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physically restraining myself from applying to the moonlight litter so i'm making a fake app to help

patchkit --> patchbriar, patchberry, patchpoppy, patchbelly
afab (he/him) chocolate tortoiseshell w/ low white & warm orange eyes
- not the sharpest claw on the cat, and not even particularly kind to make up for it
- large, brutish, think brindled mastiff. follows orders pretty well but has a difficult time thinking of what to do on his own, needs to be told what to do
- courageous to a fault though and loyal till the end. a good minion/bodyguard. treat him right once and he stays with you forever
- on the quiet side in normal conversation, doesn't mince his words

new gen 1 character idea after one of my current characters dies

- start at 2 moons
- shadowclan
- whatever gender shadow is deficient in by the time i make them
- normal warrior mama x she's not telling anyone as is her right, kid adores their mama no angst here
- roll for mama's death for each clan-wide event, starting at needing to roll a 20/20 for her to die and gradually taking off 1 for each event, i.e. for the 2nd clanwide event you'd need to roll a 19 or 20 to kill her (unless someone adopts her before then)
- lf black, chocolate, or red designs

[box=68%][img width=750px][/img]
[justify][color=#BBBDC1][tabs][tab=🐌 OVERVIEW][box="margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; height: 25px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #6F8A6B, #ffbe9e);"][color=transparent].[/color][/box][size=20px][b][color=#6F8A6B][s]HOWLKIT[/s] [s]HORIZONKIT[/s] [outline=black]HORIZONPAW ;[/outline][/color][/b][/size][b] [color=#ffbe9e]to match his sisters' names; where the sky and stars say hello[/color][/b]
— cisgender male / masculine or neutral terms preferred
— apprentice of riverclan / mentored by salmonshade
— 6 moons old / ages every 25th / created 12.05.2023
— hazecloud x lichenstar / littermate to twinklepaw, eveningpaw, and snowflakekit†
— undecided orientation / single, open to plots[fright][img width=50px][/img][/fright]

horizonpaw is a scruffy, shorthaired, stone-colored tabby with deep green eyes. he is very average-sized, but he has proportionally long limbs and a long tail that make him seem taller if he's not around others. even as an adult, horizonpaw will remain a little gangly and awkward, which isn't helped by his generally messy demeanor. he's not outright disheveled most of the time, but it's clear he grooms himself a bit less than the average riverclanner, but it's mitigated a little by the sleekness from his fishy diet.

despite rarely speaking, it's quite easy to tell what horizonpaw is thinking at any given moment. he is plagued by social anxiety and consistently betrayed by his face, which he wears his heart on. because of this, or maybe as a consequence of it, he's an independent creature, preferring to shoulder everything on his own and rarely seeking out the social connection of riverclan. one easy way to get him to open up, however, is catering to his fascination with snails.
[tab=APPEARANCE][box="margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; height: 25px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #6F8A6B, #ffbe9e);"][color=transparent].[/color][/box][fleft][QUOTE][bimg width=250px][/bimg][/QUOTE][/fleft][b][color=#6F8A6B]A SCRUFFY BLUE TABBY WITH WHITE SPLASHES AND GREEN EYES[/color][/b] / [url='na'][b][color=#ffbe9e]TOYHOU.SE[/color][/b][/url]
usually found messy-furred and unkempt, horizonkit's fur will begin to smooth out with a steady diet of fish and just the nature of being short-haired. even so, maintaining it isn't anywere near the top on his list of priorities; in this respect he's very much like lichentail. horizonkit is gangly, even as a kitten, with long limbs and a longer tail that give him the illusion of being tall despite his incredibly average height.

his jaw is wide-set, giving his face a squared-off look with no long cheek fur to hide it. his ears are on the shorter, squatter side, but his nose is a hair longer than average, giving his features an otter- or bear-like appearance. inlaid in his face are wide green eyes startlingly similar to hazecloud's; an astute observer would notice they're about the same in every way, from shape to color to size. differing from either mother is horizonkit's pelt, lined with hazy stripes against a blue-gray backdrop, and his pelt, notably his face, is speckled with white.

genetically, horizonkit is a shorthaired blue tabby with low white (carrying longhair, cinnamon, solid, point).[/tab]

[tab=PERSONALITY][box="margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; height: 25px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #6F8A6B, #ffbe9e);"][color=transparent].[/color][/box][quote][fleft][fright]♥♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡
TYPE ? - "THE ???" / ??? / ?. ???
[url=""][color=#6F8A6B]???[/color][/url] / [url=""][color=#6F8A6B]???[/color][/url] / [url=""][color=#6F8A6B]???[/color][/url]
( + ) loyal, genuine, perceptive, resourceful
( \ ) quiet, honest, independent, determined, single-minded
( - ) blunt, awkward, standoffish, greedy[/quote][img][/img]
[color=#6F8A6B]—[/color] the first thing most notice about horizonkit is that he is quiet, a trait made up some combination of social anxiety and a genuine lack of interest in the going-ons of others. lichentail's reserved nature is seemingly passed onto her son, who avoids strangers on principle but explodes with word around his kin. with the lack of practice comes difficulty figuring out the nuances of everyday conversation, which enocurages him to avoid it even further, a vicious cycle that perpetuates his taciturn nature.

[color=#6F8A6B]—[/color] pretty much incapable of lying. will not be in threads whose plots he may derail! he wears his emotions on his pelt and doesn't seem capable of hiding them, when he's truly feeling something at least. he expresses himself when he feels like it and has difficulty hiding when he doesn't. though his tongue isn't expressive, his face sure is.
[indent][color=#6F8A6B]↪[/color] he has never been taught that hiding his emotions is a bad thing. horizonkit may be one of the most emotionally-available cats in riverclan, if only one gets to talking with him at all. his honesty is his openness.[/indent]

[color=#6F8A6B]—[/color] obsessed with snails. will talk your ear off about them if you let him. he adores lying down to watch them at eye level and likes watching them crawl around his paw pads. collects snail shells and is trying his best to keep particular snails as pets (they keep escaping the enclosures he makes).

[color=#6F8A6B]—[/color] horizonkit got what he wanted, when he wanted, as a kit. this develops into an independent steak a tree-length wide, with him thinking his way is always the best way and that he should never have to factor in silly overhead like "rules" and the opinions of others. he still aims to do what he wants, when he wants, and he become very upset if something or someone bars him from doing so.
[indent][color=#6F8A6B]↪[/color] he has the heart of a loner in a clan cat's body. he is not a fighter and doesn't wish to impose himself on others, but at times he resents the fact that his love for his family ties him down. the only principle he believes in is honesty, because if everyone had no secrets, they would all act in the best way for themselves, and everyone would be happy.[/indent]

[subquote=#6F8A6B]very expressive face that struggles to hide emotion, but talking to him about it will likely only make him turn away or look down. whenever he is feeling uncomfortable at all, his first resort is to leave the situation, and if he can't do that, then he will seek out a loved one in the hopes they talk for him.[/subquote][/tab]

[tab=THREAD TRACKER][box="margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; height: 25px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #6F8A6B, #ffbe9e);"][color=transparent].[/color][/box][size=20px][color=#6F8A6B][b]IMPORTANT THREADS[/b][/color][b] / ( [/b]✧[b] ) INTERACTION ( [/b]✦[b] ) DEVELOPMENT[/b][/size]

[b]LEAF-BARE 2023[/b]
[url=][color=#6F8A6B]✦ [b]12.25. THEY SANG, THEY SANG[/b][/color][/url] born unnamed; his sibling snowflakekit dies shortly after
[url=][color=#6F8A6B]✦ [b]01.02. ANYTHING AT ALL[/b][/color][/url] kitten milestone: eyes open
[url=][color=#6F8A6B]✦ [b]01.11. MEMORY IN THE MAKING[/b][/color][/url] kitten milestone: ears open
[url=][color=#6F8A6B]✦ [b]01.25. ABOUT TO FALL, CAPTURE ME[/b][/color][/url] named howlkit by lichentail; "milk" is his first word
[url=][color=#6F8A6B]✦ [b]02.12. I DON'T KNOW MY NAME AT ALL[/b][/color][/url] his mothers change his name to horizonkit

[tab=SKILLS][box="margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; height: 25px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #6F8A6B, #ffbe9e);"][color=transparent].[/color][/box][columns=2][box=100%][quote][color=#498DC9]○[/color][color=#558FC2]○[/color][color=#6192BB]○[/color][color=#6D95B4]○[/color][color=#7A98AE]○[/color][color=#869BA7]○[/color][color=#929EA0]○[/color][color=#9FA19A]○[/color][color=#ABA493]○[/color][color=#B7A78C]○[/color] [color=#c4aa86][b]HUNTING[/b][/color]: [i]clueless[/i]. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.[/quote][/box]
[box=100%][quote][url=''][color=#498DC9]⬤[/color][/url][url=''][color=#558FC2]⬤[/color][/url][color=#6192BB]○[/color][color=#6D95B4]○[/color][color=#7A98AE]○[/color][color=#869BA7]○[/color][color=#929EA0]○[/color][color=#9FA19A]○[/color][color=#ABA493]○[/color][color=#B7A78C]○[/color] [color=#c4aa86][b]TUNNELING[/b][/color]: [i]novice[/i]. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.[/quote][/box]

[box=100%][quote][url=''][color=#498DC9]⬤[/color][/url][color=#558FC2]○[/color][color=#6192BB]○[/color][color=#6D95B4]○[/color][color=#7A98AE]○[/color][color=#869BA7]○[/color][color=#929EA0]○[/color][color=#9FA19A]○[/color][color=#ABA493]○[/color][color=#B7A78C]○[/color] [color=#c4aa86][b]TRACKING[/b][/color]: [i]novice[/i]. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.[/quote][/box]
[box=100%][quote][url=''][color=#498DC9]⬤[/color][/url][color=#558FC2]○[/color][color=#6192BB]○[/color][color=#6D95B4]○[/color][color=#7A98AE]○[/color][color=#869BA7]○[/color][color=#929EA0]○[/color][color=#9FA19A]○[/color][color=#ABA493]○[/color][color=#B7A78C]○[/color] [color=#c4aa86][b]COMBAT[/b][/color]: [i]clueless[/i]. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.[/quote][/box][/columns]

[box=70%][justify][color=#BBBDC1][tabs][tab=🌊 BASICS][box="margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; height: 25px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #78949c, #df8465);"][color=transparent].[/color][/box][size=20px][b][color=#78949c][s]LIU-LIU[/s] [s]LIUA[/s] [outline=black]TIGERFANG ;[/outline][/color][/b][/size][b] [color=#df8465]this is fun, but nothing will ever be the same[/color][/b]
[quote][b]00.00.0000.[/b] tba[/quote][img][/img]
⤷ [color=#78949c][b]TIGER[/b][/color] for the odd, thick, and dark stripes on her pelt; [color=#df8465][b]FANG[/b][/color] for her skill and toothy smile
[color=#78949c]✦[/color] She/her, AMAB ; homosexual monogamist
[color=#78949c]✦[/color] Elder of ThunderClan, from faraway lands and once a ship cat
[color=#78949c]✦[/color] One hundred and eleven moons old, ages every 28th
[fright][img width=50px][/img][img width=50px][/img][/fright]⤷ Penned by [url=''][color=#78949c][b]Pikaihao[/b][/color][/url]; [b]HEARTCHART[/b] ; [b]PINTEREST[/b] ; [b]PLAYLIST[/b]
[tab=APPEARANCE][box="margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; height: 25px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #78949c, #df8465);"][color=transparent].[/color][/box][fleft][QUOTE][bimg width=250px][/bimg][/QUOTE][/fleft][b][color=#78949c]A BURLY, SCARRED GINGER AND WHITE SHE-CAT WITH DARK MARKINGS[/color][/b] / [url=''][b][color=#df8465]TOYHOU.SE[/color][/b][/url]

[color=#78949c][b]scars:[/b][/color] (in chronological order gained)
[color=#78949c]—[/color] tba

[subquote=#78949c]shorthaired red cameo / chocolate chimera with low white (breeds as red cameo; masking chocolate tabby; carrying longhair, dilute, solid, non-silver, sepia)[/subquote][/tab]

[tab=PERSONALITY][box="margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; height: 25px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #78949c, #9ba8d5, #c4aa86);"][color=transparent].[/color][/box][quote][fleft][fright]♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♡
humor[/fleft]INTJ - "THE ARCHITECT" / [abbr="slides between lawful to neutral and neutral to evil"]LAWFUL NEUTRAL[/abbr]
[url=""][color=#78949c]TROPE[/color][/url] / [url=""][color=#78949c]TROPE[/color][/url] / [url=""][color=#78949c]TROPE[/color][/url]
( + ) empathetic, thoughtful, courteous, curious, articulate
( \ ) people-pleasing, cautious, obedient, unobtrusive, secretive
( - ) sensitive, insecure, rigid, manipulative, deceitful, overthinker[/quote][img][/img]
[color=#9ba8d5]—[/color] downypaw is almost defined by the multiple ways windclan has been torn apart in their childhood. they were three moons old when the rogues drove them out of camp, and they were five when duskclan tore out a bloody chunk of their home.
[indent][color=#9ba8d5]↪[/color] it manifests in them as acute shame. something is always wrong: with them, with their family, with their clan, with their world. they can't hope to control the world, but they can control themself, and they've seen that others can be controlled as well. downypaw doesn't just thrive on stability, they breathe it.[/indent]

[color=#9ba8d5]—[/color] they are a child who learned that they'll only feel safe or loved if they make everyone else happy. as an adult, they don't know who they are and don't trust themself to make their own decisions.

[color=#9ba8d5]—[/color] believes she is inherently useless, and whatever meaning her life holds has been assigned to her by others. downypaw just wants to be useful. she has the capacity to see through manipulation; what she latches on to are the ideals, morals, and motivations of others, then convinces herself that she believes in it too. they like being told what to do, but in broad, sweeping terms, so they can decide just how to do it.
[indent][color=#9ba8d5]↪[/color] sort of just wants a purpose in life. they recognize that all of their major decisions have been made in fear or by others, and that isn't what life should be.[/indent]

[color=#9ba8d5]—[/color] kind of classically toxic. tries to never take fault for anything because they're so afraid of being persecuted ("i'm sorry you feel that way," "i was only trying to help you," and other gaslighting statements). she often has good intentions and genuinely believes in doing the best by others though, but only when she can do so without sacrificing her own interests.

[color=#9ba8d5]—[/color] well-spoken and eloquent even as a young cat, almost never puts their foot in their mouth. they think before they speak, and they speak at an even, controlled tempo. they're not particularly talkative, but can appear that way if they think them talking more will lead to their conversation partner(s) talking more. 
[indent][color=#9ba8d5]↪[/color] subconsciously, they approach every conversation like a chance to gather more information.[/indent]

[color=#9ba8d5]—[/color] tends to freeze up in high stress situations, but as they're growing out of this as they grow older. they need someone to tell them to do something in order to un-freeze, or to know an even bigger threat is coming for them if they don't act.

[color=#9ba8d5]—[/color] needs to feel like they belong somewhere. under no circumstance do they ever want to be ostracized as they were on their way to becoming under sootstar on account of their "traitorous" family, and as said family was actually ostracized, exiled, or otherwise driven out. they do their best to be a friendly face towards everyone, but not so friendly they would ever be noticed for such. they try to straddle the line of being a friend and an acquaintance with everybody, but even so, they long for genuine connection and to feel protected.

[color=#9ba8d5]—[/color] downypaw finds many of their kinder actions, and how they're perceived in windclan as one of the "nicer" cats, stems not from a truly altruistic place, but one that fears the dislike and criticism of others. they do the "right" thing because it will earn them goodwill from others, and if something is of real consequence for them they might prioritize themself above even their loved ones. still, they find it very easy to know what the "right" thing to do or say is.
[indent][color=#9ba8d5]↪[/color] on the other side, they find it difficult to believe anyone else does anything out of pure altruism either. they view all other cats as mostly self-interested despite their good intentions, and they hate trusting others with vital information because they're afraid of what they might do with it when desperate. they think that given the chance, everyone would become the worst versions of themselves.[/indent]

[color=#9ba8d5]—[/color] inspired by/similar to: armin arlert (attack on titan), radu dragwyla (and i darken)

[subquote=#9ba8d5]curls their tail around their heels when nervous. wears a pleasant smile or expression on their face around others, contrary to their resting melancholic expression. their face is almost never relaxed, but since it is almost never relaxed, observers are not likely to notice because their resting face is hardly ever seen. always glancing around but never turning her head, inconspicuous with their observation.[/subquote][/tab]

[tab=RELATIONSHIPS & INTERACTION][box="margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; height: 25px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #78949c, #df8465);"][color=transparent].[/color][/box][quote][b]MATE TO [abbr="Played by Kerms"]MAGNOLIASONG[/abbr] ; HOMOSEXUAL MONOGAMIST[/B]
[b]SOUNDS[/b] TBA. [URL="http://voiceclaim"][color=#78949c]Voiceclaim[/color][/URL]
——— Speech is [color=#78949c]#78949c[/color][/quote][img][/img]
[b][color=#78949c][abbr='NPC']SALAMANSIA[/abbr] xx [abbr='NPC']TBA[/abbr][/color][/b] ; mother to [abbr="Played by Tempest"]Campionsong[/abbr] and [abbr="Played by Beatles"]Wavemoon[/abbr] ; adoptive mother to [abbr="Played by Mercibun"]Swiftdawn[/abbr]
[b]NOTABLE FRIENDS:[/b] Magonliasong
[b]NOTABLE ENEMIES:[/b] none[/tab]

[tab=THREAD TRACKER][box="margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; height: 25px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #498dc9, #9ba8d5, #c4aa86);"][color=transparent].[/color][/box][size=20px][color=#9ba8d5][b]IMPORTANT THREADS[/b][/color][b] / ( [/b]✧[b] ) INTERACTION ( [/b]✦[b] ) DEVELOPMENT[/b][/size]

[b]LEAF-FALL 2023[/b]
[url=][color=#9ba8d5]✦ [b]09.08. AWAY FROM THE SUN[/b][/color][/url] downy, finch, and rose are born in the horseplace; rose dies a few days later
[url=][color=#9ba8d5]✦ [b]10.08. PRAYER OF THE REFUGEE[/b][/color][/url] heavy snow protects their litter as rogues drive windclan out
[url=][color=#9ba8d5]✧ [b]10.24. ONLY AS A DOUBTFUL GUEST[/b][/color][/url] talks to fallowkit about "home" in shadowclan's camp
[url=][color=#9ba8d5]✧ [b]11.03. SHOULD I CHOOSE A NOBLE OCCUPATION?[/b][/color][/url] periwinklebreeze's and sedgepounce's return
[url=][color=#9ba8d5]✧ [b]11.06. HALF-LIT GRASS[/b][/color][/url] convinced by rivepaw to sneak out and caught by sedgepounce
[url=][color=#9ba8d5]✦ [b]11.15. RIGHTEOUS SIDE OF HELL[/b][/color][/url] the aftermath of the loyalists' attack on smokestar at highstones
[url=][color=#9ba8d5]✦ [b]11.21. METAL CRUSHER[/b][/color][/url] sootstar berates pinkpaw over requesting her siblings become moor runners
[url=][color=#9ba8d5]✦ [b]11.21. TAKE WHAT YOU LEARNED[/b][/color][/url] sootspot admonishes downypaw for their failure to stop pinkpaw
[url=][color=#9ba8d5]✧ [b]11.23. MY HEADS NOT YOURS[/b][/color][/url] "spars" bearpaw as a punishment from sootspot

[b]LEAF-BARE 2023[/b]
[url=][color=#9ba8d5]✦ [b]12.02. GRINNING TEETH[/b][/color][/url] riverclan splashes their patrol; they realize how much riverclan hates windclan
[url=][color=#9ba8d5]✧ [b]12.02. EYE FOR AN EYE[/b][/color][/url] shivering, discusses riverclan's actions after the patrol
[url=][color=#9ba8d5]✦ [b] 12.05. I DON'T LOVE YOU[/b][/color][/url] sootspot chases them underground during sunstride's rebellion to "save" them
[url=][color=#9ba8d5]✦ [b]12.05. SEASON OF SKINNY CANDLES[/b][/color][/url] oneshot; goes to sleep next to lilacstem's corpse
[url=][color=#9ba8d5]✦ [b]12.10. WANING SUNSET[/b][/color][/url] cottonpaw secretly helps them grieve and forms an escape plan
[url=][color=#9ba8d5]✦ [b]01.06. WINTER BLOSSOMS[/b][/color][/url] escapes loyalist windclan with cottonfang
[url=][color=#9ba8d5]✦ [b]01.06. HOME FREE[/b][/color][/url] arrives, exhausted, at the horseplace with cottonfang and reunites with their family
[url=][color=#9ba8d5]✦ [b]01.24. PRAY I DON'T GET UP[/b][/color][/url] injured by juncopaw in final battle to retake windclan from sootstar
[url=][color=#9ba8d5]✦ [b]02.04. HOME IS THE FIRST GRAVE[/b][/color][/url] cowers from the mob and sunstride executing sootstar
[url=][color=#9ba8d5]✦ [b]02.06. TOSS YOUR CARDS[/b][/color][/url] sunstride decides to reassign them to rattleheart after a conversation
[url=][color=#9ba8d5]✦ [b]02.11. I WON'T LET YOU DOWN[/b][/color][/url] sunstar officially reassigns them to rattleheart, to their distrust

[b]NEWLEAF 2024[/b]
[url=][color=#9ba8d5]✦ [b]03.08. THE HUNGER IN YOUR HAUNT[/b][/color][/url] forcibly reflects on their time in sootstar's loyalist windclan
[url=][color=#9ba8d5]✧ [b]03.10. CLOSE ENCOUNTERS[/b][/color][/url] discovers their pollen allergy[/tab]

[tab=SKILLS][box="margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; height: 25px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #498dc9, #9ba8d5, #c4aa86);"][color=transparent].[/color][/box][columns=2][box=100%][quote][color=#498DC9]○[/color][color=#558FC2]○[/color][color=#6192BB]○[/color][color=#6D95B4]○[/color][color=#7A98AE]○[/color][color=#869BA7]○[/color][color=#929EA0]○[/color][color=#9FA19A]○[/color][color=#ABA493]○[/color][color=#B7A78C]○[/color] [color=#c4aa86][b]HUNTING[/b][/color]: [i]clueless[/i]. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.[/quote][/box]
[box=100%][quote][url=''][color=#498DC9]⬤[/color][/url][url=''][color=#558FC2]⬤[/color][/url][color=#6192BB]○[/color][color=#6D95B4]○[/color][color=#7A98AE]○[/color][color=#869BA7]○[/color][color=#929EA0]○[/color][color=#9FA19A]○[/color][color=#ABA493]○[/color][color=#B7A78C]○[/color] [color=#c4aa86][b]TUNNELING[/b][/color]: [i]novice[/i]. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.[/quote][/box]

[box=100%][quote][url=''][color=#498DC9]⬤[/color][/url][color=#558FC2]○[/color][color=#6192BB]○[/color][color=#6D95B4]○[/color][color=#7A98AE]○[/color][color=#869BA7]○[/color][color=#929EA0]○[/color][color=#9FA19A]○[/color][color=#ABA493]○[/color][color=#B7A78C]○[/color] [color=#c4aa86][b]TRACKING[/b][/color]: [i]novice[/i]. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.[/quote][/box]
[box=100%][quote][url=''][color=#498DC9]⬤[/color][/url][color=#558FC2]○[/color][color=#6192BB]○[/color][color=#6D95B4]○[/color][color=#7A98AE]○[/color][color=#869BA7]○[/color][color=#929EA0]○[/color][color=#9FA19A]○[/color][color=#ABA493]○[/color][color=#B7A78C]○[/color] [color=#c4aa86][b]COMBAT[/b][/color]: [i]clueless[/i]. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.[/quote][/box][/columns]
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She/her. 12 moons. SkyClan warrior. Orangestar x Ashenclaw, littermate to Owlpaw, Glimmerpaw, Eggpaw, Orchidpaw. A well-groomed, sleek, longhaired calico with pale yellow eyes. ~10" at the shoulder. Full biography.
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———— She / her. 12 moons. Warrior of SkyClan. Orangestar x Ashenclaw, littermate to Owlheart, Glimmersun, Eggbounce, and Tawnyclaw. A well-groomed and sleek longhaired calico with pale yellow eyes. About 10 inches tall at the shoulder. Bio.

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⤷ penned by pikaihao heartchart pinterest last updated may 28th, 2024
cherry. noun. a flowering, fruiting plant in the rose family, rosaceae; for the vibrant red in her coat, and maybe as a prediction of her sweet-and-sour nature blossom. verb. to come into one's own; after her mother, orangestar, formerly orangeblossom
cisgender female ⋆ she, her, hers
13 moons old ages 1 moon every 28th created may 20th, 2023
skyclan deputy no former allegiances
( the doctor put her hands over my liver ) —
well-groomed calico with pale yellow eyes smells of hyacinths, pine sap, and wild cherries
references though not incredibly tall nor imposing, cherryblossom makes her presence known. her mannerisms are grand and sweeping; she takes up the entire space allotted to her and more. her frame is bulky yet sleek, like the shining hull of a cruiseliner. her white, silky pelt is splashed with flame and charcoal, crowning her head and lining the dorsal sides of her body. her eyes are the color of lemonade glittering on a swelting summer day. the whole of her features are full and rich, a kittypet-like glamour interrupted by light scarring and the hard set of her gaze.
torn left ear bite marks on lower right foreleg hidden talon marks down her flanks
may wear hyacinths around her head and tail may tuck a red butterfly wing behind an ear

( she told me my resentment's getting smaller ) —
esfj, "the consul" true neutral iv. the emperor
positive: confident, courageous, dutiful, loyal
neutral: stubborn, aggressive, demanding
negative: conceited, petty, shallow, self-absorbed

( no, I'm not afraid of hard work ) —

╰ Littermate to Glimmersun, Eggbounce, Tawnyclaw, and Owlheart | Adopted sister to Doompaw, Abysspaw, and Sorrelpaw
.:*・ Homosexual monogamous | Taken, padding after Edenberry
.:*・ ½ of Scorcherry: (Scorchstorm x Cherryblossom) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
.:*・ ½ of Cherryeden: (Cherryblossom x Edenberry) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
.:*・ ½ of Frootloop: (Cherryblossom x Lupinesong) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
.:*・ Engagement: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
.:*・ Finicky to befriend | very difficult to love
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⤷ penned by pikaihao heartchart pinterest last updated may 28th, 2024
cherry. noun. a flowering, fruiting plant in the rose family, rosaceae; for the vibrant red in her coat, and maybe as a prediction of her sweet-and-sour nature blossom. verb. to come into one's own; after her mother, orangestar, formerly orangeblossom
cisgender female ⋆ she / her
16 moons old ages 1 moon every 28th created may 20th, 2023
skyclan warrior former skyclan deputy
  • well-groomed calico with pale yellow eyes health: 90%
    smells of hyacinths, pine sap, and wild berries

    references though not incredibly tall nor imposing, cherryblossom makes her presence known. her mannerisms are grand and sweeping; she takes up the entire space allotted to her and more. her frame is bulky yet sleek, like the shining hull of a cruiseliner. her pale, silky pelt is splashed with flame and charcoal, crowning her head and lining the dorsal sides of her body. she has moon-yellow eyes, the color of watered-down lemonade glittering on a swelting summer day. the whole of her features are full and rich, a kittypet-like glamour interrupted by light scarring and the hard set of her gaze.

    torn left ear bite marks on lower right foreleg hidden talon marks down her flanks
    may wear hyacinths around her head and tail may tuck a red butterfly wing behind an ear
  • esfp lawful neutral 4w3: the aristocrat choleric
    confident ⋆ brave dutiful driven ⋆ hardworking loyal ⋆ sociable forthright leaderly
    stubborn aggressive demanding ⋆ shallow ⋆ vain petty temperamental spiteful ⋆ self-centered

    ✦ traits : cherryblossom is the disgraced ex-deputy of skyclan.
  • orangestar x ashenclaw gen. 3 littermate to glimmersun, eggbounce, tawnyclaw, and owlheart
    lesbian taken, monogamous padding after edenberry, crushing on lupinesong
    ½ scorcherry ½ cherryberry ½ frootloop

    mentored by slate currently mentoring ricepaw previously mentored no one
    friends with lupinesong, spiderpaw†, edenberry, scorchstorm
    enemies with doompaw, plaguepaw, falcongaze
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Reactions: beatles
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Penned by Pikaihao | Heartchart | Pinterest | Last updated August 20th, 2024
AFAB demigirl (they/she)
14 moons, ages 1 moon every 8th
August 20th, 2023 at 2 moons old
Warrior (tunneler)
WindClan, formerly the Horseplace
  • Downyfur is a tiny, puffy-furred, grey cat with dark points and deep blue eyes.

    Downyfur is a WindClan warrior that has served under Sootstar's and Sunstar's leaderships. Downy was born to Pollenfur and Hyacinthbreath alongside Rose, who died after birth. Downykit was raised by Brightshine and Heavy Snow alongside her half-sister Pink-kit. Initially, Downypaw was trained as a tunneler apprentice with Sootspot as their mentor, but after Sunstar usurped Sootstar in the civil war, Rattleheart was reassigned to be their new mentor. They earned their warrior name, Downyfur, for their actions in DuskClan's raid on WindClan camp.

    A nondescript WindClanner whose only noticeable feature is being small and cute. They easily make friends, not because they are naturally drawn to other cats, but because they fear being ostracized in any way. Innately discerning and clever, they're always studying other characters and the world around in hopes of gleaning more ways to integrate themself deeper into the new windclan society. Downyfur is a creature governed by fear, but nonetheless they try to hold onto their kithood compassion.
  • puffy little seal point with deep blue eyes health: 100%
    smells of chamomile flowers and cool earth

    references a soot-stained piece of dandelion fluff upon the moors, or a little lost raincloud trying to blend in with the hills: downyfur is, from anyone's first impression, just a cute cat. they're almost kit-like in their diminutive stature, with little legs sticking out from a puffy winter jacket. such an appearance leads them to not being taken seriously sometimes, and it frustrates them as often as it blesses them. (you're welcome for your character to ic'ly mistake them for a kit!)

    downyfur's parentage lends her a few traits at odds with the rest of her windclan family. they have pollenfur's wispy coat, markedly different from heavy snow's thick pelt under scrutiny, and her square-shaped eyes. their petite figure, violet-tinged irises, and blue-gray fur are hyacinthbreath's. her purebred kittypet heritage lies in their facial structure, which very much resembles a singapura's: they have wide eyes and large, deeply cupped ears. like pollenfur, they have a resting melancholic expression. her whiskers are long, white, and slightly curved: perfect for sensing with in the tunnels.

    they have a mild pollen allergy. it manifests in increased itching on the body and face during newleaf, as well as some sneezing, but no runny nose or eye discharge. these effects are reduced due to the amount of time they spend underground along with regular grooming.

    two scratches underneath her right eye
  • esfp lawful neutral 4w3: the aristocrat choleric
    confident ⋆ brave dutiful driven ⋆ hardworking loyal ⋆ sociable forthright leaderly
    stubborn aggressive demanding ⋆ shallow ⋆ vain petty temperamental spiteful ⋆ self-centered

    ✦ traits : cherryblossom is the disgraced ex-deputy of skyclan.
  • pollenfur x hyacinthbreath raised by brightshine and heavy snow gen. 2 littermate to pinkshine
    pansexual single, monogamous crushing on no one

    mentored by sootspot and rattleheart currently mentoring no one previously mentored no one
    friends with bearflight†, celandinepaw
    enemies with no one


  • .
    DOWNY DOWNYKIT DOWNYPAW DOWNYFUR ; an innocuous, harmless, and therefore useful name
    — demigirl / neutral or feminine terms preferred
    — tunneler warrior of windclan / mentoring no one
    — 12 moons old / ages every 8th / created 08.20.2023
    — "brightshine x heavy snow" / littermate to pinkshine


    — pansexual / single, open to plots

    mostly covered in pale, plush fur, downyfur sports smoky black points and a line of white cutting through their face down across their chest and belly. they're noticably tiny for a cat, even with their long hair, with small paws and a relatively fragile frame. two scars, almost touching their wide eye, cross their face. big, square-ish eyes and large ears lend their features a cute appearance, paired with their diminutive size. they're consistently a little dirty from the tunnels, but they try to take care of their fur when they can.

    a nondescript sort of cat whose only notable feature is being small and cute. they easily make friends, not because they are naturally drawn to other cats, but because they fear being ostracized in any way. innately discerning and clever, they're always studying other characters and the world around in hopes of gleaning more ways to integrate themself deeper into the new windclan society. downyfur is a creature governed by fear, but nonetheless they try to hold onto their kithood compassion.
  • .
    A soot-stained piece of dandelion fluff upon the moors, or a little lost raincloud trying to blend in with the hills: Downypaw is, from anyone's first impression, just a cute cat. They're almost kit-like in their diminutive stature (about 6 inches at the shoulder, or 16 cm), with little legs sticking out from a puffy winter jacket. Such an appearance leads them to not being taken seriously sometimes, and it frustrates them as often as it blesses them. (You're welcome for your character to IC'ly mistake them for a kit!)

    Downypaw's parentage lends them a few traits at odds with the rest of their WindClan family. They have Pollenfur's wispy fur, markedly different from Heavy Snow's thick pelt under scrutiny, and her square-shaped eyes. Their petite figure, violet-tinged irises, and blue-gray fur are Hyacinthbreath's. Her purebred kittypet heritage lies in their facial structure, which very much resembles a Singapura's: they have wide eyes and large, deeply cupped ears. Like Pollenfur, they have a resting melancholic expression. Their whiskers are long, white, and slightly curved: perfect for sensing with in the tunnels.

    They have a mild pollen allergy. It manifests in increased itching on the body and face during Newleaf, as well as some sneezing, but no runny nose or eye discharge. These effects are reduced due to the amount of time they spend underground along with regular grooming.

    Two thin marks near their left eye, one almost crossing the inner corner, one right beneath and striking through the freckle on their cheek; from Juncopaw while fighting in the final battle of the WindClan civil war.

    LH seal point with low white (carrying chocolate, dilute)
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    ( + ) empathetic, thoughtful, courteous, curious, articulate
    ( \ ) people-pleasing, cautious, obedient, unobtrusive, secretive
    ( - ) sensitive, insecure, rigid, manipulative, deceitful, overthinker

    Downypaw is almost defined by the multiple ways WindClan has been torn apart in their childhood. They were three moons old when the rogues drove them out of camp, and they were five when DuskClan tore out a bloody chunk of their home.
    It manifests in them as acute shame. Something is always wrong: with them, with their family, with their clan, with their world. They can't hope to control the world, but they can control themself, and they've seen that others can be controlled as well. Downypaw doesn't just thrive on stability, they breathe it.​

    They are a child who learned that they'll only feel safe or loved if they make everyone else happy. As an adult, they don't know who they are and don't trust themself to make their own decisions.

    Believes she is inherently useless, and whatever meaning her life holds has been assigned to her by others. Downypaw just wants to be useful. She has the capacity to see through manipulation; what she latches on to are the ideals, morals, and motivations of others, then convinces herself that she believes in it too. They like being told what to do, but in broad, sweeping terms, so they can decide just how to do it.
    Sort of just wants a purpose in life. They recognize that all of their major decisions have been made in fear or by others, and that isn't what life should be.​

    kind of classically toxic. tries to never take fault for anything because they're so afraid of being persecuted ("i'm sorry you feel that way," "i was only trying to help you," and other gaslighting statements). she often has good intentions and genuinely believes in doing the best by others though, but only when she can do so without sacrificing her own interests.

    well-spoken and eloquent even as a young cat, almost never puts their foot in their mouth. they think before they speak, and they speak at an even, controlled tempo. they're not particularly talkative, but can appear that way if they think them talking more will lead to their conversation partner(s) talking more.
    subconsciously, they approach every conversation like a chance to gather more information.​

    tends to freeze up in high stress situations, but as they're growing out of this as they grow older. they need someone to tell them to do something in order to un-freeze, or to know an even bigger threat is coming for them if they don't act.

    needs to feel like they belong somewhere. under no circumstance do they ever want to be ostracized as they were on their way to becoming under sootstar on account of their "traitorous" family, and as said family was actually ostracized, exiled, or otherwise driven out. they do their best to be a friendly face towards everyone, but not so friendly they would ever be noticed for such. they try to straddle the line of being a friend and an acquaintance with everybody, but even so, they long for genuine connection and to feel protected.

    downypaw finds many of their kinder actions, and how they're perceived in windclan as one of the "nicer" cats, stems not from a truly altruistic place, but one that fears the dislike and criticism of others. they do the "right" thing because it will earn them goodwill from others, and if something is of real consequence for them they might prioritize themself above even their loved ones. still, they find it very easy to know what the "right" thing to do or say is.
    on the other side, they find it difficult to believe anyone else does anything out of pure altruism either. they view all other cats as mostly self-interested despite their good intentions, and they hate trusting others with vital information because they're afraid of what they might do with it when desperate. they think that given the chance, everyone would become the worst versions of themselves.​

    Inspired by: Armin Arlert (Attack on Titan), Radu Dragwyla (And I Darken)

    Curls their tail around their heels when nervous. Always wears a pleasant smile or expression on their face around others, contrary to their resting melancholic expression. Their face is almost never relaxed, but since it is almost never relaxed, observers are not likely to notice because their resting face is hardly ever seen anyway. Always glancing around but never turning their head; inconspicuous with their observation.
  • .
    SOUNDS higher-pitched, but carefully controlled. Voiceclaim
    SMELLS OF cool earth and chamomile flowers
    ——— Speech is #9ba8d5

    POLLENFUR xx HYACINTHBREATH ; knows only Brightshine and Heavy Snow as parents; littermate to Finchpaw and Rose† | unknowing milk-sister and cousin to Pinkpaw and Heathpaw ( family tree ) | mentoring no one, mentored by Rattleheart, formerly mentored by Sootspot
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    LEAF-FALL 2023
    09.08. AWAY FROM THE SUN downy, finch, and rose are born in the horseplace; rose dies a few days later
    10.08. PRAYER OF THE REFUGEE heavy snow protects their litter as rogues drive windclan out
    10.24. ONLY AS A DOUBTFUL GUEST talks to fallowkit about "home" in shadowclan's camp
    11.03. SHOULD I CHOOSE A NOBLE OCCUPATION? periwinklebreeze's and sedgepounce's return
    11.06. HALF-LIT GRASS convinced by rivepaw to sneak out and caught by sedgepounce
    11.15. RIGHTEOUS SIDE OF HELL the aftermath of the loyalists' attack on smokestar at highstones
    11.21. METAL CRUSHER sootstar berates pinkpaw over requesting her siblings become moor runners
    11.21. TAKE WHAT YOU LEARNED sootspot admonishes downypaw for their failure to stop pinkpaw
    11.23. MY HEADS NOT YOURS "spars" bearpaw as a punishment from sootspot

    LEAF-BARE 2023
    12.02. GRINNING TEETH riverclan splashes their patrol; they realize how much riverclan hates windclan
    12.02. EYE FOR AN EYE shivering, discusses riverclan's actions after the patrol
    12.05. I DON'T LOVE YOU sootspot chases them underground during sunstride's rebellion to "save" them
    12.05. SEASON OF SKINNY CANDLES oneshot; goes to sleep next to lilacstem's corpse
    12.10. WANING SUNSET cottonpaw secretly helps them grieve and forms an escape plan
    01.06. WINTER BLOSSOMS escapes loyalist windclan with cottonfang
    01.06. HOME FREE arrives, exhausted, at the horseplace with cottonfang and reunites with their family
    01.24. PRAY I DON'T GET UP injured by juncopaw in final battle to retake windclan from sootstar
    02.04. HOME IS THE FIRST GRAVE cowers from the mob and sunstride executing sootstar
    02.06. TOSS YOUR CARDS sunstride decides to reassign them to rattleheart after a conversation
    02.11. I WON'T LET YOU DOWN sunstar officially reassigns them to rattleheart, to their distrust

    NEWLEAF 2024
    03.08. THE HUNGER IN YOUR HAUNT forcibly reflects on their time in sootstar's loyalist windclan
    03.10. CLOSE ENCOUNTERS discovers their pollen allergy
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    HUNTING: clueless. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
    TUNNELING: novice. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.

    TRACKING: novice. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
    COMBAT: clueless. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
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Penned by Pikaihao | Heartchart | Pinterest | Last updated August 20th, 2024
Cisgender female (she/her)
18 moons, ages 1 moon every 28th
May 20th, 2023 at 2 moons old
  • Cherryblossom is a well-groomed, sleek, mostly-white tortoiseshell with pale yellow eyes.

    Cherryblossom is a SkyClan warrior that has served under Blazestar's and Orangestar's leaderships. Cherrykit was born to Orangeblossom and Ashenclaw alongside Eggkit, Orchidkit, Glimmerkit, and Owlkit. As an apprentice, Cherrypaw was mentored by Slate, and later she volunteered to go on a journey to find lungwort at the sun-drown place during the yellowcough plague. Shortly after becoming a warrior, Cherryblossom was named by Orangestar as her next deputy following Twitchbolt's resignation. She was demoted due to her inexperience, contributing to the seventh code of the warrior code.

    The disgraced princess of SkyClan, with a love life as tangled as brambles and a tongue as sharp as their thorns. Cherryblossom is stunningly confident; she fills up any space she enters and is unapologetic for it. She is notably fickle and vain, as well as a known gossip-monger among SkyClanners. Behind her radiant and powerful facade, she struggles to be vulnerable and kick her habit of sabotaging her own relationships with those she loves. Twice in her childhood, a cat has given their life to save hers: she never wants to be in that position again.
  • puffy little seal point with deep blue eyes health: 100%
    smells of chamomile flowers and cool earth

    references a soot-stained piece of dandelion fluff upon the moors, or a little lost raincloud trying to blend in with the hills: downyfur is, from anyone's first impression, just a cute cat. they're almost kit-like in their diminutive stature, with little legs sticking out from a puffy winter jacket. such an appearance leads them to not being taken seriously sometimes, and it frustrates them as often as it blesses them. (you're welcome for your character to ic'ly mistake them for a kit!)

    downyfur's parentage lends her a few traits at odds with the rest of her windclan family. they have pollenfur's wispy coat, markedly different from heavy snow's thick pelt under scrutiny, and her square-shaped eyes. their petite figure, violet-tinged irises, and blue-gray fur are hyacinthbreath's. her purebred kittypet heritage lies in their facial structure, which very much resembles a singapura's: they have wide eyes and large, deeply cupped ears. like pollenfur, they have a resting melancholic expression. her whiskers are long, white, and slightly curved: perfect for sensing with in the tunnels.

    they have a mild pollen allergy. it manifests in increased itching on the body and face during newleaf, as well as some sneezing, but no runny nose or eye discharge. these effects are reduced due to the amount of time they spend underground along with regular grooming.

    two scratches underneath her right eye
  • esfp lawful neutral 4w3: the aristocrat choleric
    confident ⋆ brave dutiful driven ⋆ hardworking loyal ⋆ sociable forthright leaderly
    stubborn aggressive demanding ⋆ shallow ⋆ vain petty temperamental spiteful ⋆ self-centered

    ✦ traits : cherryblossom is the disgraced ex-deputy of skyclan.
  • pollenfur x hyacinthbreath raised by brightshine and heavy snow gen. 2 littermate to pinkshine
    pansexual single, monogamous crushing on no one

    mentored by sootspot and rattleheart currently mentoring no one previously mentored no one
    friends with bearflight†, celandinepaw
    enemies with no one

  • .
    CHERRYKIT CHERRYPAW CHERRYBLOSSOM ; a path and a name chosen on her own
    — cisgender female / feminine terms preferred
    — deputy of skyclan
    — 16 moons old / ages every 25th / created 05.23.2023
    — orangestar x ashenclaw / littermate to glimmersun, eggbounce, tawnyclaw, and owlheart


    — lesbian / taken, padding after edenberry

    beyond her vibrant fur and haughty expression, the first thing cats usually notice about cherryblossom is her exceedingly well-groomed pelt.

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    It is not her natural features that make Cherryblossom beautiful, but the work she puts into herself. Her patched coat is as polished as a kittypet's, if not a little coarser from her comparatively rugged life. You couldn't catch a claw in a thousand swipes through her pelt with how neatly-groomed she keeps it. Beneath her lovingly-maintained pelt lies the musculature of any clan cat, standing upon well-muscled legs that put her just above the height of the average domestic feline at about 10 inches (25 cm) at the shoulder.

    Her coat is a tapestry embroidered in the colors of her family. Predominantly a slightly-off white, this milky color and the paler orange of her sunset hues are from her mother, Orangeblossom. She has thick, ruddy stripes hidden well within her orange splotches. Her third color, a faded black like well-worn jeans, comes from the darkest hues of her father, Ashenclaw.

    Cherryblossom smells like hyacinth flowers because she weaves them into her nest, but on occasion you can spot her wearing the pale blue flowers she or someone else has woven into her fur. Sometimes she nestles the wing of a red admiral butterfly behind her right ear; its edges are a little chipped with wear.

    Long, straight scars on her flanks, three on the right and one on the left, usually hidden by long fur; from an eagle in the mountains Little Wolf died saving her from.
    Bite marks on her lower right foreleg; from a rogue in a border skirmish.
    Torn left ear; from Doompaw in a border skirmish.
    Bite marks on her right thigh, usually hidden by long fur; from a fox in the pair that killed Orangestar.

    LH tortoiseshell with high white (25% Maine coon; carrying chocolate, dilute, point)
  • .
    ( + ) confident, affectionate, courageous, dutiful
    ( \ ) stubborn, aggressive, demanding, decisive
    ( - ) vain, petty, shallow, temperamental, spiteful, self-centered

    Massive extrovert. If Cherryblossom isn't talking to her friends, then she's talking to her acquaintances, and if she isn't talking to anyone she knows, she'll seek out any stranger ever to have a conversation with. Even negative interactions are entertaining, so she'll talk to those she dislikes in hopes of provoking them too.
    Cannot stand being left alone with her own thoughts and doesn't know how to sit quietly with herself. She hasn't really processed her role in Little Wolf's death, and she drowns out her inner voice with everyone else's.​

    Has the confidence/arrrogance to view herself as the sole arbiter of her fate. She loathes being reminded of the fact that someone has given their life to save hers twice now, and because of it she is determined not to let anyone else interfere again. Cherryblossom hates being helped unprompted, and she seldom asks for it.

    Despite this, she loves helping others, which for her is more like giving unsolicited advice or pressing at what she thinks is a problem. It's not consciously out of a place of empathy; it's just what she does. Of course, she finds it annoying when it's turned on her.

    Very judgemental, especially in regards to first impressions. The exterior is a direct reflection of the interior to Cherryblossom, which is why she maintains herself as excessively as she does. She looks down on messy-furred cats because of this, and sometimes this even extends to injured ones if she believes them capable of having avoided it.

    Her experiences on the yellowcough journey are fundamental to her view on other clans. Cherryblossom is relatively blase about clan boundaries; while she's as eager as the next SkyClanner to jump into an inter-clan battle, she doesn't hold it against them or hate them out of dogma. She's a proud SkyClan warrior, but she surprisingly doesn't look down on entire groups for who they are. She'd rather look down on specific individuals.

    Bullying is fun and, more importantly, it's easy to be a hater. She's an avid gossiper and tends to be a little nosy. Sleuthing and speculating are both enjoyable for her, as long as she has someone else to do it with.

    Is not as obstinate as one would think about her duties. Cherryblossom knows she can be catty and snooty, but it has never stopped her from being a capable warrior. Of course, she also thinks she's justified in being catty and snooty. In general, she's a very "work hard, play hard" kind of character and doesn't pay too much attention to scrutiny or rules as long as she thinks she's on the right track.

    Adores being the center of attention. Some of this stems from having a deputy for a mother and seven other siblings (both biological and adopted) to compete with as a child. She liked Ashenclaw enough, but she finds that she relates more to her mother, and therefore vies harder for her attention.
    Her mentor's dismissive treatment of her didn't help with either this or her ability to regulate her emotions. She's always unflappably confident, dissimive or snappish at worst, and hardly ever anything else. Cherryblossom has always acted like she has never needed external validation, and now she acts like that because she thinks she has to. She kind of wants to be told that she's doing well, even after everything she's messed up.​

    Feels very strongly that only the living give death any meaning, and she strives to live for and be true to herself. Absolutely loathes the guilt that came with Little Wolf's death and her role in it, and she vehemently does not want anyone else to feel the same. She expresses this opinion pretty unkindly, and while she'll do her best to defend others, she does not believe in meaningless sacrifice.

    Acts on impulse and doesn't often think before she speaks, which is an extension of her confidence in her own behavior and effect on others.

    Her lack of empathy and obsessive nature make her capable of unbounded hatred. She loves hard and hates harder. Cherryblossom is someone who needs to personally experience a bad thing or have it happen to one of her loved ones to truly empathize. Needs a moral compass or a pet figure to remind her to do what she knows is "right."

    Fears thunderstorms and wide open spaces. Becomes snappier and all-around shorter tempered when forced into these situations; talks to offload some of these anxieties. Her fear of thunderstorms is subconscious due to kithood trauma, and her fear of open areas is due to almost being carried away by an eagle on the yellowcough journey and seeing Little Wolf killed by it.

    Inspired by: Nobara Kugisaki (Jujustu Kaisen), Margo Hanson (The Magicians)

    Emphasizes many of her words to draw attention to her speech and herself. Made grooming herself a habit and can often be seen absentmindedly doing it in conversation. Runs her paws through her cheek fur like she's brushing her hair.
  • .
    Cherryblossom can be a fickle thing to get along with. Whether a character befriends her or gets on her nerves depends on how they encounter each other ic'ly, and first impressions are astoundingly long-lasting for her. Despite her petty nature, she has a relatively open mind when it comes to "undesirables" like kittypets or rogues.
    SOUNDS strident, wine-rich, shrill when loud, luscious when quiet. Voiceclaim
    SMELLS OF sharp hyacinth buds and sweet pine sap
    ——— Speech is #f0839c

    ORANGESTAR xx ASHENCLAW ; sister to Tawnyclaw, Owlheart, Glimmersun, and Eggbounce ; milk-sister to Doompaw, Abysspaw, and Sorrelpaw ; niece to Honeysplash, Cloudberrythorn, Applefrost, and Apricotflower | mentoring no one, mentored by Slate
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: Lupinesong, Spiderpaw†, Edenberry, Crowsight, Scorchstorm
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: Doompaw, Plaguepaw, Falcongaze
  • .

    GREENLEAF 2023
    05.28. WHEN THE SUN LOVES THE MOON birthing thread
    06.04. MONEY, POWER, GLORY spiderpaw gives her a brief lesson on beauty, one of many
    06.09. SETTING FIRE TO OUR LUNGS snowpath dies saving butterflytuft, plaguekit, and cherrykit
    06.19. FEATHER CANYONS talks about mothers and strength with lupinekit
    06.24. OTHER SIDE OF PARADISE reveals prodigious climbing skill as a kitten
    07.01. WATCHFUL EYES crowkit comforts cherrykit in camp as windclan attacks the border
    07.09. JEEP WRANGLER GRILL bullies falconkit over his sewer smell
    07.17. MANIFEST scolded for trying to beat plaguepaw to death
    07.21. VENUS HEADS cherrykit grieves spiderpaw's death by taking her hyacinth flowers
    08.01. IT'S TIME TO STRAP OUR BOOTS ON cherrypaw is apprenticed to slate
    08.01. HAND GRENADE PINS IN EVERY LINE immediately fights doompaw over nests
    08.01. EARNING BRIGHT SPOILS first outing with slate, refuses to mark the "dirty" borders
    08.04. WHAT'S IN YOUR HEAD? auburnflame gifts her a feather
    08.05. CHICKEN TENDERS IN MY HOTEL encourages lupinepaw to climb a tree
    08.08. FEELS LIKE SUMMER human au!
    08.10. DISSOLVE badly loses one of her first spars to falconpaw
    08.15. A SONG FOR SUMMER first gathering, meets howlingstar and little wolf with orangeblossom
    08.15. FIRE: THE PEOPLE befriends scorchpaw at the gathering
    08.27. SHE HANGS BRIGHTLY lupinepaw helps her through a panic attack during a thunderstorm

    LEAF-FALL 2023
    09.04. GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL pokemon au!
    09.06. HERE IN THE GARDEN hangs out with edenpaw for an afternoon
    09.10. AND NOW MY WATCH BEGINS volunteers for the yellowcough journey
    09.11. BAD IDEA RIGHT? slaps falconpaw after he accidentally bites lupinepaw's tail too hard
    09.13. CIRCLE THE DRAIN lupinepaw gets yellowcough and uses up the last of the lungwort
    09.13. BABY FLY BACK TO ME argues with orangeblossom about going on the journey
    09.15. A CREATURE WITHOUT DREAM says goodbye to lupinepaw
    09.15. PUSHING THE TIDES the gathering; discovers scorchpaw is going on the journey too
    09.17. THERE'S A PLACE OFF OCEAN AVENUE crosses a broken bridge with scorchpaw
    09.25. PULSE-ECHO OF THIS PENETRABLE DARK offers scorchpaw her tail to sleep with in the caves
    10.10. TOO BOLD AND BRIGHT A THING little wolf dies saving her from an eagle
    10.10. DUST TO DUST little wolf's vigil
    10.22. HOW THE HEART STOPS LIKE A CAR scorchpaw gifts her the wing of a red admiral butterfly
    10.25. DON'T LET ME DOWN stays behind with stormpaw when the journey cats split up
    11.02. AS IT WAS sees highstones again, reflects on her own development on the journey
    11.03. A HUNDRED ANGELS return to skyclan
    11.14. I WILL BEG shirks her duties with edenpaw in the twolegplace

    LEAF-BARE 2023
    12.03. TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT NOW tells howlfire's kits about windclan and the journey
    12.08. I'M AWAKE marvels at butterflytuft's kits' first words with edenpaw
    12.19. BEAUTY SCHOOL VALEDICTORIAN teaches others about accessories with lupinepaw
    12.27. BABY, DON'T HURT ME realizes that she has a crush(es?) after talking with figfeather
    01.04. FIVE BREATHS covers for drowsypaw's absence on a hunting patrol
    01.16. YOU DON'T KNOW MY KIND insults slate over his rogue past
    01.23. SOMETHING BAD IS 'BOUT TO HAPPEN TO ME fights off some rogues with fang, a loner
    01.29. PYRRHIC VICTORY tries to comfort edenpaw and lupinepaw following blazestar's death
    01.29. THE MOON WILL SING blazestar's vigil
    02.04. OUR UN-READINESS lupinepaw reveals she's padding after falconpaw
    02.14. PINNED TO AN EVENING ROAD edenpaw confesses their love; starts padding after edenpaw
    02.21. EVERY LITTLE THING IS GONNA BE ALRIGHT ashenclaw's death

    NEWLEAF 2024
    03.01. IT WAS JUST A YEAR AGO musings on her reaction to her father's death during a joining
    03.02. MASTER OF MY PAIN cherrypaw and falconpaw take out some anger on each other
    03.03. FALLOWGRAY scuffles with her old-rival-turned-rogue doompaw at the border
  • .
    HUNTING: clueless. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
    CLIMBING: novice. cherrypaw is naturally gifted at climbing, having been scaling things since kithood. however, she lacks the skill and technique a skyclan warrior should have.

    TRACKING: clueless. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
    COMBAT: novice. her belligerent nature and mentor give her insight, but she has a lot to learn. she fights with all her heart, which makes her easy to get the logical better of.
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- fogpaw
- male, he / him
- 9 moons, ages every 13th, canonically born december 13th 2023
- riverclan apprentice

- 8.5" at the shoulder (slightly shorter than average), on the leaner side of a stereotypical swimmer's build
- sh blue smoke w/ high white, grey-blue eyes

- dedicated, loyal
- cold, awkward, blunt
- abandonment issues, tries not to get attached to anyone for fear of them leaving
- swimming is really the only thing he can say he's good at. everything else he's aggressively mediocre at, especially fighting. maybe it's his loner heritage!

- born to a loner dad who resided down/upstream near riverclan territory. he went missing when he was 3 moons old because he was sick and didn't want him to get infected, but fog never knew that. when he didn't come back to the den for a few days he wandered towards riverclan territory and became one of the loner kits they've picked up over the moons
- he was a quiet and withdrawn kit in general. he never outright resented any parental attention, but never became too attached to any of the queens that raised him either.
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Silly tagline here





She / Her​
Biographical Information
Ages Every
20 Moons
05.20.2023 at 2 ☾​
Journey cat

Glimmersun, Eggbounce, Tawnyclaw, Owlheart
Ramkit, Lambkit​
As Deputy
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Date ~ Date​
Roleplay Information
Penned by
Last Updated

  • The disgraced princess of SkyClan, with a love life as tangled as brambles and a tongue as sharp as their thorns. Cherryblossom is stunningly confident; she fills up any space she enters and is unapologetic for it. She is notably fickle and vain, as well as a known gossip-monger among SkyClanners. Behind her radiant and powerful facade, she struggles to be vulnerable and kick her habit of sabotaging her own relationships with those she loves. Twice in her childhood, a cat has given their life to save hers: she never wants to be in that position again.

    Quote about your character

    Character on PREFIXSUFFIX during description of moment.
    Cherryblossom is a well-groomed, sleek, mostly-white tortoiseshell with pale yellow eyes.

    Cherryblossom is a SkyClan warrior that has served under Blazestar's and Orangestar's leaderships. Cherrykit was born to Orangeblossom and Ashenclaw alongside Eggkit, Orchidkit, Glimmerkit, and Owlkit. As an apprentice, Cherrypaw was mentored by Slate, and later she volunteered to go on a journey to find lungwort at the sun-drown place during the yellowcough plague. Shortly after becoming a warrior, Cherryblossom was named by Orangestar as her next deputy following Twitchbolt's resignation. She was demoted due to her inexperience, contributing to the seventh code of the warrior code.

    1. Detailed Description
    1.1 Scars
    1.2 Body Language
    1.3 Inventory​
    2. Personality
    2.1 Faith
    2.2 Quirks​
    3. Interaction
    3.1 Skills
    3.2 Combat​
    4. Relationships
    4.1 Kin
    4.2 Other Cats​
    5. History
    5.1 Backwritten
    5.2 Played​
    6. Trivia
    6.1 Playlist
    6.2 Theme Weeks​
    7. Gallery
  • 600

    PREFIXSUFFIX is a LONGER DESCRIPTION HERE! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dictum neque, sed auctor quam vestibulum ut. Nam ullamcorper velit eget interdum semper. In nisl odio, faucibus in interdum sed, ultricies quis nulla. Sed lobortis mattis elit, id venenatis nisi posuere nec. Donec sagittis sodales orci, eget mollis dui semper vel. Integer vehicula a dui a aliquam. Maecenas vel faucibus libero, tincidunt commodo turpis. Quisque ut turpis magna.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ultrices, arcu ut facilisis dapibus, libero nisl convallis ex, a blandit neque arcu vel tortor. Donec vestibulum libero erat, semper pulvinar leo molestie vitae. Vestibulum cursus ornare enim, in varius elit fermentum eget. Cras at elit diam. Mauris venenatis scelerisque quam gravida sollicitudin. Cras facilisis, ligula non pretium interdum, risus sapien sollicitudin turpis, vitae suscipit ipsum quam sed velit. Morbi sed fermentum nibh. Proin vel sapien pulvinar, blandit felis nec, pharetra metus. Proin tincidunt massa faucibus arcu mollis, nec ornare nulla ornare. Cras molestie id mauris non dignissim.

    ⤷ Technically: longhaired tortoiseshell with high white (25% Maine Coon; carrying chocolate, dilute, and point)

    Scars gained:
    • Given SCAR DESCRIPTION during EVENT. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dictum neque, sed auctor quam vestibulum ut. Nam ullamcorper velit eget interdum semper.
    • Given SCAR DESCRIPTION during EVENT. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dictum neque, sed auctor quam vestibulum ut. Nam ullamcorper velit eget interdum semper.
    • Given SCAR DESCRIPTION during EVENT. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dictum neque, sed auctor quam vestibulum ut. Nam ullamcorper velit eget interdum semper.
    Body Language

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam rutrum purus et felis porta, a mattis nulla pretium. Donec lacinia neque et enim accumsan, quis viverra sem venenatis. Duis feugiat ante eget arcu feugiat faucibus. Mauris ornare turpis vitae ipsum malesuada, sed porttitor nunc pretium. Donec a tincidunt dolor. Cras dictum vestibulum libero id feugiat. Donec eleifend mi non velit gravida, nec vehicula justo sagittis. Morbi tempor ultricies tincidunt. Nunc pharetra sem et nisl vulputate, vitae pellentesque massa finibus. Ut viverra ultricies mi eget feugiat. Ut quis neque in est viverra luctus. Etiam lacinia justo feugiat, porta arcu ut, efficitur diam.

    Suspendisse feugiat venenatis lectus, at feugiat quam interdum et. Curabitur efficitur placerat tellus nec molestie. Sed elementum sapien et quam efficitur, in varius libero convallis. Nam mollis nunc erat. Curabitur lobortis dolor mi, et viverra enim porttitor sit amet. Mauris eu libero id dui laoreet sagittis. Nulla eget venenatis leo. Morbi dolor mauris, pellentesque nec nulla eget, vehicula bibendum erat.​

    • Pale blue hyacinth flowers, originally gifted to her by Spiderpaw†, but now collected and replenished on her own from the Twolegplace gardens.
    • A red butterfly wing gifted to her by Scorchpaw while on the Journey. It's crumbling at the edges, but she takes good care of it. On nice days, she tucks it behind her ear.
    • In general, Cherryblossom collects various Twolegplace flowers to weave into her fur and/or her nest.
  • PREFIXSUFFIX is trait, trait, and trait. They trait, trait, traits all over the place and trait, trait, traited even more. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.


    To Cherryblossom, StarClan is something that just... is. She questions its existence like she questions the trees around her or the birds she eats. StarClan is just another force of nature, whose reasonings are far from her purview, and with them her own reasons to trust its inhabitants. She's not dogmatic, but she's never bothered to question her own beliefs either. Her relationship with the afterlife is an impersonal one, despite the loss she's experienced: she doesn't hold them in contempt for perceived injustices to the living, nor does she revere them for simply being dead.

    There are quite a few faces she'd like to see when she dies (or otherwise communes with them). Cherryblossom is latently aware that they must be watching her, but she tries to live her life as if free from their scrutiny.​

    • Has a fear of storms and becomes nervous in overcast weather. Clanmates often find her more irritable on cloudy days and make a point to avoid her, but she sequesters herself away before that to relentlessly groom the static out of her fur. She refuses, or at least strongly hesitates, to climb during these days as well.
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dictum neque, sed auctor quam vestibulum ut. Nam ullamcorper velit eget interdum semper. In nisl odio, faucibus in interdum sed, ultricies quis nulla. Sed lobortis mattis elit, id venenatis nisi posuere nec. Donec sagittis sodales orci, eget mollis dui semper vel.
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dictum neque, sed auctor quam vestibulum ut. Nam ullamcorper velit eget interdum semper. In nisl odio, faucibus in interdum sed, ultricies quis nulla. Sed lobortis mattis elit, id venenatis nisi posuere nec. Donec sagittis sodales orci, eget mollis dui semper vel.
  • Cherryblossom is homosexual and monogamous. Talk about their love interest(s) here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dictum neque, sed auctor quam vestibulum ut.
    • How easily do they trust / make friends?
    • Other things if you want
    Open to healing and peaceful powerplay, interaction, etc, etc. Closed to severe injury, death, etc, etc.

    Sounds like Voice description, be as detailed as you want! What does their laugh sound like, what are their voice quirks? Voice Claim is VOICE CLAIM

    Smells of description of scent.

    speech is Color Here Thoughts are italicized. Physical Interactions are underlined.

    • Poor skill. Talk about it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    • Excels in skills, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


    Combat difficulty is easy/medium/hard/etc?. Talk about it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dictum neque, sed auctor quam vestibulum ut.

    PREFIX SUFFIX will start fights. PREFIXSUFFIX will/will not flee. PREFIXSUFFIX will/will not show mercy. be as descriptive about these as you'd like! Aliquam ut auctor odio. Nunc in auctor felis. In eget nisl at velit semper molestie. Suspendisse augue magna, placerat sed cursus at, mollis interdum velit. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent hendrerit euismod diam ac interdum. Quisque maximus ligula sed est ultricies rutrum et sit amet neque. Donec tempus ultrices leo, eget cursus neque sollicitudin sed.​
  • Main Article: PREFIXSUFFIX/Heartchart

    Orangestar x Ashenclaw† • Generation 3
    ⤷ Sibling to Glimmersum, Eggbounce, Owlheart, and Tawnyclaw; half-sibling to Ramkit and Lambkit.

    Trusts Orangestar, Slatesnarl, Lupinesong
    Friends with Spiderpaw†, Lupinesong, Scorchstorm, Emberfall
    Likes Figfeather, Doeblaze, Howlfire, Applejaw†, Little Wolf†, Howlingstar†
    Mixed feelings on Crowsight, Silversmoke, Dawnglare†, Florabreeze, Edenberry
    Dislikes Plaguepaw, Falcongaze†, Chrysaliswing, Mallowlark†, Raccoonstripe, Scorchstar
    Loathes Doompaw

    Kin ✎

    Character ✎

    Character is PREFIXSUFFIX'S RELATIONSHIP. Put characters here that you simply need to yap about! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.​

    Character ✎

    Character is PREFIXSUFFIX'S RELATIONSHIP. Put characters here that you simply need to yap about! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.​

    Other Cats ✎

    Character ✎

    Character is PREFIXSUFFIX'S RELATIONSHIP. Put characters here that you simply need to yap about! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.​

    Character ✎

    Character is PREFIXSUFFIX'S RELATIONSHIP. Put characters here that you simply need to yap about! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.​
  • Backwritten

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem. Etiam varius massa in metus posuere auctor. Vestibulum finibus erat in blandit placerat. Nulla facilisis dui vel fermentum gravida. Morbi laoreet magna a magna mattis, nec porta urna sagittis. Proin tincidunt sem dignissim, viverra risus consectetur, mollis orci. Nulla imperdiet congue dui. Etiam sed ante nec lacus dictum porta. Sed eu ligula ullamcorper, laoreet sem sed, blandit purus. Nullam varius ut enim id ornare. Duis at porttitor turpis.​


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem. Etiam varius massa in metus posuere auctor. Vestibulum finibus erat in blandit placerat. Nulla facilisis dui vel fermentum gravida. Morbi laoreet magna a magna mattis, nec porta urna sagittis. Proin tincidunt sem dignissim, viverra risus consectetur, mollis orci. Nulla imperdiet congue dui. Etiam sed ante nec lacus dictum porta. Sed eu ligula ullamcorper, laoreet sem sed, blandit purus. Nullam varius ut enim id ornare. Duis at porttitor turpis.​


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem. Etiam varius massa in metus posuere auctor. Vestibulum finibus erat in blandit placerat. Nulla facilisis dui vel fermentum gravida. Morbi laoreet magna a magna mattis, nec porta urna sagittis. Proin tincidunt sem dignissim, viverra risus consectetur, mollis orci. Nulla imperdiet congue dui. Etiam sed ante nec lacus dictum porta. Sed eu ligula ullamcorper, laoreet sem sed, blandit purus. Nullam varius ut enim id ornare. Duis at porttitor turpis.​
    • Silly fun facts! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.

    ▶ SONG NAME - ARTIST Talk about how this song applies to them. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.

    ▶ SONG NAME - ARTIST Talk about how this song applies to them. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.

    ▶ SONG NAME - ARTIST Talk about how this song applies to them. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.
    Theme Weeks

    Pokemon: Ninetales
    TV Shows: Veronica Lodge (Riverdale), Margo Hanson (The Magicians)
    Movies: Regina George (Mean Girls)
    Anime: Nobara Kugisaki (Jujutsu Kaisen)
    Video Games: Edelgard (Fire Emblem), Aphrodite (Hades)​
  • Main Article: PREFIXSUFFIX/Toyhouse










  • code goes here
Last edited:
just talking to myself so i don't forget
idea: automated census tracker? webscraper? link profiles of all cats on census, remove once 1 month has passed since last post (reset a timer for each new post)
send a discord dm or message in the hp channels every month, provide old vs new census
i'll make this f2u soon just give me a sec

Lorem ipsum odor amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Laoreet quisque est habitant odio quis congue rhoncus. Mauris taciti maximus venenatis ultricies nullam fermentum. Turpis commodo potenti fames aliquam bibendum. Suspendisse odio feugiat ridiculus habitasse ultrices conubia vel. "Metus phasellus conubia commodo natoque phasellus neque dui consequat." Euismod primis ornare volutpat tellus lacus, eros nostra. Vulputate torquent pretium morbi a erat. Leo sapien auctor tempus id orci ipsum nulla suscipit. Ridiculus posuere quam sit netus diam tempus.

Consequat maecenas sociosqu; massa senectus nam finibus. Porttitor pellentesque eget lorem congue mauris. Cursus nisi dignissim vehicula finibus sem. Maximus venenatis suscipit gravida dapibus mi, non est lobortis. Class massa purus taciti posuere netus a curabitur eleifend. Potenti adipiscing aenean orci diam lacus aenean mauris leo. Pretium blandit eu primis condimentum aenean eu. Mi fusce massa vulputate; egestas primis nullam.

ㅤcisgender male (he / him)ㅤ/ㅤheterosexual, taken by sandstorm
ㅤ96 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 21st of the month
ㅤleader of thunderclan for 84 moons
nutmeg x jakeㅤ/ㅤfather to squirrelflight, leafpool
ㅤmentoring bramblepawㅤ/ㅤmentored by bluestar
ㅤpenned by erin hunterㅤ/ㅤmessage on discord for plots!

firestar is a large, muscular tabby tom with a bright, flame-colored pelt that is greenleaf-light. he has a pale orange belly, and short, sleek, and thick fur, large ears, a long tail, and bright, emerald-green eyes. as a kittypet, firestar had a blue collar with a yellow bell on it. he is also battle-scarred with a scar on his flank and had a torn ear.
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Too many outsiders are within the Nursery, too many of them carry or have carried Yellowcough. It is a messy affair, yet somehow, you have drifted by, blissfully neutral. (Again.)

Sootspot to Downyfur during a shared meal.

AFAB (they/she)
18 moons
Warrior (tunneler)


A nondescript WindClanner whose only noticeable feature is being small and cute. They easily make friends, not because they are naturally drawn to other cats, but because they fear being ostracized in any way. Innately discerning and clever, they're always studying other characters and the world around in hopes of gleaning more ways to integrate themself deeper into the new windclan society. Downyfur is a creature governed by fear, but nonetheless they try to hold onto their kithood compassion.

  • Speech is #98abd8. Thoughts are italicized. Physical interactions are underlined.
  • Smells like cool earth and chamomile. Sounds clear and eloquent.
  • Notable features: extremely small (6" at the shoulder); soft, puffy shape; large, square, deep blue eyes; scars under left eye.
  • Notable relationships: Brightshine and Heavy Snow's daughter, littermate to Pinkshine; mentor to Heatherpaw; mentored by Sootspot and Rattleheart.
For more information, see their!
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AFAB (they/she)
18 moons
Warrior (tunneler)

For more information, see their!

without icon?

AFAB (they/she)
18 moons
Warrior (tunneler)

For more information, see their!
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AFAB (she/her)
21 moons


The disgraced princess of SkyClan, with a love life as tangled as brambles and a tongue as sharp as their thorns. Cherryblossom is stunningly confident; she fills up any space she enters and is unapologetic for it. She is notably fickle and vain, as well as a known gossip-monger among SkyClanners. Behind her radiant and powerful facade, she struggles to be vulnerable and kick her habit of sabotaging her own relationships with those she loves. Twice in her childhood, a cat has given their life to save hers: she never wants to be in that position again.

  • Speech is #f0839c. Thoughts are italicized. Physical interactions are underlined.
  • Smells like pine needles and hyacinths. Sounds resonant and feminine.
  • Notable features: incredibly well-groomed; only slightly taller than average height; torn left ear; often wearing hyacinths or other flowers.
  • Notable relationships: Orangestar and Ashenclaw's daughter; littermate to Owlheart, Eggbounce, Tawnyclaw, and Glimmersun; mentor to Ricepaw; mentored by Slatesnarl.
For more information, see her!

THIS IS DESIGNED FOR PEOPLE THAT DO NOT HAVE IMAGES ALREADY CROPPED TO AN IDEAL RATIO! If you already have a very wide image to use, delete this box and use a plain img instead.

  • Most cats want to beat her, be with her, or be her. The disgraced princess of SkyClan, with a love life as tangled as brambles and a tongue as sharp as their thorns. Cherryblossom is stunningly confident; she fills up any space she enters and is unapologetic for it. She is notably fickle and vain, as well as a known gossip-monger among SkyClanners. Behind her radiant and powerful facade, she struggles to be vulnerable and kick her habit of sabotaging her own relationships with those she loves. Twice in her childhood, a cat has given their life to save hers: she never wants to be in that position again.

    Really, it almost feels difficult to remember that Cherryblossom was ever deputy at all, the way she acts sometimes. Perhaps the rancor wit the tortie employs now could make her a formidable foe on the political field? Or maybe she'd simply opt to swing a white paw and send it all crashing down.

    Doeblaze on Cherryblossom while talking to Lambkit.

    Cherryblossom is an elegant, silken, mostly-white tortoiseshell with pale yellow eyes. She has a torn left ear and bite scars on her right foreleg.

    Cherryblossom is a SkyClan warrior that has served under Blazestar's, Orangestar's, and Twitchstar's leaderships. Cherrykit was born to Orangeblossom and Ashenclaw alongside Eggkit, Orchidkit, Glimmerkit, and Owlkit. As an apprentice, Cherrypaw was chosen to be mentored by Slate, and later she volunteered to go on a journey to find lungwort at the sun-drown place during the yellowcough plague. Starting late apprenticeship, she began padding after Edenpaw. She watched her father Ashenclaw die due to a seizure in camp.

    Shortly after becoming a warrior, Cherryblossom was named by Orangestar as her next deputy following Twitchbolt's resignation. She was demoted due to her inexperience, contributing to the seventh code of the warrior code, and given Ricepaw to mentor. She and Edenberry break up over her neglectful treatment of them (while growing too close with her best friend from kithood, Lupinesong) and her attempt to trespass into ThunderClan to hunt.

    1. Appearance
    1.1 Scars
    1.2 Body Language
    1.3 Inventory​
    2. Personality
    2.1 Faith
    2.2 Quirks​
    3. Interaction
    3.1 Skills
    3.2 Combat​
    4. Relationships
    4.1 Kin
    4.2 Other Cats​
    5. History
    5.1 Played​
    6. Trivia
    6.1 Playlist
    6.2 Theme Weeks​
    7. Code
  • Main Article: CHARACTER/Toyhouse


    Describe your character's appearance in depth. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu finibus est. Pellentesque feugiat egestas nibh, ornare convallis sem eleifend in. Phasellus nec nulla massa. Nunc sollicitudin et libero eu mollis. Nam ultricies dui a aliquet auctor. Aenean iaculis feugiat risus, nec convallis sapien feugiat et. Integer pharetra turpis sit amet nisl efficitur eleifend.

    Nulla porttitor metus a quam porttitor luctus vitae quis eros. Vestibulum nec suscipit tortor. Nulla sit amet risus sed massa sodales convallis sed commodo urna. Phasellus risus nibh, sollicitudin sed mi vel, auctor suscipit turpis. Etiam elementum tempor velit, at sagittis nisl venenatis et. Vestibulum vel ex quis elit euismod mattis. Curabitur at commodo augue. Suspendisse blandit molestie diam non viverra. Nullam ac imperdiet metus. Pellentesque sit amet elementum lectus. Vivamus id enim dignissim, semper ipsum sed, lobortis tellus. Nullam ac vehicula nibh, ut semper nunc.

    Duis rutrum interdum risus sit amet tempus. Praesent fermentum varius tortor, non suscipit metus sodales placerat. Maecenas feugiat aliquam erat, placerat vulputate nibh venenatis non. Vivamus lobortis maximus luctus. Quisque interdum elementum libero, sit amet pharetra turpis fringilla eget. In sit amet urna vel tellus lacinia luctus. Nulla nec nunc non neque interdum dignissim vel eget massa. Suspendisse congue quam eu nibh euismod, quis ullamcorper arcu malesuada. Integer a eleifend eros. Mauris feugiat erat non lorem ullamcorper, et condimentum libero venenatis. Vestibulum euismod purus et felis efficitur, ac pharetra ante auctor. Sed fringilla nibh est, et varius elit dictum quis. Mauris at ex quis nunc ultrices dapibus ut ut nunc. Aenean porttitor id tellus nec placerat.

    Technically: Genetic description here.

    Scars gained:
    • Given SCAR DESCRIPTION during EVENT. Talk more about it if you want.
    • Given SCAR DESCRIPTION during EVENT. Talk more about it if you want.
    Body Language

    Describe your character's posture / demeanor / body language. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu finibus est. Pellentesque feugiat egestas nibh, ornare convallis sem eleifend in. Phasellus nec nulla massa. Nunc sollicitudin et libero eu mollis. Nam ultricies dui a aliquet auctor. Aenean iaculis feugiat risus, nec convallis sapien feugiat et. Integer pharetra turpis sit amet nisl efficitur eleifend.​

    • Item 1
    • Item 2
  • + confident, witty, dutiful, courageous
    / commanding, stubborn, outspoken
    - temperamental, petty, vain, self-absorbed, insufferable

    CHARACTER is trait, trait, and trait. They love traiting all over the place. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu finibus est. Pellentesque feugiat egestas nibh, ornare convallis sem eleifend in. Phasellus nec nulla massa. Nunc sollicitudin et libero eu mollis. Nam ultricies dui a aliquet auctor. Aenean iaculis feugiat risus, nec convallis sapien feugiat et. Integer pharetra turpis sit amet nisl efficitur eleifend.

    Nulla porttitor metus a quam porttitor luctus vitae quis eros. Vestibulum nec suscipit tortor. Nulla sit amet risus sed massa sodales convallis sed commodo urna. Phasellus risus nibh, sollicitudin sed mi vel, auctor suscipit turpis. Etiam elementum tempor velit, at sagittis nisl venenatis et. Vestibulum vel ex quis elit euismod mattis. Curabitur at commodo augue. Suspendisse blandit molestie diam non viverra. Nullam ac imperdiet metus. Pellentesque sit amet elementum lectus. Vivamus id enim dignissim, semper ipsum sed, lobortis tellus. Nullam ac vehicula nibh, ut semper nunc.


    Talk about it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu finibus est. Pellentesque feugiat egestas nibh, ornare convallis sem eleifend in. Phasellus nec nulla massa. Nunc sollicitudin et libero eu mollis. Nam ultricies dui a aliquet auctor. Aenean iaculis feugiat risus, nec convallis sapien feugiat et. Integer pharetra turpis sit amet nisl efficitur eleifend.


    Talk about it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu finibus est. Pellentesque feugiat egestas nibh, ornare convallis sem eleifend in. Phasellus nec nulla massa. Nunc sollicitudin et libero eu mollis. Nam ultricies dui a aliquet auctor. Aenean iaculis feugiat risus, nec convallis sapien feugiat et. Integer pharetra turpis sit amet nisl efficitur eleifend.


    Talk about it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu finibus est. Pellentesque feugiat egestas nibh, ornare convallis sem eleifend in. Phasellus nec nulla massa. Nunc sollicitudin et libero eu mollis. Nam ultricies dui a aliquet auctor. Aenean iaculis feugiat risus, nec convallis sapien feugiat et. Integer pharetra turpis sit amet nisl efficitur eleifend.


    Talk about it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu finibus est. Pellentesque feugiat egestas nibh, ornare convallis sem eleifend in. Phasellus nec nulla massa. Nunc sollicitudin et libero eu mollis. Nam ultricies dui a aliquet auctor. Aenean iaculis feugiat risus, nec convallis sapien feugiat et. Integer pharetra turpis sit amet nisl efficitur eleifend.​

    • Trait 1
    • Trait 2
  • CHARACTER is SEXUALITY and MONO/POLY. Talk about their love interest(s) here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dictum neque, sed auctor quam vestibulum ut.
    • How easily do they trust / make friends?
    • Other things if you want
    Open to healing and peaceful powerplay, interaction, etc, etc. Closed to severe injury, death, etc, etc.

    Sounds like Voice description, be as detailed as you want! What does their laugh sound like, what are their voice quirks? Voice Claim is VOICE CLAIM

    Smells of description of scent.

    speech is white Thoughts are italicized. Physical Interactions are underlined.

    • Poor skill. Talk about it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    • Excels in skills, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

    Combat difficulty is easy/medium/hard/etc?. Talk about it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dictum neque, sed auctor quam vestibulum ut.

    PREFIX SUFFIX will/will not start fights. PREFIXSUFFIX will/will not flee. PREFIXSUFFIX will/will not show mercy. Be as descriptive about these as you'd like! Aliquam ut auctor odio. Nunc in auctor felis. In eget nisl at velit semper molestie. Suspendisse augue magna, placerat sed cursus at, mollis interdum velit. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent hendrerit euismod diam ac interdum. Quisque maximus ligula sed est ultricies rutrum et sit amet neque. Donec tempus ultrices leo, eget cursus neque sollicitudin sed.​
  • Main Article: CHARACTER/Heartchart

    PARENT x PARENT • Generation ? • Mated to Character
    ⤷ Sibling to who, who, and who?
    ⤷ If raised by someone other than bio parents, put them here
    ⤷ Other family specifics if you want!

    Close to Character
    Admires Character
    Friends with Character
    Likes Character
    Dislikes Character
    Loathes Character

    Kin ✎

    Character ✎

    Character is PREFIXSUFFIX'S RELATIONSHIP. Put characters here that you simply need to yap about! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.​

    Character ✎

    Character is PREFIXSUFFIX'S RELATIONSHIP. Put characters here that you simply need to yap about! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.​

    Other Cats ✎

    Character ✎

    Character is PREFIXSUFFIX'S RELATIONSHIP. Put characters here that you simply need to yap about! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.​

    Character ✎

    Character is PREFIXSUFFIX'S RELATIONSHIP. Put characters here that you simply need to yap about! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.​
  • Backwritten

    History here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu finibus est. Pellentesque feugiat egestas nibh, ornare convallis sem eleifend in. Phasellus nec nulla massa. Nunc sollicitudin et libero eu mollis. Nam ultricies dui a aliquet auctor. Aenean iaculis feugiat risus, nec convallis sapien feugiat et. Integer pharetra turpis sit amet nisl efficitur eleifend.

    Nulla porttitor metus a quam porttitor luctus vitae quis eros. Vestibulum nec suscipit tortor. Nulla sit amet risus sed massa sodales convallis sed commodo urna. Phasellus risus nibh, sollicitudin sed mi vel, auctor suscipit turpis. Etiam elementum tempor velit, at sagittis nisl venenatis et. Vestibulum vel ex quis elit euismod mattis. Curabitur at commodo augue. Suspendisse blandit molestie diam non viverra. Nullam ac imperdiet metus. Pellentesque sit amet elementum lectus. Vivamus id enim dignissim, semper ipsum sed, lobortis tellus. Nullam ac vehicula nibh, ut semper nunc.​


    History here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu finibus est. Pellentesque feugiat egestas nibh, ornare convallis sem eleifend in. Phasellus nec nulla massa. Nunc sollicitudin et libero eu mollis. Nam ultricies dui a aliquet auctor. Aenean iaculis feugiat risus, nec convallis sapien feugiat et. Integer pharetra turpis sit amet nisl efficitur eleifend.

    Nulla porttitor metus a quam porttitor luctus vitae quis eros. Vestibulum nec suscipit tortor. Nulla sit amet risus sed massa sodales convallis sed commodo urna. Phasellus risus nibh, sollicitudin sed mi vel, auctor suscipit turpis. Etiam elementum tempor velit, at sagittis nisl venenatis et. Vestibulum vel ex quis elit euismod mattis. Curabitur at commodo augue. Suspendisse blandit molestie diam non viverra. Nullam ac imperdiet metus. Pellentesque sit amet elementum lectus. Vivamus id enim dignissim, semper ipsum sed, lobortis tellus. Nullam ac vehicula nibh, ut semper nunc.
    • She's my first actively played character on this site, but not my first character
    • Her name was originally Peachkit, and she was a dilute calico with a prominent freckle on her face, but we later found out Peach- was illegal so her name was changed to Cherrykit
    • Her litter application is VERY different from what she is now lol, some examples: she was going to be aroace, trade for kittypet accessories in the Twolegplace, and she was going to be a lot more affectionate

    ▶ SONG NAME - ARTIST Talk about how this song applies to them. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.

    ▶ SONG NAME - ARTIST Talk about how this song applies to them. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.

    ▶ SONG NAME - ARTIST Talk about how this song applies to them. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.
    Theme Weeks

    Theme: Content ( Source )
    Theme: Content ( Source )
    Theme: Content ( Source )​
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frankensteining floppie's bio code with what's in my brain
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