here was a man [ PERIWINKLEBREEZE ] mourning tomorrow


drinking lemonade and playing with my hair
Jun 7, 2022

  • periwinklekit | periwinklepaw | periwinklebreeze
    → 'periwinkle' after his mothers favorite flower; 'breeze' for his gracefulness and gentle nature
    → enjoys nicknames; responds to 'peri' 'wink' 'periwinkle' and any other variation of his name
    → also known as 'little moon' ; 'periperiperi'

    24 moons | ages realtime on the 11th
    → created on 08/31/22
    → born 09/15/22

    demi-boy [amab] | uses masculine or neutral pronouns [he/they]

    homoromantic | homosexual | ambiamorous
    → single; not looking [open to plotting]

    windclan | lead warrior | moor runner | queen
    → born and raised in windclan
    → previously a kit and apprentice of windclan
    → loyal to the idea of windclan rather than any one leader
    → fervent starclan believer, but views them as cruel and unforgiving gods
  • short haired black smoke with high white [carries longhair + point + spotted tabby] | reference
    ↳​ a rather effeminate tom, periwinklebreeze is built with all the long-limbs and graceful features of an oriental but without all the harsh angles, instead bearing soft curves on his face and figure. his pelt clings tight to his form, short fur soft and glossy, with a notably longer, wilder underbelly, neck ruff, and plumed tail. large almond eyes with heavy shadows and bags from a lifetime of restless nights sit above a heart shaped nose, with large ears set upright and off to the sides. pale silvery-grey fur covers most of his pelt, darkening at his limbs in a mockery of a pointed pattern. a haze of soft charcoal black covers his face, with darker ears and eye mask, and matching ink black forepaws. his hind legs and tail are more gradient in hue, and a few ghost tabby markings peek through along his paler flanks. his pelt is usually kept neat and tidy, though harsher weather can sometimes get the better of him - snow and mud easily clinging to his down-like fur. his left eye is a pale clear blue that seems almost periwinkle in the right lighting, while his right is completely clouded over with milky-white hue. his body bears testimony to the hardships he has faced so far in his life, scars put on display for all to see and rendering him blind in one eye.
    → false pointed, heavily scarred, very feminine in appearance and manner
    → scars/injuries: fox bite on left hind leg, deep scratch on left leg, three-clawed scratch on left side of jaw down to his neck, thick scar on underbelly near his leg joint, missing a chunk of his left ear, deep dog bite on his scruff, large scratches across right eye and cheek rendering him blind, long scar down right flank, cat bitemark on front right leg
    → mental disorders: chronic insomnia; symptoms include inadequate quantity or quality of sleep, restlessness, mood swings, difficulty focusing, lethargy, immune dysfunction, anxiety, depression, and hallucinations
    → always has daisy flowers tucked into tail fur; sometimes adorns the rest of his pelt with spring and summertime blooms in shades of white (chickweed, heather, parsley, anemone, etc.)
    → smells sticky-sweet like burnt sugar and warm marshmallows

    → periwinklebreeze speaks with a pronounced stutter in a very soft spoken manner, rarely raising his voice above a gentle murmur. he finds soft and hard 'g' sounds and repetitive consonants (such as duck-kit, morn-ing, etc) to be especially difficult; may occasionally drawl out his words or have a slight lisp. he stammers slightly less when he focuses on his words; but when excitable, nervous, or angry his speech may become near incomprehensible, and it is not uncommon for him to find himself going nonverbal in these situations. his jaw seems to sometimes tense up after or during speaking, and he often experiences aches in his facial scars, both of which likely contributes to his speech impediment and it's severity.
    → periwinklebreeze carries himself in a weary sort of manner, slouched with shoulders hunched as though trying to subconsciously make himself appear smaller. pawsteps are swift and near silent and his movements are loose and languid, if often a bit lethargic due to his illness. he seems very non-threatening and approachable in body language and appearance despite his scars. his face and tail tend to be very expressive and open, and though he can hide his emotions and thoughts behind a blank mask if necessary he often chooses not too. when required of him however, he's capable of standing as tall and steadfast as any proud warrior - though this is a side few ever see outside of battle.

    designed by kitty-kat- | toyhouse
    → faceclaim: n/a (see human au tab of TH instead)
    → voiceclaim: alec benjamin
    → aesthetic: pale blues and purples, daisies, flowers, freckles, sleepless nights, stargazing, poetry, glass figurines, snowflakes, things that are breakable or fragile, kintsugi, doves, angels, children, white poppies
    → theme weeks: ayano tateyama for anime week, morning glory for MLP week, peryton for cryptid week
  • friendly | kind | nurturing | loving | loyal
    grieving | submissive | empathetic | sentimental | cynical
    easily manipulated | aimless | bitter | violent | explosive
    ↳​ a gentle spirited tom full of love and affection for his clanmates, periwinklebreeze is the sort of cat who is content to stick to the sidelines, preferring to spend time caring for the kits in the nursery or with his family above all else. he's an affectionate creature, near-touch starved in his need for companionship - touchy feely at times and a pushover at others, he's clearly a people pleaser at heart. insecurity and anxiety often overwhelm him, leading him to turn to others to take the lead - it's far easier to copy others in order to avoid a misstep, or to allow others to set the status quo. still, that doesn't mean he's a passive presence within windclan - while once he might've stood by and let himself be trod upon, with sootstars defeat he's found himself no longer as self-loathing, instead taking pride in fighting for what he knows to be right, though he still finds it far easier to stand up for others than himself. he is religious to an extreme, having turned to starclans guidance in the absence of parental figures and taking comfort in the fact that while most of his friends and family passed on, they are watching over him from overhead; though he views them as cruel all-powerful gods more than a kind, guiding force. (placeholder)

    → likes: flowers, rocks, stargazing, hunting, greenleaf, spending time with others, cuddling
    → dislikes: lighting, thunderstorms, blood, bullies
    → fears: abandonment, exile, watching his loved ones die, foxes, dogs
  • extroverted — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — introverted
    reckless — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — cautious
    competitive — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — cooperative
    emotional — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — composed
    lazy — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — diligent
    energetic — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — calm
    playful — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — serious
    ↳​ a rather tactile feline, it is not uncommon to find periwinklebreeze absentmindedly seeking out or giving casual touches and physical affection. from brushing shoulders and touching tails to straight up crawling into someone's nest to cuddle, he will seek out this sort of contact from anyone who will allow it - even those who he doesn't necessarily get along with otherwise. he is however, very careful not to invade others personal space if he feels it would make them uncomfortable or upset, easily reading the room before ever making such slip ups.
    ↳​ peri often finds himself admiring the appearance and skills of his male clanmates, especially those close to his age. easily flushed and flustered, can often be seen bushing heavily beneath his dark fur. will often think of them as 'pretty' or 'cute', even when finding their personality to be lacking. he no longer seems to crush on every cat he meets however, his infatuations mellowing out as the moons pass by.
    ↳​ due to an ingrained caution of hawks as a kit, though periwinkle no longer fears the birds themselves he struggles to fall asleep when out in the open. due to this he had previously made his nest permanently within the medicine den, only leaving when the space is needed for patients, but with vulturemasks death has been forced to return to the clearing. this has negatively impacted his sleep. during the journey, he has found that the shelter provided by trees seems to also give a sufficient sense of security, though windclans lacks such an area for him to rest. with his induction into the nursery once more, he has slept more restfully then ever - rest hindered now only by his insomnia.
    ↳​ due to his insomnia, it is not uncommon to find periwinkle wide awake even well into the witching hour. due to this, the boy has formed a habit of hunting at night to ease his mind, or even simply taking a walk under starclans watchful eyes. he finds it calming and relaxing, and it makes him feel closer to his lost loved ones and their protection despite his mixed feelings.

    favorite food: hare
    favorite activity: stargazing
    favorite time of day: nighttime, specifically moonhigh
    favorite weather: clear and sunny; warm with a nice breeze
    favorite season: greenleaf

    → goals: to protect his family
    → achievements: received his warrior name; went on the journey to find lungwort to cure yellowcough; followed sunstride and joined the windclan rebels; held sootstar down during her trail/death; was promoted to lead warrior; took in dustkit, bilberrykit, and vulturekit to raise as his own; became mates with gravelsnap

  • health: level | 60/100
    ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ ​
    hunting: level | 80/100
    ★★★★★★★★☆☆ ​
    fighting: level | 60/100
    ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ ​
    attack: level | 60/100
    ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ ​
    defense: level | 70/100
    ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ ​
    [spec.] running: level | 90/100
    ★★★★★★★★★☆ ​
    [spec.] stealth: level | 70/100
    ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ ​
' am I in your head half as often as you're on my mind? '
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    → littermate to wisteriapaw; nightingalecry;
    → half-sibling to snowshadow; downypaw; finchpaw;
    → adopted sibling to cloudkit;

    mates with GRAVELSNAP | 1/2 of pel
    ↳ previously crushing on coldsnap, serpentpaw, dustpaw, slateheart, nettlepaw, sootspot, dazzlepaw, snailstride
    → parent to bilberrykit, dustkit, vulturekit [adopted; michael x npc]; mourningkit; weepingkit [adopted; npc x npc]
    → grandparent to none;

    other relations:
    → uncle to witherkit; frightkit; deathkit; adoptive uncle to midnightkit; grasskit; whitekit
    → indirectly related to pollenfur, emberfang, lilacstem, mallowlark, echolight, morningfrost, sparkspirit, irispath, larkfeather, pinkpaw, heathpaw, brightshine, heavy snow

    pseudo relations:
    → informally views vulturemask in a familial light (older brother figure) and through him also views goldenstrike, shadowrunner, and sunflowermask as siblings
    → views Sheeppaw as the younger brother he never got to have

    family tree
  • trusts: moonshadow, hyacinthbreath, vulturemask, jaggedoak, bluepool, snailstride, azaleafrost, gravelsnap
    respects: sootstar, sunstar, wolfsong, scorchstreak, rattleheart

    close friends: gravelsnap, vulturemask, snailstride,
    friends: azaleafrost, nightingalecry, greeneyes, dustpaw, hollyhockpurr
    acquaintances: goldenstrike, suflowermask, shadowrunner, luckypaw, sedgepounce, mouseflight, scorchfrost, sharpshadow, needledrift, iciclefang, slate, bobbie, cherryblossom, sparkspirit, cottonpaw, whitedawn, scorchstreak, milkthorn, rumblerain, cygnetstare, rattleheart, marmotbite, venomstrike, batwing, nightbird, flamewhisker, hailstorm, lightstrike, little wolf, stormfeather, stormywing, magpiepaw, clearheart, honeyjaw, mosspool, ferngill, dovethroat, lakemoon, hazecloud, orangestar, figfeather, chalk, duskpool, morningsong, snakehiss, foxglare, fogbound, brightshine, slateheart, sootspot, downypaw, sheeppaw, blizzardpaw, michael, bluefrost,
    rivals: firefang
    enemies: galeforce; duskclan

    fears: sootstar, mintshade, ghostwail
    hates: smogstar, smokestar, clayfur, galeforce; riverclan

    mentor(s): jaggedoak, snowshadow, bluepool
    apprentice(s): scorpionback; redacted

  • outgoing — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — withdrawn
    confident — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — insecure
    conversational — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — shy
    narrow-minded — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — open-minded
    unbothered — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — sensitive
    heartless — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — empathetic
    vengeful — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — forgiving

    ↳​ forms platonic relationships easily but usually needs to be approached first

    ↳​ forms romantic attachments easily but will not act on them or form relationships without a lot of effort from y/c

    love language: sentimental creature, peri's love language is gift giving - he shows his affection for friends, family, and his crushes via gifts. he often avoids giving them in person, instead leaving them in secret and stammering out denials. he also treasures the gifts given to him, keeping them in his nest like his own little treasure hoard alongside other reminders of his loved ones.
    gifts given: flat grey and copper stone , purple anemone flower , snail shell, dove feather , tuft of wool, wisteria chain , raven feather , snake shed, blackbird, a small feather, a circular brown rock, a matt of sheeps wool

    gifts received: a mockingbird feather, a tuft of white fur, a dried blue flower, an old unusable scrap of marigold, a tuft of black fur, daisy flowers (kept in his tail fur)
    quirks: periwinklebreeze struggles to identify and distinguish various types of affection - platonic, familial, and romantic often blur or are misconstrued by the boy. it is not uncommon for peri to mistake feelings of friendship as being romance or vice versa, which has led to at least one very awkward conversation. due to this, even when confident in his understanding, he keeps his feelings close to his chest, and will not act on these feelings nor confess first under any circumstances. even once confessed to, he will wait instead for the other party to take the reigns in any changes in relationship, his uncertainty getting the better of him.

  • Azaleafrost |
    " Sh-she's a g-good friend - I d-don't think I'd b-be half the c-cat I am without her, "
    ↳​ It was azaleafrost who first pushed Peri to be more outspoken - watching her fight back against firefangs treatment of his fellow apprentices, planning revenge upon her and then sticking up for one another has grown to be one of his fondest memories. After that confrontation and ensuing punishment, he'd felt their friendship cemented - and never really looked back. He's always admired her brutality, despite not being able to bear doing such actions himself.

    Downypaw |
    " Sh-she's a g-g-good k-kid, "
    ↳​ An enigma - strangely reminiscent of themselves and yet not. Eerily familiar in a way he can't put his paw on. Periwinklebreeze struggles to tell the real from the false and downypaw is no exception - half-convinced she is some sort of hallucination or vision of his past whenever she approaches, only to be reminded that she is real when others see them too. Beyond that, peri feels somewhat fond of them in that abstract way he feels for all the younger members of the clan - downypaw is nice enough, for a windclanner.

    Gravelsnap |
    " Oh - g-gravel? w-we're... j-j-just friends, "
    ↳​ A strange pairing, gravelsnap and periwinklebreeze once couldn't stand eachother - or at least, didn't get along. One polite conversation however was enough to make peri think they were tentatively friends, and a confrontation about the way gravelpaw treated him compared to their shared friends was enough to have them both spending more time together. Peri has base a lot of his goals and outward personality on what he thinks gravelsnap wanted from him - an incessant need to fit into the other boys mold of a 'real' windclanner. At some point along the way, Peri developed a strong crush upon gravel - and before the journey had a conversation which revealed his feelings were not so one-sided after all. With all the uncertainty in the air however, the two remain friends - something Peri is extremely conscious of as time passes.

    Hyacinthbreath |
    " I m-miss her, "
    ↳​ A mother he'd hardly had enough time with, taken away cruelly by sootstars paws. While hyacinthbreath was not present in a parental role for most of his kittenhood, she'd always been a familiar face as a clanmate - and when he discovered their relation, he'd clung to it immediately. He has a lot of mixed feelings towards her, but in the end there is one that stands above the rest - fondness. She will always be his mom, just as Moonshadow is, though he can't help but wonder what life might've been like had things been different.

    Moonshadow |
    " I d-don't - she j-just... went missing one d-day. I w-wish I kn-knew what h-happened, "
    ↳​ A momma's boy through and through, it was once hard-pressed to find peri far from Moonshadows side. He truly adored his mother, who was one of the few growing up who was not upset by his softer nature. He cannot recall a single unhappy or unloved moment growing up in her care. He grieves her disappearance, and despite everything cannot let go of his childish hope that someday she will return home to windclan, safe and sound.

    Nightingalecry |
    " Nighty is a g-good sister - th-the best, really, "
    ↳​ While the siblings had never been the closest - too many varying personalities even before hyacinthbreaths exile split them apart - he's always looked upon Nighty fondly. She's been there for him in some of his hardest moments - sickness, the fox attack, his betrayal of their mother. When he returned from the journey to find she'd caught yellowcough, he realized just how easily he could lose her, and has made up his mind to stick by her as best he can in all things. With her recent passing, he ahs all but shattered - trying to take on caring for her charges in her stead while barely managing to keep himself from falling apart.

    Snailstride |
    " Th-they were a g-g-good c-cat - th-they shouldn't have d-died like that, "
    ↳​ Once a cat Periwinklebreeze would've called his best friend, their absence has left a scar upon the boys heart. Too many what ifs run through his mind - a confession of affection from Peri had left things awkward towards the end, and he bitterly regrets not doing more to fix things. Snailstride is one of the few cats peri has ever fully trusted, sharing conversations and secrets he's never breathed to another living soul.

    Snowshadow |
    " H-he's my b-b-ig brother - th-there's not much t-to say r-really, "
    ↳​ Peri's half-brother on moonshadows side, it was strange at first to meet kin that he'd thought dead. In the end, peri had grown to care for his brother - even training beneath him briefly before sootstar pushed him onto bluepool due to her suspicions of his loyalty.

    Vulturemask |
    "Vult - he, he was l-like a brother to me... I'm g-g-glad g-g-galeforce is d-dead, or I w-would've killed him myself, "
    ↳​ A cat who peri considered to be family more than some of his own flesh and blood, Vulturemask was there for peri in his hardest times. A strange friendship struck during days confined together in the medicine den, they'd made for an odd pairing. It was vulturemask who pushed peri to learn to fight if only to defend himself, and even taught him in secret. His death came as a shock, leaving peri feeling bitter and wishing death upon his murderer. If galeforce had to died in the battle to retake camp, peri is fully convinced he would've turned upon him then and there in the name of revenge.

    Wisteriapaw |
    " W-we didn't a-always g-g-get along, b-but he was st-still my brother, "
    ↳​ Wisteriapaws death came at a hard time for peri - already sick with whitecough as he watched his sibling succumb to blackcough, he grieved him in silence. They'd never really gotten along - two opposing personalities butting heads, and with wisteria convince peri's sickness were simple attention seeking there were a lot of hard feelings between them. Still, peri would never wish harm upon his bitter brother, and was heartbroken when he passed.

    name |
    " IC quote here "
    ↳​ full opinion goes here

' if I don't make sense, please forgive me, I can't sleep at night '
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  • Befriending Dustkit [09/20/22] — thread
    ↳​ with the appearance of a strange kitten in camp, periwinklekit makes his first friend.
    Sickness [10/21/22] — thread
    ↳​ sneezing himself into unconsciousness due to an untreated cold, periwinklekit gives his family quite a scare, resulting in hyacinthbreath admitting her relation to him and his siblings.
    Befriending Leechpaw [11/04/22] — thread
    ↳​ out of boredom due to his time in the medicine den, periwinklekit begins to pester leechpaw, striking up a tentative friendship that will quickly grow to become one of his strongest friendships.
    Fox Attack [12/10/22] — thread
    ↳​ on one of his first patrols, periwinklepaw gets separated from his clanmate by chasing a leaf. sensing easy prey, a fox attempts to attack him, resulting in quite severe injuries. his older brother snowshadow, best friends dustpaw and leechpaw, and his sister are quick to come to his rescue - chasing away the predator and helping him flee.
    Hyacinthbreath's Exile [12/12/22] — thread
    ↳​ hyacinthbreath is exiled for her actions, leaving periwinklepaw reeling as his newest discovered family member is taken from him.
    Wisteriapaw's Death [12/17/22] — thread
    ↳​ as whitecough and greencough sweep through the clan, periwinklepaw can only watch as blackcough claims it's first victim - wisteriapaw, who'd refused to seek treatment. despite the hard feelings between them, he mourns his brothers passing, withdrawing into himself.
    Dandelionwish's Escape [02/12/23] — thread
    ↳​ after being confined within camp and forced to train vulturemask as his successor, dandelionwish flees - leaving periwinklepaw to watch the chaos that unfolds in his wake, and feeling betrayed that he'd chosen to confide in vulturemask but not him - that he didn't take periwinklepaw with him, away from the hell that is windclan.
    Unfair Punishment [03/04/23] — thread
    ↳​ a prank played upon firefang by dazzlepaw, azaleapaw, and periwinklepaw goes wrong - with the older warrior growing violent by the incident, leading to a confrontation between the group and a few bystanders. tigerfrost steps in to settle the dispute, punishing the apprentices, and leaving periwinklepaw feeling that the entire situation is unfair.
    Confrontation [03/12/23] — thread
    ↳​ hurt by gravelpaws choice of words, and already on edge after the argument and unfair punishment, periwinklepaw turns his anger on his fellow apprentice - spilling far more than he means to. harsh words are exchanged, and periwinklepaw leaves feeling hurt and distraught.
    Last Goodbyes [03/16/23] — thread
    ↳​ with windclan gunning for hyacinthbreaths head after juniperfrost's death, periwinklepaw makes the choice to sneak out the night after the gathering in order to speak with her. he warns her, and after a long conversation he says what is meant to be a final goodbye - she's chosen her path, and he his.
    Dazzlepaw's Death [04/17/23] — thread
    ↳​ a tunnel collapse results in dazzlepaws disappearance - and presumed death. periwinklepaw is distraught, frantically joining the futile search for his missing friend.
    Fox Cub [04/29/23] — thread
    ↳​ full of anger and grief, periwinklepaw is on one of the many patrols searching for twoleg traps upon the territory when he comes across a fox cub ensnared upon one. venting his stress and pain, he kills it - something that might have been considered a mercy, but still leaves him feeling sick and self-loathing.
    Failed Confession [05/26/23] — thread
    ↳​ confidence boosted by becoming a warrior, periwinklebreeze decides to confess his feelings to snailstride - only to be friendzoned before he can even finish. too embarrassed to try and press further, things become awkward - and periwinklebreeze comes away with a new sense of fear towards relationships.
    Riverclan Attack [05/31/23] — thread
    ↳​ what is supposed to be a normal border patrol turns into an all out fight as smokethroat drags cottonpaw across the border. when a fight ensues, he ignores hyacinthbreath's warning and throws himself into battle - facing off with clayfur. he's nearly killed - fleeing in his pain and panic, only to be found later by a tunneler patrol.
    Daisies [06/22/23] — thread
    ↳​ gravelsnap visits periwinklebreeze during his stay in the medicine den, where they talk about the battle and what happened. gravelsnap gives periwinklebreeze some daisies as a get well gift, which he chooses to wear in his tail fur.
    Vulturemask's Death [06/28/23] — thread
    ↳​ when sunstride drags vulturemasks body back to camp, periwinklebreeze can hardly believe his eyes. feeling numb to the situation, he says goodbye in silence - adding galeforce to the long list of cats he will never forgive.
    Snailstride's Death [08/20/23] — thread
    ↳​ windclans first victim of yellowcough, snailstride is found dead by periwinklebreeze without ever receiving treatment from the medicine cat. the similarity to wisteriapaw's death is too much for peri to handle, and for the first time he openly breaks down crying.
    Volunteering [09/10/23] — thread
    ↳​ with both gravelsnap and azaleafrost sick with yellowcough, periwinklebreeze refuses to sit back and watch them die the same way snailstride had - leaping at the opportunity to go on the journey, even though he's fully convinced he'll die before ever coming home.
    Confessions [09/10/23] — thread
    ↳​ uncertain if he'll ever return home, periwinklebreeze says his goodbyes to gravelsnap. during the conversation, feelings are shared - and to both boys surprise, they at last acknowledge the fact they have romantic feelings for one another. with the uncertainty in the air, neither one broaches the subject of changing their relationship - remaining as friends despite their confessions.
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    ↳​ description of event & outcome
  • kit-hood. — 00-03 moons
    A sheltered child, periwinklekit had plenty of littermates to play with, a doting mother, and though his sire was absent from his life it was never something he thought much of. a bit shy, he made only a few friends but kept them close, especially treasuring the time spent with his 'best friend' dustkit. from an early age however, it was apparent something wasn't right with the young time. sometimes sleeping to little and sometimes to much, peri suffered from what could only be described as a 'sleeping sickness' that seemed to have no real cause or cure. as his apprenticeship neared, he fell more and more ill, until he was so sick he passed out while playing. what should have been a simple cold had left him terribly ill. during his sickness his real parentage came to light - and though skeptical he quickly accepted hyacinthbreaths presence in his life as his second mom. his little family would only grow with the addition of cloudkit and the reappearance of his older brother rune.

    Due to his illness his own apprenticeship was held off for a halfmoon. while sick and even once he was not, he spent much of his time in the medicine den, growing fond of dandelionwish and leechpaw during his stay. it was while watching his siblings and their excitement for their apprenticeships that he finally acknowledge to himself that it wasn't the life he wanted. the sight and scent of blood left him feeling ill, the thought of having to fight another cat unthinkable. he didn't want to become a warrior - but neither was he interested in learning about the awful herbs he had to eat, and so he said nothing, simply going along with it. when hyacinth stepped down from her role as senior warrior shortly before his ceremony, he found himself terrified that someday it might be him on the other end of sootstars claws.
    apprenticeship. — 04-11 moons
    periwinklepaw becomes an apprentice, given jaggedoak as his mentor, but things go awry quite quickly - one of his first times leaving camp ends in disaster when he wanders off and ends up in the jaws of a fox. he is rescued by his best friend, his siblings, and his brother in all but blood, cementing his affection for them. he spends time confined to camp, helping dandelionwish with fetching herbs so as to busy his paws in the meantime. a wave of greencough sweeps through the clan not long after, claiming wisteriapaws life and leaving peri feeling empty. during this time, windclan raids skyclan for herbs, resulting in dandelionwish's removal from his position and vulturemask's promotion, leaving the boy yet again terrified for his friends, his family. dandy flees in the dead of night, with only an overheard conversation by peri and a bloodied battle within the camp ensues.

    By the time he is finally cleared of his injuries and his illness, a full moon has passed. already at a severe disadvantage in his training after missing two moons of his apprenticeship, peri avoids battle training for a long time, instead focusing on hunting. though the scent and taste of blood still leaves him dizzy, he quickly adapts to where he can at least differentiate prey from feline. his first catch is a rabbit he he quickly becomes a skilled hunter. during this time he begins to make his first friends since dustpaw, becoming fast friends with dazzlepaw, azaleapaw, and snailpaw; and forming a tentative sort of friendship with gravelpaw. he quickly finds a distaste for firepaw and icepaw however, only made worse when firepaw gets made a warrior early, leading to a prank gone wrong and a punishment he'll remember for moons to come. due to this prank, he argues with gravelpaw - the words the two spit at each other leaving the boy hurt and reeling, questioning himself and what he stands for.

    With distrust growing within the clan, peri is reassigned to the tutelage of his brother snowshadow. the tom, alongside vulturemask, begin training peri on how to fight - having finally convinced him that cats aren't the only dangers, that his life is worth protecting. he meets with his mother during a gathering, spending the time curled at her side listening to smogmaw as he tries to start drama. for this, he is re-assigned yet again - this time to bluepools careful watch. as tension builds between the clans, hya kills juniperfrost upon the border, leading to an all out battle. peri warns his mother of this, and they say what should be their final goodbye as they cut ties. when he returns, he's put under surveillance again, though he's never fully caught.

    Him and gravelsnap make up, only cementing this strange friendship they have formed. peri confesses his concerns and disbelief of the supposed river-shadow-sky alliance to snailstride one night, only to learn that firefang was nothing but a tattle-tail, a spy for sootstar. his hatred of her only grows. he continues to train with bluepool, though there are a few road bumps along the way, such as dazzlepaws sudden death in the tunnels, and the fox-cub peri finds trapped and then kills. he's left with a sickening sense of guilt and grief for both events, leading to him starving himself to the point of passing out. when he recovers once more, he is put under intense scrutiny and tested - he's lied too, told that his mentor is leading a patrol to kill his mother. he spends the night at his sisters side, wracked with guilt for keeping this 'attack' a secret, but passes the test. his moonstone visit is tempered by tigerfrosts death and gathering markers for the lead warriors death, but peri enjoys it nonetheless.
    warrior-hood. — 11-99 moons
    Having passed all his tests, though sootstar is unhappy about it periwinklebreeze is made a warrior alongside his sister and a few others with supposedly tainted blood. he is, notably, one of the only ones to have cheers for his coming of age, though they are few and far between. the next day, he has a disastrous moment with his closest friend - confusing platonic affection with romantic and given a sudden spur of the moment confession to snailstride, only to be flatly turned down. things grow awkward between the two after that, peri focusing his attentions on gravelsnap instead.

    Still a freshly made warrior, a border patrol goes wrong when riverclan kidnaps cottonpaw and holds her hostage. for once, peri has no qualms fighting as the event goes against his morals, and even hyacinth's warning doesn't stop him. unfortunately, clayfur is out for blood, and peri barely escapes the incident with his life - limping off half-dead, severely injured, and soaking wet. he doesn't make it back to camp on his own, instead found by a tunneler patrol hours later. he is once more confined to the medicine den under vulturemasks watch. while healing, vulturemask is brutally killed, leaving peri once more numb with grief. his heart only hardens with each loss, each death, and he takes it out on his clanmates. gravelsnap is a comforting presence during this time, while bluepaw is the opposite - a tension rising in him as he faces the fact he likes the black-and-white cat as more than a friend but cannot say it for fear of getting rejected once again.

    Time heals all wounds, and soon enough peri finds his grief lessening. he spends more time trying to get to know his younger clanmates, the same apprentices he once kit-sat now becoming friends. things are still strained with most of the clan, but with his renewed interest in battle the negative opinions of others seem to have mellowed out, or at least become less obvious. unfortunately, the good things don't last - they never do. a strange and public confrontation between thriftpaw and peri finds him startled by the number of cats taking his side, strengthening his growing trust and loyalty; but he loses the golden-furred tom as a friend that day.

    With yellowcough sweeping through the clans in waves after wave, what at first is only a concern in the back of his mind turns into full blown terror as the seemingly incurable illness claims it's first moorland victim - snailstride. shocked by his friend's sudden death, peri finds himself endlessly comparing their death to his brothers, trapping him in a loop of grief and trauma. meanwhile, both azaleafrost and gravelsnap catch yellowcough - his terror only rising. He spends his days and nights listlessly wandering the moors, fretting and praying to starclan, begging them forgive him for whatever he must have one for them to keep taking away his friends. whispers of a cure finally reach windclan, and his friends are treated - but it's not enough. They've already gone through the clans full supply, and yet cat's are still falling sick.

    With no herbs in sight, starclan sends the clans a sign - each medicine cat gifted part of a prophecy. The clans must unite and travel on a journey far from home, to the mountains where it is cold and snowy and lungwort still grows. Sootstar calls for volunteers, and tired of sitting by idly as every cat he loves dies, Periwinklebreeze volunteers himself. Fully expecting to die on the journey, after the restless visions and nightmares that have haunted his dreams, he goes to apologize to bluepaw and say his final goodbyes to Gravelsnap - only to be greeted by a confession of love. His one-sided feelings weren't so one sided at all, and he leaves his recovering friend with a promise to return home safe.

    On the night of the gathering, those gathered for the journey deaprt, Periwinklebreeze among them. After a breif round of introductions, the group heads out - past highstones and on towards the mountains. Things quickly turn for the worst however, starclan clearly testing them. Their path is blocked by raging river, the only crossing a broken bridge. Periwinklebreeze crossess safely, but many of the others fall in and have to be rescued by the traveling riverclanners. Nobody dies, but it still leaves him shaken - memories of his own near near death by the riverside back home resurfacing. Spurred on by the memories, he braves asking Dovethroat how his mother is - only to find out Hyacinthbreath had been exiled from riverclan. He leaves the conversation with heart wounded and mind reeling - wondering what, exactly, had become of his mother, and if she was okay wherever she was.

    After recovering and traveling further onwards, its not long before the group is separated by a rockslide. Utterly terrified, Periwinklebreeze throws himself into the darkness and is left trapped alongside a pawful of others. With Clearheart at the lead, the group makes it through the winding paths - with limited supply of water and food, Periwinklebreeze chooses to abstain for eating at all during this time - and in the coming days they finally reach the surface to regroup. After taking some time to heal and rest up, the group continues their travels - only to come across the next obstacle in their path. A steep clifface seems to be the only path onwards, and with the help of the skyclanners they make their way up. On his way up, Peri slips, and has to be pushed the rest of the way up by Duskpool. Once reaching the top, Periwinklebreeze faints - the fact he once again almost died finally catching up to him.

    As the journey drags on with no end in sight, Periwinklebreeze finds himself confessing his motives one night - starting a heavy conversation between the travelers on why they had each volunteered to take on such a task. At last, the cats reach the summit - and find upon it a lush feild of lungwort, more than even their paws can carry. Releived that their burden is over, all cats turn thoughts homeward - periwinklebreeze no exception. Still, sharpshdow voices thoughts of staying, and while he can't help but entertain what it would be like to be free of sootstars rule, Peri knows they must all return home. There are far to many sick cats depending on them, and he doesn't want the burden of more deaths upon his conscience.

    On the trip downwards however, things turn out not to be all sunshine and daisies - Cherrypaw is nearly snatched up by a hawk, and Little Wolf gives her life to save her. The group grieves their first lost upon this journey, and a solemn mood takes over - they've gotten lungwort, but at what cost? As trees grow denser, it becomes harder to travel - thunderclan now bears the burden of providing prey for them, as the others begin to get caught in the tangles of bramble thicket. Peri finds himself sleeping sounder then ever beneath the tree cover, but can't help but miss his home.

    The bad luck only continues - a fox attack separating some of the group from the rest. Once reunited with their missing members, they continue to press onwards - onto rolling hills and towards hightsones, only to be met yet again by snapping jaws and howls. This time foxes bear down upon the group, and it's left up to windclan to lead them away. Periwinklebreeze is left with hardly a moment to think, and in the end makes a choice he fears will cost him his life - he pushes orangeblossom out of the way, and leads a snarling dog away from the group. The beast catches up to him quickly and mauls him, but not before he gets a good swat directly against it's eyes, sending it fleeing. Bloodied and bruised, he limps his way back to the others - thankfully all alive, if worse for wear.

    In the aftermath, Peri finds himself blinded, while Stormywing has lost the use of her legs. Faced with a choice, the group splits up - and Periwinklebreeze remains behind with those helping Stormywing along, worried his own injuries will only slow the lungwort carrying cats down. At the end of his journey, Periwinklebreeze comes away feeling as though he has made new friends - Bobbie and Greeneyes at least are held in high regard, and many of the others he is at least fond of if not close to. Still, with weary paws he and Sedgepounce return home at last - delayed, but not lost.

    Unfortunately, the windclan periwinklebreeze returns to is not the same home he left - he finds out all that has happened while he was gone. Rogues, raiding the camps and chasing all the clans out - his sister, nightingalecry, had caught yellowcough after he'd left - Hyacinthbreath had joined the stars. Sootstars insanity grows, and when she blocks access to mouthermouth he finds himself being attacked by one of her loyalists for voicing worry that starclan might retaliate. No longer recognizing the place he once called home, when Sunstride rebels, Periwinklebreeze choses to follow - begging Gravelsnap to come with him.

    After fleeing the moorlands, those who stood against sootstar take shelter in horseplace. The barn cats are kind enough to offer shelter and food while they recover, but Periwinklebreeze can't shake the worry and fear for those he's left behind. During this time, he meets a loner named Michael and befriends him, and is trusted with leading his first patrol. A pawful of refugees arrive over the coming days, until Sootstars loyalists attack the horseplace at last - leaving a bloody battle in their wake.

    After tending to what wounds they could, the rebels return to windclans camp to end things once and for all - where Periwinklebreeze finds himself clashing with Thriftfeather, coming away with a new scar on his forepaw. Their plan succeeds, with sootstars loyalists fleeing and leaving her behind, captured. Sunstride brings word of starclans decision - that to gain his nine lives sootstar must first loose all of them. As the clan gathers to witness her trail, periwinklebreeze finds himself snapping - lunging for her, hoping to kill. His actions spur on a frensy, but in the end it's Sunstride who deals the killing blow. In the aftermath, Periwinklebreeze is startled to find himself promoted to lead warrior.

    Newleaf arrives in a burst of flowers and growth - it seems starclan has blessed windclan for their actions in removing sootstar. He learns from the newly rejoined Irispath the truth of his mothers death - that she'd died directly at sootstars paws - and focuses on his newly arrived nibbling's. In the meantime, he continues to meet with Michael in secret, and agrees to take in the tom's kits when he admits fearing he cannot care for them. Upon his return with three bundles of fur, the clan questions his motives but in the end they are allowed to stay - drawing a rift between him and gravelsnap once more.

    Strange twoleg activity has windclan on high alert - and the sudden appearance of an omen in the sky leaves Periwinklebreeze restless. The sun disappears - a warning, perhaps? Not long after, apprentices report fire upon the moorlands and Periwinklebreeze is tasked with taking a patrol to confirm. The news is grave - they're surrounded on three sides, with no sign of this twoleg-made fire stopping any time soon. Sunstar is attacked by a dog and dragged into the flames - leaving windclan without a leader. The council argues amungst themselves on what to do, but in the end Scorchstreak takes matters into her own paws.

    Scorchstreak strikes a deal with Riverclan to rescue the kits, queens, elders, and injured of Windclan - and when Sunstar returns, he makes her deputy for her actions. Peri takes shelter at the beech copse with the kits, watching as starclan at last douses the flames with rain. Upon his return, Sunstar speaks to Peri in private, before announcing at the next meeting that he is to take on the full role of a queen. He is windclans first tom-born queen, a strange thing, but his clanmates seem to accept his reassignment with grace.

    As life struggles to return to normalcy in windclan, Sunflowermask and Slateheart vanish - leaving Peri reeling. He focuses his days on spending more time with his family - doting on his kits, his sister's kits, and sheeppaw - who quickly takes up the place of his honorary little brother. Prey is still scarce, and patrols take to stealing - resulting in the loss of Bluepool to the gorge. Periwinklebreeze takes her loss hard, greiving his third mentor, and even slatehearts reappearance can't shake his grief.

    Gravelsnap drags him away from the nursery for a hard talk - accusing him of taking on another mate and having kits. Furious, Peri explains the truth - that they were not his by blood, but he did admittedly know far more of their true origins then he'd told sunstar and the others. The conversation ends with an admittance and confirmation that the two of them still love each other, they've just both been waiting for the other to make a move.

    There's not much time to think on things however before the night of the gathering arrives - and with it, sootstars remaining loyalists. Having fashioned themselves as duskclan beneath granitepelts rule, they attack the camp - aiming for the nursery, to kill and to steal kits. Periwinklebreeze faces off against thriftfeather once more, who seems unwilling to fight. He nearly lets the other warrior leave, but the sight of Nightingalecry's body falling to the ground, dead at the paws of her mate of all cats, drives him into a rage and he tries to kill the golden-furred tom. Thriftfeather escapes with his life as Duskclan retreats, but in the coming days Peri is wracked with guilt and remorse for attacking a cat who didn't fight back.

    Vulturekit is discovered missing, and Peri assigns the newly promoted Bluefrost to take a patrol to search for him, with no results. Sootspot and Hollyhockpurr try to comfort him, but in truth its no use. He holds vigil for his sister with Cottonpaws help, and takes his anger out on Brackenpaw, but the grief doesn't lessen.
  • birth — thread
    into — thread
    first friend — thread
    feast — thread
    bug hunting — thread
    night terror — thread
    playing — thread
    family time — thread
    fainting #1 — thread
    littermate apprentice ceremonies — thread
    visiting hours — thread
    shadow/wind feast — thread
    trying cures — thread
    befriending leechpaw — thread
    stargazing — thread
    cuddle pile — thread
    traumatic event #1 — thread
    confessions — thread
    admissions — thread
    brotherly bonding #1 — thread
    brotherly bonding #2 — thread
    apprentice ceremony — thread
    brotherly bonding #3 — thread
    training session — thread
    awful parents — thread
    late night thoughts — thread
    traumatic event #2 — thread
    fox attack — thread
    travelers — thread
    hyacinthbreaths exile — thread
    wisteriapaws death — thread
    new kits — thread
    gossiping — thread
    herb patrol return — thread
    first gathering — thread
    snow nest — thread
    reassignment — thread
    nightmare — thread
    first catch — thread
    secret training — thread
    dandelionwishs escape — thread
    prophecy — thread
    pranks — thread
    fainting — thread
    kit attack — thread
    serious confessions — thread
    battle plans — thread
    fight — thread
    sunbathing — thread
    prank #2 — thread
    murder — thread
    confrontation — thread
    guarding the nursery — thread
    warning — thread
    return — thread
    rabies! — thread
    promotions — thread
    apologies — thread
    emergency meeting — thread
    training — thread
    stuck in the mud — thread
    serious conversation #2 — thread
    orphan — thread
    dazzlepaws death — thread
    fox cub — thread
    distractions — thread
    test p1 — thread
    test p2 — thread
    fainting #2 — thread
    waking up — thread
    grieving — thread
    moonstone visit — thread
    warrior ceremony — thread
    confession — thread
    nightmare — thread
    riverclan attack — thread
    vulturemasks death — thread
    visiting — thread
    saying goodbye — thread
    promotion — thread
    violent outbursts — thread
    saying thanks — thread
    jealousy — thread
    race — thread
    quiet conversations — thread
    denouncement — thread
    snailstride dies (yellowcough #1) — thread
    vigil — thread
    yellowcough #2 — thread
    yellowcough #3 — thread
    offer of apology — thread
    seeking amends — thread
    volunteering for the journey — thread
    confessions — thread
    "visions" — thread
    september gathering — thread
    gathering cont. — thread
    thunderpath crossing— thread
    broken bridge — thread
    questioning starclan — thread
    asking questions — thread
    rockslide — thread
    separated — thread
    musing on death — thread
    regrouping — thread
    steep cliffs — thread
    collapsing — thread
    snowfight — thread
    lungwort discovery — thread
    musing — thread
    cuddling for warmth — thread
    befriending greeneyes — thread
    little wolfs vigil — thread
    fireflies — thread
    fox attack — thread
    full moon musings — thread
    the forest — thread
    dogs! — thread
    returning — thread
    platonic cuddling — thread
    contemplating with greeneyes — thread
    important discussion — thread
    leaving — thread
    highstones return — thread
    return to windclan — thread
    death of a mother — thread
    questioning authority — thread
    thunderclans thanks — thread
    rebellion — thread
    arrival at horseplace — thread
    snow den — thread
    missing those left behind — thread
    first patrol lead — thread
    gaurding the kits — thread
    cuddling — thread
    regrets — thread
    regrets p2 — thread
    meeting michael — thread
    retaking camp — thread
    nest making — thread
    wound tending — thread
    nibling introductions — thread
    kit sitting — thread
    telling stories — thread
    sootstars trial — thread
    michael p2 — thread
    naming — thread
    sorting stones — thread
    outlook rock patrol — thread
    regrets p3 — thread
    the truth — thread
    promotion to lead warrior — thread
    sedgepounces return — thread
    badgermoons return — thread
    sedgepounces return p2 — thread
    february gathering — thread
    council meeting — thread
    michael p3 — thread
    riverclan dawn patrol — thread
    march meeting — thread
    grave keeping — thread
    bloom milestone 1 — thread
    thunderclan wolf patrol — thread
    telling nightingalecry — thread
    bloom milestone 2 — thread
    gaurding camp — thread
    patrol to shadowclan — thread
    michael p4 — thread
    assigning patrols — thread
    stuck in the mud (again) — thread
    kit 'patrol' — thread
    shadowclan patrol — thread
    horseplace joiners — thread
    final bloom milestone — thread
    spring cleaning — thread
    michaels kitting — thread
    bringing kittens home — thread
    assigned a shadow — thread
    horseplace patrol — thread
    eclipse — thread
    fire — thread
    fire patrol — thread
    council meeting — thread
    camp evacuation — thread
    arrival in riverclan — thread
    rain — thread
    snakehiss's exile — thread
    confronting sunstar — thread
    new life — thread
    horseplace patrol — thread
    windclans first amab queen — thread
    napping — thread
    cuddle pile — thread
    gifts — thread
    sunflowermask's dissapearance — thread
    hard conversations — thread
    scolding bilberrykit — thread
    stargazing — thread
    journey reminiscing — thread
    event title — thread
    slatehearts return — thread
    conversation with bilberrykit — thread
    june meeting — thread
    'big brother' — thread
    kitten escape attempt — thread
    comforting frightkit — thread
    greiving bluepools death — thread
    storytime warning — thread
    comforting dustkit — thread
    duskclan invasion— thread
    vulturekit gone missing — thread
    emergency meeting — thread
    emergency patrol assignment — thread
    flowers — thread
    yelling at brackenpaw — thread
    council meeting — thread
    nightingalecrys vigil — thread
    conversation with sootspot — thread
    conversation with hollyhockpurr — thread
    event title — thread
' at least not alone, not anymore, not since I found what I never went looking for '
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━ lost my mind by alice kristiansen
If I don't make sense please, forgive me, I can't sleep at night
━ I miss you by nathan wagner
can't you see what you do to me, re you leaving me behind? tell me everything's alright - I need you here tonight,
━ innocence by nathan wagner
your memories aren't your destiny
━ I'll be good by jaymes young
grace is just weakness - or so I've been told. I've been cold, I've been merciless, but the blood on my hands scares me to death - maybe I'm waking up today,
━ I can't carry this anymore by anson seabra
Mama said gonna be all right, but mama don't know what it's like in my mind
━ if I killed someone for you by alec benjamin
you have to understand that the one I killed is me, changing what I was for what you wanted me to be
━ i sent my therapist to therapy by alec benjamin
I'm so messed up, I sent my therapist to therapy
━ oh my god by alec benjamin
Oh my god, I can't remember who I was just last December, what have I done, how did I get here? what have I done?
━ different kind of beautiful by alec benjamin
I was hoping that I'd run into you here but now I'm stumbling and I can't seem to figure this out, now I'm broken and I'm crumbling in the open and it's troubling but I see you and it fills me with doubt,
━ gabriel by alec benjamin
what it means to be someone that everybody has to talk to
━ crossfire by stephen
can I trust what I'm given when faith still needs a gun? whose ammunition justifies the wrong? and I can't see from the backseat so I'm asking from above, can I trust what I'm given even when it cuts?
━ say my name by bebe rexha, david guetta, and j balvin; cover by ben woodward
if you're really being honest, if you really want this, why you acting like a stranger? what's with your behavior? say my name, say my name - if you love me, let me hear you say my name, say my name - I am dying to believe you. I feel alone in your arms, I feel you breaking my heart. say my name, say my name, if you love me, let me hear you,
━ tattoo by loreen
'Cause all I want is to be loved and all I care about is you
━ out of my league by fitz and the tantrums
you were out of my league, all the things I believed, you were just the right kind
━ fake a smile by alan walker + salem ilese
so I fake a smile but I know you know me too well, but it's alright you're like heaven when I'm in hell,
━ losing my religion by r.e.m.
that's me in the spot-light, losing my religion, trying to keep up with you, and I don't know if I can do it
━ little game by benny
don't you think it's funny how they tell us how to live? don't you think it's funny how we're all delinquent kids?
━ unwell by matchbox twenty
I can hear them whisper, and it makes me think there must be somethin' wrong with me. out of all the hours thinkin', somehow I've lost my mind, but I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell,
━ would anyone care by citizen soldier
would anyone want me if they knew what was inside my head? would anyone see me for the person that I really am?
━ a sadness runs through him by the hoosiers
people are puppets held together with string, there's a beautiful sadness that runs through him as he asks me to pray to the God he doesn't believe in,
━ i held her in my arms by violent femmes
I look above, say "help me, Lord, help me understand, what it means to be a boy and what it means to be a man" - I can't even remember if we were lovers, or if I just wanted to
━ ptsd by emm
can’t tell if I love you or I’m sleeping with the enemy, some days I can’t tell my intuition from anxiety - I’m too scared to tell you 'cause what if you get fed up and leave? some days I can’t tell my paranoia from PTSD
━ god must hate me
same hands that made the moon and the stars got carpal tunnel and forgot some parts - I don't know what I believe, but it's easier to think He made a mistake with me
━ groundhog day by neoni
guess we're not kids anymore, feel life slamming that door. all the things I adored aren't the same anymore- I miss ignorant bliss, youthful innocence, back when the world it made sense
━ cry by kelly clarkson
is it over yet? can I open my eyes? is this as hard as it gets? is this what it feels like to really cry?
━ dark side by kelly clarkson
will you - even if it hurts, even if I try to push you out, will you return?
━ skip this part by kelly clarkson
I'd like to skip this part, oh - are you happy now? will you ever be?
━ high road by kelly clarkson
and I walk the high road where nobody else has tread, I break my back on the things other people say. I'm getting tired always trying to do my best,
━ i wont give up by kelly clarkson
Almost gave in to the dark, but it turns out the light in me won't disappear
━ catch my breath by kelly clarkson
addicted to the love I found, heavy heart, now a weightless cloud making time for the ones that count I'll spend the rest of my time
━ one minute by kelly clarkson
one minute you laugh, the next minute you're slowly sinking into something black - I get the feeling that lately nothing ever really lasts. I keep trying to get up but I keep falling back and you love and you hate and you wait,
' and now you're in my head - I must've lost my mind '
Last edited:
periwinklebreeze 26 moons demi-boy windclan lead warrior
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean placerat faucibus augue sit amet gravida. Sed non tortor lectus. Duis volutpat sapien at est blandit, id vulputate orci tristique. Vivamus finibus risus vel mi ultrices dapibus. Morbi maximus fringilla varius. Curabitur eu porttitor tortor. Quisque sagittis risus eros, vel vestibulum augue volutpat ut. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
I ' V E - A L W A Y S - B E E N - R E A L - B A D - W I T H - C H A N G E

[box=50%; color: white; font-family: georgia; text-align: justify; font-size: 12px;] [right][size=18px][color=#ccccff][glow=darkviolet]LIKE A PICTURE IN A FRAME [/glow][/color] [/size]
[size=16px][color=#ccccff][glow=darkviolet] WISH WE COULD'VE STAYED THE SAME [/glow][/color] [/size][/right]
[b][color=#ccccff]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/color][/b][center][size=14px]          periwinklebreeze [glow=darkviolet][color=#ccccff]❀[/color][/glow] 26 moons [glow=darkviolet][color=#ccccff]❀[/color][/glow] [color=#ccccff][abbr=he/they][color=white]demi-boy[/color][/abbr][/color] [glow=darkviolet][color=#ccccff]❀[/color][/glow] windclan [color=#ccccff][abbr=moor runner][color=white]lead warrior[/color][/abbr][/color]           [/size][/center][b][color=#ccccff]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/color][/b]
[box=99%; float: center; text-align: justify;][fleft][img width=130px][/img][/fleft]                       Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean placerat faucibus augue sit amet gravida. Sed non tortor lectus. Duis volutpat sapien at est blandit, id vulputate orci tristique. Vivamus finibus risus vel mi ultrices dapibus. Morbi maximus fringilla varius. Curabitur eu porttitor tortor. Quisque sagittis risus eros, vel vestibulum augue volutpat ut. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.                       

[fright][size=11px]          [color=#ccccff][b]━[/b][/color] actions [color=#ccccff]&[/color] [b]"[color=#ccccff][glow=darkviolet] speech, [/glow][/color]"[/b] [color=#ccccff]&[/color] [i]'thoughts/quotes'[/i] [color=transparent]━[/color] [/size][/fright]           [/box][b][color=#ccccff]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/color][/b]
[box=90%; color: #ccccff; text-align: center; font-family: georgia; font-variant: small-caps; font-size: 13px;][glow=darkviolet]  I ' V E [color=transparent]-[/color] A L W A Y S [color=transparent]-[/color] B E E N [color=transparent]-[/color] R E A L [color=transparent]-[/color] B A D [color=transparent]-[/color] W I T H [color=transparent]-[/color] C H A N G E   [/glow][/box][b][color=#ccccff]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/color][/b]
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