Jun 7, 2022


Hello, Skyfam! This is a fun idea we thought we'd use to boost some activity on the boards and also just get in touch with both our characters and our Clanmates' characters! This is a prototype for something upcoming... but there may still be a prize at the end of it! This is similar but less in-depth to the ThunderClan spring prompt event of 2023, if you remember that! [Also thanks to Blitz Krieg and the ThunderClan HP team for allowing us to use a similar idea!] The HP team will work together to come up with three personalized prompts!


✧ You can sign up as many characters as you'd like as long as they are on the SkyClan census!
✧ You will receive three prompts. The HP team will be coming up with these prompts based on what we've seen of your character.
✧ Your character must have tags in order to receive prompts.
✧ The threads can be open, private, pafp, one-shots. Replies to other threads only count if you are completely and totally answering the prompt in the response.


[b]Main Account:[/b]
[b]Character Account:[/b]
[b]Link to tags:[/b]
[b]Anything you want specifically avoided?:[/b]

Main Account: @dejavu
Character Account: @bobbie
Link to tags: here
Aesthetics: ethereal fairy girls, road signs with kind words, gold & pale green & red, winter berries, sun-soaked days, childhood sweethearts, raspberries, flowers, bees and honey, long wavy hair, deer; pinterest!
Anything you want specifically avoided?: nope! agreeing with everyone else i have done. Too many flower crown threads. no more pls
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Main Account: @Rai
Character Account: @Dandelionwish
Link to tags: [LINK]
Aesthetics: Spring, dandelions, rainbows, sunshine, fresh cut grass scent, golden fields, hawk shadows, roses...
Anything you want specifically avoided?:
If you give me a single flowercrown prompt I will find you, I will destroy you, I will bite the heads off your animal crackers and leave the rest in the bag.

Main Account: @Rai
Character Account: @Abysskit
Link to tags: [LINK]
Aesthetics: Fall colors/leaves/season, marigolds, monarch butterflies, honor/devotion, the scent of cinnamon, the constellation orion
Anything you want specifically avoided?:
If you give me a single flowercrown prompt I will find you, I will destroy you, I will bite the heads off your animal crackers and leave the rest in the bag.

I will post my third kitty later when I have him back on the census uwu
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Main Account: @Blobl
Character Account: @Sweetybee
Link to tags: UE
Aesthetics: Bumblebees, pink, bows, honey, hidden weapons, bloody daggers, femme fatale vibes
Anything you want specifically avoided?: The braincell isnt picking up anything so no!​
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Reactions: Marquette
Main Account: @Marquette
Character Account: @BLAZESTAR
Link to tags: here
Aesthetics: sunflowers, rainbows after a storm, a crescent moon, golden colors
Anything you want specifically avoided?: Flower crown threads please lmao

Main Account: @Marquette
Character Account: @DOOMKIT
Link to tags: here
Aesthetics: sword fights, scarlet sunsets, smoke, roosters, red-breasted birds, reddish colors
Anything you want specifically avoided?: Flower crown threads please lmao
stares ferally

Main Account: a
Character Account: @sparrowpaw!
Link to tags:➹-sparrowpaw.5278/
Aesthetics: muted, warm colors - soft browns, red accents
forests, birds, temperate fall days and breezes, soft voices and gentle hugs
idk but canon design here
Anything you want specifically avoided?: naur

Here are Sparrowpaw's!

1. Sparrowpaw is caught singing to themselves by someone while working in camp. What is their reaction? What are they singing about?

2. Sparrowpaw prefers to eat rodents rather than birds, but a Clanmate notices they're hungry and offers to share a sparrow with them. Not wanting to be rude, Sparrowpaw does not immediately refuse. Write what happens next.

3. Sparrowpaw recently met a cat from their past at the Gathering. Has this stirred any memories of their former colony, whether bitter, sweet, or somewhere in between? Write about a memory Ravensong's presence could have triggered for Sparrowpaw.​
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Reactions: its_oliverr
Main Account: @Kitty-Kat-
Character Account: @Sootspritespark.
Link to tags:
Aesthetics: MARINA, gaslight gatekeep girlboss, bright yellows, narcissus flowers, ink stains and watercolors
Anything you want specifically avoided?: any romantic contemplations, if only because she's always thinking about her chaotic choices; also i'd prefer any prompts to be doable post-kitting for her if they require interaction with others.

Character Account: @Eggbounce.
Link to tags:—-closed-chosen.5585/post-35012 (still working on an updated version)
Aesthetics: butterflies, vibrant colors, come along + the moss by cosmo shelldrake, childhood innocence, fairytales and myths, endless questions
Anything you want specifically avoided?: nothing too angsty please
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Main Account: @RoseTintedMoon
Character Account: @Drizzlepelt
Link to tags:
Aesthetics: Rain/water, mist/fog, sunrises, anything blue? IDK I’m bad at this LOL
Anything you want specifically avoided?: No flower crowns for me either! Other than that go wild
Main Account: @blueblossomtea
Character Account: @YUKIO
Link to tags: here
Aesthetics: flowers, cottagecore, peaches, whites, sweets, books, yellows, butterflies, mushrooms, sweaters [ pinterest | spotify ]
Anything you want specifically avoided?: probably flower crowns ! yukio's done enough of 'em to last him a life time lol

Main Account: @blueblossomtea
Character Account: @DUSKPOOL
Link to tags: here
Aesthetics: purple, blacks, mafia, guns, smoking, cities, death, skulls, fallen angels, graveyards, crosses, ravens, coffee, crime scenes, bruise core, bats, dark forests [ pinterest | spotify ]
Anything you want specifically avoided?: none !
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Reactions: Marquette
Main Account: @pikaihao
Character Account: @Cherrykit
Link to tags: current, this has some more personality notes not on current tags
Aesthetics: pinterest; in my mind she flip flops between neon pink 2000's high school cheerleader and romantic spoiled princess of a wealthy kingdom
Anything you want specifically avoided?: nope!
here are cherry's prompts!! tried to keep in mind that she will be an apprentice soon so these are themed around that o7

i. cherry is forced to collaborate with someone she doesn't like; perhaps they even outclass her. does this bolster her self-assuredness, or slightly undermine it? does her dislike lessen, or increase?

ii. cherry does her best to look her best, but new apprentice duties mean it's a lot harder to keep herself looking clean. when she gets unavoidably and unpleasantly messy, how does she react?

iii. cherry is a new apprentice, but one who has in the past made friends with another apprentice. something reminds her of spiderpaw not long after her apprentice ceremony, and she is struck with the memory that spiderpaw never saw her ceremony, and that she is now in the same role that the other girl was when she was killed. does this scare cherry? does this assure her even further? and is there anyone she trusts enough to voice any dredged-up feelings to?

Main Account: @RoseTintedMoon
Character Account: @Drizzlepelt
Link to tags:
Aesthetics: Rain/water, mist/fog, sunrises, anything blue? IDK I’m bad at this LOL
Anything you want specifically avoided?: No flower crowns for me either! Other than that go wild

i. drizzlepelt is typically the timid sort, though humour slumbers beneath his shyness. write about what brings out the more relaxed, teasing side of him.

ii. drizzlepelt had quite a close relationship with his mentor, one forged in battle. he knows the day he himself will become a mentor is approaching, mere moons away; how does this make him feel?

iii. the rain picks up while drizzlepelt is out hunting; the wind seems to scream as it rushes through the trees, and drizzlepelt is reminded of a death that greatly affected him- snowpath. how does he react to this memory, especially when out of camp alone?
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Reactions: RoseTintedMoon