cheeks and plumed and feathered as if meant to cover every nook and cranny of the world. she looks as if she's meant to blend in with the shadows of the flora around her. however upon closer inspection, she appears to have more riverclan traits than she's been given credit for; her paws are webbed, giving her ample ability to swim. her fur, while not yet repellant of the water, is becomes silky and smooth when wet. she's rather pretty, although her behavior doesn't lend her as much leeway.

    her eyes are 'river blue,' a distinction given to her long ago that meant nothing to her as a kitten, but means the world now. her paws are too-soft, and though she tries to work hard, its clear she has not a proper day of hard work in her life.

  • [ 𓆩𓆪 ] toxic positivity, over-excited, kind, helpful, curious, daring, adventurer

    as of recently, splashpaw has taken on her mother's all but forgotten trait: a nomad. while she does not intend to abandon riverclan at all, she abuses her sense of wanderlust to explore the new lands that she is gifted privilege to. in the same manner, she greets her new clanmates with excitement and passion, perhaps pushing several of them away due to her too-much behaviors. her mentor will certainly have their paws full trying to recourse this apprentice, as with her way of living before she hasn't had too-much in the way of discipline.

  • ferndance x pikesplash, needlefam
    littermates with bonepaw, shadepaw, bloodpaw; siblings with otterbite, morelpaw, gigglepaw, branchpaw
    close friends with snowlark, pebblepaw, midnightash
    mentored by thistlesight, fleabounce, lakemoon
  • adoption thread - toyhouse - artfight

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  • sunshinekit - sunshinepaw - sunshinespot
    afab nonbinary, they/he, ?? sexuality
    16 moons, 5.25.23, ages on the 25th
    thunderclan, warrior, active casual
    a stout, plush-furred blue calico with a scarred face.
  • [ ✺ ] lh blue tortoiseshell w/ low white.

    while not the spitting image of performance, sunshinespot has grown into a brute force of a cat. while often called too-soft, they exhibit strength and will in their frame alone - a formidable beast, if only his claws would mar more than his nest's moss at night. he exists with half lidded eyes and a permanent, lazy smile in his expression; he tries to make others feel welcome by making himself appear smaller, always hunched over or laying down. they care little for their appearance, unfortunately bearing many matts and burrs caught in their pelt.

  • [ ✺ ] relaxed, charismatic, uncoordinated, friend-to-all, unconfrontational, dispassionate, fatigued

    sunshinespot is often pointed out to be the failure apprentice; while his final moons of experience severely ramped up in terms of effort and ability, he has always shown that the life of a hard working warrior simply isn't for him. he likes to laugh and relax with his friends, however patrolling in any capacity exhausts him. he has a long worn temper that doesn't often show, however he is prone to exploding if pushed and prodded hard enough.

    he is too-kind to strangers and does not mind cross-clan friendships.

  • sunfreckle x rabbitnose, frecklefam
    littermates with rainbowpaw [?], emberface, pidgeonpaw[?], softkit, sweetkit; siblings with freckleflame, mousenose, sparkwing, dovekit, mossypaw
    close friends with doepath, braveheart
    formerly mentored by mousenose
  • adoption thread - toyhouse - artfight

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  • rivuletkit
    agab feminine, she/her, ?? sexuality
    5 month, 5.1.24, ages on the 1st
    riverclan, kitten, active casual
    a mottled grey-and-white kitten with green eyes.
  • [ 𓆝 ] lh blue w/ high white. carries cinnamon.

    rivuletkit exhibits only the shaded blues of her deceased mother in her youth, however expresses the rounded features of robinheart instead. her heart-shaped face is accompanied by wide, owlish green eyes and ears that've just unfurled. she boasts no height or strength yet, however giggles around the nursery have claimed to rarely see her happy, as she always seems annoyed by one thing or another. gum pains, hunger pains, growth pains. being so young is hard!

  • [ 𓆝 ] loud, needy, ahead-of-the-curve

    rivuletkit has yet to procure a real personality, however she is known for her near-constant babbling and crying. she likes to waddle close to her mother and practice her pouncing on robinheart's tail, showing promise as a hunter. she does the same to her siblings and any cat that passes, exhibiting that her claws are meant for all.

  • brookstorm x robinheart, fruitfam, lightningfam
    littermates with algaekit, redkit
    friends with cragpaw
  • adoption thread - toyhouse - artfight

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  • spice - spicepaw - spicepurr
    agab, she/her, undefined sexuality
    13 moons, 8.15.24, ages on the 15th
    skyclan, daylight warrior, secondary
    a cinnamon and cream chimera wearing a pumpkin-adorned hat
  • [ 🕸 ] lh cinnamon / lh cream tabby chimera w/ low white; muted green eyes

    life thus far for the young chimera is not unkind. she is well fed, well taken care of, and well engaged. while she does not know skyclan throughout the entirety of her youth, virtue of her home life does not allow her to slack behind her fellow clanmates upon arrival. her muscles are well toned and her skills as good as they can be for someone of her age - her twoleg prior to bianca encouraged her to hunt the local wildlife, after all. she is a master of catching sparrows midflight or snatching lizards before they dash away. although before skyclan it was for praise and fun, she does not slack as she becomes a skyclan apprentice.

    similarly, however, spice is outfitted like a kittypet. before bianca, spice grew used to the thick black collar fitted around her neck. her new twoleg, however, seems a little more careful about the local wildlife and upon noticing spice's antics to hunt the fauna in her backgarden, straps a bell to the throat of her collar in hopes of keeping the hunting to a minimum. the hat, too, is abnormal to spice, however with her older sister's encouragement she wears it well and she wears it with pride. though the bell seems like a great hindrance to her skills at first, a minor accident involving her collar either disables the bell by crushing it, or tears the collar altogether. regardless, bianca seems to have no issue replacing it, this time with a bell that makes considerably less noise.

    otherwise, spice appears to be like any other apprentice. her fur is not necessarily mottled, though it's coloration is a bit unusual by nature's standards. cinnamon fur creates a mask on her face and spots her paws and hind end, while cream fur seem to act as a base coat otherwise. white is held to an incredibly low degree, only framing her face. her eyes are green, akin to moss agate - however in the sun they shift, proving to a brighter, more malachite tone.

  • [ 🕸 ] capable, perceptive, timid, dependent, competitive, compulsive liar.

    although capable beyond the typical daylight warrior at start, spice proves to be a bit anxious. the clan seems to be on the constant precipice of infighting and tension which is something she does not fair well with. while she prefers to talk out differences as opposed to fighting with claws, spice struggles to even get to the talking part, and in her continued youth may default to looking for her sister or eventual mentor for help.

    though not the fighting type, spice does not mind the occasional competition. be it hunting, racing, or even the occasional spar, she's willing to do her best. it may be derrived from wanting to prove herself to her sister, or even to prove that daylight warriors are just as capable as dedicated warriors - regardless, she rarely turns down a chance to show off her skills. even while stunted by her collar, she exhibits remarkable hunting prowess.

  • npc x npc, skygrassi jr
    siblings with hazelbeam, edenberry
    friends with hawkspine, wolfpaw
    formerly mentored by momowhisker
  • adoption thread - toyhouse - artfight

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  • twilightkit
    afab bigender, she/he, unknown sexuality
    4 moons, 5.8.24, ages on the 8th
    thunderclan, kitten, secondary
    a three legged silver tabby with gilded eyes
  • [ ☽ ] lh silver tabby w/ low white. carries solid, non-silver, dilute.

    she models herself after nightbird in almost every way - her grooming habits, her narrowed eyes, each are gained from watching her mother's careful, purposeful movements. while mimicking his father may come just as naturally, he is far more apt to mirror that of his present and residing parent. while he acts no different with his missing limb, the child subconsciously makes up for it by trying to appear more in some ways. though she is not brutish in build or demeanor, she does brandish rippling muscles and near-silent pawsteps, claws curved to parse the undergrowth with in-born skill.

    he does not look clearly like either of his parents in coloration. perhaps it is another means to set him apart from his siblings, or perhaps it serves only to exemplify her differences. her tabby striping is as stark and striking as raccoonstripe's appear to be, although against a silvery coat rather than a muddy brown one. white, too, finds its way into her pale features, but only delicately - a blaze on her forehead, a splash on her missing forearm, a dip for her ears and tail. he looks as if he was crafted to be perfect elsewhere, but not here.

  • [ ☽ ] strict, punctual, obedient, precise, picky, follower

    a child born of nightbird and raccoonstripe should serve as a clear testament to both - of wit and cleverness, of thinly veiled brutality and simmering annoyance. and where she does not exhibit them in image she makes up for in tone. even as a child he is picky with his company, prideful to a fault and provides only scrutiny to those who do not afford him any positive. should his parents deem a peer alright, then his walls are nudged aside and he accepts another into his world. but should either of her parents decide that someone is unworthy... well, a follower is she, and obedient to boot - he has no issue putting distance between himself and another.

    roleplay will always have a means of shaping characters' natures, and so not much is concrete. that said effort will be put forth to ensure that he actively makes attempts at mirroring his parents - even going as far as to mimic their words and phrases, as well as body language. she wants to be a source of pride to them, in the end. and who, then, to marvel at if not a spitting image of one's self?

  • raccoonstripe x nightbird, howlingfam
    littermates with bayingkit, tigerkit, stormkit, lightningkit
    friends with coltpaw
  • adoption thread - toyhouse - artfight

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  • lovage
    afab cisgender, she/her, undefined sexuality
    30 moons, july 1st, ages on the 1st
    skyclan, queen, casual
    a soft blue tortoiseshell with a single blue eye
  • [ ❀ ] sh blue tortoiseshell w/ white

    long descript

  • [ ❀ ] maternal, determined, cruel, whimsical, selfish, bystander syndrome

    long descript

  • npc x npc
    former mates with laurel and nightshade
    mother of oleanderkit, birchkit, and mercurykit
  • adoption thread - toyhouse - artfight

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  • lizard - lizardthroat
    agab gender, she/it, undefined sexuality
    1.5 years, ?? birthday, aging rate
    shadowclan, warrior, casual activity
    night-black she-cat with dark eyes
  • [ SYMBOL ] black w/ low white

    long descript

  • [ SYMBOL ] whimsical, fun-loving, determined, spiteful, callous

    long descript

  • skunktail x porcupine, briarfam descent
    littermates with pipitclaw
    mates with mottledfox
  • adoption thread - toyhouse - artfight

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  • bunnykit - bunnypaw
    agab female, she/her, unknown sexuality
    6 moons, birthday ?, ages every
    windclan, rank, activity
    census descript
  • [ ❀ ] lh lilac point w/ low white, sunflower yellow eyes

    born a gentle lump of fur, and for the first several months of her life, this kitten proves to be nothing substantial. she's quiet, falling behind the loud thrum of her siblings. her legs are characteristically short, her cheeks round and plumed with too-fluffy fur - a newborn kitten of no real circumstance. however as she grows, her size rivals that of her siblings. her legs become long and spindly, her body lean and well muscled; she is effectively a well mix of her parents, erring on venomstrike's larger size, but holding fast onto a thin framed body not unlike rattleheart.
    colorationwise, she is born as pale as sand. days wear on and venomstrike's lighter undertones fill in the spaces of her face and paws - albeit with negative space cut out still. if her color points were any darker, she'd be a seal snowshoe - however her rabbit soft fur rivals that of the prey-beast, blending more closely to dry heather grasses than the tunneling mud.
  • [ ❀ ] shy, quiet, observant, push over, follower, fearful, anxious

    long descript

  • rattleheart x venomstrike, scorchfam
    littermates with crunchykit, splinterkit, thistlekit, breezekit
    mentored by sedgepounce
  • adoption thread - toyhouse - artfight