WindClan's History (Sparknotes)


You know, like, NYA ❤︎
Aug 9, 2022
Life before the clans and the Great Battle information can be found in the Site's History & FAQ.
This is just a temporary catch-up hub until the main site's history for every clan is finished!

~x~ Soot stakes her claim to the moorlands and calls her new clan WindClan.
~x~ WindClan settles in its new territory.
~x~ Soot recieves a vision of a flower that will later be realized as the sign of their new medicine cat's identity.
~x~ Fritter, a SkyClan cat, recieves a vision informing her she is to be WindClan's medicine cat.
~x~ Soot calls a meeting to introduce the clan to their new Medicine Cat who is given the name Honeytwist. Sootstar makes it clear she does not trust her. The tension between the two linger through most the interactions.

~x~ [07/21/22] Weasel, an ex-barncat joining WindClan, attacks Cicadastar of RiverClan at the border on his return from the Moonstone mistaking him for a trespasser.
[X] Weasel informs Sootstar of his defending their territory.

~x~ Sootstar leads a patrol to RiverClan to make amends for the attack.
[X] They return to camp to inform the clan of what occurred.

~x~ [07/26/22] Soot recieves her nine lives and becomes Sootstar.

~x~ [08/06/22] Horses escape their pens from the nearby horseplace and cause issue.
[X] Their resulting chaos will lead to conflict that pits Honeytwist and Sootstar against one another.

~x~ [08/07/22] WindClan finally settle on a location for their camp. The Tallrock is named.

~x~ [08/17/22] Sootstar kills the SkyClanner Haze that was trespassing. [X] The Clan arrive to the aftermath as she fights his brother Squall.

~x~ [08/18/22] Sootstar gathers some warriors to go raid the chicken coop at the farm and is subsequently shot by the farmer in the chaos. [X] Coldpaw rushes back to inform the clan.
~x~ [08/25/22] Sootstar returns to camp revived, revealing to the clan that StarClan really did bless her with nine lives.

~x~ [08/15/22] Sootstar calls a meaning to name Duskfire the first deputy of WindClan. Hyacinthbreath and Weaselclaw are made the clan's first Lead Warriors as well.

~x~ [09/02/22] Blazestar of SkyClan arrives to confront Sootstar about Haze's death.
~x~ [09/02/22] Honeywist picks Dandelionpaw as her apprentice medicine cat.

~x~ [09/04/22] The Tunnel system under the moors is discovered and the Tunneler rank is made official.
[X] Upon seeing the smoke in ShadowClan's territory Sootstar takes some cats through the newly discovered tunnels to snoop.

~x~ [09/06/22] Kestreltalon challenges Sootstar's authority and pays for it with her eye.

[09/05/22] The Hawk Plot [X}
[X] Honeytwist recieves a dream of fat rabbits from StarClan. Sootstar interprets this as a gift to the clan. [X] Dandelionpaw recieves what seems to be a warning to the clan of shadows attacking them. [X] A patrol is attacked by hawks while out investigating the rabbits being killed. [X] Another patrol heads out to rescue them. [X] The injured are tended to in camp. [X] A final patrol goes out to deal with the hawks. [X] Rosepaw dies due to his injuries from the hawks.

~x~ [09/09/22] Honeytwist steps down as medicine cat after having attacked another medicine cat at their gathering and realizing she is losing herself.
[X] Pitchstar of ShadowClan arrives furious after seeing his medicine cat and aunt wounded and demands either death or exile for Honeytwist. Dandelionpaw lies that Sootstar just demoted her but it is not enough for the tom and so the WindClan leader exiles Honeytwist on the spot.

~x~ [10/11/22] Dandelionpaw and Sootstar go to the Moonstone where he recieves his full name of Dandelionwish from StarClan.

~x~ [10/22/22] Emberfang denounces Sootstar publically from the Tallrock, she is eventually thrown down from it and exiled from the clan for her defiance.

~x~ Sootstar becomes aware of two WindClan kits who were taken to SkyClan by their mother during the gathering and along with their father goes to retrieve them. Coyotepaw is brought back willingly alone in exchange for his sister remaining in SkyClan.

~x~ Hyacinthbreath steps down as a lead warrior, feeling she has been choosing Sootstar over her clan and family.

~x~ A hunting patrol chases a rabbit onto RiverClan territory resulting in a skirmish with their lead warrior that ends in bloodshed and the loss of the rabbit. WindClan are forced to retreat when Iciclepaw brings RiverClan reinforcements.

~x~ Weaselclaw returns to WindClan and is admonished for risking their already shaky relationship with the river cats and is demoted.

~x~ Hyacinthbreath is exiled for attacking a Juniperfrost who speaks up after she accuses Weaselclaw of being foolish and endangering her daughter.

~x~ A sickness begins to break out in cats in WindClan. The sickness progresses to something deadly and Wisteriapaw dies. Sootstar orders sick cats to be moved to the badgerset.

~x~ Dandelionwish realizes he is out of herbs to fix this sickness and notices Mallowlark suddenly well. When asked Mallowlark admits he got the herbs from SkyClan's medicine cat. Dandelionwish warns him to keep this 'friendship' to himself in the future and be more subtle.

~x~ During the Medicine cat meething Dandelionwish asks Dawnglare for catmint in desperation and is refused.

~x~ Duskfire is attacked by a dog that kills an apprentice out with him, Sootstar realizes he may not survive and prepares to find a new deputy.

~x~ Badgermoon is made deputy of WindClan and Sunstride is made lead warrior alongside the re-promoted Weaselclaw.

~x~ In his despair Dandelionwish returns home and states they will be recieving no help which incites the clan in a rage-they begin to discuss getting that catmint one way or another while he returns to his den oblivious to their plans.

~x~ Badgermoon's border patrol approaches SkyClan and makes another demand for catmint which is refused, they immediately attack. This patrol was a distraction for a second patrol to infiltrate SkyClan's camp and steal the herbs themselves. During the camp attack Greenpaw rushes to RiverClan to ask for aid and Cicadastar sends a patrol immediately to their camp, sending word for Buckgait to organize another for the border.

~x~ WindClan retreats when RiverClan arrives, both patrols meeting back up to return to camp where the clan is informed they lost Sunsetbreeze in the battle and only retrived a few bits of catmint in turn. Dandelionwish admonishes Sootstar and publically stands against her decision. In her rage Sootstar reveals a dream she got from StarClan claiming Dandelionwish was a danger and strips him of his rank as medicine cat, naming Vulturemask as her new healer instead. She states that Dandelionwish will teach Vulturemask all he knows and then be permitted his 'freedom'. As well as this, Galeforce and Yewberry were both also exiled for speaking out against Sootstar and chased from the clan.
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