✘ 'another lonely soul | Smokestar

SMOKESTAR leader of riverclan

Smokestar is a heavily scarred and a no-nonsense sort of fellow. He will always choose RiverClan above all else and has no real interest in making friends outside of his clan. Despite his expression falling naturally into one of bored indifference, he has a surprisingly dry sense of humor and genuine love for his home and those within it.

    Was named Ember by a dying mother in the hopes his life would be a spark that caught and carried forward even when hers ended.
    Was named Smokethroat by Cicadastar for his dark pelt, gravely tone and quiet nature.
    Star for his rank as leader.

    Age: 42 moons (Ages every 15th)
    Gender: Trans Male | He/Him
    Orientation: Bisexual Asexual

  • SH BLACK W/VITILIGO (Carries Albinism)

    A tom built for power, he's broad shouldered and tall for his age with powerful legs and a wide form; Smokethroat looks more comfortable in combat and it shows with his sturdy limbs and long balanced tail. His fur is glossy black and water repelant, as if he was born to be a cat of the river. Around his right eye and haunches white spotting began to appear as he got older, though he isn't sure why. Since the discoloration doesn't harm him he mostly ignores the blemishes and continues on without pause, more inclined to mind the many scars on his pelt than the random spots. A set of scars curls around his muzzle to his neck and one crosses over his flank as well. Being a cat of dark colors, his bright and fiery orange eye stand out all the more and they weild an intensity as hot as any flame.

    Scars & Injuries:
    • Two claw marks across his face from a fight with a loner before joining the clan.
    • One set of scars on his flank from getting slammed against some rocks the first time he stumbled into the river.
    • Scar on right side of neck and missing eye from a border skirmish. (Caused by Weaselclaw)
    • Scar on underbelly and across chest from attack on RiverClan camp by WindClan. (Caused by Weaselclaw.)
    • Scar on his right side from being attacked at Highstones while getting his lives. (Caused by Harrierstripe.)


    A quiet and stoic tom, Smokestar comes across as abrasive at times due to his lack of a filter and understanding of basic social etiquette. He can be a bit of a blunt, leaning more realistic logic than emotionally driven and he struggles at times to express himself in meaningful ways. This often leads to him being frustrated and irritable, he has a temper that takes time to push to the boiling point but in some situations it can be explosive and violent if he's backed into a corner. Smokestar is a cat who is hard to make a bond with but once made he is relentlessly loyal companion who would fight the world for you if asked, however breaking his trust is a one time occurance and he rarely gives second chances.
    He's a tenacious tom with a dry sense of humor and a habit of getting himself into trouble due to his stubborness, he rarely talks about his problems or vulnerabilities and despises being seen as anything but the hardened and loyal solider of RiverClan that he is. Second guessing where his heart lies or his dependability is the quickest way to getting on his bad side as he prides himself is being reliable when tasked with a duty.


    Son of Razor x River (Both Deceased)
    Brother to @Kindling & Charcoal (Deceased)

    Mate of @CICADASTAR (Deceased)
    Father to @BEEPAW & @CICADAPAW & @Cricketpaw via Cicadastar.

    Uncle to @PEBBLEKIT. & @RIVERKIT & @SHELLKIT via Kindling.

    Previously mentored @iciclefang
    Currently mentoring @BEEPAW

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  • Not every thread he's been in is listed here, only the ones that are relevant or impact him significantly.

    ✘ PRE-CLAN
    Smokethroat was born to a blue tabby named River in a dirty alley in two-leg place, the only of his litter to survive longer than a moon. She decided to name him then finally, Ember-in the hopes that he will be the spark that catches and continues to burn where her other two kits could not. River and Ember remained in solitude together along with his older siblings Charcoal and Kindling - though the two of them eventually wandered to make their own way in life, leaving him and his mother behind. For another few moons they remained together until she was killed by a group of rogues over the rights to eat at a dumpster and when she never returned to their cardboard shelter Ember eventually found her and was left on his own. The fiesty kitten eventually grew a reputation of being too troublesome to bother with, as he got older he became a thorn in the side of every cat in that derlict city for his penchant of going for killing blows and not being willing to discuss things. It was kill or be killed, as life had taught him and he thrived in this environment, becoming the very thing that had killed his own mother so many moons prior.
    One day, he came across a forest cat having wandered into the territory. He had heard stories of this Marsh Colony and thought himself quite the fighter to he was quick to try and chase her off but she swiftly put him in his place. Moss, she said her name was, after thrashing him soundly. She'd come out here to find an old friend and after questioning him decided the visit wasn't worth it but she extended an offer to him to join her when she returned home. Although hesitant at first, the promises of fresh food and the offer to teach him to fight like a true forest born cat enticed him enough to join her.
    From that day on Ember lived with Moss in the Marsh Colony, they were both standoffish and quiet cats, she kept to herself and he followed her lead but together they hunted, survived and he eventually grew to enjoy the ornery old molly's company; the mother he never got to have. When the Great Battle began he did not go as he wished, though he longed to fight, because Moss had grown ill and he worried about leaving her. She died the very night the stars lit up among the sky and the clans were whispered down upon the forest. He missed first gathering, too lost in his grief, but quickly realized what had happened when Cicadastar arrived to stake his claim on the territory as RiverClan. As this had been his home for so long already, he chose to stay...

  • [x] Introduction - Previously named Ember, the once anti-social tom adjusts to the new structure of life.
    [x] First post -
    [x] There is a discussion on new clan positions, Ember muses that surely the others also have medicine cats like Beesong.
    [x] Cicadastar holds his first meeting with his nine lives after being attacked by Weaselclaw of WindClan on the way back.
    [x] In the same meeting Ember is renamed to Smokethroat by Cicadastar before the leader collapses.
    [x] The first gathering of the clans, seeing Sootstar for the first time and being unimpressed.
    [x] Smokethroat finds Beesong discovering an area for his new den.
    [x] Smokethroat thinks of his new name and its meaning.

  • [x] Smokethroat along with Willowroot are made lead warriors of RiverClan.
    [x] The dark tom watches as RiverClan's first clanborn litter emerge from the nursery to explore the camp.
    [x] He and Cicadastar speak in private for the first time, seeing a rare playful side to the leader.
    [x] Smokethroat is present as Bonejaw brings a dying kitten to Beesong for aid only for it to die before it can be attended.
    [x] His opinion of Buckgait is solidified.
    [x] Smokethroat is given his first apprentice, Iciclepaw.
    [x] ThunderClan rushes to the river after a fire breaks out. Cicadastar leads a patrol in to help the trapped ThunderClanners escape their burning camp.
    [x] Smokethroat helps Flamewhisker and an apprentice get out of a collapsing den.
    [x] The RiverClan apprentices decorate Emberstar and Cicadastar for the gathering while ThunderClan stays in their camp.

    [x] Mudpelt leads a patrol to investigate the two-legs suddenly on their territory.
    [x] Training Iciclepaw for the first time.
    [x] While on a later patrol checking out the two-leg camp with Cicadastar and several other clanmates, he witnesses the leader shot through the neck and makes the call to push the others to run.

    [x] Returning to camp after leaving Cicadastar, Smokethroat and Clayfur get into an argument on leaving the tom behind.
    [x] Cicadastar returns, alive, solidifying his belief in StarClan and he apologizes for abandoning him.

    [x] A night talk with the leader only confuses Smokethroat more on how he feels regarding Cicadastar.

    [x] Smokethroat visits his old mentor Moss's grave after a restful night and is joined by Clearsight and Cicadastar.[/COLOR]

    [x] Gathering (September)
    [x] Smokethroat meets Yewberry of WindClan and chats the tunneler up.
    [x] Hyacinthbreath asks to speak to him after the gathering and he sneaks back to fourtrees to meet her.

    [x] Cicadastar declares they will raid the two-leg camp.
    [x] Raiding the two-leg camp goes poorly and Smokethroat is forced to flee with Willowroot as the dog appears, seperating them from Cicadastar and Buckgait.
    [x] Cicadastar and Buckgait return to camp alive, Smokethroat immediately rushes to check on the leader.
    [x] After helping the RiverClan leader to the river, they work to get the wire noose off of him.
    [x] Buckgait is named deputy and Smokethroat worries over her dislike of Cicadastar being an issue.

    [x] Smokethroat and Buckgait briefly argue over her pushy behavior.
    He decides then and there he does not respect her as their deputy and will only follow orders as necessary.

    [x] Training with Iciclepaw, delving into combat at last.
    [x] An outing with Iciclepaw turns into a border skirmish as his apprentice catches a rabbit chased across the two-leg bridge and Weaselclaw attacks him in defiance for it. He loses an eye and nearly dies.
    [x] Smokethroat wakes up several days later, missing an eye and disoriented but alive.
    -For the most part until his recovery fully he remains in the camp watching Willowroot and Poppysplash's new kits.
    -Hyacinthbreath ends up joining while he is too injured and disoriented to be aware, but he's pleased to see her all the same after.

    [x] Smokethroat picks back up on training Iciclepaw as well as learning to fight with one eye less.
    [x] While out on a patrol Greenpaw of SkyClan comes requesting aid and eager to battle WindClan once more he heads out.
    [x] Arriving in SkyClan camp he rushes to help defend the medicine cat den.

    [x] Smokethroat calls Buckgait out for her targeting of him and she questions his loyalty saying she doesn't trust him.

    RiverClan's Flood Plot '23
    [x] Cicadastar mentions in a meeting to be careful as the river seems to be rising.
    [x] The camp floods seemingly overnight though shallow, panic has not yet set in.
    [x] A scouting patrol is sent out to find a temporary camp further inland from the river.
    [x] The apprentice's den collapses and RiverClan races to free them before they drown.
    [x] The clan begins to cross the frozen river to reach the Beech Copse marked as their new temporary camp
    & Cicadastar loses a life as the ice shatters beneath him only to be saved by Houndstride.
    [x] Smokethroat thanks Houndstride, the two form a begrudging acceptance of one another.

    [x] The clan arrive tired to the new camp, Smokethroat quickly tries to organize the exhausted cats.
    [x] After nearly losing him a second time, Smokethroat decides to be honest with Cicadastar about how he feels. The leader reciprocates and they become mates officially despite having been practically so before...

    [x] A Meeting held in the temporary camp tells of dogs at Sunningrocks and the promotion of Snakeblink & Cindershade to Lead Warriors.
    [x] & [x] WindClan attacks the temporary camp in two waves in retaliation for Hyacinthbreath killing Juniperfrost. Smokethroat faces Weaselclaw once again and is nearly overpowered until Cicadastar moves in to save him.
    [x] Aftermath of the battle, many cats injured including himself-he looks for his apprentice in the chaos.
    [x] Clearsight is discovered to have died in the fight and Smokethroat mourns him. [x] His vigil is held in the middle of the Beech Copse camp.
    [x] Smokethroat demands Hyacinthbreath to declare her loyalty, fearful that her wavering faith may make Clearsight's death meaningless. She does.
    [x] Iciclepaw comes to him admitting her fear of having failed him, losing her battle to Wolfsong in the raid. The two have a heart to heart.
    [x] After a few days have passed he goes to make an effort to talk to Clayfur about Clearsight.

    [x] After a heated argument between leader and deputy that Smokethroat and several clanmates overhear, [x] Cicadastar holds a meeting to demote Buckgait for her disloyalty.
    [x] ThunderClan attacks to claim Sunningrocks, winning due to so few warriors able to fight back, RiverClan loses and retreats back to camp where Smokethroat meets them with concern having been unable to battle himself due to still being injured.
    [x] With no deputy now, Smokethroat takes over patrols and sends out several, one of which is to check their old camp and the river to see if they can return home.
    [x] Almost back to full health, Smokethroat picks back up on Iciclepaw's training-insisting he will hold her back another moon if she does not impress him.

    [The Clan returns home... Details on the flood plot HERE.]

    [x] Iciclepaw is made Iciclefang, concluding his first successfully trained apprentice.
    [x] -
    [x] A skirmish breaks out with WindClan as he drags an apprentice onto the bridge to bait them into conflict, they are victorious.
    [x] Upon return home he calls Hyacinthbreath out on her disloyalty and Cicadastar eventually exiles her, he retreats to dwell on the matter rather than join in chasing her out.
    [x] A patrol he leads finds the water receeding and are surprised by a loner. [x] Smokethroat reports the incident to Cicadastar.

  • [x] Promoted to Deputy under Cicadastar and given Brightpaw as a new apprentice.

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